Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Domino Theory 2.0: Ukraine Then Taiwan?

See how those dominoes fall when policymakers and their elitist cronies put money over country and sell our communist enemies the rope they will use to hang us?

In yet another example of “how the more things change…”

When assessing the Domino Theory 2.0, one discovers the dominoes are in the details—or, more accurately, the lack of them.

The first incarnation of the “Domino Theory” argued that the triumph of communism in one nation would invariably lead to communism’s triumph in neighboring nations. Based on the rapid Sovietization and illegal occupations of eastern Europe in the aftermath of World War II, the Domino Theory predicted the same result would occur elsewhere. Unfortunately, the theory was less of a strategic assessment than it was a myopic prism, coloring every incident abroad as proof of its predetermined conclusion and justifying its efforts to stanch communism’s advance by any means fair or foul, including the deployment of the American military. So doing, the Domino Theory proved a blunt and, ultimately, deleterious instrument for stemming the advance of that hideous, anti-human ideology.

For Americans, the Vietnam War painfully revealed the counterproductive consequences of this overly simplistic theory. Between 1965 and 1973, more than 58,000 American service personnel, 250,000 South Vietnamese troops, 1.1 million North Vietnamese and Viet Cong fighters, and close to 2 million civilians of North and South Vietnam were killed, and more than $120 billion of U.S. tax dollars were expended on the war effort. At home, Americans were torn along political and generational lines over the draft and the war; youth was radicalized; and disillusionment with and alienation from representative institutions increased throughout the citizenry. When America ultimately failed to stem North Vietnam’s conquest of South Vietnam, the ensuing decade witnessed communism’s advance around the globe. At home, many of the political divisions spawned by the Vietnam War never fully healed.

Importantly, this was during a time when the Soviet Union and its proxies were in fact bent upon expanding communism across the globe, and most Americans understood this. Nevertheless, the failure to explain the rationale for the Vietnam War to the satisfaction of Americans, especially the young men being drafted and their parents, constituted the sifting quicksand that finally engulfed America’s war effort, especially when the government’s official statements continually failed to match the reality on the ground and the war dragged on.

In the aftermath of Vietnam, policymakers did learn the hard lessons of America’s military defeat. Communism remained an existential threat to free peoples, one the Soviets continued to spread. But America and her allies gradually became more attuned to the specific conditions within a communist endangered country, and, given the American public’s chary post-Vietnam attitude toward military interventions, became more circumspect in their assessments and responses to such threats. With fits and starts, wins and losses, by 1991, this more circumspect view of how to defeat communism through a more deliberative and discerning, holistic roll-back strategy facilitated the liberation of eastern Europe from communism and the Soviet Union’s implosion.

Failure might be an orphan, but it is a better teacher than success. While making room to stuff the Soviet Union in history’s trash can, policymakers retrieved from it the garbage theory, the “End of History.” In sum, Francis Fukuyama’s “end” was the absence of an ideological opponent to western democratic capitalism, which allegedly had forever won the hearts and minds of all peoples. It seems Mr. Fukuyama didn’t consult the over 70,000,000 members of the Chinese Communist Party (or radical Islamists, for that matter).

In the heady, heedless days following the demise of the Soviet Union, the botched, venal western “shock therapy” approach to Russian reconstruction led to the rise of an authoritarian regime headed by former KGB Lt. Colonel Vladimir Putin, a foreign intelligence officer. Due to western recklessness and covetousness, democracy and capitalism had an abysmal trial run in post-Soviet Russia. The people came to view the “end of history” as a dead end for Russia. With selective nostalgia coloring their memories, they reached back out for the iron hand of a strong leader (if not a Stalin, then an Ivan the Terrible) and a Russia that was feared and respected throughout the world. Mr. Putin and his thuggish ex-KGB cronies (Siloviki) readily obliged. The result is a revanchist, neo-imperial Russia currently on display in Ukraine.

Further, in the wake of the CCP’s barbaric butchering of pro-democracy protestors in Tiananmen Square, a similar response threw this hideous regime a lifeline: no amount of mass slaughter would stop western capitalists from enriching themselves in communist China. Throughout the ensuing years, policymakers and the elites have enriched themselves by, among other means, outsourcing American jobs to and investing in communist China, thereby making the regime both more secure and more potent as they engaged in unrestricted warfare against the United States. And a nation that, during Mao’s great famine, was still exporting wheat from the hands of starving peasants to ensure the communist regime had enough foreign reserves to advance the nation’s aims throughout the world, now holds over $850 billion of American debt. No doubt, Xi Jinping and his politburo pals will continue putting their current foreign reserves and their holding of the U.S. debt to effective, if not good, use against America.

In sum, today, policymakers and elites have now stuck the rest of us with the butcher’s bill for their arrogance and avarice: a revanchist, authoritarian Russia and an avowedly hostile, implacably aggressive communist China, both of which view the United States as their primary enemy.

This is the situation as American and other western policymakers tender their dire demands for taxpayer funding for Ukraine. For some abstruse reason, they expect the public to forget or ignore that these policymakers and their corporate cronies have been culpable for causing this crisis. These policymakers have forgotten the hard lessons of Vietnam, and in refusing to explain in detail the strategic stakes in defending Ukraine from Russia’s invasion, they have resorted to the Domino Theory 2.0.

Consider this February 12 tweet by Senator John Cornyn (R-Tex.), in which he cites an earlier statement by Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-La.): “Speaker Johnson is right: ‘We can’t allow Vladimir Putin to prevail in Ukraine because I don’t believe it would stop there. It would probably encourage and empower China to perhaps make a move on Taiwan.’”

And there it is. The assumption that an authoritarian victory will lead to another authoritarian’s invasion of another country.

Sure, the Speaker hedged with “probably.” Moreover, Senator Cornyn was citing an October 27, 2023, interview with the Speaker, wherein he, Johnson, also stated: “We’re not going to abandon them, but we have a responsibility, a stewardship responsibility, over the precious treasure of the American people, and we have to make sure that the White House is providing the people with some accountability for the dollars.” Oddly, the Speaker also hedged by adding “some accountability.”

Yet, this merely reinforces the point. The Speaker felt compelled to regurgitate the Dominio Theory 2.0. His admission that there needs to be “some accountability” underscores the absence of accountability to the American public regarding military aid to Ukraine’s. Excepting the rote invocation of the “Taiwan must be defended” mantra, it also unwittingly reveals policymakers’ almost zero discourse with the American people as to why a free Taiwan is an imperative in protecting our nation’s vital strategic interests. Instead, the public gets the Domino Theory 2.0.

It is beyond the purpose of this essay to delve into how the current efforts to aid the defense of Ukraine may or may not have already indicated to the CCP the probability of successfully subjugating Taiwan. What is obvious, however, is that despite Americans’ disapprobation for Mr. Putin and his regime, the continued funding for Ukraine’s defense is increasingly precarious, as public support is ebbing over time (due in no small part to the absence of “some accountability”).

Now consider this in light of what the Domino Theory 2.0’s proponent’s believe is the “hammer” in their argument for more Ukraine spending: the long-threatened communist Chinese invasion of Taiwan.

As the Vietnam War intensified, one of the arguments of anti-war protestors was that our kids were being sent to die in a country most Americans couldn’t find on a map. A terse expression of how policymakers had failed to adequately explain how America’s vital national security interests were involved, it was an inarguable indictment of the original Domino Theory. But it is important to note that the Domino Theory was initially sufficient for the American public to accept our nation’s involvement in Vietnam. Why?

Due to the Sovietization of eastern Europe, the communist capture of China, and the United States’ subsequent, excruciating experience in the Korean War (or maybe because of the sacrifices entailed to keep South Korea free), the American public recognized communism was an existential threat to our nation and allies. Engendering and perpetuating this recognition constituted a concerted national effort that endured over decades until America and her allies won the Cold War.

Today, this is decidedly not the case.

Feckless policymakers, in league with their rapacious corporate cronies and other greedy elitists, have divined a critical distinction between the defunct Soviet variant of the communist virus and that of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP): unlike the former Soviet Union, western elites can make a buck off the communist China.

But, you may ask, what about communist China’s “unrestricted warfare” against their primary enemy, the hegemonic United States? What about the communist regime’s repression of their own people, including the genocide of the Uighurs? How can American and western policymakers and their elitist cronies do business with a totalitarian government that is leveraging their own captive people as a “market” for western corporate investment? Or threatening to invade their neighboring free republic, Taiwan?

To keep their gravy train rolling requires the public to believe the policymakers’ and the elites false narrative that the communist Chinese regime is magically not in control of their totalitarian state. Somehow, despite all evidence and communist ideology to the contrary, communist China’s business sector (one cannot call it a “private sector”) is a sufficiently independent actor to ignore the regime’s aggressive domestic and global malevolence. In short, policymakers and elites need the American public to play “let’s pretend” along with them.

This deliberate downplaying of communist China’s aims promotes the willful misperception that there is a difference between the communist Chinese regime and its economy—one that is not recognized in that nation’s laws—and has not ended the American people’s distrust of the communist Chinese state. But it has had detrimental impact. While not spurring calls for peaceful coexistence or détente, it has negated a comprehensive estimation of the threat communist China’s unrestricted warfare poses to America’s vital strategic interests, as well as the measures required to protect and defend ourselves and our allies. Truly, then, it is odd how, in pushing the Domino Theory 2.0, policy makers and the elites are aiming to leverage a fear of communist China that they’ve spend decades trying to diminish.

This brings us face to face with the real Domino Theory of communism: namely, how the willful blindness to communist China’s avowed unrestricted warfare against our nation leads to the spread of the vile, murderous, anti-human ideology of communism at home and abroad.

For example, why should communist indoctrinators on campuses not be treated the same as Nazi indoctrinators? Why should an ideology responsible for killing more innocents than any other screed be considered acceptable in any quarter, let alone grow in popularity, especially among young Americans?

Why should Americans oppose the repressive communist Cuban regime, one that exports its hateful ideology and undermines free nations in Latin America, when the most populous and powerful communist nation in the world, China, despite being engaged in “unrestricted warfare” against the U.S., is being treated as a responsible international actor and business opportunity?

Equally, at a time when American elected officials are endangering national security by signing non-disclosure agreements with communist Chinese companies and, in the name of creating jobs their failed policies have precluded by any other means, are doling out billions in taxpayer dollars to them to locate in areas of America where it is all the better to engage in military and corporate espionage and other nefarious activities, why should the public respond to the Domino Theory 2.0’s concern for free Taiwan?

Indeed, while many policymakers, their elitist cronies, and the regime press pooh-pooh the public’s concerns about communist China buying American farmland, why would the public care about communist China invading Taiwan—let alone be prepared to risk World War III over it?

See how those dominoes fall when policymakers and their elitist cronies put money over country and sell our communist enemies the rope they will use to hang us?

Unless and until policymakers and their elitist cronies cease their remunerative apologies for the regime and commence defeating the existential threat of communist China’s unrestricted warfare, the Domino Theory 2.0 is a self-defeating piece of self-satire that merely serves to further disillusion and alienate Americans whose public support is needed to defend our republic and the entire free world.

In the end, of course, the question of whether the Domino Theory 2.0 works as the policymakers and the elites intend is a secondary consideration. The first consideration is to do what is comprehensively necessary as a nation to ensure that question never requires an answer.

X22, And we Know, and more- February 25


The Return of the Old Right

American foreign policy has long labored under the consensus that it is the nation’s duty to police the world. This philosophy has resulted in an overly powerful state and almost constant war overseas. But recently, political discourse has seen a resurgence of traditional American values. It could be that the Old Right philosophy of peace and non-intervention is returning just in time to rescue our republic.

Recent developments remind me of the plot from Marvel’s Captain America: Winter Soldier. The film begins with Captain America reeling from 70 years frozen in ice. He must now confront a U.S. obsessed with control as the world’s only superpower. The government, influenced by sleeper cell Nazis called Hydra, creates a predictive algorithm to eliminate potential threats before they can oppose the new world order of Hydra with its flying super-drone weapons. The government’s violation of liberty and conscience spurs Cap to fight back, uncovering and destroying Hydra.

The film’s premise offers a perfect metaphor for the current domestic debate over American foreign policy. Uniquely American ideas that have been frozen in time are now reawakening to confront a modern foreign policy consensus that has led to financial ruin, domestic tyranny, and endless wars. This awakening isn’t about a superhero in a costume fighting cartoon Nazis hidden in our government, but rather a revival of values and ideas that challenge the status quo of being the world’s police

Like Captain America, the Old Right is precisely what a dying Republic needs to save liberty for future generations. 

Recent events, like Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin, are a signal of the Old Right’s return, challenging long-held perceptions of American foreign policy and media elite. This interview, drawing over 205 million views, symbolizes a shift in public understanding, questioning the narrative of unequivocally ‘good’ American governance and ‘bad’ foreign entities portrayed by the media. It asks if our government is a big part of the global problem?

The fight surrounding the Biden Administration’s request for more “foreign aid” and a touch of border spending is also demonstrative. We can all recall a time when there was little domestic dissent for more military spending; now, there’s a growing insistence on negotiating the trade-offs between the foreign policy goals of the D.C. elite and American interests, as shown in the debates surrounding the deal that was filibustered in the Senate and now DOA in the House. Importantly, Republican lawmakers are pointing out that our border is broken, millions of people are coming across, and we are bankrupting ourselves to defend someone else’s border. This America First reasoning harkens back to the nation’s founding principles of independence and non-intervention.

Like Captain America, the Old Right is now re-emerging from a long slumber with a new brand, more self-aware, more skeptical perhaps, but also realistic and life-affirming. It’s what Vivek Ramasamy termed “Nationalist Libertarianism” or the “America First movement,” described by Trump-world. This change, arguably the most critical in the American political landscape in a century, should not be understood as an aberration of the American consciousness (as the Neocons and Neoliberals frame it) but rather a return to an American tradition.

But what is this tradition -- who was the Old Right? Murray Rothbard described them in his autobiographical history of the 20th Century; they were a group of writers, activists, and politicians: people like HL Mencken and Senator Robert Taft who were old-school American Liberals, what we’d call libertarians. They opposed FDR’s New Deal and America’s postwar foreign policy consensus both as progressive schemes to remake the world in Man’s image rather than remaining humble to the realities we can’t change and loyal to the traditions that made America a shining city on a hill.

At the end of Avenger’s Endgame, Captain America goes back in time and lives the civilian life he always wanted. As a nation (and not a fictional superhero with access to time travel) we cannot take back 70 years of foreign-policy blunders that put so many into the grave and bankrupted our country. What we can do is change course, and we must. 

The public should embrace the rising America First movement, and we should understand it not as a pathology or novel theory, but as a return to American values. We can embrace a foreign policy rooted in the American tradition, as American as superheroes and apple pie. We can return to an ethic that says we will fight should it come to us, but we refuse to dominate the globe in the name of safety and at the expense of our American soul. 

'Grid Down, Power Up:' Warning About What the U.S. Is Not Prepared For

Sarah Arnold reporting for Townhall 

Imagine a world where you couldn’t call or text anyone, you couldn’t put gas in your car, you could pay for things, and there was no tap in your water. A nightmare, right? 

Hollywood actor Dennis Quaid is warning that such a scenario isn’t a foreign possibility. 

During an interview with Tucker Carlson, Quaid highlighted the dangers of a solar storm that could kill more than 90 percent of the population within a year. 

“Basically, there is a 100 percent probability that our sun, generating what they call a GMD, which is a solar storm, that hits hard, hits our Earth, and the magnetic field we have around the Earth, and can fry everything that is electric above the ground, including our entire grid,” Quaid said. 

Everything from transportation, our finance system, phones, internet, food delivery, and other aspects of modern life would become obsolete. 

“There wouldn’t be water in your tap. You couldn’t get gas for your car because the whole system is broken down. Everything we rely upon would be gone,” Quaid told Carlson, noting that China and Russia have done more than the U.S. to protect their infrastructure. 

The Hollywood actor said that those who live in the country would have far more resources and chances at survival than city dwellers. However, Quaid stressed that our society is so heavily reliant on the grid that such catastrophic damage would be expensive and nearly impossible. 

During the Trump Administration, the former president tried implementing measures to protect the grid. However, his efforts were halted by regulatory agencies that energy company lobbyists control. Quaid explained that many power companies are privately owned and unwilling to spend the money needed for proper protection of our power grid. 

He told Carlson that it would take roughly $100 billion to install protection relays— similar to surge protectors— that could stop transformers from being fried. 

This is close to about the same amount of money the U.S. has given Ukraine in its ongoing war with Russia. 

Carlson also pointed out that the U.S.’s power grid could be targeted by terrorists from an EMP attack that would have similar effects to a geothermal event from the sun. A nationwide power outage could take months, or even years, to fix. 

“It’s something we don’t like to think about, but it’s whether from the Sun or a bad actor, this is something that 100 percent risk it’s going to occur, and we are just in no way prepared for it,” Quaid concluded.

Former Panama Border Chief: UN is Behind the Chaos at US-Mexico Border

 Panama's former SENAFRONT director says the U.N. and its nonprofit partners made mass migration worse when they moved into his country.


By Darlene McCormick Sanchez | February 22, 2024

Updated: February 24, 2024

PANAMA CITY—The former director of Panama’s border patrol told The Epoch Times that the United Nations’ migration agenda is behind the chaos at the U.S. southern border and that U.N. partners are making things worse instead of better.

Oriel Ortega, now a security and defense consultant to Panamanian President Laurentino Cortizo, said during a Feb. 22 interview that he saw a jump in migration in 2016, at the same time that more nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) moved into Panama.

That increase corresponded with the U.N.’s Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration meeting in 2016. Two years later, 152 nations—including Panama—voted in favor of the compact to manage global migration. The United States voted against it.

But under the U.N., the migration process has been anything but orderly, Mr. Ortega said.

“It’s completely opposite right now,” he said through an interpreter.

Documents show that in 2023, a record 500,000 migrants traveled through the dense jungle known as the Darien Gap from Colombia into Panama. Migrants from around the world are flying into South and Central America to start their journey because countries such as Suriname and Ecuador don’t require a visa to enter. Their final destination is the United States.

The book “Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion, and Foreign Policy,” written by Kelly Greenhill, suggests that weaker countries are using migration to destabilize their more powerful adversaries.

Joseph Humire is the executive director of the Center for a Secure Free Society and an expert on unconventional warfare. He told The Epoch Times that he believes that’s what Americans are seeing at the U.S. southern border now.

 “This isn’t a conspiracy theory,” he said; the “invasion” at the U.S. southern border is “strategic engineered migration.”

 Mr. Ortega agreed that the NGOs have “exacerbated” mass migration problems.

“Instead of helping, they’re being part of the problem,” he said. “It’s not the migrants themselves that are creating a national threat; it is the organized crime, and it is these international organizations.”

At the Lajas Blancas camp in Panama, migrants have access to a number of large maps provided by NGOs that display detailed migration routes heading to the United States. One map is from HIAS, an NGO founded as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, which recently received $11 million from the United States in two grants awarded for Latin American migrants.

Instead of curtailing mass migration, they are facilitating it, he said.

International organizations even filed lawsuits against Panama, alleging human rights violations for holding 2,500 migrants from Haiti. But Mr. Ortega said the migrants were only being held “because of unsafe conditions,” but he didn’t elaborate.

While the U.N. has aided migrants for decades, the scope of its operation has dramatically expanded, with the number of illegal immigrants entering the United States surging.

Nearly $1.3 billion of U.S. taxpayer money was given to the U.N. and other agencies assisting migrants in 2023, according to a government spending database.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), the U.N.’s migration arm, is paying for the expansion of camps, including ones near the Darien Gap, one in Lajas Blancas, and another new facility near camp Bajo Chiquito, Mr. Ortega said.

It’s up to the NGOs to sustain their operations, he said. SENAFRONT, the border patrol for Panama, which he once headed, should only be there for security, he said.


Is This Their Next Move? Article Reveals Some Dems Mulling Not Certifying Trump If He Wins

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

We've already seen how hypocritical Democrats can be when it comes to questioning elections. 

Democrats have been questioning/denying the results of elections/objecting to electoral counts for decades. Yet, if Republicans raise questions, that's somehow a threat to "democracy" and "treason." You see it constantly on X, along with all the other Russia conspiracy theories from those on the left. It's a cultish insanity. 

But our sister site, Townhall, pointed to an incredible article in The Atlantic. That article reveals there are no bounds to how far that hypocrisy will go. 

Check out this headline and subhead. 

"How Democrats Could Disqualify Trump If the Supreme Court Doesn't" 

"Without clear guidance from the Court, House Democrats suggest that they might not certify a Trump win on January 6."

So wait, the people screaming about "democracy" and former President Donald Trump are now mulling over the question of not certifying Trump if he wins? And if they do it, they'll likely do it, claiming they would be doing it "for democracy,"

According to the story, senior House Democrats wouldn't commit now to certifying his win without a decision on Trump's eligibility from the Supreme Court. So even if he wins, it sounds like they're considering playing games. 

As their victory in a House special election in New York last week demonstrated, Democrats have a serious chance of winning a majority in Congress in November, even if Trump recaptures the presidency on the same day. If that happens, they could have the votes to prevent him from taking office.

In interviews, senior House Democrats would not commit to certifying a Trump win, saying they would do so only if the Supreme Court affirms his eligibility. But during oral arguments, liberal and conservative justices alike seemed inclined to dodge the question of his eligibility altogether and throw the decision to Congress.

So they think they could decide — all on their own — to disqualify him. 

Here's what Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) said.

Contesting a presidential election by claiming that the winner is ineligible, however, has no precedent. “It’s very murky,” Lofgren said. She believes that Trump is “clearly ineligible,” but acknowledged that “there’s no procedure, per se, for challenging on this basis.”

Lofgren said she might be one of the lawmakers who would seek to disqualify Trump. 

While Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) conceded that there could be violence, he said it wouldn’t necessarily stop them from trying to disqualify him. “We might just decide that’s something we need to prepare for.”

So much for "democracy" or any principles they claim to be adhering to on the question. They are truly shameless if they would go this route. And yes, that would result in a crisis of unimaginable proportions if they tried that. But I wouldn't put it past them. It's always and only about their own power. 

Trump Calls Out Biden as 'Nasty and Vicious Racist' at Black Conservative Federation Gala

Becca Lower reporting for RedState 

With the battle for South Carolina drawing to a close Saturday with the state's Republican presidential primary, former president Donald Trump addressed the Black Conservative Federation's gala event in Charleston on Friday evening.

Trump was on hand to make remarks and pick up an award as the "Champion of Black America." But let's back up a little bit first. As my colleague Becky Noble wrote, on Wednesday, President Joe Biden tried to use a fellow Democrat, the late Senator Strom Thurmond, as a cudgel to attack his GOP opponents as racist and anti-democratic:

Appearing at a fundraiser on Wednesday, Joe Biden did what he and Democrats do best: call Republicans racist. Biden remarked that the "current GOP is worse than the 'real racists'" that he served with as a young Senator in the 1970s. He compared today's Republican Party to Sen. Strom Thurmond, who served in the Senate from 1954 until he died in 2003. As a Senator, Thurmond supported several segregationist policies and ran for president on a third-party, pro-segregationist ticket known as the "Dixiecrats" in 1948. At the fundraiser, Biden stated:

I've been a senator since '72. I've served with real racists. I've served with Strom Thurmond. I've served with all these guys that have set terrible records on race. But guess what? These guys are worse. These guys do not believe in basic democratic principles.

Aside from the fact that Joe Biden may have let something slip when he suggested that you could be a segregationist and simultaneously support "basic democratic principles," Joe's remnants of a memory are failing him once again. Not only did Joe "serve" in the Senate with the likes of Thurmond, he palled around with them and eulogized them when they died.

And as Noble pointed out, Biden's own track record on fighting against school integration is nothing to boast about. He championed segregation openly and unapologetically. In his remarks Friday, Trump dinged Biden for his refusal to denounce his racism and association with known racists like Thurmond:

Joe Biden really has proven to be a very nasty and vicious racist. He's been a racist. Whether you like it or don't like it. I happen not to like it. Joe Biden really has proven to be a very nasty and vicious racist. He's been a racist. Whether you like it or don't like it. I happen not to like it. ... Biden spent years palling around with notorious segregationist you know that.

Trump also spoke about his making inroads with Black Americans, stating that many are drawn to support him because they can relate to the unjust prosecution he's been laden with as he runs once again for president:

I got indicted a second time and a third time and a fourth time, and a lot of people said that that’s why the Black people like me, because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against, and they actually viewed me as I’m being discriminated against.

I’m being indicted for you, the American people. I’m being indicted for you, the Black population. I am being indicted for a lot of different groups by sick people, these are sick sick people. 

He continued:

Some of the greatest evils in our nation's history have come from corrupt systems that try to target and subjugate others to deny them their freedom and to deny them their rights. I think that's why the Black people are so much on my side now because they see what's happening to me happens to them.

In another part of his remarks, Trump mentioned the image of the mug shot, from when he was booked in Fulton County (Georgia), resonates with Black people "more than anybody else":

My mug shot — we’ve all seen the mug shot, and you know who embraced it more than anybody else? The Black population. You see Black people walking around with my mug shot, you know, they do shirts and they sell them for $19 apiece. It’s pretty amazing — millions by the way.

At least one attendee agreed:

Adam Wasolis Sr., 33, from the Bronx, N.Y., said he agreed with Trump's characterization of his appeal to Black voters.

“I definitely understand why some Black men may feel they resonate with his issues, because most of the issues that have plagued black men were legal issues," said Wasolis, who is vice chair of New York Young Republican Black Caucus.

Also appearing at the event were GOP endorsers and campaign trail surrogates, Rep. Byron Donalds (FL), former presidential candidate, Sen. Tim Scott (SC), and Rep. Wesley Hunt (TX). Former GOP presidential candidate (2016) Ben Carson, who most recently served in the Trump Administration as the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) secretary, also took part in the festivities. 

Biden simply waving away his past just isn't going to wash, and we need to keep hammering those facts home to anyone who doesn't know about them. Trump sure picked up that ball and ran with it. Good to see.

Stay tuned to RedState for coverage of not only the South Carolina primary on Saturday but Trump's speech at the 2024 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

Politico Reporter Embarrasses Herself Attempting To Defend ‘Christian Nationalism’ Smears

Politico reporter Heidi Przybyla is in meltdown mode after receiving much-deserved blowback for penning a scaremongering report about how a second term of Donald Trump will bring about a wave of so-called “Christian nationalism.”

In their lengthy diatribe published Tuesday, Przybyla and co-author Alexander Ward warned that Christians close to Trump are secretly plotting to advance America’s founding Judeo-Christian values should the former president defeat Joe Biden this November.

These “Christian nationalists” (A.K.A. mainstream Christians), the two wrote, represent an existential threat to the republic because they believe America “was founded as a Christian nation and that Christian values should be prioritized throughout government and public life.”

Every member of every other religion can do so, but it’s horrible when Christians support policies that align with their faith! Also, it’s evil to love what made America great: its Founders repeatedly acknowledging that without Christianity, there can be no self-government.

[Don’t Let The ‘Christian Nationalist’ Slur Shame You Into Hiding Your Faith]

Given her clear inability to understand basic facts about the American founding and Christianity, it wasn’t shocking to witness Przybyla present her lunacy to MSNBC viewers on Friday.

“The one thing that unites them as Christian nationalists — not Christians by the way, because Christian nationalists is very different — is that they believe that our rights as Americans, as all human beings, don’t come from any earthly authority; they don’t come from Congress; they don’t come from the Supreme Court — they come from God,” Przybyla said.

Her full remarks on the subject are just as morally and intellectually disqualifying.

Gee, if only there were a historical document instrumental to the American founding and written by a Founding Father that contained the words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Przybyla’s smearing of the country’s majority religion isn’t shocking. Her checkered history of pushing bunk stories about nonexistent corruption among constitution-upholding Supreme Court justices and hyping baseless rape allegations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh are more than enough to disqualify her credibility as a “reporter.” What’s hilarious, however, is how much the Politico hack continued to double down on her asinine hatred for America’s founding creed and “reporting” in the hours that followed her dumpster-fire MSNBC interview.

In one tweet posted on X, Przybyla claimed, “There are different wings of Christian Nationalism [and] they are bound by their belief that our rights come from God,” and seemingly insisted that Christians who support pro-life policies are “Christian nationalists.”

“If you are Hindu, Jewish etc, this might help you understand the next part of my point, which is they are using this for a man-made policy agenda, which distinguishes this from other Christians who leave these God-given rights at our inherent right to ‘Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ — vs banning abortion, contraception etc.,” she wrote.

Przybyla continued to respond to critics on X throughout Friday afternoon, a desperate bid to defend her nonsensical talking points.