Thursday, February 1, 2024

🌲 3rd Destined at Christmas movie to be made!



It was *destined* to happen! A third movie in the "Destined at Christmas" franchise is in-the-works for Great American Family and is headed to the network in 2025! The announcement was made in the latest press release for Great American Family's Valentine movie premiere, Passport to Love, which also stars Shae Robins.

Here's an excerpt of the official announcement 

"Great American Family announces development of a final original installment of the “Destined” trilogy starring Robins and Elliott, which will premiere as part of Great American Christmas 2025."

Since the last movie was all about Kim (Shae Robins) and Theo's (Casey Elliott) engagement, I think it's safe to guess this third installment would involve their wedding. I'm excited to learn more about it, though, when Great American Family eventually releases more details. Stay tuned!

While we wait for this, be sure to catch encore presentations of the first two "Destined" movies...

Saturday, February 10, 2024:
Destined at Christmas - 4pm
Destined 2: Christmas Once More - 6pm

Have a Merry Day!

Extra note: The year long wait is because the actress announced her pregnancy during Christmas, and there's no time this year to make a script and film it before her bump is too noticiable.

X22, On the Fringe, and more- February 1st


How’s Life in Obama’s Fundamentally-Transformed America Working Out for You So Far?

Vigilance is necessary this time around to insure a free and fair election and to keep the cement of fundamental transformation from hardening into unbreakable rock.

It should be painfully obvious to everyone by now that we are living in the fast-hardening cement of what Barack Obama promised to wildly cheering crowds on the campaign trail in 2008—”a fundamental transformation of America.”

Anyone who can remember back to the decades before the Obama presidency will recall a country committed to fairness and common sense: judging a person based on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin; welcoming a person who came lawfully into this country who applied for citizenship through traditionally prescribed means; never giving a second thought about girls’ and women’s sports being reserved only for a person born female and without a speck of steroids, let alone testosterone, in their bodies; expecting that immensely immature men dressed as fat-slob, over-face-painted, faux women would remain hidden inside “special” bars and clubs and not held up as twerking examples to kindergarten children; acknowledging unequivocally that Marxism was a bad idea and not a glorified ideal; realizing that only a tyrant would actually jail their political opponents for simply questioning highly-suspicious presidential election results; and, generally, in a more fair-minded time: no one even considered ever gleefully calling “evil good and good evil.”

This, of course, is but a very short list of the slop that is being shoveled on a daily basis down the throats of ordinary, common-sense Americans. (We will leave it to the reader to shout out a few dozen more.)

All of this slow-boiling of the pot, with the American-citizen frog paddling lethargically within, began with the nomination of Barack Obama.

People so desperately wanted what Obama was peddling, “Hope and Change,” that they inserted into that second word whatever it was their hearts desired most. And certainly the color of the man’s skin was the huge selling point. Sure, the candidate had no track record, and, let’s face it, had he been white, Hillary Clinton would have been the Democrats’ candidate that election season. But the biracial aspect was seen, perhaps even symbolically, as a way of finally unifying this country after so much racial tension throughout the previous decades.

Many conservatives like to push back on the charge that America is “systemically racist” by pointing to the 2008 election. The basis of their argument: “Would a racist nation vote a black man into office?”

However, isn’t it more accurate to say that voting for someone based on their skin color is also racist? Racism goes both ways. That’s why anyone who says that Blacks cannot be racist is making a racist statement.

“It’s not about skin,” a friend once told me, “it’s about sin.”

The Bible puts it this way: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” It doesn’t matter who you are; some have a penchant to steal, some to cheat, some to lie, some to murder, and some to treat others in a derogatory way. And, of course, so many of us are pretty good at choosing from time to time a smorgasbord of most everything (and then some) on that list.

So, where does all this leave us?

Except for the bump in the road after the Obama presidency that the left was not anticipating (i.e., the Trump presidency), in a few short years we have fallen as far as Bedford Falls of “It’s a Wonderful Life” had descended into Pottersville. The United States has been transformed into Obamasville.

The hour is late, no doubt, and that pot is on the verge of boiling over. This election will decide.

And if, as some pundits are beginning to believe, the Democrats’ standard-bearer suddenly turns out to be yet another Obama, with the added twist of possibly becoming the history-making First Woman U.S. President—well, let’s just hope there are enough common-sense citizens who would not do something “systemically sexist” by voting for her.

Vigilance is necessary this time around to insure a free and fair election and to keep the cement of fundamental transformation from hardening into unbreakable rock.

Skippy Will Replace Kerry and Move into The White House

Interesting move and office location in yet another election year.  In 2022 Joe Biden appointed John Podesta as the “Clean Energy Czar,” essentially giving him control over doling out the $326 billion in Green New Deal, aka “Inflation Reduction Act,” money provided by congress.  At least that was the pretense of the purpose.

The actual agenda for Podesta in 2022 appeared to be using the $316 billion GND money fund leftist support networks of the Biden administration in the midterm election cycle.  Now we enter another election year and Podesta is being given a new title to assume the role of John Kerry as Biden’s latest “Climate Diplomat” as soon as Kerry exits this spring.

In an interesting datapoint that highlights both the domestic (election ’24) and foreign policy political motivations, John Podesta will work out of the White House and not the State Dept where Kerry’s current office is located.  John “Skippy” Podesta had no experience in “climate policy” prior to being tapped as the climate czar in 2022.  Then again, none was needed considering the non-pretending version of his responsibility.

It will be interesting to see how expanded this effort will be as the replacement to Kerry.  In my opinion the move is about a change in title only, as the “inflation” part of the Green New Deal payment system doesn’t poll well with the American people.  Continued rampant inflation, despite the ‘inflation reduction act’ is a hot button issue.  Changing the title allows the process to continue albeit under a different guise.

WASHINGTON – White House adviser John Podesta has been tapped to be the Biden administration’s top climate diplomat once John Kerry steps down from his post this spring, a person familiar with the move told POLITICO.

Podesta is currently overseeing the implementation of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, the Democrats’ signature climate law. The Washington Post first reported Podesta’s new role.

Podesta will reportedly operate out of the White House rather than the State Department, where Kerry, a former Secretary of State, maintains an office. Podesta will also maintain his role overseeing the IRA rollout.

The veteran Democratic strategist has a long history in climate politics, including on the international stage. Podesta will be the U.S. face at the COP29 negotiations later this year in Baku, Azerbaijan.

But those international talks will come after the November U.S. election. That leaves U.S. positioning uncertain if President Joe Biden should lose to Republican frontrunner former President Donald Trump, who pulled the nation out of the 2015 Paris climate agreement when he was in the White House. (read more)

Biden Regime Is Classifying the Nation's Most Elite Places As 'Low-Income' To Push EV Agenda

Sarah Arnold reporting for Townhall 

When you don’t think Democrats can get any worse, they do.

The Biden Administration announced that it will be classifying some of the country’s most elite locations as “low-income” so that they can push their energy and electric vehicle agenda.

Thanks to President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the Biden Administration’s new EV charger tax credit program will allow them to label wealthy, elite U.S. locations as “low-income” or “non-urban,” making them eligible for electric vehicle (EV) charger subsidy programs.

The move was applauded by environmental groups who say making the credit widely available in various locations around the country will result in a more significant turnout for “climate-friendly” vehicles. 

Montauk, Fishers Island in New York, Martha’s Vineyard, and Nantucket in Massachusetts will now be classified as “low-income” and eligible for EV charger subsidies. These are the same places where the country’s rich and famous live, such as former President Obama, who has a multi-million dollar home on Martha’s Vineyard. 

Many homes in these locations are valued well over a million dollars, with several going for $5 million or more. Fisher’s Island is “an exclusive enclave where generations of old-money families gather to sail and golf.” 

The tax credit will provide up to 30 percent off the cost of the EV charger to individuals and businesses in low-income communities and non-urban areas. The White House claims this will make it more affordable to install EV charging infrastructure and increase access to EV charging in underserved communities. To meet the “low-income” qualification, a Census tract must have a poverty rate of at least 20 percent. An area can also qualify if the median family income is below 80 percent if a given Census tract is not part of any particular metropolitan area. 

In addition to the tax credit guidance, the White House also announced $325 million in new investments to repair broken chargers.

According to the Daily Caller, a nationwide EV charging network is crucial in supporting the Biden Administration’s electric push. 

“Building out a nationwide charging network is a key supporting plank of the Biden administration’s EV agenda, but the charging infrastructure that currently exists is concentrated in wealthier, more densely-populated coastal regions of the country. The Biden administration’s tax credit program is designed to blunt the costs of charger construction, specifically in non-urban, less wealthy parts of the country that would be less likely to install them.

DOJ, ATF Pressed Over Secret Plans For Unconstitutional Regulation Of Private Gun Sales

President Joe Biden’s BATFE is working with the Department of Justice to regulate private gun sales into oblivion by mandating background checks for personal firearm exchanges, according to whistleblower group Empower Oversight.

Federal law currently requires background checks for any gun buyers who purchase their new weapons through a licensed federal firearms dealer (FFL). Two sources in communication with Empower Oversight confirmed the ATF is prepared to move forward with a rule that would classify a closed-door gun sale between friends or family members the same as firearm purchases made from FFLs.

The rule, proposed by the DOJ and ATF at the behest of Biden’s gun control wish list issued in March 2023, seeks to change the definition of “who is engaged in the business of dealing in firearms” to increase the number of Americans required to become FFLs, a lengthy and far from “easy” process, that must conduct background checks to sell their guns. The ATF and DOJ credits Democrats’ 2022 gun control bill, which passed because more than a dozen Republican senators agreed to betray their base.

The 1986 Firearms Owners’ Protection Act determined that regulation of those “engaged in the business” of selling guns commercially “shall not include a person who makes occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms.”

The ATF, undeterred by the current U.S. code and complaints about infringement on law-abiding citizens’ Second Amendment rights, has continued behind closed doors to foster support for the Biden rule. ATF Senior Policy Counsel Eric Epstein, who Empower Oversight’s sources named as the lead on the project, allegedly drafted a 1,300-page document affirming the White House’s desire for background checks on private gun sales.

In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and ATF Director Steven Dettelbach, Empower Oversight President Tristan Leavitt demanded communications to and from Epstein about a “ban,” “private sale,” “universal background,” and “gun control.” He noted that the ATF’s commitment to carrying out the rule would fulfill Biden’s goal to “move the U.S. as close to universal background checks as possible without additional legislation.”

Leavitt also asked to see “any and all” records and communications between the DOJ, ATF, and White House about Biden’s March 2023 executive order and banning private firearm sales.

“Such a sweeping rule with the effect of banning private sales would clearly violate the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, which declares that ‘the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed,’” Empower Oversight President Tristan Leavitt wrote in a statement posted on X. “It would also circumvent the separation of powers in the Constitution, which grants ‘all legislative Powers’ to Congress while requiring that the President ‘take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.’”

The ATF and DOJ have made several unconstitutional moves against law-abiding gun owners in the last three years. At Biden’s direction, the ATF attempted to turn pistol brace owners into felonsshutter gun stores over paperwork flukes“ban” ghost gunsshut down ammunition sales, and alter the legal definition of a firearm to instate background checks for gun parts.

Police in Sanctuary Cities Report 'Significant' Increase in Crime Tied to Illegal Aliens Released by Biden

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

In this episode of "Try to Control Your Shock and Amazement"...

Police departments in sanctuary cities and their suburbs are reporting crime waves tied to illegal aliens who are summarily released into the country by the Biden administration after crossing the southern border. In particular, Chicago and New York City are suffering significant increases in crimes committed by illegals.

Raise your hand if you're surprised.

Oak Brook, Illinois, Police Chief Brian Strockis reported six illegal alien felonies in a recent single day. The chief told Fox News his department has arrested 47 illegals since October 23. 

While on the air with Fox on Tuesday, Strockis said he had just been informed of the arrest of two more Venezuelan illegals for alleged theft. Strockis said there have been at least 175 illegal arrests in Oak Brook during the past year — mostly for property crimes. 

Strockis also said in a Jan. 24 statement:

I believe that six felony arrests in one day illustrates [sic] that migrant criminal activity is a real problem. The amount of these types of arrests that we have had in the last couple of months is significant and would be taxing for any police department. We are well prepared to continue our enforcement efforts and I can assure you that there are easier places to commit these crimes than Oak Brook or DuPage County.

But are they prepared — particularly if Texas Gov. Greg Abbott continues to bus illegals to Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson's sanctuary, as he should?

Despite the significant increase in illegal alien crime, Strockis told Fox his officers remain motivated.

I will say that we have motivated officers that are determined to keep our community safe and our relationships with area loss prevention agents have never been stronger. I’m thankful for the hard work our officers do every day. This department is extremely proactive and technology-driven. 

The result of that policing philosophy is a lot of arrests, recovered stolen property and many headlines which would lead you to believe we are being targeted. Oak Brook is a very safe place to live, shop, dine and play, and we have every intention of keeping it that way.

"Shockingly," the Department of Homeland Security and ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital's requests for comment.

Meanwhile, illegal alien pickpocketing teams in New York City are the latest problem for the already-stretched NYPD. “It’s been happening all the time here,” one NYC resident told the New York Post, adding: 

The last few months, it’s been intense. Maybe they spread the word, I don’t know. It’s on Friday and Saturday when it’s busy. They work as a team. It's creepy.

A frustrated officer told the outlet the NYPD already had a hard time before the illegal alien crime wave began.

We have a hard enough time going after actual New Yorkers committing crime. Now we have to deal with a whole different subset of people who arrive here with no means of support, no legal means of working or opportunity. So, I don’t see how this should come as any surprise.

It shouldn't come as a surprise — not to anyone with a shred of common sense, that is.

Here's more:

New York City is currently housing more than 67,000 migrants in hotels out of the more than 172,000 migrants transported to the city since the spring of 2022 after being released by the Biden Administration from the border region. 

Texas Governor Greg Abbott did not begin busing migrants to New York City until August of that year, according to the governor’s office. Since the start of that transportation program, Texas has moved more than 37,500 migrants to New York City.

"Migrants?" Nonsense. Illegal aliens — intentionally allowed into this country ever since Joe Biden's first day in office. 

The Bottom Line

Democrats across America were all in on Biden's Border Crisis from the outset— until Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis started busing illegals to New York City and Chicago, that is, and tens of thousands of other illegals started finding their way to Denver, Los Angeles, San Franciso, and other Democrat-run sanctuary cities. 

Now, not so much. Hypocrisy? In the extreme. Then again, Democrats.

O'Keefe Footage Exposes How WH Staffers View Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

Journalist James O’Keefe has done it again. The former CEO of Project Veritas posted undercover video footage on social media on Wednesday highlighting a conversation with a White House official that had spilled the tea on President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Much of what was exposed in the video had already been reported in one way or another, but the undercover operation added another layer of confirmation to what has been made public over the president’s tenure in office.

The subject of the operation was Charlie Kraiger, a White House cybersecurity policy analyst, who admitted that the staff knows that Biden’s age has become a serious issue and that some would like to see another Democratic candidate take his place. He also brought up Harris’ managerial problems as well as discussions on removing her from the ticket.

Top White House Cyber Official tells O’Keefe in Disguise “they can't say it publicly” the White House wants to replace Kamala Harris and Confirms President @JoeBiden mental decline: “Biden is definitely slowing down.”

“I'm just telling you what I've heard… they’re really concerned about it”

…“I think they need to get rid of him or her.”

“But no one in modern history has ever said, like, ‘We're not going to renominate the president for a second term.’”

Charlie Kraiger @CharlieKraiger, a Cybersecurity policy analyst and Foreign affairs Desk Officer in the Executive Office at the White House, tells O’Keefe “I had a meeting with Michelle Obama @michelleobama….

Someone asked her, ‘Will you ever run for office?’ And she said, ‘No’ Empathically.” She was like, ‘I've seen all this shit my husband has had to go through and that does not interest me.’

“@VP @KamalaHarris hemorrhages black staff. She can't keep black staff. They quit on her en masse”

“She will be the vice president nominee. There was a debate about removing her from the ticket, but sadly they didn’t, she's not popular, but you can’t remove the first black lady to be vice president from the Goddamn presidential ticket. Like what kind of message are you going to send to like African-American voters…People would be like, "What the f**k?” Like she's a woman and she's multiracial.”

The video gives a backstage view of what is happening inside the White House and the Democratic Party. Now, everyone can see that things aren’t exactly as hunky-dory as leftists would have us believe. Of course, it’s not surprising. Several members of the chattering class have weighed in on Harris' inability to retain staff or even speak coherently during public appearances. In fact, a new book recently came out that spilled even more tea about Harris.

Tomorrow might be a good day to put on some slippers, light the fireplace and pull up a chair, because the book “Amateur Hour: Kamala Harris in the White House” is scheduled for release Tuesday -- and it looks juicy.

According to the publisher, Simon & Schuster, the tome will reveal just how bad Kamala Harris has been at her job as vice president of the United States.

Who is the real Kamala Harris? And how did she ascend to the second highest office in the country? Despite her limited experience in national politics and confusing professional history, there hasn’t been a comprehensive examination of Vice President Kamala Harris’s journey to the White House...until now. Find out how the San Francisco socialite turned politico fast-tracked her way onto the national stage, only to lose the faith of her base and her president.

Simon & Schuster further promises that author Charlie Spiering -- who has worked at the Washington Post, Washington Examiner, and now Breitbart -- will deliver "the first-ever deep dive into Kamala Harris’s hilarious, incompetent, radical path to the vice presidency." Time to make the popcorn.

The book also highlights Harris’ relationship with the president and his wife, which will probably be pretty juicy.

Of course, nobody needs a White House official to tell us that Biden is clearly dealing with cognitive issues. The issue has been so apparent over the past three years that the New York Times and other outlets have tried desperately to spin it into a positive.

The video footage provides yet another glimpse at what is happening behind the scenes. Given what was discussed in this video, it is obvious why Democrats are panicking.

US Considering Recognizing Palestinian State Without Negotiations With Israel

streiff reporting for RedState 

The Biden White House intends to pursue a policy of recognizing a Palestinian state at the end of the Israel-Hamas War without the participation of the Israeli government. Along with bilateral recognition, the Biden White House contemplates urging other states to do the same and permitting that Palestinian state to join the United Nations. British Foreign Secretary David Cameron says the United Kingdom will do the same to bring about "irreversible progress to a two-state solution."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated on January 21, "I will not compromise on full Israeli security control over all the territory west of Jordan - and this is contrary to a Palestinian state." While the Palestinians, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad are driving away in that Cadillac El Dorado, the set of steak knives that will be offered to Netanyahu after this public repudiation will be "normalized" relations with Saudi Arabia.

  • The Biden administration is linking possible normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia to the creation of a pathway for the establishment of a Palestinian state as part of its post-war strategy. This initiative is based on the administration's efforts prior to Oct. 7 to negotiate a mega-deal with Saudi Arabia that included a peace agreement between the kingdom and Israel.
  • Saudi officials have publicly and privately made clear since Oct. 7 that any potential normalization agreement with Israel would be conditioned on the creation of an "irrevocable" pathway towards a Palestinian state.

Allegedly, Secretary of State Antony Blinken is favoring a "demilitarized" state because that worked so well in Gaza. 

In what has sort of become a metaphor for all of Joe Biden's foreign policy decisions, the Biden regime doesn't seem to know what its policy is. While Blinken's people were leaking that a policy rethinking was underway, the National Security Council was caught with its jaw hanging down.

  • A White House National Security Council spokesperson said it "has been longstanding U.S. policy that any recognition of a Palestinian state must come through direct negotiations between the parties rather than through unilateral recognition at the UN. That policy has not changed."
  • The State Department declined to comment.

There are three sticking points. First, the boundaries of this new terrorist empire have to be set. No one knows what that would look like. Second, the obvious impact of what will be an Iranian-controlled terror state bordering Israel that could have mutual defense treaties with other nations hostile to Israel and UN representation doesn't seem to have been considered. Third, everyone appears to be assuming away the high probability that Israel will refuse to accept this terror state.

If this happens, it effectively kills Trump's Abraham Accords by bringing Palestinian demands back to the center of Middle East geopolitics. It will be nearly impossible for any Arab nation to continue relations with Israel if Israel refuses to accept the strategy of rolling bilateral recognition agreements that the White House envisages.

Unless this is derailed, we have effectively abandoned our tacit alliance with Israel and handed a massive strategic victory to the country that will control the government in this new state.

The Black Swan Events That Could Determine This Election

Some of us older folks grew up in a time of normality when chaos was not the rule and weird, life-changing things didn’t happen. The stakes were not that high when we were growing up, except for the whole imminent nuclear war thing, but now we are regularly beset by flocks of black swan events, events so significant and life-changing that they send our society and our politics off in strange new tangents. And they now happen all the time. 9/11, the Wall Street meltdown, Trump’s election, COVID, Ben Shapiro getting a No. 1 rap hit … the black swans are coming fast and furious, and there is no sign of them stopping

One or more can happen – likely will happen – this year, and that could change everything for the 2024 election.

I strongly support Donald Trump in the 2024 election, but let’s face some facts. This is an uphill fight for the President and his quest to become Grover Cleveland II. A huge number of Americans irrationally hate him despite the peace and prosperity of his prior reign. Yeah, the polls look pretty good today, but the Democrats have not opened fire with their countless billions of leftist dollars. People are just starting to pay attention to politics, and some of those polls that showed Trump way ahead are now wavering. Biden could very well win this thing, which is almost unimaginably horrible, but that’s the reality. Yet there’s another reality – the black swans have not yet come to roost. What could take place in the next eleven months could change everything, and none of these scenarios would be so shocking as to be outside the realm of reasonable possibility. In fact, “shocking” is the default setting for this election year. Let’s look at what could happen and how that might change things.

Trump Convicted, Acquitted, or Nothing:

The disgraceful lawfare against Donald Trump is only increasing in intensity. The bizarre and unjust eight-figure hit on Trump in a blue city courtroom last week is just the latest in what will be a never-ending series of courtroom misadventures. Pretty soon, that alleged judge in New York City is going to hit him with a nine-figure verdict in the NY attorney general’s utterly bogus civil lawsuit, but the real story is the bogus criminal cases. 

Understand that none of them have any legal merit. Zero. Nada. As far as the law goes, they are a joke. But no one’s laughing when the Democrats attempt to use the power of law enforcement to arrest and imprison their opponents. Let’s put aside how dangerous this precedent is for a moment and look at what might happen in these cases. Worst case, one or more of these garbage cases go to trial. The federal cases both look like they are wrapped up in appeals and seem likely to be kicked into 2025 or beyond. But the state court cases may go forward, and Trump will be “convicted.”

Again, these cases are a joke, but they won’t be revealed as a joke until their blue city juries have convicted the man that they hate. Trump may even be imprisoned. What will the voters think? Right now, polls say that the voters would take this nonsense seriously and look badly upon Trump if he’s branded a felon by these kangaroo courts. But is that really so? So far, all the lawfare has done is strengthen Trump’s support. Will independents believe this is justice being done, or will they see that this is an injustice in pursuit of political power perpetrated by his enemies? I don’t think Americans are stupid enough to buy the latter, but there are a lot of stupid Americans. After all, a lot of people voted for Biden.

But there’s another possibility. There’s a possibility that Trump is acquitted or somehow these cases go away due to pre-trial appellate rulings. That’s entirely possible. The whole throwing him off the ballot-thing will go away at SCOTUS; of that, there is little doubt. But the Supreme Court is also considering presidential immunity, and don’t listen to the idiot Twitter lawyers. Trump could (and should) win that. If the immunity issue goes his way Trump has triumphed, as he should.

Terrorist Attack:

The border has been and is going to remain wide open. The Republican Squish Caucus’s border compromise, which was to give Democrats millions of more immigrants in return for destroying the Republican party, seems to be going nowhere, thank goodness. The problem is that Joe Biden will continue to refuse to do his job at the border and enforce our laws. Millions of military-age males are coming into this country, and some of them want to kill us. I wrote about this in my new novel, The Attack, where thousands of military-age males infiltrate the country and trigger a devastating terrorist assault on Americans using very simple means to maximize casualties and demoralize our country. This could absolutely happen. Even some ex-FBI officials, the most incompetent people in the universe, have predicted this possibility and are warning of it. If we get hit by a massive terrorist attack that kills tens of thousands of Americans – and you need to know that this could absolutely happen because I spell it out for you in my novel – it will doom Joe Biden and the Democrats. Put aside the duty to defend Americans from being murdered, which Democrats care nothing about. Setting yourself up for that kind of fall is simply political malpractice. But no one ever accused Joe Biden of being smart.

Economic Meltdown:

We keep hearing about how Bidenomics is wonderful but look around. Does the economy look wonderful to you? Make no mistake – the stock market could tank, and the current OK times for those with a few bucks in their 401(k)s could turn sour overnight. Imagine another 2008, and this time, there are no Republicans to blame it on. A major economic downturn could change everything, especially since voters remember Trump for good times pre-COVID.

Pandemic 2: Lockdown Boogaloo:

The globalist elite got what it wanted out of COVID, and there’s no reason to believe that it won’t turn another relatively minor virus into a huge power and wealth grab like it did the last time. But normal people aren’t playing that anymore. The only people wearing masks now are freaky weirdos. No one wants the vaxx. No one trusts the institutions, and Americans are angry at their lies. But a pandemic panic could happen again because there are benefits for the left. They changed election laws because of a glorified cold, which helped Crusty squeak through. They may try it again. But will it work? Or will people rebel and support Trump even though his record on COVID is far from outstanding?

Civil War:

I called this, too, in my People’s Republic novels. The border situation is coming to a head with a potential confrontation between Governor Abbott of Texas (and 24 other governors) and our alleged President. The fact is that the Constitution requires Joe Biden to both enforce the laws and protect the states from invasion, but he is willfully doing neither. That makes for a constitutional crisis, one completely of Joe Biden’s doing, although the regime media is screaming that it’s all Texas’s fault for not meekly submitting to federal abuse and neglect. I don’t think we’re going to have another Gettysburg, but Joe Biden is a stupid, malignant man, and his administration is full of stupid, malignant people. It is entirely possible that they push this and provoke some sort of conflict. Then it gets scary. I think the great Fred Thompson said it best in “The Hunt For Red October”: “This business will get out of control. It will get out of control, and we’ll be lucky to live through it.

Some Other War:

Of course, there are bad actors out there in the world, and Joe Biden’s stupidity and weakness are inviting them to take a swing at us. The Iranians just did, killing three of our troops. Whatever the Houthis are are shooting missiles at us and laughing at us. North Korea, China, and Russia are also candidates for sparking some sort of hot war. If I were investing in Taiwan, I would go short right about now. Just wait until Ukraine collapses and the pressure from the globalists to intervene starts. It is entirely possible that we find ourselves sucked into some armed conflict that we are not capable of fighting because our Pentagon is a disaster and our commander-in-chief is a blithering idiot. 

America has no taste for another war, at least the Americans the elite expect to go fight it. Those on the left were always sissies who left the fighting to the normals, but the normals are done. They are not enlisting, and they would not take well to a draft – which you know would have plenty of exemptions for the kids of the kind of people who vote for Joe Biden. No, American normals are over fighting idiotic wars for an elite that hates them. If we end up sucked into a conflict, that changes everything, especially since Donald Trump has staked out his position as the peace candidate.

Impeachment, Hunter and Other Scandals:

The House could get its act together and impeach Biden. It will hard even for the Regime Media to cover it all up. The sordid corruption of this senile freak will not be enough to get him booted from office, but it sure could tarnish his already tarnished images, especially if the GOP presents the evidence in a clear, calm, and competent manner. So, this is one black swan he probably does not need to worry much about.

Biden Falls Out:

And then there’s the reality that Joe Biden is about 142 years old, and he could drop dead of natural causes at any time. Or his dementia could get to such a place that he can’t even fake being President any longer, no matter what they pump into his veins. Or he might get tired of it and drop out under pressure. There are rumors that Barack Obama wants him out. And Biden’s wife, who is totally a legitimate doctor, and you should respect her a lot because that means she’s smart, is never going to give up First Ladyhood voluntarily. But the Democrats might not take no for an answer. 

The question then becomes, who comes next? Do they somehow slip Michelle Obama in ahead of Kamala Harris, who is remarkable only because she’s literally the sole human being in America dumber than Joe Biden? Or does Gavin Newsom smarm his way into the nomination? The problem for Trump is that his most compelling argument to independents is, “Hey, look at that guy – he’s terrible.” What if he has to go up against someone else? What will the independents do? My guess is that Biden will hold onto the bitter end, but my intuition and $4.95 will get you a cup of Starbucks.

Trump Falls Out:

And here’s the scary reality – Trump is pretty old, too. Ignore the unflattering photos and overblown slips of the tongue. He’s in remarkable health and shows amazing vigor for someone his age, but he is his age. There is a possibility that he could fall out because of health concerns – a stroke, a heart attack, who knows? I don’t think it’ll happen, but it might. And there’s something more sinister. You’ve seen the hatred the elite has against the ex-president. You’ve seen how they’ve called him “a threat to Our Democracy” and a “fascist” and all manner of vile crap. It is not an impossibility that yet another leftist murderer could take aim at President Trump. If that happens, all bets are off. This country will convulse into chaos. So pray for his health, even if you are not supporting him in the election. Because something bad happening to Trump means something bad will happen to the United States.

We don’t know what the future will bring. We don’t know what shocking events will take place between now and November, but there is one thing we can absolutely predict. Something is going to happen. Something big is going to occur that will change everything. Let’s just hope our country can survive it.