Tuesday, February 27, 2024

As Trust in Government Falls, Spiritual Faith Rises

There is so much latent energy beading up right beneath the surface of Western civilization.  Everybody can feel it.  Every day people read the news with the expectation that some as yet unknown event will trigger something bigger, which will ignite something horrifically combustible, which will put into motion a rapidly shifting set of complex variables that finally turn the world upside-down.  Every public announcement is a potential spark.  Every new emergency is a wobbly domino that could crash into another and cascade until everything falls apart.  We’ve all been sitting uncomfortably on pins and needles for so long that we practically eject out of our chairs every time a television, computer, or phone screen blares, “Breaking Alert.”

Speaking of phones, the other day, a few hundred thousand mobile subscribers lost connection to their cellular networks, and amateur sleuths jumped into action — scrutinizing which carriers and cities were most affected in hopes of isolating some nefarious intent behind the inconvenience.  Was it a Chinese cyber-attack?  A series of small electromagnetic pulses set off by some terrorist cell inside the United States?  A CIA/NSA test run for the Intelligence Community before it instigates information blackouts in the run-up to the 2024 election?  Or could it have simply been the result of a particularly strong solar flare?  Nobody knew for sure, but everybody had a theory.  For what it’s worth, AT&T blamed the outage on an improperly executed software update, but that clarification didn’t answer every question or quell suspicions that something more serious had occurred.  When everyone is anxiously awaiting the end of the world, there is little room left over for mundane explanations.

Nobody believes anybody right now.  That makes sense.  Distrust of institutions and authority figures has skyrocketed.  News reporters have essentially become the public relations arm of the Intelligence Community.  They repeat risible lies without even the pretense of journalistic incredulity.  For instance, how could Hunter Biden’s laptop — filled with videos documenting his own debaucherous and criminal activities — have been “Russian disinformation”?  Only corporate news mouthpieces paid to deliver the I.C.’s talking points know.  Because they refuse to ask obvious questions, the public has learned to distrust their point of view.  

In the old days, political operatives got paid to construct convenient “narratives,” while reporters got paid to distill hidden truths.  As the distinction between “operative” and “reporter” disappeared, ordinary people learned that fictitious “narratives” completely replaced any representation of objective reality.  Because a free press has always been instrumental in containing institutional corruption, the implosion of professional journalism should be understood as a late-stage symptom of our present system’s impending death.  Reporters who spend more time explaining why boys should dominate girls’ sports than investigating how mail-in ballot fraud subverts democratic elections cannot be taken seriously as factual custodians or arbiters of truth.  

While citizens have adjusted to journalism’s irrelevancy, they have held out hope that science — a philosophy dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge — would be more resilient.  However, science, too, has abandoned rigorous discipline for the ease of regurgitating unscrutinized “narratives.”  

Perhaps the most consequential upside of COVID was its exposure of most medical doctors as unscientific bureaucrats willing to parrot absolute nonsense if it meant they got paid.  Why would a physician prescribe an experimental “vaccine” in lieu of available over-the-counter remedies that have been around for fifty or more years?  Because pharmaceutical companies can’t make money from generic medicines with expired patents, and medical doctors can’t procure financial benefits from pharmaceutical companies if they don’t first push their newest drugs.  Why would any physician coerce patients (even healthy ones) to undergo experimental treatments without their informed consent (including explicit warnings of known side effects and the impossibility of knowing potential long-term harms) in blatant disregard of the Nuremberg Code’s well established principles for preventing crimes against humanity?  Because white coats who uninquisitively follow government orders have sold their ethical obligations to the highest bidder.  

As with journalism, the scientific pursuit of knowledge has become a hustle.  The World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum have made it abundantly clear that global pandemics and man-made “climate change” are existential threats that coincidentally require more intrusive public surveillance and greater government control over the economy.  It should be no surprise that the prospect of future apocalypse tends to short-circuit the human mind and convince otherwise rational people to hand over their freedoms to doom-and-gloom charlatans and fear-peddling carnival barkers.  It should be a surprise, however, when handsomely paid “scientists” manipulate research and punish academic dissent in order to fraudulently support bureaucrats’ self-serving conclusions.  When “scientific consensus” arrives in advance of scientific corroboration, researchers aren’t seeking objective knowledge but rather selling snake oil for professional aggrandizement and monetary gain.

With the deaths of journalism and science laid bare before the public, a salubrious shift in social consciousness has occurred.  People are once again asking critical questions in search of basic truths.  For too long, professional disciplines have insisted on doing society’s thinking.  Whenever significant public policy debates have arisen, common people have been condescendingly told, “Leave that to the experts.”  With busy lives filled with other obligations, most people have been okay with this arrangement.  Caveat emptor (“let the buyer beware”) and other fundamental notions of personal responsibility have been traded for the modern conveniences of letting the Food and Drug Administration, the White House press corps, and (SMDH) the Central Intelligence Agency decide what is true.  If processing information and making wise decisions is part of what it means to be alive, then the effect of transferring these responsibilities to third-party institutions is a bit like lobotomizing a population.  You end up with a highly dependent society beholden to the mercies of designated “experts.”

For a while, a lobotomized population might find relative happiness within this arrangement — so long as the “experts” continue to share the population’s general worldview and can be trusted to pursue policy goals that consistently advance the population’s priorities.  However, if the “experts” are guided by beliefs divergent from those of society, or worse, if they reveal themselves as a privileged class filled with rapacious liars and frauds, then common people have no other choice but to reclaim their natural authority by exercising their own brains.

That latent energy beading up right now beneath the surface of Western civilization is what happens when a slumbering society begins powering up its long-dormant capacity for self-government.  As old brain cells are put back into proper use, the body politic is trying to remember how to do things it once took for granted.  In trying to separate lies from truths, it has begun to remember why virtuous character establishes mutual trust.  And as it recalibrates its moral compass, society is a little unsteady on its feet.  Cellular networks go down, and nobody knows what to believe.

Lack of trust in government, news media, and science has produced something far more extraordinary: a spiritual awakening.  Why?  Because the illusion that government-run institutions have our best interests at heart has shattered into a million pieces, and it is impossible to glue those pieces back together into some kind of reconstructed “truth.”  If government and its vassals in science and journalism can no longer stand in as secular priests, then people desperate for authentic truth are forced to ask tough questions of themselves.  

In my experience, the tougher those questions become, the more likely that people find their way to God.  And once they find their way to God, they tend to realize that they were meant to govern themselves.  As freedom is God’s gift to every soul, spiritual revolutions always precede political ones.  That inalienable truth ought to give every true believer some needed peace of mind.

Obama’s Fourth Term

When Donald J. Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States, two individuals, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, were subject to massive electoral humiliation. While Hillary still hasn’t recovered, the haughtiest of the two, Barack Obama, is the one who took the election rejection the hardest.

In true narcissistic fashion, the repudiation Obama received for eight years of devastating policies, has made the former community organizer a bigger threat to the U.S. now than during his eight years in office. Vendettas, vindication, and visceral hate for the nation he failed to fully destroy have made plain his fingerprints all over Joe Biden’s presidency.

Diligently scheming during the four years Trump was in office, coupled with four years strategically steering Bumbling Biden, Obama is the primary player ushering in the current “fundamental” catastrophe he believes the unfaithful deserve.

Conjecture concerning the peculiarities of the 2020 election aside, it makes zero sense to the rational mind how, after the 2016 spanking both Obama and Clinton received, why in 2020 the American people pivoted 180 degrees back to what they rejected when they elected Donald Trump.

Nevertheless, while Trump is being publicly and relentlessly castigated, if America steps back from the canvas, it’s easy to see the who behind what is presently being inflicted on the nation. Since 2020 every policy rejected by U.S. voters in 2016 has been resurrected and accelerated to inflict the most damage on those who dared reject Obama’s “hope and change” vision for America. If Americans could catch their breath long enough to evaluate the parallels, many would realize that under Biden, Obama’s primary agenda has been revived, environmentally, culturally, racially, economically, politically, and militarily.

Under the auspices of Biden, from day one, every policy Trump reversed has been reinstated. Think about it, “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” Obama-era LGBTQ policies have gone from gender-neutral bathroom signs to a transgender United States Assistant Secretary for Health, military-funded gender transition care, and growing legislation denying the parental rights of children who’ve been indoctrinated to believe biological sex is a choice.

Biden called Trump’s immigration strategies an “unrelenting assault.” Three years later, America’s “chickens are coming home to roost.” Voters who overruled Obama’s policies are being flogged by Biden as military-aged male illegals flood over the Southern border, are housed on tax dollars, and resettled in neighborhoods where they murder innocent Americans and beat up the police, whom Obama once asserted have a tendency to “act stupidly.”

Is there a person in the room who believes a cognitively deficient man who can’t grope his way to a lectern, can’t maneuver AF1 short stairs, and has trouble reading off a teleprompter is meticulously working on complicated legislation?

Lest we forget, Obama despises Netanyahu, which may explain Joe’s disastrous response to the Israel-Hamas war. Obama is no fan of Putin, segue to Joe’s undying affection for Volodymyr ‘Stiletto’ Zelenskyy. In 2015 Obama rejected the Keystone Pipeline proposal, Trump opened it then Joe shut it down. How about overtime guarantees, does anyone believe that was on Joe’s priority list? Trump backed out of Obama’s Paris Climate Agreement, and Joe rejoined. How about Joe’s Inflation Reduction Law or his expansion of Medicare as a vehicle to progress toward Obama’s vision for universal health care? Then there is Biden’s Obama-style stance on gun control, support of extreme abortion rightsfossil fuel demonization, and the forceful mandating of “safe” vaccines.

In light of all of these seemingly coincidental occurrences, let’s remember, without respect for what he once deemed “flawed” constitutional law, isn’t it Obama who talks about his own version of “democracy?” And oddly, based on the policies Joe ‘Bumbling’ Biden, and clown show Kamala ‘Word Salad’ Harris promote, they too have little to no respect for the constitutional rule of law.

Nevertheless, based on electoral incongruity and vacillating voting trends, coupled with the Left’s level of confidence in mail-in ballots, despite his age and obvious cognitive difficulties, Joe Biden is poised for yet another “historic victory” in 2024. A 2024 Biden win will not only baffle minds worldwide, but it will also ensure you-know-who can “finish what he started” way back when the rising sea levels began to recede.

Therefore, despite sagging jowls as well as sagging approval ratings, at an upcoming fundraiser in New York City, the marionette’s stellar accomplishments will be elevated to fantasy heights by none other than the messianic puppet master from Chicago and his colleague still blissfully wed to the 2016 loser, “Count me in,” Bill Clinton.

It is beneficial to Biden’s reelection effort that both ex-presidents excel at rewriting history and embellishing truth. Therefore, setting the stage for the fundraiser, skillfully using Saul Alinsky tactics, Obama will likely open the Radio City Music Hall extravaganza blaming January 6th on Trump. Then, after depicting Trump as an insurrectionist, Barack will mesmerize sycophants with impromptu renditions of Al Green songs and tall tales of prices under Joe never being lower. Let’s face it, no one can spin disaster into benefit like Barack Obama.

Sending tingles up and down his Marxist spine, Barack will likely convince donors that it requires a political genius like Biden to simultaneously impose crisis labor shortages, the largest decline and worst inflation in forty years, the weakest oil production, and the highest gas prices in U.S. history. After that, there will be praise for Biden’s handling of the Kabul crisis which “leveled the [weaponry] playing field” Obama-style, leaving billions of dollars’ worth of U.S. military weapons in the hands of the poor, put-upon Taliban, not to mention delivering home 13 soldiers in flag-covered coffins.

Remember when Obama scolded the SCOTUS at the SOTU? Surely, Obama will take any fundraising opportunity he can to praise Biden’s gutsy leadership for defying the Supreme Court and forgiving more than $1.2 billion in student loans. As for the growth of anti-Semitism in the U.S., and Iran’s repeated attacks on U.S. forces, maybe pro-Iranian Obama will portray Biden’s lack of response to both offenses as a presidential effort to extend fairness and equity toward a misunderstood Arab world.

Let’s not forget those Biden-mandated vaccines. Mr. H1N1 can extol Joe denying “my body my choice” to vaccine-hesitant Americans, as courageous leadership. Drugs in the White House? Well, that would be the perfect cue for Obama’s, devil-in-a-blue-Gap-dress sidekick, Bill Clinton to step on stage and transfer blame to Don Jr. for Hunter’s white powder in the White House controversy.

In the coming months, while Joe blankly stares and bobs his head in robotic agreement, expect to see fundraisers and campaign ads featuring a greying Barack Obama pontificating about “democracy at risk.” Do not be deceived. In 2024, it is Barack Obama who has the most “skin in the game.” That’s why, when the former community organizer argues on behalf of a second term for Joe, what he is lobbying for is himself, and a fourth term to finish up the job he started.

Fani Willis ‘Absolutely’ Started Dating Her Former Boyfriend Earlier Than She Testified, Texts From His Lawyer Say

The lawyer, Terrence Bradley, though, insists that he was just ‘speculating’ and had no basis for that judgment, on which the disqualification of the district attorney could hang.


Lawyer Terrence Bradley has testified that he was only “speculating” when he texted that the district attorney of Fulton County, Fani Willis, was “absolutely” romantically involved with her special prosecutor, Nathan Wade, before she hired him.  

Mr. Bradley stuck to that position during an uncomfortable time on the stand Tuesday afternoon. His testimony, which stretched more than two hours, could aid in ending Ms. Willis’s time atop the sprawling racketeering case she has brought against President Trump and 18 others and the beginning of a possible perjury investigation.

Mr. Bradley — who once worked with Ms. Willis’s special prosecutor and former boyfriend, Nathan Wade — made a surprise appearance in court following a ruling from Judge Scott McAfee, who met with the attorney behind closed doors on Monday. The jurist determined that there are portions of Mr. Bradley’s testimony that are not protected by attorney-client privilege. 

Mr. Bradley, a practiced attorney himself, proved to be a recalcitrant witness. He repeatedly declared that he did “not recall” telling a defense attorney, Ashleigh Merchant, in a text message that Ms. Willis and Mr. Wade “absolutely” started dating before she hired him. Those text messages, though, exist under the haze of hearsay, and are thus not admissible as evidence.

Mr. Bradley was prodded by defense attorneys as to why he texted one of the lawyers pushing for Ms. Willis’s disqualification, Mrs. Merchant, that he was sure that the romance began before Mr. Wade’s appointment in November 2021. By refusing to name his source, Mr. Bradley preserved his observation as hearsay, which is an “out-of-court statement offered to prove the truth of whatever it asserts, which is then offered in evidence to prove the truth of the matter.”

Hearsay is generally not admissible in court, though there are exceptions. Its problem as evidence is that it depends on the credibility of someone not in the courtroom, who cannot be questioned or examined. Whether Ms. Willis is disqualified, though, is a question not for a jury beyond a reasonable doubt but instead for Judge McAfee, who will consult the Fulton County codes that bar even an “appearance” of a conflict of interest. 

Mr. Bradley testified that “I never witnessed anything. … I can’t tell you anything specific, if that’s what you’re asking.” A lawyer for Mr. Trump, Steven Sadow, pushed Mr. Bradley on his claim that he spoke with Mr. Wade only once about his relationship with Ms. Willis. Mr. Bradley reiterated that he “does not recall any dates when the relationship started” and that he was “merely speculating” that Mr. Wade and Ms. Willis started dating long before he was hired. 

“Why in the heck would you speculate” in a text? Mr. Sadow asked in respect of when Ms. Willis started dating Mr. Wade. Mr. Trump’s attorney repeatedly asked Mr. Bradley why he would have opined on a matter of which he professed utter ignorance. Mr. Bradley, though, was not rattled, and merely insisted, “I have no direct knowledge of when the relationship started.”

The defendants seeking to disqualify Ms. Willis and Mr. Wade maintain that Mr. Bradley possesses information that the two started dating before the district attorney hired Mr. Wade. The two prosecutors have testified under oath that their romantic relationship only began after he was hired. 

Both Mrs. Merchant and Ms. Sadow accuse the pair of perpetrating a “fraud upon the court.” Mrs. Merchant writes in a filing that Mr. Bradley “can confirm that Willis contracted with Wade after Wade and Willis began a romantic relationship, thus rebutting Wade’s claim in his affidavit that they did not start dating until 2022.” Mr. Bradley confirmed that he said that, but not how he knew it. 

Mr. Bradley is not the sole source of concern for Ms. Willis and Mr. Wade. Judge McAfee will soon decide whether cellphone records adduced by Mr. Trump’s attorneys can be entered into evidence. An analysis of those logs performed by an investigator discloses that, before they claim to have started dating, the pair exchanged nearly 12,000 text messages and 2,000 calls. Mr. Wade was found to have visited Ms. Willis’s condominium at least 35 times.

Judge McAfee also on Monday disclosed that he has records from Delta Air Lines, which are still under seal, relating to vacations that Ms. Willis and Mr. Wade took together once the special prosecutor was hired. The defendants alleged that the more than $650,000 paid to Mr. Wade by Ms. Willis’s office funded those travels to places like Aruba and Napa Valley.

X22, On the Fringe, and more- February 27


📢📢 GAF is officially launching it's mystery movie franchise!


Source: https://itsawonderfulmovie.blogspot.com/2024/02/candace-cameron-bure-to-star-in-great.html

Wonderful News, Sleuthers! Great American Media Announces their inaugural Great American Mysteries movie launch starring Candace Cameron Bure! Her co-star is Aaron Ashmore, who you may recognize from Cider and Sunsets and Santa Squad.

Get the full scoop on this new mystery in the press release below...

Great American Media Press Release:




NEW YORK, NY – February 27, 2024 – Great American Family, the home of quality content celebrating family, faith, and country, announced it will soon launch GREAT AMERICAN MYSTERIES, mystery movie franchises which star some of the network’s most beloved talent. Great American Family announced the first movie in Great American Mysteries inaugural launch is, “The Ainsley McGregor Mysteries: A Case for the Winemaker,” starring Candace Cameron Bure (“Aurora Teagarden Mysteries,” “My Christmas Hero”) and Aaron Ashmore (“Ginny & Georgia”). “The Ainsley McGregor Mysteries: A Case for the Winemaker” is adapted from bestselling novelist Candace Havens’ book of the same name. Great American Mysteries is the new home for a variety of thrilling whodunnits featuring beloved Great American Family stars and the network will announce more new original mystery movie series in the next few weeks.

“We are thrilled to be in the business of telling fun, light-hearted stories featuring great characters, strong stories and a fun side of the mystery genre that fits perfectly with our licensed series strategy,” said Bill Abbott, President & CEO, Great American Media. “Our cozy mysteries are crafted in the heritage of the classic storytelling that has evolved since Agatha Christie coined the term in the 1930s and set the stage for one of the most popular genres of entertainment,” Abbott concluded.

In “The Ainsley McGregor Mysteries: A Case for the Winemaker” Ainsley McGregor (Bure) a former Chicago criminologist returns to her hometown of Sweet River, Texas. She has chosen to trade full-time crime work to open Bless Your Arts, a market for artisans to sell crafts and wares. But Ainsley cannot deny her first love is crime solving and accepts a position teaching a criminology class at the local community college. Her skills quickly become a major asset to the quaint town, when a murder occurs at a winery owned by her friend, who now stands accused of the crime. The Sweet River Sheriff, who just happens to be Ainsley’s brother, Ryan, wants her to stay out of the investigation. But Ainsley knows the pieces of this puzzle do not fit. To help her friend and with the unexpected assistance from some goodhearted local busybodies – Ainsley McGregor is back on the case.

“There’s nothing more exciting for me than being back in the cozy mystery genre. Mysteries are so fun to watch and to try to solve. I hope our faithful fans and audiences fall in love with the townspeople of Sweet River, Texas and Ainsley McGregor’s keen eye for solving mysteries. In this next-level mystery series, the family dynamics and developing relationships alone should keep you coming back for more!” added Candace Cameron Bure, CEO of Candy Rock Entertainment.

“The Ainsley McGregor Mysteries: A Case for the Winemaker” is a Syrup Studios production in association with Candy Rock Entertainment. Costa Vassos serves as Producer and Martin Wood directs a screenplay adapted by Jim Head based on the Candace Havens book of the same name. Executive producers include Candace Cameron Bure, Ford Englerth, Jeffery Brooks, Eric Jarboe, Holly A. Hines, Gerald Webb, Martin Wood, Jim Head, and Trevor McWhinney. Supervising producers include Catherine Kretz and Michael Shepard with Jonathan Shore and Doran S. Chandler serving as Associate producers.


Great American Family is America’s premiere destination for quality family-friendly programming, including original holiday movies, rom-coms and fan-favorite series that celebrate faith, family and country. Great American Family is home to year-round seasonal celebrations including Great American Christmas, the network’s signature franchise featuring holiday themed movies and specials. Founded in 2021, Great American Family is part of the Great American Media portfolio of brands. Follow Great American Family on Twitter: @GAfamilyTV Facebook: @GAfamilytv Instagram: @greatamericanfamily


Candy Rock Enterprises is a joint venture between award winning actress, producer and New York Times best selling author Candace Cameron Bure and the full-service development and execution team behind Redrock Entertainment, Ford Englerth and Jeffery Brooks. Candy Rock’s Entertainment division develops, produces, and distributes television projects, lifestyle programming and feature length films with an emphasis on family-friendly content. Instagram: @CandyRock.Entertainment


Syrup Studios is a Canadian deficit-financing studio focused on exceptional films, series, and international co-productions for global audiences. Syrup’s highly tailored approach to developing, financing, producing, and distributing content through entrepreneurial business models brings each compelling story to life.


Pam Slay
Network Program Publicity

**************End of Press Release**************

I'm truly delighted to finally share the details of this movie! Congrats to GFAM on their first mystery franchise. I can't wait to see Candace Cameron Bure return to mystery solving. I always loved watching her in the Aurora Teagarden Mystery series, and I'm ecstatic that the network will be announcing even more new original mystery movie series in the next few weeks! It is such an exciting time at Great American Family!

Happy Sleuthing!
Net 🔎

Justin Trudeau's "Online Harms Bill"


Dear Ross,

I've been dissecting Justin Trudeau's "Online Harms Bill" for hours, realizing its potential to fundamentally alter the landscape of Canadian freedom.

This bill is Trudeau's coup de grâce in his assault on our liberties, proposing a future where dissent is not just discouraged but penalized.

The chilling parallel with Hong Kong, where laws now criminalize free expression, looms large over us. It's a stark reminder of the dire consequences of governmental overreach.

The thought of relocating The Counter Signal—and my family—to safeguard our right to speak freely is a testament to the severity of this threat. However, I've decided we need to stay and fight, no matter the cost

Make no mistake, this law is intended to shut down news outlets like The Counter Signal, but I will fight until the end.

Now, we're faced with a choice: capitulate to fear or stand resolute in defense of our freedoms.

The passage of this bill would not just silence critical voices; it would signify the end of open dialogue in Canada, transforming us from a vibrant society into a silent echo chamber.

Here's where you come in. We're not just fighting for The Counter Signal; we're fighting for the soul of Canadian democracy. This battle is immense, and it's not one we can wage alone. Your support, more than ever, is critical.

Ross, We Need Your Help: To continue our mission and challenge this overreach, we urgently require your support. Your donation will bolster our legal defense fund, enabling us to confront this legislation head-on and continue providing the uncompromising journalism you've come to expect from us.

This battle is for the core values that define Canada. Every donation—be it $2, $20, or $200—marks your resistance to censorship and pledges support for keeping our society open and free.

Donate now and join us at this critical juncture. Together, we can turn the tide against this encroachment on our liberties and ensure that the voice of truth remains loud and clear.

Thank you for your unwavering support.

Yours in steadfast resistance,

Keean Bexte



This is another Canadian Opinion /  News site I subscribe to.

How Long Are We Going to Keep Doing This?

It’s bizarre to me how the concept of putting America first is such an outrage inducing provocation to a good chunk of the country. Not just Democrats, but even many Never Trumpers who used to be conservatives, or at least played them fairly convincingly on cable news. What is wrong with the idea of putting our country’s interests first? 

The answer is nothing, obviously. But obvious truths have a habit of becoming inconvenient ones, especially when those espousing or holding them run risk of irrelevancy.

Donald Trump didn’t need the old guard, and by “old” I don’t mean age. And they resented him for it. 

It was stupid, as most desperate power grabs are. Trump wasn’t going to throw them out, he needed help since he’d never been involved in politics before. But the concept of him was so offensive to the “pinky-out, tea sipping crowd” that they passed on the prospect of achieving more of what they’d spent their adult lives professing they’d do anything to attain.

It’s probably the greatest feat Donald Trump accomplished in politics – pulling off the masks of generations of frauds who’d sold their books and their thoughts as if they were true. These mini-emperors had no clothes, and boy were they unfortunate. 

The rest of us were left to pick up the pieces, as the legacies and offspring of the accomplished slithered into oblivion or, more accurately, the arms of CNN or wealthy liberals enjoying the prospect of making the once relevant dance for them on command. 

They still have a little bit of “useful” left in their “idiot” status, and the money is still flowing, so on the pole they will dance

The rest of us are left to fight for that which makes them upset, the only thing that makes any sense and, to be completely honest, what a lot of us believed we were all fighting for: American First.

Not in the sense of one man, or even a movement, but simply as a concept. I always assumed all but the most rabid leftist put the country first, they were just wrong about how to go about it. Now I know better.

Now I know a lot of people on “our side” not only weren’t pulling their weight, they were pushing in the other direction.

How the hell did we miss it for so long? Why do we tolerate it now?

Why do we allow our politicians to cripple our energy production while our allies prostitute themselves to Russia to keep the lights on? 

Why do we tolerate that our supply chain for far too many of our crucial pharmaceuticals remains in countries hostile to our interests and existence? 

Why do we continue to foot the bill for the defense of nations who refuse to contribute what they’re obligated to contribute to continue our alliance

Why do we have to pretend our allies are pulling their weight in aiding Ukraine, a hostile area much closer to them than us, pledging a fraction of the billions we are spending  to much fanfare, then reneging on it 4 short days later?

Why is our military buying upgraded military equipment from Airbus in Europe for $28 billion while American companies could easily do the work and, honestly, could use the money? 

What the hell are we doing? I get that sometimes some things can only be made overseas at this point, but didn’t COVID wake up everyone to the reality that offshoring vital things was stupid? That medicine and military equipment should be completely under our roof? I don’t care about the ownership, I’m talking about the physical process and machinery. 

I do remember a bunch of politicians extolling the virtues of putting America first, or in-sourcing fundamental aspects of our supply chain when we were placed under house-arrest to “stop the spread,” but they didn’t follow through with it, did they? At least not in any measurable way. 

Why did we put up with that? Why do we still put up with that? Maybe it’s too much to expect our politicians to put America first, but shouldn’t we at least make the podium? Shouldn’t we at least make the top 5? 

Maybe that’s too much to ask, but maybe it’s time to stop asking. Maybe it’s time to remind these politicians that they work for us, not the other way around.

NBC Prepares for Russia Hoax 2.0, Claims 2024 Election Already Being Compromised

Ben Kew reporting for RedState 

NBC News is already laying the groundwork for another election loss they can blame on Russia.

In an article published Monday, the network cites former U.S. officials and cyber security experts as saying that Moscow is already attempting to tilt the 2024 election in Donald Trump's favor. 

The report explained:

The dissemination of attacks on Biden is part of a continuing effort by Moscow to undercut American military aid to Ukraine and U.S. support for and solidarity with NATO, experts said.

A similar effort is underway in Europe. France, Germany and Poland said this month that Russia has launched a barrage of propaganda to try to influence European parliamentary elections in June.

It goes on to explain that Russia will use the rise of deepfake and AI-driven technology to create false narratives or stage a cyber attack against an element of the Biden campaign:

U.S. officials and experts are most concerned that Russia could try to interfere in the election through a “deepfake” audio or video using artificial intelligence tools or through a “hack and leak,” such as the politically damaging theft of internal Democratic Party emails by Russian military intelligence operatives in 2016. 

The type of pro-Russia online propaganda campaigns that thrived on Twitter and Facebook ahead of the 2016 U.S. presidential election is now routine on every major social media platform, though it’s rare for individual accounts to go as viral now as they once did.

The said experts are also raising the alarm about Twitter (or now X) under the ownership under the leadership of Elon Musk, which is now allowing information to spread without censorship:

Moscow and its proxies have long sought to exploit divisions in American society. But experts and former U.S. officials said Trump’s false claims that the 2020 election was stolen, the country's deepening political polarization and sharp cuts in disinformation and election integrity teams at X and other platforms provide fertile ground to spread confusion, division and chaos. 

Although the article does not accuse Trump of collaborating with Russia's efforts, it does claim that the "potential rewards for Russian President Vladimir Putin are high" and that Trump's recent rhetoric around the conflict in Ukraine has solidified support in Moscow for his re-election effort later this year. 

While there is no guarantee that Trump will win a second term as president, such articles are likely part of an effort to excuse a potential Biden defeat in November. Following the 2016 presidential election, alleged Russian interference was widely cited by Hillary Clinton supporters as the reason behind Trump's victory. 

Meanwhile, Special Counsel Robert Mueller spent over two years investigating Trump's alleged collusion with the Kremlin before publishing a report that found no evidence of wrongdoing. 

Putin, meanwhile, recently said he would prefer Biden to triumph in November because he is a more traditional politician. “[Biden] is a more experienced, predictable person," Putin said in an interview with Russian broadcaster Rossiya 1 TV. "He is a politician of the old school. But we will work with any leader of the United States who is trusted by the American people."