Sunday, March 31, 2024

Stop Driving a Harmful Wedge Between Parents and Emotionally Vulnerable Children

“Do you want a dead daughter or a live son?” This question, which is really a threat, is the central tenet of the campaign forcing gender theology on parents. With activists crafting policiesstudies, and legislation based on the lie that affirming a person’s biological sex is negligent and emotionally abusive, many parents are struggling to protect their emotionally vulnerable children from suicidal ideation encouraged by gender ideologues and physical harm caused by medical providers.

Far too many educators are eager to push gender myths and suicide-focused slogans on children. Over half of Democratic teachers (but only 5 percent of Republican teachers) and 45 percent of high school teachers want students to be taught that whether someone is a boy or a girl is not determined by biological sex, according to a recent Pew Research Center survey of 2,531 public K-12 teachers. One-third of public school teachers support banning parents from opting out of gender ideology lessons.

The same people who teach children that they can be a “boy, girl, both, or neither” have ushered in a new era that cuts parents out of critical decision-making regarding their children, justifying their actions as the only option to keep the gender-confused child “safe” from parents who may not immediately and enthusiastically “affirm” a new gender identity. They’re wrong. It is well documented that close and positive relationships between children and parents promote mental well-being and protect against suicide. Educators and activists are actually increasing the mental distress and suicidality of at-risk youth by driving a painful wedge between parents and children. They are guilty of the very thing they accuse "non-affirming" parents of doing.

School district policies drafted by activist organizations such as GLAAD, the Human Rights Campaign, and PFLAG cruelly cut out parents by requiring secretive Gender Support Plans to be developed as soon as a child chooses a new gender identity. The school codifies the child’s new name and pronouns, and determines the bathrooms, locker rooms, and sleeping arrangements for overnight trips the child will use. If the student indicates that her parents don’t believe her when she says that she is now a boy—or gender fluid or non-binary—then the plan instructs school staff to actively hide the new name and identity from the parents. The other students at the school are required to comply with the Gender Support Plan, and the entire school community is united against the parents as the school staff secretly push the child down a path of social and likely medical transition.

Parents are shoved aside by arrogant school staff with “I’m your mom now” posters hanging on their classroom doors and the full power of the education bureaucracy behind them. Will any of the staff who have huddled with students to craft Gender Support Plans be involved in that child’s life beyond that school year? Do the school staff members know the child’s likely complex emotional, behavioral, and developmental history? Will they be a loving, consistent, and active presence in her life forever?

The answers to those questions are, of course, no. 

Parents who are not caught up in the gender ideology social contagion know that children who threaten suicide are not born in the wrong body, and that a risky regimen of puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries won’t bring children the peace and joy they desperately crave. A child who threatens suicide requires love, kindness, and therapy to address underlying struggles, not sterilization.

The children caught up in the social contagion of gender ideology often have underlying conditions, including ADHD or autism spectrum, which are associated with lagging social skills, obsessive rumination, depression, and anxiety. Both studies and the stories shared by a growing number of detransitioners reveal a tendency to self-harm and suffer from eating disorders. Life has been hard for these highly sensitive and intense young people, and they’re understandably seeking relief.

Rather than assuring emotionally vulnerable children that no one is born in the “wrong” body, schools and many therapists choose to parrot activist slogans instead. Children are told that anyone who doesn’t immediately and fully embrace their new identity hates them. Most perniciously, children receive a steady drumbeat of messages focused on suicide and death. These slogans are repeated in GSA (gender sexuality clubs) meetings and materials created by organizations like Queer Kids, Advocates for Youth, and, of course, Planned Parenthood, an organization that profits from this ideology by doling out cross-sex hormones at clinics across the country.

These suicide slogans are used like a giant switch that turns off critical thinking and forbids even gentle questioning.

Activists and misguided school staff who have carelessly embraced the gender gospel must stop making these vulnerable students’ lives harder. It’s time to stop cruelly manipulating children with cult-like slogans. It’s time to stop driving a wedge between parents and their vulnerable children. Our society must support parents, protect children, and keep families intact by ending destructive Gender Support Plans and turning away from propaganda centered around suicide threats.

X22, And we Know, and more- March 31 (Easter ✝)


Happy Easter! Hopefully despite the trolling going on earlier today, you had a peaceful day.

Victoria Nuland - A History of Evil ...


Why Victoria Nuland Is Dangerous and Should Not Be Confirmed

Victoria Nuland exemplifies the neocons who have led US foreign policy from one disaster to another for the past 30 years while evading accountability. It is a bad sign that President Joe Biden has nominated Victoria Nuland for the third highest position at the State Department, Under Secretary for Political Affairs.

As a top-level appointee, Victoria Nuland must be confirmed by the US Senate. There is a campaign to Stop her confirmation. The following review of her work shows why Victoria Nuland is incompetent, highly dangerous and should not be confirmed. 

Afghanistan and Iraq

From 2000 to 2003, Nuland was US permanent representative to NATO as the Bush administration attacked then invaded Afghanistan. The Afghan government offered to work with the US remove Al Qaeda, but this was rejected. After Al Qaeda was defeated, the US could have left Afghanistan but instead stayed, established semi-permanent bases, split the country, and is still fighting there two decades later.

From 2003 to 2005 Nuland was principal foreign policy advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney who “helped plan and manage the war that toppled Saddam Hussein, including making Bush administration’s case for preemptive military actions based on Iraq’s alleged weapons of mass destruction.” The foreign policy establishment, with Nuland on the far right, believed that removing Saddam Hussein and installing a US “ally” would be simple.

Victoria Nuland has promoted a foreign policy of intervention through coups, proxy wars, aggression, and ongoing occupations.

The invasion and continuing occupation have resulted in over a million dead Iraqis, many thousands of dead Americans, hundreds of thousands with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder at a cost of 2 to 6 TRILLION dollars.

From 2005 to 2008 Victoria Nuland was US Ambassador to NATO where her role was to “strengthen Allied support” for the occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq.

On the 10th anniversary of the invasion, when asked about the lessons learned Nuland responded:

"Compared to where we were in the Saddam era, we now have a bilateral security agreement … We have deep economic interests and ties. We have a security relationship. We have a political relationship.” Nuland is oblivious to the costs. Nuland’s loyalties are to the elite who have benefitted from the tragedy. According to online google, “One of the top profiteers from the Iraq War was oil field services corporation, Halliburton. Halliburton gained $39.5 billion in ‘federal contracts related to the Iraq war.’

Nuland’s boss, Vice President Dick Cheney, was the former the CEO of Halliburton.

In January 2020, seventeen years after the US invasion, the Iraqi parliament passed a resolution demanding the US troops and contractors leave. Now, over one year later, they still have not left.


In spring 2011, Victoria Nuland became State Department spokesperson under Hillary Clinton as she ramped up the “regime change” assault on Moammar Ghaddafi of Libya. UN Security Council resolution 1973 authorized a “No Fly Zone” for the protection of civilians but NOT an air assault on Libyan government forces. 

That summer, as US and others bombed and attacked Libyan forces, she dismissed the option of a peaceful transition in Libya and falsely suggested the UN Security Council required the removal of Ghaddafi.

The campaign led to the toppling of the Libyan government and killing of Ghadaffy. Commenting on the murder and bayonet sodomizing of Ghaddafi, Nuland’s boss Hillary Clinton chortled “We came, we saw, he died.” 

Before the overthrow, Libya had the highest standard of living in all of Africa. Since the US led assault, Libya has become a failed state with competing warlords, huge inflation, huge unemployment, and exploding extremism and violence that has spread to neighboring countries. Most of the migrants who have crossed the Mediterranean trying to reach Europe, or drowned trying to, are coming from Libya. By any measure, the goal of “protecting” Libyan civilians has failed spectacularly.


One reason that Clinton and hawks such as Nuland wanted to overthrow Ghaddafi was to get access to the Libyan military arsenal. That way they could funnel arms to insurgents seeking to overthrow the Syrian government. This was confirmed in secret DOD documents which state:

During the immediate aftermath of, and following the uncertainty caused by, the downfall of the ((Qaddafi)) regime in October 2011 and up until early September of 2012, weapons from the former Libya military stockpiles located in Benghazi, Libya were shipped from the port of Benghazi, Libya to the ports of Banias and the Port of Borj Islam, Syria”

In January 2012, Nuland claimed the US is “on the side of those wanting peaceful change in Syria.” While saying this, the US was supplying sniper rifles, rocket propelled grenades, and 125 mm and 155 mm howitzer missiles to the “peaceful” protestors.

The US “regime change” strategy for Syria followed the pattern of Libya. First, claim that the protestors are peaceful. Then claim the government response is disproportionate. Put pressure on the target government to paralyze it, while increasing support to proxy protesters and terrorists. As documented, there were violent Syrian protesters from the start. During the first days of protest in Deraa in mid-March 2011, seven police were killed. As spokesperson for the State Department, Nuland was a major figure promoting the false narrative to justify the “regime change” campaign.


In September 2013 Victoria Nuland was appointed Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. The uprising in the central plaza known as the Maidan began soon after her arrival. To underscore the US support for the protests, Nuland and Senator John McCain passed out bread and cookies to the crowd.

Protests continued into January 2014. The immediate issue was whether to accept a loan from the International Monetary Fund which was going to require a 40% increase in natural gas bills or to accept a loan from Russia with the inclusion of cheap oil and gas. The opposition wanted the Yanukovych government to take the EU/IMF loan. The opposition was comprised of different factions, including the neo-Nazi Svoboda Party and Right Sector.

In early February 2014, an audio recording of Victoria Nuland talking the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, was leaked to the public. The 4-minute conversation was a media sensation because it included Victoria Nuland saying, “Fuck the EU.”.

But Nuland’s cursing was a distraction from what was truly significant. The recording showed that Nuland was meddling in domestic Ukraine affairs, had direct contacts with key opposition leaders, and was managing the protests to the extent she was deciding who would and would not be in the post-coup government! She says, “I don’t think Klitsch [Vitaly Klitschko] should go into government…… I think Yats [Arseniy Yatseniuk] is the guy… “  The reason she wanted to “Fuck the EU” was because she did not approve the EU negotiations and compromise. Nuland and Pyatt wanted to “midwife” and “glue” the toppling of the Yanukovych government despite it being in power after an election that was observed and substantially approved by the OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe).

Over the next few weeks, the protests escalated. The President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Kiev, Bernard Casey, described what happened next. “On February 18-20, snipers massacred about 100 people [both protestors and police] on the Maidan …. Although the US Ambassador and the opposition blamed the Yanukovych Administration, the evidence points to the shots coming from a hotel controlled by the ultranationalists, and the ballistics revealed that the protestors and the police were all shot with the same weapons.”

The Estonian Foreign Minister later said the same thing: “behind the snipers it was not Yanukovych, but it was somebody from the new (opposition) coalition”.

President of the American Chamber of Commerce President for Ukraine, Bernard Casey, continues: “On February 20, 2014 an EU delegation moderated negotiations between President Yanukovych and the protestors, agreeing to early elections – in May 2014 instead of February 2015…. Despite the signing of an agreement … the ultranationalist protestors, and their American sponsors, rejected it, and stepped up their campaign of violence.” 

The coup was finalized over the coming days. Yanukovych fled to for his life and Yatsenyuk became President after the coup as planned.

One of the first acts of the coup leadership was to remove Russian as an official state language, even though it is the first language of millions of Ukrainians, especially in the south and east. Over the coming period, the “birth” of the coup government, violence by ultranationalists and neo-Nazis was prevalent. In Odessa, they attacked people peacefully protesting the coup. This video shows the sequence of events with the initial attack followed by fire-bombing the building where protestors had retreated. Fire trucks were prevented from reaching the building to put out the fire and rescue citizens inside. Forty-two people died and a 100 were injured.

A bus convoy heading back to Crimea was attacked with the anti-coup passengers beaten and some killed.

In the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine, protests against the coup were met by deadly force.

Victoria Nuland claims to be a “victim” because her conversation was leaked publicly. The real victims are the many thousands of Ukrainians who have died and hundreds of thousands who have become refugees because of Nuland’s crusade to bring Ukraine into NATO.

The audio recording confirms that Nuland was managing the protests at a top level and the results (Yats is the guy) was as planned. Thus, it is probable that Nuland approved the decision to 1) deploy snipers to escalate the crisis and 2) overturn the EU mediated agreement which would have led to elections in just 3 months.

Why were snipers deployed on February 18? Probably because time was running out. The Russian leadership was distracted with the Sochi Olympic Games ending on February 23. Perhaps the coup managers were in a hurry to “glue” it in advance. 


During the 1990’s, Nuland worked for the State Department on Russia related issues including a stint as deputy director for former Soviet Union affairs. The US meddled in Russian internal affairs in myriad ways. Time magazine proudly proclaimed “Yanks to the rescue: the secret story of how American advisors helped Yeltsin win.” The Yeltsin leadership and policies pushed by the US had disastrous consequences. Between 1991 and 1999, Russian Gross Domestic Product decreased by nearly 50% as the social safety net was removed. The Russian economy collapsed, oligarchs and lawlessness arose. Nuland was part of the US group meddling in Russia, deploying economic “shock therapy” and causing widespread social despair. 

Meanwhile, the U.S. reneged on promises to Soviet leader Gorbachev that NATO would not expand “one inch” eastward. Instead, NATO became an offensive pact, bombing Yugoslavia in violation of international law and then absorbing Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, the Baltic states, the Czech Republic, Albania, Croatia and more.

Coming into power in 2000, Putin clamped down on the oligarchs, restored order and started rebuilding the economy. Oligarchs were forced to pay taxes and start investing in productive enterprises. The economy and confidence were restored. Over seven years, GDP went from $1300 billion (US dollars) to $2300 billion. That is why Putin’s public approval rating has been consistently high, ranging between 85% and a “low” approval rating of 60%.

Most Americans are unaware of these facts. Instead, Putin and Russia are persistently demonized. This has been convenient for the Democratic Party establishment which needed a distraction for their dirty tricks against Bernie Sanders and subsequent loss to Donald Trump. The demonization of Russia is also especially useful and profitable for the military industrial media complex. 

Victoria Nuland boosted the “Steele Dossier” which alleged collaboration between Russia and Trump and other salacious claims. The allegations filled the media and poisoned attitudes to Russia. Belatedly, the truth about the “Steele Dossier” is coming out. Last summer the Wall Street Journal reported “the bureau (FBI) knew the Russia info was phony in 2017” and that “There was no factual basis to the dossier’s claims”.

While promoting disinformation, Victoria Nuland is pushing for a more aggressive US foreign policy. In an article titled “Pinning Down Putin”, she says “Russia’s threat to the liberal world has grown”, that Washington should “deter and roll back dangerous behavior by the Kremlin” and “rebuff Russian encroachments in hot spots around the world.”

The major “hot spots” are the conflicts which Victoria Nuland and other Washington neocons promoted, especially Syria and Ukraine. In Syria, the US and allies have spent hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars promoting the overthrow of the Assad government. So far, they have failed but have not given up. The facts are clear: US troops and military bases in Syria do not have the authorization of the Syrian government. They are actively stealing the precious oil resources of the Syrian state. It is the US not Russia that is “encroaching”. The dangerous behavior is by Washington not Moscow. 


Victoria Nuland has promoted a foreign policy of intervention through coups, proxy wars, aggression, and ongoing occupations. The policy has been implemented with bloody and disastrous results in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine.

With consummate hypocrisy she accuses Russia of spreading misinformation in the US, while she openly seeks to put “stress on Putin where he is vulnerable, including among his own citizens.” She wants to “establish permanent bases along NATO’s eastern border and increase the pace and visibility of joint training exercises.”

Victoria Nuland is the queen of chicken hawks, the Lady Macbeth of perpetual war. There are hundreds of thousands of victims from the policies she has promoted. Yet she has not received a scratch. On the contrary, Victoria Nuland probably has profited from a stock portfolio filled with military contractors.


Now Victoria Nuland wants to provoke, threaten and “rollback” Russia. A quick look at a map of US military bases shows who is threatening whom.

Victoria Nuland is highly dangerous and should not be confirmed.

Rick Sterling

  • Bureaucrats Control the Show

    Bureaus and agencies administer the laws and regulations passed by Congress. They also administer executive orders issued by the President. They were created out of necessity. No one man or woman can effectively oversee the daily control necessary to ensure the laws and rules are carried out. The people that manage these departments are not elected. They have been hired based on experience or favoritism. They have been appointed based on nepotism or party affiliation. In most cases the actual controlling management have been on the job for a long period of time. They are skilled at managing and manipulating the established system as well as maintaining a protective shield against political climate change. They know which way the wind blows.

    As a result of the embedded bureaucratic structure, elected officials such as congressmen, governors, mayors, and even presidents are at the mercy of those who run and control these bureaus and agencies. Presidential appointments, especially at the cabinet and department head levels are merely figureheads. They generally have no understanding of system processes or managerial requirements in the department they are appointed to. The departments are so large even someone with strong administrative skills will flounder in their attempt to control. They need to rely on those bureaucrats with well-established experience on the job, to tell them the truth and to push through the decisions made by the President. Congressmen pass laws, but few if any are involved in the administration of the laws and are generally oblivious to many bureaucratic regulations that are enacted to support a law. Good intentions of a law that is passed are many times thwarted by unforeseen regulations that cause more harm than good.

    The Civil Service Act of 1883 provided protection for non-elected federal employees. It is nearly impossible to fire a federal employee. Egregious infractions are generally dealt with by reassignment or demotion. Once a bureaucrat is well established then agency politics and occasionally merit are the means used for promotion, influence and pay increases. It is these well-established mid-level and senior management bureaucrats that direct or deflect based on the political climate of the day.

    Probably the biggest obstacle that a President has in implementing his agenda is dealing with the government bureaucracy. Just ask Donald Trump. The so called “Swamp” consists of bureaucrat seepage into every aspect of government administration with political snakes guarding their territory with hubris and avarice. They are capable of delay, obfuscation, deceit, and denial.  Redaction is a well-used method of bureaucrats. Classifying documents that have little reason for classification is a popular agency stall. Political pushback and insider bribery are commonplace. And for those that think only congressman are influenced by lobbyists, think again. Bureaucrats are common recipients of the largess offered by lobbyists. There is no reporting requirement for non-elected bureaucrats. Influential bureaucrats have significant power over congressional neophytes and seasoned dealmakers. They know how to get “things” through the system. Just tell them what you want. They’ll tell you what they need and the dance begins. New laws create new regulations which create new administration functions. Bureaucracy expands with more influence and power.

    Bureaucrats are well skilled in stonewalling. If you happen to watch any congressional hearings you see how effective bureaucrats are in delaying or denying requests for information. Methods, such as, “that information is classified,” or “we will get back to you with that information,” or “that is not in my purview,” or a frequently used “I am not aware therefore, I don’t know,” are used to prevent any further investigation that might expose incompetence or deceit. These methods are used by mid-level and senior managers as well as department or agency leaders. Although many congressmen grow frustrated with the lack of answers and cooperation, the end result is that they have no recourse against this obfuscation. Even with subpoena power they do not have the ability to press charges against the bureaucrat. Impeaching a department head, as they are trying to do with Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, turns the whole matter into a political issue where the stonewalling is exacerbated.

    Many agency and department heads are only the caretakers of the narrative of the political power that is in office. Managing the productivity and changing the systemic procedures of the agency are beyond their skill level. When you see current cabinet heads such as Mayorkas, Pete Buttigieg, Jennifer Granholm, Merrick Garland, and Lloyd Austin, to name a few, they clearly are not experienced administrators, but are highly skilled in providing information that enhances the narrative and political purpose of the party in power. There is no effort to improve or streamline the bureaucracy because that would decrease the power that they covet.

    There is no easy solution to curbing the influence of the bureaucracy in our government. The power that these non-elected individuals have is enormous. We need answers and accountability concerning decisions that have been made. Who decided to leave billions of dollars of military equipment behind in Afghanistan? Who decided not to require accountability of all the foreign aid given to fight the Ukrainian war? Who decided to allow our borders to become sieves? Who decided to allow our country’s debt to run amuck? Who decided to pay illegals’ room, board, and travel with taxpayer dollars? The easy answer is Biden. The real answer is the bureaucrats who control the speed and implementation, the process and the procedures, the money flow and the personnel. The decisions and the advice given by the bureaucrats to the “so-called” leadership control what happens, when it happens, and if it happens.

    Under our constitutional form of government, the only way to correct this problem is for the people to demand and insist that Congress pass laws that give them the power to overhaul the existence and the operations of these agencies. Begin the process of requiring them to operate as businesses do. Budgeting, administration, productivity, and accountability determine the effectiveness and worth of an agency’s existence. We always say that this country is run by the people, not the politicians. We elect our representatives. We don’t elect the bureaucrats who control the politicians. The power our current system gives to these non-elected governmental oligarchs must be taken away from them and given back to the people. Until then, we are at the mercy of this power-elite cabal.

    Political Games in Washington Have Serious Consequences

    Let’s be honest: our world is going to Hell in a handbasket.

    Prices for food and energy are on the rise, families cannot afford to buy a home, and the political games we see in Washington have only gotten worse. Unfortunately, those political games have serious consequences. It is clear that Joe Biden is not up to the job as commander-in-chief. Irresponsible Biden and Democratic rubber stamps that prop him up like Jacky Rosen have weakened our country. We are seeing the damaging and heartbreaking effects play out in real time. The result is a house divided that cannot stand.

    As a 20-year Air Force veteran, it is infuriating and painful to watch as a single administration destroys the American Dream and our standing on the world stage in real-time. Abject failures around the world have invited America’s enemies to take advantage of us and our biggest allies, and their assessment has been proven correct by Joe Biden. Biden has failed time and time again to stand firm against our enemies.

    It has been over two years since the president’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, and I am still beyond angry over our fallen troops and chaos caused. Biden’s mismanaged abandonment prompted an immediate regime change by the very terrorist organization that the U.S. had been trying to dismantle for the last 20 years. It set the stage for our adversaries to act upon, fueling three years of international turmoil that otherwise would have ceased to exist. It didn’t have to be this way, but Biden’s need for political symbolism cost American lives. His reckless abandonment of Afghanistan endangered our friends on the ground who were instrumental in assisting our military forces there for decades.

    Since then, Biden’s weakness has continued. Failure by the Biden administration and the inaction taken by his liberal lackeys bolstered Russia’s comfort on the world stage. It prompted Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, resulting in over 31,000 Ukrainian deaths. That invasion, unfortunately, carries on to today.

    In my military career, I oversaw B-2 bomber test programs and advised our intelligence leaders from the Pentagon. I have seen firsthand the importance of America promoting peace through strength and capability rather than kowtow to foreign interests. I grew up across the world, living in Africa and graduating high school in Bangkok, Thailand. I have seen the effects of communism and oppressive regimes firsthand. It is now more important than ever for our great nation to lead with strength and our American ideals than ever before.

    This month, during Biden’s State of the Union Address, the President gave a blatantly partisan speech attacking his political opponents rather than presenting a clear, strong vision for our country moving forward. Most notably, Biden used his speech as an opportunity to criticize Israel and its leaders in a now infamous hot mic moment. Biden went after one of our most critical allies, saying that he and Israel’s Prime Minister will need to have a “come to Jesus meeting.” This comes as Israel fights for its survival against a terrorist regime that’s goal is to eliminate every Jewish person worldwide, including American Jews. The President’s initial stance in support of Israel after the attacks quickly withered under pressure from Democrats, advocating for support for Hamas.

    Rather than standing firm in his beliefs of good and evil, Biden opted out of morality and into social progressivism, now demanding that our long-time ally stop fighting for their survival against a terrorist organization that committed the most significant attack on Israelis since the Holocaust.

    Americans deserve strength and resolve on the international stage. Joe Biden has been an elected official for over 40 years but even his old boss, Barack Obama, knows “Joe’s ability to f*** things up.” I have risked my life proudly serving my country and have seen the lasting effects of a weak and corrupt government. Americans should feel secure under a strong administration that projects strength and resolve.

    I’m not a politician. I’m just a guy who sees a problem and wants to fix it the best way I know how. I served my country proudly for 20 years and am ready to step up and serve again. The job of the Senate is to be a check on the presidency. Clearly, Joe Biden needs a power check from a veteran who knows what it means to keep America strong and secure.

    Why Victoria Nuland Should Not Be Missed

    In the 60-minute news cycle that has become the world in which we now find ourselves, it’s easy to get distracted from developments that could lead to far greater adverse consequences than most Americans yet fully realize … much less, completely appreciate.

    To be sure, the invasion at our border, the corruption of both our government institutions and schools, the decay of our nation’s morality, the impending bankruptcy of our country due to a soaring national debt, and the uncertainty surrounding our upcoming election this November are all most certainly important matters deserving of our attention.

    But, at the end of the day, will any of these issues really matter very much if WWIII erupts into a realm that could very well quickly become nuclear?

    That is why our attention now is better directed at doing anything we can to avoid the Biden administration’s further corrosion of what remains of our fragile relationship with the Russian people.

    That is, if we may still want to have any hope of averting our mutual destruction.

    Whatever anyone here in America may think of Putin, about one thing we can probably all agree: he is not a man known for bending a knee to his adversaries  … which is putting it mildly.

    So, when he broadcasts to the world that all the perpetrators identified to be involved in last week’s terrorist attack in Moscow will be punished… we must assume he means it.  Which, of course, should leave any reasonable person to ask: who is it exactly that Putin is likely to blame for the massacre and how exactly does he intend to punish them?

    To address the first of these two issues, the American people are urged to listen to the video of Victoria Nuland below, excerpted from a speech she gave at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) concurrently with her resignation from the State Department; this was less than one month before the terrorist attack last week at the Crocus City Hall in Moscow.

    Especially important, so far as Putin and perhaps others in his government may be concerned, is the part where she smugly advises her audience with a smirk on her face that America’s funding of Ukraine will — to her evident glee — accelerate “asymmetric warfare” that will ensure that Putin faces some ‘nasty surprises’ on the battlefield this year.”

    Of course, by asymmetric warfare she is referring to a form of irregular warfare — i.e. conflicts in which enemy combatants are not regular military forces of a nation-state… like America.

    In other words, it is warfare engaged in by a country — like ours — using terrorists similar to those miscreants involved in the recent attack on innocent Moscow civilians that occurred just days following Ms. Nuland’s thinly veiled threat issued to Mr.  Putin.

    Based on the foregoing, about certain matters with respect to Putin there can be no doubt: (i) last week’s attack in Moscow was a “nasty surprise” that he will not soon get over; (ii) he is aware of Nuland’s speech in which she bragged about such events being funded (and planned?) by America; and (iii) some form of harsh retribution against those he ultimately determines are responsible for that attack will be forthcoming.

    All of which brings us around to what should be concerning us all.

    According to The Economist, Putin’s investigation of the Moscow tragedy has now led him to conclude that Ms. Nuland wasn’t just spewing hot air, nor was she working alone… but with all who until recently served at her behest in our intelligence agencies.

    In short, his finger is now pointing at the intelligence agencies of both Ukraine and America.

    From all of this, the truly sad part is it doesn’t really matter at this point whether or not Putin is correct in his assessment.

    It only matters if he thinks he has identified these culprits accurately!

    Which, in turn, should be causing our “leaders” in the White House — not to mention the rest of all of us out here in America — to be asking one question: What “nasty surprises” for America might Putin have in store for us that we may not be able to either fully appreciate or adequately anticipate?

    And that is where we find ourselves today on the world’s stage.

    Ms. Nuland… do you really think we should thank you for all you and your ilk within the Biden administration have done to create this fine mess in which we now find ourselves?

    Please, don’t hold your breath.

    Perhaps you will enjoy your retirement, but be forewarned.  Just as pride is known to go before a fall, your arrogance could very well be a foretelling of your personal untimely demise at the hands of a man like Putin.  Although we pray this would never happen, we must also acknowledge that the possibility exists.  Putin, after all, is known to be a man with a powerful reach that on a number of prior occasions has proven to be both long… and frequently fatal.

    And with respect to the rest of us out here in America, just know that you and the Biden State Department you claimed to represent but a few short weeks ago have left us just hoping that, if you do find yourself having to take a fall, we won’t have to be taken down with you.

    That said, please do not be offended if we don’t thank you for leaving us behind to live in these scary times… that are of your making and, for which… you will not be missed.

    That is, if once this drama you have helped create all plays out there are any of us left around to be missing anybody.

    Climate Change, Guyana -VS- The BBC

    Guyana President Dr. Irfaan Ali sat down with BBC narrative engineer Stephen Sackur, host of BBC’s HardTALK, to talk about Guyana’s vast offshore oil and gas reserves and how it is transforming their national economy.

    The BBC production crew came with an intent to confront President Ali about climate change and the unwillingness of the emerging nation to adhere to the dictatorial fiats of the Western world. BBC arrived fully immersed in the climate change agenda, with a narrative that stands aghast at the nerve of another nation to look out for the best economic interests of their citizens.

    President Ali was not going to allow the BBC to avoid the hypocrisy within their position and he fired back brilliantly. WATCH (prompted):

    Pretending leftists wonder why the world is cleaving.  Then again, in order to advance their insane ideology, the progressive left must always pretend not to know things.  The BBC narrative engineer is a case study in this pretense.

    An entire generation within the walled and occupied West have been indoctrinated to believe in the cult of climate change.  As the same ‘Western world’ loses a grip on their historic influence, the global cleaving does not come as a surprise.

    People have asked me about the origin of the CBDC planning, the motive for the master design of the WEF and Western financial and corporate world.  Why would they need to wall-off the West through banking, finance and economics?

    The answer really does boil down to diminished influence and fear.  The need for control is a reaction to fear.

    In very real and practical terms, can we stop China from taking Taiwan? No.

    Can we really stop Russia from taking eastern Ukraine? No.

    Think logically.

    In the chase for corporate profits, multinational financial gains and enrichment of the coffers, the USA and proverbial West deindustrialized. We outsourced our manufacturing to foreign nations.  Those same multinational institutions, and the politicians they control, are now facing the consequences of their greed.

    ♦ Diminished influence.

    Do we really expect China to provide the rolled steel for a war against them over Taiwan?

    Do we really expect China to provide the microchips, material and elements needed for use in missiles, weapons or war material, if we make them our enemy?

    Do we really expect the softened and complacent youth citizens, created purposefully to benefit a “service driven economy” from within the USA and West, to sign up for the meat grinder of yet another bankers’ war?  Of course not.

    None of this aforementioned action would ever happen.  That’s the pragmatic reality that everyone pretends not to know.

    The Western global alliance has diminished its usefulness, exploited its leverage, and expended all of its effort in the chase for corporate profit and greed.  The grey zone influence is rising, an inflection point is upon us, and new global alliances are being formed – example BRICS+.

    Against this backdrop, the WEF/Western corporate world is seeking to squeeze (and control) the remaining wealth from a loin cloth that is increasingly drying.

    Their previous acceptance phase led to strategic planning.  The powers that control the mechanisms of Western wealth have constructed financial walls in order to preserve their own system of control.  That’s the big picture origin of the dollar-based central bank digital currency.

    They are erecting walls and creating systems of compliance for financial engagement within a cleaved world.  A cleaving their globalist greed created.

    The financial cleaving creates a pipeline for money and transactions between the zones.  They will control the pipeline.  That’s the motive, and their mechanism to try and retain affluence (CBDC) against a backdrop of diminished global influence.

    The citizens within the WESTERN construct, are seemingly trapped inside this abusive relationship with an increasingly fascist government.  Note the COVID dictates.

    The peasants in Guyana are revolting