Thursday, March 14, 2024

The Plight of the Socially Superior

Imagine, if you will, that you are living in the Old South, prior to the Civil War.  Imagine too that you are a slave, living and working on a medium-size plantation whose cash crop is cotton.  And imagine that from time to time, you have personal interactions with the man who is the owner of the plantation and your slave master.

In these interactions, as in all human two-person interactions, each party hopes the other party will act in such a way to satisfy the wishes of the first party.  The master hopes you will please him, and you hope the master will please you, or at least not displease you.  And so each of you will try to shape the behavior of the other.

Now, it is relatively easy for the master to shape your behavior.  He has authority (an authority you, being a relatively well behaved slave who grew up on the plantation, acknowledge).  To back up that authority, if need be, he has the right to use force against you.  And so when he says, “Do this” or “Don’t do that,” you very probably obey.  Perhaps you don’t obey promptly, sluggishness being the slave’s way of protesting against his unfree condition, but you obey.  The master doesn’t have to waste time and energy persuading you — which in turn would mean that he’d have to study your mind and figure out what you would find persuasive.

You, by contrast, have no authority over him.  And you would not dare use force against him.  So if you are to shape his behavior, you will have to study his mind.  You will have to know what pleases him and what displeases him, and you’ll have to know what time and what place and what circumstances are best for persuading him to grant your wish or for dissuading him from laying some onerous burden on you. 

In the end, you, if your life is to be tolerable, will have to become something of an “expert” on your master’s mind, whereas he will have no need to become more than minimally familiar with your mind.

And so it is in all hierarchical organizations.  The person of superior rank need have little more than a slight understanding of the mind of subordinates, whereas subordinates must have a good understanding of the minds of their bosses.  Workers must understand bosses more than bosses understand workers.  Lieutenants must understand colonels better than colonels understand lieutenants.  Prisoners must understand guards better than the other way around.

It is this way even when social superiors and social inferiors interact outside a hierarchical organization, which is to say outside a command structure.  For instance, if I (an obscure person) happen to interact with a famous or important person, good manners dictate that I pay more attention to the celebrity’s feelings than vice versa.  I (Mr. Nobody) have to show more respect to, say, Meryl Streep than she has to show to me.  (This rule of good manners is often violated — but we all know what the rule is.  Even the boorish violator of the rule knows.)

Generally speaking, then, socially superior people don’t have to know much about the thoughts and feelings of socially inferior people, but social inferiors have to know something about the minds of social superiors. 

All of this leads me to point out a feature of present-day American politics. 

At this late date, it is generally understood that the fans of Donald Trump are, at least on average, though not in every case, socially inferior to the despisers of Donald Trump.  On average, Trump enthusiasts have less schooling than his despisers (who commonly have college degrees and graduate degrees), have smaller incomes, have fewer assets, have less prestigious occupations, reside in less desirable neighborhoods, drive cheaper cars, dine in cheaper restaurants, etc. 

Generally speaking, Trump-despisers look down upon Trump enthusiasts — and, it should be noted, Trump enthusiasts normally resent being looked down upon.

If the rule I described earlier (that socially superior people need know less about the minds of socially inferior people than vice versa) is true, Trump-despisers will have a poor understanding of the minds of Trump enthusiasts.  We see this illustrated almost every day.

  For instance, the despisers don’t seem to understand why the enthusiasts object to illegal immigration.  Instead of considering the possibility that this objection may arise from a genuine and quite rational wish to see the nation’s laws enforced, the despisers attribute the objection to racism.  Trump enthusiasts, the despisers believe, object to the “browning” of America; they would have no objection to millions of “undocumented” “immigrants” if the lawbreaking immigrants were white or if they came from “S-hole” white countries.  Only a racist would object if, let’s say, the entire population of Haiti were to move into Florida tomorrow.

Again, Trump-despisers find it difficult to understand why many Trump enthusiasts object to abortion.  It cannot possibly be because these objectors honestly believe that an unborn baby is a human being and that, therefore, to kill an unborn baby is to commit homicide.  “We don’t believe anything so silly as that,” say the despisers, “and therefore no rational person can believe it.”  What, then, is the motive driving pro-life people?  “That’s easy to explain,” the despisers tell us.  “It is a misogynistic desire to control women, to limit their freedom, to keep them subordinate to men.”  The despisers say this without pausing to note that the pro-life movement is predominantly led and staffed by women.

Finally, Trump-despisers seem unaware that Trump enthusiasts might resent being looked down upon by the despisers.  “Why should they resent being labeled racists and misogynists and fools?  These labels are true, aren’t they?  Why should anybody, except of course a semi-educated fool, object to the truth?”

X22, On the Fringe, and more- March 14


EXCLUSIVE: Female Athletes Sue NCAA Over Transgender Competitors in Sports

 I was racing Olympic gold medalists and I was changing in a storage closet. My privacy and safety were being violated in the locker room.’

Over a dozen female athletes are suing the National Collegiate Athletics Association for letting transgender athletes compete against them and use female locker rooms in college sports.

At the center of the class-action lawsuit is Lia Thomas, the trans athlete who dominated the 2022 NCAA Swimming Championships while a student at the University of Pennsylvania. The suit states that both the NCAA and Georgia Tech, which hosted the event, knowingly violated Title IX, the federal statute that guarantees equal opportunity for men and women in college education and sports.

The lawsuit, the first federal action of its kind, seeks to change the rules, rendering any biological males ineligible to compete against female athletes. It demands the NCAA revoke all awards given to trans athletes in women’s competitions and “reassign” them to their female contenders. It also asks for “damages for pain and suffering, mental and emotional distress, suffering and anxiety, expense costs and other damages due to defendants’ wrongful conduct.” 

In 2022, Thomas clinched the 500-yard freestyle title at the NCAA Division I Women’s Swimming and Diving Championships and was named All-American in all three events Thomas participated in. Thomas first competed for the University of Pennsylvania’s men’s swim team as a male from 2017 to 2020 but never reached the NCAA championships during that time. After two years on hormone therapy, Thomas switched to the women’s team, trouncing female competitors in both sprint and endurance races. 

Thomas’s switch to the team also meant a switch in the locker room. The lawsuit accuses the NCAA of “destroying female safe spaces in women’s locker rooms,” in a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. It claims the association allows “naked men possessing full male genitalia to disrobe in front of non-consenting college women” and creates “situations in which unwilling female college athletes unwittingly or reluctantly exposed their unclad bodies to males, subjecting women to a loss of their constitutional right to bodily privacy.” 

The Free Press sits down with plaintiffs Riley Gaines and Réka György:

Kylee Alons, a plaintiff in the suit who swam for North Carolina State, told The Free Press she was so uncomfortable knowing Thomas was using the women’s locker room at the championships that Alons started changing in a “dimly lit storage and utility closet” she found under the bleachers. 

“I was literally racing U.S. and Olympic gold medalists and I was changing in a storage closet at this elite-level meet,” Alons said. “I just felt that my privacy and safety were being violated in the locker room.”

Riley Gaines and Kaitlynn Wheeler, two more plaintiffs who both swam for the University of Kentucky, said they first discovered that Thomas, who is more than six feet tall, had access to the women’s locker room when Thomas walked past them as they changed into their racing suits. The suits are so tight they “require 15–20 minutes to put on,” the lawsuit states.

“While you’re doing this, you’re exposed,” Wheeler said. “You can’t stand there and hold a towel around you while putting the suit on at the same time.” 

“Never in my 18-year career had I seen a man changing in the locker rooms. I immediately felt the need to cover myself,” added Wheeler, who said she was exposed from the waist up at the time. “I could feel the discomfort of the other girls in there.” 

Another athlete, a plaintiff named in the suit as “Swimmer A,” took to changing into her suit in a bathroom stall because she “was shocked to see a naked Thomas 10 feet in front of her and a full frontal view of Thomas’s genitalia” when she first entered the locker room, the suit states. 

Along with Riley Gaines, the college swimmers who have joined the lawsuit as named plaintiffs include (from top, left to right): Kylee Alons, Katie Blankenship, Réka György, and Julianna Morrow; and (from bottom, left to right): Lily Mullens, Kate Pearson, Carter Satterfield, and Kaitlynn Wheeler. (Photos via NC State Swimming, Roanoke College Women’s Swimming, VA Tech Swimming and Diving, Kaitlyn Wheeler, University of KY Swimming and Diving)

The suit, organized by the Independent Council on Women’s Sports, also states that the NCAA’s decision to let Thomas compete against women is based on the “illegal premise” that “testosterone suppression and personal choice alone can make a male eligible to compete on a women’s sports team.” It says the association’s rules allow “men to compete on women’s teams with a testosterone level that is five times higher than the highest recorded testosterone level for elite female athletes.”


Males who have gone through puberty—even after undergoing hormone suppression treatment—retain a biological advantage over women “which no woman can achieve without doping,” says the suit, which was filed by 16 plaintiffs—including twelve swimmers, two track athletes, one tennis player, and one volleyball player. 

Riley Gaines, who famously tied with Thomas in the 200-yard freestyle final at the 2022 Championships, told The Free Press that by allowing biological males to compete against women, the NCCA “undermines everything that Title IX was created to protect.” 

“The NCAA’s most basic job is to protect the fairness and safety of competition,” she said, “but instead the NCAA has been and continues to openly discriminate against women.” 

She said it was a “betrayal” that the 2022 championships took place on the 50th anniversary of the passage of Title IX. “The NCAA was passing around shirts that said ‘50 years of Title IX’ and ‘50 years of creating opportunities for women,’ but these were the same people who were actively taking our opportunities away and telling us we weren’t worthy to be called champions, and instead this man, who merely says he is a woman, is.” 

“The irony, the hypocrisy would almost be comical,” Gaines added, “but there were real consequences to it that not only just affected me, but my teammates, my coaches, families, and future female athletes.” 

The lawsuit, which was filed in federal court in Georgia where the 2022 championships took place, could impact eligibility rules at all 1,100 colleges and universities represented by the NCAA, making it such that all athletes born as males would be barred from competing in women’s sports.

To win an All-American title at the championships, swimmers must post one of the 16 fastest times out of 30 competitors in the preliminary races or “heats” for their respective events. In 2022, Réka György placed 17th in the 500-yard freestyle race. Thomas went on to win the final of that event by a second and a half, beating three other women who were Olympic medalists.

“I was shocked,” said György, recounting the moment she sat on the bleachers and watched as Thomas touched the wall in the last heat, officially knocking her out of the final. “I stopped hearing voices and everything just went blank. One of my coaches told me he was sorry, and that’s when I started crying. I just broke down.” 

On the last day of the championships, György wrote a letter to an NCAA official that stated: “I’d like to point out that I respect and fully stand with Lia Thomas; I am convinced that she is no different than me or any other D1 swimmer who [w]as woken up at 5am her entire life for morning practice. 

She has sacrificed family vacations and holidays for a competition. She has pushed herself to the limit to be the best athlete she could be. She is doing what she is passionate about and deserves that right. On the other hand, I would like to critique the NCAA rules that allow her to compete against us, who are biologically women.”

György continued: “It feels like that final spot was taken away from [me] because of the NCAA’s decision to let someone who is not a biological female compete. . . . Every event that transgender athlete competed in was one spot taken away from biological females throughout the meet.” 

Lia Thomas after the preliminaries of the women’s 500-yard freestyle at the 2022 NCAA championships. (Photo by Mike Comer/NCAA Photos via Getty Images)

The letter was later released publicly and quickly went viral. György told The Free Press she was hit with a barrage of messages, including death threats, as a result. But she never heard back from any NCAA official regarding her letter. 

That’s why György has also joined the suit. “It has been two years and nothing happened,” she said. “When will we change things if it’s not now?” 

The suit says NCAA’s eligibility requirements are “dramatically out of step” with international standards. It claims the association’s rules on “Transgender Eligibility in Sport” rely on an “an outdated, non-peer reviewed, two-and-a-half-page statement issued by the participants in an International Olympic Committee (IOC) organized meeting in 2015,” which has since been replaced. 

Furthermore, it says the NCAA does not comply with the rules set by World Aquatics, the international governing body for swimming and diving, which bars any athlete who has experienced male puberty from competing in womens’ sports. 

Thomas is currently appealing to an international sport governing body in a bid to compete at the 2024 Olympics in Paris. Thomas argues that the World Aquatics’ rules, adopted in June 2022 after the 2022 NCAA Championships, which prohibit Thomas from participating, “are invalid and unlawful as they discriminate against her.” 

Some of the athletes expressed empathy for Thomas. “As an athlete, you know how much work you have to put in to swim fast or run fast or beat somebody in another race. And I respect that because Thomas did the same thing that we did. But when it comes to racing it’s just not the place that a male should be,” György said.

But most expressed frustration at Thomas’s participation in women’s sport. 

“I don’t know how he can be proud of himself for standing on top of the podium,” said Gaines, who does not use female pronouns for Thomas. 

Ultimately, Gaines concluded, “he was following the rules, which is why we’re challenging the rules. Because it is the rules that are the problem. Not Lia Thomas.” 

Tucker Carlson Interview with Rand Paul


The D.C. uniparty claims to be concerned about China’s influence over everyday American life. That's why its members say they want to ban TikTok. 

But is that their true motive? Establishment politicians have spent decades enabling the Chinese Communist Party to clench its fist around much of our country's most crucial resources, but now we're supposed to believe that they've suddenly decided to reserve course? 

In truth, by trying to ban TikTok, both Republicans and Democrats are endorsing government censorship and bureaucratic oversight over where Americans get their information. China is just their excuse for being able to do it. 

Senator Rand Paul is one of Washington's few leaders viewing this issue from a clear lens, and he joined today's Tucker Carlson Uncensored to explain why a TikTok ban would be yet another gross invasion of our freedoms. Click the image below to watch.

Rand Paul tells Tucker:

"I am no fan of Chinese communism, but at the same time, we can't sort of like, you know, emulate the Chinese to try to protect our way of life  [from] becoming like the Chinese in banning things. TikTok is banned in China. They don't have TikTok. They have a censored version in China that the Chinese government does control, but they don't control TikTok over here. If we ban TikTok, we're simply becoming and acting like the Chinese."

103-year-old Italian woman fined for driving with expired licence


Police in Italy have fined a 103-year-old woman who was caught driving an insured car at night with an expired driving licence.

Officers received a call at about 1am reporting a vehicle being driven dangerously in the centre of Bondeno, a town with about 13,000 inhabitants near Ferrara.

The officers dispatched to the scene in the northern Emilia Romagna region were “greatly surprised when they discovered the year of the driver’s birth”, according to a police report.

Giuseppina Molinari, known as Giose, was born in 1920. She had been driving to Bondeno to meet friends and “probably” got disoriented in the dark and lost her way, police said. 

Molinari’s licence expired two years ago. In Italy, drivers over 80 must undergo a medical exam every two years to renew their licence.

Molinari was fined and taken home by police.

“I will buy myself a Vespa,” Molinari told local newspaper La Nuova Ferrara.

In the meantime, she plans to visit friends by bicycle instead.

Ferrara’s mayor, Alan Fabbri, hailed her approach to life. “I would give Giose a medal rather than a fine,” he said.

“It’s not common to have such inner strength, and it gives me hope for my own old age!” he wrote on Facebook.  

Republicans Should Consider the Innovative Strategy of Not Screwing This Up

All the Republicans have to do to win against that desiccated, corrupt, senile old pervert is just not be weird and not be stupid, and to show people that they’re competent and capable of governing. But being Republicans, there’s considerable doubt that they can pull that off. There are several things that indicate that they may very well revert to form and blow the whole thing, ensuring our country goes down the tubes under the reign of whoever’s pulling the strings on Grandpa Badfinger. 

You can’t Make America Great Again on the outside looking in and watching the election get stolen. We have got to win.

At the threshold, there’s the problem with the legal fight, which is a problem because we’re apparently not even in the fight. I wrote about it a few days ago and I won’t repeat myself, but let me repeat myself – if we don’t get an organized, synchronized, and funded legal operation going we’re done. We know the shenanigans are coming because they came at us twice in the last four years. If we are not ready, we will lose again, even if we win.

Republicans also need to get their collective head straight about a few things, including the fact that identity politics does not work for Republicans in terms of bringing in people not inclined to be Republican already. You’re not going to win black votes because you nominate a black guy. You’re not going to win Latinx (sp) votes because you nominate a guy whose name ends with a vowel. And you won’t win girl votes just because you run a girl-girl, or a girl-guy, which is probably a thing in some quarters. 

This brings us to Senator Katie Britt’s disastrous State of the Union response. A lot of ink has been spilled about how terrible it was, but I think we can spill some more. What was the thought process that led to this disaster? Look, Katie Britt seems like a perfectly nice woman, though last week she gave off the vibe of a third-grade teacher who tries to make the class celebrate Kwanza, but whatever. I hope this doesn’t destroy her future, and I don’t think it will, but it was a huge embarrassment and it was just ridiculous. The emoting, the weird breathlessness – the Tik-Tokking of American politicians is alone reason to ban that miserable Chi-Com app. This whole fiasco was so Republican – they took a gimme, responding to that crusty old freak’s tirade, and they turned it into something that has even people on our side going, “What the hell was that?”

Who is the person who said, “Hey, Republicans are really concerned about kitchen table issues, so why not put her at a kitchen table!” It’s that weird literalism that you saw in 80s rock videos where if somebody was singing about a hot teacher or cherry pie and they show a hot teacher or a slice of cherry pie. You know, there’s on the nose, and there’s “Please make this stop.” 

Yeah, Katie’s kitchen was nice. We have to rebuild our kitchen because we had a giant leak, so I’m interested in kitchen design at the moment, but what the hell? Was this supposed to make all the frustrated suburban wine women think, “Well, I know what MSNBC says, but this Katie Britt sure looks simpatico, and wow, what a beautiful tiled backsplash!” This identity crap doesn’t work for Republicans. You’re not going to win suburban women by having someone pretending to be a suburban mom. She’s a senator. She’s not a suburban mom anymore. Sorry. Deal with it. You know how you’re going to persuade rational, non-MSNBC suburban moms? Put up someone who’s not insane, who is confident, and who she believes will keep her kids safe and her family out of bankruptcy, and not someone doing earnest emoting worthy of “General Hospital.”

Which brings me to who President Trump will choose as his vice-presidential running mate – it’s someone who must fit that bill. We’ve talked about this before a couple of times lately, and the key criteria are not to cause any damage, to have somebody capable of being president, and to have someone who brings something to the ticket as far as winning goes. The rumor I have heard is that JD Vance is under serious consideration, and JD is a solid guy. I don’t think he’ll hurt us – other than to cause us to have to run an additional Senate campaign in a state that has elected Democrats in recent memory. He is certainly competent. But what does he bring to the (not kitchen) table election-wise? Ohio? If you’ve got to nail down Ohio, you might as well pack it in now. I can live with JD Vance, and he is not a bad choice, but I’m not sure he’s the best choice strategically in 2024. I wouldn’t mind seeing him run on his own later.

No, the more I think about it, the more the choices narrow down to one pretty obvious one and one dark horse. The obvious one is Glenn Youngkin. He won’t hurt the ticket, and his leaving the governor’s office leaves us with Governor Winsome Sears, which is the exact opposite of a problem. Youngkin is absolutely competent, and he brings a ton to the table as far as winning goes – and winning is Job One. He makes Virginia, if not competitive, at least somewhere Dems will have to spend money. Rich donors are going to love him, including Nikki’s Trump-shy ones. And moderate suburban women like the ones that Katie Britt was supposed to appeal to are going to look at him and say, “Oh, he’s totally normal. I can live with him. He might chill Trump out.” (Spoiler: No one will chill Trump out, but let them believe it). Politically, I think he’s a little softer than I am, but pretty much everyone on Earth is a little softer than I am, so I’ll make do. Would he take it? Of course, he’ll take it. Everyone takes it.

The dark horse is Robert O’Brien, and maybe my bias is talking here, but I still think he’s a big plus in every category. He won’t hurt the ticket because everyone respects him. As the former National Security Advisor, he likes Trump and Trump likes him. He’s absolutely competent, and was the best NSA in 50 years. He also brings a lot of things to the table in terms of winning the election. First, the donors will love him. He knows them all and, hopefully, can talk the Trump-shy ones off the sidelines and into the game again. A very experienced trial lawyer, he will highlight how transcendently dumb Kamala Harris is. Finally, he’s a Mormon, and that is one identity category that would have a profound effect in swing states Nevada and Arizona (If we don’t have Utah already we’re done). We need those states to win the presidency. We also need to win the Senate seats in those states. Robert O’Brien is uniquely suited to win those folks over, and identity works for Republicans where the identity already leans Republican but has doubts about Trump (See, e.g., Mike Pence and evangelicals).

And then there’s Donald Trump himself. Sigh. Here’s the problem. Donald Trump can’t change. I’m not even sure if we want Donald Trump to change because the Donald Trump who sends mean tweets and bestows stupid nicknames is also the Donald Trump who defeats the ruling class, so you must take the annoying with the awesome. But did he really need to decide to intervene on behalf of TikTok, likely at the behest of a donor no one’s ever heard of? Did he have to start dissing Ron DeSantis again after not doing that for a couple of months following DeSantis’s endorsement? All Donald Trump has to do is be normal. Just be normal for a little while, Mr. President, and maybe reluctant people will be comfortable enough to vote for you.

There’s my wife across the room saying, “That’s not going to happen.” No, probably not.

But there’s no good reason to alienate DeSantis and Haley supporters further. Doing so simply shows more of the same lack of discipline we’ve found so frustrating and profoundly self-defeating for eight years. I am a died-in-the-wool DeSantis fan, and now that the primary is over I’m a died-in-the-wool Trump supporter, but everybody’s not as objective and ruthless as I am. Some folks are still driven by emotion. They’re mad because Donald Trump and his minions were and are mean to them. I think they should get over it. I’ve learned to ignore the mean tweetisms, and I’m completely indifferent to what the babbling halfwit crew of internet weirdos, meme-makers, and mutants who supported 45 online in the primaries have to say – and I also think it’s hysterical how the Trump campaign is now sidelining these freaks. But Trump doesn’t have to make things worse. Human nature says that if you insult somebody, he’s not going to like you and not do what you want. Stop insulting people whose vote you need. It’s not that hard.

Will Trump listen to me? No. Will Trump listen to anyone? Also no. But I’ve got to say it. I don’t know if there’s anyone around him saying it, though it doesn’t matter if they will because Trump’s going to do whatever Trump does. I have never seen a guy more in need of a command sergeant major to keep his bad instincts in check.

Yet, the most irritating things about Trump are also the best things about Trump. He’s a fixed-price menu, not a la carte. Oh well. In any case, if you’re mad at Trump and thinking of not voting for him, swallow your pride and get over it. We need to get Mr. Apologize to Murderers for Misimmigration-statusing Them out of office. And if that means we have to hear some stupid ramblings about “Ron Desanctimonious,” so be it.

Senate Democrats Introduce Measure That Will Eliminate Systemic Racism Forever

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

They have finally done it. 

After decades and decades of fighting systemic racism in America, Democrats have, at long last, found a solution that is sure to uplift racial minorities all across the country.

Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Cory Booker (D-NJ), Alex Padilla (D-CA), and Mazie Hirono (D-HI) have introduced a resolution to declare that racism is a public health crisis. This declaration, which Brown first put forward in July 2020, would ostensibly acknowledge and address systemic barriers and inequities faced by racial minorities in America.

As with all of these types of proposals, I always have to ask: Is this a genuine stride towards equality, or empty symbolism intended to give the appearance that Democrats are working on behalf of disadvantaged melanated individuals?

In announcing the proposal, Brown emphasized its significance, saying the resolution “is an important step toward recognizing the racial disparities in healthcare that have existed for far too long while also outlining concrete action we can take now to help reverse them.”

Sen. Booker asserted that designating racism as a public health crisis is “a small yet critical step toward acknowledging the systemic inequities in our nation.”

In the press release, the lawmakers contend that the resolution is necessary for lifting marginalized groups.

The resolution acknowledges the history of racism and discrimination within health care and the systemic barriers that people of color continue to face when seeking care. The resolution also highlights the effects of systemic racism on the health and wellness of communities of color, resulting in shorter life expectancy, worsened health outcomes, and enhanced exposure to harmful or dangerous environments. This resolution encourages concrete action to address health disparities and inequities across all sectors in society.

As is typically the case, this resolution is nothing more than the typical virtue signaling commonplace among left-leaning politicians. Even if the lawmakers’ contention about systemic racism in healthcare and other areas is true, the state can’t do much about it.

There are already laws against discrimination based on race, which means that if this is occurring, enforcing these laws would be the solution. Not some empty declaration from the government reminding everyone that racism is bad.

This resolution would have the same impact as hate crime bills do when it comes to saving lives. Democrats push this type of Feel Good legislation to make it appear as if they are trying to help minorities when they are doing absolutely nothing in reality.

This move comes as black and brown voters are becoming increasingly disenchanted with the Democratic Party. Indeed, it’s a trend that has folks on the left quite worried, especially when it comes to black support for President Joe Biden.

Perhaps this is the reason why Brown and Company are introducing this measure. It will likely get voted down in the House if it is passed in the Senate, which will give folks on the left the opportunity to accuse Republicans of being racist for voting against it. However, that’s about as much mileage as they will get out of this ploy.

South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia and Ivory Coast hit by major internet outages


Major internet disruption has been reported in various countries across Africa.

Outages have been reported in countries including South Africa, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Ghana and Burkina Faso.

The cause of the cable failures is not immediately clear.

"There seems to be a pattern in the timing of the disruptions, impacting from the north to the south of Africa," said Cloudflare Radar, which provides information on internet connections.

Internet connectivity in the Ivory Coast was down to around just 4% on Thursday morning, according to Netblocks, which tracks cybersecurity and internet connectivity.

Liberia at one point dropped to 17% while Benin was at 14% and Ghana 25%, Netblocks said.

In South Africa, Vodacom said that "customers are currently experiencing intermittent connectivity issues due to multiple undersea cable failures".

A fault has also been reported on the MainOne cable system which serves Nigeria's commercial hub, Lagos.

The Liberian government said internet disruption had been reported from Thursday morning.  

Citizens are unable to access the basic internet as well as social media across the vast majority of the country. International bank transfers are also reported to be affected while there are limited international voice calls.

"It seems like 50% of my life is gone today," Benjamin Garkpah told the BBC from the Liberian capital, Monrovia.

Fatumata Barry said her business had stalled because she can't receive payments through mobile money.

The Liberia Telecommunications Authority said it was caused by an incident involving the Africa Coast to Europe (ACE) submarine communications cable in Ivory Coast.

In Ghana, the National Communications Authority (NCA) reported that multiple undersea cable disruptions were responsible for the outage.

Cloudflare posted on social media that major internet disruptions were ongoing in The Gambia, Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Benin and Niger.    

Fani Willis Case’s Judge Is Probably Too Scared To Do The Right Thing

Judge Scott McAfee has let this ridiculous Fulton County prosecution of Donald Trump go on this long, it doesn’t look like he’ll stop it now.

Before the end of the week, we’re supposed to know whether Georgia Democrat District Attorney Fani Willis’s ridiculous street-gang prosecution of Donald Trump and associates will be killed off before it goes to trial. But for that to happen, it’s going to take an extraordinary act of bravery from Judge Scott McAfee and, well, the record so far is that he’s not exactly Rambo in a robe.

McAfee self-imposed the Friday deadline for his decision on the defense team’s move to disqualify Willis. They accuse her of self-dealing byhiring her then-boyfriend to join her office’s get-Trump prosecution at a salary earning him (and thus, her) hundreds of thousands of Georgia taxpayer dollars.

Willis denies the allegation, although the evidence that she was in a relationship with Nathan Wade at the time she recruited him as special counsel — an otherwise inexplicable choice given that he’s a defense attorney, not a prosecutor — is overwhelming. To make the Jerry Springer affair all the more entertaining: in defending herself, Willis claimed to keep alarming amounts of cash on hand, which she used to reimburse Wade for several lavish vacations they took together in recent months.

If cash was the game, there’s no one to blame!

It’s been a comically sleazy display straight out of a “Madea” movie but, in all likelihood, if McAfee has let this freak show come this far, there’s no reason to think he’s ready to shut it down now.

A serious judge under normal circumstances would have dismissed this patently absurd case from the beginning. Trump and associates of his 2020 campaign supposedly committed severe crimes by exploring multiple avenues in Georgia that they hoped in vain might secure the candidate an electoral victory in the state.

That included conversations with elected officials, including state representatives and the state secretary, wherein Trump and his team made their case that they had in fact won Georgia’s vote count. None of it worked because the evidence wasn’t there to support the case.

This is otherwise known as the right of the people to petition the government, a constitutionally guaranteed freedom that yes, even Trump and his supporters are entitled to. Americans can’t be stopped from challenging government workers to correct alleged wrongs, whatever they may or may not be. Apparently, Willis doesn’t think so, and she was able to convince the grand jury from a pool of voters that went nearly 75 percent for Biden that she’s right. Tough sell, but she did it!

As for McAfee, the limited extent of his fortitude was further revealed when he allowed Willis to put on a berserk performance in her own hearing before she was even asked to testify. In it, she shouted at the defense attorneys, called them liars, and used her race as a shield against all scrutiny.

The entire ordeal has cheapened the criminal justice system, and McAfee has sat on his bench watching it happen like a mute Elmer Fudd. You almost can’t blame him. Not only is he up for reelection, facing a Jesse Jackson-anointed opponent, but he knows just as well as everyone else that at shaking down Trump, Democrats ain’t playin’.

Any attempt by McAfee to check Willis, whom he supported in her election, will be invariably characterized by all Democrats and their media friends as an act of white supremacy, a move to thwart a Powerful Black Woman (of Color) holding Trump accountable. The attacks on his reputation would be withering and relentless.

In his ruling on the Willis hearings, he will likely acknowledge her obvious deception of the court, but ultimately conclude it doesn’t change the underlying case against the former president and his associates. It takes a lot to stand in front of the get-Trump train, and it doesn’t look like McAfee has much of anything.