Monday, March 4, 2024

Checkmating DoJ and Jack Smith

This week, all eyes were on the Willis-Wade fiasco in Fulton County, Georgia, but three less smuttily scintillating cases seem at last to be limiting the overreach of the Department of Justice respecting the J6 defendants and Jack Smith’s persecution of President Donald Trump. In interpreting criminal statutes, it seems to me that Courts should not be creative and expansively read  into them things that the legislature (that writes the laws) did not clearly proscribe as illegal, and it appears that finally, courts higher than the highly partisan D.C. Circuit judges understand that.

The J6 Defendants

If you have been paying attention at all, you are aware that hundreds of peaceful January 6 demonstrators at the Capitol have received draconian punishments and, as Julie Kelly so assiduously reports, are being very badly treated in confinement. A few have even committed suicide because of their treatment at the hands of the D.C. Courts and the prosecution. 

Two cases signal that as many as 100 or more of them will have a pathway to obtain reduction of their sentences. As I will explain, these cases and the Supreme Court’s grant of certiorari in response to a Trump motion for a stay, may well result in a major loss to Special Counsel Jack Smith and those counting on a jail term for Trump being a vehicle to schlep the demented President Biden over the finish line for a second term.

All the J6 defendants who pleaded guilty had to agree not to challenge the levels of sentence enhancement the DoJ said were applicable. Those who refused the plea deals and went to court (a lesser number) were given those enhancements anyway by the D.C. Circuit Court judges. The relevant statute allows under the sentence enhancement provision a sentence of up to 20 years, so the option of a plea deal was attractive to many (on top of the cost of proceeding, for as you remember, the big firms which rushed to provide pro bono representation to Gitmo defendants couldn’t be bothered with these people.)

The Fischer Case

Joseph Fischer was one of the J6 defendants who declined to enter into a plea agreement. Like most of the J6 defendants he was at best guilty of a misdemeanor – trespassing -- but the Department of Justice charged him under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1512 (c)(2) of “corruptly interfering with an official proceeding.”  Because the Administration would prefer the narrative that J6 was an  ‘insurrection” and not, as counsel for many of the defendants William Shipley believes it was, “a protest over which the police lost control because they were undermanned and unprepared,” this is the tag DoJ has chosen. 

Fischer’s case went through the appeal process and when he lost, he applied for certiorari to the Supreme Court, which was granted. The case will be heard in mid-April. Per Shipley, ”Two of the four counts in the indictment against former President Trump, rely on the same legal rationale and facts from the events of January 6 as those being used against January 6 defendants such as Joe Fischer. If the Supreme Court reverses Joe Fischer’s conviction, those two counts alleged in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s indictment will be dismissed -- and with them the heart of the D.C. prosecution.”  Other consequences of a reversal, might mean that hundreds of the J6 defendants may be able to get their sentences reduced.

The Brock Case

Further jeopardizing the DoJ’s railroading of the J6 defendants is this week’s decision by the D.C. Court of Appeals. Looking at the same statute as the Supreme Court is considering in Fischer, three judges on the D.C. Court of Appeals, (Millett, Pillard, and Rogers, all of whom were appointed by Democrat presidents) ruled this week that rioters did not merit lengthier sentences for interfering in the “administration of justice” when they paraded through the Capitol. Judge Patricia Millett in her opinion wrote “The phrase ‘administration of justice’ does not encompass Congress’ role in the electoral certification process.” Maybe the panel could see the way the wind was blowing. Certainly it could have said more.

Former prosecutor Andrew McCarthy weighs in: ”In reversing a nonviolent Jan6 defendant's sentence yesterday, DC-Cir was mum on how Biden DOJ has misused [guide]lines, systematically inflating sentences by >400% (in obstruction cases that Supremes will soon scrutinize).” 

Trump v. U.S.

If you aren’t already dizzy watching all the litigation balls in the air, the Supreme Court granted certiorari upon Trump’s application for a stay on the question “Whether and if so to what extent does a former President enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve criminal acts during his time in office?” The court in effect is saying that it -- not lower courts -- has the sole authority to decide when a former president has immunity for acts committed while in office. This case completely halts the D.C. proceeding against him, and should they limit his immunity in a way that affects the prosecution of the case, there is still the likelihood that the Fischer and Brock cases will present impediments to the prosecution.

As all these cases proceed, the Smith decision to proceed in both Florida and D.C. simultaneously against Trump and to do it late in the game, are presenting what appears to be insurmountable calendar conflicts, making resolution before the election increasingly unlikely. President Biden keeps sinking in the polls, no likely successor to head the Democrat ticket has shown up, and, now the lawfare gambit seems a fading possibility.

The last hope is to keep him off the ballot, and joining several states in this effort, this week a traffic court judge in Cook County ruled he could not appear on the Illinois primary ballot because of the “insurrection.” The judge stayed her order and Trump has appealed.  In Colorado, where this tinpot claim first appeared, a judge has ruled otherwise, and held that Trump must be allowed on the ballot. 

[The judge] looked more favorably upon Trump’s team’s argument that the amendment does not apply to the office of the president. The text of the amendment specifies “Senator or Representative in Congress” and “elector of President and Vice President” but not “President.”

Trump has not been convicted of insurrection and was acquitted by the U.S. Senate of charges of engaging in insurrection and continues to deny wrongdoing.

Trump continues to face legal challenges in numerous states across the country, but has had a string of favorable rulings.[snip]

A federal court in New Hampshire recently dismissed a similar case, ruling that the Fourteenth Amendment claim is a “nonjusticiable political question.” A Minnesota state court recently dismissed a lawsuit aiming to keep Trump off that state’s primary ballot. And a Michigan Court of Claims judge ruled that the Secretary of State must list Trump on the ballot as well.

I hate to help the opposition, but I do think they’d be better off crafting and sticking to rational policies and sentient candidates than trying to get rid of the opposition through such persistent and unpersuasive lawfare.

Biden took checks from left-wing climate activists who pressured him to halt LNG exports

 ByGabe Kaminsky - March 4, 2024 6:00 am

President Joe Biden received a financial boost from staffers for influential left-wing climate activist groups that later pressured the U.S. government to pause new approvals for liquefied natural gas export terminals, records show.

In recent years, the Rockefellers and philanthropy of ex-Democratic New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg joined deep-pocketed nonprofit organizations in bankrolling a sprawling anti-LNG initiative that helped propel the Biden administration to halt LNG exports, a decision in January that policy experts and lawmakers warn could embolden foreign adversaries such as Russia. Top employees for roughly half a dozen entities behind this successful pressure campaign wired large sums to Biden in 2020, with thousands of dollars also coming in to support his 2024 reelection bid, according to documents on file with the Federal Election Commission.

That the activists behind the anti-LNG campaign doubled as donors to Biden could lead to Republicans further pressing for investigations into both his administration’s LNG export pause and ties to green energy groups. In some cases, the White House has either hired or sought to nominate environmental attorneys linked to the climate pressure groups. High-powered lobbyist Tony Podesta, the brother of Biden climate envoy John Podesta, stands to benefit from the pause based on his recent roster of clients, including Golden Pass LNG, co-owned by the state-owned QatarEnergy petroleum company in Doha.

Biden’s 2024 presidential campaign declined to comment and pointed the Washington Examiner to the White House. The White House declined to comment on the LNG pause and referred the press inquiry to the Energy Department, which did not respond.

“It’s a policy that hurts American jobs and American global energy security, but does nothing for climate and the environment,” said Brenda Shaffer, a professor for the Naval Postgraduate School and energy expert at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies think tank. “This whole radicalism against natural gas is something that totally benefits China because the main source of methane emissions is not from natural gas, but from agriculture — especially rice cultivation — which China leads on.”

To many foreign policy experts, Biden’s LNG pause came as a shock and couldn’t have come at a worse time. Tensions in the Middle East have dramatically risen following the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas, which counts one of its key financial backers as major LNG exporter Qatar. The United States exported more LNG in 2023 than any other country and is also the largest oil and gas producer in the world. And from a national security perspective, experts worry it’s a clear win for Russia, which is also a leading LNG exporter and continues its war against the United States ally of Ukraine.

Armed with the critical backing of Rockefeller Family Fund, a public charity formed by business magnate John D. Rockefeller’s heirs, a little-known initiative called the Funder Collaborative on Oil and Gas was wielded by left-wing activists to target LNG, the Wall Street Journal reported. The project was used to cut checks to allies and circulated a memo in 2019, one year after its founding, to gauge interest among other groups in challenging the LNG industry. It also scored cash from billionaire venture capitalist Michael Moritz, a Democrat whose private foundation is deeply invested in Chinese funds.

Personnel for Rockefeller Family Fund, its affiliated Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and the Bloomberg Philanthropies charity directed roughly $60,000 combined to support Biden’s 2020 and 2024 presidential campaigns, records show. Specifically, the contributors have included Rockefeller Family Fund president Lee Wasserman, who reportedly helped coordinate a New York state government investigation into oil giant Exxon Mobil, the charity’s associate director Lisa Guide, deputy director Roxanne Stachowski, and associate director Julie Fernandes.

Valerie Rockefeller is a Biden donor, among others who disclosed their employer as Rockefeller Brothers Fund to the Federal Election Commission. The independent agency’s database lists 31 donations to Biden from people at Bloomberg Philanthropies, including government innovations programs head James Anderson, environmental program head Antha N. Williams, lawyer Teresa Down, and Sarah Brennan, now associate director for Rockefeller Family Fund and working on “climate philanthropy, with a focus on oil and gas,” according to her LinkedIn profile.

Just days after Biden announced the LNG pause, Brennan celebrated it and said the decision was “the result of a sustained four-year push that built upon years of opposition to gas exports by community groups and lawyers.” She also told environmental groups in an email, “The White House recognized the power [of] this campaign,” the Wall Street Journal reported.

The Biden White House notably hired an attorney in 2021 named David Hayes to be special assistant to the president for climate policy after his three-year stint as director of an environmental center at New York University Law School that Bloomberg Philanthropies launched in 2017. Bloomberg-funded lawyers at the center have been brought on by state attorneys general offices to target the fossil fuels industry, including in New York, where Wasserman of Rockefeller Family Fund helped coordinate a major Exxon Mobil investigation that sparked dozens of current climate lawsuits.

Other staffers for groups that backed the Funder Collaborative on Oil and Gas chipped in to boost Biden to the tune of at least $93,100 combined, according to a Washington Examiner analysis of campaign finance disclosures.

Much of that sum is thanks to Charles Zegar and Merryl Snow Zegar, whose family foundation sent $500,000 to the Rockefeller Family Fund in 2022 for the Funder Collaborative on Oil and Gas, tax forms show. Charles Zegar and Meryl Snow Vegar personally donated more than $80,000 in 2020 to help elect Biden.

The Zegar Family Foundation disclosed on its most recently filed tax forms that it was sitting on more than $250 million in assets at the close of 2022. It also transferred $1.75 million combined to Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, a charity with offices in New York City, Chicago, and San Francisco.

Then there’s ClimateWorks Foundation, a San Francisco-based nonprofit organization working “to end the climate crisis by amplifying the power of philanthropy” with a war chest of roughly $402 million. Biden’s 2020 election bid received support from Susan Cook, Rebecca Dell, Gretchen Rau, and Meredith Alcala from ClimateWorks, which has pumped at least $24 million combined since 2018 into the coffers for Rockefeller Family Fund, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, according to tax records.

Biden’s 2020 campaign also pocketed cash from personnel for PennFuture, an LNG critic and nonprofit group formerly called Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future. PennFuture received grants in recent years through the Funder Collaborative on Oil and Gas “to support policy work challenging fracked gas and petrochemical subsidies and buildout,” according to Rockefeller Family Fund.

The San Francisco-based Sandler Foundation also backed the Funder Collaborative on Oil and Gas. Its grants director Sergio Knaebel cut a $500 check to Biden in 2020 and sits on the board of the left-wing climate group Earthjustice, which applauded the Biden administration for pausing LNG exports after it lobbied on the issue. Earthjustice employees contributed roughly $55,000 to Biden’s campaign or joint fundraising committee in 2020 combined, federal disclosures show.

Longtime EarthJustice legislative director Jessica Ennis was hired by the Biden White House in April 2022 to be public engagement director for its Council on Environmental Quality. However, Ennis departed last August to become managing director for Invest in our Future, an ambitious new climate group.

As Invest in our Future crafts plans to help “catalyze $1 trillion in public and private investment toward a clean-energy transition,” it enjoys support from the likes of the Zegar Family Foundation and Bill Gates’ Breakthrough Energy.

According to documents obtained through a public records request by the Government Accountability and Oversight watchdog group and first shared with the Washington Examiner, Invest in our Future is even funding staff positions to advance the climate agenda in the office of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI).

But Invest in Our Future is technically not a stand-alone organization.

Rather, it’s a project of RF Catalytic Capital, a charitable fund managed by the Rockefeller Foundation, which pledged $20 million last September to Invest in our Future.

“The Rockefellers fund the activists to issue demands, the media groups to promote the demands, and the staff in the political offices to implement the demands,” Chris Horner, a lawyer for Government Accountability & Oversight, told the Washington Examiner.

“It’s a layered cake,” in the eyes of Horner.

X22, And we Know, and more- March 4


Gearing Up for ‘Biden’ Versus Trump: Not If, But When and How to Replace Biden

 If Trump can praise those he defeats, call for unity, and campaign in 50 states in non-Republican strongholds, then he can win.

President Joe Biden is declining at a geometric, not an arithmetic, rate. His cognitive challenges are multifaceted.

His gait is shaky. His daily use of stairs now risks the chance of a tenure-ending fall. Even when he sticks to the teleprompter, he so slurs his speech, mispronounces words, and glides his syntax that at times he becomes as incomprehensible at the podium as he is unsteady in his step.

He now speaks a strange language foreign and untranslatable to most Americans. White House transcribers leave hiatuses in their written texts of his remarks to reflect that they either have no idea what he said, do not wish to publicize their guesses at what he said, or do not wish the public to know what he was trying to say.

Despite the circling-the-wagons media and the passive-aggressive sycophants like the opportunistic Gov. Gavin Newsom in waiting, the left understands that Biden will be lucky to get to the August convention. This spring and early summer, he will not campaign as a normal presidential candidate, and this time around, there is no pretense of the COVID epidemic to excuse his absence.

The people have already polled numerous times that their president is unfit to serve now and, in the future, should not run. So the 2020 Faustian bargain is in shambles. Remember its quid pro quos: all the major Democratic presidential candidates of 2020 nearly simultaneously pulled out the primaries to coronate Biden—but only on the condition that Biden would play to the hilt his “ol’ Joe Biden from Scranton” schtick that would offer a veneer to the otherwise unpopular hard left agenda of the new Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren/the Obamas/Squad Democratic Party.

The people voted for a “return to normalcy,” all while the left destroyed the southern border, unleashed a critical legal theory/George-Soros crime wave, dismantled hard-won deterrence abroad, and printed money to spur hyperinflation.

Moreover, it is increasingly clear that the entire Biden family consortium is compromised and corrupt. Neither Hunter nor Jim nor Frank Biden had any consulting skills, business expertise, or corporate experience to warrant leveraging over $25 million from foreign interests. Their only commodity was to sell corrupt parties the appearance that Joe Biden would be quite willing to help their various causes if they enriched his family. Everyone knows that to be true, and only now, as Biden sinks into incoherence, are his protectors shrugging about the obvious money-making schemes that revolved around a corrupt senator, vice president, and private citizen, Joe Biden.

None of Biden’s record is popular. His policies on the border, economy, energy, foreign policy, and crime poll below 50 percent. And this trifecta of Biden’s mental deterioration, family corruption, and failed presidential record will only grow worse.

Then there is the Kamala Harris issue—the Spiro Agnew insurance policy of our age that so far has protected Biden from overt efforts to replace him. She is as unpopular as Biden and often as incomprehensible, but without the excuse of age or mental diminishment. Of all the major Beltway elected officials, only Sen. Mitch McConnell polls worse.

By August, Democratic donors and politicos may well conclude that the only way to rid the party of both is to release Biden’s delegates, open up the convention, and let candidates fight over the now-free delegates. Harris then will not be nominated, but not through a backroom, Machiavellian removal of a black woman. Instead, she will “fairly” lose an “open” and “transparent” free-for-all of various Democratic want-to-be replacements and recede into a sober and judicious Mike Pence-like retirement.

The problem with this scenario, of course, is that late-season convention or post-convention machinations in the modern era don’t work out too well. In 1976, Ronald Reagan, after losing a series of early primaries and being declared nearly inert, suddenly caught fire and entered the August 1976 Republican convention in Kansas City within striking distance of incumbent Gerald Ford. President Ford, remember, had never been elected either president or vice president.

In the end, in one of the most acrimonious Republican conventions in memory, a wounded Ford won the nomination by only 117 delegate votes out of some 2,257 cast. In some sense, Ford never recovered and lost the election to Jimmy Carter, even as the tumult gave Reagan the exposure and his team the experience needed to win the nomination in 1980.

About two weeks after the 1972 Democratic convention, a desperate George McGovern and the Democratic hierarchy removed Vice President running mate Sen. Thomas Eagleton from the ticket due to revelations of little-known past electric shock treatments given to combat depression. After futile efforts, the Democrats settled on the Kennedy clan’s Sargent Shriver, who had never run for office. McGovern would have lost anyway to an incumbent Nixon. But the margin of defeat in one of the greatest landslides in presidential history was often attributable to the sheer chaos of changing a vice presidential candidate so late in the campaign.

In sum, the Democrats can—and may have to—replace Joe Biden, and they can ensure that Kamala Harris is not the nominee, but the means of doing so will be chaotic and messy and will wound the winner for the rest of the campaign.

Trump’s Circuitous Path to Victory

Donald Trump challenges have now been discussed ad nauseam, and they are threefold: he must either beat or postpone campaign-season court trials—and find perhaps $800 million to $1 billion to post bonds, pay interests on them, and meet gargantuan legal fees—without turning off donors and supporters and by avoiding the diversion of Republican National Committee and various campaign funds to his own personal defense.

As in the past, Trump will be vastly outspent, perhaps by 3-1 or 4-1. Molly Ball’s infamous Time 2022 essay outlined the left-wing scheming that ensured a mail-in/early balloting election by aggregating the deep state, the corporate boardroom, the social media monopolies, and the 2020 riotous street thugs of Antifa and BLM. What she called a “cabal” and “conspiracy” was designed not so much as a one-off to defeat Trump as to create a permanent system by which a Trump-like candidate could never win a presidential election, both in 2020 and afterward.

Given changes in the 2020 state voting laws that saw 60-70 percent of the ballots in many swing states not cast on Election Day, while the rejection rate of faulty ballots counter-intuitively plunged despite such an influx, Trump will have to win by 3–4 points. Otherwise, in the swing states, we will again stare at the late-evening televised wizardry in which his huge leads mysteriously melt on the screen as drop boxes and mail sacks are tallied.

To achieve a 51-plus majority in the popular vote—no Republican has achieved such a national ballot margin in 36 years since George H.W. Bush beat Mike Dukakis in 1988—Trump will have to win, or win back, more Independents, apostate Democrats, and RINO Never-Trumpers.

He can do that in only two ways:

One, he must hammer away at Joe Biden’s disastrous record on the border, energy, race, foreign affairs, the economy, and social issues that scare moderates and fence-sitters, especially when comparisons are made to the achievements of 2017-2020. Inner-city residents are being tag-teamed by both the influx of thousands of illegal aliens who apparently have first claims on stretched social services and street criminals who loot, assault, and carjack mostly their law-abiding neighbors with impunity.

Two, Trump needs to model his remarks after his Iowa Primary victory speech or his recent Fox Townhall event with Fox’s Laura Ingram. Translated, that means there is no reason to reference Nikki Hayley’s deployed husband, to refer to her as a “birdbrain,” or to say much of anything other than she will lose, and in the process, she is needlessly hurting more than half of America by draining resources away from the only real chance to repeal the current socialist agenda.

Hayley is imploding without any need for a Trump push. Magnanimity, rather than salt in her self-inflicted wounds, is the better strategy to unite the party. Trump has cemented his base. He will increase his share of minority voters who have been hurt the worst by the Biden socialist agenda. But to ensure victory and a Republican Congress, he cannot give swing voters a reason not to vote for policies and initiatives that they overwhelmingly prefer over those of the now hard-left Democratic Party.

In sum, after Super Tuesday, when Hayley will either quit the race or become inert, Trump needs to call her, politely remind her of her promise to support the nominee, and welcome her back into the fold. If she is wise, she will likely agree to disagree, let bygones be bygones, and thus pledge to support the assured nominee, Trump.

Two of her three choices are in her own interest: 1) She endorses him, and Trump wins, and she is vibrant in 2028; 2) she endorses him, and Trump loses, and she is still viable; 3) she opposes him, and Trump either wins—and she is persona non grata—or he loses, and she is blamed for splitting the party and his defeat. Breaking her public promise to support the nominee will bleed what support she retains, and would prove a suicidal blunder.

Trump has achieved the greatest political comeback since Richard Nixon arose from the ashes of defeat in California in 1962 to win the nomination and presidency in 1968. Trump’s Phoenix-like rebirth from January 2021 to the present was achieved by Biden’s failure, the natural empathy accruing from the weaponization of the law by partisan or corrupt prosecutors against him, and Trump’s greater success in giving independents fewer reasons to vote against him. If he can praise those he defeats, call for unity, and campaign in 50 states in non-Republican strongholds, then he can win—even despite the hatred of the left, the corruption of the media, the weaponization of the bureaucracy, and the eroding trust in the way we vote.

Rural America Is a Threat to the Totalitarian Left

Last week Newt Gingrich tried to remind Americans how serious the threat of nuclear conflict remains.  In a sober essay, he warned that the United States is not prepared to withstand nuclear or electromagnetic pulse attacks and urged Americans to prepare for unthinkable possibilities.  Then a few days later, I woke up to read that “white rural rage” is the greatest “threat to democracy” and thought, “Well, at least we don’t have to worry about nuclear Armageddon now.”  Such is the sorry state of the “woke” West that the “thinking class” moronically obsesses over trivialities, while ignoring everything that is disastrous.

This somewhat regurgitated “white rural rage” thesis comes from a “journalist” and an “academic” who have written a book explaining why white, patriotic Americans who just want to live their lives free from government interference are actually responsible for everything wrong in the country.  Just when I think my white-hot contempt for closed-minded toffs couldn’t burn more brightly, a couple nitwits ratchet up my “rage” to eleventy.  Dang, they got me.  Turns out that if you scapegoat rural Americans long enough, some will get angry.  Uff da.

Of course, anyone who lives in or near rural America knows that the brain-dead professor and reporter tag-team responsible for this drivel never spent any time meeting the people whom they disparage.  If they had, it would have been impossible for them to write so dishonestly (even for people paid to lie for a living).  Rural America is where authentic democracy flourishes.  People still gather in churches and town squares to discuss their communities’ hardships and successes.  Law enforcement and firefighting depend on the efforts of volunteers.  Local papers tell stories of next-door neighbors and follow the adventures of townspeople far from home — many risking their lives in combat overseas.  When someone isn’t seen in the grocery store or at the bank for any length of time, people notice.  Before a sheriff’s deputy has time to investigate, local residents are on the case.  When snowed-in roads need clearing, family trucks turn into plows.  When farmers need extra hands to harvest crops, familiar faces arrive in droves.  At the deli, town market, or local watering hole residents debate the issues on their minds.  There are no timeouts because some topic has been declared “politically incorrect” or because some intervening listener declares the conversation riddled with “hate.”  Rural America is where free speech thrives.  

If saving American “democracy” were really the goal, New York City, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C., would be sending delegations out to “flyover country” as part of fact-finding missions to see how it’s done.  Umm, interesting, these residents can disagree with each other without burning down each other’s businesses?  I did not know that was possible!  Yet it is possible.  It is normal!  Rural Americans can scream at each other one night and make up before church service the next day.  You mean nobody is around to police their speech?  Nope, rural Americans recognize the same basic truth that our political forefathers understood — that no king or parliament has the power to tell an adult what he may think or say.  But how does anything get done without a strong central government providing for their every need?  It might sound amazing, but ordinary people are quite capable of protecting their neighbors and providing for their towns’ survival.  During an emergency, they don’t wait for the “authorities” to arrive.  Outside of Almighty God, they are the authorities.  As rational adults with responsibility for their own lives, they know what needs to be done.  And they do it.  If you want to see “democracy in action,” visit one of the tens of thousands of small communities that dot the country from coast to coast.  They are where strong, caring, and resilient people work and live.

The real fear of the “white rural rage” Chicken Littles is not that rural Americans are a threat to “democracy” but rather that they provide an immovable bulwark against the Deep State’s “master plan” for a totalitarian super-State.  All over the West, politicians and pundits continue to extol authoritarianism as “democratic” and denigrate self-government as “populist.”  It’s absurdly Orwellian, of course, but since we live in the age of censorship, propaganda, and linguistic chicanery, these word games will continue.  Somewhere in the pits of Hell, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, and Mao are eager to remind Klaus Schwab and all the other Western globalists how “democratic” their “rules-based international orders” are, too.  

The globalist authoritarians have instructed the commoners to stop eating meat.  Rural Americans have said, “Nah, we’re good.  We like steak.”  The “new world order” folks have insisted that a great deal of speech must be censored in order to protect fragile adults from experiencing outbreaks of unapproved “hate.”  Rural Americans have responded, “Suck it up, Buttercup.  Maybe try listening to an opposing point of view sometime.  It might just vaccinate you from the plague of groupthink.”  The globo-Marxists have demanded that consumers hand over their keys to any car with an internal combustion engine.  Rural Americans have laughingly replied, “Not only are we keeping every truck and tractor from the last century in a barn out back but also we can’t wait to buy some new all-terrain vehicles to ride through the backcountry.”  Officials who betray their oaths to the Constitution have told law-abiding Americans that they have no right to own a gun.  Rural Americans have calmly loaded their weapons in preparation for self-defense and whispered back, “Come and take it.”  In disposition and beliefs, rural Americans are the natural “Minutemen” guarding American liberty.

It is no wonder, then, why the World Economic Forum’s tawdry tyrants wish to incarcerate Americans in “fifteen-minute cities.”  Cities are hotbeds of censorship, economic coercion, and social control.  They are where freedom goes to die.  In rural America — where everyone knows how to hunt, fish, farm, and defend their properties — a strong and self-sufficient culture exists that teaches people how to live.  The last thing the WEF’s depopulation fanatics want is an American society capable of taking care of itself…and thriving.  How could intelligence agencies, central banks, and unaccountable regulators maintain power if they had nobody to control?

Ultimately, attacks against rural Americans — like the left’s attacks against Christians — are a wretched form of bigotry designed to spread the insidious idea that people who live outside city limits are subhuman.  Because rural America is filled with resilient people who adamantly defend the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, it represents an antidote to the cancerous form of Marxist globalism killing cities across the country.  Because rural America is filled with faithful people who are obedient to God’s will — and not D.C.’s — it remains a natural refuge for those immune from institutional brainwashing.  Because rural America is blessed with an abundance of self-sufficient families, hard workers, and freethinkers, it provides a welcoming home for human liberty.  For these reasons, aspiring totalitarians must destroy rural America if they are to have any chance at erecting a new system founded on censorship, surveillance, oppression, and tyranny.  The problem for the Deep State is that rural Americans know what to do when the SHTF and, in fact, have been preparing all their lives.      

Mass psychological programs that dehumanize groups of people always precede State-engineered genocides.  It is how cognitive warfare specialists pepper society with a preemptive rationale for why some people must be loaded onto boxcars and sent away for “re-education.”  Newt Gingrich is certainly right: any nuclear war would be catastrophic.  If we’re being honest, though, Americans must also worry about how the totalitarian left is following in the footsteps of Hitler’s Germany.  Prepare your mind accordingly.

Conspiracy Theories on the Right are Finally Being Proven True

The left loves to make fun of the right for believing conspiracy theories, but lately many of them are proving to be real. This is largely due to the availability of widespread information on the internet; it’s become a lot harder to keep secrets. 

Why have conspiracy theories become a big thing on the right but not on the left? It’s because the left is increasingly engaging in fascist, illegal behavior and trying to hide it. We suspect it’s happening, but they always come up with bogus excuses to avoid being transparent, making it difficult to catch and prove the wrongdoing. With the left now controlling much of the legal system, it’s almost impossible to find a brave prosecutor or judge who will do the right thing; prosecute the corrupt actors or merely even require them to be transparent such as by honoring public records requests.

The left tries to disguise their increasing amount of hidden criminality by claiming that the right believes conspiracy theories because we’re more gullible. They produce studies that show conservatives are more wired to believe them — but they never dig deeper as to why.  

One of the main conspiracy theories that is now becoming accurate is pedophiles on the left and in Hollywood. The downfall of Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein squelched much of that ridicule, due to how powerful both men were on the left and in Hollywood. Actor Cory Feldman sounded the alarm about pedophiles in Hollywood for years, but he was mostly ignored until it was proven in the highest echelons of power.  

There were rampant accusations of conspiracy theories during COVID-19, some which are still in the process of coming true. One was that it was deliberately created in a Wuhan lab, where it was leaked out into society. Almost no one doubts that now. Another was that the COVID-19 vaccines don’t work. Even the medical community and U.S. government now admit they don’t stop transmission of the virus, at best they lower the risk of serious hospitalization.

Others challenged the efficacy of the masks. Eventually, suspicions that most of them don’t work, and don’t work to protect the person wearing it from others’ breathing on them, were proven accurate. Strangely, most leftists still don’t bother trying to obtain an n95 or n99 mask, proving it’s all about virtue signaling. 

Some of the ones that are still in the process of being proven accurate are all the side effects of the vaccines. As time goes by, and more studies are done, we’ll discover the extent of the damage. Despite the fact the government controls these types of studies by withholding grants from studies that would reveal too much harm, eventually the information will trickle out.

The Russian collusion hoax along with the discredited Steele dossier are one of the biggest. The Democrats tried hard to ridicule Republicans who dug into the origins, but eventually there wasn’t much they could do when both special counsel Robert Mueller and then special counsel John Durham concluded there wasn’t any collusion.

The left loves to say there’s never been any “widespread evidence of election fraud” in the 2020 or 2022 elections — which isn’t even the standard to overturn elections — but we are routinely seeing more and more Democrats prosecuted for significant voter fraud over the past couple of years. In Arizona, thanks to former Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, two Democratic officials, including the former Democratic mayor of San Luis, Guillermina Fuentes, were prosecuted and convicted for ballot harvesting. Juan Guerrero, a local justice of the peace, toldinvestigators that “issues” like this had occurred in the town for years, and “influential people” like Fuentes, known as “Chispas,” exchanged ballots for money. The Heritage Foundation has an updated database compiling instances of election fraud around the country.

The left said for years that Republicans have a racist history in our country, claiming they were behind the racist policies in the South. Republicans objected to the characterization, and now evidence is everywhere showing that the Democrats really were behind the discrimination. Professor Carol Swain has documented much of the history. She laid out how the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history. 

The left points at the QAnon phenomenon as a bastion of unproven conspiracy theories. Well, with all the possible ways people can have fun and make money, it doesn’t come as any surprise that someone made up a fake persona that said all the right things and added in a lot of predictions that really weren’t grounded in facts. It’s a red herring.

The problem is the mainstream media gives scant coverage to developments revealing conspiracy theories as accurate. You’ll never see a headline that says “Conspiracy theory on the right is proven true.” In contrast, they run headlines nonstop that say some conservative theory was “debunked,” and their fact checking sites are everywhere claiming to debunk conservatives.

There are some longtime conspiracy theories that have quietly become viewed as accurate. Many of these are used as tests to determine whether someone is gullible about believing them — guess those tests will need to be revised. They include questioning whether Lee Harvey Oswald was the only one involved in the fatal shooting of President John F. Kennedy, whether UFOs exist and the government’s knowledge of them, and the government’s secret experiments on Americans such as the infamous syphilis study known as the Tuskegee Experiment.

Suspicions that a powerful cabal of people control much of the government are gradually proving right, although not necessarily in a tidy little fascist style, it’s much more loose. The left doesn’t even bother arguing back anymore that it has significant control over certain areas of society; particularly the legal system, the media, entertainment, and education.

And let’s be honest, as I’ve written previously, the left has more conspiracy theories than the right. But since their comrades in the MSM give them a free pass, there is a misperception that most are on the right.