Friday, January 12, 2024

Iran’s Strategy of Proxy Encirclement

There are two prevailing interpretations of the recent Houthi attacks on ships in the Red Sea.

The first interpretation is that these are proxy attacks, sponsored by Iran, aimed at undermining freedom of the seas and the American-led international rules-based order. By disrupting shipping and trade flows, Iran gets to extract a price from the West for supporting Israel against Hamas and Islamic Jihad, their proxies in Gaza. Certainly the relevant weapons are being provided by Iran, which suggests that Iran sees strategic benefits in these attacks.

Iran’s autocratic allies and sponsors also benefit:  The Chinese, who originated much of this missile technology, certainly cannot be unhappy to see American and allied naval resources tied up in the Red Sea, when they might otherwise be in the Taiwan straits and the South China Sea. They’ll also be delighted to have an opportunity to test missile and drone technology in a live-fire scenario against American convoy defenses. And Russia, of course, benefits both from American resources being diverted from the Ukraine conflict and from the increased oil prices that emerge from chaos in the shipping lanes. But here Chinese and Russian interests diverge:  The Chinese are highly dependent on hydrocarbons from Iran and other Persian Gulf states. This Chinese reliance on maritime commerce goes a long way toward explaining why Iranian missiles are being used to shut down the Bab al-Mandeb, but not the Straits of Hormuz.

The second interpretation of these attacks rests on the desire to harm Israel by disrupting shipping to and from Israeli ports. While the Houthis may well desire to attack Israel as an expression of solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza, their local fight for territory and influence in Yemen, against Saudi proxies, is surely their first priority. Firing missiles at Israel, Saudi Arabia, and at international shipping invites reprisals from powerful Western enemies.

There is a third interpretation that brings the situation into clearer focus:  Prior to the events of October 7th, 2023, an alliance between Israel and the Arab states, against Iran, was emerging. The Gulf states desperately need Israeli technology, expertise, and capital in order to move their economies off of a hydrocarbon base. Israel is potentially a significant exporter of LNG, following discoveries in the Leviathan natural gas oil field, which aligns Israeli economic interests with other energy exporters. Hamas, an Iranian proxy, shattered that emerging alliance.

The attacks on shipping in the Red Sea are, more than anything, a direct assault on the Egyptian economy, and thus on the government of Egypt, which has been at peace with Israel since 1979. Canal revenues last year were $9.4B; the total budget of the Egyptian government is around $97B.  Given the ongoing budget deficit and inflation crisis in Egypt, a prolonged disruption of canal traffic could easily destabilize the government.  This action by Iranian proxies gives the Iranians enormous leverage against the current Egyptian government, at relatively modest cost. By contrast, the Israeli economy is far less dependent on trade through the Bab al-Mandeb.

In addition, these attacks offer the possibility of doing significant harm to the Saudis. Starting in the 1980’s, a pipeline was built from the oil fields in Eastern Saudi Arabia to the port at Yanbu, located on the Red Sea, to allow exports to bypass the Straits of Hormuz and the Bab al-Mandeb. This pipeline was attacked in 2019 by the Houthis, and could be attacked again.  The combination of attacks on this pipeline and attacks on shipping in the Bab al-Mandeb opens the possibility of closing the Red Sea entirely to the export of Saudi oil and natural gas. The same logic plays out with regard to the Straits of Hormuz and the possibility of attacking the pipeline in Abu Dhabi that was constructed to bypass this maritime chokepoint.

Given this pattern of establishing proxies near maritime chokepoints, it is not surprising that Iran is sponsoring terrorist and insurgent activities in Morocco, with the intention of establishing a capability to close the Straits of Gibraltar.

In point of fact, the Iranians seek to dominate the Persian Gulf, at the Strait of Hormuz, and the Red Sea and Suez Canal, at the Bab al-Mandeb. In addition, Iranian geostrategic influence has extended across the Fertile Crescent, via Shi’ite militias in Iraq; through Syria by virtue of support for the Alawite Baathist regime during the recent civil war; and into Lebanon and to the shores of the Eastern Mediterranean, thanks to support for Hezbollah. Prior to October 7, the Iranian war in Yemen was fought primarily, but not exclusively, by Iranian proxies against Saudi proxies, with some incidents of direct attacks by the Houthis on Saudi Arabia. However, since mid-October, Iranian proxies have launched a campaign of repeated attacks on American outposts in Iraq and Syria. Iran is using the occasion of the Hamas-Israel war to attempt to dislodge the U.S. military presence from the area.

Overall, the Iranian strategy appears to be one of encirclement of Jordan, Kuwait, the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Israel. In addition, Iran seeks to destabilize Jordan and the West Bank in Israel – given their large Palestinian populations – through a continuation and intensification of the war in Gaza. For Iran, the attack on Egypt’s economy by shutting down revenue from the Suez Canal opens the possibility of undermining Egypt’s relationship with Israel. A glance at a map of the region reveals that breaking the Egypt-Israel detente is a grand prize in this strategy of encirclement.

Meanwhile, Israel faces its own Iranian effort at encirclement. The war on Hamas in Gaza, the strikes against Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the attacks on Iranian-backed militias in Syria are all aimed to break this localized Iranian strategy. Obviously, Israel’s military efforts serve the objective interests of the Saudi and Gulf State elite, though they cannot publicly admit it.

To the north of the Fertile Crescent, Turkey reaps as many benefits as possible by being an economic middleman for Putin’s Russia. Erdogan’s anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism remain, for the moment, largely performative; other than making provocative comments about Israeli genocide directed at the Palestinians, ErdoÄŸan has kept Turkey out of the recent conflict in Israel.

Now the Arab Gulf states are in an incredible bind:  Their leaders know that they need Western support against an Iran that is likely to go nuclear in the near future, and some of them can see the value in at least a quiet alliance with Israel. But their people – and many of their leaders – hate the Jews and have been indoctrinated over generations to seek the genocide not just of the Jews in Israel, but also worldwide. Any overt alliance with Israel is out for the foreseeable future, since any such move would endanger their regimes. Iran has successfully driven a wedge between their adversaries.

One thing is clear:  While the West must support Israel to achieve a decisive victory in Gaza, by securing the death or unconditional surrender of both Hamas’ leadership and their supporters, this is only one small piece of a much broader war. Israel will need strong Western support against an all-out attack from the north by Hezbollah. How this may be accomplished is open to question. The United States just announced the withdrawal of the Gerald R. Ford carrier strike group from the Eastern Mediterranean, thereby reducing the American presence once again in the Middle East. By withdrawing this naval presence from the Eastern Mediterranean, the current administration in Washington is inviting Iran to intensify its proxy wars against Israel while signaling to the Saudis a fecklessness that endangers American interests throughout the region.

Furthermore, stopping the attacks in the Red Sea will require an ongoing naval and airborne commitment to protect shipping, combined with both direct attacks on the Houthi forces and renewed support for Saudi proxies in Yemen. And most importantly, if the United States and its European allies want to see an end to these proxy attacks on freedom of the seas, Western interests, and Western allies, it will be necessary to show the leaders of Iran that the kinetic consequences will not be limited to their proxies and catspaws.

So far, deterrence has failed with regard to Iran; this needs to be remedied.  Reestablishing deterrence is an existential issue for the allies of the United States in the Middle East.  The only practical way for this to occur is through punishment – not just for Iranian proxies, which we presume are operating to advance Iran’s geostrategy of encirclement, but also for the source of these many attacks:  There need to be direct and dire consequences for Iran.

These consequences should start with strong Western sponsorship for insurgencies, within Iran, by ethnic minorities including (but not limited to) the Kurds, the Azerbaijanis, and other disaffected religious and ethnic groups. In addition, a serious economic price needs to be extracted through attacks on the oil terminals that the Iranians are using to dodge international sanctions. Punitive strikes on Iranian nuclear and military facilities, as well as critical infrastructure and missile production hubs, are certainly called for. Such punishments are beyond the capacity of the Israelis and will require resources from the United States. If the Iranians can use proxies to attack Western interests and allies, surely the United States can facilitate attacks by proxies of our own.

X22, And we Know, and more- January 12


Biden ‘Saves’ Democracy by Destroying it ~ VDH

The Left is creating historic, anti-democratic precedents that will someday boomerang should Republicans win the election and follow the Democrat model of extra-legal politics.

When faced with the possible return of President Donald Trump, the current agenda of the Democratic Party is summed up simply as “We had to destroy democracy to save it.”

The effort shares a common theme: any means necessary are justified to prevent the people from choosing their own president, given the fear that a majority might vote to elect Donald Trump.

Sometimes the anti-democratic paranoia has been outsourced to state and local officials and prosecutors to erase Trump from the primary and likely general election ballots as well.

One unelected official in Maine, Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, is a Democrat, an official never elected by the people, and a non-lawyer rendering a legal edict. Yet she has judged Trump guilty of “insurrection.”

And presto, she erased his name from the state’s ballot.

Yet Trump was never charged, much less convicted, of “insurrection.”

The statute Bellows cites is a post-Civil War clause of the 14th Amendment. It was passed over a century and a half ago. It was never intended to be used in an election year by an opposition party to disbar a rival presidential candidate.

In the earlier case of Colorado, the all-Democrat Supreme Court, in a 4-3 vote, took Trump off the ballot.

In sum, just five officials in two states have taken away the rights of some 7 million Americans to vote for the president of their choice.

Note that Trump continues to lead incumbent Joe Biden in the polls.

Sometimes, indictments are preferred to prevent Americans from voting for or against Trump.

Currently, four leftist prosecutors—three state and one federal—have indicted Trump.

They are petitioning courts to accelerate the usually lethargic legal process to ensure Trump is tied up in Atlanta, Miami, New York, and Washington, D.C., courtrooms nonstop during the 2024 election cycle.

Their aim is to keep Trump from campaigning, as he faces four left-wing prosecutors, four liberal judges, and four or five overwhelmingly Democratic jury pools.

Yet all the indictments are increasingly clouded in controversy, if not outright scandal.

Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis campaigned on promises to get Trump. She now faces allegations that she outsourced the prosecution to an unqualified personal injury lawyer—her current stealth boyfriend who was paid handsomely by Willis’s office and traveled on pricey junkets with her.

New York partisan attorney general Letitia James likewise sought office on promises to destroy Trump.

She preposterously claims Trump overvalued his real estate collateral to a bank. Yet it eagerly made the loan, profited from it, and had no complaints given that Trump paid off the principle and interest as required.

Manhattan prosecutor Alvin Bragg is even more desperate. He is now prosecuting Trump for campaign finance violations from nearly a decade ago, claiming a nondisclosure agreement with a purported sexual liaison somehow counts as a campaign violation.

Federal special prosecutor Jack Smith claims Trump should be convicted of improperly removing classified documents after leaving office. In the past, such disagreements over presidential papers were resolved bureaucratically.

Joe Biden, for example, improperly took out classified files after leaving the Senate and vice presidency and stored them in unsecure locations for over a decade.

All of these prosecutors are unapologetic anti-Trump progressives.

Some have communicated with the White House legal eagles, even though Joe Biden is likely to face Trump in the November election.

Some prosecutors are themselves facing controversies, if not scandals. Some wish to synchronize their drawn-out investigations and indictments to hinder the Trump reelection effort.

At other times, the effort to neuter Trump is waged by his rival Biden himself.

He has hammered Trump as an insurrectionist and guilty of a number of egregious crimes against democracy—even as Biden’s own Attorney General has appointed a special counsel to try Trump on just those federal charges concerning the January 6 demonstrations, a dead horse that Biden periodically still beats to death to scare voters.

Biden periodically smears half of America who supported or voted for Trump as “ultra-Maga” extremists and “semi-fascists” who would destroy democracy.

Yet the more Biden and the Left weaponize the judicial system to prevent Trump from running, and the more Biden screams and yells that Trump supporters are anti-American and anti-democratic, the more Trump soars in the polls while Biden sinks.

The left privately knows that its historically unprecedented strangulation of democracy is increasing Trump’s popularity. But like an addict, it cannot quit its Trump fix.

In sum, the Left is creating historic, anti-democratic precedents that will someday boomerang on Democrats should Republicans win the November election and follow the new Democrat model of extra-legal politics.

Democrats are tearing apart the country in a manner not seen since the Civil War era—apparently convinced democracy cannot be trusted and so itself must be sacrificed as the price of destroying Donald Trump.

Why Gen Z Is Ditching The Girlboss For The Tradwife

For women who have observed the unhappy zero-sum battle of the sexes, many feel that the modern world, for all its promises, has failed them.

Hannah Neeleman, a Utah-based cattle farmer and mother of eight, is perhaps the most popular Instagram “tradwife” — a growing category of social media influencers who reject the not-so-traditional 9-to-5 workforce in favor of homeschooling their children, homemaking, or running a family business. Though her content is entirely wholesome, she (and other tradwife accounts) are not without controversy.

In the case of Ballerina Farm, followers recently uncovered that Daniel Neeleman, Hannah’s husband, is the son of the founder and former CEO of JetBlue, whose estimated net worth is $400 million.

Her kitchen stove, prominently featured in many of Hannah’s videos where she bakes sourdough bread, farm-raised beef, and other dishes, costs a minimum of $20,000. For those who laud their simple lifestyle as cattle farmers, many felt blindsided by the wealth enabling their smooth transition to homesteading. Afterall, starting a farm requires many high-cost purchases on the front end from the land, equipment, and animals, forcing many farmers into perpetual debt.

Yet Hannah and other tradwife accounts will easily maintain their prominence going into 2024. For many women, who increasingly report “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness” and disillusionment with the “girlboss” lifestyle, these influencers offer an idyllic alternative to urban life. They are illuminating a deeper hunger among women, especially among Generation Z.

A quick search on Google Trends shows that the term “tradwife” gained popularity in 2018 but peaked in 2020 as the pandemic accelerated women’s return to the home. Instead of being confined to religious or ultra-wealthy women, the tradwife movement entered mainstream discussions. It offered women the chance to reclaim the ingredients of happiness — faith, family, community, and meaningful work — back from the career-focused model they grew up with.

Popular online accounts (explored here and here) tend to show women who don the clothes and lifestyle that they perceive women in a previous era embodied: shirtwaist dresses, aprons, a rejection of formal work outside the home, and a heavy emphasis on homemaking and care for children.

Instead of finding the home stuffy, boring, or trivial, many women found greater purpose and satisfaction than they previously imagined. Initially, the pandemic gave women the ultimate “permission slip” to explore the domestic realm (stay inside to stay alive). Later, popular and aesthetically pleasing tradwife accounts gave women the encouragement they needed to combat the outspoken expectations that all women, even mothers, ought to rejoin the 9-to-5 workforce.  

It’s worth considering why Gen Z women, who have the most professional opportunities and fewest barriers to education, work, and politics, would flock in large numbers to tradwife influencers. No doubt the online accounts are more intense in their expressions of femininity, homemaking, or anti-feminist sentiment than the average follower, but then, this is always the case with influencers.

For Gen Z women who have observed the unhappy zero-sum game that is the battle of the sexes, many feel that the modern world, for all its promises, has failed them. They’re looking for an older, and truer, model for how to live a good life. Or, as Carmel Richardson said, “There are too many elders who give bad advice about marriage and family. I am trying to become the matriarch I want to see in the world.”

Similarly, it’s worth asking why this movement provokes many others to mockery or disgust. As one influencer said, “What if their husband leaves them? Then how will they support themselves?” For women who grew up observing the impact of no-fault divorce, family breakdown, the sexual revolution, and the rigid careerism of the 1990s, it seems as though their plan for survival is to depend on no one, especially a man, to provide for them.

The exhaustion and subsequent disenchantment this has produced in Gen Z is enough to spark a counterrevolution.

The harm is not borne equally, either. As both Aaron Renn and Mary Harrington have pointed out, the current workforce has meant that for elite or upper-class women to work, they require other women, who would rather stay home with their own children, to serve as nannies and daycare workers just to make ends meet. Many tradwife accounts encourage women, insofar as they can, to return to their own homes and release poorer women from the expectation of handling their child care, cooking, or cleaning.

Notably, a Refinery29 article recognized this appeal for minority women: “Traditional marriage is the key to Black women’s liberation from being overworked, economic insecurity, and the stress of trying to survive in a world hostile to our survival and existence.” Implicit in the tradwife model, of course, is the financial and ideological support of a husband. It requires husband and wife to work together in distinct roles toward a shared vision — one that ideally allows each the margin to flourish in their given space. In this way, tradwives represent a sort of anti-fragility that, in the words of Nassim Nicholas Taleb, is not merely resilient in the face of difficulty, but grows stronger because of it.

At their best, tradwives require more of the men around them. Rather than trying to replace the men in their lives (father, husband, perhaps employer) when they fail, such tradwives hold them accountable to provide, protect, and grow within the family. Few things could sound scarier to a woman who has been failed by a man she thought she could trust through divorce, unfaithfulness, or abandonment. Nonetheless, many women are realizing that the happiness they desire requires reliance upon a husband and other family members to succeed.

Whether it’s a corporate girlie, an academic, or a tradwife, each dreams of and relies upon a wealthy patron to support the lifestyle she wants to live. While some tradwives denounce all work “outside the home,” many run small businesses, write or blog, and contrary to the Luddite stereotype, manage savvy social media influencer accounts. They take the time and flexibility that their lifestyle offers and seek creative uses of their time that bless their family, their community, and the causes they care about.

Certainly, some aspects of the tradwife movement range from alt-right pagan beliefs to unrealistic forms of live-action role-play. At the heart of it, however, is a positive attempt by many women to embrace marriage and motherhood.

Countercultural movements tend to overcorrect to provide the next generation of women with a moderate option between the two ideological extremes of careerism and the rejection of all “paid work.” For Gen Z, the result may be that women receive the flexibility and support to pursue a family and work amenable to their goals and the demands of each season.

President Biden Warned by White House Counsel: Stop Bringing Donors to White House

Ward Clark reporting for RedState 

In 2023, the White House Counsel's office warned President Joe Biden about bringing donors into the White House, a practice that presidents in past years have also followed but which may fall afoul of campaign finance laws.

President Biden was advised last year by the White House Counsel office that  giving big-dollar donors tours of the Oval Office might raise legal issues and he has since stopped the practice, according to people familiar with the matter.

Why it matters: Biden has been hosting donors inside the White House residence for private meals and briefings, to help energize them and convince them that he has a plan to beat former President Trump.

  • The donor outreach has caused some concern in the White House Counsel's office, which has allowed the lunches and dinners to proceed with clear restrictions, including on where the meals can take place and who can attend.
  • Biden has been known to show the Oval Office to many of his guests, but he decided to stop including an Oval tour for donors early in the campaign after issues were raised by the counsel's office. The exclusive briefings and meals are expected to continue. 
  • In order to comply with ethics laws, the donors are not directly solicited for donations and events are required to take place in either the White House map room, the old family dining room or the tennis pavilion on the ground's south lawn.
  • The Washington Post reported earlier Wednesday on the meals. 

White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates defended the practice.

"It is typical for any president, regardless of party, to host supporters at the White House complex, which is both a working office as well as a personal residence," White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates told Axios. 

  • "President Biden and his team take all rules concerning the White House and re-elections seriously, and we're proud of that," he said. 

This was echoed by someone at the Campaign Legal Center:

"There are certain rooms in the White House, particularly in the residence that are not covered under the Hatch Act," said Kedric Payne, ethics director at the Campaign Legal Center, referring to the federal law which governing campaigning for elected officials.

"The president is allowed to legally meet with and entertain donors at the White House," Payne said. "But you cannot give campaign contributions or solicit for campaign contributions while in the White House."

Jill Biden Tries to Sell Joe on 'Morning Joe' and It's All Kinds of Funny 

White House Snaps When Doocy Asks About Joe Helping Hunter 'Skirt Subpoenas'

Former presidents have also been warned against this practice, including President Bill Clinton (who notoriously traded donations and favors for nights in the Lincoln Bedroom), President George W. Bush, and President Barack Obama. President Donald Trump has not released records of White House visitors, but there have been allegations of Hatch Act violations.

The warning to President Biden, however, comes hot on the heels of several other legal problems for the President, including his son's pleading "not guilty" on Thursday in a California tax evasion case.

BREAKING: Hunter Enters Not Guilty Plea to Federal Tax Charges, Trial Date June 20

It is unclear which donors were afforded White House access, who those donors may have been representing, or if any of them represented foreign interests. When we learn more, we'll bring you an update.

Universities’ DEI Poison Will Kill This Country If Republicans Don’t Intervene

DEI is the gospel, and it is woven into every aspect of the college experience, 
including extracurricular activities and even athletics.

Ask any normal person what’s wrong with America right now, and they’re likely to bring up “higher education” fairly quickly. There’s a good reason for that — something is fundamentally rotten in our university system. When parents pay tens of thousands of dollars to drop their kids off at college, it’s reasonable to assume that their sons and daughters will receive a good education, earn a degree, and eventually use their skills to participate in our economy and contribute to society. That’s how it used to be.

But today, colleges and universities appear to be less interested in academic excellence and more interested in fomenting a political revolution. This is why, according to the Heritage Foundation, the average university has 3.4 people working to promote so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) for every 100 tenured or tenure-track faculty members. The indoctrination is the point.

Identity Politics Programming

The university aims to stamp out free thought, separate students from their “backward” values or beliefs, and instead program them to adopt and embrace the “intersectional” identity politics framework as their primary mode of critical thinking. DEI is the gospel, and it is woven into every aspect of the college experience, including classroom instruction, extracurricular activities, residence life, and even athletics.

All of this has led directly to the disturbing “protests” we are now seeing on college campuses. These students aren’t activists — they’ve simply been activated. “Israel is committing genocide!” they announce in unison. They chant this because Hamas terrorists have a higher ranking on the intersectional hierarchy than the Jewish innocents who were slaughtered on Oct. 7. “Osama Bin Laden was right!” they tell pollsters. They praise him because any attack against America — a force for evil founded by “white, cishet Christian men” to oppress people of other races, religions, sexual orientations, and so-called gender identities — is almost certainly justified.

Higher education needs a hard reset, and Republicans should use the power afforded to them by the people to get this done.

Thankfully, a handful of state legislatures have already introduced or passed bills reining in DEI programs in colleges and universities. These bills encourage them to focus their financial resources on departments that improve student outcomes. Legislators in Arkansas, for example, are exploring ways to ban racial discrimination and defund these programs across the board. 

Federal Legislation to Save Education

But with so much at stake, we cannot simply leave the states to fend for themselves, especially when the federal government has played a clear role in pushing “woke” on the higher education system by leveraging the power of the purse. The Department of Education, for example, recently released its proposed rule changes to Title IX that would prohibit colleges from banning male athletes from competing in women’s sports. Incredibly, according to the DOE, this would constitute a Title IX violation and could result in the loss of federal funds, even though Title IX was specifically designed to provide equal opportunity and fairness in sports for women. 

Last year, House Republicans smartly passed legislation that would essentially flip that rule on its head. Under the law, colleges would have lost federal funds if they refused to protect fairness in women’s sports. President Joe Biden, of course, promised a veto. But Republicans need more legislation to oppose DEI. And more anti-DEI legislative efforts appear to be gaining steam.

One bill, introduced by Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, would ban federally funded colleges from compelling students to write DEI statements. Another bill, introduced by Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., would prevent higher education accrediting agencies from considering DEI when evaluating colleges and universities. And Republicans on the House Education Committee, who have spent the last month waging a holy war against woke university administrators, are vowing more legislation in the months to come.

New Standards for Universities

We should applaud House Republicans for taking this issue seriously and making a good start, but former President Donald Trump takes these efforts a step further. In a video released last year, Trump pledged to “reclaim our once great educational institutions from the radical Left” by not only replacing the current accreditors but imposing a rigorous set of new standards on our colleges and universities. The proposal would require universities to protect free speech, defend the American way of life, eliminate all DEI positions in higher education, offer more options for accelerated and low-cost degrees, emphasize job placement, and require both entrance and exit exams to demonstrate the value of a college degree. 

Notably, Trump also promised civil rights lawsuits against any school that engages in racial discrimination. And he has an aggressive penalty in mind: “Schools that persist in explicit unlawful discrimination under the guise of equity will not only have their endowment taxed, but through budget reconciliation, I will advance a measure to have them fined up to the entire amount of their endowment.” 

Educational Decline and Debt

We need this type of accountability for higher education. Americans have paid a brutal price to prioritize indoctrination. As of today, more than 43 million Americans hold federal student loans — with a collective balance exceeding $1.6 trillion

And what has America gotten with the most recent crop of college graduates? Not much according to the business community. According to a recent survey, 40 percent of business leaders view recent college graduates as unprepared for the workforce. They blame poor work ethic and communication skills as the main reasons. A whopping 88 percent of business leaders say today’s graduates are more unprepared than graduates of just three years ago.

It’s clear Congress must act. America’s institutions of higher education used to turn out the best and the brightest who could tackle society’s major problems. But today, administrators at these universities are failing their students. The Department of Education deserves its share of the blame as well. It has enabled the decade-long efforts to trap kids in these schools and cut off alternatives like career colleges and trade schools where students learn real, marketable skills.

Republicans have a tremendous opportunity to win the House, Senate, and presidency in 2024. If we’re serious about saving this country and making it great again, then fixing the broken higher education system must be part of our agenda. If the American people choose to give Republicans the power to fix this problem in 2024, then they must be ready to take them up on it.

Biden Smears Opponents As Nazis While Democrat Voters Riot For Jewish Genocide

While Democrat voters riot for ethnic cleansing of Jews, 
Joe Biden’s propaganda army claims the real Nazis are grandmas wearing MAGA hats.

Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign theme portrays his political opponents as violent, insurrectionary, racist Nazis. Corporate media will blanket your eyes and ears with that slander against the vast majority of America while ignoring the left’s unchecked acts of political violence.

Jesse Singal posted on X an internal Washington Post email discussing how to even more thickly smear the solid majority of Americans who oppose racial preferences as racists. In it, race editor Renae Merle previews the next company “brainstorming session” focusing on the “backlash against diversity, equity, and inclusion programs (DEI).”

“[L]et’s talk through how we can expand and elevate our coverage,” which she described as already “extensive[].”

We already know corporate media rigs elections with news coverage so prejudiced it’s no longer just biased but now outright propaganda. Corporate U.S. outlets act effectively like outlets in Communist China, which only differ in levels of pretended distance from government control. Just recently, it surfaced that the White House keeps an actual spreadsheet reviewing media coverage and holds off-record meetings with reporters telling them how to “do better next time.”

As my colleague Eddie Scarry noted, corporate media already functions as a brute-force amplifier of White House talking points. Biden breaks historic American norms to frame half the country as the worst devil most people have ever heard of, and every outlet from the Associated Press to Reuters to the cable networks become little Claudine Gays who CTRL-C, CTRL-P this calumny across every screen in the country.

This amazing, election-shifting media propaganda machine still isn’t strong enough to secure complete one-party Democrat rule. So they also create, promote, and run through “nonprofit” cutouts a massive internet censorship enterprise to ensure that the few voices not speaking government-approved messages scream into artificially emptied social media chambers.

This White House promotes racism that quite literally endangers American lives. As Rod Dreher points out, the racism they demand from higher education results in black and Hispanic doctors getting through medical school with standard deviations lower on their entrance exams, meaning they are significantly less qualified to treat patients correctly. DEI policies are intertwined with dangerous recent airplane near-collisions.

As my colleague Emily Jashinsky pointed out in 2021, not only is DEI racism also lowering the quality of instruction doctors get because it makes professors afraid to correct non-white medical students’ errors, it’s also resulting in public health policies that endanger higher-risk populations, like the elderly, to preference people of politically preferred skin colors. If you multiply the problem of elevating people based on skin color instead of excellence across every life-or-death profession — engineering, policing, emergency workers, soldiers — then you begin to see how DEI can kill.

Then add in the rampant and growing political violence our nation suffers on behalf of DEI racism. While the Democrats’ White House claims people who hate racism are the real racists, Democrat-run jurisdictions throughout the country are letting racism-fueled violence run rampant. Of course, in 2020, it was the George Floyd riots, for which disproportionately few rioters were prosecuted despite billions in damage and dozens killed.

Lately, as Chris Bray points out, it’s American leftist mobs supporting foreign terrorists in the name of DEI. Under Democrat DEI ideology, Jews are “white” and Palestinians are “brown,” you see. This makes Jews evil and Palestinians good because good and evil are determined by your skin color, as all the tax-sponsored DEI bureaucrats “educate” us.

So it’s OK to shut down traffic and keep ambulances from getting to dying people and to stage riotous “insurrections” to prevent state legislatures and other government bodies from conducting regular business. Hamas supporters can vandalize American veterans’ remains, and kids at American universities can mob anyone suspected of being a Jew, and all this political violence is OK because it’s antiracist, you see?

While Democrat voters riot in streets and state legislatures to support terrorists whose actual position is ethnic cleansing of all Jews, Joe Biden and his propaganda army will be telling us that the real Nazis are grandmas wearing MAGA hats who stood peacefully on Capitol grounds three years ago. What’s more, millions of people will believe it because they saw it on the teevee.