Wednesday, April 24, 2024

ATF Rule Change Creates a Trap for the Unwary

Flipping a gun for a price higher than one paid now may turn anyone into a dealer, making any such sale unlawful if it does not involve all the licensing and paperwork that govern gun dealers.

On Friday, the 31st anniversary of the massacre of Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas, the ATF issued new regulations that make it more difficult to comply with federal laws regulating gun dealing and background checks.

Since the 1930s, federal law has required gun dealers to be registered as Federal Firearms Licensees (FFL). The requirements hinged on the meaning of “engaged in the business of” gun dealing. This language has always been ambiguous, and there has never been (even after the announcement of the new rules) a true “bright line” that distinguishes when one graduates from selling a few guns from one’s personal collection into full-fledged gun dealing.

The law previously required the primary purpose of sales to be “livelihood and profit.” The new rules reduce the requirements to seeking profit alone, tracking the a congressional amendment to existing law in 2022. The changes are more extensive than the legislative guidance, though, by stating that selling guns in the original packaging or shortly after purchase create a rebuttable presumption of being “engaged in the business.”

The potential risk is substantial, as violations are felonies. Flipping a gun for a price higher than one paid, even if one originally intended to keep it, now may turn one into a dealer, making any such sale unlawful if it does not involve all the licensing and paperwork that govern FFLs.

The War on Gun Collecting

The new rule is the latest salvo in the ATF’s longstanding war on gun shows and private transfers. In the 1980s, the ATF wanted to make it easier to become a dealer because that meant fewer private transfers as well as more records and tax revenue. In those days, it only took $10 and filling out some forms to become an FFL. These were sometimes referred to as the “kitchen table” dealers, and the numbers of FFLs increased substantially.

Then, during the Clinton years, the ATF wanted to limit FFLs, so it began requiring a larger fee as well as a storefront. They realized a lot of guns were being sold by these guys, and these measures cut down FFLs considerably. Clinton thought gun control was a great wedge issue to peel off suburban moderates from the Republican coalition.

Now, with a Democrat again at the helm, the ATF wants to further limit private sales with the threat of criminal punishment by expanding the definition of gun dealing while leaving it vague enough to dissuade private sales.

Everything under the sun that is collected has a community and events associated with it, and this typically includes shows. Shows are places where people can buy, sell, trade-up, and learn about their hobby. Fishing, boating, cars, coins, beanie babies and every other hobby and collectable has shows.

Gun shows are particularly popular because guns tend to hold their value well, and lots of people collect guns. Since many gun owners are of modest means, many of these guns eventually need to be sold, taken to a pawn shop, or otherwise converted into money after they are purchased. Gun shows allow ordinary people to sell guns to other collectors and enthusiasts, whether they are dealers or not.

Background Checks Sound Good, But Accomplish Little 

While the 1993 Brady Bill mandated FFLs conduct background checks on all transfers, private sales are unregulated. This is sometimes described incorrectly as the “gun show” loophole. Contrary to the propaganda, most sales at gun shows are conducted by FFLs, and all FFL sales include a background check. But, whether conducted at a gun show or a barbeque, private sellers transferring their personal firearms do not have to conduct a background check. As I was told by a cop when I was new to the game, selling a personal gun is like selling a toaster.

While this lack of regulation conjures images of shady back-alley transactions, these sales often involve family and friends, fellow collectors at a gun show, and sales to FFLs, who have already been thoroughly vetted when they were licensed. The only legal requirement is that a gun cannot be knowingly sold or transferred to a felon.

We have heard a lot in recent years about universal background checks as a cure for most criminal misuse of guns. This doesn’t sound crazy on its face. Most people support background checks because they don’t want guns in the hands of criminals and lunatics. Also, background checks are not particularly scary because most gun owners have been through many background checks when buying guns from FFLs or obtaining concealed weapons permits.

Even so, mandatory background checks would prevent the private sales that facilitate gun collecting as a hobby. Moreover, while background checks sound like they would stop illegal guns, they don’t seem to have much of an impact. There is an extensive black market for guns, and many criminals using guns are already prohibited possessors because of felony records.

One more law is unlikely to stop criminals from getting guns, and the inevitable failure of such a law will be used to provide support for a national gun registry, which is a necessary precursor to mass confiscation.

Letting Criminals Go Free While Turning the Law-Abiding Into Criminals

Like most gun control laws, reducing crime appears to be a secondary goal of the latest ATF move. But this change will have the effect of harassing and dissuading gun enthusiasts. The new and ambiguous regulations will have a chilling effect, making gun owners think twice before liquidating a personal collection or conducting a private sale. This will make gun ownership more expensive and less inviting to newcomers.

The law will also, through selective prosecution and strong pressure to turn people into confidential informants, destroy organic gun clubs and friend groups. Facing decades in prison, the pressure put on those caught in the net to become snitches will be tremendous. Government-sponsored sales, entrapment, and the creation of unintentional new criminals may become widespread in the same way it always is when federal law enforcement is involved.

The Democratic Left’s continuing pursuit of gun control is a bit of a surprise. In the 1990s, they hypothesized that it would get suburban moms to vote their way, but it has barely moved the dial as a wedge issue. Many thought it backfired, motivating gun owners in certain swing states to vote Republican.

That said, as with much of the left’s actions in education, popular culture, and sexual mores, any short-term political cost is outweighed by a longer-term and more sinister aspect. In this case, the accretion of rules and uncertainty surrounding gun collecting and trading undermines the networking, organic friendships, and cooperation that allow gun owners to organize and present a real threat to the leviathan state.

And we Know and Badlands Media- April 24


State Department: Ukraine Has 'Significant' Human Rights Issues

The Republican-controlled House of Representatives last Saturday voted 311 to 112 to approve a bill to spend $60.89 billion on aid for Ukraine.

Among House Republicans, this bill lost 112 to 101. Among House Democrats, it won 210 to 0. As of this writing, the bill was expected to pass the Senate. President Joe Biden has said he would sign it.

Just two days after the House approved this $60.89 billion in aid for Ukraine, the State Department released its 2023 report on human rights in that country. It cited both the Russian military, which has invaded Ukraine, and the Ukrainian government itself for human rights abuses.

"Significant human rights abuses committed by Russia's forces in areas that were under Russian control involved severe and wide-ranging cases," said the State Department report. These included, among other abuses, "credible reports of: arbitrary or unlawful killings, including extrajudicial killings; enforced disappearance; torture and cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment ... serious restrictions on freedom of expression and media freedom, including violence or threats of violence against journalists, unjustified arrests or prosecution of journalists ... severe restrictions on religious freedom ... and the existence of the worst forms of child labor."

So, what happened with human rights in those areas of Ukraine not controlled by Russian forces?

"There were also significant human rights abuses involving Ukrainian government officials, although not comparable to the scope of Russia's abuses," said the State Department report.

These "included credible reports of: enforced disappearance; torture and cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary arrest or detention; serious problems with the independence of the judiciary; restrictions on freedom of expression, including for members of the media, including violence or threats of violence against journalists, unjustified arrests or prosecutions of journalists, and censorship."

The State Department also cited Ukraine for "serious restrictions on internet freedom; substantial interference with the freedoms of peaceful assembly and association; restrictions on freedom of movement; serious government corruption; extensive gender-based violence; systematic restrictions on workers' freedom of association; and the existence of the worst forms of child labor."

The war, of course, was partly responsible for the situation in Ukraine. "Some of these human rights issues," said the State Department, "stemmed from martial law, which continued to curtail democratic freedoms, including freedom of movement, freedom of the press, freedom of peaceful assembly, and legal protections."

However, the State Department report on human rights in Ukraine for 2021 -- the year before Russia's invasion -- also cited Ukraine for human rights abuses. "Significant human rights issues," said that report, "included credible reports of: unlawful or arbitrary killings, including extrajudicial killings by the government or its agents; torture and cases of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment of detainees by law enforcement personnel; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary arrest or detention" and "serious problems with the independence of the judiciary."

"The government," said that 2021 report, "generally failed to take adequate steps to prosecute or punish most officials who committed abuses, resulting in a climate of impunity."

The 2023 report on human rights in Ukraine made virtually the same assertion: "The government often did not take adequate steps to identify and punish officials who may have committed abuses."

"Civil society and media noted corruption remained common at all levels in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, influencing judicial and law enforcement institutions, the management of state property and state companies, and state regulation," said the State Department.

The appropriate question for the U.S. Congress is not whether Ukraine and Russia protect human rights. As the State Department's report makes clear, they do not. The question is whether it is in the interests of the American people to involve itself in the conflict between these two nations.

George Kennan, one of the greatest American diplomats of the last century, explained how American foreign policy should and should not work in his 1951 book "American Diplomacy." It was a chronic mistake in American foreign policy, he argued, to take a "legalistic-moralistic" approach.

"As you have no doubt surmised, I see the most serious fault of our past policy formulation to lie in something that I might call the legalistic-moralistic approach to international problems," Kennan wrote. "This approach runs like a red skein through our foreign policy of the last fifty years."

"It is the belief that it should be possible to suppress the chaotic and dangerous aspirations of governments in the international field by the acceptance of some system of legal rules and restraints," he said.

The U.S. Congress cannot control the war in Ukraine or determine its outcome.

But in a nation where the federal debt is now $34.59 trillion and federal spending is projected to hit $6.94 trillion in this fiscal year, Congress can -- and should -- turn its attention to ending the deficit spending and bringing down that debt.

Desensitize the World

Censorship isn't just wrong, it's dangerous. 

The truth is rarely a pretty thing...or at least it doesn't start out that way. The truth is oftentimes wildly inconvenient, offensive, and even dangerous on occasion. People spend a lot of time and effort hiding the truth from others. Corporations spend billions of dollars every year hiding various truths about their products and that's just through advertising. I'm not even referring to lawsuits. 

Do you believe Cinnamon Toast Crunch is part of a complete balanced breakfast? It's not. It's really not

But we hear lies and accept them willingly all the time. We paint a picture of our world in ways that soothe us and we willingly accept comforting lies all the time. It's a pretty natural psychological response from the human brain, especially in times of high stress.

But while this happens naturally all the time, it's not necessarily the best thing for you. Accepting ugly truths helps you deal with the world as it is, not lead you to believe the world is as you'd rather have it, which can cause its own stress responses. Some of the worst stress responses I've seen to fully embracing lies come in the form of the social justice community, a group of people I believe should be studied psychologically. 

(READ: Social Justice’s Effect on the Brain: Grown Woman Devolves Into Tears After Being Told to Move Out by Mother)

But while there are lies that we tell ourselves that could degrade our mental health and cause us to make self-destructive decisions, the lies told to us by our leaders can get us killed. 

Recently, X CEO Elon Musk has been sparring with the Australian government which believes that a video of a young man stabbing a Sydney Bishop during a service should be censored. The stabbing has been labeled as a "terrorist" attack yet the Australian government wants Musk to stop allowing the video of the stabbing to be seen on X entirely, even to the point where it's banned in countries outside of Australia. As Nick Arama reported on Monday, Musk's response was a very polite "hell no." 

Why does Australia want the video banned? Because it depicts a violent act by a radical Islamic extremist and seeing that would cause a circulation of "disinformation" and "misinformation." 

Keep in mind that first-world governments usually use that term about facts and information that run contrary to the chosen government narrative. I'll leave the inner workings of Australia's government here because you've seen and heard this song and dance about violent attacks from Islamic radicals before when it comes to narrative generating from the left. What I want to talk about goes a bit deeper. 

As I mentioned earlier, belief in a lie can be dangerous to the point of death and here we see this on display. Islamic radicalism is still out there. It never stopped being dangerous. It never stopped being the reason people are murdered, yet Western governments don't like talking about that because they're afraid it will cause people to become racist, xenophobic, or some other ridiculous social sin that we stupid peasants are prone to. 

Ignoring the truth that radical Islam is a danger to the people is dangerous. It's not hard to figure out that a great many Muslim people are friendly, peaceful, and have no desire to be violent, but they don't want us questioning anyone else who might require that distinction for fear of being racist which may lead to some sort of racist end result. 

They choose instead to sensitize us. To not see the results of extreme groups be they religious or political. They make up excuses, finger-wag at those who try to point out the obvious, and hide the truth from the public in hopes that it will buy the narrative thanks to a lack of information. 

This was the often case during the pandemic. 

They hope with this lack of information and lack of normalization that you will become sensitive to this kind of thing yourself and actively avoid it yourself. You'll speak their talking points in conversation and become offended when someone speaks the truth. You'll cheer for censorship because you'll fully believe that this is the right and moral thing to do. 

It's not. 

The world needs to see the ugly truth and to understand fully what kind of place we live in. Desensitization is necessary for the well-being of a functioning society that is able to handle matters with wisdom and discernment. A lack of information and fear of the truth can only lead to a slow collapse. 

I'm not saying we need to display grotesque images on social media. There's nothing to be gained by having hardcore porn pop up on social media where your kids can easily access it, but there are events that require an awareness that, while unpleasant to look at, is necessary to make good decisions. 

This is not a happy-go-lucky world. There is evil in it, and we need to know where it is and who is embracing it so we can best figure out how to deal with it. 

Hillary Clinton And Russia Hoax Architect Warn Of GOP ‘Disinformation Campaigns’

Disinformation specialists Hillary Clinton and Marc Elias insist it’s their political opponents telling lies to influence U.S. elections.

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton just did an interview with Marc Elias, a top Democrat operative who helped construct the Russia collusion hoax. They warn of Republicans waging a “disinformation campaign” to influence the election — eight years after the duo ran the disinformation campaign of the century.

In the interview, Clinton also praised Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp for fighting President Trump’s attempt to locate illegal votes in the 2020 contest, continued to insist the 2016 election was stolen, and said Democrats shouldn’t trust any election systems that aren’t run by Democrats.

It’s “good news” that Democrats are running or in key positions overseeing the election systems in crucial swing states Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, North Carolina, and Nevada, Clinton and Elias agreed. Because of this, Clinton said, “I think you’ll get fair results, and we have to accept those results because Democrats are basically trying to call the shots. That’s not the case in Georgia, but the governor there rose to the occasion in 2020 and let’s hope that he does again.”

Clinton, whom Elias calls a “true American hero” although she left four American heroes to die in Benghazi, also claimed Republicans were trying to “purge” the electorate and “make it difficult” for people to vote.

“Probably can’t even imagine what they’re going to do with artificial intelligence and other cyber attacks on voters in terms of the messages that they will get, sometimes deliberately, to confuse them. You know, different polling places, different days to vote, different times of voting — I mean, whatever they can do to mess people up,” Clinton said.

“We already had an example of that in the Democratic primary with, you know, somebody doing a phony robocall from President Biden telling them, you know, not to vote on a certain day,” Clinton claimed. “So I think they’re going to dramatically increase their confusion operation in terms of, aimed at voters to get them you know, somewhat discouraged by the complexity of voting, or they’re not knowing what they should do.”

Clinton failed to mention the man behind the fake robocall is a longtime Democrat operative who says he did it as an act of “civil disobedience” to call attention to the electoral dangers of AI manipulation. Clinton is right that internet election interference happens — except Democrats aren’t the only victims.

For example, Apple’s “Siri” digital assistant told voters that Wisconsin’s Republican presidential primary would take place on April 3 — one day after the actual primary. Users were correctly told the Democratic presidential primary was on April 2. The issue appeared to be fixed before the primary date.

“They’re going to be very effective in their disinformation campaigns and, you know, they were good, they were good against me and they’re still repeating the lies they told about me in 2016 to rev up their base, you know?” Clinton continued, unironically.

“Whether it’s Pizza Gate or, you know, all these other crazy, you know, things they said. So I think there’s going to be a three-prong strategy to shrink the electorate, make it difficult to vote, confuse people about voting — make it hard for them to understand what they’re supposed to do, discredit mail-in votes all of that — and then just flat-out disinformation,” Clinton speculated.

Elias echoed these claims later in the interview, saying Republicans use mis- and disinformation before repeating the false claim that Clinton was “cheated” out of the presidency due to Russian interference. To allege that a candidate with high negatives and one of the worst political messages in history — “I’m With Her” — was “cheated” out of an election without mentioning the massive “cheating” by that same candidate takes a Clinton-level willingness to lie.

Elias served as Clinton’s top lawyer in 2016. He has been sanctioned by judges for lying in court. It’s he who commissioned the discredited Steele dossier that the Clinton camp funded, likely using actual Russian disinformation, to create false allegations the Russians were helping former President Donald Trump. Later-uncovered U.S. intelligence information indicated that Russia actually preferred Clinton to win in 2016.

Elias hired Fusion GPS to get dirt on Trump. Fusion GPS then used funding from the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee to hire former British spy Christopher Steele. Steele put his name on the so-called “Steele Dossier” containing the uncorroborated allegations against Trump and disseminated it to reporters and U.S. spy agencies.

The dossier relied on information from Igor Danchenko, who was later indicted for lying to the FBI and whom a special counsel investigation showed was tied to Russian intelligence. Danchenko, as The Federalist’s Margot Cleveland noted in a detailed breakdown of the Russia-collusion hoax, “fed Steele false information about the Trump campaign, which a Clinton booster had invented and then passed on to Danchenko.”

The FBI then began illegally spying on the Trump campaign on behalf of his political opponents using the “uncorroborated evidence” provided by a likely Russian asset, in what became known as “Crossfire Hurricane.”

Special Counsel Robert Mueller later found no evidence that the Trump campaign had conspired with Russian operatives. Special counsel John Durham later released a report vindicating Trump and others who insisted the FBI acted improperly in its investigation.

Mueller and Durham’s reports were blistering indictments of corporate media and their willingness to push election-affecting political hoaxes without independent evidence. The New York Times and Washington Post won Pulitzer Prizes for their false reporting furthering the Russian collusion propaganda operation that also led to Trump’s impeachment and hamstrung Republican control of Congress and the presidency.

Prosecutors Accuse Trump Of ‘Criminal Scheme’ To ‘Corrupt’ 2016 Election While Russia Hoaxers Walk Free

Prosecutors claim Trump ‘orchestrated a criminal scheme to corrupt’ the 2016 election. But the perpetrators of the real conspiracy skated. 

In opening statements on Monday, Manhattan prosecutors sought to convince a jury that former President Donald Trump “orchestrated a criminal scheme to corrupt the 2016 presidential election.” Meanwhile, the perpetrators of the Russia-collusion hoax — the real criminal scheme that was orchestrated to meddle in that election — walk free.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg claims Trump broke the law after he classified payments made by his then-lawyer, Michael Cohen, to pornographer Stormy Daniels, as “legal fees” rather than campaign expenditures. (It is not illegal to purchase negative press about oneself, and Trump likely would have run afoul of campaign finance laws if he had classified such an expense, which benefitted him personally rather than just his campaign, as a campaign payment.)

Prosecutor Matthew Colangelo, who formerly held a top post in President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice, alleged Monday during opening statements that “this was a planned, long-running conspiracy to influence the 2016 election, to help Donald Trump get elected through illegal expenditures to silence people who had something bad to say about his behavior.”

“It was election fraud, pure and simple,” Colangelo continued, according to PBS News. “The defendant, Donald Trump, orchestrated a criminal scheme to corrupt the 2016 presidential election. Then he covered up that criminal conspiracy by lying in his New York business records over and over and over again.”

Manhattan prosecutors seek to put Trump in jail for up to four years. Meanwhile, the operatives who invented a hoax accusing Trump of being a Russian asset in 2016, commissioned a dossier of fake oppo research, and shopped it to the FBI — which then used the shoddy “research” as a basis to illegally spy on the Trump campaign — have received a light tap on the wrist, if any punishment at all.

Marc Elias, the Clinton campaign lawyer who commissioned the discredited dossier, received no punishment. The DNC and the Clinton campaign — which together provided funds for oppo research firm Fusion GPS to hire former British spy Christopher Steele, who put his name on the so-called “Steele dossier” — were fined $105,000 and $8,000, respectively, for labeling the payments as “legal and compliance consulting” and “legal services.” Clinton herself, who personally approved the decision to leak the false accusations to the press, was still suggesting the 2016 election was “stolen” from her as recently as 2022 and has never received any repercussions for the Russia hoax.

Russian national Igor Danchenko, the “primary sub-source” whose testimony Steele relied on in creating the dossier, “fed Steele false information about the Trump campaign, which a Clinton booster had invented.” Danchenko was indicted by Special Counsel John Durham for lying to the FBI about a 2016 phone call he claimed he received from an anonymous person who he thought was Sergei Millian. Danchenko claimed the anonymous caller revealed a “conspiracy of cooperation” between Trump and the Russians. These claims were added to the Steele dossier.

Evidence presented to the jury, as The Federalist’s Margot Cleveland noted at the time, indicated that “Danchenko did not know Millian and had not received any telephone calls during the relevant time frame that might fit the description of the call Danchenko claimed he received.”

Nevertheless, a jury in a deep-blue Virginia suburb of Washington, D.C. acquitted Danchenko in 2022.

Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann was also acquitted, despite evidence suggesting he lied to then FBI-General Counsel James Baker in 2016. Sussman “presented Baker with data and whitepapers that supposedly showed the existence of a secret communications network between the Russian-based Alfa Bank and the Trump organization,” Cleveland explained. “According to the indictment [from Special Counsel John Durham], Sussmann was acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign and tech executive Rodney Joffe when he met with Baker, but falsely told his friend that he was coming on his own behalf to help the FBI.”

The only person who received any sentence was former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, who pleaded guilty to forging an email to get a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. Clinesmith, according to Federalist CEO Sean Davis’ reporting on Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s findings, “altered an email from a separate U.S. federal agency, believed to be the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), to falsely state that [Trump campaign affiliate Carter] Page had never worked with the CIA to investigate suspected Russia agents operating within the U.S.”

“In fact,” Davis wrote, “as Clinesmith was told by the operative, Page had worked with the CIA previously, as well as with the FBI.”

Clinesmith was sentenced to 400 hours of community service and one year of probation.

Gross Domestic Income Shows America Is In Stagnation

Gross Domestic Income Shows America Is In Stagnation


In a recent CNN poll, 48% of respondents stated that they believe the economy remains in a downturn, and only 35% said that things in the country today are going well. The disparity between somber economic sentiment and a surprisingly strong headline unemployment rate and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) can be easily explained.

The divergence between headline GDP and Gross Domestic Income (GDI) is staggering. While GDP suggests a strong economy, GDI reveals a stagnant economy. Both measures used to follow a similar pattern, but this changed drastically in 2023. While GDP rose 2.5% in 2023, GDI only bounced 0.5%, effectively signaling economic stagnation.

According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, real GDI increased only 0.5% in 2023, compared with an increase of 2.1% in 2022. If we use the average of real GDP and real GDI, it increased only 1.5% in 2023, compared with an increase of 2.0% in 2022. Not a recession, but certainly a weak economy.

The unemployment figures show weakness as well. Real wage growth in the past four years has been negligible, at 0.7% per year, four times weaker than the previous four years. Furthermore, the labor force participation rate remains below the pre-pandemic level at 62.5%, the same as the employment-population ratio at 60.1%. Poor real average hourly earnings combined with a decrease of 0.6% in the average workweek resulted in an uninspiring 0.5% increase in real average weekly earnings in the year to February 2024.

There is also a weak trend in profits. In 2023, profits from current production (corporate profits with inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments) increased $49.3 billion, compared with an increase of $285.9 billion in 2022, according to the BEA. Profits of domestic nonfinancial corporations increased $66.6 billion, compared with an increase of $247.6 billion in 2022. This is a very weak trend.

All these figures indicate that the US economy is performing significantly better than the euro area, but it is still far below expectations.

Keynesianism is working against the potential of the United States economy. The accumulated $6.3 trillion deficit of the past four years had a negative impact on the economy. Rising taxes and persistent inflation are eroding the average American quality of life. More citizens need to hold more than one job to make ends meet, and the number of multiple jobholders has reached a multi-decade record.

Gross Domestic Income proves the economy is stagnant, and if we look at GDP and GDI excluding the accumulation of debt, they show the worst year since the 1930s.

How can an economy be stagnant with 2.5% GDP growth? Here is the failure of Keynesianism in all its glory. Headline aggregated figures are optically strong due to the accumulation of debt, and employment figures are bloated by government jobs, disguising a struggling private sector and a weakening purchasing power of the currency.

Cheap money is very expensive in the long run, and discontent rises as Keynesianism focuses on increasing the public sector while the productive economy suffers higher taxes and more challenges to pay the bills.

Inflation is a consequence of the misguided increase in government spending and debt monetization in the middle of a post-pandemic recovery, leading to an aggregate loss of purchasing power of the currency that is close to 24% in the past four years. The government is taking in inflation what it promises in entitlement spending. The result? You are poorer.

It is dangerous to blame Americans’ discontent on a lack of information. Americans are suffering a prohibitive tax wedge as well as the hidden tax of inflation just because the government decided to play the oldest trick in the book: promise “free stuff” and print new currency through deficit spending, which makes the allegedly free programs more expensive than ever.

The failure of Keynesianism is evident. Sadly, politicians will promise more Keynesianism and present themselves as the solution to the problem they have created.

Biden's Latest Despicable Falsehood About Trump Shows Reckless Disregard for the Truth

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Joe Biden has told a lot of lies over his time in office. 

But what sets him apart from politicians before him is the shamelessness with which he tells falsehoods—that even after the stories are roundly debunked, he continues to tell the same false story without any concern for reality. 

Just to show the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, his campaign account is the same way. Yes, all campaign accounts pump their candidates, but this account also has little regard for the truth. 

Both tag-teamed to spread a provable falsehood on Tuesday. 

"Don’t inject bleach. And don’t vote for the guy who told you to inject bleach," Biden (or the person in charge of his account said). The campaign account said, '"Four years ago today, Trump told Americans to inject bleach on national television."

Except the video they use for their claim doesn't back that up — because former President Donald Trump never said it. It's one of those false stories that the left and some in the media have spread for years despite it not being true and being debunked. 

Trump also further clarified, “It wouldn’t be through injections, you’re talking about almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area,” said Trump. “Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object.”

So no, he never said "inject bleach." But Biden and his team don't seem to care about the truth. 

We've also seen Biden spread the "fine people" lie, even claiming that was his reason for running. He's also constantly claiming Trump called members of the military "suckers and losers," despite the fact that has also been debunked. He'll say anything he can to attack Trump, and unfortunately, the media doesn't do its job enough to sufficiently call this out. 

Biden Launches Presidential Campaign off Despicable Media-Driven Lie About Trump and Charlottesville

Biden's Grotesque Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds When He's Asked About Antisemitic Columbia Protests