Sunday, June 30, 2024

All of a Sudden, A Crisis Is Revealed

The first official presidential debate of 2024 was held on June 27, and the reactions are fascinating.

Joseph Robinette Biden, who has held offices in the Newcastle County Council, the United States Senate, and the White House for the past 54 years, was clearly as close to incapacitated as one can imagine for a person currently holding public office.

Biden frequently mumbled, often appeared not to know where he was or what the questions concerned (despite it being public knowledge that he had been given the questions in advance), even needed to be guided on and off the debate stage.

This has embarrassed the politicians and pundits of the Left, with some exhibiting horror that he could be in such bad shape, and amazement that it was displayed for the world to see.

Such reactions indicate an acknowledgement of this thoroughly shameful situation, and a recognition that it reflects badly on their party, their supporters, and the nation, for anyone to see him like this.

While the Right has been talking about this issue for years, this is the first time that most such voices of the Left have done anything but deny the fact of Biden’s incapacity.

Here’s the fascinating part: a presidential debate is about politics, not about governance.  They are embarrassed by his performance as a political candidate, in the partisan political setting of a campaign debate.  Why weren’t they this embarrassed by such performances when he was performing the role of America’s head of state?

To all these voices in the media and the political class who are now suddenly saying that the DNC needs to somehow dump him from the ticket and find someone else, America has questions about these past four years.

They weren’t embarrassed when he lost focus in public meetings honoring veterans or mourning military losses, wandering off in the middle of the event, leaving the honorees and attendees insulted. Why?

They weren’t embarrassed when he gave speeches, recounting the life stories of others as if they were his own, as a fabulist imagining histories that could easily be fact-checked and disproven in real time, again and again. Why?

They weren’t embarrassed when he sniffed the hair of a prime minister or literally bumped heads with a pope.

They weren’t embarrassed when he had “bathroom malfunctions” on stage in the middle of speeches and meetings with foreign heads of state.

They weren’t embarrassed when he spouted insulting gaffes to his own constituents, shouting such insults as “I don’t work for you!”, and “They should learn to code!” whenever his policies attacked a business, a profession, or a state.

They weren’t embarrassed when he fell asleep in the middle of cabinet meetings, state events, even one-on-one press conferences with other world leaders.

But most importantly, they weren’t embarrassed when mountains of undeniable evidence proved his criminality -- and the criminality of his family -- in a pay-for-play pattern that has been going on for decades.

And they weren’t embarrassed when he appointed incompetents, criminals and freaks to be cabinet secretaries and department heads, ranging from an airport kleptomaniac in drag to a man wearing a plastic nursing chest prosthesis for imitation breastfeeding. 

And they weren’t embarrassed when his policies caused record deficits, unprecedented inflation, a collapse in the American standard of living, a flood of illegal aliens, a lethal crime wave, and the destruction of our standing as a net exporter of energy.

None of this has embarrassed them about Joseph Biden.  These are the things that matter -- to our nation’s standing in the world at large, to the security of our allies, to the peace and prosperity of our people at home.

And none of it is new; none of it has changed since January 20, 2021 when he first usurped the office of the presidency.

But the Left is embarrassed now. Today, they recognize a crisis, because they now see that their own hands on the reins of power are in jeopardy.

Much was revealed about Joe Biden in this debate.

But much more was revealed about his party in its aftermath.

CBS Poll: 72 Percent Say Biden Unfit Mentally, Cognitively


An alarming 72% of Americans say President Joe Biden is not only mentally and cognitively unfit to be president but he also should not run for reelection, an eye-opening poll result released Sunday found after Thursday night's debate.

Biden does not have the "mental and cognitive health to serve as president," according to 72% of Americans in the CBS News/You Gov poll 

While this total is alarming, it only expands on the majority of Americans who already saw it. This 72% is 7 points higher than three weeks ago, when it was still a 65% majority of Americans who see it the way Donald Trump, his campaign, and conservative media have seen it for years.

Thursday's night debate just now brought on 7% more to the American majority. 

That move is largely from Democrats abandoning their leading nominee Biden: 46% of Democrats in the poll now say Biden should no longer seek reelection — up 10 points from three weeks ago.

The poll also revealed the top reasons Biden "shouldn't be running for president":

  1. His age, say 86%, which matches the age Biden will be when he would finish a prospective second term (86).
  2. 71% say the decisions he might make in office.
  3. 66% say his record as president.
  4. 59% say his ability to campaign effectively.

Despite all this, 55% of Democrat registered voters say Biden should continue to press on, compared to 45% who say he should step aside.

The CBS News/YouGov survey sample of 1,130 registered voters nationally June 28-29. The margin of error is plus or minus 4.2 percentage points.


It is definitely time for the 25th amendment to kick in…

X22, On the Fringe, and more- June 30


Never Let Anyone Forget How The Media Lied To The World About Joe Biden

Honestly, I didn’t think Joe Biden would do well during the first presidential debate, but I would not have bet money that he would have pulled the equivalent of repeatedly smacking himself in the face with a frying pan. I can’t stand the man and I almost felt bad for him. Almost. 

Rather than Atlanta, that debate should have taken place in a toilet. That’s where the material making up the kind of show Biden puts on ends up, except in Democrat-controlled cities, but you can’t hold a debate in the middle of the street. 

But there is one group of people at least as responsible for Biden’s humiliation as he was: the media. 

For 4 years, advocates for international surrender, the slaughter of Jews, the mutilation of children’s genitals, open borders and the carnage that comes with it, and complete bankruptcy, both financially and morally, have sworn on the lives of their families that Joe Biden is whip-smart. When the cameras aren’t around, and no one is looking, he's just this side of a Jeopardy champion when it comes to intellect. 

As we all saw Thursday night, he couldn’t solve a Wheel of Fortune puzzle if it were his name only missing a “B” and the category was “Current Presidents.” 

Those liars with press passes and inflated egos (honestly, I know many of them and they truly are awful) insisted Joe Biden was not only up to the job, he was almost too smart for it. 

It’s hard to pick an example of the left-wing press giving Biden a tongue bath about how smart he is, but I’ll use MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough. “Morning Joe” is in mourning now, but just 3 months ago they were riding high on their own supply – proud they were the official morning narrative reinforcement for Biden, and he even called Joe and Mika sometimes for advice. (Imagine those 2 plastic surgery disasters being your go-to for anything other than cautionary tales of when to stop implants and injections or how not to make a marriage work.)

In March, Joe swore to MSNBC viewers, “Start your tape right now because I’m about to tell you the truth. And f-you if you can’t handle the truth,” he started, which sounds like he was admitting he doesn’t normally tell his audience the truth, but was going to make an exception this time. He continued, “This version of Biden, intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever. Not a close second. And I’ve known him for years. … If it weren’t the truth, I wouldn’t say it.”

While 3 months is a lifetime in politics, it’s not when it comes to the initial onset of dementia. Joe was lying. He was lying to his audience as a whole, and to the audience of one they so often pander to. 

Biden has always been dumb – that’s just history, look it up – but dementia has added a new level of confusion that has been obvious to everyone since 2019. Joe Scarborough saying, “If it weren’t the truth, I wouldn’t say it,” is rich because he told it expressly for the fact that it wasn’t true. 

Now he’s saying Biden has to go.

They all chose to vouch for Biden, and they thought they could get away with it. They knew the truth, they made it their business to keep that truth from their audience. Literally every employee at NBC News and MSNBC willingly lied to their viewers, every MSNBC personality chose the progressive agenda over the trust of their audience. 

Do I think it will matter in terms of ratings? Only a little. Rachel Maddow has been lying to her audience consistently for a decade and they don’t care. Like a fat person modeling clothes in a circus mirror, their audience wants to be lied to. If they stuck with them through the Russia hoax and the Mueller Report torpedoing years of lies didn’t impact their viewers, this won’t.

But everyone else, normal people, see what they did. They need to be reminded of it, too. 

People move on; and forget. Don’t let them. These media outlets are unworthy of trust, reminding people of that. They swore “In private, Joe is energetic and on the ball,” like the debate would have gone differently if no one were allowed to watch or listen to it. Enlist people to send Biden into that private world, so he can live the rest of his life with the knowledge that the American people have roundly rejected him and his policies, and that he has cemented his legacy as the most worthy President in US history. Let him choke on that.

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No politics or divisive posts on this thread. 

This feature will appear every day at 1pm mountain time. 

ICYMI – Two Significant Positive Rulings from Supreme Court – Fischer Case (J6) and Chevron Reversal

In a major 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court has finally addressed the expansive regulatory use of executive agencies to create law through interpretation.  The 40-year-old Chevron ruling granted the executive agencies of government the ability to interpret laws and apply restrictions/regulations based on their own rules and definitions therein.

The Supreme Court put the judicial branch back into the equation by ruling that courts will decide what laws apply when the legislation is ambiguous on detail.  This shift in prior precedent could have major ramifications.  [MORE AT SCOTUS BLOG]

In another big case, the court ruled in favor of Joseph Fischer a Pennsylvania police officer charged in the January 6th protest with “obstructing an official proceeding.”  [FULL RULING HERE]

The law at the center of Fischer’s case is 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2), and as noted by Julie Kelly, “The statute … has been applied in roughly 350 J6 cases; it also represents two of four counts in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s J6-related criminal indictment of Donald Trump in Washington.”

Julie Kelly – […] In a 6-3 decision, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote that the “c2” subsection is tethered to the “c1” subsection that addresses tampering with a record, document, or “object.”

Roberts was joined by Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Ketanji Brown Jackson. Justice Amy Coney Barrett authored the dissent (!) joined by Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor.

Today’s decision means hundreds of Americans have been wrongfully prosecuted by Attorney General Merrick Garland as he insists his department is dedicated to upholding the “rule of law” and pursuing justice “without fear or favor.” (read more)

The DOJ now has to figure out how it will respond to losing the majority charge in many of the J6 cases.  However, the DOJ immediately responded with the following press release:

MAIN JUSTICE – The Justice Department issued the following statement from Attorney General Merrick B. Garland on the Supreme Court’s decision in Fischer v. United States:

“January 6 was an unprecedented attack on the cornerstone of our system of government — the peaceful transfer of power from one administration to the next. I am disappointed by today’s decision, which limits an important federal statute that the Department has sought to use to ensure that those most responsible for that attack face appropriate consequences.  

The vast majority of the more than 1,400 defendants charged for their illegal actions on January 6 will not be affected by this decision. There are no cases in which the Department charged a January 6 defendant only with the offense at issue in Fischer. For the cases affected by today’s decision, the Department will take appropriate steps to comply with the Court’s ruling.

We will continue to use all available tools to hold accountable those criminally responsible for the January 6 attack on our democracy.” (read more)

Harvard Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz said the Supreme Court was correct in its ruling to make it harder to charge Jan. 6 defendants with obstruction.

Merrick Garland's Petulant Response to SCOTUS's Fischer Decision Is a Metaphor for Garland Himself

streiff reporting for RedState 

On Friday, the Supreme Court ruled that the Department of Justice had to use the law as it was written and not the way they wished it was written. The case was Fischer vs. United States, and it was a challenge by one of the January 6 political prisoners to one of the counts of his conviction.

In a 6-3 decision delivered by Chief Justice John Roberts, the Court held that: "To prove a violation of §1512(c)(2), the Government must establish that the defendant impaired the availability or integrity for use in an official proceeding of records, documents, objects, or other things used in an official proceeding, or attempted to do so." Justice Amy Coney Barrett's dissent was joined by Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.

This holding reverses the D.C. Circuit, which had adopted a broader reading of the law in question to allow the charges against the defendant, Joseph Fischer, to go forward. The case will now return to the D.C. Circuit — which must assess whether the indictment holds up in light of this new and narrower interpretation.

At issue in the case was whether 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c), which prohibits obstruction of congressional inquiries and investigations, includes acts unrelated to investigations and evidence, such as, for instance, the certification of an election.

The case affects 247 of the 1,400 or so January 6 cases. It is the only felony offense in 52 cases, and 27 of those defendants are still in prison. That means each of those cases must go back for resentencing, and those charged exclusively under that illegal interpretation of the statute will be freed unless Attorney General Merrick Garland's thugs can come up with some other Republic-threatening offense like "crusing the grass on the Capitol lawn."

As might be expected, Garland was not happy.

“January 6 was an unprecedented attack on the cornerstone of our system of government — the peaceful transfer of power from one administration to the next. I am disappointed by today’s decision, which limits an important federal statute that the Department has sought to use to ensure that those most responsible for that attack face appropriate consequences.  

The vast majority of the more than 1,400 defendants charged for their illegal actions on January 6 will not be affected by this decision. There are no cases in which the Department charged a January 6 defendant only with the offense at issue in Fischer. For the cases affected by today’s decision, the Department will take appropriate steps to comply with the Court’s ruling.

We will continue to use all available tools to hold accountable those criminally responsible for the January 6 attack on our democracy.”

What a petulant and childish statement by a petulant and childish little excuse for a man.

The Supreme Court decision "limits" the statute to being used as it was conceived and as it is written. The fact that this case ever made it to the Supreme Court speaks to the dishonesty of Garland, his department, and all the judges who allowed this travesty to happen. Saying people who were waved into the Capitol by Capitol Police were guilty of "an unprecedented attack on the cornerstone of our system of government" shows how corrupt Garland is and how stupid he thinks we are. The fact that his department is still pursuing literal trespassers nearly four years after the fact is conclusive evidence that he has successfully converted what is allegedly a nonpartisan agency into some sort of Sturmabteilung devoted to the destruction of the enemies of the Democrat party.

A real man and someone overseeing the impartial administration of justice would've taken the "L" and moved on. But such a man would never have pursued nonviolent offenders for four years and misrepresented the law to convict and imprison them. If Donald Trump is still in the mood for vengeance when he reenters the White House in January, I hope he gives Garland a taste of his own justice.

Tucker Gives His Opinion on Joe Biden’s “Dementia” Debate Performance

I doubt there’s a person who regularly reads the Treehouse who doesn’t know our long-standing prediction about the 2024 democrat nomination. Factually, if you go back to the first set of articles written after the 2020 election, you will find it has not changed in almost 4 years.

Biden was installed for a single ‘throw every leftist wish list item at the wall‘ term in office.  Biden equaled, one single term where every far-left agenda item would be triggered; with hundreds of millions poured into the donors’ vaults via GND legislation.

With that baseline in mind, we accepted that Biden would not be the left-wing 2024 nominee regardless of how much people stomped their feet and said he would.  That scenario was just never going to happen, and still won’t.   I never flinched from that non-pretending position.

My own prediction was that someone akin to Gavin Newsom would be joined with someone akin to Susan Rice.  I have written about it extensively.  Every single person in/around my orbit knows that for me the conversation in the last 48 hours is like discussing water that lacks dryness.

These are the moments when I just sit and watch.  There’s really not much for me to say or write, other than to wait, then bring everyone into the room of ramifications that comes after walking down the hallway where reality gets accepted.  In the ramification room we start discussing how the multinationals, World Bank, World Trade Organization, NATO, EU, BRICS, Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin will respond to the non-pretending reality.

Right now, everyone in the USA is discussing the ‘remove Biden’ political landscape domestically. However, in the bigger picture there’s an entire world of really big issues that come along when the USA media start openly admitting the USA president has dementia. There’s a reason why President Trump refused to engage this conversation before. It’s not good for the world.

When you use a bullhorn to announce the zookeeper is sick, people near the big cats start discussing how to unlock the cages. Yes, sure, people like Barack Obama and his tribe will giggle and laugh, but in the biggest of big pictures this loud public conversation is not good for our country or the world. It is good that we all stop pretending; our Lord knows we have hoped the pretending would cease. But don’t forget to think… and watch out for what comes next.  Here’s Tucker Carlson:

Also, keep this in mind…..

When you think about who will replace Joe Biden, remember the baseline.

The problem democrats have is not that Biden has lost his marbles or is losing the election, the problem is that Biden is losing by a scale that is too big for them to cover.

Democrats don’t need a candidate who can beat Donald Trump; they need a candidate who can give plausibility to ballot counting results that say Trump lost.

The issue for Biden is that he makes the fraud too easy to see. Democrats don’t need a candidate who can win votes, the Democrats need a candidate who makes fraudulent results seem plausible.

Think about it, because that’s the baseline.

SCOTUS Rulings, Biden-Trump Debate Shake Up Political Landscape

 This week, the Supreme Court issued rulings affecting government power and free speech, while the Biden-Trump debate performance sparked controversy about the presidential election.

What a week it’s been! We started off with Justice Amy Souter Barrett writing the SCOTUS ruling in Murthy v. Missouri.  At issue was whether it was okay for the federal government (the FBI and related elements of the American Stasi) to pressure social media and data-hoovering companies (Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.) to suppress opinions they didn’t like about things like COVID, the 2020 election, and the Jan 6 jamboree at the Capitol.

Just to be clear about this: it is not okay for the government to do this, but that’s not what Justice Souter Barrett said.  She did not quite come out and say it was okay.  She left that bizarro opinion to her colleague Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, who, during the oral argument phase of the case, said to plaintiff’s counsel: “My biggest concern is that your view has the First Amendment hamstringing the federal government in significant ways.”

Memo to Justice Jackson: “hamstringing the federal government,” i.e., limiting its prerogatives and ability to intrude upon the lives of its citizens, is the very point of the First Amendment.  That’s why we have a First Amendment.  Indeed, it is a large part of why we have a constitution: to protect citizens from the coercive power of the state.

Justice Barrett was not quite so forthright.  She argued that the plaintiffs “lacked standing.” If Louisiana and Missouri lacked standing to defend their citizens in this case, who or what would have standing?  That was part of the burden of Justice Alito’s robust dissent, in which he was joined by the other adults on the Court, Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch. As the legal commentator Jonathan Turley put it, “The government is engaging in censorship by surrogate… They have made a mockery of the limits of the First Amendment.”

Justice Barrett was not done making those of us who supported her nomination to the Supreme Court regret our support.  In Fischer v. United Statesone of the most important cases before the Court this session, the issue was whether it was okay to use an Enron-era law that was designed to prohibit destroying evidence to go after January 6 defendants (and that ex officio perpetual defendant, Donald Trump).  This was the famous, or infamous, “obstructing an official proceeding” charge that we heard so much about while the FBI was arresting grandmothers and other tourists who were in the Capitol that day, and which official but illegally appointed bag man Jack Smith has so handsomely availed himself of in his vendetta against Trump. The case was decided Friday, 6-3, but Barrett weighed in with a dissent. It turns out that Sen. Dianne Feinstein need not have worried: the dogma does not live loudly in Barrett after all.

It used to be that the FBI and other members of the law enforcement fraternity would discover a crime and then pursue the perpetrators. Now, as the dragnet sparked by the January 6 protest shows, “law enforcement” means identifying people the regime doesn’t like and then combing through the statute book to see what laws might apply, or be twisted to apply, to them. It’s a refreshed, Americanized version of the venerable principle articulated by Stalin’s head of the secret police, Lavrentiy Beria: “Show me the man,” said Beria, “and I will show you the crime.”

Another major case, also decided Friday, overturned the 1984 case Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, which in effect handed legislative power to the alphabet soup of federal agencies.  By striking down Chevron, the Court dealt an important blow to “the administrative state,” that parallel government populated by unelected, largely unaccountable bureaucrats who have increasingly been the ones who ran our lives: promulgated the rules by which we were required to live and imposed the fines and other sanctions should we fail to do so. Article One of the Constitution begins by vesting “All legislative Powers . . . in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”  Chevron bypassed that stipulation by stealth, rendering Congress more and more ceremonial as distinct from a legislative body.

There’s one big case yet to be decided, and that’s on the question of presidential immunity from criminal prosecution. We’re told we will get that decision on Monday. What can we expect? No one outside the hallowed chambers knows. But most observers expect the Supremes to recognize immunity for “official acts” but to remand to the lower court the vexed question of what counts as an “official” and therefore protected act. Since the Court is in Washington and the judge is an anti-Trump fanatic, you can take it as meaning that she will not find for Donald Trump.  But then his lawyers will appeal, and the case will almost certainly not be decided until after the election.

So it’s been a week crowded with incident. But, important to the future of the republic though some of those cases are, the most entertaining episode from last week was the CNN-sponsored debate in Atlanta on Thursday between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Debate? Well, advertisers do not speak under oath.  It was billed as debate.  And writing this gives me an opportunity to correct something I wrote elsewhere. With the sponsoring network being the anti-Trump organ CNN and the moderators being veteran anti-Trump reporters Jack Tapper and Dana Bash, I assumed that the whole proceeding would be a calculated Get-Trump fest.  In the event, however, the moderators played it fair.  They asked some hard questions of both candidates, but there were no Candy Crowley-Mitt Romney moments.

What there were plenty of were embarrassing moments from Joe Biden.  He was as vacant as a large hotel in a deserted city.  Many of his responses were incoherent.  But worse was his affect. His open-mouthed, distant stare was like a scene from a dementia ward or horror film.  Publications across the ideological spectrum said it was the worst performance in a presidential debate on record. The response everywhere was, “Oh my God this is a disaster.” One story reported that foreign diplomats reacted “with horror” to Biden’s performance. The Editorial Board of The New York Times spoke for many when it said, “To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race.” Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Hillary Clinton, someone, anyone had to ride to the rescue and save the Democrats.

But within hours, Biden was like a dinghy that had been capsized but then righted.  A new narrative, blessed by the party’s Godfather St. Barack, emerged.  A post on X by Obama contained all the salient motifs. Yes, Joe’s performance was weak, but everyone has off nights. “Bad debate nights happen,” Obama said.  “Trust me, I know.”

But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary people his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth—who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight—and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit.

The idea that Trump repeatedly lies has quickly become the go-to bludgeon for Biden die-hards. Immediately after the debate, Jill Biden—sorry, “Dr.” Jill Biden—gave a certifiably creepy performance when she publicly congratulated her husband as if he were a pet that had just performed a little trick or a toddler who had finished his bowl of oatmeal without crying. “Joe, you did such a great job answering every question. You knew all the facts.” She then proved that she had received the memo: “And what did Trump do? Lie!”

That has clearly become the meme of the moment: Trump lied.  But did he? Not that I could see. He exaggerated, yes.  He boasted, without doubt. And he opined about many things, stating, for example, that Joe Biden is the worst president in history.  Is that a lie?  Even if it isn’t true (though I believe it is true), stating that opinion is not to lie.

Once again, we see the Democrats resorting to their favorite rhetorical-psychological tactic: projection, that is, accusing others of the bad things you yourself do. 

For example, Joe Biden said that he capped insulin at $15 a shot.  That is not true. In fact, it is a lie. Nor is it true that he capped Medicare drug expenses at $200; the real figure is something like $2000.  Biden resurrected the lie that while in France, Trump described US servicemen as “suckers and losers.” But he never did. Biden lied about that.  He also lied when he accused Trump of saying that there were “fine people” among the White Supremacists in Charlottesville or that “Hitler had done good things.”  Biden lied when he claimed that no soldiers  had died since he had been president.  He lied when he said that unemployment had been 15% under Trump, that Trump wanted to get rid of Social Security, that the border patrol union had endorsed him, and that border crossings were lower on his watch than under Trump. Indeed, Biden’s performance—those bits that were intelligible—was a tapestry of untruths and outright lies. (The Federalist just published a handy compilation of twenty of the most egregious of Biden’s lies.)

I hate to make political predictions because, in the past, I have often been wrong. Aftershocks continue to reverberate down the corridors of Democratic power. It is still possible that Biden will have to bow out.  But the party elders seem resigned. As David Axelrod, Obama’s chief strategist, said, unless Biden himself decides to quit–“which he won’t”–the “issue is settled.”  We’ll see. In any event,  I suspect that this race, notwithstanding the Democrat efforts to get millions of illegal aliens to vote early and vote often, is going to end with a resounding victory for Trump. Maybe Judge Juan Merchan will put Donald Trump in jail come July 11.  It won’t matter. The polls, most of them, still say the race is close.  After this interesting week,  I suspect that Trump will win in a landslide.