Thursday, April 4, 2024

The Law’s Inexorable Logic Should Eventually Favor Trump

The current status of the New York civil fraud case that New York Attorney Letitia James filed against Donald Trump, and that resulted in a huge ruling against him, thanks to Judge Arthur Engoron, is just a little bit of a puzzle. In the short term, Trump is on defense, but the wheels of justice should turn and place him on offense. Understanding that requires us to look at the logic of the law, a subject at once fascinating and exacting and, sometimes, very surprising.

The role of logic in law is one of the features of the law that most non-lawyers misunderstand. When a case goes to trial, whether criminal or civil, it is because the two sides are unable to resolve their differences out of court. This means the parties disagree either as to the facts of the dispute, or as to the law governing the dispute, or both.

The two sides to a court case are called the “plaintiff” and the “defendant.” In a criminal case, the plaintiff is the state, sometimes called the “people” of the state. Whether criminal or civil, the plaintiff accuses the defendant of some kind of wrongdoing. This accusation of wrongdoing has a name, such as theft, burglary, rape, robbery, negligence, breach of contract, fraud, etc.

In all cases, whether criminal or civil, the accusation has what are called “elements.” The elements of the accusation are propositions that the plaintiff must prove true to prevail on his case. In a criminal case the plaintiff must prove each element of the accusation true beyond a reasonable doubt. In a civil case the plaintiff must prove each element of the accusation true by a preponderance of the evidence.

Here are some Examples of accusations and their elements:

Theft: The elements of the crime of theft are (1) the defendant seized (2) a thing of value (3) that is not his own and (4) carried it away.

Malicious Prosecution: The elements of the tort of malicious prosecution are (1) The civil or criminal action was terminated in favor of the plaintiff (who was the defendant in the underlying case). (2) The defendant filed or played an active role in the underlying case. (3) The defendant had no reasonable grounds to file and pursue the underlying case. (4) The defendant filed or pursued the underlying case for an improper purpose or abusive purpose, such as a desire to ruin the plaintiff’s reputation. (5) Plaintiff suffered significant harm because of the defendant’s actions.

Defamation: The elements of the tort of defamation are (1) A false statement of fact. (2) Communication to a third party. (3) Defendant was negligent or malicious in determining the truth of the statement. (5) The false statement caused injury.

In a trial, the judge is called the “trier of law” because it is the judge’s job to rule on any disputes of law and the jury is called the “trier of fact” because it is the jury’s job to decide questions of fact.

Sometimes, people are reluctant to serve on a jury because of the Biblical injunction, “Judge not that Ye not be judged.” But that reluctance is misplaced. The jurors do not judge the defendant’s guilt or innocence. Rather, the jurors judge whether the evidence adduced at the trial proves all the elements of the accusation beyond a reasonable doubt in a criminal case or by a preponderance of the evidence in a civil case. The jury does not judge the defendant; the jury judges the evidence.

How do the jurors know what the elements of the accusation are? The judge instructs the jury on the elements of the accusation and on any other matters of law that the jury needs to know.

It is the judge's duty to follow the law and instruct the jury on the law they need to know. Then, the jury's duty is to follow the judge’s instructions. When both judge and jury properly perform their duties, the jury’s verdict will logically follow from the law and the evidence of the case.

When the losing party appeals a judgment (civil) or verdict (criminal), appellate courts are obliged to follow the law and to issue a decision that is logically sound. A correct appellate decision must be a valid argument with only true premises; that is, it must be a sound argument. The legal term for this argument is the “ratio decedendi”—the “rationale of the decision.”

An good example of a ruling court’s decision is Dodd v. Jackson, in which the Supreme Court overruled Roe v Wade. The Dodd decision was not about abortion per se. Instead, it ruled that the decision in Roe vs. Wade had no ratio decedendi because it abandoned constitutional principles about states’ rights.

Understanding these logical requirements of law helps us understand just why the appeal bond in the Trump civil fraud case in New York was set so outrageously high, at nearly a half billion dollars.

Under New York law, an essential element of a cause of action for civil fraud—that is, one of the things the plaintiff must prove by a preponderance of evidence—is that the defendant’s false statement or concealment of material fact resulted in harm to the plaintiff (or, in Trump’s case, the State of New York, which acted as the lenders’ proxy). But as every netizen by this time knows, Trump’s evaluation of his own property harmed no one. (This is entirely separate from the judge’s wacky—to put it politely—approach to evaluating Trump’s property values.)

Not only is damage an element of fraud, it’s also an element of any civil case. The party suing has “standing to sue” only when there is an actual injury. (Cases seeking injunctive relief are the exception, for they require the complaining party to make a strong case that, if the defendant isn’t prevented from action, the complainant will be injured.) On this basis, too, Engoron’s decision is reversible.

Because the case against Trump utterly failed because no one was hurt by Trump’s actions, an honorable appellate court will throw this case back in Judge Engoron’s face because he made his ruling despite any evidence showing that anyone was harmed. Because Engoron knows that his judgment will be overruled, the enormously high judgment, which carries with it an equally enormous bond on appeal, was intended to prevent any appeal.

So, as was queried in the opening paragraph, is Trump on the defense or the offense? When a manifestly impossible bond amount blocked his appeal, Trump was clearly on the defense. However, now that the New York Court of Appeals has reduced the appeal bond to a figure Trump can make, Engoron’s judgment will soon be before the Court of Appeals on the merits, where it is brain-dead obvious that the non-existence of any person harmed invalidates both standing and the Engoron judgment of fraud. The entire matter reeks of corruption.

When the Court of Appeals rules on the merits of the appeal, vacating the Engoron judgment against Trump and dismissing Letitia James’s fraud accusations, in a just world, two things would happen. First, Engoron would be removed from the bench for judicial corruption. Second, Letitia James would be disbarred for ethics violations.

Given that this courtroom drama (or farce) is playing out in New York, the judge’s and prosecutor’s just deserts are not certain. However, no matter what happens, even though the judgment itself will be reversed, Trump will still be saddled with hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees consumed in his defense. Will he then go on offense? Will he attempt to recoup these losses in legal actions for malicious prosecution and defamation? That’s a plaintiff’s case any good lawyer would want to take.

X22, On the Fringe, and more- April 4


Loomer uncovers diabolical connection between Trump “hush money” judge and NY Attorney General Letitia James…

 Just so you’re in the loop, it seems like the political elites are throwing a massive bash, and surprise, surprise—we’re not on the guest list. We see how all the big shots in the “Destroy Trump” club are in on it together, all bound by this wild, over-the-top obsessive hatred for Trump. For example, the judge handling the sham “hush money” case? It turns out that his daughter isn’t shy about her disdain for Trump, allegedly posting pictures of him behind bars on social media, even after a gag order was issued.

Headline USA:

Loren Merchan’s consulting firm had linked to that same account in a previous social media post, appearing to validate the account’s authenticity.

Trump did not link to the purported photo, but slammed the judge on Truth Social for hypocritically imposing a gag order ahead of his April 15 trial, suggesting his daughter’s partisan activism was indicative of a conflict of interests, much as Democrats have attempted to claim about Ginni Thomas, the wife of conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

“So, let me get this straight,” Trump wrote, “the Judge’s daughter is allowed to post pictures of her ‘dream’ of putting me in jail … but I am not allowed to talk about the attacks against me, and the Lunatics trying to destroy my life and prevent me from winning the 2024 Presidential Election, which I am dominating?”

“Maybe the Judge is such a hater because his daughter makes money by working to ‘Get Trump’ and when he rules against me over and over again, he is making her company, and her, richer and richer,” Trump continued. “How can this be allowed?”

Here’s a screenshot of Loren’s reported account, where you can clearly see that a photo of Trump behind bars is her avatar.

 Pretty juvenile for someone in her mid-thirties who’s a “professional,” as well as the daughter of the guy presiding over the sham trial, if true. But then again, it’s less of a shocker once you piece together that Judge Merchan’s daughter is deep in the Democratic machinery. Also, consider this: the very idea of Judge Merchan overseeing this trial is utterly laughable and yet another blow to our once respectable judicial system. What we’re witnessing here are levels of absurdity that dwarf anything lovers Fani and Wade were up to. And to top it all off, he’s pushing to silence anyone speaking out about it with these gag orders.

However, things get even wilder with Judge Merchan and his family. Laura Loomer, that tenacious investigative reporter, has dug around and found out some even more twisted stuff. Laura claims that Judge Merchan’s wife once worked for the very person gunning to take Trump down in another legal battle—New York Attorney General Letitia James.

Yes, you heard that right. Laura says Judge Merchan’s wife was on the payroll of one of the regime’s heaviest hitters (literally and figuratively), aiming to take President Trump out of the game and monkey around with the 2024 election. If Laura’s scoop holds up—that sneaky link between Judge Merchan’s wife and Letitia James—it drags the judge right into the thick of this sprawling political hit job.

Here’s what investigative reporter Laura Loomer had to say on X:


You won’t get this information anywhere else !

Now that Judge Merchan has expanded the Gag order tonight on President Trump, preventing him from speaking about the judge’s family after I exposed Loren Merchan, it’s time for me to introduce you all to Loren Merchan’s mother.


Lara Merchan is the mother of radical leftist political operative Loren Merchan, who’s father is Judge Juan Merchan, the rabid TDS suffering judge presiding over Alvin Bragg’s Lawfare attack against President Trump, was a Special Assistant Attorney General, under New York AG Letitia James.


Lara Merchan was employed by the New York State Attorney General from 2009-2022. Letitia James was “installed” into office in 2019 after running on a campaign to “Get Trump”. I wonder if they’ve ever met.

Do you think they all go on family date nights to the Voodoo shops in Chelsea, NY to put pins into Trump dolls?

I think about that sometimes…


I have provided a copy of Judge Merchan’s mortgage satisfaction document to prove that he and Lara are or were married.


Here’s a closeup of the related images that Laura shared:

Revolver can’t confirm or deny this exclusive from Laura Loomer, but it looks as if she could very well be onto something. After all, we’ve seen dots like this connected in each one of the sham trials. And just like that, now there’s buzz about Judge Merchan having some very questionable ties to Adam Schiff—the lead guy behind the phony Russia hoax fiasco—and Michael Cohen. Cohen’s the definition of a sleazy traitor and has been used as a pawn by all sorts of regime insiders in a bid to take down President Trump.

What a small world and such a tight-knit circle of villains, right? This onslaught against President Trump, covering every angle, is pretty much a colossal political spider with countless legs, all operated by the Uniparty regime, whose job it is to make damn sure no outsiders ever crash their exclusive invite-only party.


The Race Hustlers Are Terrified That Trump Will End Racism

The left is collectively wetting itself because Donald Trump is promising, to the horror of the regime media and the garbage ruling class, to fight anti-white racism, which is one of the several kinds of bigotries that the leftists love. They also like racism against Asians and Jews and against anybody else who’s conservative regardless of race, but the point of this isn’t to highlight Democrat hypocrisy. Democrats are not hypocrites because you have to believe in the principle that you are ignoring to be a hypocrite, and the Democrats don’t believe anything they say about racism. They are for it when that’s useful and against it when that’s useful. They only care about power, but you know that because you are based.

Like everything else that these communists do, their race card antics are unbelievably damaging to our culture. One of the greatest achievements of the United States of America was that most white citizens didn’t think of themselves as white, for lack of a better term. They didn’t identify themselves by their race. That’s not typical. You had a majority ethnic group that really didn’t care about its ethnicity. It didn’t identify itself by its ethnicity but rather by its national character, and it invited others who did not share its ethnicity to share that national character. This was a monumental achievement, a glorious one. As someone who tried to help sort out the ethnics skirmishes of the Balkans, I have firsthand knowledge of what happens when one group of people decides they’re going to kill another group of people because they simply don’t like that group of people. It’s awful, but it’s also the typical state of man throughout history. What America did was break that horrible cycle and redefine what it means to be a human being. If you are not proud of anything else America has done, you should at least be proud of that.

But if you are, you’re not going to be a Democrat.

No, the Democrats decided it would be a great idea to start attacking the majority ethnic group based on its ethnicity. They felt this would give them power by mobilizing minorities and the wealthier members of the majority ethnic group who weren’t going to take the brunt of the petty oppressions to be inflicted on the designated bad people. You can see when this happened – when the Democrats abandoned the working class a few decades ago.

And you now see it manifest throughout society, like with his DEI crap about whiteness and how being on time and being competent are proof that you’re a horrible racist monster of racism. It’s stupid, but it’s worse than stupid. If it was just insulting, people might ignore it. But the communists are not satisfied with just insults. They have to push on past the red lines. They started taking actions that limit people’s economic opportunities based on their race and their educational opportunities based on race, and they tolerate it, excuse, and even encourage crime when it is based on race. So, now it’s not just a matter of being insulted. It’s a matter of being impoverished or hurt or killed.

And somehow, it appears that these Democrats believe that human nature will not manifest itself and that white Americans will go along with this insanity in perpetuity. But that’s not human nature. You’re not going to talk somebody into being a second-class citizen. Oh, you can convince the pale femboy graduate students and the frigid white wine women who read the ridiculous spewings of clowns like Ibram Kendi into doing it, but that is only because these leftists never really believe it’s going to affect them. The racism that they support is not directed at the ruling class or its adjuncts. It’s directed at the guy who drives a truck, the guy who sells insurance, and the guy who fights the wars. Or at least the guy who used to fight the wars. The American military was made up largely of white rural and Southern folks who loved to fight and were very, very good at it, and now many of them refuse to do it because they understand the military hates them based on their race.

Their refusal to enlist is just one manifestation. The next manifestation will be voting for Donald Trump because he’ll enforce the rules equally. But if that doesn’t work, look out. One way or another, people will not stand for this much longer.

That’s the problem with hating people and treating them differently based on their race. It’s existential. You can’t get away from it. You can’t change your color. And it is magnified because you have the communists telling you that not only should you be oppressed, but you are morally inferior based upon your race. There’s no way you can get out of it. You can’t show you’re not a bad person because you’re a bad person based on your…race. 

They end up delegitimizing the concept of racism, something that is already in progress because the epithet “racist” is pretty much just a punchline today. In the current paradigm, the members of the majority have two choices. They can either submit to second-class status, or they can reject the whole damn thing. And some of the people who reject the whole damn thing are going to reject the concept that racism is bad because their opponents clearly don’t believe that. They will harken to people who tell them they will be protected because of their race, not – as Trump intends – because all men are created equal. That is a significant difference. We have race hustlers in many minority communities, and the last thing we need are race hustlers in the white community. Hell, the last thing we need is a “white community.” There should not be any racial communities. But that’s the inevitable end state of this moral idiocy. At the end of the day, in the absence of equality under the law and in society, you will bond with the people who will keep you from getting hurt.

The left has attempted to cover up its racism by redefining racism, which is invidious discrimination against someone based on his race, in such a way that it just doesn’t apply to white folks. They dress it up with discussions of power as if the strings of American society are being pulled by some corn farmer whose son can’t get into Harvard, despite straight A’s and lettering in all sorts of sports, because his great-great-grandfather came from Bavaria. It’s a super-convenient flex for the left, but it won’t work. If racism is wrong for one group, it’s wrong for all groups, and you’re not going to talk people into accepting anything else.

You’re just not going to convince people to accept second-class citizenship with the cherry on top of them being morally corrupted merely by the act of being white people. Again, it might just work for a little while if it’s only insults, but it’s now economic and academic opportunity, as well as physical safety. It will not go on because it cannot go on. And the backlash is underway.

I keep saying that Donald Trump is not the last chance for normal Americans but the last chance for our ruling class to hit the brakes and not drive off the cliff like a particularly unattractive and gender-indeterminate reboot of “Thelma and Louise.” The greatest thing that could happen to America right now is for Donald Trump to come in and have his Justice Department clamp down on all the racism currently manifested against whites and other unapproved ethnicities. The colleges should be beaten into the line. The corporations should be beaten into line. The military – oh yeah, that needs to be beaten into line. All this racist crap needs to end, starting with the racist definition of racism that the leftists keep pushing. And in the criminal justice system, when you see crimes that are clearly racist, you need to prosecute them no matter who commits them. No slack. People are not going to allow themselves to be stolen from, beaten, or murdered because of their skin tone. They’re going to find someone who will stop it. Donald Trump will stop it by using our Constitution and our laws as they are intended. But if that doesn’t work, people will find someone who will do it some other way. And don’t expect it to be gentle or pleasant. That’s not a moral observation. That’s not what I somehow prefer. That’s human nature. It’s ridiculous to expect that people will sacrifice their futures and their safety so a bunch of communists won’t call them names. That’s not going to happen.

The Democrats ruin everything, and they are on the verge of ruining the greatest achievement of the United States, which is to have a country where an individual identifies not by skin color or heritage but by his embrace of the principles of the Constitution. This is an amazing accomplishment, and of all the evil acts of these damn communists, undermining it may be their most vile.

Biden Has Let In Almost As Many Foreigners Illegally As Ellis Island Did Lawfully In 60 Years

In nearly four years in office, President Joe Biden has let in nearly the same amount of illegal foreign citizens that Ellis Island accepted legally in 60 years. Democrats don’t want, however, to acknowledge all the problems with such an influx because they can use a ballooning foreign-born illegal population to fundamentally alter U.S. elections.

Between 1892 and 1954, perhaps the height of the “Melting Pot” Americanization, more than 12 million legal U.S. immigrants came through Ellis Island. Ellis Island was the nation’s most trafficked immigration center in those decades.

Yet under Biden, U.S. Customs and Border Protection have encountered more than 9.4 million illegal immigrants in fewer than four fiscal years. That number represents encounters with illegally present foreigners nationwide and not strictly at the southern border.

These estimates also understate the true presence of foreign-born illegal migrants, as there is no way to account for those who evade encounters. If Biden is voted out of office this fall, by the time he leaves office the number of illegally present foreigners he allowed into the United States is likely to approach Ellis Island’s 12 million, assuming current record-breaking numbers of illegal entrances continue. That number would also likely continue increasing even further should Biden win re-election.

Adding the more than 9.4 million recent illegal immigrants to the already roughly 10.2 million that were living in the United States as of 2020, and we’re suddenly talking about an illegal immigration population that rivals entire states like New York.

Democrats politically benefit from ignoring this foreign invasion. Congressional and Electoral College apportionment depends on the number of persons residing in a particular area. While former President Donald Trump tried to bar illegal immigrants and non-citizens from artificially inflating the census and diluting the voting power of legal citizens, Biden reversed the policy.

This means states that accept more illegally present foreigners can gain a congressional seat or electoral vote, penalizing states with relatively low illegal immigrant populations. It’s a compelling political motivation for Democrats to promote “sanctuary cities” that vow to defy federal immigration laws.

More than 175,000 illegal immigrants have flooded just the Big Apple in recent months, draining taxpayer resources and violently assaulting police officers. As New York sees an exodus of native-born Americans to states including Florida or Texas, those states stand to gain a congressional seat and the Empire State to lose one or more.

Democrats use illegal immigrants as political pawns to inflate politically important population counts even when those migrants technically can’t vote. They even say that outright. Democratic New York Rep. Yvette Clark said during a 2021 hearing that her district “can absorb a significant number of these migrants” because she needed “more people in my district, just for redistricting purposes.”

Perhaps more concerning about the lack of urgency from Democrats to secure the border is the lack of election safeguards against fraudulent votes. Current federal law stipulates a voter need not provide any documentary proof of citizenship to register to vote in a federal election. They must simply check a form declaring they are a citizen, essentially trusting people who have already broken U.S. law to abide by a voting honor system.

States that have tried to implement voter identification laws have been smeared as discriminatory and supporters of Jim Crow-esque laws. Democrats are pushing the John Lewis Voting Rights Act to federalize all elections and prevent states and local jurisdictions from changing election processes without approval from the federal government.

That means, for example, a state that currently does not require voter ID would need the Department of Justice to approve any change to ID requirements. Attorney General Merrick Garland has already made clear the Biden administration finds safeguards like that “unnecessary” and “burdensome.”

How You Know Joe Biden's Secret Handlers Have Turned Desperate

Calvin Coolidge was probably the most reticent and reserved president in more than a century. When the former president died in 1933, author Dorothy Parker said, "How can they tell?"

Joe Biden thinks his garrulous folksiness can get him through just about anything. Jimmy Carter was an analytical nuclear engineer and introvert who had a similar inability to communicate on a human level. He was thumped in his 1980 reelection attempt by Ronald Reagan, probably the most personable and, therefore, best presidential communicator in decades. 

To tell the truth, Joe Biden is likely the worst modern president at communicating with American voters. You'd think that talking coherently, if not cogently, could be a helpful skill in a presidential election year. But he's not got it.

Last year, without a word, Biden simply walked out on a Medal of Honor recipient and the White House audience before the ceremony was over. He's done the fewest interviews of any recent chief executive. He claims to be seeking reelection. But the candidate dodged a February Super Bowl interview with the largest television audience in history.

When Joe Biden is able to avoid brain freezes, he talks a lot, an awful lot. 

Often, it does not make much sense. It's just words coming out of the mouth of an 81-year-old man who thought he had something to say, forgets what it was, fills the awkward void with jumbled words at hand while he tries to remember, then gives up and says, "Anyway."

Many of us have sadly witnessed this aberrant, incurable behavior in beloved relatives of an advanced age.

But Joe Biden is the commander in chief. He sets a new record for oldest president every day in office. And he claims to be seeking 1,440 more days there until he's 86.

Just seven months out from the 2024 voters' verdict, Biden now holds historically bad job approval ratings. And his vice presidential partner is worse.

The unidentified "they" that Biden claims tell him what to do are no doubt attempting anything they can to patch the obvious gaps. One tactic is releasing statements identified as the actual words of Joe Biden, anything to insert him into the information flow without risking new gaffes for sympathetic liberals to ignore.

But these statements are proving embarrassing, too. That's what this week's audio commentary discusses.

This past week, I wrote another in the ongoing series of personal Memory posts outside the paywall that got a large response. Here it is ICYMI: Things My Father Said: 'Here, It's Not Loaded'.

This week's Sunday column examines a little-discussed observation: how long it's been since Americans had a president they sincerely liked. And the unexpected reasons behind that.

Feel free to add your observations on those posts in the Comments below or on the individual posts themselves.

The most recent audio commentary took apart Joe Biden's phony campaign attempt to appear tough on China after three years of sucking up to Beijing's leader, Xi Jinping. And it detailed Suspicious Activity Reports by Biden's own Treasury Department about millions of dollars in foreign financial transfers from China into accounts of shell companies organized by the Biden family.

Nothing to see here, folks. Just move right along.

Independents Swing Toward Trump for the First Time In Over Four Years

For the first time in four years, Independent voters swung toward former President Donald Trump, spelling massive bad news for President Joe Biden’s 2024 re-election chances.  

According to a recent NPR/ Marist poll, Independent voters suggested they would cast their ballots for Trump over Biden by a sweeping 28 points. 

In 2020, 57 percent of Independent voters supported Biden, while only 36 percent chose Trump. 

Flash forward for years, 52 percent indicate they will cast their vote for Trump in 2024, while just 45 percent support Biden. 

Biden’s approval rating among Independents also declined by 12 points, while Trump gained 16 points among the party. 

A previous poll, conducted by Messenger/Harris, also found that Independent voters are beginning to shift away from the president. 

Forty-six percent of voters suggested they would support Trump, while only 35 percent said they would vote for Trump if they were the only two candidates on the ballot. 

However, with a third-party choice on the ballot, the poll found that Trump still came out on top with 40 percent of the vote. 

Biden had 37 percent and Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had just 11 percent. 

In addition, a Wall Street Journal poll released this week found that Trump leads Biden in six of the seven top swing states, including Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan, North Carolina, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Georgia. 

“Overall, the poll shows substantial unhappiness with Biden among voters who will have the most influence in the outcome of the election, as expanded one-party dominance in states has left just a few as politically competitive,” the outlet noted. 

The majority of the voters cited Biden’s reckless immigration policies and disastrous economy as top concerns when deciding who to cast their ballot for. 

A March YouGov poll found that 59 percent disapproved of Biden’s border policies and 51 percent disapproved of his economy. 

Biden's Latest Strategic Petroleum Reserve Failure Shows Just How Bad His Policies Are Versus Trump's

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

One of the problems with Joe Biden is that he doesn't make decisions that are in the best interests of the American people and the country. His decisions seem based on what someone thinks will help him or benefit Democrats politically. 

As we previously reported, Joe Biden robbed the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to try to help bring gas prices down before the 2022 election. Now if he had been supportive of American fossil fuels and ensuring our own energy independence, he likely wouldn't have been faced with the higher prices  But then he robbed the storehouse in order to help the Democrats' chances in 2022. 

Biden Loses It When Asked About Political Nature of Latest SPR Oil Release

Biden claimed when he took from the SPR that he had a "plan" to refill it. But Joe being Joe, you had to know that wasn't going to go well. 

Now the word is that he's canceled the latest plan to refill the SPR because of the high prices.

The Biden administration has a target to buy oil at $79 or lower to refill the reserve, though spent an average of about $81 a barrel in its latest purchase of 2.8 million barrels late last month.

The price now is $85. It was fully predictable that it was going to go up after they drained it but they didn't care. Notice there that they're already buying it at a higher price of $81. That's how their "plan" is going. 

Not only are they paying more after they drained it, but they left it at its lowest point in 40 years, endangering our security for political reasons. It currently holds about 363 million barrels, down almost 600 million from the beginning of 2022. 

This was what it looked like under Biden in October 2022. 

By comparison, Trump encouraged our energy independence and didn't attack fossil fuels. He had a plan to fill the SPR by purchasing 77 million barrels at $24 a barrel. But Democrats in Congress blocked it, calling it a "bailout" for the oil industry. And Trump wanted to fill it to ensure our security, not empty it to help himself politically. The Biden team was asked about that, and said it wasn't necessary when Trump proposed it. 

Now Biden is paying $81 a barrel. 

Talk about an excellent example of how bad Biden is, and how much better Trump is on virtually every important issue for the health of our country.