Sunday, March 10, 2024

Trump 2024: Presidential Campaign or Revenge Tour?

Mr. Trump's promise to be his primary voters’ instrument of revenge, retribution, and justice is counterproductive to winning the 2024 presidential election.

Steamrolling through the Republican primaries, for some time former President Donald J. Trump has known he will be the 2024 GOP nominee.

For an even longer period of time that despicably continues, Mr. Trump has been persecuted by the left for the sin of being elected president and—gasp!—being a Republican populist. (Spare me the argument that Mr. Trump is not a Republican, as he sought and has won the GOP nomination.)

That Mr. Trump believes his persecution by the left and this GOP primary win are entwined is inarguable. Consequently, it is understandable that he employs his current rhetoric regarding “revenge,” be it his own and/or his supporters.

Understandable, however, is not the same as helpful, particularly heading into a tight general election where every vote will be critical to victory, and the left is doing its level best to unlevel the electoral playing field.

Thus, the timely query: when will Mr. Trump’s revenge tour turn into a presidential campaign?

In his March 7th, American Greatness article, “Trump Is Right: His Best Revenge Will Be His Success: A Successful Trump Term Will Be Retribution against the Left,” Mr. Jeremey Frankel does a stellar job explaining why Mr. Trump’s messaging focus on “revenge” and “retribution,” despite its echoes of solipsistic coarseness, has positive public policy implications for voters. Indeed, he goes further by getting to the heart of the matter by positing the most important questions regarding this vengeful messaging:

It would be understandable for anyone who has seen what Trump and his supporters have been through over the last nine years…to ask why Trump would seemingly want to take the high road here. Why let the persecutors get away and not have a dose of their own medicine?

In short, will Trump ‘be our retribution?’

However, this might not be the right question, as the two are not mutually exclusive in the slightest. In fact, they go hand in hand.

‘Revenge,’ in this context, will consist of Trump simply keeping his promises, which, by definition, will set the left back tremendously.

This is a perfectly suitable answer for Mr. Trump’s supporters. Yet, for those who do not yet support Mr. Trump, such as some Republicans and independent voters, the problem is that Mr. Frankel is having to do Mr. Trump’s job for him. Bluntly, as the standard bearer for the Republican Party, it is incumbent upon Mr. Trump to explain why his policies are beneficial to all Americans. If your campaign rhetoric requires contextualizing, you are going to lose. “Bigly.”

True, in every primary there is an element of internecine battle, and rhetoric can become heated both against one’s intra- and inter-party rivals to secure the nomination. Such heated rhetoric is usually cooled by the nominee (if not their advocates) to unite their party, garner a majority of undecided voters, and win the general election. This has not been the case to date with Mr. Trump’s messaging.

Yes, the left loathes Mr. Trump, and the “retribution” they seek is against him. Yes, large numbers of his GOP primary voters are seeking varying degrees of “revenge” and “retribution” against the leftist forces destroying everything they cherish, including Mr. Trump. Both of these groups know the context of Mr. Trump’s “revenge” rhetoric. In fact, undecided voters are unaware of Mr. Trump’s political persecution. The question is whether they care about it or, worse, welcome it.

Thus, Mr. Trump’s promise to be his primary voters’ instrument of revenge, retribution, and justice is counterproductive to winning the 2024 presidential election. Such rhetoric plays into the hands of the left’s smear merchants, furthering their paranoiac depictions of Mr. Trump as a chaotic, impulsive, and vindictive would-be dictator. This, even as this failed leftist administration is attacking—often in collusion with multinational corporations—such fundamental, God-given, and constitutionally protected rights such as freedom of conscience, religion, and speech and wreaking havoc through its spendthrift policies and inflation with American families’ budgets and finances.

These are but some of the momentous stakes in the 2024 presidential election. Americans already have a petty, divisive, and vindictive leftist in the oval office. Offering to return a petty, divisive, and vindictive GOP populist to the oval office may not have the appeal to voters that Mr. Trump’s supporters think.

Americans are not a vengeful people. We are an aspirational people. The vast majority of undecided GOP and independent voters are not looking for a president vowing revenge or retribution against anyone or to be their unilateral arbiter of justice. They are looking for sane, sound governance by their elected servants to transcend the insanity of the age. It is past time for the GOP’s decidedly “unhappy warrior” to transcend his travails and positively affirm why he is the best candidate, not just for his loyal supporters but for all Americans.

After all, the best “revenge” is living well. But if Mr. Trump’s lack of impulse control and vindictive calls for vengeance continue, no amount of contextualization will prevent his defeat—and, with him, the entire GOP populist agenda. Then, come 2025, only the left will be living well.

Catherine Austin Fitts Suspicions Were Right, They Are Preparing to Throw Israel Under the Bus June 2, 2024

 A lot of people have probably seen when Biden was caught on a hot mic saying that he needed a "come to Jesus' meeting" with Netanyahu.  Such a meeting occurred on May 15, 2024, when it was announced to Netanyahu that Blinken was on his way to Israel to meet with Netanyahu.  Upon his arrival Blinken gave Netanyahu a letter from President Biden that informed Netanyahu to get onboard with their Abraham Accord agenda or get left behind.  Basically, they told him that once the war was over in Gaza, they were going to form a coalition of countries that would go in and take over Gaza and force a two-state solution to the problem.

“To the Prime Minister of Israel, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu,

“I find it necessary to inform you that in the recent consultations I held with the leaders of the democratic nations of the world, and in particular, given the unending war in the Gaza Strip, we have reached the unfortunate conclusion that after generations of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which we follow closely, the two sides are unable to resolve the issue through dialogue. Therefore, we have decided unanimously to publish our shared policy, the essence of which is the advancement of the concept of “two states for two peoples” through a public announcement of our recognition of an independent Palestinian state. A declaration to that effect will be made in Parliament in London at 8:00 p.m. on June 2, 2024.

“I am of course aware of your policy regarding the Palestinian issue, including its confirmation by the Israeli Knesset in Jerusalem on February 21, opposing the unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state. Nevertheless, we, the leaders of the free world, reserve the right to fashion independent policy for the benefit of world peace, the Middle East, and especially the Israeli-Palestinian arena.

“This important declarative event will also be attended by carefully selected representatives of the Palestinian Authority, the leaders of the Arab world, including Egypt, Jordan, the countries of the Persian Gulf that have peace agreements with Israel (the Abraham Accords), and Saudi Arabia, which considers Israel’s acceptance, in principle, of the Arab-Saudi peace initiative as a basis for establishing diplomatic relations, and for a regional Middle East Israeli-Arab arrangement, which is everyone’s ultimate goal.

“We regard this event as a historic change in the free world’s attitude to the Israeli-Palestinian arena, and a necessary basis for the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip after its terrible destruction in the wake of the war, which unfortunately has not yet ended. We will mobilize for this mission with all our strength, and preserve Israel’s security so it will no longer be threatened by the Gaza Strip or anywhere else.

“Therefore, I am honored to invite you to participate in this occasion marking a necessary, well-deserved historic change for the State of Israel, and for you to stake out your legacy as the Israeli leader who led his people to a lasting, viable peace.

“I would be very happy if you’d attend,

“Sincerely, Joseph (Joe) Biden, President of the United States of America”

Gray-faced and with a weak voice, Netanyahu again mumbled, “No way…” Lowe and Blinken rose to their feet. Holding the doorknob before opening the door, the Secretary of State said: “Bibi, the train is in motion, it won’t stop. You decide whether to get on it or stay behind…”.

It's get on board with it or we'll leave you behind in Trump's new vision for the middle east.  Blinken didn't really deliver a message from Biden, he delivered a message that comes directly from the quotes of Jared Kushner's interview with Al Jazeera which reflects the stance in the video that they've put their plan out there and it received tons of downloads and internet tracking on it in the West Bank, Gaza and Middle East.  So, we can see where their priorities lay as he never mentioned Israel in the mix.  

Jared Kushner:

"I think with the whole peace process in general people are right to be skeptical. There is a problem that has been unsolved for many, many years and what I find is the president and the criticism that we get from the people who have tried to do this in the past and failed than they criticize us for not doing it the same way they've done it, ah again, the president is not a traditional politician, he wants to do things in a different way.  If we can get people through this process to look at this process, to see what the future can be, then I think that can be very, very successful thing.  We laid our, our, our, vision, we put on our website, it starts to circulate, we've seen a ton of downloads and internet tracking on it in the West Bank, Gaza and middle east and that's great.  We need to start the discussion, what we want people to see, a very, very bright future.  This plan call for fifty-billion-dollar investment, between both private capital and low interest loans, grants.   We want to build all the necessary infrastructure; we want to make these different industries are stimulated.  If we do that properly, uh, we believe that this plan will create over a million new job in the West Bank and Gaza, we can reduce the unemployment rate down to single digits, and we think it can decrease the poverty rate by fifty percent.  Those are all goals we should really strive for but cannot happen without a peace agreement but without a peace agreement prosperity doesn't just happen, prosperity has to be planned for, earned and executed very, very erstly." 


"Erstly", what a choice of a word.  From 1590 Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queen:

So th' one for wrong, the other strives for right and each to deadly shame would drive his foe.  The cruell steele so greedily doth bright in tender flesh that streams of bloud down flow, with which the armies, that earst so bright did show into a pure vermillion now are dyde' [...}


Let's take a look at how two-faced Trump can really be:

Jarold to reporter on Trump recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capitol:

"So, the recognizing Israels capitol as Jerusalem has been law in the US since 1996.  It was passed unanimously. Israel is a sovereign nation; sovereign nation has the right to determine where their capitol is, and America has the right to recognize the decision of another sovereign nation."

Except of course when former President has a new vision for the region and Arab investors willing to pour billions of dollars into his vision:

Jared Kushner:

"The one thing about President Trump is he's one of the few leader's people have seen in that region actually keeps his promise, whether you like his decisions or don't like his decisions.  People know that when he says he's going to do something he's going to do it.  One of the things he said is he wants this conflict to come to an end and he wants to help Palestinian people and part of this is his vision for what he can do to create a different paradigm in the region."    

 Reporter to Jared Kushner:

"How much financial commitment, if you are able to say, did you get from the rich Arab states, whether from the gulf or elsewhere, the fact they are principally in the gulf?"

Jared Kushner to reporter:

"So, the plan, these fifty billion dollars actually will require less annual contributions to Palestinians than we have on an annual basis to date.  So, for a lot of the donor nations, not just from the middle east but throughout the world.  Right now, they keep giving money every year, the people's lives are not getting better.  There's no plan to resolve it.  But what we want them to do is figure out how you all bind into a universal plan and let's start investing in a way that will actually lead to a dominoes effect of people's lives getting better. You know for years and years there's been money thrown at this problem but there's been no accountability and people been held to no results, some people are fine with the status quo, but the money has not trickled down to the people and their lives have not gotten better.  We need to create a new framework because what they've done in the past has not worked."

Reporter to Jared Kushner:

"Kushner address for me a little bit of criticism that you, by the Palestinians at the workshop, they are saying the Israeli's got the recognition of Jerusalem as their capitol, for example, and now you are telling them, the Palestinians, that we  will give you money, which they call, as you call it, a bribe and on top of that they say this is a lot of money coming from Arabs going to Arabs, this case the Palestinians, can you address that?" 

Jared Kushner to Reporter:

"Yeah, you think I know that people mockingly call this the deal of the century.  I think the plan that we laid out is the opportunity of the century.  You talk about the Palestinians like they're homogeneous body, but what we have is a lot of Palestinians since we put this out who are calling us saying this is phenomenal what do we have to do to get this, we want this, this is exactly what we need, thank you for taking the time to put together such an in-depth plan and thank you for getting the world interested in seeing the way that they've been doing has not worked and highlighting a way forward.  So, from our point of view, we think this is a step forward.  We want people to discuss new ideas, look at this problem differently, and again, people who come with criticism, it's very easy to say what you are against and much harder to say what you're for, and what we've done, we've done the hard work, we studied this problem, we've studied all the global economies that have been successful the last seventy five years, studied the economies where it failed, we've drawn from the best ideas, we customized this plan, for our work here we've built it off a lot of the great work that's been done in the past and we've done this, we've put forth a credible substantive detailed plan for how to move forward, than what we'll do is refine it, again, nobodies got a monopoly on good ideas, we'll refine this, we'll get buy in, then will go try address the political solutions.  But what I do know is that a lot of the people who are criticizing are not people who have been constructive, people who have been involved with this for a very, very long time and these are people who have not found solutions, who have not helped make the Palestinians lives better."

(as a side note to the next question, there was no Israeli or Palestinian participation at the Manama workshop which this interview was spun off from)

Reporter to Jared Kushner:

"Did you incidentally invite any input while preparing for this from the Palestinians themselves in terms of the concept?"

Jared Kushner to reporter:

"So a few things, one is the reason we're doing economics first before the political solutions is that they're both very in-depth, they all have documents that we have put together and we were told it would be too much to digest at one time, so we're putting this forward knowing we'd get criticism doing this without the political but like I said you can't execute these economics plant without having political solutions so the advice we got from the people in the region was to put this out first and we thought that would get to focus on this so that when we do the political discussion they have this in context.  And again, over the last two years we've engaged extensively with a lot of Palestinian leaders, a lot of Palestinian business community, a lot of people throughout the middle east.  We have not been trying to impose a solution on this region that we think works, we're trying to draw from the region all the best ideas than help people create a new framework to discuss these issues that have not been able to be resolved in the past."

Reporter to Jared Kushner: 

"But did you get any input from the Palestinian Authority?"

Jared Kushner to reporter:

"We have had, I am not going to comment on the discussions we've had with them or haven't had with them."

Reporter to Jared Kushner:

"Now the Palestinian decision not to attend the workshop, is that a blow?"

Jared Kushner to reporter:

"Not at all, look it's fairly predictable, what they've been saying is a lot of hot rhetoric, rejecting everything before they even see it which is in my opinion not very responsible decision. The responsible thing is to say is we've been trying to do this for twenty five years, we have not made any break through, if people are coming an they are trying to spend the effort to create a blue print for us to be able to have a better future, we'll engage with them and we'll listen, for whatever reason it's better politics for them or better policy to, to, to say all the things they've been saying but I don't see how their actions are going to lead to their lives, people getting better.  I know when President Trump makes decisions or makes statements he's always looking at it through the filter of, will this keep the people I was elected to represent safer, will this help them to have more opportunities to live a better life, but right now, quite frankly, I don't understand what their strategy is, um my hope is that as we put these, as we put these elements out realize there are a lot of good elements here that will help their, people live a better life and they'll engage."

Reporter to Jared Kushner:

"Now the main beef the Palestinians Authority has with the, your plan, as you know, is that they saying, um, instead of land for peace, the principle of land for peace, you're offering them money for peace.  Now land for peace is the essence of the Saudi initiative by the late King Abdullah.  How much overlap, is there any overlap at all between your plan and the Arab initiative of the Saudi, the King Abdullah?"

Jared Kushner to reporter:

"So, I am saying the first part, if that's what their saying, it's a very uninformed position.  This is not money for peace this is economic prosperity and a business plan if there is peace.  So, the peace has to stand on its own, but you can't just sign peace agreement after all these years of fighting then all of a sudden love each other and move on with life.  You have to be able to articulate what a future is that is exciting for people.  If you think about it for the middle east the unifying feature of the Arab world over the last seventy years is the hatred of Israel.  They've used that often to deflect a lot of their own shortcomings internally.  So, Israel is not the cause of the problem throughout a lot of these places.  A lot is bad governments, a lot is lack of opportunity for people and lack of investment in the right way.  So again, what we are trying to do here is we're trying to figure out what is a framework for moving forward.  You mentioned the Arab peace initiative, and I think that was a very, very noble effort when it was done 2002, the Arab peace initiative says that no military solution to this conflict, which I think is a very important recognition, it has to be a negotiated solution.  The parties have tried to negotiate for a lot of years, and it hasn't worked so we tried to do is a framework for this to happen, political will be in-depth, we'll put that out at the right time, and we hope people will judge it on its merit opposed to rejecting it before they even see it.  Which again is not a rational construct in terms of how to approach to make the lives of your people better.  So again, the purpose of the workshops is to bring people together, show that there is a lot of potential for this region, show that a lot of the greatest investors in the world do care about this issue, care about the Palestinian people, want to be here in the event we can create a peace agreement and a stable environment where capital can be invested, and opportunity can be realized."

Reporter to Jared Kushner:

"Now, eh, another point on the Arab initiative, if thee, thee, thee US ambassador to Israel, David Freidman, has, he's on the record as saying that he thinks that Israel has the right to retain some of the West Bank.  To the Palestinians and others in the Arab world, that is the death blow to the, eh, eh, two state solution.  Is the two-state solution still a viable solution for you and for President Donald Trump?"

Jared Kushner to reporter:

"Well for now, for the workshop, we're focused on the economic aspects of what could be possible if there is a resolution.  But what I will say is that all the people that I speak to about the Arab peace initiative, and again, it was a great effort but if that's where a deal was going to be made a deal would have been made a long time ago.  I think we all have to recognize if there's ever a deal it's not going to be along the lines of the Arab peace initiative, it'll be somewhere between the Arab peace initiative and it'll be somewhere between the Israeli position.  I think we need to think about what are the fundamental underlying important, one is security.  I think the Israel population and the Palestinian population, and the broader middle east right now cares about has security.  The more security the more you could have freer flow of goods, freer flow of people.  I know that's a very big issue for the Palestinians.  They want to be able to move through the borders because the cost of goods are too high because it takes a long time to get through the borders.  Oh, but there's a direct correlation between the ramping up of terror, the threat to Israel and slowing down of the borders.  So, if we can create an environment where's there's actual peace, and again peace comes from compromise, we'll figure out what the right elements of that are at the right time than that is the necessary precondition to be able to implement a lot of the economic reforms that we talk about at this conference."    


There you have it in a nutshell, Biden wasn't delivering a message from Biden, Biden was delivering a message from former President Donald Trump, how his administration has envisioned a new paradigm for the region, has worked on this issue through the works of the Abraham Accord, and since Israel signed it, more than likely not knowing what the political solution was going to turn out to be, Bibi will not be allowed to let former President Donald Trump down again.  If Bibi doesn't relent and accept the US security protocols of Donald Trump, whom, now we know why he's out there bellowing that only he can keep Israel safe, guarantee of promised security by the US and western allies and a coalition of Arab states to take control of Gaza, Bibi's going to find out what happens to those who don't want to compromise, much like the Palestinian people are right now.

Actually, if you want to debate the issue, the Palestinians are in the indoctrination stage, that's the stage where, according to Elon Musk, they have to do whatever is necessary to stop the hate.  The stage where essentially these people have been fed propaganda since they were children, adding its remarkable what humans are capable of if they're fed falsehood from when they are children, somehow there will have to be a way to change people's minds.  That's the first step to determine, that they need a mind changing, the second part, is the indoctrination stage, this is where Bibi thought they really meant through education, and the third part is through building prosperity, that's the part Bibi didn't think would entail giving up his right to Israel's own sense of security.  Ironically though, the Israeli supreme court a while back ruled that ultra-right conservative Jews had to be forced to serve in the military, because, after all, we can't have children being indoctrinated with falsehoods as children.       

To not add any doubt that Biden is carrying Trump's bucket of water here, let's go over a few words spoken that are in either in sync with the Kushner plan of bringing prosperity to the region or add credibility that Netanyahu let them down in regard to what they were expecting to happen after they fulfilled the agreements to the Abraham Accords.  The latter focuses on the fact that after the signing of the accord, Bibi lost his re-election bid.  

During the interview Kushner is quoted as saying they have Arab investors willing to invest up to fifty billion dollars into Gaza.  Kushner said that if they could focus on the financials rather than the politics it could change the trajectory of the region.  When looked into that held true up until July 2023.  On December 13, 2022, it was announced that investment firm Centerbridge and Gallatin Point Capital were going to sell their majority stake share in Phoenix Insurance, one of Israel's largest holding companies, to ADQ, ADQ is an Abu Dhabi based investment and holding company.  

>Centerbridge and Gallatin Point are in advance negotiation with emirate funds to enter Phoenix's controlling stake.  The Emirate fund, led by ADQ, signed a non-binding stake in 2019; the existing senior management team will buy a share of the company and will continue their roles.  The deal will be subject to regulatory approvals including obtaining a control permit from the Capital Market Authority.   

By July 2023 the deal had fell through.  

>Phoenix, one of Israels largest financial companies and US investment firms, which hold about 33% of Phoenix, said last year they were in advanced talks to sell 25%-30% of the company based on 9.2 billion, shekel (2.5 billion) valuation to ADQ and other UAE and international investors.  However, a non-binding agreement was mutually terminated, the sellers said in a letter to Phoenix that was posted on the Tel Aviv stock exchange.  The letter cited regulatory limitation that would prevent members of the UAE consortium from making other material investments in Israel.  The sides were working on a deal for the UAE led consortium to buy a much smaller number of shares in Phoenix, with Gallatin and Centerbridge keeping at least 30% as a controlling stake, according to the filing.  The UAE became the first Gulf state to normalize relations with Israel under US brokered agreement dubbed the Abraham Accords. 

Netanyahu, who didn't attend the Manama workshop, nor the Palestinian Authority who called the workshop an ill-fated attempt to "liquidate" the Palestinian cause, Netanyahu signed onto the Abraham Accord.  Netanyahu wasn't in office when the deal between Phoenix, Centerbridge and Gallatin was first brought forth but it, in my opinion, doesn't come as a surprise that the deal as written was cancelled once he came back into office.  In what could be claimed as once unheard of looked to remain as such.   The above could be seen as having drove a stake right through the objective of a planned financial overhaul of Gaza.  Enough so to warrant revenge and pay back for another let down by Bibi in Trumps view as after the attack he had this to say:

>"Israel was going to do this with us, (in reference to the attack on Soleimani), and it was being planned and working on it for months and we had everything set to go.  The night before it happened, I got a call that Israel will not be participating in this attack.  I'll never forget that Bibi Netanyahu let us down.  That was a very terrible thing and then Bibi tried to take credit for it.  That didn't make me feel too good but that's all right", Trump said in a sardonic tone.

Who uses a sarcastic, disdainful tone of voice to describe a tragic event. He has gone on to describe Bibi as having been unprepared for the attack, he didn't see it coming, and that only he can keep Israel safe.  Evidently, he doesn't just take his supporters as fools but people in the global community who regard Israeli military capabilities as the world's top premier military.  If Bibi didn't see this coming, it's because those who were going to be foolish enough to sell out Israel to investors and let Arab countries have a controlling stake in Israel's largest banking system didn't let Bibi know what was coming.  Before Bibi came back into office, they were really close to closing a deal:

>In an interview with the BBC's Today programme on Tuesday, the Saudi ambassador in London confirmed that "absolutely there is interest" among his country's leaders for an agreement.

>"[A deal] was close, there is no question. For us, the final end point definitely included nothing less than an independent state of Palestine. So, while we still - going forward after 7 October - believe in normalisation, it does not come at the cost of the Palestinian people," Prince Khalid said. 

>He added: "We were close to normalisation, therefore close to a Palestinian state. One doesn't come without the other. The sequencing, how it is managed, that is what was being discussed." 

This brings us close to words of similarity spoken that Biden is treading water for Trump, Kushner and the binding words of similarity found in the Abraham Accords.  We can start that off with the chosen name of the coalition forces who have been patrolling the Red Sea. The operation would be called Operation Prosperity Guardian.   Prosperity is being thrown around so much it almost tends to make you want to believe they have heart felt sincerity in enriching Palestinians lives instead of their own.  Here's a Kamala Harris word salad on prosperity for Palestinians:

>She said they were committed to a two-state solution, and "to get to a place for the principles we have stated, will insist there be no reoccupation of Gaza by the Israeli, there will be no forced displacement of Palestinians, but we work toward equal measures of security, PROPSERITY, and freedom for Israelis and Palestinians to do what is possible to lay the pathway for that possibility and goal.  

>We do also need to focus on what is happening now toward what is possible and should be possible the day after as we call it. 

If that wasn't clear enough Blinken courted similar words prior to making it perfectly clear to Bibi he'll get left behind if he doesn't tow the mark:

>There are certain basic principles we set out months ago that we feel are really important when it comes to Gaza's future.  Including that it cannot be a platform for terrorism, there should be no Israeli re-occupation in Gaza, the size of Gaza's territory should not be reduced.  So, want to make any plan that emerges is consistent with those principles.  

Just to ensure how badly people are being played about this kinship between the Biden administration and the prior Trump administration, is this interview seen between John Ratcliff and Kayleigh McEnany shortly after the attack on Israel:

John Ratcliff to Kayleigh:

Iran wanted a lethal injection (what an ironic choice of words) into the normalization and extension of the Abraham Accords and possible normalization of Israeli and Saudi Arabia relations, and they have accomplished it.

Kayleigh to John:  

Saudi Arabia and Israel are not going to get the kind of guarantees to make sure Iran doesn't get what they want to make these normalization and further building of Arab partners for Israel occur and the US with strong leadership can do that.

John Ratcliff to Kayleigh:  

Obviously, Kayleigh, you just outlined it could work.  We saw it work.  It could continue to work but it's not gonna happen.  I am sorry it's not gonna happen in the next year and a half in this administration because no one believes the authenticity of the Biden administration when it comes to stand with Israel.  They haven't stood with Israel for two and a half years.  They've stood closer to Iran than they have Israel and that's why we have mayhem and war in the middle east.

Kayleigh to John Ratcliff:  Gone are the days of peace through strength.

Which brings us about face back to this:

Kushner:  So, if we can create an environment where's there's actual peace, and again peace comes from compromise, we'll figure out what the right elements of that are at the right time than that is the necessary precondition to be able to implement a lot of the economic reforms that we talk about at this conference." 

Blinken to Bibi Netanyahu, you've been served.

Links to information in article:

Foretold: This is how the independent State of Palestine gets founded | Yossi Ben Ari | The Blogs (

Biden caught on a hot mic saying he told Israel PM Netanyahu they needed to have a 'come-to-Jesus meeting' (

Kamala Descends Into a Festival of Word Salads, Throws Israel Under the Bus – RedState

Saudi Arabia interested in Israel deal after war (

Defense Secretary Expected to Announce International Coalition to Protect Red Sea Shipping - W³P Lives (

Sale of Israel’s Phoenix Insurance to Abu Dhabi state fund Falls Through - Jewish Business News


X22, And we Know, and more- March 10


However Much You Hate Democrats, It’s Not Enough

If Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address didn’t make you hate that man and his party, nothing will and you are lost. It was a speech that would have been right at home in Nuremberg in 1933, full of division and demonizations directed toward half the country which that senile piece of garbage dared to end by calling for unity. Sorry, you post-digested food exit port, you and your Brownshirts can go straight to hell. No matter how disgusted you are by these people, it is not enough. No matter how much you hate them, they hate you more, and however much animosity and contempt you can hold them in, it is not nearly enough.

That wasn’t a State of the Union speech, it was a campaign rally. Democrats cheering the lies like those Bavarians nearly a century ago, with Biden hopped up on God knows what – Adderall, speed, Preludin or just good, old-fashioned cocaine from one of his many degenerate family members. Someone told him that good substitute for “passion” is yelling, and for intellectual heft is whispering. They were wrong. 

Joe just stood up there, vacillating wildly between the two – loud and quiet – with his hair plugs and fake teeth on full display along with the emptiness of his soul in his vacant eyes. Democrats, not content to simply sully the institution of Congress through their legislative proposals and childish conduct on a daily basis, turned the address into a convention speech. 

“Four more years,” they chanted like a gang or Taylor Swift fans demanding an encore. 

Normally, picking one horrible moment from 90 minutes of lies and evil is as futile as finding one drop of water to blame for making you wet in a pool, but in this case, Joe Biden’s shamelessness as a human being crystalized in one disgusting moment. 

Joe had weeks to prepare, and the name “Laken” isn’t hard to pronounce, it’s just Lake with an n at the end of it. But you’d have to care, at least a little, to even be familiar with the name of a woman whose blood is on your hands. And if your last name is not Biden, Joe has never, and will never care about you. Oh, he’ll dance on your grave if he finds it useful, even if your name is Biden, because he’s just that kind of scumbag, but he won’t care.

The most pathetic part of Biden’s attempt to seem like a decent human being was he was holding a button with Laken Riley’s name written on it – all he had to do was read it, but he didn’t. He’s also so drenched in dementia that, unlike other sociopaths, he doesn’t catch something as simple as saying the wrong name and immediately correcting himself. He said “Lincoln” instead of Laken, twice. Neither time did saying a man’s name when talking about a murdered woman register with him.

Worse still, that pile of garbage said, “Lincoln. Lincoln Riley, an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal, that’s right. But how many thousands of people are being killed by legals?

“What does it matter that one American got killed by an illegal alien when other Americans are killed by Americans?” That’s sick. What does it matter that his first wife and daughter got killed in a car accident? Lots of people get killed that way. What does it matter if his favorite child died of brain cancer? Lots of people die of cancer. See how gross it is? 

Naturally, Joe used his dead kids to inoculate himself, saying, “To her parents, I say, my heart goes out to you having lost children myself. I understand. 

While losing a child must be a horrible kind of pain I’d wish on no one, Laken Riley’s murder is nothing like Joe’s losses. One was 50 years ago, the other was slow and known – allowing him the opportunity to say goodbye. The Riley family has fresh pain and were afforded no chance to say goodbye. 

If Joe hadn’t really lost children he would have invented them;his “empathy” is simply repeating their story because it’s easier than actually caring. Because he doesn’t care about anything beyond himself. There’s a reason Hunter buried himself in hooker and drugs and it wasn’t that his father honestly loved him.

As if choreographed from the start, the media acted like screaming fangirls. The word “fiery” became all the rage, as if they were all ordered to use it. Joe Scarborough, the Trans-Harry Potter of MSNBC, declared “game, set, match” for the senile scumbag who dishonored the memory and life of Laken Riley. 

Democrats got upset, not over Riley’s murder, but because Biden called her killer an “illegal” because, well, he’s an illegal alien. Not a one of them gives any more of a damn that Laken was killed than Joe does.

They hate Laken Riley for going on that jog and being murdered for it, it allowed the world to see who they really are – the type of people who’d blame a rape victim for wearing a short skirt, provided they found the rapist politically useful.

They hate you and everything you believe in; everything good they have no use for because you won’t conform. No matter how much you hate them back, it is not enough. They deserve more than you even thought possible. 

Letitia James Went After a County for Protecting Women’s Sports. Here’s What Happened Next

Madeline Leesman reporting for Townhall 

A county executive in New York is suing state Attorney General Letitia James (D) to block her from stopping an executive order that bans transgender athletes from competing in women’s sports. 

To recap, on Friday, Democrat New York Attorney General Letitia James sent a cease-and-desist letter to lawmakers in Nassau County over an executive order that protects women’s sports from so-called “transgender athletes.” James ordered county executive Bruce Blakeman to “immediately rescind” the order.

"The law is perfectly clear: you cannot discriminate against a person because of their gender identity or expression. We have no room for hate or bigotry in New York,” James said of the order. “This executive order is transphobic and blatantly illegal. Nassau County must immediately rescind the order, or we will not hesitate to take decisive legal action.”

On X, Blakeman wrote that the order “stops the bullying of women and girls by transgender males who have many outlets to compete without putting the safety and security of females in danger.”

Now, Blakeman and a set of parents are pursuing legal action against James (via Fox News):

Blakeman and parents Marc and Jeanine Mullen, who are plaintiffs in the lawsuit and whose 16-year-old daughter competes in women’s volleyball in Nassau County, said an "unfair playing field is created when a biological male competes against biological females, and further recognizing the risk of serious injury to biological females."

"By this action, the plaintiffs seek to prevent the defendants from doing exactly what it is that they have alleged the County of Nassau and County Executive Bruce A. Blakeman have done: unconstitutionally discriminating against individuals on the basis of gender in the limited and narrow context of sporting events," the lawsuit states.

In a statement to Fox News, a spokesperson for James’ office said that Blakeman’s order is “transphobic.”

"County Executive Blakeman’s executive order is transphobic and discriminatory. Our laws protect New Yorkers from discrimination, and the Office of the Attorney General is committed to upholding those laws and protecting our communities," said the spokesperson. "This is not up for debate: the executive order is illegal, and it will not stand in New York."

Americans Have A ‘Crisis Of Confidence’ In Biden. His Angry State Of The Union Speech Didn’t Help

President Joe Biden’s angry address to the country Thursday night exhibited yet again why Americans have a “crisis of confidence” in the Biden administration.

After a late start to his State of the Union speech, Biden urged Americans to appreciate the languishing economy and record-high inflation his administration has ushered in.

“Our economy is literally the envy of the world!” Biden yelled.

Prices have increased more than 17 percent since Biden took office, according to a December consumer price index report from the House Budget Committee.

The president then bragged about “15 million new jobs in just three years,” “800,000 new manufacturing jobs” and “unemployment at 50-year lows.”

Of those 800,000 new manufacturing jobs Biden likes to tout, however, “the first three-quarters of those job gains represented a return to pre-recession levels,” as Politifact notes. Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that prior to the Covid lockdowns, the economy saw a dramatic increase in job growth under former President Donald Trump. After the economy took a hit during largely Democrat-enforced Covid shutdowns, it has returned to just slightly above pre-Covid levels. In February of 2020 there were 12,780,000 jobs, compared to 12,964,000 in February of this year. 

“Wages keep going up and inflation keeps coming down!” Biden bragged. “Inflation has dropped from 9 percent to 3 percent — the lowest in the world!”

Sure, inflation is coming down from its peak that Biden created, but that’s like a grocery store doubling the price of milk and then asking you to be excited about a 10 percent discount. Plus, Americans say their wages are not keeping up with the pace of inflation.

Biden also showed less urgency about the invasion at the southern border than he did about the need to keep sending Ukraine billions of American tax dollars to fight a proxy war against Russia.

But the biggest crisis on display in the address wasn’t the open border or dismal economy. It was the “crisis of confidence” Americans have in a dementia-addled president and his equally incompetent administration. Biden’s incompetence is only rivaled by that of former President Jimmy Carter. Like Biden, Carter oversaw crises at home and abroad, and failed to inspire confidence with his infamous 1979 “Malaise Speech.”

From inflation to terrorism, Carter faced a nation in crisis, and also tried to soothe Americans’ “crisis of confidence” in their government. Americans felt a lack of unity and had no confidence in Carter’s leadership.

But at least Carter conveyed to his listeners a message of understanding that average Americans were dissatisfied and hopeless. In contrast, Biden’s State of the Union Thursday night — like his administration’s messaging in general — told Americans to disbelieve their lying eyes instead of addressing their concerns.

Instead of sincerely acknowledging the economic challenges Americans face, Biden insists the economy is just fine. He bragged about “turning setback into comeback,” but that’s not how many voters feel when they look at Biden’s America.

A whopping 72 percent of adults “say they are very concerned about the price of food and consumer goods,” according to a Pew Research survey. Roughly 8 in 10 Americans think federal authorities are doing a bad job dealing with the invasion by illegal aliens at our southern border. Americans’ fears about crime have risen under Biden, too.

But instead of honestly acknowledging voters’ dissatisfaction with the true state of the country under his administration, Biden’s tactic is to yell at Americans that “the State of our Union is strong and getting stronger” until they believe it.