Thursday, January 25, 2024

Republicans Need to Be Running Ads on This RIGHT NOW

If you could travel back in time 20 years, aside from giving your younger self some winning lottery numbers or advice to buy Apple stock, I think you’d have difficulty finding anyone who would believe you if you explained what Democrats were doing with the southern border. Sure, they were not all that much interested in a secure border even back then, but the current flood we’re seeing is something even they couldn’t have imagined not caring about not so long ago. The reality of what Democrats have should be THE driving issue of the 2024 election, and the GOP needs to be educating the public on it starting now. 

In a perfect world, the news media would simply report the truth about what’s happening in the world, with no outlet ignoring big stories because they don’t fit their political agenda. Everyone would also be great looking and in great shape. A trip to any local mall will quickly make you realize that we do not live in a perfect world.

But we don’t even live in an honest world anymore, or anything close to one.

Watch any daily press briefing from the White House and you will see just how different the two world views are now. Left-wing outlets ask questions about worthless events, nothing controversial, while the “super-historic” Karine Jean-Pierre still struggles to read what her handlers wrote in her three-ring binder on the subject for the 20th time.

Then you have Phil Wegman from RealClearPolitics or Peter Doocy from Fox News asking about things that polls show Americans actually care about – things like the economy or the border. 

KJP’s answers aren’t any better on those topics either. But one thing you will notice is how, with rare exception, there are no follow-up questions from anyone else in the room. During the Trump administration those briefings were a non-stop tag-team event, with hacks from every outlet picking up where the last one left-off, turning the daily briefings into an hour-long debate over whatever the topic of the day was. Nothing remotely close to that happens now. 

A record number of illegal aliens cross the border in December and no one is interested? Those are the hundreds of thousands we know about, who were “processed” and released into the US on the pinky-swear that they aren’t criminals and will show up to a court date in 10 years to find out whether or not they can stay. It’s insane. And barely anyone from the “speak truth to power” patrol gives a damn.

The Biden administration fought to remove two-and-one-half miles of razor wire from the southern border that Texas put up to at least slow the invasion, and they won (at least for now). The US-Mexico border is 1951 miles long, and 2.5 miles of it being secure was too much for Biden, so much so that he actively worked to free it up. Illegals can flood over at either end of those 2.5 miles, but that’s not good enough. 

Doocy asked about this, what the administration was hoping to accomplish by “un-securing” the only secure part of the border and got a worthless word salad tossed back at him. No follow-ups, no add-on questions from anyone else there.

“Why isn’t this a bigger story?” isn’t the question to ask, it’s why aren’t Republicans flooding the airwaves to tell the public about it?

The media isn’t going to do it. What Fox did is great, but Fox reaches less than 1 percent of the population on a good night, whereas all the other outlets combined have an audience in the tens of millions. It’s not enough.

The RNC, Donald Trump, and honestly every Republican candidate for any office need to do the job the media won’t – educate the public about what’s really going on in the world. 

Don’t lie, don’t exaggerate, the truth is bad enough. Get the footage of the Biden administration removing the razor wire, or the various White House spokesmodels talking about it, and run the audio over the footage of a conga line of military aged men marching into our country, being greeted by government officials and given cell phones and cash cards.

If Republicans can’t message on this issue, quit. If they can’t educate the public and absolutely bury Joe Biden with this, get out of the business. 

At the same press briefing where Doocy asked about Biden fighting to open the border wider, the following questions were asked by other “journalists.” 

This from CNN’s Arlette Saenz, “You started at the beginning talking about some of these positive economic indicators and how the mood of consumers is changing as you’re seeing some of these positive signs in the economy. But, so far, it really hasn’t changed in their perception of how President Biden has contributed to this and — and helps them. Are there discussions about different ways that you can try to communicate this message, given the fact that so far has it just sunk in with the American psyche that Biden should be getting credit in your belief?” No, she wasn’t auditioning for a job in the White House…I don’t think. 

And then there was this beauty from Anita Powell from taxpayer funded Voice of America, who asked the super-important “Just a quick question about whether the castration includes environmental impact assessments in calculating how to support allies like Israel and Ukraine, Just for reference. We interviewed some environmental experts, who estimated that in the last 60 days U.S. supply flights to Israel contributed to 133,000 metric tons of C02 emissions. It’s a lot, right? So, is that part of the calculation that you make? And how do you balance your desire to protect the environment with your desire to protect your allies?”

I’m embarrassed for them. 

But their worthlessness, while fun to laugh at, needs to also be countered by a real effort to get the truth out there. Soundbites from candidates won’t do it, especially when the majority of the media outlets simply won’t play them. 

I know it will be expensive, but so what? How expensive do you think it will be to lose power to these complicit anti-American cretins again? 

Spend now or we’ll all pay later. 

X22, On the Fringe, and more- January 25


Foolish Republicans Are About to Get Fooled Again

I don’t know how many times I have to say this because I’ve been around for a while, and I’ve seen this same thing happen again and again and again when squish GOP senators try to negotiate with the Democrats about immigration. I know it’s meant to bully mental defectives, but when it comes to the GOP Senate caucus, that rule does not apply since some of its members apparently cannot learn from experience and must learn through pain. Here is a message to you, spineless Republican senators….

 Stop trying to do immigration deals with the Democrats.

This same sorry scenario gets replayed over and over again. Some soft, bipartisan-curious GOP senators try to hammer out a deal with the donkeys, get hammered but don’t know it, and then try to convince the party faithful to swallow their latest dog’s breakfast of a proposal. It always ends in humiliation. Immigration is the graveyard of Republican careers. Remember when Marco Rubio was a fresh young voice of the future of the Republican Party? And then he got wrapped up in an immigration compromise and now he’s a footnote to an afterthought. Don’t be Marco. Certainly, don’t be Lindsey Graham.

Stop trying to do immigration deals with the Democrats. 

You’re bad at it – very bad. I know that the Senate is full of lawyers, but you’re bad lawyers because you wouldn’t be in the Senate if you were good lawyers who knew how to negotiate. You make terrible deals. If I made deals like you, I’d be driving a 1994 Yugo held together with duct tape and COEXIST bumper stickers.

Stop trying to do immigration deals with the Democrats. They always end up stealing your pants, and you end up hanging from the high school flagpole by your undies.

Now, we see that the only reason you’re talking about any immigration deal at all is not because you’re concerned about zillions of foreigners swarming across our borders. The Republican Party’s billionaire donor base loves it, so you secretly love it. Of course, this is the same clique of political geniuses who think Nikki Haley is a great fit for the 2024 GOP because she doesn’t mind mutilating kids to conform to their Munchausen mommies’ delusions, does whatever woke corporations want and likes wars. The donors love open borders because they are thrilled by the thought of tens of millions of semi-literate peasants ready to toil for them for scraps and pennies. And for reasons that are beyond me, you guys care what these idiots think because you think their money matters. What have they spent their money on that resulted in a victory lately? How’s President Nikki working out for you?

No, an immigration deal is really a way for you to try to get what’s really important to you, which is money for foreigners to defend their borders. Now, it’s nice for foreigners to defend their borders, but it’s existential for us to defend our borders. And unfortunately for you, the Republican base knows this. I am baffled why Mitch McConnell would stand up and say that Ukraine is the most important issue facing America when we’ve got pretty much the entire Third World flooding across our southern frontier, but that mindset is where you guys are at. Stop being in that mindset. It’s stupid. And it’s going to get us destroyed in November if you keep going on with it.

Stop trying to do immigration deals with the Democrats.

For some reason, you think if you throw us a few magic beans, we’ll be thrilled and let you spend endless money on far-away Slavic standoffs. But we don’t want magic beans. We want a giant wall. And we want that perverted, desiccated, corrupt 108-year-old moron masquerading as our president actually to enforce the law. We don’t need new laws. We just need him to enforce the old ones. And we need you to make him do it by refusing to spend money on anything else, not just funding foreigners’ firefights until he does. 

But you don’t want to do that because it’s hard. You imagine that if you huddle with a bunch of staffers and come up with some secret compromise akin to the compromise that hillbilly presented to Ned Beatty in “Deliverance,” we’re going to clap like train seals and eagerly allow you to write your blank check to Kyiv. But that’s not going to happen. We’ve seen this movie before. You always get rolled. You always get taken. You always screw it up.

Stop trying to do immigration deals with the Democrats.

Banging something out in the backroom bowels of the Capitol is a terrible idea because you get in an echo chamber where you think that your total capitulation is really a savvy compromise, that it’s going to thrill your voters. It’s not. We know it sucks already, even if you don’t know it sucks because you suck. Every single time, you come out and proudly announce to the world that you’re going to let the Democrats pants you in public and expect us to cheer, and then you are stunned when we boo your proposed total capitulation.

Stop trying to do immigration deals with the Democrats.

Now, we don’t know what’s in your border bill right now, but we know what isn’t. There’s not going to be a wall. There’s not going to be an enforcement of our laws. There will be nothing for us and everything for them, and you will tell us, “Well, utter surrender is the best we can do.” Well, apparently, it’s the best you can do. Astonishingly, leaks say that you guys might allow 5000 – that’s five and three zeros – foreigners to wade across the Rio Grande every single day. Now, I know you can’t count because you work for the government, and therefore, you are presumptively stupid, so let me help you. Every month, that’s about 150,000 illegal aliens. That’s a big number. I know you have trouble counting past 21 without taking off your shoes and your pants, but trust me, 150,000 a month becomes 1.8 million illegal aliens a year. Oh, and the leaks say you are also allowing zillions of other foreigners to legally come here in vast numbers, even though we can’t handle the foreigners we have. Did you know about 59% of aliens, both legal and illegal, are on welfare? OK, we don’t need more bums that we have to subsidize. We have plenty of American bums to subsidize.

Stop trying to do immigration deals with the Democrats.

We don’t need a deal. We need the Democrats to capitulate, starting with Crusty in the White House enforcing our existing immigration law. So give them nothing. No money. For anything. Not a dime. That’s using our power. I know they’ll cry. I know they’ll be sad. The regime media will say mean things. But it is the Democrat constituencies who are the social parasites who need the government funding. Just stop funding everything until Biden enforces the law. Fund nothing. Yes, I know that we need a military, but we don’t have one right now anyway. So a bunch of generals who’ve never won a war won’t be able to organize a drag show because they’re not getting paid. That’s called a feature, not a bug.

Do not present us with a plan that doesn’t have a wall and doesn’t have total enforcement of the immigration laws with ironclad enforcement provisions. Everything needs to be notwithstanding other laws, so they can’t sue to stop you. There has to be a grant of standing for states to sue to enforce the laws. And there has to be a cut off of any kind of aid the second the border reopens. Good gosh, this isn’t hard. But it seems really hard for you guys. I attribute that to the fact that, and I want to be charitable about this, a lot of you are really stupid.

Stop trying to do immigration deals with the Democrats. 

You’re not smart enough to pull it off. Just say no to everything until the Dems comply. What’s the worst case? We have a wide-open border, and we’re not spending money on other people’s wars? That compares favorably to the present situation, where we have a wide-open border, and we are spending money on other people’s wars.

I’m going to say it one more time because you haven’t listened when you failed again and again and again, but maybe you will now.

Stop trying to do immigration deals with the Democrats.

Dictatorship Won’t Kill America, The Rot Of Partisan Abuse Will

And both sides are not equally at fault.

The other day Rachel Maddow, one of the most unhinged conspiracy theorists in major media, described Donald Trump’s alleged pitch to Republicans:

If you pick me, that’ll be the end of politics, and you won’t have to deal with politics anymore. You won’t have to deal with contested elections, you won’t have to deal with contests or divisions when it comes to power, you’ll have a strongman leader and I’ll just do what I want. And won’t that be a lot simpler? That’s what he’s offering. That strongman model is what the Republican base is enthused about.

Funny, because this also happens to be what Maddow is enthused about. It’s what the officials taking leading presidential candidates off ballots are enthused about. So is Joe Biden, who gives angry speeches demonizing opposition voters and demanding one-party rule. Everyone wants his own dictator. Every president wants to be one. Politics can turn normally rational people into raging authoritarians.

The thing about wanna-be dictators, though, is that they have no real way of pulling it off. Don’t get me wrong: the consequences of an imperial presidency are bad enough. But there will be no military coups in America. There will be no Hitler. No political riot is going to overthrow “democracy.” That’s all paranoia. The reality is much more mundane. It’s what we have now — a slow-motion, tedious corrosion of basic standards.

And both sides aren’t equally at fault. The things progressives detest most about our system—a deliberative Senate, federalism, counter-majoritarian institutions, various inconvenient liberties protected by the Bill of Rights, for starters—compel Trump to deal with “politics.”  

Here, for instance, is something I think most Democrats probably know but would never say: If a President Trump blatantly exceeded his constitutional authority, it is highly likely that “conservative” justices would stop him. Yet every time the court renders a decision undercutting the political agenda of the GOP, which is often, the media acts like it’s some big surprise. It’s not. And Trump, for all his bluster last term, didn’t ignore the courts.

Now, if Biden blatantly exceeded his executive authority, as he already often does, what are the chances that a “liberal” majority court would bless his actions? When you have no limiting principles, it all comes down to justifying the morality of the underlying issue. Considering the modern left’s collective superiority complex, that is never a difficult task.

We don’t really need to theorize about how this works, either. Many left-wing politicians and intellectuals — self-styled defenders of “democracy” — not only implore Biden to ignore courts, they press him to declare national emergencies empowering the president to run virtually the entire economy through a massive administrative state. If Trump threatened to take similar power, the media would be convulsing with horror.

Indeed, the contemporary left isn’t working to delegitimize the court because it harbors ethical concerns (the people leading the charge are corrupt), it’s because they want to circumvent a court that still occasionally limits state power and preserves American “democracy.”

Won’t that be a lot simpler? Maybe if Trump wins in 2024, he’ll figure out that the Federalist Society’s principled jurists make no political sense for him and nominate lightweight partisans like Sonia Sotomayor to uphold whatever crackpot theory he wants. Why not?

When the Supreme Court upheld the Civil Rights Act, eliminating racist preferences in schools, Biden said, “We cannot let this decision be the last word. I want to emphasize: We cannot let this decision be the last word.” That is something of a mantra for him.

A few years ago, Biden admitted he didn’t have the constitutional authority to extend (Trump’s) eviction moratorium. An extension would not “pass constitutional muster,” he said. The president, the administration noted, had “not only kicked the tires, he has double, triple, quadruple checked.”

It was illegal, and Biden did it anyway.  Congressional Democrats, tasked to protect the interests of their institution, cheered him on. The same goes for the obviously unconstitutional student loan bailout Biden keeps proposing. High-ranking Democrats, in fact, demand that Biden ignores the Constitution and separation of powers.

If Biden feels like he can dismiss SCOTUS on student loans, or anything else, why shouldn’t Texas ignore SCOTUS on protecting its borders? Maybe Texas should think about taking up the Biden method, which would entail erecting a new, slightly different fence every time the court shoots down the idea.  

All of it is reminiscent of Barack Obama telling Americans he couldn’t pass the DREAM Act because he was not a “king” or an “emperor,” and then doing it anyway. Indeed, the premise of the Obama presidency was the circumvention of “politics,” summed up neatly in the illiberal notion of political “unity.”

Once Obama lost control of Congress in 2010, he not only acted like a person who didn’t “have to deal with politics anymore,” he became the first president in memory to openly champion working around the law-making branch of government. “If Congress won’t act, I will,” he liked to say. People cheered.

Since then, every time Democrats can’t get their way, we are inundated with stories about how the system isn’t working correctly, rather than stories about how the contemporary left is destroying the system to fix the problem.

Now, I’m not naïve. Most voters couldn’t care less about these idealistic arguments. I don’t know “what time it is,” apparently. That said, protecting the system is not only a high-minded pursuit, it’s the most practical way to preserve your own policy achievements and freedoms.

But you can’t expect the opposition to play by rules when you refuse to honor them. You can’t lecture everyone about accepting elections when you won’t. And you can’t keep acting like you’re saving “democracy” when you’re murdering it.

I mean, you can. It seems like the more norm-busting degradation of the system you promise, the more popular you become these days. But that does not bode well for our future. 

Canadian Federal Court Rules Use of Emergency Powers to End Trucker Protests Was Unconstitutional

Justin from Canada and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, used the invocation of the Canadian Emergency Powers Act to seize Truckers’ and their supporters bank accounts, block mortgages, eliminate loans and credit cards, seize personal assets and otherwise use financial mechanisms to target their political opposition.

Tuesday a federal judge in Canada ruled the use of the Emergency Powers Act was unconstitutional.

CANADA –  […] On Feb. 14, 2022, the federal government invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time in its history, arguing at the time that the national security risks stemming from the protests justified its use.

The move allowed the federal government to enact wide-sweeping but temporary powers to help officials crack down on protesters’ access to funds, grant the RCMP jurisdiction to enforce local laws, designate critical infrastructure and services, and impose fines and imprisonment on participants who refused to leave the protest zone.

“I have concluded that the decision to issue the Proclamation does not bear the hallmarks of reasonableness – justification, transparency and intelligibility – and was not justified in relation to the relevant factual and legal constraints that were required to be taken into consideration,” stated Federal Court Justice Richard Mosley.

Mosley added that “there can be only one reasonable interpretation” of the Emergencies Act and CSIS Act, and that he believes “the legal constraints on the discretion of the GIC to declare a public order emergency were not satisfied.”

Mosley also stated that, factoring for the definition of a “national emergency” under the Act, “there was no national emergency” to justify its use, and that “the decision to do so was therefore unreasonable” and beyond the powers of the law. (read more)

Sources: The Jeff DeWit “Message Came From The NRSC” aka Mitch McConnell

Michael Patrick Leahy appears on Steve Bannon War Romm discussing, in part, the Jeff DeWit message to Kari Lake and who from “back east” was the originator of the message to bribe Mrs Lake to stay out of the Arizona senate race.   {Direct Rumble Link}

As expected, the sources for MPL’s report outline that Mitch McConnell and the National Republican Senatorial Committee originated the proposal.  This should not be a surprise to anyone who reads CTH.   The NRSC is primarily funded by the biggest lobbying group, the U.S Chamber of Commerce.  The USCoC fund the legislative priorities of the Senate and Mitch McConnell does their bidding.  In essence the bribe money would come from the USCoC into the NRSC.  WATCH:

Again, this is not a surprise. Mitch McConnell cannot control the Senate outcomes if he doesn’t have full control of the GOP Senators therein. It is a collaborative relationship between McConnell and the Chamber of Commerce lobbying group.

The CoC provides the money, McConnell gives the instructions. It’s not complicated, it’s corrupt.

A similar arrangement exists with the Republican National Committee and the Republican Governor’s Association, that’s how the USCoC funds the RGA who in turn gives Ron DeSantis $20 million.  All of the lobbying money flows from the multinational corps into the various political groups (NRSC, NRCC, RGA, RNC) who then have political operatives carry out the instructions.  It’s the business end of politics.

There are trillions at stake, upstream.

Fulton County Resident Lights Up Commissioners Over Fani Willis and Targeting Trump

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

What must the residents of Fulton County, Georgia, think about all of this scandal regarding the DA Fani Willis and her alleged affair with the special prosecutor she engaged, Nathan Wade, to go after former President Donald Trump?

Not only are there questions now about the relationship, but also whether funds to hire him were properly used--and whether she benefited from any of the funds he was paid. The whole issue is also unspooling out as part of the divorce action between Wade and his estranged wife, Jocelyn Wade. Willis ridiculously claimed (in a church, no less) that somehow this is all racism. Then the estranged wife dropped some devastating receipts, showing that her husband bought trips to various locations that also allegedly involved Willis. The judge in the case has also unsealed the divorce proceedings, so more things are likely going to come out on the relationship.

But back to that original question I asked: what must the residents think? 

On Wednesday, one of them sounded off at a meeting of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, and he didn't hold back. He was frustrated with things that were going on. 

I'm done with Fulton County fumbling our elections. I'm done with the gross mismanagement of our taxpayer dollars by the Fulton County Democrats on this body.  I'm disgusted at [sic] the information that is coming out of the District Attorney's office, as a taxpayer. I am done with most of your silence at the DA's apparent love affair with the special prosecutor and gross mismanagement of taxpayers' dollars to pursue what appears to be a frivolous lawsuit, based off of partisan politics.

He mocked them saying, "Apparently, guys like me need to court Fulton County female executives" like Fani Willis to get things paid at country expense. 

He noted the irony of the DA claiming to protect past elections, but he said, "She's trying to interfere with future elections, by trying to convict a candidate before the general election." 

He requested a "financial audit" done by the county auditor of the District Attorney's office immediately. 

You can hear the clapping as he finishes, presumably from other residents. 

Now that's lighting them up, in just about two minutes--not only about Willis' scandal but her going after Trump to begin with, alleging it to be election interference. Thank you, sir, for saying it for so many. 

At least one of the Commissioners has already demanded answers from Willis about allegations of "misused County funds and accepted valuable gifts and personal benefits from a contractor recipient of County funds." Fulton County Commissioner Bob Ellis, a Republican, demanded that she turn over records that he requested in the matter by Feb. 2. So, hopefully they can get more information on the matter, and it sounds like they have folks there focused on getting to the bottom of things. 

The Immigration Plot Threatens Our Democracy (sic)

We hear a lot from elite idiots about how every single attempt by normal Americans to participate in their own governance is a threat to "Our Democracy." That's because when they say "Our Democracy," they mean "Their Democracy" – not that America is a democracy, but you get my drift. And normal people working to have a say in their government are a threat to their hegemony. They want us disarmed, disenfranchised, and, in many cases, dead. We refuse to be serfs, and their insane reaction to our resistance is unbelievably dangerous.

Look what's happening to President Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee. We are seeing unrestricted legal warfare against the guy (and a bunch of his supporters). This is where you would hope our alleged elite, with their Ivy League degrees and boundless self-regard, might have learned some history but, alas, the 1619 Project does not count as history. Here’s some. Julius Caesar, patron of the plebes, refused to relinquish his consular command because his elite enemies proposed to destroy him with lawfare. Instead, he crossed the Rubicon and adios, Republic. Our elite thinks that the only power that exists is the kind they wield from the heights of the institutions, but that's not so. People backed into a corner use the power they have at hand. And once you have trashed the rules and norms in exchange for a short-term advantage over your opponents, those rules and norms are no longer going to protect you when you need them. 

Look at Texas, which is being flooded with illegal aliens welcomed – in utter violation of the law our legislators established through the passage of laws – by this corrupt communist administration. Not only is the government giving money to people who should not be here, but the Border Patrol is removing concertina wire to let the hordes in, something okayed by SCOTUS. Now, Texas has used its military forces to secure some areas and to refuse admittance to the federal Border Patrol. That's a pretty major escalation, but are you outraged at Governor Abbott? If so, why? The norm of federal supremacy was a thing a while ago, but now the federal government is actively ignoring and defying federal law, and we are supposed to get mad at the state government that resists? Gee, how could a situation where armed federal and state forces being at odds go bad? History comes to mind in the form of the first (and hopefully last) Civil War, but the mention of Fort Sumpter would draw a blank stare from our alleged betters. The Civil War is not something the Ivy League dwells on because a few hundred thousand poor pale guys dying to free the slaves kind of undermines that whole structural racism/white privilege meme.

Even if you agree with Texas's desperate actions, you cannot be happy about it. Texas never should have been put in this situation. The Congress passed laws, and the president signed them, and the new president has simply decided to effectively break them by refusing to enforce them and, in fact, is actively aiding and abetting their breakage. How is that "democracy" even in the erroneous context the left likes to use it? How is a country democratic if the people's representatives pass laws and the chief executive – who is expressly charged with the duty to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed" (Article II, Section 3) – consciously and willfully refuses to honor them?

It's not. 

And you can see the effects. People felt they have no voice, because they have no voice. Something has got to give. There will be escalating red state versus federal confrontations. Normal Americans are angry and alienated. Patriotic Americans are refusing to serve in the military. 

With Ron DeSantis out, we need to unite behind the only remaining candidate who stands in opposition to this unfolding disaster. Nikki Haley is simply a slightly more right-wing version of the same elitist mindset that has gotten us into this mess and is making things worse. Donald Trump is imperfect, but he's the best option we have. If you actually care about the country, you need to back him. Biden has to go. 

This situation is bad and it is getting worse. How much worse can it get? Much worse. And the idiots of the elite have no idea. It's not just immigration. It's everything. This is serious. This is about all the marbles. Time to get in there and win this thing in 2024.

Charles Payne Defends Half of America from Biden Attacks and Democrat Vitriol

Fox News host Charles Payne was on a panel discussion about USA politics and the Trump support in New Hampshire.   After some back and forth about MAGA voters, Charles Payne unloads on Biden and the Democrats for ridiculing half the country.  WATCH:

The segment about Dean Phillips visiting a MAGA rally is below.

McConnell Pressures GOP Senators to Back 'Secret' Border Bill Before It's Released for Public Debate

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

In this episode of "Mitch Being Mitch"...

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has reportedly been pressuring Republican senators to pledge to support his (the Democrats') "secret" border bill before it's released to the public for open debate.

Oh, c'mon — would Mitch do that? Hell yeah, he would. How many times has McConnell folded up like a cheap suit to Senate Democrats throughout his Senate leadership career?

According to multiple sources, McConnell has kept the largely complete bill "secret" until he can lock in at least 20 of the 49 Republican senators — even if he has to make minor changes to do so. 

Here's more — disgustingly so:

The draft bill is also being reviewed by the Senate’s Committee on Appropriations because the Biden administration wants roughly $15 billion to operate its migration program in 2024. 

The money is needed by Democrats to process, transport, feed, house, and hide arriving 2024 migrants –and the 6.2 million migrants already admitted— during the run-up to the 2024 election.

The extra spending can also be used to persuade senators who do not yet support the giveaway.

Some — not a majority — of the GOP senators are denouncing the bill, which will likely provide employers with a gusher of cheap and compliant foreign workers who can replace better-paid Americans.

As I said, Mitch being Mitch — and it appears that he's far from the Lone Ranger among Senate Republicans who support the still-secret bill.

 Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is not among them, telling Tucker Carlson:

Half of my Republican caucus is, as we speak, ready to sell out, and they’re ready to sell out fake border reform in exchange for what they really want, which is to send more of your tax dollars to Ukraine. 

Nailed it — on both counts.

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) echoed Paul's comments.

We’ve been through these things so many times where we’re told, 'Oh, there’s not a deal yet, not a deal, not a deal.' All of a sudden: ‘Oh, there’s [a] deal!’ And then we are given the equivalent of a snap election, like a snap vote, without really any opportunity to read it and no opportunity to amend it.

And we’ll be told, ‘Oh, oh, that was Schumer’s decision.’ No, it’s not.

Again, spot on. 

Whether the Republicans are in the majority or the minority, why the propensity to cave to the Democrats? Fear of the left-wing media sock puppets? That's part of it. Lack of "intestinal fortitude?" That's part of it, as well. And year after year, Congress after Congress, the song remains the same.

Paul, who vehemently opposes sending more money to Ukraine, said allowing 5,000 illegal aliens into the country daily before giving Biden authority to deport them without going through the asylum process — similar to former President Trump's authority under Title 42 — is unacceptable.  

Many people feel that letting 5,000 in a day before you get aggressive — that would be 1.8 million a year — that’s an unacceptable baseline. It would be twice what the baseline was under [former President Obama].

Ahh, but it's not unacceptable to your fellow Kentuckian, Mitch McConnell, Rand. 

I know — you're just as shocked as we are.

Mitch Talks Down Biden Impeachment - Demonstrating the Uniparty Is Alive and Well

Only 6% of Americans Approve of Mitch’s Job Performance

Republicans Prepare to Betray Their Voters With Omnibus Monstrosity