Wednesday, March 13, 2024

An Aging Puppet

The harm President Biden is doing goes far beyond public policy and geopolitical mistakes. The damage has not only stained the presidency, but has permeated American culture and any other culture that has access to audio and video of him. At this point, we must acknowledge that the Democrat party is responsible for the damage, and the president can no longer be held accountable for his actions. In addition to jeopardizing multiple American interests, the president’s deteriorating health -- being allowed to play out as it is on the international stage -- reinforces stereotypes and encourages prejudice and discrimination against elderly people everywhere.

A few weeks ago, I had a nightmare about President Biden. I dreamed he was standing behind the presidential podium looking like Jeff Dunham’s puppet Walter, the grumpy old man. Like Walter, Biden had the severely narrowed eyes, angry eyebrows, and downturned mouth. Also like Walter, Biden was angrily barking at people. It wasn’t just annoying, it was horrifying. I woke up only to realize it was all true: This man really was the leader of the free world.

Let me give you a quick background as to what might have caused a nightmare like this. Firstly, I was raised to respect the presidency, even when the office was held by someone I completely disagreed with. My parents taught me that it was my civic duty not only to vote, but to be actively involved in maintaining the culture and preserving our freedoms intact for the next generation.

I grew up watching every State of the Union speech, no matter who occupied the presidency. It was, after all, my country’s status quo that was being addressed, so I was obligated to watch it. In short, it was ingrained in me to take my native-born citizenship very seriously. We called it “patriotism.”

Now consider this: I had cared for my father with Alzheimer’s for eight years, a journey I documented in an emotional article the year he passed. I did it because I didn’t believe that family members should be shipped off to nursing homes. It was a decision I often regret due to the physical and mental stress I endured; but it was a sacrifice I chose to make. It’s been eight years since he passed and I still have disturbing flashbacks. The disease had slowly turned my father from a laid back, fun guy who drew cartoons and whittled toys -- to a paranoid militant who stashed knives under his pillow and put banana skins at the top of the stairs. It was gut-wrenching.

Somehow, we survivors -- caregivers who endure despite battle scars inside and out -- eventually learn to remember the lifetime of happiness we enjoyed with our loved ones, even as we push the bad memories of their waning years to the back of our minds.

But when President Biden totters up to the podium and begins a sometimes-unintelligible angry tirade against his target-of-the-day, it all comes back. Combine the bad memories of my father’s last years with the fact that any semblance of reverence or respect is being stripped from the American presidency, and voila! Welcome to my nightmare.

While not all dementia or Alzheimer’s patients show increased aggression or angry behavior, many of them do. They may curse, hurl insults, or yell at you. Short of losing their sanity, the caregiver becomes a kind of expert diplomat, taking note of triggers that might warn of the coming combative behavior. Sometimes there are no clues, just rage.

Victor Davis Hanson wrote in his article “One Angry Biden Lie After Another:” “A demagogic fuming Biden gave another Phantom of the Opera speech blasting conservatives for all the destruction that he has caused… All too aware that he was confused and incoherent, his handlers felt that the antidote was to come out barking and bellowing at his imaginary enemies.”

We also watched in disbelief as the executive branch attacked the judicial branch, with President Biden “having an invective against the Supreme Court justices” sitting directly in front of him in the chamber. I’ve never seen anything like it; it was like watching someone sucker-punch the Constitution.

Meanwhile, the mainstream media was declaring that the president “delivered perhaps the best speech of his life last night; he may have also changed the race itself.” I agree he changed the race all right, but not the way they’rethinking.

Beyond caring for my own parents, I have volunteered extensively with the elderly. I’ve seen age discrimination (or ageism) manifested in various ways: Someone not being taken seriously despite having full mental acuity; severe or disgusted looks because a person might react slowly, or needs help with standing, eating, or going to the bathroom. All of those are actions that make you want to remind people that if they get that long life they yearn for, this will be their circumstance too.

The American Psychological Association (APA), addressing the issue of ageism, pointed out that “While it is true that the risk of some chronic diseases and dementia increases with age, most older adults maintain quite good health and cognitive functioning,” adding “Aging is a very diverse process, and there are great differences between individuals.”

That’s why Trump denies Biden is “too old” to be president, because you can’t judge a person’s ability based solely on age when they’re exhibiting symptoms of a serious disease like dementia (which I believe President Biden has).

Unfortunately for Trump, the media keep lumping he and Biden together, forcing us to discuss Trump’s age and memory instead of focusing on the elephant in the room.

It's no surprise to learn that a majority of voters now think Biden is too old to be an effective president, as many people are becoming convinced that being 81 looks like the current occupant of the White House. That mistaken belief will eventually manifest itself in people’s behavior toward family members and beyond, contributing to one of the last socially acceptable prejudices – discrimination against the elderly.

Every time President Biden comes out swinging, we don’t hear policy points or intellectual debate, we hear “You kids get off my lawn!” People are laughing not only at President Biden, but at the character of a senile old man he’s become; and that’s just bad for our society on so many levels.

X22, And we Know, and more- March 13


Hur: Biden LIED When He Insisted He Did Not Share Classified Information with His Ghostwriter (VIDEO)

Special Counsel Robert Hur on Tuesday testified before Congress on Biden’s interview on his stolen classified documents scandal that spanned two days.

Robert Hur last month released a 345-page report on his investigation of the stolen classified documents.

Biden’s stolen classified documents were scattered all over the place in damaged cardboard boxes and unlocked drawers at the Penn Biden Center. The documents were also easily accessible in Biden’s Delaware garage and basement den.

Robert Hur found that Joe Biden “willfully retained” classified information, however, he decided not to charge him. Hur said there is evidence Biden retained classified notebooks, “knowing he was not allowed to do so.”

Biden was not charged even though he willfully retained SCIF-designated classified documents and shared material with his ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer.

According to Robert Hur, In 2017, Joe Biden read aloud classified passages about meetings in the Situation Room to his ghostwriter “verbatim on at least three occasions” – and Biden still wasn’t charged.

“We also considered whether Mr. Biden willfully disclosed national defense information to his ghostwriter by reading aloud certain classified notebook passages to the ghostwriter nearly verbatim on at least three occasions,” the report read.

Biden wasn’t charged for reading classified information to his ghostwriter because jurors could conclude his actions were “unintentional.”

“Mr. Biden should have known that by reading his unfiltered notes about classified meetings in the Situation Room, he risked sharing classified information with his ghostwriter. But the evidence does not show that when Mr. Biden shared the specific passages with his ghostwriter, Mr. Biden knew the passages were classified and intended to share classified information. Mr. Biden’s lapses in attention and vigilance demonstrate why former officials should not keep classified materials unsecured at home and read them aloud to others, but jurors could well conclude that Mr. Biden’s actions were unintentional. We therefore decline to charge Mr. Biden for disclosure of these passages to his ghostwriter.” the report read.

A reporter asked Joe Biden why he shared classified information with his ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer.

Biden blew a gasket and shouted at the reporter.

“I did not share classified information with my ghostwriter! I did not! I guarantee you I did not!” Biden shouted even though the special counsel said he read aloud classified passages “nearly verbatim” to Zwonitzer on at least three occasions.

Biden denied the special counsel said he shared classified information with his ghostwriter.


Robert Hur admitted Biden LIED when he insisted he did not share classified information with his ghostwriter.

Rep. Matt Gaetz got Hur to admit Biden lied.


Joe Biden’s ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer deleted digital audio files of recordings of his conversations with Biden after learning about Special Counsel Robert Hur’s appointment.

According to Hur’s report, Zwonitzer deleted the files before he received a subpoena.

Technicians were able to recover the deleted recordings but Zwonitzer was not charged for deleting the files.

Hur on Tuesday admitted Biden’s ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer tried to destroy evidence soon after the special counsel was appointed to investigate Biden’s classified documents scandal.


These People Are Stupid Crazy Or Very Dangerous

I don’t want to sound naïve or anything, but on some level, I still expect people to acknowledge objective reality, and it’s kind of off-putting when they don’t. But that denial is what the left does, and they put us on our back heels by not acknowledging reality. It’s disconcerting; it’s hard to deal with because we are used to people who are smart, sane, and dealing in good faith. They aren’t any of these. The sun doesn’t come up in the east. The sun comes up in the west, but if you say it comes up in the east, you’re a transphobe. This goes for everything like the climate change hoax, the systemic racism hoax, and the hoax that men can become women through the power of wanting to watch chicks change in the locker room. But the State of the Union last week was a whole different level, and the reaction to it of our trash elite doesn’t just amuse me – it disturbed me.

I think this phenomenon is dangerous. And I think the left is dangerous.

Reality used to be the common ground that we could all work with. When everybody acknowledged reality, you had a place to start a discussion. But when you refuse to acknowledge objective reality, there’s no possibility of discussion. Democracy depends on discussion. You have to be able to argue in a democracy, or democracy doesn’t work. But they don’t want democracy to work. They want power. And, of course, power is the alternative to democracy.

Do I think that these people are willing to do whatever they have to do to maintain power? You bet I do, and you know how I know? Because they tell me. They tell me expressly when you get them in a place where they think no one else is listening, and then they’ll tell you what they want to do to you. They want you disenfranchised, disarmed, and, far too often, dead. Now, that’s not a historical anomaly. That’s a historical trend. What do you think socialist do to their enemies? Give them a nice big hug? They put them in camps, and they put them up against walls. So, why do you think they’re so eager to see us disarmed? It’s not like you or I will go out and commit a crime. No, they want to take our potential for resistance off the table so they can go as far as they might have to in order to hold power. They want a monopoly on force.

You can see that with the way they’re trying to shape the Army. You know all those traditional conservative young males who just wanted to go out and kill the enemy? They’re not wanted anymore. Such people are uppity. Such people are rebellious. Such people believe the Constitution is not a suggestion. They left wants people who follow orders, even when those orders include going out and killing other Americans. But again, don’t take my word for it. Don’t believe a thing I say. Believe a thing Joe Biden says all the time. How often has that desiccated old pervert fantasized about turning the F-16s on dissident Americans? More times than he can count with his pants on, so over 21.

I watched that State of the Union and then watched the reaction to it, and I wonder if these people are insane or just the best liars I’ve ever seen. Now, I’m a Los Angeles trial lawyer, and I have a grudging respect for somebody who can spin a tale and keep a straight face. But when you get Joe Scarborough, the noted intern wrangler and traditional marriage advocate, out there telling us with a straight face that this Joe Biden is the best Joe Biden ever and he’s as sharp as a tack and blah blah blah blah, blah blah, you’ve got to scratch your head. I mean, if this is deeply cynical, I appreciate it. I don’t like it, but I admire the technique. Yet what if this guy actually believes it? What if he thinks it’s true? Then he’s crazy or stupid. What else does he think? And what else would he support them doing to us?

We already know what they’re doing to us. We have a dual-track justice system, where our preferred candidate is being persecuted, civil and criminally, in an unprecedented manner with no regard for due process, cheered on by our ruling class, which sees him as what he is – a threat to its power. All the norms, the rules, and the guardrails that keep society from going off the tracks can be safely thrown out the window when it’s Donald Trump or when it’s us. There are hundreds or thousands of innocent J6 protesters being persecuted right now, their lives ruined, for daring to speak out against the oppression by our institutions. They’re throwing people in jail for praying outside of abortion clinics. Do you think the left won’t go further if this lawfare fails? When this doesn’t work, because it won’t work because we’re not ready to become serfs living on our knees and obeying the commands of a bunch of faculty lounge and coastal city femboys and their frigid women, they’re going to double down. There’s no bottom here for them to hit. They’re going to do whatever it takes to keep power. And mark my words, it’s going to happen this year. They’re going to start hurting people. They’re going to start using violence even more than they already do, as Antifa and BLM are just catspaws of the left.

Maybe you think this sounds all crazy and paranoid, and I sure hope you’re right. I hope this is nonsense, and in a few years, you’ll look back and say, “Kurt, you were sure off the mark on that one.” I really hope that’s true. 

But it’s not true. And you know it’s not true. A lot of conservatives and moderate Republican types are in denial. They know it’s true, too, but they don’t want to admit the truth. They want to pretend everything is normal because if they have to stop pretending, then that means they have to start acting. They can’t keep doing their tiresome moral posturing about how Trump and his mean tweets are bad, and they’re not going to vote for him and yada yada yada. No, they would have to act. They would have to sacrifice some of their pride and support Donald Trump because electing him is the only chance we have.

Maybe I’m crazy. But do you want to bet your freedom on it? More to the point, do you want to bet your life on it?

Trudeau’s guards block, grab, and follow journalist waiting to question the Prime Minister

 Justin Trudeau’s security prevented The Counter Signal’s Editor-in-Chief Keean Bexte from getting anywhere near him on Wednesday, while Bexte was waiting for the Prime Minister outside a building.

Trudeau’s guards block, grab, and follow journalist waiting to question the Prime Minister

After being threatened with arrest if he remained in the vicinity, Bexte was followed by three of Trudeau’s security officers, who proceeded to block his vehicle in an apparent show of intimidation, while surrounding him in a slow roll.

Bexte later posted to social media: “WTF: Trudeau’s guards had me removed from the SAIT campus while I peacefully waited to ask him questions about the Carbon Tax hike. After removing me, 3 police vehicles followed my car and cornered me on the highway so I couldn’t go home. Insane behavior from a desperate tyrant.”

Along with True North journalists, The Counter Signal isn’t given access to ask the Prime Minister questions during his official media scrums.

Bexte told RCMP officers he wanted to ask the Prime Minister about his planned near 20% carbon tax increase that’s set for April 1, when the pollution tax will go from $65 per tonne of carbon emissions to $80.

Seven out of ten Premiers have asked Trudeau to pause his increase while many Canadians are struggling economically.

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe, Ontario Premier Doug Ford, Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston, New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs, PEI Premier Dennis King, and even Newfoundland’s Liberal Premier, Andrew Furey, have all issued statements asking the federal Liberals to pause their planned hike.

More to come.

Is Gaza A Grand Utopia Or An Unlivable Apartheid State? Democrats Can’t Decide


Paradoxes — when two mutually exclusive things can be true at the same time — can be interesting logical experiments in a philosophy class or a late-night dorm room BS session, but they occasionally appear in reality.

One famous example is the paradox of Schrödinger’s Cat, which is used as an allegory for the concept of superposition in quantum physics. The thought experiment revolves around the idea of a cat sealed in a box with a poison that will kill it at some indeterminate time unknown to the observer. Until the observer chooses to open the box, the status of the cat is up in the air. It is equally possible that the cat is alive or dead; in fact, if the box remains unopened, the cat can be considered simultaneously both alive and dead. In quantum mechanics, this explains the idea that, unobserved, a quantum system exists in all possible states at the same time, with the actual state of the system only confirmed by observation.

But paradoxes aren’t always this esoteric and obtuse. Sometimes they even fit neatly into the political arguments of the day. That has certainly been the case when it comes to the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Leftist pro-Palestinian activists and pundits have created their very own version of Schrödinger’s thought experiment, centered around pre-war Gaza. In the minds of leftists, the Gaza of Oct. 6, 2023, was occupying its very own quantum superposition — at once both sublime utopia and horrific dystopia. Depending on the context, either of these versions could be the true Gaza that proves the specific argument trying to be made. When comparing the aftermath of Israel’s bombing campaign against Hamas targets to the enclave’s pre-war status, it is politically expedient for Gaza to have been a thriving metropolis.

So the box is opened, and voila: Gaza on Oct. 6 was a peaceful seaside hamlet. When trying to excuse Hamas’ barbarity as justifiable or lambaste Israel as evil, it is more useful for pre-war Gaza to have been a miserable hellhole. Once again, the box is opened, and Gaza transforms into an unjustifiably oppressed city.


This propagandistic tango has been a primary tactic used by leftist Democrat activists over the months since the barbarities of Oct. 7 to vilify Israel and stifle criticism of the Palestinian terror group. The horrific dystopian Gaza is the more familiar trope, as it has been deployed for more than a decade to criticize Israel for conditions in the enclave even after it fully withdrew in 2005.

The most common refrain for these activists is the claim that Gaza is an “open-air prison,” a phrase repeated ad nauseam on the internet. It has been adopted wholesale by radical leftists in the academy, such as Marc Lamont Hill, who recently stated that pre-war Gaza “was an unlivable open-air prison, effectively controlled by a settler-colonial apartheid state.”

It has been parroted constantly by corporate media, from NPR to Reuters, as well as by pro-Palestinian nongovernmental organizations, including Human Rights Watch. Left-wing zealots such as Michael Moore drop the phrase during their TV hits, while UN “experts” and British foreign ministers lend it official cover. Now the lunatic fringe has gone so far as to label Gaza transformed from “the largest open air prison in the world” to “the largest extermination camp in the world, financed and funded by the US government and run by Israel.”


But Schrödinger’s Gaza is just as often presented as an idyll that has been devastated by unfair Israeli attacks. This narrative is newer, likely because of the immense damage Israel has done to Hamas’ military infrastructure — conveniently located within and beneath civilian property.

Now that much of Hamas’ tunnel system has been destroyed, the laments for that which stood atop it have commenced. Social media has been inundated with before-and-after videos of various areas of Gaza, showing a bustling metropolis turned into a heap of smoking rubble. Palestinian activists post videos of life before the Israeli “assault,” bemoaning the loss of innocence among the Gazan populace.

The Associated Press, often mistaken for Hamas stenographers, published a piece just days after the Hamas attack criticizing the Israeli response. The article detailed the destruction in “Gaza City’s upscale Rimal neighborhood,” where “upper-class apartment towers” rose along broad, tree-lined boulevards “full of beauty salons, falafel shops and pizzerias.” So much for a perpetually besieged population!

The Palestinian ambassador to the U.K., formerly their ambassador to the U.S., echoed these sentiments in a speech, saying:

I’m here to promise you we will rebuild Gaza, and we will not rebuild Gaza more beautiful. No. Because Gaza was beautiful. We will build Gaza as it was, beautiful and resilient. We will build more schools, more universities, more hospitals, and more houses.

Interestingly enough, the ambassador has played both sides of this disingenuous game. On Oct. 7, while Hamas terrorists were still rampaging through southern Israel, he went on CNN to decry “Israel’s attacks” on “occupied” Gaza. Which Gaza was it, ambassador? The utopia or the dystopia? The reality is that it was neither.


If Schrödinger’s Gaza is false on both counts, what was the real pre-war Gaza?

It was far from the terrible, Israeli-imposed disaster zone that the pro-Palestinians claim, but it was also not some idyllic paradise on the Mediterranean. Instead, it was a densely populated urban core that would not be out of place in any number of Arab nations — modern in some respects, but undeniably a developing-world city with all the problems that follow.

It was run entirely by a corrupt, militaristic terrorist group that siphoned international aid dollars to construct terrorists’ tunnels underneath homes and businesses, when it was not lining its own leaders’ pockets. It hosted various radical militant organizations that indiscriminately attacked Israeli civilians before hiding like cowards behind the Gazan population.

But this fate was entirely self-made, not imposed by Israel from outside. Gazans voted Hamas into power. They supported, in large numbers, the ongoing terror war and the assault of Oct. 7. They tore through Gaza in 2005, looting the modern agricultural infrastructure that Jewish donors had purchased and donated to them. They watched while their leaders prioritized their genocidal posture toward Jews over caring for the denizens of the Gaza Strip. This fate was chosen.

In the end, neither version of Schrödinger’s Gaza speaks to the reality of the situation, which was far more prosaic. Gaza’s problems are not the fault of Israel but of its own leadership and the population that has supported its terroristic aims. Activist lies about pre-war Gaza cannot obscure the truth, and they will not save the enclave from reaping what it has sown.

Trump Says No More ‘Free Milk’ for NATO Free Loaders

Americans are tired of footing the bill. The only ones who should be concerned about Trump’s latest NATO comments are European politicians who have refused to honor their commitments to the alliance.

The mainstream media and political establishment are outraged over Donald Trump’s latest comments about NATO. Instead of all the dramatic pearl-clutching, they should be embracing his position.

Trump recently issued a stern warning to America’s NATO allies, specifically those who are still failing to uphold their commitment to spending at least 2 percent of GDP on defense. Recounting a conversation he had with the leader of a delinquent NATO member who sought reassurance that America would defend their country from Russian attack, Trump declared that he would let Russia do “whatever the hell they want” to NATO countries that refuse to make minimum expenditures toward their own defense.

This isn’t a new concept, and it’s not nearly as “shocking” as the media and political elites want you to think it is.

For the past 70 years, NATO has maintained a baseline defense spending guideline that is understood and formally agreed to by all 31 member states. In 2014, the alliance members agreed to spend at least 2 percent of GDP on defense by 2024. This makes perfect sense. What good is an alliance if one or more parties to the agreement let their military capabilities atrophy to the point where they can’t render meaningful aid in an emergency?

Sadly, only 18 out of 31 NATO members are currently meeting their defense spending obligation. The list of delinquents includes countries that should be among NATO’s leading militaries, such as France, Germany, Canada, Italy, and Turkey. Notably, almost all the countries that face a credible threat from Russia – such as Poland, Hungary, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, and Finland – are already spending at least 2 percent of GDP on defense.

American politicians, primarily on the Republican side, have been pointing out for decades that European nations have been sheltering under the American defense umbrella for free and spending their savings to prop up massive welfare states. The only reason they could afford to do this is because the United States made clear that it would come to their aid without question or reservation if they were ever attacked.

Why buy the cow when you’re getting the milk for free?

Donald Trump holds the same view that has long been mainstream in conservative circles – our NATO allies should spend enough to maintain credible military deterrence, both to lessen the likelihood that they will need US aid, and to make them more effective partners in the event that the US requires their assistance.

Remember: Article 5 of the NATO treaty states that an attack on one is an attack on all. We’re supposed to treat an attack on Warsaw or Paris like an attack on Washington, D.C., and vice versa. But as we saw the one and only time Article 5 was invoked – after the 9/11 attacks – most of our NATO allies are woefully unprepared to engage in any kind of military conflict.

The biggest problem is that they have little incentive to do otherwise. The U.S. Navy secures freedom of the seas all around the globe. The U.S. nuclear arsenal provides credible deterrence against hostile actors. The U.S. Air Force and Army are positioned in close proximity to all our allies to allow for rapid reaction to any emerging threat, anywhere in the world.

When Trump was president, he made significant progress toward getting our allies to meet their commitments. But they still have a long way to go.

One comparatively cheap way countries such as France and Germany could mollify American concerns, which has not been publicly discussed so far, is to start using their militaries to help America out.

Upon taking office in 2025, Donald Trump could invoke Article 5 in response to the ongoing invasion of illegal immigrants across our southern border. Countries who agree to send troops to help us police the border could buy themselves additional time to get their defense spending up to the 2 percent minimum, or perhaps even secure a permanent reprieve.

Deploying troops to help secure America’s southern border would send a powerful signal that NATO remains relevant in the 21st Century, and that our allies take their responsibilities to help with mutual defense seriously. Perhaps more importantly, it’s difficult to imagine a more effective way to get in President Trump’s good graces than to help him solve the illegal immigration problem, which has animated his policy platform from the moment he entered politics.

It certainly worked for Mexico. In his recent speeches, Trump has effusively praised the Mexican government for sending 28,000 troops to their own southern border to stop illegal immigrants from crossing into America through Mexico, saying he viewed that as Mexico’s way of paying for the border wall.

One way or the other, our delinquent NATO allies are going to have to put up or shut up. Trump’s odds of reclaiming the White House are growing by the day, and part of the reason for that is that voters support him taking a tough stance with “allies” who refuse to bear their share of the burden for mutual defense.

American taxpayers are tired of footing the bill for free riders. The only ones who should be concerned about Trump’s latest NATO comments are the European politicians who have refused to honor their commitments to the alliance.

Interesting Times: Troubles and Travails in the World Order

posted by Ward Clark at RedState 

We often hear repeated what is said to be an ancient Chinese curse which, in English, states, "May you live in interesting times." There is no confirmed source known for this apocryphal saying, but in the short story collection of 17th-century Chinese scribe Feng Menglong, "Stories to Awaken the World," a sentence appears that appears to carry a similar warning: "Better to be a dog in times of tranquility than a human in times of chaos."

It would be preferable, of course, to be a human in times of tranquility, but we are not offered the opportunity to choose our place in history. As proof of this, on Monday, the U.S. intelligence services released their 2024 Annual Threat Assessment, and they do not appear to be sanguine about the prospects for times of tranquility in our near future.

U.S. intelligence agencies said on Monday the country faces an "increasingly fragile world order," strained by great power competition, transnational challenges and regional conflicts, in a report released as agency leaders testified in Congress.

"An ambitious but anxious China, a confrontational Russia, some regional powers, such as Iran, and more capable non-state actors are challenging longstanding rules of the international system as well as U.S. primacy within it," the agencies said in their 2024 Annual Threat Assessment.

The report largely focused on threats from China and Russia, the greatest rivals to the United States, more than two years after Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine, as well as noting the risks of broader conflict related to Israel's campaign against Hamas in Gaza since the Oct. 7 attacks.

China is providing economic and security assistance to Russia as it wages war in Ukraine, by supporting Russia's industrial base, the report said. It also warned that China could use technology to try to influence this year's U.S. elections.

Russia is certainly kicking up its heels, but Russia in 2024 isn't what the Soviet Union in 1945 was. Even under the government of Tsar Vladimir I, Russia is basically an aging gas station with some nuclear weapons. Russia has managed to seize Crimea and parts of Ukraine, but they have not moved further for some time, despite the Western nations pouring literally billions of dollars into Ukraine to prop up the Zelensky government. 

China is trying to build a blue-water navy, but so far, the People's Liberation Army Navy (yes, it's called that) is little more than a coastal defense force with little ability to project power. The PLAN may present a threat to Taiwan, parts of Southeast Asia, and maybe Japan, but it's unlikely that we'll see Chinese warships off the California coast any time soon, although both Russian and Chinese warships have trailed their coats off the coast of Alaska.

The Middle East, after the October 7th atrocities committed by Hamas in Israel, might be even more unstable than before. In Yemen, the Houthis are threatening shipping in the Red Sea, and in Gaza, the remnants of Hamas hang on in the rubble while much of the rest of the world wags their fingers at Israel.

Interesting times, indeed. The problem is this: the primary concern here may not be who will step into the role of sole mega-power if the United States can no longer fulfill the role, but instead, the possibility that nobody will. There, you will really see some of Feng Menglong's times of chaos. 

Furthermore, it's not like we don't have troubles of our own. Here's one item that should have everyone in the U.S. concerned, more than any other, even considering the source:

FBI Director Christopher Wray expressed concern about the "terrorism implications from potential targeting of vulnerabilities at the border," noting rising threats from Americans inspired by Islamist groups and other foreign militants since Hamas' attack on Israel on Oct 7.

"The threat has gone to a whole new level," Wray said.

That much is certain, and the blame for this goes squarely at the feet of the Biden Administration; since 2021, millions of unscreened, unvetted, illegal aliens have been allowed in - or even flown in - and we have no idea what most of them intend to do. My Townhall sister-site colleague, Kurt Schlichter, has some thoughts on the matter, and I'm here to tell you it's horrifying.

We certainly do live in interesting times. Since WW2, most of the world has lived more or less peacefully under a Pax Americana, with the United States Navy ensuring the safety of global sea lanes and the United States military well-armed, well-manned, and very capable. Those times may now be ending, and there's little good that can come from that.