Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Compelling Case for Trump

We are told by our leftist betters that Trump supporters are a cult. A group that has no core beliefs, a group of Simple Simons that simply can’t understand nuance the way we should. The smarmy Bill Maher (and his ilk) loves to let everyone know how dumb and cultish the MAGA people are. Some -- actually, way too many -- on the Right have tried using that same insult. Most NeverTrumpers use that attack. We supposedly think of him as an idol who can do no wrong, a person who counts on tricking us rubes with promises he won’t deliver. 

Each of these critics earns the coveted Judas award, deserving of those who smear for money. And it is those in agreement with that amorphous group of intellectual betters that need to hear this: Trump the man is far from perfect. But Trump the man is perfect as a vessel to politically oppose the current evil power elite. As Ronald Reagan was the man to renew America during his time, Trump has become that same beacon for this time.

And that is his superpower. A compelling one from a compelling man. Compelling because he truly wants the America that was once free in allowing him to become a giant in business, as well as a feted and loved TV celebrity. He wants to allow that same freedom and greatness for all Americans once again.

Compelling is not a word that most would use for Donald Trump. Mainly because the leftist smear machine has succeeded in propagandizing his character and actions repetitively in the most negative of ways. It’s hard not to notice how often and how hard the Left has tried to destroy him. They are enraged to the point of insanity. The infinite ways they have come against him are overwhelming. RussiaGate. The impeachments. The continual and ongoing smear campaign. The constant barrage of deceit he gets in the old and new media. The crazed lawfare the Left is currently using. There has never been this large a concerted effort to get rid of and punish one man politically.

He has all the right enemies, and despite their efforts, he is winning. Superpower on steroids. 

All this and more, yet he persists. We haven’t previously seen this kind of courage displayed while keeping himself in the crosshairs of the Left. I can’t think of another example of a person handling this kind of flak. Not only does he keep going, it’s pretty clear he is slowly winning the hearts and minds of a majority of America in running for President again. Remember his polling prior to 2016 and 2020? He was never ahead. Not once. His average polling right now shows he is ahead, and has been for months. It’s a triumph of personal perseverance. 

His finest characteristic is speaking truth to power. It’s what he does best. This and the God-given strength to persevere. He’s like the boy in the story of the Emperor’s New Clothes. He always calls the blob naked. He does it every day, and the Left hates it. In their fury at being called out for what they are, they lash out, often making fools of themselves. 

Let’s talk record.

His record of accomplishments as President is stellar. His was the best economy we have seen in our lifetime. An economy that his policies brought about. Energy self-sufficiency was attempted, and it was successful. We had low energy costs during his first term. Which led to upward mobility for all. Less regulation and red tape. Low unemployment, lower taxes, rising wages, and America was becoming great economically once again. That tide lifted all boats, including the lowest unemployment ever for women, Blacks and Hispanics. It was a simple extension of his own story. Set the stage for the American people to excel, and they will. And those who participated did. 

Immigration: He almost singlehandedly slowed to a trickle the problem of illegal immigration. His policies worked. The wall was working, the message was sent, the dragon of illegals swarming the border was running away. Mexico and Canada were on board. The Border Patrol was doing its job. This signature policy of his had taken hold.

His policies led us to be respected in the world once again. So much so that he is the only President in memory to have had no wars started during his four years. Peace had come to the Middle East, which was once unthinkable. Isis was destroyed and had no power. Iran was contained. North Korea was ceasing its mischief. China was losing in its battle for world supremacy. America was ascendant and had become great again. 

The optimistic spirit of Americans was returning. We were no longer cowed by the leftist lies convincing so many that America was uniquely evil, that the core of its founding was rotten. Being proud of our nation and what it offered was becoming normal again. That spirit more than any other was what made his Presidency ascendent. 

The list of his accomplishments is much longer, but the above shows how compelling his triumphs were. 

Compelling? You might ask how can he be compelling with so much drama and divisiveness surrounding him, uproars that emerged weekly?

Reagan was called the great communicator. He was able to go above the media reaching Americans with his humor and common sense. He won them over. Let me suggest a heresy to some: Reagan couldn’t deal effectively with the well-oiled propaganda machine the Left has today. I don’t believe he could be elected because it has become so powerful. This machine is strong, lethal, capable of making up seem down, evil seem good. It has been overwhelmed with leftist ruin, overwhelmed with deceitfulness in its ability to destroy. 

It is this machine that fakes ninety per cent of the so-called drama that surrounds Trump. This machine brought him from being celebrated by the Left to being hated by them. This machine has made up so many falsehoods about him, falsehoods that cause ninety per cent of the charge of divisiveness against him. One of the wonderful things he is doing is slowly destroying this leftist smear machine. He is beating it, he is winning. 

As suggested, the word compelling is not often used to describe Trump. Let me suggest this is the best word to describe him and his policies. His is a story that should be considered a profile in courage and in excellence. We need not be embarrassed to support him. We need not begin our support with an apology. We need not preface praise of him with any caveat. The case for him is so strong, we should be proud to make it. 

We are not a cult idolizing a man, nor making things up that he has accomplished. His story is simply thus: Compelling. Here is something we can unashamedly celebrate. Something that will benefit the entire country. I would suggest we repeat this story to our compatriots, never apologize for how compelling it is, nor forget how he is the man for this season. 

X22, On the Fringe, and more- April 9


Is The Great Illusion In Ruins? ~ VDH

The long-awaited Great Fundamental Transformation finally got its moment, crashed, and now has torched the nation—middle-class Americans most of all.

In 2021, Joe Biden was elected after a bitterly fought campaign that deposed the incumbent Donald Trump. Democrats eventually captured, for a time, both the House and Senate, ensuring the most left-wing government in modern American history.

Americans were then set to witness a great experiment. For the first time in their lives, a truly radical socialist program would supposedly fundamentally transform the way America dealt with the border, immigration, the economy, race relations, foreign policy, energy, law enforcement, crime, education, and social questions such as religion, gender, abortion, and schooling.

In a sense, we were all to be lab rats of sorts, to be experimented on by the radical left and their various critical theories. Now in the last year of the Biden term, we can see the results of that experiment—and the unfortunate disasters that followed.

But first, how was such a radical move to the left even possible in a center-right America?

The Democratic nominee, Biden, had earlier united the left, but only through a Faustian deal. The handlers of a nearly non compos mentis Biden had ushered all his 2020 primary rivals out of the primary races in unison.

But in exchange for their exits that ensured Biden the nomination, the left took over his general campaign—in which Biden was virtually relegated to his basement—and then set his agenda.

Who was running things?

The mysterious architects of White House ideology included, inter alia, the omnipresent, now-Washington-DC-dwelling Obamas, the old socialist gadfly Bernie Sanders, the fossilized tribunes of the black and Latino congressional caucuses, the DEI firebrand Squad, and the neo-socialist scold Elizabeth Warren.

As a result, for one of the few times in American history, the hard left now had undreamt of power. And it was enhanced by a chorus in our compliant media, academia, corporations, the administrative state, foundations, entertainment, and popular culture.

So we were all to embark on a great adventure led by the foot soldiers of DEI, the Chicken-Little green extremists, the critical race and critical legal theory crowd, the modern monetary theorists, the woke commissars, the transgendered zealots, Antifa, BLM, the hate-Israel lobby, and the Trump Derangement Syndrome media sorts.

Ostensibly, America was to be reset financially, economically, socially, culturally, militarily, and politically. The nation would be arbitrarily divided into oppressors and oppressed—with one caveat: hyper-rich, left-wing white architects had to be exempt from the damage inflicted on those they targeted. Thus, like Orwellian pigs who walked on their two hind legs, they were free to fly their private jets, get their kids into racially quota-bound Ivy League schools, burn lots of fossil fuels to heat and cool their massive homes, and be protected by their walls, security details, and zip codes from the crime wave they would soon unleash on others.

Now, as we enter the fourth year of the great experiment, America is $35 trillion in debt, borrowing $1 trillion every 100 days. Home mortgages are at 7 percent. Key prices for food, insurance, rent, and fuels are 30-40 percent higher than when Biden entered office.

The nation has been humiliated and emasculated abroad. Racial relations are the worst in a half-century. The military is in virtual receivership. Biden is polling about 40 percent approval and is behind in key swing states in most of the 2024 polls.

As a result, the Biden administration is furiously trying to find a way to release more of its hated oil and natural gas on the world market. It stopped refilling the strategic petroleum reserve that it had earlier drained to lower gas prices before the 2022 midterms.

So it will quietly pump more oil and gas, appease Iran in fear of a war in the oil-producing Middle East, plead with the once “pariah” Saudis, and order the Ukrainians not to hit Russian oil installations—all to get more oil produced to lower November 2024 gas prices.

It will head nod to eliminating fossil fuels, mandating EVs, banning natural gas stoves, and subsidizing more inefficient wind and solar farms. But it now realizes that its green agenda on its watch will wreck the United States economy and throw the left out of power. So it pivots to an old-fashioned “Drill, World, Drill” mantra—at least until the election is over.

Biden fulfilled his agenda of getting 10 million illegal aliens into the United States by destroying the southern border. The point was to swarm America with poor, unaudited migrants, all in need of massive federal and state assistance, all supposedly now loyal to their entitlement benefactors. Who could stop them from voting as repayment to their enablers in the new age of 70 percent mail-in ballots, same-day registration, inadequate authentication and audit of ballots, third-party vote harvesting, ballot curing, and Zuckbucks pouring into key precincts to absorb the work of the registrars?

Most of the illegals went to Texas and Florida, key swing states that the left still thinks it can flip to blue status. Long term, the 10 million will recalibrate congressional districts to favor neo-socialist agendas. Short-term, millions of new arrivals unlawfully may still try to vote in 2024.

Any who object to or publicize this agenda will be dammed with boilerplate smears of “election deniers,” “voter suppressions,” “racists,” and “xenophobes,” Yet all that said, the administration is now desperately trying to distance itself from its greatest “new Democratic Majority” border success, given that public opinion abhors what Biden had done at the border to the country at large.

So it floated a phony “bipartisan border security” bill in hopes of luring naïve Republicans to support a stealth de facto amnesty agenda that would have still allowed 5,000 illegals in a day rather than the now customary 10-15,000. The hope was that when it failed (and the left knew it would), to blame Republicans for what the left had wrought.

Biden knows destroying the border will ruin America for generations to come, costing billions of dollars in subsidies and legal and policing costs to integrate the massive influx. So until the election, it is thrashing about, claiming that it never did such a thing at all. Its duplicity is again proof that the open borders agenda was hated by the public, a human catastrophe, and not sustainable before an impending election.

Biden’s foreign policy is also in ruins. Biden destroyed deterrence in an effort to beg, appease, and buy off America’s enemies to behave and not cause an election-losing war. But the more it fled from Afghanistan in humiliation, the more it appeased Russia as it massed on Ukraine’s border, the more it snored as a Chinese spy balloon traversed the United States, the more it put early holds on aid to Ukraine, the more it assured Putin a “minor” offensive into Ukraine would not elicit a US response, so all the more it convinced Putin that he could take Ukraine without an American pushback, the Chinese to threaten Taiwan, and Hamas to prepare for massacring Jews.

So here we are in Ukraine with nearly 800,000 dead, wounded, and missing Ukrainians and Russians. The administration has no clue how to stop the Verdun that its appeasement birthed. The entire therapeutic approach to foreign policy lies in ruins.

Ditto the Middle East. National security advisor Jack Sullivan’s “quiet” portfolio that he inherited from the Trump administration simply blew up. Biden is now scrambling to stop the Israeli response to the encircled Hamas remnants, trapped in their last redoubt in Rafah.

Biden is now replaying the 1950s CIA-stereotype of the “Ugly American,” as he does his best to overthrow the Netanyahu government, and to allow the trapped Hamas remnants to escape and claim they defeated the Zionist entity, despite butchering more Jews in a single day than any time since the Holocaust. No matter: the Biden administration is stealthily communicating with the Israeli opposition concerning the best joint strategies to force Netanyahu out. Mass protests in the streets of Tel Aviv attest to the success of destabilizing the current Israeli government.

Team Biden whispers to the media about slow-walking or stopping key arms shipments, abdicating America’s once protective role in the UN, or encouraging the “international community” to go after Netanyahu for “war crimes” for accidentally hitting a civilian team in Gaza. (By such logic, are Biden and Gen. Mark (“righteous strike”) Milley equally culpable for being in charge when a US strike in Kabul blew up 10 innocent civilians by similarly mistaken targeting?). Meanwhile, Biden keeps courting Muslim-American Michigan voters, who repay his appeasement with cries of “Death to Israel! Death to America!”.

The release of violent criminals and an uptick in property crimes, murders and assault follow a similar script. The Biden administration outsourced criminal justice to defund the police/critical legal theorists at the federal, state, and local levels. No bail arrests led to violent offenders released the next day. Thousands were let go from jails and prisons.

The word spread in the criminal community that in the new Biden years, there were no real consequences, no serious punishments for violent assault or major felonies.

So in 2021-2023, crime exploded. When it reached the point of making life unlivable in the major cities and began to max out, the administration declared “crime is declining”—in the same way that hyper-inflation supposedly did so on the economic front.

After spiking the prices of key food staples, insurance, fuel, and interest rates, such hikes could not go too much higher without destroying outright the American way of life. So as the rate of inflation slowed, Biden bragged about “lowering inflation”—but not the 30-40 percent higher food prices since his own inauguration.

The common denominator for these disasters is the embrace of left-wing “theory.”

Critical legal theory mandates that jurisprudence is a construct. Laws have no morality since they favor the powerful. The latter use “white privilege” arbitrarily to invent crimes and punishments to protect their own power hierarchies. All that nonsense has now led to a pre-civilizational free-for-all in our dirty, dangerous, and dysfunctional cities.

Modern monetary theory—printing lots of money to spread around to those who have none while diminishing the value of money of those who have it—only led to hyperinflation and high interest rates.

When DEI theories were unleashed on the military, potential recruits hesitated, and thousands quit. After Pentagon grandees virtue signaled their fear of “white rage” and “white privilege,” after DEI made promotions and assessments often contingent on race, gender, and sexual orientation, and after the new military was humiliated in Afghanistan, it found it could no longer deter the enemy, recruit sufficient soldiers, or win back the confidence of the American people.

In all these cases, the woke genie left the bottle—and won’t go back in. So it will be hard for the administration to assure a long-suffering public that things are just wonderful, much less to reverse these policies, if indeed they are reversible, before November.

Expect instead nonstop distraction as the left beats the January 6 horse to death, calls for abortion on demand, and waits for its underling judges, prosecutors, and juries to jail or bankrupt Trump and therefore do what balloting cannot.

In other words, the long-awaited Great Fundamental Transformation finally got its moment, crashed, and now has torched the nation—middle-class Americans most of all.

What’s With This ‘Partner’ Crap?

I notice language. I can’t help it. It might be a little OCD, I just don’t care enough to bother to be diagnosed – I’m not interested in the “I’ve been diagnosed with X, I’m victim, pay attention to me!” game. Even if I did have a touch of it, I’m happy with it, as it helps me notice things, which allows me to point them out. And one thing I’ve noticed lately is how the following words – wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend – are going away in news stories and they’re being replaced by “partner.”

Illegal aliens used to be called illegal aliens. Why? Because they’re illegally in this country and alien was a term for people from another country. Makes sense. But Democrats hated it because it concisely conveyed accurate information about someone’s immigration status. “No person is illegal,” they whined, while forbidding the collection of data on the criminal activity of illegal aliens. (Well, illegal activity beyond their mere existence in the country, that is.)

It was a matter of politics for the left – they did not want to differentiate between Americans and illegal aliens because A) They favor illegal aliens, B) They want as many as possible in the country because they see them as a huge voting pool for them, and C) If the true crime statistics were ever known, I’m certain there would be a near-uniform cry from Americans for mass deportations. 

By setting the term under which these people could be discussed and data collected on them, Democrats control the whole thing. Controlling language gives Democrats control over individuals, and if you can control the unit of measure, you control everything else. If you forbid the collection of illegal alien crime data, you’re free to cite half-hearted, biased studies from pro-invasion groups declaring “Migrant crime rate is lower than that of Americans!”

It doesn’t have to be true, and it’s not true (aside from know what language is spoken in prisons or what gang tattoos mean, read news stories about crime. OK, they no longer report the ethnicity or national origin of criminals in news stories, but why do you think that is? Also, mugshot still exist). Democrats aren’t ones to let the truth stand in the way of a good story.

But they’ve won on that front. Not on the policy, but the language. Thank God the policy fight isn’t over, at least not yet. The language fight is. Tune in to any “conservative” media outlet or listen to a token conservative on a liberal channel and you’ll hear “migrant” used 99 percent of the time” to describe illegal aliens. Sure, an illegal alien might slip by every once in a while, but never consistently. That’s not by accident, people are trained or ordered. Neither option is good.

By changing the words, the left changed the terms of the ideological fight. It didn’t happen by accident; they knew what they were doing. And they know what they are doing now with “partner.” 

That the “progressive” Democratic Party left is pushing this “There are no genders” crap on kids is no secret. We’ve seen thousands of confused, miserable, unattractive leftist teachers in tears because one of their kindergarten students used whatever pronoun the teacher made up and said they were a good person or something after the teacher desperately sought validation for their existence by regaling 5-year-olds with a story of how they and their “throuple” attended a non-binary orgy over the weekend. They’re always in tears in their classrooms, but shouldn’t be allowed within 5 football fields of any kid.

These are the people who push the word “partner.” It denotes no gender, no relationship status that involves exclusivity or fidelity. You can’t cheat on a “partner,” you’re just partners – like you opened a kiosk in the mall selling novelty socks or something. 

If you’re “exclusive,” that excludes other people. But “partners” can have multiple people join or leave, there are no terms or set definition of the word when it comes to the degenerate sex lives of these people. It’s two-for: it normalizes whatever someone does sexually, and it removes gender from the mix. 

Personally, I don’t care what these people call themselves. We home school, so I don’t really have to worry about a seizure-inducing collection of progressive flags and BLM propaganda on the walls of my kids’ classrooms or the need to make it clear to any “teacher” that any further discussion of their or anyone else’s sex lives or proclivities with my 5- and 6-year-olds will result in what they will undoubtedly consider a hate crime and probably hospital stay for them. But other parents do. That’s why this matters.

Pay attention to the words your kids bring home. It used to be that parents had to worry about their kids picking up swear words from school – and let me tell you, I picked up a bag full of them – now they have to be concerned about the manipulation and indoctrination through language on what would otherwise be innocuous matters. Adults do too. They’re coming for all of us, after all. 

30-Year Naval Academy Teacher Details Depth Of DEI Rot In America’s Military Institutions

‘The Naval Academy tries to square the circle by both bragging about its standards and letting in half the class to lower standards.’

It’s no secret the Biden administration has “reimagined” the U.S. military into a left-wing social experiment. From employing enlisted drag queens to boost recruitment to using taxpayer funds to host LGBT “pride” events on military installations, America’s supreme fighting force has prioritized promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) racism over addressing the biggest challenges hampering U.S. military readiness.

A recently released book unveils how this leftist ideology is also infecting the military’s service academies. In Saving Our Service Academies: My Battle with, and for, the US Naval Academy to Make Thinking Officers, author and professor Bruce Fleming documents the pervasiveness of DEI throughout the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) and shows how the institution’s cookie-cutter bureaucracy is crippling individuality among the school’s midshipmen.

During his over 30-year teaching career at the institution, Fleming served (for a time) on the USNA Admissions Board, which evaluates applicants and decides which are ultimately admitted into the school. While on the board, he allegedly discovered that — like many civilian colleges — the academy considers applicants’ race throughout the admissions process and accepts nonwhite applicants who don’t meet the school’s academic requirements. Fleming claims that “[a]pplicants who self-identified as a member of a race the Academy wished to privilege … were briefed separately to the committee not by a white member but by a minority Navy lieutenant.”

“The choices are simple. If you want students who look a certain way but tend to score lower than others, you accept the lower scores and stop talking about your standards. Or you go with the class that can meet these standards and stop talking about the way they look,” Fleming writes. “The Naval Academy tries to square the circle by both bragging about its standards and letting in half the class to lower standards.”

Last year, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a 6-3 decision that the use of race-based admissions, or “affirmative action,” by institutions of higher education is unconstitutional. That decision did not, however, address the use of such policies by U.S. military academies. Students for Fair Admissions — the plaintiff in the aforementioned SCOTUS decision — filed lawsuits against West Point and the Naval Academy over their race-based admissions policies in September and October, respectively.

Throughout his book, Fleming further notes that the USNA’s obsession with race is creating “resentment within the ranks,” and that students who speak out against the school’s DEI-focused promotion system are punished.

“What I saw at Annapolis was that nonracist white midshipmen became resentful at realizing that leadership positions were awarded to less competent midshipmen on the basis of skin color, and that they themselves, if they noted this out loud, were punished for not being with the program — which increased their resentment,” Fleming writes. “All promotions or preferences are individual ones, and ‘broadly reflective diversity’ is bought at the individual level by preferring a less competent individual with the desired skin color. If they are equally competent or more competent, the problem disappears.”

“The military shows all the problems of any top-down totalitarian state, and its members can be court-martialed for resisting,” he adds.

Throughout his career at the academy, Fleming regularly questioned the decision-making from the school’s leadership and penned several op-eds criticizing what he viewed to be its shortcomings. In 2017, for example, he wrote an article in The Federalist detailing how “upper-class students at service academies have lost faith in the system, because it’s based on lies.” Fleming said that “students realize they are cast members in a military Disneyland run for the benefit of the brass and the tourists, not the taxpayers who pay their way and want better-than-average officers.”

Fleming’s public criticisms generated ire from the academy’s bureaucratic leadership. In 2018, the school fired him over allegations of classroom impropriety filed by five students. Fleming profusely denied the accusations and appealed the decision to the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, which ordered his reinstatement to the academy in July 2019.

According to the Navy Times, Judge Mark Syska said in his ruling that the midshipman who “filed the longest complaint” had “credibility issues” and that his complaint was “greatly exaggerated — to the point of being hard to credit on certain points.” Syska additionally highlighted that the students who filed the complaints “did not generally take offense or have any actual issue with the appellant.”

“Moreover, much of the charged conduct, as noted by the investigating panel, did not appear to be actual misconduct in the context of free-wheeling classroom discussions,” Syska wrote.

While ultimately reinstated by the academy, Fleming has not been permitted to return to the classroom. The school has placed him on a “forced sabbatical,” according to the “Eyes on Annapolis” podcast, which interviewed Fleming in February.

In concluding his book, Fleming calls on military institutions such as the USNA and West Point to “dial back the hype” and “stop lying about what [they] are.” Specifically, he demands these academies quit pushing mistruths about their selectivity and “quality of the students” to uphold the façade that they’re legacy institutions worthy of praise and adoration.

Our service academies are “beautiful places and, under these circumstances, duty, honor, and country could once again be primary. Sadly, in places like Annapolis as they currently exist, they no longer are,” Fleming writes. “I want them back.”

Salon Gaslights Readers, Claims Attacks on Women in NYC Were 'Unleashed by MAGA'

Ben Kew reporting for RedState 

The far-left Salon magazine is blaming the rise of random attacks on women in New York City on men who are supportive of the MAGA movement.

In a commentary by writer Amanda Marcotte, the writer starts out by explaining the recent phenomenon and noting that men of "different races and ages" are responsible:

Men are punching random women on the streets of New York City. As usual with these kinds of diffuse and chaotic stories, there's much that is unknown, including how often this is happening, how many people are involved, or whether it's at all coordinated.

Women report being assaulted by men of different races and ages. Still, across the different stories, a couple of similarities pop out: The alleged victims are mostly young and pretty, and most of them say they were minding their own business when they were attacked.


CNN reports that dozens of women have discussed being victims on social media, and formally interviewed six of them. NBC News reports there have been at least 3 arrests. CBS News reports that NYPD released images last week of a fourth man wanted for allegedly punching a woman in Union Square. Even reality TV star Bethany Frankel says she's been victimized.

Marcotte goes on to claim that such appalling incidents were "unleashed by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement":

These stories resonate, as well, because the nation is having a moment of increasingly unhinged male fury at women for daring to have lives that are centered around something other than catering to a man's every whim. Unleashed by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, there's an upswell of loud male entitlement shouting at us from every corner.


The rise of MAGA is fueled by misogyny. But it's less a backlash than a tantrum, a rage explosion by men who want to restore their dominance but fear that, this time, women won't buckle to their bullying. This rash of men punching women in New York City captures this moment in a dark way. We don't even need to know their names or faces to know that men who do this are losers, lashing out because they've learned that actually, women don't owe them anything just because they're men.

Unsurprisingly, people quickly took to the X platform to mock these ridiculous claims:

While we will never know the identity of most of the lowlifes responsible for such behavior, it seems unlikely that the majority of those responsible are Trump supporters, particularly given that New York City is deep Democratic territory. According to The Gotham Gazette, Joe Biden defeated Trump by a margin of 76 to 23 percent in New York City back in 2020, while Hillary Clinton won 79 percent of the vote to Trump’s 18 percent.

Salon, meanwhile, is notorious for pushing such ridiculous commentaries, presumably in the hope of clickbait revenue. Among its various suggestions over the years: lowering the required age to run for president, apologizing for pedophilia, and arguing that Christian nationalism is a "bigger threat to America than Hamas." 

Joe Biden Is Now Chasing The ‘Death To America’ Voter

Remember, the same people who are chanting ‘Death to Israel’ will inevitably wish ‘Death to America,’ as well.

It was Al-Quds Day last Friday. To celebrate the occasion, protesters in Dearborn, Michigan, chanted “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” while a speaker named Tarek Bazzi declared the United States — a place that’s afforded him the liberty to openly support rapists, murderers, and terrorists — one of the “rottenest countries” on the planet. “It’s the entire system that has to go,” he explained to cheers of, what I assume, were American citizens.

As Seth Mandel notes, there’s Charlottesville every other day in America, and barely anyone on the left cares. Most progressives, let’s face it, either tacitly or openly support these days of rage.

Al-Quds Day, a kind of international Islamic Nuremberg Rally, was conceived by Ayatollah Khomeini and his gang during the Islamic Revolution, only a few months before Iranians murdered eight U.S. servicemen and took 66 American hostages. I assure you participants aren’t merely “critical” of Israel’s housing policy in Judea or (historically low) civilian-to-commandant kill ratio in the war against Hamas; they want all 7 million Jews in that tiny country dead or scattered into dhimmi.

Where is the outrage from the folks who have fainting spells every time a Republican criticizes far-leftist moneybags George Soros? Cowering in deathly fear that a progressive podcaster bro might accuse them of being “Islamophobic,” one imagines.

Leftist and antisemitic pro-Hamas “activists” are vandalizing buildings, threatening Jews, cheering on martyrs, and shutting down events. Where are all the government officials who keep warning us that anyone wearing a MAGA baseball hat is probably the next Timothy McVeigh? It’s not like radicalized Muslims ever engage in terrorism, I guess. But if parents who are sick of school boards undermining their children’s education and futures are smeared as a “domestic terror” by this administration, surely those chanting “Death to America” deserve a look.

Granted it would be weird. The same Jew haters who attend Quds Day rallies or write for The Washington Post are the people Joe Biden is now cynically trying to mollify in his effort to win the 2024 presidential race and “save democracy.” Delegations of Democrats are sent to placate these defenders of barbarism and terror, sometimes quite literally.

There is bad news for Democrats, though: Until the United States launches a strike on Tel Aviv — which is what “ceasefire” proponents are chanting in New York — these people will not be placated.

To earn these votes, our president now spreads Hamas propaganda himself, as do most of the media, which have functionally or openly taken the side of the terror group. Indeed, no matter how many ceasefires Hamas rejects, Democrats still demand Israel unilaterally stop fighting the people who hold American hostages. It is a demand we would never make of any other nation — a demand we would never abide by ourselves.

Even that’s not enough. The Biden administration, which creates and spreads myths about Jewish extremism in the “West Bank” to create a fake moral equivalence, is reportedly preparing to force Israel to mark products imported from Judea and Samaria made by Jews with special labels. Vile, indeed. But Biden will not rest until there is a Judenrein West Bank or his “Death to America” constituents are happy. Whichever comes first.

Biden, it should be noted, is a vacuous political zombie who has never met a position he hasn’t dropped for a vote. Today, he is surrounded by Obama-era advisers and Hamas sympathizers — though I repeat myself — who have long wanted the U.S. to be aligned with mullahs of Iran, as a counterbalance to colonialist Western capitalists of Israel. And now that Democrats like Chuck Schumer have sold out the Jews to the vultures for a few votes in Dearborn, nothing holds back progressive Democrats from normalizing the antisemitism that already infects the hard left.  

This is not everyone’s fight, I realize. But remember, the same people who chant “Death to Israel” inevitably wish “Death to America,” as well.

Biden DOJ Pushes Back Against House Republicans' Request for More Information on Hur's Investigation

Rebecca Downs reporting for Townhall 

House Republicans have been requesting more information on Special Counsel Robert Hur's investigation into President Joe Biden. The report, which was released in February, certainly did not exonerate the president, but found that he was considered too old to charge for his mishandling of classified documents. Late last month, as Katie covered, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) threatened to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt for failure to comply with a request to provide audio recordings of the interview. In response, the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) had the nerve to call on House Republicans to "avoid conflict" in the face of such threatened action. 

The letter in question came from Assistant Attorney General Carlos Uriarte, on the date of the April 8 deadline. Uriarte insisted that they had "met or exceeded the Committees' stated informational needs." The letter even went on to claim that the department's "efforts at cooperation prove that we are, and continue to be, willing to do our part to show the American people that the officials who serve them can work together productively in the public interest while avoiding unnecessary conflict."

Such a line is particularly rich coming from a DOJ that has been weaponized and politicized to go after Biden's political opponents, such as former and potentially future President Donald Trump. But, ordinary Americans have been targeted as well, including peaceful pro-life protesters and concerned parents at school board meetings. 

The letter went on to mention similar language. "We urge the Committees to avoid conflict rather than seek it," Uriarte wrote in the next paragraph. "It is not too late for the Committees to choose a different path, to take an offramp towards the 'spirit of dynamic compromise' that the Constitution requires of us both."

Uriarte also sung the praises of the DOJ for how he says it has already supposedly complied. 

In a disdainful manner he also wrote, with original emphasis:

Although the Committees have pointed out, correctly, that the Constitution implicitly grants Congress "broad" and "indispensable" authority to seek information when motivated by a legitimate investigative purpose, neither branch has any constitutionally-based authority to seek conflict for conflict's sake. To the contrary, the Constitution "contemplates that practice will integrate the dispersed powers" between the branches "into a workable government," and mandates that we both seek "optimal accommodation" of each other's needs. The Department is concerned that the Committees' particular focus on continuing to demand information that is cumulative of information we already gave you--what the President and Mr. Hur's team said in the interview--indicates that the Committees' interests may not be in receiving information in service of legitimate oversight or investigatory functions, but to serve political purposes that should should have no role in the treatment of law enforcement files. The Department notes the contrast between the Committees' escalatory threats of contempt over audio files and the Committees' seemingly low need for them, at least for the purposes that would traditionally support a congressional subpoena to the Executive Branch. This contrast is particularly striking in light of information that we have already produced to you.

The AP's Farnoush Amiri shared a copy of the letter to her X account. 

"The pushback from the department and the seeming unwillingness to provide the audio could trigger a legal battle between the White House and the GOP chairmen leading the contempt effort on Capitol Hill, potentially setting up a scenario where Biden would have to exert executive privilege to halt the release of the audio recording to Congress," she also addressed in her write-up.

Comer released a statement on Monday, indicating it doesn't look like the Committees will be backing down. He also teased that a response to the DOJ will be coming "soon."

"The Biden Administration does not get to determine what Congress needs and does not need for its oversight of the executive branch. It’s curious the Biden Administration is refusing to release the audio of President Biden’s interview with the Special Counsel after releasing the transcript," Comer said. "Why shouldn't the American people be able to hear the actual audio of his answers? The American people demand transparency from their leaders, not obstruction. The Oversight Committee will continue to work with the Judiciary Committee to obtain the information needed for our investigation of President Biden’s willful retention of classified documents. We will respond to the Justice Department soon."