Thursday, February 22, 2024

Putin Killed Navalny But Biden is Killing America

Russia may very well be a frightful example of autocracy under Putin, but the United States is becoming itself a frightful example of the same under Biden and the Democrats.

Most Americans didn’t know who Alexei Navalny was until a few days ago. But last Friday, he became as famous as Helen of Troy when it was reported he had died in a Russian prison.

According to Greek legend, Helen of Troy—married to the Spartan King Menelaus—was abducted by Paris, the Prince of Troy, who was intoxicated by her beauty. Her abduction—and beauty—famously “launched a thousand ships” as the Greeks went to war with the Trojans to reclaim her.

American politicians in both the Republican and Democrat Parties would likewise use Navalny’s death last Friday to launch whatever remains of our own depleted Naval and other forces to Russian or Ukrainian shores to go to war with Russia. Navalny, of course, is neither Helen of Troy nor even American, and his death—though tragic—is completely inconsequential to our own nation’s affairs.

Alexei Navalny—a political opponent of Putin—was poisoned in 2020 but survived. He was serving a 19-year sentence in a Russian prison when he died. According to those banging the war drums in America, Putin is responsible for his death.

Putin is most certainly a vicious and ruthless Russian leader who appears willing to use any means necessary to hold on to power. But if a distant and foreign leader’s abuse of power, false imprisonment, or even murder of a political opponent is justification to go to war with Russia, why aren’t there identical shrieking demands to go to war with Ukraine?

A month before Navalny died in a Russian prison, an American citizen named Gonzalo Lira died in a Ukrainian jail. Lira was arrested last May for speaking out against Ukraine and offending President Zelenskyy by calling him a “cokehead.”

What’s the difference between Putin’s arrest of a political opponent and his subsequent death in a Russian jail and Zelenskyy’s arrest of a political dissident and his subsequent death in a Ukrainian jail? Is there not greater justification to wage a war against Zelenskyy and Ukraine—who murdered a U.S. citizen—than against Putin and Russia, who allegedly murdered a Russian citizen?

How many political opponents has Chinese dictator Xi Xinping had arrested, killed, or otherwise “disappeared?” How about Ayotallah Khamanei, the Supreme Leader of Iran? And does China, Iran, or the great bogeyman Russia presently pose a greater threat to America?

How many American hostages does Hamas currently still have? Why is there greater outrage over the imprisonment—and now death—of a Russian citizen in Russia than over the capture of American citizens by Hamas? We want war with Russia, but peace with Hamas?

Should we go to war with Canada over its political prisoners? Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government suspended the rights of four Canadian citizens in the aftermath of the peaceful Canadian Freedom Convoy of early 2022. These citizens were denied bail and held without a trial.

After serving nearly two years behind bars on charges of conspiracy to commit murder, at least two of Trudeau’s political prisoners were released and the obviously fabricated “conspiracy to commit murder charges” dropped—a plea deal reached. These individuals were all falsely imprisoned because—like Navalny—they were vocal opponents of the regime.

But we don’t even need to look outside the United States to find countless comparable examples of vicious and ruthless American political leaders willing to use any means necessary to retain political power through flagrant abuse of their own power—jailing, persecuting, or killing their political opponents.

Enrique Tarrio, the afro-Cuban former leader of the Proud Boys, was sentenced to 22 years in prison for “seditious conspiracy.” Tarrio was in Baltimore when the J6 protest was taking place. His prison sentence is more severe than the 19-year sentence given to Navalny in Russia.

While political prisoner Enrique Tarrio is currently alive in prison for crimes he didn’t commit, other political prisoners of the Biden regime are dead—like Navalny.

Mark Aungst committed suicide while awaiting sentencing for simply walking into the Capitol building on J6. He faced prison time and a fine.

Matthew Perna, who faced years in prison for similarly entering the Capitol building on J6, hanged himself in his garage.

The Biden regime has held countless J6 protestors on bogus charges, denied them due process and basic medical care, and thrown them in solitary confinement. If Putin is responsible for Navalny’s death, then Joe Biden and Democrats are responsible for the deaths of Perna, Aungst, and even others.

Putin-obsessed Americans need to take the log or plank out of their own eye. While these Americans are irrationally possessed by their hatred of Putin—the metaphoric speck in another’s eye—their own country has been transformed into the very repressive and tyrannical hellscape they condemn in Russia.

When will these same “courageous” critics of Putin, who insist something must be done to the Russian leader for throwing his now-dead political opponent in prison, likewise insist that something must be done to Biden and Democrats, who are attempting to throw their political opponent, Trump, in prison?

Russia may very well be a frightful example of autocracy under Putin, but the United States is becoming itself a frightful example of the same under Biden and the Democrats. Biden’s America will soon be indistinguishable from Putin’s Russia if Americans don’t focus their attention on preventing rapidly encroaching tyranny at home rather than overturning long-established tyrannies elsewhere.

Putin may have killed Navalny, but Biden and the Democrats are close to killing America and our republic. I’m so serious, I wrote a book about it. I implore Americans to take seriously the stakes of the 2024 presidential election and rally to America’s defense.

As I write in America’s Last Stand:

“Our present conflict is unprecedented in our own nation’s history and in our own lifetimes and marks the third major test, which will determine whether America survives or dies.”

Forget war with Russia; we’re already fighting a war here in America. Forget the monster in Russia; we’ve got our own monsters here in America. We need all hands on deck to save our own country.

X22, Red Pill News, and more- February 22


Why Is Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly Promoting Allegations Made By Anti-Semitic UN Officials?

Why Is Foreign Affairs Minister
Melanie Joly Promoting Allegations
Made By Anti-Semitic UN Officials?

In their desperation to create a false equivalence between Israel and Hamas, the Liberal government is jumping on every opportunity to demonize Israel and pander to anti-Semites in Canada.

The Liberal government has established a clear pattern:

Allegations made by Israel – a democratic state with a free press and significant accountability mechanisms – are immediately cast into doubt, and only believed once much time has passed. For example, we saw how long it took Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly to denounce the incredibly well-documented and undeniable mass rapes and mutiliation of women perpetrated by Hamas.

Meanwhile, allegations made against Israel – including allegations made by terrorists groups like Hamas – are immediately believed and immediately platformed. The allegations are believed even though Hamas is genocidal terror organization that doesn’t allow free elections, doesn’t allow free speech, and doesn’t allow any accountability mechanisms.

In short, things are completely inverted.

Democracies are far more honest than authoritarian states and terror groups, because statements from political leaders can be challenged in real-time.

The Liberal government should default towards believing Israel, and disbelieving Hamas.

Yet they do the opposite.

And they’re doing it again.

Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly is now platforming accusations against Israel made by Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories.

As reported by the Times of Israel, Albanese has a long history making anti-Semitic comments:

“A review of her past social media posts, media appearances and talks with activist groups found that aside from inveighing against a “Jewish lobby,” she has also sympathized with terror organizations, dismissed Israeli security concerns, compared Israelis to Nazis and accused the Jewish state of potential war crimes.

Then, as now, she refers to Israel as a settler-colonial enterprise and to Jews in Israel and the pre-state British mandate as foreign interlopers subjugating an indigenous Palestinian population. In her first official report to the UN this year, she urged a rejection of the conflict paradigm, describing Israel solely as an oppressor and legitimizing Palestinian “resistance.” She rarely acknowledges Palestinian terrorism.

In 2014, in an open letter posted to her Facebook page, Albanese castigated the US and Europe for their conduct during Operation Protective Edge, a war between Israel and Gaza terror groups that year.

“America and Europe, one of them subjugated by the Jewish lobby, and the other by the sense of guilt about the Holocaust, remain on the sidelines and continue to condemn the oppressed — the Palestinians — who defend themselves with the only means they have (deranged missiles), instead of making Israel face its international law responsibilities,” Albanese wrote.”

Keep all of that in mind as you consider the fact that Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister is now uncritically repeating allegations made by that same UN official:

Israel had rapidly responded to those allegations, and others noted that Albanese was deeply involved in the report demonizing Israel:

“Israel forcefully rejects the despicable and unfounded claims published today by a group of so-called UN experts, including one who just days ago legitimised the massacre of October 7 in which more than 1,200 people were murdered, executed and raped, and another who publicly doubted the testimonies of Israeli victims of gender-based and sexual violence.

These mandate holders have remained silent on the horrific sexual violence and gender based violence perpetrated by Hamas on and since October 7. It is clear that the co-signatories are motivated not by the truth but by their hatred for Israel and its people.

The State of Israel will continue to abide by its obligations under international law. No complaint has been received by Israeli authorities but Israel remains ready to investigate any concrete claims of misconduct by its security forces when presented with credible allegations and evidence.”

Again, it took Joly many weeks to finally condemn Hamas’ mass rape of Israeli women, but just two days to repeat claims put together by a biased group that includes anti-Semites.

Further, Joly – unlike many of Canada’s counterparts – has not denounced Albanese:

And Joly isn’t stopping there.

She recently met with the Egyptian Foreign Minister, and put out a statement criticizing the idea of Israel entering Rafah, and notably failed to mention the need for the hostages to be released:

Pandering at its worst

So, what is going on here?

The sad reality is that the Liberals have made the decision to pander to anti-Semitism.

They are scared of upsetting those who would demonize Israel no matter what Israel does, and thus they are desperate to create the impression that Israel and Hamas are somehow equivalent.

Since Hamas went on a mass campaign of rape, Israel must be somehow accused of the same thing, or the Liberal government must at least be able to muddy the waters enough that the average person will think ‘both sides are equally bad.’

This would then allow the Liberals to pretend to be an ‘honest broker.’

But when the fight is between a democratic nation and a genocidal terrorist group, the only honest position is to stand with the democratic nation.

Israel does not commit mass rapes.

Hamas does.

Israel is not a genocidal state.

Hamas is a genocidal terrorist organization.

The Liberals know this, but they refuse to act in accordance with that knowledge.

By doing so, they are undermining Canadian values, incentivizing more anti-Semitism, and throwing the Jewish community under the bus.

This is completely unacceptable, and it is a profound betrayal of what Canada is supposed to stand for.

Spencer Fernando

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Prepare Yourself to Be Labeled a Crazy Person

If you haven't read the latest article in Public by Michael Shellenberger and Alex Gutentag, please do. It pours gasoline on the January 6 pipe bomber bonfire, another FBI entanglement where transparency is absent. The bureau reportedly has the security camera footage in and around the Republican National Committee headquarters but refuses to release it. It's critical since new evidence suggests that this pipe bomber, whoever he or she may be, didn't target the RNC and that the FBI misrepresented the location of the explosive device found on January 6 to the media.  

The FBI isn't alone: the Secret Service said all text messages among its agents about this incident were deleted, a highly unusual occurrence. The bureau also said cell phone data got corrupted, so the identity of the alleged pipe bomber got away, thanks to a technical glitch like Matthew McConaughy's character in "Frailty." I don't buy it. No one should. 

The pipe bomber story was always an enigma. And to many, it never felt right. The story just died as the media and Democrats rushed to blame Donald Trump and Republicans for the event while also selling the narrative that January 6 was worse than Pearl Harbor. To raise more eyebrows, an FBI contractor at the time, Karlin Younger, is the individual to discover the explosive device near the RNC. The makeshift IED was closer to the Capitol Hill Club. Nothing would seem odd about that except she might've gotten closer to a potential bomb to see if the timer was working—no expert would do that—and then sought help from nearby security. A security expert source told Shellenberger and Gutentag that Younger would only do this if she knew the device had zero chance of going off. 

The FBI's map of the pipe bomb is wrong, the motive might be incorrect, and its contractor was reckless when she discovered the explosive device—sounds all a bit off, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

As the media will undoubtedly paint those who question the current narrative of conspiracy theory peddling, this isn't Area 51 nonsense or a hunt for Sasquatch. The FBI has conducted itself in a way that should elicit questions from the public. It's not just this story. The death of Jeffrey Epstein had federal prison officials doctoring logbooks and not looking after him after he was placed on suicide watch. FBI Director Chris Wray begrudgingly released the FD-1023 report in which a confidential source alleged that Joe and Hunter Biden were paid $10 million in bribes from Burisma executives. That informant has now been indicted for making false statements. Still, the FBI's long, sordid history of going rogue to protect the Democratic Party tragically has some people rightfully thinking this indictment was handed down to destroy the witness's credibility. Previously, the FBI fought tooth and nail to keep this report hidden. It released it once Wray was threatened with contempt charges, and now this indictment has been slapped against the source.  

After illegal FISA wiretaps and the FBI brass knowing that the Steele Dossier was a Clinton-funded opposition research, which was one of the main drivers for the Russian collusion hoax, the FBI has pretty much become comfortable being the left's political Gestapo. Moreover, new evidence points to the CIA already getting the ball rolling before the bureau's Crossfire Hurricane operation; you can't trust a damn thing from the Hoover folk. 

No one knows how Epstein could have died. 

No one knows why text messages between federal agents on January 6 were deleted. 

No one can analyze the cell phone data that could lead to the capture of the J6 pipe bomber. And the video footage is under lock and key by the FBI. 

Yet, we're the crazy people for wanting to know what exactly happened regarding the pipe bombs.

The Ukrainian Entertainer, and The Sting

My title refers to The Sting, the movie, and the piano ragtime classic, The Entertainer.

Eight months ago, President Trump claimed he could settle the Russia/Ukraine war in 24 hours.  

The crowd cheered (even on CNN). Deep-state mouthpiece CNN and Ukraine's president, Volodymyr Zelensky sneered.

How could Trump do it?  Simple. Give the Zelensky administration a choice: 

(1) The new Trump admin traces the aid money flows and brings to justice any corrupt Ukrainian officials (no matter how high up they are) or (2) the war stops.  

Zelensky would immediately agree to end the war. 

Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, would also agree because it would end a war in which the enemies (Ukraine, the E.U., and Biden America) have had a secondary (primary?) goal of breaking up Russia.

Carbon-rich Russia still needs several years to regroup and rebuild before hitting back at save-the-world-from-carbon Europe.

The Ukrainian entertainer

About a month ago Zelensky met with reporters from the Baltics (watch with Google translate; note that “Raschist” (Russian fascist) is incorrectly translated as “racist”).  

The only hardball question was the last one about Republican concerns about Ukrainian theft of foreign aid in the last two minutes of the video.  

Zelensky gave a bizarre, rambling, Biden-style response, ending with the promise that when Ron DeSantis retires, Zelensky will help him financially.  

The question about the foreign aid "sting" (or con job as the word was used in the movie) obviously rattled the entertainer to the core.

No wonder Putin often mockingly referred to pre-war Zelensky as merely a good entertainer and actor.  He quickly ended the press conference and left. Not a word about corruption.

Putin, the beloved leader of the Russian majority, is a cold-blooded killer, which is one of the few things Biden ever got right.  

But he is nobody’s fool.  

Fools (especially naive or senile ones) get you into trouble. Just after he became president, Zelensky wanted to talk man-to-man with Vlad.  

What an idiot.  Weakness or civility are no bargaining chips with cold-blooded killers. The naive, foolish, and reckless behavior of the entertainer, and NATO, the EU, and the Biden administration, helped start the war that could have been avoided.  

What is this so-called Ukrainian freedom Zelensky loves to talk about?  

Brit in a wild Hawaii shirt exposed it for the fantasy it is, better than any think tank intellectual ever could.

Freedom from Russia?  Yeah, right, tell that to Ukraine’s atomic energy boss who wants to spend $600 million to buy Russian nuclear reactors (just another Ukraine government official taking Russian bribes).  Zelensky won’t talk about corruption because it exposes the scam, the sting, the fantasy world in which third world Ukraine teams up with the dictatorial E.U. and the corrupt Biden admin against Republican America.

I lived and worked for years in Russia, China, and Germany.  In each country, I spent years learning the language, after which I could no longer listen to the filthy official narratives of the state-run media. 

Germany’s incessant, sick comparisons of Trump to Hitler in 2016 was the worst.  The vast majority of Germans were (are) like (Austrian) Schwarzenegger, an entertainer and accomplished athlete (mental gymnast), who (on CNN of course) suggests that Trump is a source of Nazi-style hate while totally absolving his own for-real Nazi father from any guilt (“my father and so many other millions of men were sucked into a hate system”).  Those poor master race sheep.  

A lot of Americans get in on the act too.  Timothy Snyder, Ukraine’s beloved Yale historian, for whom Ukraine can do no wrong, gets on a lot of junkets to Kyiv for his reliably pro-Ukraine, anti-Trump mental gymnastics.

But there is a small minority of Germans (usually older Germans who experienced Hitler Germany firsthand) who admit the truth about their history.  

And in Ukraine, there is a very small private sector deplorable YouTube press (that publishes only in Ukrainian) that is not afraid of exposing the truth about their homeland (although they all still hate or disapprove of Trump).  

Ukraine’s war against its deplorables

A deplorable Ukrainian reporter recently discussed the Ukrainian government’s decades-long war against Ukrainian journalists and the private sector.  A war not unlike FDR’s “New Deal” against private sector America.  But during World War II, FDR let private sector America breathe (because he needed them).  Ukraine’s private sector has gotten no war-time reprieve.  About 100,000 Ukrainian “siloviki” (government  enforcers, such as customs, tax police, etc.) and “rights protectors” (law enforcement agencies), rather than going to the front lines, wage a war of attrition against all of 30,000 “systemic” Ukrainian businesses.  

In another video, he talks about Zelensky demanding that EU countries send Ukrainians back to Ukraine to serve in and help finance the war.  But Zelensky never talks about creating the conditions that would make them want to come back.

This is all possible because Ukrainians have a very limited cultural heritage of freedom (Ukraine is not Argentina).  They all still firmly believe in a government-run economy that they themselves know leads to massive corruption.

The war-time free-for-all

Alexander Savchenko, a former Ukrainian central bank official, explains how billions of dollars disappear from Ukrainian banks and nobody goes to jail (not unlike American bank bailouts).  Oligarchs own judges, prosecutors, and politicians at the highest levels.  Only an outside “supersystem” such as the E.U. or U.S.A. can stop this.  He sums up the beauty of war: In extreme situations no conditions are made for financial assistance.  No-war Trump really would annoy quite a few higher ups in Ukraine (and America).  Even the Ukrainian manager of the VOA office for Eastern Europe says that Trump supporters (half of the Americans funding the VOA) blindly follow Trump and his constant “rhetoric” about no wars during his presidency.

The end is near

When the Western oligarchs backing this war realize they won’t get to buy up Ukraine (or a broken-up Russia) on the cheap, it will all end.  “And just like that the war ended and everyone went home, as Forrest would say.  

Zelensky’s inner circle will all move to posh homes in southern France.  The borders will open for E.U./American-style population replacement.  Ukraine will seek refuge from its endemic corruption and from future Russia harassment/invasion by joining the socialist E.U. and NATO.  And maybe, just maybe, thanks to Trump forcing the E.U. socialists to grow up (note the defaced American flag), the 540 million E.U. citizens with a combined GDP eight times (!) that of Russia might decide to spend maybe 1% more of GDP to protect themselves from Russia.  

Maybe the only way to get Ukraine to “grow up,” to become something like Taiwan or Israel (the Davids that deal successfully with their Goliaths), is for Trump to do the same for Ukraine, to cut off the corruption lifeline?  

After all, for the Zelensky and Biden governments, isn’t the massively profitable rampant corruption the real goal?

In any case the new Russia, enjoying more private sector freedom and national unity thanks to the war, will take any measures against any future threats to its hegemony over all of Russian territory.  Just like Washington, DC and its sister Democratic metropolises will take any measures against the deplorable American heartland (“flyover territory” that they don’t fly over).  Once comrade breadlines Bernie Sanders’ People’s Democratic Party can get 51% of the vote count, the war will be over.  And that could happen any time (as Forrest would say “And just like that there were 20 million new voters!”).  The EU (with its unelected leaders) and the Ukrainians would welcome a one-party American state led by the “Sanderistas” (search for “Bernie Sanders” in that article).  The Russians would shake their heads in disbelief at how the once mighty America (that obviously learned nothing from Russia’s own collapse) rotted from within.

While Biden Pushes Ukraine To Fight, He Demands Israel Surrender

There is a gross moral hypocrisy in how the president treats our allies

Joe Biden has not only promised to veto any standalone Israeli aid, but he’s reportedly circulating a draft resolution within the United Nations Security Council that would compel the Jewish state to stop its ground offensive in Rafah and, effectively, give Hamas a pass. Beyond that, the U.S. is also reportedly thinking about circumventing Israel and formally recognizing a Palestinian state.

In other words, while Ukraine is prodded by the United States to fight for every inch of its land, Israel is prodded to commit suicide.

Indeed, anyone who dares to suggest the United States push Ukraine to negotiate a settlement with Russia is framed as a democracy-hating Putin shill. Yet, before we even knew exactly how many Israeli women and children had been murdered, raped, and kidnapped by Hamas, Democrats were demanding Israel negotiate with Palestinians to create a potential three-front Iranian-proxy terror state on its border.

Those who wonder what the endgame of a U.S. proxy war against a nuclear power in Europe might look like are told that the only acceptable outcome is complete victory for Ukraine. The very future of world democracy, we are assured, hinges on the integrity of that nation’s borders.

Israel, though, is asked to surrender its territorial claims and reward those who supported, coordinated, and participated in a massacre of its civilians — which included 30-plus dead American citizens — with a brand new nation. It is only through this concession that peace can be realized, contends the Western foreign policy elite. Which is weird, considering Trump circumvented the Palestinian problem and forged a historic peace agreement. Biden immediately reverted to Obama-era Iran-coddling — and, well, here we are.

Put it this way: Imagine, if you can, the Biden administration arguing, only weeks after Putin’s invasion, that the only way to “achieve an enduring end to the crisis” and “lasting peace and security” for Ukrainians was to create a new Russian ethnic state in Donbas.

Really, doesn’t an ethnic Russian Donbastan deserve the same self-determination as an Arab Palestinian? So what if Donbastans are to Russians what Palestinians are to Saudis or Syrians or Jordanians — ethnically indistinguishable? Democrats, of course, would never think to pressure Volodymyr Zelensky into a ceasefire, much less push him to negotiate the creation of a new adversarial territory on his borders in the name of “peace.”

We are also told that if Putin is handed even a partial victory, the next thing you know Russians will be marching on Berlin. American troops, we are warned, will be compelled to defend Europe. At the same time, Israel, which has never asked a single American soldier to fight for it, is (yet again) expected to hand its enemies a reprieve.

Allowing Hamas to survive will do nothing to further the prospects of peace for anyone in the region. If Israel stops now, the war against Hamas will have been for naught, since a large contingent of the terror army has retreated into Rafah to hide among civilians, as is their wont. Since the United Nations, Gulf theocrats, Iran, and Western powers insist on sending hundreds of millions in aid that is siphoned off by the Islamists, Hamas will reemerge in Gaza — and almost surely in the “West Bank,” should there ever be a Palestinian state.

It also needs to be stressed, however, that what Biden demands isn’t really a “ceasefire.” It is Israel unilaterally yielding its advantage, since Hamas hasn’t agreed to any cessation of the conflict — and even if it did, its assurances wouldn’t be worth anything. Lest anyone forget, there was a ceasefire in place on Oct 7, 2023. No, the lesson, once again, is that terror works.

While both Israel and Ukraine have a right to fight for their sovereignty and people, obviously the two conflicts are unique in numerous ways. Not all comparisons work. Jews, for instance, have far stronger historic ties to Samaria and Judea than Ukrainians have to Donetsk or Crimea — even though only one has been asked to surrender land for peace.

Indeed, the only one of these two democracies that bestows full rights to its ethnic minorities is portrayed as the apartheid state. Israel has offered Palestinians massive concessions on numerous occasions, including their own state. So even though my hope is that Putin is severely weakened by his war of aggression against Ukraine, Israel’s war against Islamism and terror is far more important in the long-term battle for “democracy.”

But the ugly truth is that Biden’s reelection prospects are threatened by the emerging progressive left and pro-Hamas faction of the Democrat Party. And there is no one, no issue, the president won’t sell out for votes. This is why the administration sends emissaries to pacify the people who cheered the Oct. 7 attack. This is why the White House leaks snippets of Biden insulting Israel’s (elected) leader in a way he would never think to attack Zelensky or Abbas or even the Iranian mullahs.

While backing Ukraine allows Democrats to virtue signal about their love of “democracy,” turning on Israel allows them to appease the growing anti-Western sentiment of their base. It’s only going to get worse in the coming years.

Congress Is Too Busy Bankrolling Ukraine To Stop The VA From Processing Illegals’ Health Care Costs

Members of Congress love to profess their alleged support for America’s military veterans. But if that’s true, why are they ignoring the agency tasked with caring for veterans’ medical needs, steering its resources towards illegal aliens?

Throughout the past several months, controversy has engulfed the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) over its processing of health care claims for illegal aliens. At issue is a contract between Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the VA’s Financial Service Center (VA-FSC), dating back to 2002, that authorizes the latter to “process reimbursement claims from providers for health care costs of illegal aliens in ICE custody.”

While illegals in ICE custody are “typically treated onsite by medical professionals,” agency officials are permitted to take them to an “independent private provider” if a “specialist or emergency care” is deemed necessary, according to Fox News. It’s these types of cases in which ICE “contracts” with the VA-FCS “to process reimbursements to those providers.”

“According to a report from July, ICE has hundreds of letters of understanding in which ICE’s Health Service Corps (IHSC) will reimburse providers at Medicare rates,” the report reads. “That uses the VA-FSC’s Healthcare Claims Processing System, which is a portal that allows providers to submit and view claims and access other resources.”

ICE ultimately reimburses the VA for its services.

The policy has generated backlash among Republican lawmakers such as Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville, who recently blasted the Biden administration for prioritizing illegal immigrants over the well-being of American veterans. Amid the onslaught of criticisms, VA Press Secretary Terrence Hayes has denied allegations that the agency is “provid[ing] or fund[ing] any health care to ICE detainees.” He’s also downplayed how many resources the VA uses while fulfilling the policy.

Tuberville’s office has since accused the agency of “playing word games” and “using Community Care Network providers for illegals.” The term “community care” is in reference to non-VA health care practitioners who provide medical services to veterans. Access to these programs was expanded under the VA MISSION Act, which was signed into law by former President Trump in June 2018.

Writing for The Washington Times, Mark Mostert, a senior researcher at Able Americans, noted that it is “inaccurate” for the VA to claim it “does not devote significant resources and energy to processing of medical claims via ICE” and highlighted how the VA-FSC “processed 161,538 ICE claims totaling $94.3 million in 2022 [alone].” He also observed the backlog in veteran benefits claims, noting how cases more than doubled between 2022 (150,000) and 2023 (417,181).

“When all is said and done, this issue demonstrates that while the VA does not pay for medical care for illegals, considerable effort, resources and money are spent to process illegal alien medical claims within the VA,” Mostert wrote. “Any resource-siphoning from the true focus of the VA — military veterans who have served their country — should be urgently reconsidered.”

In December, Tuberville and GOP Rep. Mike Bost of Illinois introduced the “No VA Resources for Illegal Aliens Act” to prohibit the VA secretary from “providing health care to, or engaging in claims processing for health care for, any individual unlawfully present in the United States who is not eligible for health care under the laws administered by the Secretary.” Neither the House nor Senate has voted on the legislation since its introduction.

Congress Has Bigger Fish to Fry

While the Biden-manufactured border invasion has continued to wreak havoc on the VA and other public services, Congress has spent the past several weeks focusing on what few outside of Washington, D.C. care about — providing billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to Ukraine.

After their sham “border” bill fell apart, Senate Democrat and Republican leadership dropped their feigned concern about the U.S. border crisis and quickly rammed through a $95 billion foreign aid package, most of which is earmarked for Kyiv. The measure received the backing of 22 Senate Republicans, whose support pushed it over the finish line.

While House Speaker Mike Johnson has declined to bring the package to the floor for a vote, America Last-ers in both parties are orchestrating a pressure campaign to bully the Louisiana Republican into permitting such a vote. Establishment Republicans are even reportedly considering a “discharge petition” to force the House to vote on the measure.

The levels to which Congress will go to force through an almost $100 billion foreign aid package to fund Ukraine’s forever war is a spectacle to behold. If only its members bothered to fight as hard for the veterans who fought for America’s freedom.