Thursday, February 29, 2024

Fani Willis Plays the Stooge

I’ve always liked those criminal mastermind movies. 

There’s always a criminal genius who assembles a crew of the best in their fields to pull off the heist of the century. After a flawlessly executed crime -– with lots of plot twists -– the crew makes a clean getaway and meets at a secret location to divvy up the haul. Just before they go their separate ways, the boss always admonishes his coconspirators to:

  • Don’t do anything stupid
  • Don’t attract attention, and
  • Don’t spend any of the loot until the dust settles

But in real life there’s always one stooge who buys a Ferrari, puts a kilo of blow in the trunk, and drives 80 mph through a school zone in front of the lead FBI agent’s house. Criminal conspiracies always unravel because one knucklehead can’t avoid being foolish.

Well, I’m running out of popcorn watching Atlanta’s version of the criminal comedy genre. 

According to Breitbart News, Jeff DiSantis may be the mastermind of the Atlanta chapter of the “get Joe Biden re-elected at all costs” caper. He’s a longtime Democrat party operative, conveniently placed in the Fulton County DA’s office, in time to run the Trump RICO case -– behind the scenes of course. The county’s district attorney, Fani Willis, is providing an Academy Award-worthy performance as the stooge which the mastermind wishes he hadn’t recruited. But per President “Return to Normalcy’s” orders, he needed a diversity hire with prosecutorial authority, negotiable ethical standards, and enough ego to be the public face of the conspiracy. As a comedy, the plot also called for someone with insufficient mental acuity to play her part smartly. Fani was the logical choice.

Our master-criminal coconspirators came up with a plan to return someone who is otherwise unelectable, Joe Biden, to the Oval Office. They’d use a novel application of the law, to indict Trump and 18 others for doing absolutely nothing illegal. Their plan was quite clever: prosecute Trump and his pals in a friendly venue, and then see if the Donald can campaign from a cell as well as Joe can campaign from a basement.

I suspect the indictment was followed by the standard crew admonishment: Don’t do anything stupid. Don’t attract attention. Don’t spend the spoils until the dust settles. But then the crew’s stooge did what stooges do. She acted like an overconfident fool with no self-discipline.

The public face of the conspiracy decided to have an affair with a man (Nathan Wade) going through an ugly divorce. Then she hired him as an overpaid member of the crew – making his estranged wife a material witness to the conspiracy. But she didn’t stop there. She also paid him almost three-quarters of a million bucks – of taxpayer money – and helped him spend the loot on expensive vacations. That exposed the “get Trump” conspiracy to state and local oversight.

Once Fani’s indiscretions exposed the criminal conspiracy (hers, not Trump’s), the RICO defense attorneys asked that she and her boytoy be disqualified from the case due to conflict of interest. Apparently, Georgia frowns on making money on the side for trying to put people in jail.

The request to have Fani disqualified from the Trump case caused all hell to break loose. First, she decided to engage in a bit of jury tampering. She mounted the pulpit of an Atlanta church and told future members of the jury pool that the RICO defendants were racists. Next, when the judge called a hearing to consider the disqualification request, she volunteered to testify and proceeded to:

  • Throw a temper tantrum – calling the opposing counsel liars
  • Announce that she had mad stacks of cash at home, which she had extorted from her campaign
  • Claim that prior testimony from her friend was a lie because her affair with Wade hadn’t begun until after she had hired him -– making her only guilty of sexual harassment, and
  • Stating that Wade had never spent the night at her place, because she’s a woman of virtue and purity

In short, Fani took the stand, defiantly denied the allegations, and dared the opposing counsel to rebut her -– so they did. The defense counsel subpoenaed and analyzed Nathan Wade’s cell phone records. They discovered that in the year prior to when Fani and Nathan had supposedly become romantically involved, they had exchanged over 2,000 phone calls and almost 12,000 text messages. On at least two occasions, Wade’s call and geo-tracking data fit a “booty call” pattern.

  • A late evening call to Fani;
  • Was followed by Wade’s phone traveling from the vicinity of his home to the vicinity of Willis’ home;
  • Where it stayed for several hours;
  • Then returned to the vicinity of Wade’s home;
  • Wrapping up the evening activities with a final text message to Fani at or around 4:00 a.m.

This mounting evidence of unethical (and maybe illegal) behavior is forcing Judge Scott McAfee’s hand. He has waived the attorney-client privilege for Nathan Wade’s divorce attorney, Terrence Bradley, and has ordered him to testify about his knowledge of the Willis and Wade extracurricular activities.

Our comedy down in Atlanta isn’t rolling the credits yet, but we can already see that Fani is masterfully playing the stooge. Just look as how she’s doing with the post-heist admonishment.

  • Don’t do anything stupid – like exposing the conspiracy to a divorce proceeding.
  • Don’t attract attention – like publicly calling criminal defendants racists.
  • Don’t spend the spoils – like by extorting money from the county, laundering it through a boyfriend, and using it for vacations to Napa Valley, Caribbean islands, Miami, and Aruba.

It’s all been great for the popcorn industry. I wonder if Paul Pelosi bought stock in Orville Redenbacher’s.

X22, On the Fringe, and more- February 29 (Leap Day)


🌲 Details on GAF's 1st 2024 Christmas movie

More wonderful news, movie fans... Great American Family has officially announced their new Christmas movie, "Aurora Christmas," starring Jill Wagner and Jesse Hutch.

Joining them in this holiday adventure are veteran TV stars, Lauren Holly and Bruce Boxleitner. See all the details in the press release below...



NEW YORK, NY – February 29, 2024 – Great American Family, the leader in quality, original faith-based, family friendly programming, and one of the primary producers of original Christmas movies, announces a new star-studded film for this season’s highly-popular Great American Christmas which returns in October. “Aurora Christmas,” (wt) starring Jill Wagner, Jesse Hutch, Lauren Holly, and Bruce Boxleitner will join the robust roster of Great American Christmas talent, which in Year Four of the franchise, will include movies with Mario Lopez, Candace Cameron Bure, Cameron Mathison, and Danica McKellar, with many more stars to be announced at a later date.

In “Aurora Christmas,” (wt) Erin (Wagner) joins her dad Doug (Boxleitner) for a Christmas in the family’s former hometown of Aurora on a mission that is part business – selling the family home – and major bucket list item for Erin to see the Aurora Borealis light up the Northern sky. Realtor Lori (Holly) and family friend and local tour guide Trevor (Hutch) create a Christmas inspired at every turn by faith, love, and hope, so much so that Christmas bells hung over decades in a forest grove ring an unbroken song, a harbinger of miracles to come.

“As we approach Year Four of our Great American Christmas franchise, we are proud of the family of actors we have assembled that are at the top of every viewer’s list of favorites. This high quality talent is just one of the elements that distinguishes Great American Family from other networks and content providers who are simply making movies that are set during the Christmas season,” said Bill Abbott, President & CEO, Great American Media. “Our storytelling is filled with characters who revere family, faith and country and their journeys establish a foundation of hope and joy for so many viewers throughout the Christmas season,” Abbott concluded.

“I am so excited to continue my relationship with GAF with this great film and so blessed to have this incredible cast around me,” said Jill Wagner.

“Aurora Christmas is executive produced by Brad Krevoy, Jill Wagner, Susie Belzberg Krevoy, and Micheline Blais. David Anselmo produces. Kelly Martin is supervising producer. “Aurora Christmas” is written by Amyn Kaderali with revisions by Ernie Barbarash.


Great American Family is America’s premiere destination for quality family-friendly programming, including original holiday movies, rom-coms and fan-favorite series that celebrate faith, family and country. Great American Family is home to year-round seasonal celebrations including Great American Christmas, the network’s signature franchise featuring holiday themed movies and specials. Founded in 2021, Great American Family is part of the Great American Media portfolio of brands. Follow Great American Family on Twitter: @GAfamilyTV Facebook: @GAfamilytv Instagram: @greatamericanfamily


Pam Slay
Network Program Publicity

The Tucker Carlson Encounter: Tyranny in Brazil Encounter • Published Feb 29, 2024 • 34 mins



The Biden administration helped install a pro-Chinese government in Brazil, which immediately shut down opposition media and began arresting dissidents. Here are two of its victims.

This is not behind a paywall as far as I know.

I'm a subscriber but I didn't need to sign in so good luck 

One can read the transcript.


Yes, the “c” in Democrat today is either silent or should be dropped totally from the party name.  

Demolishing America is what they’re all about nowadays, and only anti-American traitors would do that.  

Thus, Demo/rats is a much more accurate descriptor for these destructive vermin. 

So, what are some of the most problematic examples to date? 

  1. Demo/rat demolition of national security:  When a country’s borders are permeable, national security is compromised.  United States’ borders today are nearly nonexistent, and that has been true since the current Demo/rat occupant of the White House moved in three years ago.

Obviously, this provides an open door for terrorists to come here.  As most will remember, the 9/11 fanatics -- pretending not to be fanatics -- came to the U.S. legally on temporary visas.  Today, radicals of all types can just walk into the country unimpeded … or marginally inconvenienced at best. 

Hundreds on the terrorist watchlists have been “encountered” at the Southern border, which means others made it through without being stumbled upon.  Plus, it’s likely the number of terrorists not on the watch list -- extremists unknown to the U.S., i.e., pretending not to be -- is orders of magnitude larger.  As a result, it’s almost certain that thousands of bad actors have come through America’s unsecured borders.

Should Americans be concerned that some might have brought weapons with them?  Automatic weapons?  Biological weapons?  Chemical weapons?  Cyber weapons?  Directed energy weapons?  Small nuclear weapons?  The possibilities are endless and with thousands of “got aways” how can anyone know?

Pathogens -- weaponized or unweaponized -- would be high on the list based on how easy it would be to bring them into the country.  Illegal aliens have brought innumerable diseases here that are not normally found in the U.S., but it’s unknown how many concealed bioweapons they might have transported.  We may find out sometime soon and the targets could include our food supply -- crops and livestock -- not just people. 

Regardless of the weapons utilized -- one type or many different types -- the consequences could be catastrophic, making 9/11 seem small-scale by comparison.  And if a coordinated assault occurs across the U.S., think what China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and other enemy nations might do while American national security assets are overwhelmed here.  Most are testing America’s resolve already. 

Hmmm!  Could that mean the recent influx of military-aged Chinese males at the southern border isn’t because they’re escaping persecution back home?  Surely, any card-carrying members of the Chinese Communist Party would have presented those credentials to officials at the U.S. border, right?  You bet!  

So, when attacks happen, who will have caused them?  The Demo/rat Commandless-in-Chief and those pulling his puppet strings!

  1. Demo/rat demolition of the U.S. economy, a.k.a., Bidenomics:  As noted in my Ayn Rand-prescience blog about Bidenomics last year, “‘You can avoid [the brain-dead] reality’ of destroying America’s energy independence, ‘but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding [that] reality.’ Clearly, increases in gas prices were going to accompany this executive duncemanship [cancelling oil and gas projects].  However, once that domino fell, a whole cascade of additional ones tumbled immediately thereafter. Higher gas costs led to supply chain problems which created product shortages that drove up consumer prices thereby providing a vessel for … what? Inflation!”  Thus, Bidenomics sent the country down the path where working Americans can’t afford food and other essentials. Who caused it?  The very same Demo/rat Commandless-in-Chief and his puppet masters! 
  1. Demo/rat demolition of law and order, a.k.a., Demo/rat facilitation of crime:  Moving to the local level, lawlessness is the norm in most cities led by Demo/rats and that has been true for a few years now.  Defund the police and similar moronic actions have plagued numerous cities, yet the Demo/rats in charge never fix the problems.  They just move to cashless bail or whatever is next on the stupid list. 

Who caused it?  Demo/rat mayors!  

Who else contributed?  Demo/rat city councils and public defenders (sic), today’s public adversaries!

  1. Demo/rat demolition of civility -- the woke acronyms:  Technically speaking, these were not a product of the Demo/rat party; the efforts were led by “socialist-loving “intellectuals’”  within America’s universities.  Nonetheless, they’re all registered Demo/rats.  Thus, it’s the same difference and the Demo/rat party has blessed each and every acronym along the way.   
  1. CRT:  Critical race theory is total B.S. and those who pushed it were and are, in fact, the racists.  Although CRT is no longer advocated publicly, Demo/rats are still closet supporters, i.e., closet racists.  They just change the terminology when the acronym of the day -- e.g., CRT --is proven to be totally bogus.  “White privilege” hasn’t been abandoned yet, but when it is, some other racist nomenclature will follow. 

Who are the champions?  Demo/rats nationwide!  

  1. ESG:  Environmental, social and governance “principles” (sic) have fallen out of favor among mainstream Demo/rats.  Of course, that only happened because of financial return problems on Wall Street.  Billions were pulled from money bleeding ESG funds.  Investors tend not to favor losing propositions. 

Obviously, that doesn’t mean anything has changed with the Demo/rat’s environmental, social and governance agendas; they just stopped using ESG as the acronym. 

Who are the champions?  Demo/rats nationwide!  

  1. DEI:  Diversity, equity and inclusion has been one of the biggest hiring boondoggles ever.  As noted in my American Thinker article a year ago (, “When America’s woke progressives successfully snookered the nation into accepting equity (the impractical pursuits of equal outcomes) as a replacement for equality (equal opportunity) the ballgame changed, majorly.  The topline issue is no longer about hiring the applicant with the best credentials to do the work.  Today, training and experience for a job barely count with DEI employers.”

And what will equal outcomes do to any organization’s bottom line eventually?Turn profits into loses … the path to bankruptcy.

Who are the champions?  Demo/rats nationwide!  

  1. Demo/rat demolition of patriotism and Americanism:  Those two terms are nonexistent within today’s Demo/rat party.  Truthfully, though, they’ve been missing from the Demo/rat vocabulary since at least when I came home from Vietnam in 1969 proud of my combat service and that of my brothers-in-arms.  The socialist/communist Demo/rats openly disparaged anyone who was patriotic back then, and that condemnation has grown ever since. 

Who caused it?  Anti-America Demo/rats writ large nationwide!  

So, how do we fix these Demo/rat messes plus others, assuming they are fixable?

It won’t be easy, but 2024 may be America’s last chance to turn things around.  If that doesn’t happen in all critical political races nationwide, America’s world leadership will end prior to the nation’s 250th birthday in 2026.  Tragic, indeed! 

Closing warning, though, if the Demo/rats are defeated in the most crucial White House race in November.  You can be certain that world events -- here and abroad -- will spiral out of control prior to the changing of the guard in January 2025.  It will be hold-your-breath time for a couple months.  The national security concerns noted above could explode into a devastating reality. 

And who will have caused it?  Demo/rats! 

Dear U.S. House: That $1.7T Omnibus Spending Bill You Passed in 2022? Unconstitutional

Susie Moore reporting for RedState 

While the COVID pandemic foisted countless new rules and regulations on the American people — from all levels of government — in some instances, rules were bent to accommodate that same government. In one particular instance, the rule was bent so far that it rendered the actions of Congress (and President Biden) unconstitutional — so says a federal judge out of Lubbock, Texas. 

Lubbock, Texas, federal judge ruled Tuesday that lawmakers unconstitutionally passed the $1.7 trillion government funding bill in 2022 when they did so under a pandemic-era rule allowing members of the U.S. House of Representatives to vote on the matter by proxy instead of in person.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican, requested the courts block a provision of the funding bill that gave pregnant workers stronger legal protections.

U.S. District Judge Wesley Hendrix reviewed the request and issued a "limited" ruling on one of two provisions Paxton sought to have blocked.

The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, enacted in December 2022, requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations for pregnant workers.

In his ruling, Hendrix noted that his injunction is only applicable to state government employees.

Paxton filed a lawsuit last year, arguing the federal spending package was unconstitutionally passed because over half of the House of Representatives were not physically present to provide a quorum, yet they still voted by proxy.

(A quick note here about the framing of the above story: It appears that, in order to properly establish standing to challenge the legislation, Texas asserted that it would be directly - and negatively - impacted by two provisions including in the funding bill — one, involving the PWFA; the other involving the appropriation to the Department of Homeland Security’s Alternatives to Detention Case Management Pilot Program. In issuing his ruling, Judge Hendrix found that the state adequately demonstrated standing as to the PWFA "based on the costs of compliance, litigation, and administrative investigations created by the PWFA, as well as the waiver of Texas’s sovereign immunity." However, he found that the state failed to meet its burden as to the Case Management Pilot Program. In other words, the suit appears to have been aimed at the passage of the gargantuan spending bill without the requisite number of members of Congress present to vote on it, not at depriving pregnant workers of legal protections.)

The ruling (which may be viewed below) is 120 pages long but can be adequately summed up via the court's opening paragraph (emphasis mine):

For over 235 years, Congress understood the Constitution’s Quorum Clause to require a majority of members of the House or Senate to be physically present to constitute the necessary quorum to pass legislation. This rule prevents a minority of members from passing legislation that affects the entire nation. But despite the Constitution’s text and centuries of consistent practice, the House in 2020 created a rule that permitted non-present members to be included in the quorum count and vote by proxy. Pursuant to that novel rule, the House passed a new law included within the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, and that particular provision affects Texas. Like many constitutional challenges, Texas asserts that this provision is unenforceable against it because Congress violated the Constitution in passing the law. In response, the defendants claim, among other things, that this Court has no power to address the issue because it cannot look to extrinsic evidence to question whether a bill became law. But because the Court is interpreting and enforcing the Constitution—rather than second-guessing a vote count—the Court disagrees. The Court concludes that, by including members who were indisputably absent in the quorum count, the Act at issue passed in violation of the Constitution’s Quorum Clause.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's office issued a statement following the decision emphasizing the significance of the ruling: 

“Congress acted egregiously by passing the largest spending bill in U.S. history with fewer than half the members of the House bothering to do their jobs, show up, and vote in person,” said Attorney General Paxton. “Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi abused proxy voting under the pretext of COVID-19 to pass this law, then Biden signed it, knowing they violated the Constitution. This was a stunning violation of the rule of law. I am relieved the Court upheld the Constitution.”

The Texas Public Policy Foundation served as co-counsel. “This meticulous, 120-page opinion was written after a full trial on the merits,” said TPPF senior attorney Matt Miller. “The Court correctly concluded that the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 violated the Quorum Clause of the U.S. Constitution because a majority of House members was not physically present when the $1.7 trillion spending bill was passed. Proxy voting is unconstitutional.”

Thus, the bottom line is that, at least according to this ruling and as noted by Matt Miller, "Proxy voting is unconstitutional" — and that $1.7 trillion monstrosity passed in December 2022 is, too. Obviously, there could be significant ramifications to the ruling (which, one suspects, the federal government will appeal). Will be fascinating to watch this unfold. 

Quorum Clause Opinion by Susie Moore on Scribd

American Paralysis and Decline

“We can bear neither our diseases nor their remedies.”

So shrugged the ancient historian Livy (59 B.C.- A.D. 17) of the long decline of Roman national character that, in his age, finally ended the Roman Republic.

Like a patient whose medicine proves worse than the disease, Livy lamented that the Romans knew that they had become corrupt and lawless.

But the very contemplation of the hard medicine needed for restoration—and the furious reaction that would meet the remedy—made it impossible to save the patient.

America is nearing such an impasse.

We know that no state can long exist after opening its borders to over 7 million illegal aliens, requiring neither background checks nor legality.

The recent murder of a Georgia female jogger by an illegal alien and the savage beating of New York policemen by similar others hardly merit media attention.

Everyone knows that neither new appropriations nor new laws are needed to secure the border as it was in 2020.

Instead, we could just stop suicidal catch-and-release, deport lawbreakers, privilege the legal over the illegal immigrant, demand would-be refugees apply for asylum first in their native countries, finish the border wall, and pressure Mexico to stop undermining the territorial integrity of its northern neighbor.

But then we shrug, “We can’t do that”—paralyzed in fear of being smeared as “xenophobic,” “nativist,” or “racist.”

So this generation apparently feels that it can endure the collateral damage of daily assaults on American citizens, the near bankruptcy of our cities, and 100,000 fentanyl deaths per year—but certainly not the idea that it is somehow not politically correct or compassionate.

The same is true of the $35 trillion debt, now costing more than $1 trillion a year in interest payments—and growing. We all know it is unsustainable. Americans understand it will eventually lead either to destructive hyperinflation, suicidal renunciation of federal debt, or confiscation of private savings.

Yet we ignore the reckless spending and keep borrowing well over $1 trillion a year. Apparently, our generation prefers being praised as “virtuous” and “caring.” So it leaves the next generation to be smeared as “cruel” and “unfair” when it is forced to cut federal entitlements and bloated government or face civilizational collapse.

The crime epidemic is also similar. Everyone accepts that no society can long endure quasi-legalized shoplifting or green-lighting smash-and-grabbers and carjackers to be released without bail.

But we assume that such a civilizational implosion will never reach our own sanctuary neighborhoods or safe places of work—at least not yet.

We also know that restoring deterrence by arresting, convicting, and jailing repeat felons will return safety to our streets.

But again, we fear even more that advocating “law and order” will earn slanders like “racist” or “reactionary.”

Ditto the homeless. In an age of self-congratulation and hyper-environmentalism, we know that a million homeless defecating, urinating, injecting, and assaulting on our downtown sidewalks and storefronts is medieval.

We know that it is illegal to camp out on the street and publicly harass citizens or relieve oneself in public.

And we know the cure lies in building and staffing more mental institutions and providing areas far from public spaces where the homeless can find shelter, sanitation, and medical care.

But the very idea of removing anyone from his accustomed sidewalk spot, or the notion of the use of force to transport the mentally ill to proper and humane facilities, terrifies us.

So we walk around, step over, and ignore those on the street.

Is the assumption that the odds of being assaulted or sickened acceptable? Or do we just not wish to learn where the flotsam, jetsam, and human offal of the street end up?

Most accept that had Donald Trump just not run for president in 2024 or was a man of the left, he would not now be facing four different felony court cases.

Most accept that three of the four prosecutors have either in advance promised to get Trump or have proved grossly unethical.

Most know it is wrong to try to remove a leading presidential candidate from state ballots.

Yet many shrug that this new weaponization of America’s legal system is the flamboyant Trump’s own problem, not their own. So they ignore the third worldization of our political system, which they quietly acknowledge is otherwise leading us to a Venezuela-like mess.

The paralysis of American society extends to our foreign policy as well. We deplore the terrorism of Iran and its thuggish surrogates. But we fear more the nasty, costly business of stopping its aggression.

Societies do not always collapse from a lack of wealth, invasion, or natural catastrophes.

Most often, they know what is destroying them. But they are so paralyzed by their fear that the road to salvation becomes too painful to even contemplate.

So they implode gradually, then suddenly.

Here’s How The Media Are Lying Right Now: Associated Press Rehabs Hunter Biden Edition

The Associated Press attempted to clean up Hunter Biden’s history of depravity in time for his testimony before Congress.

Associated Press headline, Feb. 27: “Hunter Biden’s years of personal grief and public missteps are focus of House impeachment probe.”

The AP’s article was intended to coincide with scheduled congressional testimony this week by President Joe Biden’s middle-aged, crack-addict son, Hunter. In other words, it’s the perfect time to rehabilitate the image of a lowlife who each day becomes more of a liability for Joe Biden’s reelection prospects.

This isn’t about an admitted sexual deviant, absent father, and highly corrupted individual shielded from legal prosecution by his president dad! It’s about “years of personal grief and public missteps”!

Actually, no, it’s about the most powerful elected official in America, Joe Biden, who is proven to have lied to voters about the extent of his foreign business dealings with his sleazy, derelict son.

More from the AP: “Hunter, who had recently agreed to a lucrative position on the board of Ukrainian energy firm Burisma, was working to stay sober, mend his marriage and rebuild from devastating grief.”

The AP is referring to the months in 2016 leading up to Joe Biden’s exit from the White House as vice president, which was not long after another of his sons died of brain cancer (or as Biden recalls it, a wartime injury). During this period, Hunter was allegedly piecing his life together following years of pounding alcohol and hard drugs, illegally purchasing guns, sleeping with random women, and blacking out in high-end hotels. The result was an affair with his dead brother’s widow and the birth of a daughter he conceived with a stripper— a daughter who to this day he and his president father would rather pretend doesn’t exist.

AP: “It would not last for long. Hunter Biden descended quickly into a Christmas-time relapse in his battle with addiction, his father watched Democrats hand over the White House to Trump after the 2016 election and the family that had built a political legacy in Washington drifted uneasily to an uncertain new chapter.”

For a normal person, getting laid off is what it means to have “drifted uneasily to an uncertain new chapter.” For the AP, unease is when a Democrat used to the trappings of the White House has to figure out whether he wants to bring in millions giving paid speeches or writing a memoir. As the report stated, Hunter had already acquired a cushy job working for a shady foreign company. But I’m sure the timezone difference could in some sense qualify as a form of unease.

More from the AP: “This fragile period — playing out over several years of very public missteps and private misfortunes — in the business, political and personal life of Hunter Biden and his family is the focus of the U.S. House’s long-running, Republican-led Biden impeachment inquiry.”

Hunter’s very extensive, public descent into depravity and obscenity is, in fact, not the focus of the impeachment inquiry. The purpose of the investigation is to suss out the extent to which the president was coordinating with his embarrassment of a son to rake in millions of dollars, many from overseas entities, perhaps at the expense of American interests.

It’s a fact that Joe Biden, on more than one occasion, made himself available to his son’s business associates. Firsthand witness testimony corroborates the assertion that Hunter’s access to high levels of the federal government via his daddy was a commodity in many or all of his transactions with industries abroad.

That Hunter Biden is a ruinous degenerate whose misadventures make Charlie Sheen look like a Tibetan monk is of interest to Daily Mail readers and really no one else. It’s truly a sad fact that we’ve been forced to wade through it all in pursuit of the integrity of our government, if there’s any left.

The rest of the AP’s article is a dismissal of all evidence that the Bidens have used their positions to enrich themselves to the detriment of American taxpayers. But the portrayal of Hunter as a down-on-his-luck addict just trying to get by is on another level of media deception.