Monday, February 26, 2024

The Persecution of Donald Trump Means Turning Ordinary Activities Into Crimes

Like millions of Americans before me, I’ve done exactly what Donald Trump did; namely, sought a loan based upon my best estimate of what my property was worth—and I didn’t look to what the tax assessor said in reaching that value. However, as part of the Democrats’ lawfare, Letitia James twisted a perfectly ordinary act into something evil, and a partisan judge put his imprimatur on her efforts. If it’s allowed to stand, the results will be devastating, not just for the political class but also for normal Americans.

In December 2020, I had to put my home on the market and move 1,000 miles away. Two months before, I’d considered refinancing my mortgage, and the bank gave me a valuation of $285,000. I thought it probably should have been higher, but didn’t really feel like taking the time to investigate because I wasn’t really that worried about it.

That changed in December when I was forced to worry about it. So, I reached out to a realtor friend (an actual realtor, not a guy with a side gig) and asked him to give me an estimate. He thought the house would probably sell for about $305,000, maybe $315,000 tops. Again, I was skeptical, so I started doing my own research. I looked at my community, what was available in my county, and what comparable houses were selling for. I also took note of the neighborhoods, roadways, schools, etc. After all of that, I estimated my house was worth about $400,000. I thought it could sell for $415,000 or even a bit more.

We put it on the market at $405,000 and, ten days later, it was sold with the buyers offering $395,000. We eventually settled for $400,000. I was confident it could have sold for more, but exigent circumstances made the logistics of waiting impossible, which is sad because, had I been able to wait 12 more months, it would likely have gone for $550,000, almost twice the bank’s original valuation.

All of this to say that, in the world of real estate, there are a million different factors that go into valuing something. Based on those criteria, there are likely countless different values that can be set on a particular property. What’s more, values can be volatile, particularly in the high-end markets.

Real estate, like most businesses, can be unpredictable, sometimes very much so. This makes what NY AG Letitia James has done to Donald Trump especially unconscionable.

As CNN summarized James’s indictment,

Trump and his company used “false and misleading” financial statements, her lawsuit alleged, “repeatedly and persistently to induce banks to lend money to the Trump Organization on more favorable terms than would otherwise have been available to the company, to satisfy continuing loan covenants, and to induce insurers to provide insurance coverage for higher limits and at lower premiums.”

Reading that, one would imagine that some banks or insurance companies lost money because they loaned money to Trump or that Trump defaulted on them. That didn’t happen. Indeed, Trump paid back the loans with interest. There were literally no victims, and banks still wanted to lend to him!

But that didn’t matter. The bottom line is that, according to James, Trump used one set of books for getting a loan and another set of books for taxes. But of course, outside of a politicized prosecutor’s office, that’s normal, not actionable.

When I was selling my house, the county tax collector assessed my home at around $200,000. It had been that way for years. Indeed, it’s very common, particularly in red states where they concern themselves with controlling taxes, for the government assessment of the value of a property to be substantially below what it might sell for. That didn’t impact what I might refinance it for or what a buyer might pay for it. In those cases, the lender sends someone out to do an inspection and then comes to its own conclusion as to what value it would be willing to assign the property for a loan.

In Trump’s case, in 2011, the local property assessor in Palm Beach County had valued his Mar-a-Lago property at $18 million, which was raised to $27.6 million in 2021. James indicted Trump because he valued the property at higher valuations during this time, up to $739 million for collateral purposes. She claimed the difference between the tax assessment and his valuation proved he committed fraud to get otherwise unobtainable loans.

But here’s the thing: According to a banker involved in the transaction, the bank followed its own guidelines to make the loans:

“I think we expect clients-provided information to be accurate. At the same time, it’s not an industry standard that these statements be audited. They’re largely reliant on the use of estimates,” Williams said, so bankers routinely “make some adjustments.”

To highlight the disparity, this past December, a high-end Palm Beach real estate broker stated that, in 2021, Mar-a-Lago would have been worth slightly more than $1 billion and he likely would have valued it at $655 million in 2011.

The point here is that Trump was simply doing the same thing that millions of homeowners and businesses do every single day across the country. They make the best-case scenario for the value of their property or business while knowing that a bank or lender will make its determinations before deciding how much to lend.

That’s business. Valuations are just estimates, and they can be all over the map in business. In 2000, Spanish telephone company Terra bought the search engine Lycos for $12 billion. They unloaded it three years later for $95 million at a loss of 99%! Conversely, in 1999, Google’s founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin offered to sell the company to Alta Vista for $750,000. George Bell, the CEO, demurred. The company went public in 2004 with a valuation of $23 billion and, today, Google is worth almost $2 trillion.

Again, the point is that valuations are guesses, educated or otherwise, and everyone has their own perspective. James, however, has taken this ordinary element of business and twisted it to try and eviscerate Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

Sadly, she might succeed. First, Judge Arthur Engoron came back with a guilty verdict. Then, last Friday, he fined Trump almost half a billion dollars. What’s worse is that, because of New York’s unforgiving rules on appeal, he may have to put up the entire amount before he can appeal.

America’s justice system has been twisted into a hammer with which to nail enemies of the swamp to the wall. Not only have we seen the laughable election manipulation case in Georgia, the ludicrous defamation case in New York, and the on-hold federal election interference case, but we now have the justice system taking normal, everyday activities in which millions of Americans regularly engage and turning them into crimes.

On top of that, the system is set up such that if someone is deemed liable, they essentially must bankrupt themselves in order to be able to seek an appeal. That’s the definition of unjust.

If this stands, America as we know it is finished. You can’t unring a bell, and precedent is precedent.

Should Trump lose because of this lawfare onslaught, it will never stop. It won’t just be billionaire ex-presidents who’ll be in the crosshairs. It will also be small businesses who don’t support local candidates, big businesses who threaten the elites, and, eventually, it just might be you and me for having written something critical of some thin-skinned politician somewhere or having overestimated the value of our house… None of that is good for a free republic.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more - February 26


Russian Follies: The Sequel

Just days ago, on February 14 to be precise, Vladimir Putin said he prefers Biden in the 2024 presidential race. Nevertheless, the media, often with the intelligence community’s aid, seems to be trying again in the indictment of Vladimir Smirnov to hint that Donald Trump is somehow being aided by Russia.  Thin gruel, indeed. A quick review of the FBI’s consistent election meddling and gaslighting of voters is the necessary background for this week’s account.


In case, like me, you’re finding it hard to keep track of all the gaslighting on Russia in recent years, Adam Mill kindly documents 14 recent Russian hoaxes: 

1. The Russian Co-Signers Hoax: In August of 2018, MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell claimed Russian oligarchs close to Vladimir Putin cosigned loans to Donald Trump from Deutsche Bank. MSNBC quickly retracted the claim when Trump threatened to sue.

2. The Trump Tower Russians Hoax: In July of 2017, The New York Times reported that Donald Trump, Jr. met with a Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, at Trump Tower in 2016 in the hope that she had opposition research against Trump’s Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton. Although a meeting did take place, the “Russian” in question shared a client with Fusion GPS -- the firm Clinton hired to frame Trump...

3. The Hunter Biden Russian Disinformation Hoax: In October of 2020, shortly after The New York Post reported on the contents of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop , 51 intelligence officials signed a letter characterizing the story as Russian disinformation…

4. The Russian Bounty for U.S. Soldiers Hoax: In June of 2020, NBC cited anonymous government sources who claimed that the Russians paid bounties to the Taliban for every U.S. soldier it killed. Later, after the election, NBC admitted the story could not be verified…

5. The “Russia Destroyed the Nord Stream Pipeline” Hoax: Shortly after the September 2022 destruction of the natural gas pipeline, anonymous Western officials blamed Russia for the explosion. The allegations quickly fell apart…

6. The “Carter Page Is a Russian Spy” Hoax: In order to justify spying on the Trump campaign, the FBI lied to a FISA court to obtain warrants spanning one year ending in 2017 to spy on Trump campaign figure, Carter Page.

7. The “Trump Is a Russian Asset” Hoax: This hoax may have started when Hillary Clinton paid Fusion GPS to smear Donald Trump, late in the spring of 2016. But the intelligence community quickly sponsored the allegation with anonymous leaks by “retired” intelligence officials

8. The Russia/Alfa Bank Hoax: Days before the 2016 election, Slate reported that a “group of computer scientists” alleged that the Trump organization had a secret backchannel to a bank in Russia called, “Alfa Bank.” 

9. The Russian Troll Farm Hoax: In 2018, Special Counsel Robert Mueller dismissed charges that two Russian companies (Concord Management and Consulting LLC and Concord) ran troll farms that interfered with the election… the Russian companies surprised the Justice Department by hiring an attorney who demanded proof of the wrongdoing. The Justice Department could not meet its evidentiary burden and dismissed the charges.

10.  The “Devin Nunes Is a Putin Puppet” Hoax: In 2017, former Representative Devin Nunes led one of the most consequential congressional investigations of all time. Among the revelations his investigation uncovered is the discovery that Hillary Clinton paid for the Trump dossier that accused Trump of being a Russian puppet. So naturally, Nunes himself was accused of being a puppet of Russia.

11.  The “James Comer Is a Putin Puppet” Hoax: More recently, there has been a coordinated counterstrike against House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer. Among the allegations: Comer is doing Putin’s bidding by investigating the Bidens. Related to this hoax is the hoax that the FBI’s arrest of a single witness topples the entire Comer case against Biden. On the contrary, Comer has produced undisputed bank records showing foreign payments to the Bidens including payments from Russia.

12.  The Russian “Pee Tape” Hoax: Among the Clinton-financed smears against Donald Trump, none is more memorable than the allegation that Trump instructed two Russian prostitutes to urinate on a hotel bed during his visit to Russia. The FBI used taxpayer money to attempt to obtain this alleged video tape. Although the FBI did not have possession of any such tape, it appears that then-director James Comey used his knowledge of the operation to produce it in an attempt to blackmail the then-incoming President Trump…

13.  The Michael Cohen Paid Russian Hackers Hoax: Steele alleged through his dossier that President Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, traveled to Prague in 2016 to pay the Russian hackers responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to obtain the emails later leaked by Wikileaks. Cohen quickly produced passport records to show the meeting never took place. Czech intelligence later corroborated the denial.

14. The Russian/DNC Hack Hoax: While it is possible that the Russians really were behind the hack of the DNC, there are legitimate reasons to question the claim that we know the Russians were behind it… For one thing, computer security experts have noted that the exfiltrated information downloaded too fast to be an over-the-internet hack.

He may well be right that these hoaxes were designed in the public’s mind to deny Trump’s entitlement to free speech because, after all, he was a "Russian asset."

This week, however, there’s a more immediate motive: An effort to distract and minimize the serious charges of corruption against President Biden and his son Hunter and brother James. The usual Democrat chorus line is playing roles in the by now tattered Russian script: Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff in the lead roles and congressmen Jamie Raskin and Dan Goldman as comic relief.

Indisputable Evidence of Biden’s Corruption

Congressional investigators examining the president and his family have uncovered payments of millions of dollars from overseas entities in exchange for favorable treatment or the promise of it:

The Biden family received: Over $3 million from Romania. Over $8 million from China. $6.5 million from Ukraine. Moreover, there is ample testimony under oath documenting Biden family corruption, most recently by Tony Bobulinksi, Hunter’s partner: 

Mr. Bobulinski provided the committee with texts and emails in which Hunter and Mr. Gilliar refer to Joe’s involvement in the deal. Mr. Gilliar warned Mr. Bobulinski in late May in a text: “Don’t mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u are face to face, I know u know that but they are paranoid.”

Mr. Bobulinski says another dispute concerned a sudden demand that James Biden, Joe’s brother, get a stake. Mr. Gilliar explained in a text message that this was necessary because “H could be unreliable, so I pushed another family member.”[snip]

Mr. Bobulinski had tough words for Mr. Walker’s recent testimony claiming to be unaware of Joe’s involvement. “For every one of these guys to now have amnesia or, like, you know, claim that, ‘Oh, Hunter wasn’t really talking about his father’ is just absurd,” he told the committees.

He points to “stacks of evidence that Joe Biden showed up at meetings, shook hands, participated in phone calls,” including claims he was on at least 20 Hunter business calls. 

Joe Biden “was calling to demonstrate the Biden brand to whoever was in that meeting, whether it was the Ukrainians, the Romanians, the Russians, Colombians, Chinese, whoever it was. That’s all he had to do.” Mr. Bobulinski says. “Just him being on the phone is evidence of involvement and enabling the transaction.”

Alexander Smirnov

Appearing in this latest production of the Russian hoax as the administration's deus ex machina is Alexander Smirnov, a dual citizen of Russia and Israel. He had worked for the FBI since 2010 as a confidential human source for which he’d been paid over $200,000. The FBI called Smirnov “Highly credible” in a briefing to the investigating congressional committee. He apparently was the government’s source for information that Joe and Hunter Biden each received $5 million from Ukrainian energy company Burisma. (Uncontested is the fact that Hunter, who never went to Ukraine, did receive a million dollars a year from the company, purportedly for legal work although Hunter has no experience in this area and no legal work for them is evident.)  Also beyond question is Joe Biden’s boasting on January 23, 2018 that as Vice President he forced Ukraine to fire prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating corruption in Ukraine, threatening to withhold promised aid if they did not so. 

Smirnov’s introduction to the plot is by virtue of an indictment by U.S. attorney David Weiss, who’s prosecuting Hunter Biden and who just indicted Alexander Smirnov.

The Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel expresses rational doubt about the FBI’s credibility and competence: 

When Republicans in 2023 heard about the FBI write-up of these claims, they demanded the bureau hand it over. The FBI initially balked, arguing their source was too valuable to risk exposing. House Oversight Committee Republicans say the FBI told Congress their source had worked for the bureau since 2010, had been paid roughly $200,000 for information, and was deemed “highly credible.” Ranking Oversight Democrat Jamie Raskin acknowledged the FBI’s briefing about credibility. Republicans say Director Christopher Wray also confirmed the FBI used Mr. Smirnov’s information in investigations until June 2023 (when the bribery claims went public). The FBI affirmed Mr. Smirnov’s credibility so long as it was useful to do so.

It isn’t useful any longer. Republicans for months have hounded special counsel David Weiss, who is handling the Hunter Biden probe, to explain what he’s done since 2020 to verify or refute the Smirnov claims. Last week’s indictment, which he sought, is his answer. The FBI’s “highly credible” source is now presented as a brazen liar, a boaster, a profiteer who played a double game with the bureau, and a partisan who had it in for Joe Biden.

If this is true, it ought to be massive story that the FBI for 13 years relied on a man who prosecutors now worry has troubling and “extensive” ties to Russian intelligence. Instead, the media in its desire to embarrass Republicans is working to absolve the FBI, with the New York Times explaining the bureau never did “think much” of the Smirnov claims and concluded in 2020 that they “did not merit continued investigation.”

The indictment of Smirnov points to his admission to his FBI handler that he talked to Russian intelligence before 2020 (why wouldn’t a confidential human source?) and that the events he reported occurred after Biden was no longer vice president. But Biden admitted two years earlier that he had meddled in Ukraine’s affairs to the benefit of Burisma. It’s a curious claim because he told his handler all about these contacts -- there was nothing secretive about them. In any event, nothing he reported concerned the evidence on Hunter’s own laptop and the large number of confirmed emails of Hunter cashing in on deals with foreign companies and business leaders. As Jonathan Turley points out, “Smirnov was not the reason Hunter was indicted by the same prosecutor, David Weiss, who just indicted him.”

Smirnov arrived from overseas to stand trial in California. When he landed in Nevada, Weiss had him arrested and sought his imprisonment pending trial. The judge denied that and released him on his own recognizance with conditions to prevent his fleeing. Smirnov continued his flight to California to meet with his counsel. Weiss had him rearrested and found a judge who ordered him jailed pending trial.

The Russian sequel is looking more and more like a comic production. 

Will The Democrats Let Donald Trump Be President If He Wins?

The Supreme Court will not throw Donald Trump off the ballot through some sort of deus ex MSNBCmachina, and Trump’s polls are improving while President Crusty’s are getting worse, so we face the real possibility of Donald Trump winning the presidency. Obviously, it’s not a done deal, but it is a bigger possibility than it used to be. Well, the Democrats are facing it, and now they’re trying to figure out how to stop him from taking office if and when he wins the election.

This is a really bad idea.

But of course, the Democrat Party is the Party of Bad Ideas, and the Party of Nanny Fascism. And it is also remarkably free of any recognition of its own hypocrisy. It’s become popular to say that the issue is not hypocrisy but hierarchy, and that the Democrats feel entitled to do whatever they want. They don’t want Trump to be president, so what are they going to do about it?

Whatever they have to do to hold power.

They’re very sensitive about us talking about this. I was onstage at CPAC with Townhall’s own Larry O’Connor and, at one point, I was talking about how Joe Biden was not going to leave office early voluntarily at the behest of Barack Obama and some cabal of Democrat poobahs concerned about him blowing the election. Then, of course, goofy pinko Aaron Rupar converted that into me saying that Joe Biden will refuse to leave office if he loses the election. I didn’t say that then, but I’m going to say it now. He already told us he won’t allow Donald Trump to take office. He couches that in terms of not letting Trump win the election, but are we sure that’s what he means? This is a guy well-known for talking about turning F-16s on American dissidents. After all, we’re treasonous traitors and MAGA extremists and such. Isn’t he justified in doing whatever he must to stop us?

So, if Donald Trump wins, do they let him take office again?

Well, they didn’t really let him take it over last time. They framed him with a fake Russiagate scandal. They impeached him for nonsense two times. They had the whole deep state doing everything it could to undercut the will of the people who elected him. And they just spent the last three years hyping up how he’s a danger to Our Democracy™ and an authoritarian, and if they don’t stop him, he’s going to start doing to them exactly what they’ve been doing to him and us. It’s right and proper that they be scared of that, but the fact that they are scared means they’re likely to do stupid things.

Imagine if Donald Trump is elected by a very narrow margin, which is a possibility, and you get a Democrat majority in the House of Representatives, which many Republicans think is likely. Maybe the Democrats look at each other and say, “Wait a minute, we can pull some shenanigans with the counting of the electoral college ballots!” Why wouldn’t they? And don’t say that they just spent three years screaming about the Republicans attempting to do that because, again, they are immune to hypocrisy. It literally doesn’t matter to them. They’ll do exactly what they accused Donald Trump and the January 6 people of doing, and they will explain to you that it’s a good thing that they’re doing it.

We already know part of the game plan will be encouraging civil unrest, which we will see a lot of over the summer and leading up to the election. That’s their subtle version of intimidation, but as Inauguration Day approaches, they are certain to amp it up. January 6 was a minor brawl, a joke as far as civil disturbances go – I was in Los Angeles during the Democrat-sponsored Los Angeles riots, so I have a rational perspective on this stuff. But does anyone think they won’t convene their radical Antifa, BLM, and other scumbag Democrat shock troopers in Washington, DC, to disrupt the transfer of power? And it won’t be old ladies taking selfies in the rotunda. These people will be violent and dangerous and probably armed. Who’s going to stop them? Will Joe Biden call out the Washington National Guard or 82nd Airborne to do it? I think we know who will get prosecuted for the violence – no one.

Now, they’ll have some sort of excuse. Donald Trump is an insurrectionist, or democracy is in danger, or reasons and because. Just don’t put it beyond possibility that they will not allow a peaceful transfer of power to Donald Trump. These people are not committed to democracy. They don’t care about freedom. They care about power, so much so that they allow a desiccated old husk to be the guy with his quivering finger hovering over the big red button. If you believe that there’s some sort of guardrail or norm that would stop them from retaining power if they could get away with it, you are hallucinating. You haven’t been paying attention. Wake up.

What do we do about it? Step one is to win the election, and we should try to do decisively. There are a lot of problems that come with slipping through the skin of our teeth. A decisive win makes it harder to cheat, and harder to negate. Regardless, we’ll see lawsuits and all sorts of other stunts in every close state. Remember how 2020 was decided by something like 40,000 votes over three states? Of course, it being Democrats bringing these suits, they’ll get much more consideration than Trump’s did. We could have some state court judge in Wisconsin disrupting the entire election by announcing that none of the Republicans’ ballots count for some nonsense reason, but again, you don’t really need a reason when you’re just seizing power.

Democrats protest every single Republican election as illegitimate, and they will certainly protest this one should Trump win. We have got to be ready. Right now, we are not.

Demented Joe Biden Accidentally Starts Nuclear War in Italian TV Skit

Ben Kew reporting for RedState 

One Italian TV station has released a brutal sketch mocking Joe Biden's cognitive decline.

The sketch, which went viral on social media over the weekend, showed the confused president walking past the podium before giving an utterly incoherent speech about foreign policy.

The speech goes something like this:

I said to the President of Israel, Mikael Gorbachev... Sorry, Michael Jordan, went to the moon and was shot from Dallas. Long shot from Dallas, uh, fourteen million... miles. His wife tried to bring him into the cabriolet. Sorry, it wasn't the moon. It was a Mars attack. A beautiful film where Netanyahu sang "Somewhere over the garage." 

The sketch then shows Biden uncontrollably swinging back and forth before pulling a suitcase from behind the podium and pressing a large nuclear button. 

The hilarious clip has already racked up millions of views and led to a range of reactions from users who felt it stuck close to home.

"At least one Italian TV station is ridiculing Biden," one netizen wrote. "It’s mean-spirited, granted, but also signals how he is regarded elsewhere. Which is old. Really old."

"We are now the laughing stock of the world," added another. 

However, another pointed out that the reality of Biden's cognitive decline is almost as bad as the sketch itself, posting footage of the president recently misidentifying the president of Mexico as Egyptian leader Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. 

Despite long being obvious to the rest of the world, conversations around Biden's physical and mental decline have ramped up in recent weeks following the publishing of a report by Special Counsel Robert Hur into his handling of classified documents.

The report, which was published earlier this month, concluded that Biden had likely committed a crime in his handling of classified materials but that his age, memory, and declining overall health meant that a prosecution would not be in the public interest. 

One of the issues mentioned in the report was that he had repeatedly forgotten when his son Beau had passed away, a claim that sparked anger from the White House and Biden himself. 

Such scrutiny even within the left-wing media of Biden's mental decline has put pressure on him to step aside and allow a younger person to take his place as the Democratic nominee. 

However, the president's aides are insisting that he does not plan on dropping out anytime soon. According to his campaign chief Mitch Landrieu, Biden will "never" voluntarily quit his re-election campaign.

"The one thing Joe Biden is never going to do is — count on this — he is never, ever going to quit," Landrieu said in a recent interview. "Because that’s not what he’s done his entire life."

Biden Brutally Fact Checked on Palestinian Support for Hamas

Katie Pavlich reporting for Townhall 

In an effort to continue pandering to the pro-terrorism branch of the Democratic Party, President Joe Biden sent a tweet last week attempting to differentiate between the "overwhelming majority" of Palestinians and Hamas. 

Reality tells a different story. 

The vast majority of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank do support Hamas. As do Palestinian-Americans in Michigan. In fact, Hamas was elected by Gazans in 2006 and the group's terrorists wear the Palestinian flag on their military gear (when they aren't hiding behind civilian clothes, of course).

After the October 7 terrorist attack, support for Hamas grew among Palestinians.

Further, officials in the "moderate" Palestinian Authority in the West Bank recently said they would turn the government over to Hamas -- or at the very least integrate it -- saying it is an "essential component to Palestinian society."

From the Times of Israel: 

The Palestinian Authority’s deputy prime minister said Saturday that President Mahmoud Abbas would be willing to hand control over his government to Hamas if the terror group were to win future general elections.

After the war, the PA “is ready to hold general elections, and if Hamas wins, the president will hand over the Authority.”

The Palestinian Authority has not held general elections since 2006, when Hamas won a majority of the seats in the legislative council, and subsequently staged a violent coup in the Gaza Strip.

Since the outbreak of the war, various PA officials have called for integrating the political wing of Hamas into a future Palestinian government, claiming that it is an essential component of Palestinian society.

America’s military decline is deliberate

Our military recruiting programs are abysmal failures. Similarly, the retention of our best and brightest military officers, NCOs, and enlisted personnel is a sad commentary on the military force structure. Our warrior class is not wanted, so it is abandoning military service.

The woke and weakened military is no accident, nor is Biden the principal cause of this problem. Biden cannot craft any strategy that would transform an institution like the military into a socialistic morass.

For that, we must look to Obama. He crafted the strategy and set the wheels in motion. Over five years, Obama fired 197 senior military officers who did not agree with his foreign policy nor his vision of the role to be played by the military. The coup of our country’s warrior class leadership had begun.

This coup created a void in the ranks of our nation’s senior generals and admirals, and Obama began filling that void with sycophants who saw the opportunity for promotion. Over the ensuing 12 years, each promotion cycle focused upon more like-minded generals and admirals who, coincidentally, had been groomed and selected by those Obama initially chose to replace the “fired 197.” The message became crystal clear: Go woke or go home. Biden’s inner circle has simply followed the Obama recipe.

And so, we got the likes of Secretary Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, who was followed by the new Joint Chiefs Chairman Charles Q. Brown, Jr. The superintendents of our woke military academies (see, i.e., the DEI minor at West Point) are also products of this philosophical screening.

Under these new woke leaders, we have CRT and DEI infecting our current and future soldiers, sailors, marines, and guardians. Woke seminars, drag queen shows, and racial quotas are the orders of the day. Worst of all, this system replenishes itself with each successive generation of woke generals and admirals. These woke senior officers now select and promote the next generation...and so on.

It will take a concentrated effort to stop this generational decline in our military’s poor focus upon combat readiness and effectiveness. The loss of warrior-class recruits is no accident. The departure of warrior-class service men and women is a tragedy. The military is a shallow and uninviting shadow of its former self. Our military must return to its former lethal greatness.

But for now, Obama is smiling, Biden remains clueless, and the American people are vulnerable.

ICYMI: Chris Wray’s FBI Forced a Young Mother to Stand Outside Barefoot with Her 4-Yr-Old Boy in His Pajamas in 12° Weather While They Ransacked Her Home – She Lost Her Baby the Next Day


Chris Kuehne was sentenced on Friday for his actions on January 6, 2021 at the US Capitol.

Chris is a 22-year veteran who received numerous medals and awards, including the Purple Heart, a Navy Commendation Medal with Valor, and a Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with Valor for actions in combat.

Chris has personally sacrificed his blood, sweat, and tears serving our country and has paid the price for his duty and continues to live with debilitating and invisible injuries. Even before this Chris has protected people and helped people in need. As a 9-year-old Cub Scout he was awarded the Boy Scouts of America’s highest honor, the Medal of Merit, for saving his young sister from a burning car.

On January 6, 2021, Chris went inside the Capitol but did not cause any harm or damage – in fact, he cleaned trash off the floor, helped to stop theft of government property, asked people to leave the building, and went up to Capitol Police Officers to ask how he could help. Chris was also set up by an FBI operative that day. Chris committed no violence and did nothing wrong.

One month later, in the early morning of February 11, 2021 Chris, his four-year-old child, and his wife Annette, who was pregnant at the time were awakened to sirens, cell phone rings, and bursts of colorful lights reflecting through our windows.

Annette later went public about the raid, “The FBI instructed Chris to come outside immediately. Our 4-year-old was awakened from the chaos, and I picked him up and ran downstairs to open the front door. Our house, street and neighboring streets were completely surrounded by armed FBI and law enforcement. It was a scene that we see so many times in the movies, but now it was here at my house! 

There were three large armored tactical vehicles parked on my front, side and back yard, and police vehicles that extended throughout the entire community. I open the door, and for a second, I didn’t realize that there were about twenty FBI SWAT Team members with semi-automatic rifles pointed at my son and I. We were covered by the bright red lasers pointed at our faces, chests, and various points on our bodies.

Chris Wray’s FBI militiamen forced Annette outside with her four-year-old boy in his
pajamas.  They were forced to stand there on the cold cement.

It was 12° in Olathe, Kansas that morning. And the heartless morons in the FBI forced a young pregnant woman her little child to freeze outside in the cold morning air.

Over the weekend, The Gateway Pundit posted exclusive video of Annette holding her crying son as armed FBI agents raided their home! The boy was terrified and crying after FBI goons lit up his little face with red lasers and woke him up with armored vehicles surrounding their home.

We are losing America to these heartless tyrants.  The little boy is crying for his daddy. This was taken the morning of the raid. Go to Link to see video

ICYMI: Chris Wray's FBI Forced a Young Mother to Stand Outside Barefoot with Her 4-Yr-Old Boy in His Pajamas in 12° Weather While They Ransacked Her Home - She Lost Her Baby the Next Day | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Annette Kuehne was forced outside barefoot in February in Kansas.  Annette miscarried their baby the next day.