Monday, April 22, 2024

Psst… I Think The President Is Totally Senile

Look, I don’t want to shock you, but I think that our alleged President is senile. Really. Hear me out. Now look, I understand that the regime media teaches that he is a vigorous go-getter taking the lead on important issues and making America safer, more prosperous, and more equitable, but I’m concerned, folks. Maybe I’m off base, but I’m having doubts. I think the evidence is increasingly clear that he’s a senile old pervert who showered with his daughter, as well as a neo-communist serial liar whose inability to tell the truth is matched only by his grubby corruption. Other than that, he’s fine.

And I am glad he’s the Democrat nominee for President. I believe he’s going to hold onto that office with his bony claws right up through election day. And I think he has a substantial chance of losing to Donald Trump. I didn’t use to, but I’m happy to say America is waking up. Voters can’t ignore Grandpa Badfinger’s failures and foolishness any longer.

The people purportedly helping him are actually hurting him, which is great to watch. I particularly loved when he decided to tell the world that cannibals consumed Uncle Bosie. Now, let me say that again because I want to ensure you got it. The alleged President of the United States looked at the camera and told America that cannibals ate his uncle.

Cannibals did not eat his uncle.

And you would think that this bizarre lie about his uncle being an hors d’oeuvre would’ve been enough, but in the same series of incoherent sentences, he also managed to confuse Pearl Harbor with D-Day, get the day of the week wrong, and draw in Beau Biden’s death, which now occurred in action in Iraq, or Afghanistan, or wherever else it is useful for him to claim it happened. At least he left out his classic lie that the other driver in the accident that killed his first wife was drunk. This milking the death of relatives thing has become a habit.

He told this particular set of lies in the course of slandering Trump about the troops. Honest Joe was reviving that old “losers and suckers” lie that all of us veterans recognize as a lie. Joe Biden’s not a veteran. That’s because of another lie. Whatever happened to that asthma that kept our Commander-in-Crusty out of ‘Nam anyway? Was a stammer enough to get a deferment, too?

There I go, picking on him because of his stammer. Oh, and his senility, lies, corruption, and perversion, but yeah, also his stammer.

And then his handlers had him stagger into a gas station to show how Scranton Joe is a real person who knows how to interact with real people. We saw a bunch of citizens who didn’t even feel obligated to stand up in the presence of the President. That’s the kind of aura of leadership we want – local yokels shrugging at the shuffling zombie coming in for a quick photo op with the swing state rubes before heading back out to the Delaware beach house he bought with Chinese bribes. He didn’t bring Hunter with him, which is probably good because somebody might’ve accidentally got him filching coins out of the take a penny, leave a penny tray. Of course, had that happened, the regime media would not have run it. They did not run the story of Hunter’s perversion-ridden, corruption-filled laptop because that was allegedly Russian disinformation. The First Failson’s peccadillos, of course, are the fault of Putin for reasons, and shut up because you’re a transphobe.

They covered for Joe on Cannibalgate as well. Hilariously, the story about his bizarre I-tied-an-onion-to-my-belt-which-was-the-style-at-the-timeramblings was headlined “Biden is off on details of his uncle’s WWII death as he calls Trump unfit to lead the military.” Falsely claiming that your uncle goy tossed into a boiling pot and consumed by local tribesmen is not messing up some minor detail. Saying something happened in the late morning rather than the early afternoon is a minor detail. Asserting that  Dahmerriffic individuals with bones through their noses munched on Uncle Bosie is a major detail. Now, we all appreciate the service of Uncle Bosie, even though he wasn’t the super jet pilot war hero Biden pretends he was to burnish Joe’s own pathetic reputation, but cannibals didn’t eat him, and whatever glory accrues to him does not transfer to his nitwit nephew.

I’m laughing at all the Democrat politicians taking a look at all the polls which show Donald Trump ahead in the battleground states. If you recall, Trump has never been consistently ahead before. He wasn’t ahead in 2016 consistently, and he was barely ever even in any poll in 2020. But now he is, consistently, and they’ve got to be scared. They’ve got to be especially terrified because of the tendency of people to hide their support for Donald Trump. The silent Trumpers are a real threat. Now, a sane party would somehow get rid of the desiccated zombie they have nominated, but the one smart thing Joe Biden never did was take out the greatest insurance policy any politician ever had – Kamala Harris. She’s even more despised than he is, though she’s about as coherent.

Much of the talk about how he will be shuffled off stage and somebody else will be slipped in to bring in the big win is all just magical thinking. It’s Biden. They bought that ticket to ride and they’re riding it to the end of the line. 

I did something no one’s ever done with Joe Biden, which is underestimate him. I underestimated his amazing power to fail. He has failed at everything. The economy is a disaster. You can’t go to McDonald’s, order two Big Macs, a large fries, and a small Diet Coke, and walk out without paying 30 bucks. Hell, try and buy a house. America’s a foreign policy joke. Biden attacks our allies and defends our enemies. And remember that pier he was going to build to feed the terrorists in Gaza? That doesn’t appear likely to happen, not because he suddenly realized how stupid the idea was, but because the Navy ships he sent there either broke down or caught fire.

This guy is a disaster, a catastrophe, a walking, whisper-talking clusterfark, and the Democrats own him. He’s all theirs. He’s not going anywhere. They nominated him, and now they’ve got to deal with it. The bogus kangaroo court conviction that Donald Trump is facing in New York is not going to save Biden – can you imagine somebody at this point thinking, “Well, a jury of New York liberals and a judge whose daughter works for the Democrats convicted Trump of something I can’t quite explain so I’m going to accept inflation and national humiliation in order to re-elect Joe Biden?” Nope.

This guy is going down, and I don’t mean tumbling down the stairs of Air Force One, but you know that’s in the cards, too.

X22, And we Know, and more- April 22


King Deep State Sits on a Stolen Throne

All hail King Deep State!  That is essentially what we have now, is it not?  An unelected, all-powerful, mercurial king — and certainly not a binding constitution limiting government’s authority and preserving Americans’ rights.  

Our First Amendment forbids Congress from restricting an individual’s free speech, but that hasn’t stopped King Deep State from conspiring with Big Tech to silence every voice deemed offensive to the realm.  Our Fourth Amendment forbids nosy officials from poking around in Americans’ private records and communications without first securing particularized warrants establishing probable cause that a crime has been committed, but that hasn’t stopped King Deep State from rummaging through our emails, text messages, and bank statements or eavesdropping on our intimate phone conversations in the name of “national security.”  Our Second Amendment forbids the government from infringing the people’s right to keep and bear arms, but that hasn’t stopped King Deep State from restricting gun purchases, tracking gun owners, and disarming those he doesn’t like.  The Bill of Rights doesn’t mean much when King Deep State uses it as royal toilet paper.  Perhaps it should be renamed, “The Bill of Humble Suggestions, Should His Most Excellent Majesty Approve…or Require Some Gentle Two-Ply.”

If the first step to recovery is admitting that we have a problem, then let’s be honest with ourselves: this is no longer a country ofby, or for the people.  It is an imperial stompy-foot of, by, and for “elites.”  A private central bank decrees the value of our dollars.  Covert espionage agencies advance secret foreign policies in our name.  The Pentagon conducts illicit foreign wars for our alleged benefit.  The National Security Agency monitors what we privately tell each other.  King Deep State’s Silicon Valley vassals tell us what we can publicly say out loud.  The Fascist Bureau of Intimidation decides when dissidents’ doors must be broken down.  The king’s obedient press corps prints only pre-approved news.  The Supreme Court holds up a wet finger in the Deep State’s manufactured winds to determine which rights we may temporarily retain.  And a small contingent of multinational investment firms and industrial behemoths write the bills and budgets that the people’s pretend representatives in Congress never read but obligingly pass.  

Those same paid actors posing as legislators give hollow speeches about “democracy” and “freedom” and what it means to be a “good American,” but they vote for laws the American people despise, find ever-new ways to curtail Americans’ liberty, and import millions of foreigners without Americans’ permission.  The House of Representatives is meant to ensure that the American people have a local voice in the national government.  The Senate is meant to ensure that each state’s sovereignty is respected and protected.  Instead, both legislative chambers are nothing but Deep State rubber stamps that order the American people around and treat the individual states as vestigial organs lacking purposeful functions.  Congress is a place where pompous puppets say exactly what King Deep State requires in return for social privilege, ballooning stock portfolios, and prestigious titles.  It attracts fools, frauds, showboats, and thieves.  Whatever else one might call that den of corruption, it certainly is no representative democracy!

As for the people’s chosen representative in the White House, the last few years have exposed who really controls the presidency.  Joe Biden has been well known as a child-sniffing moron for the last half-century.  During that time, the Biden Crime Family has had a notorious reputation for trading government favors in exchange for financial gifts from foreign regimes.  Long before the propaganda press invented Joe’s “stutter” as a pretext for his incoherent ramblings, he was universally recognized as a bought-and-paid-for boob with a basement IQ.  Today, his cognitive decline is so incapacitating that staffers prepare notecards reminding him when to pause, sit, stand, walk, and breathe.  Nobody would be surprised to see video of Barack Obama leading Old Joe around on a leash and feeding him treats.  Every thinking person in the world knows that the putative president of the United States is an untrustworthy and compromised ignoramus who is beholden to hostile foreign powers and easily angered due to the rapidly progressing nature of his evident dementia.  

Given that is the case, why aren’t our international allies anxiously warning that Joe Biden’s mental handicaps and questionable allegiances make him inherently dangerous in our nuclear world?  Why aren’t peaceful nonprofits calling for Joe’s resignation before he inadvertently initiates WWIII?  Novelists and news reporters were so perturbed during the high-stakes chess match of the Cuban Missile Crisis that they spent the next few decades worrying about the lethal repercussions of having either a traitor or a madman in the Oval Office.  Today, we have an incompetent turncoat holding notecards with the nuclear codes, and every politically correct writer is happy as a clam and carefree.  Why?  The answer is that absolutely no-one actually believes Dementia Joe Biden is in charge of anything.  

Consider how astounding that fact really is.  Joe Biden can trip over his feet, fall down stairs, jumble the names of dear colleagues, speak to imaginary friends, scream at bewildered audiences, flirt with little girls, confuse deceased heads of state with current ones, introduce himself as a sitting senator, forget why he has classified documents stored in his garage, mix up entire decades of his life, and even tell bumbling lies as outrageous as his insistence that Papua New Guinea cannibals ate his uncle for dinner.  Still, neither friend nor foe mistakes his mystifying gibberish or obvious senility as a national security threat because everyone in the world understands that King Deep State is really running things in the United States.

If there were any doubt of that wretchedly disgraceful reality, it surely disappeared once President Trump managed to win the 2016 election without King Deep State’s permission.  Ever since that once-in-a-century aberration when an absolute political “outsider” not only succeeded without King Deep State’s blessing but also explicitly ran on a platform promising to dismantle the king’s illegitimate empire, the evil monarch and his bloodthirsty henchmen have insisted on showing us who really rules the United States.  

King Deep State’s crimes against Trump and his administration are too numerous to fully recount.  The Intelligence Community spied on his campaign and political allies, framed members of his staff as Russian moles, sabotaged his administration with trolls and leakers, and managed to impeach him for noticing Joe Biden’s quid-pro-quo corruption in Ukraine.  Federal government personnel routinely flouted President Trump’s lawful executive orders and openly advanced antithetical policies that should have resulted in their discipline and dismissal.  Deep State agents filed fraudulent witness statements, initiated bogus “independent” counsel investigations, and spent years fabricating Russia collusion propaganda with the intent to bury Trump in lies and force him from office.  For all their assorted crimes against the sitting president, nobody of any consequence faced any professional or legal punishment.  The ringleaders of the attempted coup d'état against President Trump — including Jim Comey, John Brennan, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama — shamelessly applauded their own treason.  

Yet after surviving one criminal conspiracy after the next throughout his presidency, it is Donald Trump who sits as a defendant in four separate criminal trials orchestrated by Deep State prosecutors relishing the possibility of taking his liberty — if not his life.  Just as the Department of (in)Justice will continue to persecute J6 protesters, King Deep State will never stop until he takes Trump’s head.  Democrat Bennie Thompson’s effort to remove President Trump’s Secret Service protection makes that horrendously clear.

And what does America’s “paper of record” have to say about such treachery?  The New York Times fangirls, “It Turns Out the ‘Deep State’ Is Actually Kind of Awesome.”  Conquered “journalists” know how to behave.  Freedom-loving Americans know the king must go.

Biden Weaponizes the Federal Government for His Own Reelection Campaign

Look, I don’t want to shock you, but I think that our alleged President is senile. Really. Hear me out. Now look, I understand that the regime media teaches that he is a vigorous go-getter taking the lead on important issues and making America safer, more prosperous, and more equitable, but I’m concerned, folks. Maybe I’m off base, but I’m having doubts. I think the evidence is increasingly clear that he’s a senile old pervert who showered with his daughter, as well as a neo-communist serial liar whose inability to tell the truth is matched only by his grubby corruption. Other than that, he’s fine.

And I am glad he’s the Democrat nominee for President. I believe he’s going to hold onto that office with his bony claws right up through election day. And I think he has a substantial chance of losing to Donald Trump. I didn’t use to, but I’m happy to say America is waking up. Voters can’t ignore Grandpa Badfinger’s failures and foolishness any longer.

The people purportedly helping him are actually hurting him, which is great to watch. I particularly loved when he decided to tell the world that cannibals consumed Uncle Bosie. Now, let me say that again because I want to ensure you got it. The alleged President of the United States looked at the camera and told America that cannibals ate his uncle.

Cannibals did not eat his uncle.

And you would think that this bizarre lie about his uncle being an hors d’oeuvre would’ve been enough, but in the same series of incoherent sentences, he also managed to confuse Pearl Harbor with D-Day, get the day of the week wrong, and draw in Beau Biden’s death, which now occurred in action in Iraq, or Afghanistan, or wherever else it is useful for him to claim it happened. At least he left out his classic lie that the other driver in the accident that killed his first wife was drunk. This milking the death of relatives thing has become a habit.

He told this particular set of lies in the course of slandering Trump about the troops. Honest Joe was reviving that old “losers and suckers” lie that all of us veterans recognize as a lie. Joe Biden’s not a veteran. That’s because of another lie. Whatever happened to that asthma that kept our Commander-in-Crusty out of ‘Nam anyway? Was a stammer enough to get a deferment, too?

There I go, picking on him because of his stammer. Oh, and his senility, lies, corruption, and perversion, but yeah, also his stammer.

And then his handlers had him stagger into a gas station to show how Scranton Joe is a real person who knows how to interact with real people. We saw a bunch of citizens who didn’t even feel obligated to stand up in the presence of the President. That’s the kind of aura of leadership we want – local yokels shrugging at the shuffling zombie coming in for a quick photo op with the swing state rubes before heading back out to the Delaware beach house he bought with Chinese bribes. He didn’t bring Hunter with him, which is probably good because somebody might’ve accidentally got him filching coins out of the take a penny, leave a penny tray. Of course, had that happened, the regime media would not have run it. They did not run the story of Hunter’s perversion-ridden, corruption-filled laptop because that was allegedly Russian disinformation. The First Failson’s peccadillos, of course, are the fault of Putin for reasons, and shut up because you’re a transphobe.

They covered for Joe on Cannibalgate as well. Hilariously, the story about his bizarre I-tied-an-onion-to-my-belt-which-was-the-style-at-the-timeramblings was headlined “Biden is off on details of his uncle’s WWII death as he calls Trump unfit to lead the military.” Falsely claiming that your uncle goy tossed into a boiling pot and consumed by local tribesmen is not messing up some minor detail. Saying something happened in the late morning rather than the early afternoon is a minor detail. Asserting that  Dahmerriffic individuals with bones through their noses munched on Uncle Bosie is a major detail. Now, we all appreciate the service of Uncle Bosie, even though he wasn’t the super jet pilot war hero Biden pretends he was to burnish Joe’s own pathetic reputation, but cannibals didn’t eat him, and whatever glory accrues to him does not transfer to his nitwit nephew.

I’m laughing at all the Democrat politicians taking a look at all the polls which show Donald Trump ahead in the battleground states. If you recall, Trump has never been consistently ahead before. He wasn’t ahead in 2016 consistently, and he was barely ever even in any poll in 2020. But now he is, consistently, and they’ve got to be scared. They’ve got to be especially terrified because of the tendency of people to hide their support for Donald Trump. The silent Trumpers are a real threat. Now, a sane party would somehow get rid of the desiccated zombie they have nominated, but the one smart thing Joe Biden never did was take out the greatest insurance policy any politician ever had – Kamala Harris. She’s even more despised than he is, though she’s about as coherent.

Much of the talk about how he will be shuffled off stage and somebody else will be slipped in to bring in the big win is all just magical thinking. It’s Biden. They bought that ticket to ride and they’re riding it to the end of the line. 

I did something no one’s ever done with Joe Biden, which is underestimate him. I underestimated his amazing power to fail. He has failed at everything. The economy is a disaster. You can’t go to McDonald’s, order two Big Macs, a large fries, and a small Diet Coke, and walk out without paying 30 bucks. Hell, try and buy a house. America’s a foreign policy joke. Biden attacks our allies and defends our enemies. And remember that pier he was going to build to feed the terrorists in Gaza? That doesn’t appear likely to happen, not because he suddenly realized how stupid the idea was, but because the Navy ships he sent there either broke down or caught fire.

This guy is a disaster, a catastrophe, a walking, whisper-talking clusterfark, and the Democrats own him. He’s all theirs. He’s not going anywhere. They nominated him, and now they’ve got to deal with it. The bogus kangaroo court conviction that Donald Trump is facing in New York is not going to save Biden – can you imagine somebody at this point thinking, “Well, a jury of New York liberals and a judge whose daughter works for the Democrats convicted Trump of something I can’t quite explain so I’m going to accept inflation and national humiliation in order to re-elect Joe Biden?” Nope.

This guy is going down, and I don’t mean tumbling down the stairs of Air Force One, but you know that’s in the cards, too.

Maybe Try Not Sucking

I don’t like to see anyone lose their jobs, so I prefer to look away when left-wing journalists get laid off. I’m only kidding, I don’t like to celebrate it, but I do have to try hard not to. There is just something about seeing arrogant, lying activists who pretend to be honest brokers, who insist they are the ONLY HONEST BROKERS in the country seeing the fruits of the labor turn rotten. They’re always shocked; caught off guard by market forces when all they really had to do was try not sucking.

That’s the key to a lot of life – trying not to suck. Not everything. Sometimes, no matter how good someone is, they will lose their job. Generally, however, sucking will make that happen more often than not and much faster than being good at your job.

So, what brought this up? Politico has a story about the state of New York creating tax breaks for media outlets to hire local journalists. “The state budget, set to be finalized Saturday, includes the nation’s first payroll tax credit for local news organizations in a bid to encourage new hiring amid the ongoing struggles of journalism outlets to cover their communities,” they report.


I agree that journalism is important, but the people engaging it what they call it are not honest, they are Democrats with press passes. Why should taxpayers pick up the bill for what is essentially the DNC hiring press secretaries? 

They shouldn’t, of course. 

The thing about journalism is people want it, want good journalism. We have a desire to know what’s happening in our world, we need to know what’s happening in our politics. And while journalism insists it is that, it hasn’t come anywhere close to that in years, decades maybe.

They used to do honest journalism against their will sometimes. There was always bias, but it wasn’t always all BS. Now it is. Now you can watch or read something and not learn anything. You can know the truth through having been there or just experience, and see the lies being woven together for the benefit of Democrats in real time.

Why would anyone care if those people lose their jobs? Why should taxpayers, even in New York, have to pay to keep propagandists employed? 

 “Lawmakers and independent media companies praised the tax break, which will designate $30 million a year to the program, called the Local Journalism Sustainability Act,” according to Politico. 

Democrats hold majorities in the New York House and Senate, which empowers them to use other people’s money to pay for something their citizens consciously choose not to patronize. 

If people thought they were getting honest and useful information from these outlets, they’d buy their product. But the profession is so awful that people don’t. If, at any point in the last few years, they had decided not to suck, their customers would have returned. 

Think of it as a restaurant in the perfect location, but the food sucks. You’ve probably seen somewhere that has been a restaurant graveyard until, one day, it isn’t anymore. Someone does it right and the place booms; always packed. It wasn’t because customers got sick of seeking new places pop up in the same place all the time, it’s because someone finally made good food and a good price.

It's called “market forces.”

If you offer customers something they want at a price they can afford, they will buy it. People want information, but there is no price at which bad information or Democrat spin is something people will afford.

It’s not hard, it’s pretty simple, really. All they have to do is not suck and they’d be doing better. 

So, why won’t they just not suck? They can’t and they won’t. Many of these people aren’t capable of not being tools for the left, they don’t have honesty in them. Others just won’t. A large percentage of the political left are suicide bombers, perfectly content to destroy themselves as long as it is in the process of advancing the left-wing agenda. Current outlets infested with either of these groups of people can’t be saved, nor should they.

Let them go under as a warning to others, as there will be others started up in their wake: to be successful in anything, including media, it’s most important that you not suck. You get that right and you’ve improved your chances of success exponentially.

London Cop Threatens British Man With Arrest for 'Openly Jewish' Appearance

Ward Clark reporting for RedState 

There's an old saying that, while history may not always repeat itself, it often rhymes. Nobody knows this better than the Jewish people. Now, history is rhyming once more, and as evidence, we see that a British Jew was threatened with arrest by a London Metropolitan Police officer for his "openly Jewish" appearance.

The Metropolitan Police in London face accusations that they capitulated to radical pro-Hamas activists last weekend by threatening to arrest a British Jew because his presence was deemed provocative to a mob of anti-Israel protesters.

A shocking video published by the British Campaign Against Antisemitism from the pro-Hamas and anti-Israel march shows a Metropolitan Police officer ordering Gideon Falter, the CEO of the Campaign Against Antisemitism, not to cross a street because of his "openly Jewish" appearance. Falter was returning from a Saturday synagogue service and was wearing a kippah, or skullcap.

The London cop even threatened Falter with arrest. He accused Falter of "a breach of peace with all these other people." Falter was with five other people, some of whom were also wearing skullcaps.

"All these other people," were Mr. Falter's fellows, other Jews, who were also wearing the kippah as their faith requires them to do. Welcome to Germany, 1938.

It's not at all comfortable to draw that comparison. There's a reason Godwin's Law is a well-known internet fallacy, but the comparisons here are too blatant to ignore; one has to wonder about Europe and the once-Great Britain and the direction they are headed when you see things like this. You really have to wonder about what the Jewish people in the UK and Europe are thinking right now; they have, after all, heard this tune before.

There's a video:

Pro-Hamas Protests Rage Into the Night at Columbia University 

But here's the pusillanimous part:

[Metropolitan Police commissioner Sir Mark] Rowley told Fox News Digital, "Every member of the Met is determined to ensure that London is a city in which everyone feels safe. We absolutely understand how vulnerable Jewish and Muslim Londoners feel since the terrorist attacks on Israel. Some of our actions have increased this concern. I personally reiterate our apology from earlier this week. Today, as with every other day, our officers will continue to police with courage, empathy and impartiality."

"Jewish and Muslim" Londoners?

Sir Mark, Jewish Londoners are not rioting and threatening other Londoners. Jewish Londoners are not taking over streets and bridges. Jewish Londoners, Sir Mark, are just not the problem here. This is an unforgivable prevarication that must not be allowed to stand. Situations like this must be dealt with by first applying an objective, dispassionate evaluation of facts, and the fact here is that all the unrest in London is caused by Hamas supporters and sympathizers - not Jews.

The Metropolitan Police have since issued an apology.

That's all well and good, but it doesn't do anything to deal with the problems London faces right now, and Jewish Londoners - British Jews in general - are not the problem. There is an elephant in the room that Sir Mark and the Metropolitan Police are not acknowledging.

This will, in time, circle around and bite them, as a Londoner might say, right in the bum.

Drought reveals sunken 11th century church as Spain battles prolonged water shortages


'Drought tourists’ are visiting to see the 11th-century church which was submerged 60 years ago.

A church in the sunken Spanish village of Sant Romà de Sau has emerged from the waters of a reservoir.

Flooded 60 years ago to form the Sau reservoir, which provides essential water supplies to the city of Barcelona, just the top of the church’s three-storey tower usually pokes up above the surface. Now, the 11th-century building stands firmly on dry land and has started to attract ‘drought tourists’.  

“It’s unbelievable how much the water level has gone down,” says Sergio Iberico who visits the reservoir often.

“I remember paddling here and the water level was at the window of the church tower.”

Current water levels in the Sau reservoir are at just 6 per cent of capacity. Last year at this time they were at around 19 per cent and the average for January is usually above 90 per cent. 

Can desalination solve Spain’s drought problem?

Barcelona is also home to Europe’s largest desalination plant which produces fresh water from the nearby Mediterranean Sea.

Laia Hernandez Lloret, a spokesperson for the plant, says without it strict water restrictions and a state of emergency would have been in place in the region at least six months ago. Millions of tourists and residents of Barcelona would not have enough water.  

“From 100 litres of saltwater, we get 45 litres of fresh water. At the moment, this desalination plant produces about 20 per cent of the freshwater Barcelona needs,” says the director of the Llobregat plant Carlos Miguel.  

But, Miguel adds, they are currently operating at full capacity and can’t desalinate any more water.

Turning seawater into freshwater alone is unlikely to solve Spain’s drought problem. It is too slow, expensive and consumes a lot of energy. Unless that energy comes from renewable sources, pollution caused by desalination will also speed up climate change which is contributing to the water shortages.

And yet as the problem persists, Spain is planning two new desalination plants in the hardest-hit regions of Andalusia and Catalonia.    

The U.S. Faces a Far Worse Impact Than Garble From Joe Biden's Mental Decay

Much of the growing concern about President Joe Biden’s overall decline has focused on his obvious speech and physical challenges. 

They are, indeed, concerning, scary, and, yes, clearly worsening. We see his garbled mind and words in the Oval Office cocoon and virtually every time he ventures outside. 

The other day, for instance, the president of the United States told a Pennsylvania campaign audience, "My mom didn't live in Scranton since she was 1954." And he continued on.

Such signs of a muddled mind, combined with his worsening physical abilities, continue. Yet no one does anything about this smoldering national security threat except handlers change his shoes, steer him to shorter airplane stairs, and provide very simple, detailed crib notes that he still screws up. 

For no apparent reason, in speeches, this president will yell or whisper, then salute an invisible someone in a field. In a blackly humorous way, Biden's blithe glide through garbles and nonsequiturs can seem entertaining. Forgotten now are times when some might even like a president.

Less noticed, however, and far more dangerous for our country’s future is the larger message of national weakness that this glassy-eyed, 81-year-old, serial liar projects repeatedly to a world replete with adversaries. They are eager and ready to take advantage of the once unchallenged superpower that now has a daft commander in chief for at least nine more months, absent some intervention.

The threats are not all visible yet. More seem certain to emerge as the window of perceived American weakness and opportunity narrows to the election and potential change of administrations in January.

The threats are mounting, and we see almost daily evidence in news reports from abroad as the United States and other closely allied countries come under attack in large part because our perpetually dazed commander in chief projects inviting weakness.  

The assaults on Israel by Hamas in October, and now Iran, were followed not by Biden’s outright, ongoing, and unequivocal support. 

They were followed instead by public kibitzing, leaked criticisms, and warnings from this White House about the tactics and intentions of the only functioning Mideast democracy and our closest ally there.

When the United States was attacked on 9/11, every single NATO ally provided public, military, and logistical support through troops, materiel, and advisory personnel at great cost in treasure and blood. Allies who were not attacked on 9/11 suffered fully one-third of the Afghan war dead.

Not one ally warned the U.S. publicly: “Don’t overreact now.” “Be careful.” “How could your FBI miss so many Saudis on tourist visas taking jumbo-jet flying lessons?” “Why didn’t you see this coming?” 

To be sure, Secy. of State Antony Blinken did recently tweet:

The United States condemns Iran’s attack on Israel. As the President said, our commitment to Israel’s security against threats from Iran is ironclad.

But then Friday, Blinken, a former John Kerry aide, stressed that the U.S. is not involved in any Israeli offensive operations. 

Why say such a thing? How ironclad does that sound? 

That statement was clearly aimed at U.S. Muslims and Hamas supporters – I mean, voters – who’ve been street-demonstrating widely against Israel, blocking major thoroughfares and bridges.

Blinken could have ignored that question and instead addressed the world’s largest exporter of terrorism by saying something like: “You better think about U.S. power before you go attacking our allies." 

Why not make the Persian troublemakers ponder what the United States might or might not do?

But that’s clearly more assertive than desired by Joe Biden, who has given Iran billions in sanctions relief recently.

To be fair, instead of attacking Biden for his Iran policies last week, Donald Trump also could have acted like a leader and said something on the order of: “Iran should never mistake anything in American politics for lack of support for the great nation of Israel.”

For some reason, both Biden and Barack Obama have consistently demonstrated an inexplicable desire to appease Iran. 

Worse than Warner – Unhinged Lindsey Graham Loses His Marbles Over FISA-702

This combative gaslighting from the US Senate about what FISA-702 does is off the proverbial charts.  In this interview, Senator Lindsey Graham starts foaming at the mouth yelling about something that doesn’t even exist.  This is nuts.

FISA-702 ONLY pertains to the private conversations of AMERICANS, not – I repeat – not any intercept or communication method that has to do with a foreigner or foreign adversary.

The only time FISA-702 applies is when an American person is captured in an intercept that has targeted a foreign person. Surveillance of foreign actors, foreign persons and intercepting communication of foreign entities does not require any FISA authority at all.  Foreign actors do not have constitutional protection.

FISA-702 only applies when the intercept of a foreign person is connected to communication with an American person. In that specific scenario FISA-702 gives the U.S. government the authority to query the database of the American person.

However, the database search queries of Americans, people who have no contact with any foreign person, is the privacy aspect that has been abused by the intelligence apparatus. Senator Lindsey Graham comes unglued as he starts gaslighting on this issue.  WATCH (prompted):

The Deep State supporters are so committed to keeping the unconstitutional surveillance system of the American people in place, they will lie and makeup any fictitious scenario imaginable to retain it.  This is nonsense.

Wow Gaslighting – SSCI Chairman Mark Warner Lies About FISA-702 Fundamentals

This statement by Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Mark Warner is so fraudulent in narrative construct it’s almost ridiculous. “SEN. WARNER: Let’s remember what 702 is. It is the ability for the United States government to surveil, listen in, on non-Americans foreigners who are abroad.”

Absolutely nothing about this statement is accurate.  Foreigners do not have U.S constitutional protection.  All foreign communications can be intercepted without issue, without FISA.

FISA-702 authority only pertains to Americans. The term “702” is specifically referencing private communication with/by an American.  WATCH Warner lie:


MARGARET BRENNAN: We begin today with the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Mark Warner. Good morning, and good to have you here.

SENATOR MARK WARNER (D-VA): Thank you, Margaret.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So- Senator $61 billion in aid to Ukraine, about 60% of that stays as an investment into the US industrial base, as I understand it. President Zelenskyy said this morning on another network, it’s important that they get crucial long range artillery, like ATACMS, is that what this money will pay for? And if so, when will they actually get them?

SEN. WARNER: Well,the great news is, this is finally happening. It should have happened six months ago. The next best time is right now, this week. We’ve seen the Ukrainians overperform. If you step back for a moment and think about the fact that for most of my life, most of America’s defense forces were focused on Russia. Now and the last two years, with less than 3% of our defense budget, two years running, with the Ukrainians have eliminated 87% of the Russians pre existing ground forces, 63% of their tanks, 32% of their armored personnel carriers, without a single American soldier lost, because of the courage of the Ukrainians, and the equipment they’ve received from us, and from our European allies. Getting this additional equipment as quickly as possible- I hope once this gets to the President by Tuesday or Wednesday, that these shipments will be literally launched with that longer range ATACM–


— By next week?

SEN. WARNER: I hope once the President signs, we’ve been told that there is it is the President signature, making sure Congress does its job that these materials will be in transit by the end of the week. And on that schedule, what it will do is it’s clearly been the case that the Ukrainians morale has been great, but it’s been undermined over the last couple of months, when they have been literally given out rationed bullets, eight to 10 bullets a day. And on artillery shells, Russians ten to one, you can’t underestimate that Ukrainians’ grit, determination, but if they don’t have the materials, they can’t carry this fight to the Russians.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Will they get those long range artillery?


MARGARET BRENNAN: Not just ammunition?

SEN. WARNER: The ATACMS- I believe the administration was prepared over the last couple of months to prepare or to provide ATACMS. It is written into this legislation.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Gotcha. So you talked about rebuilding the industrial base and what this does, okay. According to the State Department, China has helped Russia rebuild its defense industrial base, which has an impact on the battlefield as well here. How have they been able to just blow through US sanctions or defy them to help the Russians, who are fighting Ukraine?

SEN. WARNER: Well, if we look back again, I think we would all acknowledge that the sanctions regime has not been as tight, as we like to see. China being the worst offender with direct military support. India, a country I’m very supportive of, but India in terms of purchasing Russian oil and giving that hard currency to Russia, for them to go out into the marketplace and acquire arms. It’s one of the reasons why I think this package, which the House just passed, we will take up this week, that says, we have to be ready to be prepared for our national security interests, not only in Ukraine and Russia, also in terms of military assistance to Israel, but with additional humanitarian aid for the Palestinians who are in such great challenges. And there’s about eight or $9 billion for the Indo Pacific region because of the concern that we have about China’s aggressiveness towards Taiwan. Clearly, the Chinese linkage to Russia, combined with the fact that the Iranians are- are providing drones, for example, for Russia and the outlier nation, North Korea. I know the terminology used to be Axis of Evil, this may be the 2024 Axis of Evil combination of nations.

MARGARET BRENNAN: And Speaker Johnson has used that language. One of the other things that the House voted to do was move this TikTok bill through. So this would force the Chinese own parent company ByteDance, to divest it- to sell it, but they have the better part of a year to do so. The Chinese government says they’re not going to allow that. ByteDance doesn’t want to sell it. So if this just gets stuck in the courts isn’t the reality that TikTok is not going away?

SEN. WARNER: Well, what we’ve done and I’ve been arguing this case for well, over a year, I had a broad bipartisan bill that said, let’s look at these, not just Chinese, Chinese, Russian technology companies in a broader basis where they have a day in court, but if they pose national security risks, I mean, a couple years back, it was the Chinese telecom company Huawei. We- many American telcos bought them and we’re now spending American taxpayer dollars to rip those equipment out because there are national security risks. Huawei- I- TikTok, 170 million Americans a day, 90 minutes a day–


SEN. WARNER: That’s frankly, more than the power of eyes that your network reaches on a daily basis. And that information and many young people on TikTok get their news, the idea that we would give the Communist Party this much of a propaganda tool as well as the ability to scrape 170 million American- million Americans personal data, it is a national security risk.

MARGARET BRENNAN: It is a national security risk, according to US intelligence community, that has a direct impact potentially on US elections. TikTok accounts–

SEN. WARNER: — On US elections this year–

MARGARET BRENNAN: — Yeah- targeted candidates from both political parties during the midterm cycle in 2022. That’s the Worldwide Threat Assessment–

SEN. WARNER:– This is a–

MARGARET BRENNAN: — TikTok is not going away before November.

SEN. WARNER:–Well, here is the–

MARGARET BRENNAN: –so that means it’s an active threat.

SEN. WARNER: There is plenty of creativity on TikTok, there are people that make their living off of TikTok as social influencers. I don’t want that to go away. I simply want to make sure that the individuals pulling the strings are not ultimately functionaries of the Communist Party of China.

MARGARET BRENNAN: I understand, But even with this significant bill, the timeline is such that it doesn’t take it away as a risk for the election. And it seems the US government is so limited in so many ways when it comes to these election influence efforts.

SEN. WARNER: The timeline of giving– this committee a complicated transaction, to give it up to a full year, I think just from a business standpoint, makes sense. The one thing we do have in place, and I’m not putting a whole lot of solace in this but I was at the Munich Security Conference earlier in the year ear when all 20 of the major social media companies, including Tik Tok, including Twitter, X, including Facebook, Google, Amazon, you name it, they have all said they would have a voluntary agreement about disinformation and misinformation and elections because with artificial intelligence, the ability for people to see this our images here, maybe having words that we don’t speak-


SEN. WARNER: Is out- scare the dickens out of all of us. And the truth is, you know, these 20 companies have a guaranteed voluntary agreement, they’ll take on watermarking, which will indicate it ultra-ultra content, be willing to take this content down, but the proof is gonna be in the pudding. The parliamentary elections in Europe start in less than 60 days. So we are going along with our European partners to say all right, companies you promised, show us what you’re doing.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So this other measure that was approved as well, Section 702, it’s a key surveillance tool, was reauthorized for two years instead of five. Take a listen to what the CIA director told my colleague Norah O’Donnell Friday about how his agency is using this authority.


BILL BURNS, DIRECTOR OF THE CIA: It’s reauthorization, its passage, I think, is a crucial tool to fight fentanyl because something like 70% of all the successful disruptions of fentanyl traffic moving into the United States that we’ve been a part of have come directly from intelligence derived from 702.


MARGARET BRENNAN: So these changes to 702. How does it help fight the trafficking of fentanyl? What difference is there?

SEN. WARNER: Let’s remember what 702 is. It is the ability for the United States government to surveil, listen in, on non Americans foreigners who are abroad. And many times the fentanyl drug cartels are being run out of Mexico, many times supplied with basic goods out of China. And this ability to listen in on the bad guys’ communications is extraordinarily powerful. Matter of fact, the President gets a daily brief of all of the intelligence hotspots around the world. Sixty percent, Sixty percent, of what he reads each day, is material that comes out of the 702 program. Now, let me be clear, there have been times in the past where particularly the FBI didn’t even follow its own rules on making sure that a foreign individual, foreign terrorist that might be talking to American, that we put appropriate protections on that American

MARGARET BRENNAN: That led to some of this Republican criticism.

SEN. WARNER: What independent of some of the debate on the bill, and I was proud to be, as chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, the person leading the charge on the bill. But five years ago, the FBI itself was screwing up on 30% of their queries, just meeting their own criteria. We put in place reforms. The screw up level has dropped from about 30% to less than 1%. We put requirements so that you can no longer do batch queries. We got to make sure FBI agents have to show a national security purpose. If a journalist or a political figure or a religious figure, were even to be query- query about, you have to get approval from me, the director, the deputy director, or head, the National Security Division. We think we’ve got a very strong reform bill. It’s why it passed the Senate 60 to 33. And- but I also need to say that the- the folks who are against this, they have- they have a right. We need to have the kind of strict oversight. We need to constantly be wary of the government’s misuse or overuse of these tools. And I think we had a good spirited debate on Friday night.

MARGARET BRENNAN All right, Senator, so much to talk to you about good to have you here in person.

SEN. WARNER: Thank you, Margaret.

Look at Senator Warner obfuscating, lying and gaslighting about FISA-702.  He switches from FISA surveillance (phone or data intercepts) to electronic “search queries” of Americans’ data without even noting the gibberish of his conflation.

Literally everything in that construct by Senator Mark Warner is a lie and it doesn’t even make sense.  FISA-702 abuses take place with intercepts of private communication without a warrant, and with database searches of electronic records without a warrant.

The 702 part of FISA is the aspect of any search query or intercept that has to do with an American citizen who has Fourth Amendment protection from warrantless searches and seizures.  Everything said by Senator Warner is false.