Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Will 2024 Bring Us Another 'Summer of Love?'

Previously, I reported on the Supreme Court's possible examination of a case around the January 6th events; that led to a bit more reading, during which I stumbled on a piece by City Journal's Christopher F. Rufo on the possibility of another summer riot season in 2024. I have to admit the possibility seems more likely to me than not.

The resurgence of public protests in support of Hamas has revealed a disturbing truth: the left-wing rioting following George Floyd’s death in 2020 was not an anomaly, but a tactic that activists can repurpose for any cause. Whether by coincidence or design, these recent outbursts could be a dress rehearsal for possible violence during next year’s election campaign.

Conservative leaders must prepare for that prospect. To prevent 2020 from repeating itself in 2024, conservatives need to consider what might spark a riot, how it can be prevented, and how to understand and manage the politics of rioting.

First, allow me to make a distinction, even if the dividing line is somewhat fuzzy at times; the socialist left, for this discussion, is the activist class, the street protestors, the rioters, the Antifa/Black Lives Matter (BLM)/Hamas supporter wing of the left. The political left is elected Democrats, their staffs, campaign funders, and their handlers, and much of the legacy media, who do not directly participate in civil unrest. I'd also point out that there is a considerable amount of overlap between the two.

I'm not sure it's possible to ascertain all of the things that might start a riot, much less a summer of rioting. And here's the problem: Increasingly, those on the socialist left see civil unrest, violence, and arson as just another arrow in their quivers, to be used or not, as events might warrant; they may loose one arrow or a thousand. The right, on the other hand, goes to great lengths to avoid violence; even the January 6th protests were extremely mild in comparison to the BLM/Antifa riots of 2020. Remember the summer of 2020, when COVID lockdowns went out the window so people could riot, loot, and burn to protest the death of a misogynistic drug addict? Over a billion, maybe close to two billion, in property damage due to vandalism, arson, rioting, and looting. Oh, the Left will say, “But it was insured,” as though that justifies burning people’s small businesses that they spent lifetimes building. At least twenty-five people were killed, and over sixty thousand police officers were assaulted. But the left points at the January 6th, 2021 event, which caused around $1.5 million in damage, and among the few fatalities, only one was due to a direct conflict between a law officer and a protestor, that being an unarmed Air Force veteran shot in the neck by a panicked Capitol Police officer, who never faced any consequences for the act. This was not a riot; it was, at most, hooliganism. There’s just no comparison.

Mr. Rufo has some suggestions for city and state officials:

Red-state governors should start preparing now. They should instruct state law enforcement to establish interagency task forces to monitor, infiltrate, and disrupt violent left-wing activist networks to the fullest extent permitted by law. If they uncover illegal activity, they should make arrests and prosecute offenders.

The problem is this: Most law enforcement and criminal justice issues are handled at the municipal or, at most, county level, and in many of the country's major cities, that's not working out so well, as those committing acts of violence are all too often getting off easy. Governors, short of calling out the National Guard, can only do so much.

Make no mistake, though, the mayors and DAs in these cities, who are overwhelmingly Democrats, know who the usual suspects are. Antifa and BLM have been responsible for much of the violence until recently, when the mantle of public discord was taken up by those advocating for Hamas, although one suspects there is a great deal of overlap between the two groups. (It is tempting here to refer to VP Harris's adored Venn Diagram.) Just wait until next year and watch the reaction if Donald Trump should win the GOP Presidential primaries or if any Republican looks likely to win the presidential election. That, if nothing else, would be the trigger for another Summer of Love.

One of the few legitimate purposes of government is to protect the liberty and property of the citizenry. In this, during the summer of 2020 unrest and since, many of our major cities have utterly failed to carry out this fundamental responsibility. In some cases, they have even tacitly promoted violence or even instigated itStein's Law is a principle of economics, not civil order, but it nevertheless applies: What can't continue, won't. To protect liberty and property, the government, at any level, must be prepared, in extremis, to use force to secure public order. It's an unpleasant but necessary reality; that's why cops carry guns.

What might the endgame be? People can only be pushed so far. There was a time when riots were met with a mayor reading the Riot Act, facing the rioters with armed cops — or in some cases, soldiers — and ordering "Disperse or you will be fired upon," and following through. I would hate to see things in the U.S. come to that. I'm afraid it might. Worse, people may start to take matters into their own hands, which we are already seeing the beginnings of. It’s an uncomfortable notion, but I can see how the idea of “You made these rules; see how you like it now” may appeal to some in our cities who are tired of arson and beatings.

When worn on the other foot, after all, the shoe pinches.

X22, And we Know, and more- December 6


US Military Contractors Used Counterterrorism Tactics Against The American People, New Documents Show

Their plans included psychological operations, debanking, and changing social media platforms’ Terms of Service

During last Thursday’s Congressional hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, Democratic members of Congress insisted that censorship efforts of groups like the Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL), the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), and the Virality Project (VP) were benign and not a violation of the First Amendment.

“It's not the First Amendment!” said Rep. Dan Goldman, “It's the [social media platforms’] Terms of Service.... And they are flagging it for the social media companies to make their own decisions. That is not the First Amendment. That is the Terms of Service.”

But the CTIL Files, a trove of documents that a whistleblower provided to Public and Racket, reveal that US and UK military contractors developed and used advanced tactics — including demanding that social media platforms change their Terms of Service — to shape public opinion about Covid-19, and that getting content removed was just one strategy used by the Censorship Industrial Complex.

The CTI League, which partnered with the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), aimed to implement something called “AMITT,” which stood for “Adversarial Misinformation and Influence Tactics and Techniques.” 

AMITT was a disinformation framework that included many offensive actions, including working to influence government policy, discrediting alternative media, using bots and sock puppets, pre-bunking, and pushing counter-messaging.

The specific “counters” to “disinformation” in AMITT and its successor framework, DISARM, include many we have observed in our study of the Censorship Industrial Complex: 

  • “Create policy that makes social media police disinformation”

  • “Strong dialogue between the federal government and private sector to encourage better reporting”

  • “Marginalize and discredit extremists”

  • “Name and Shame influencers”

  • “Simulate misinformation and disinformation campaigns, and responses to them, before campaigns happen”

  • Use banking to cut off access

  • “Inoculate populations through media literacy training”

For issues like the Russiagate hoax to the Hunter Biden laptop to Covid-19, organizations within the Censorship Industrial Complex have used many of DISARM’s offensive methods like tabletop exercises, psychological inoculation, propaganda messaging, and punishment of dissent. Even its extreme proposal of debanking was used against Canada’s Freedom Convoy. 

Far from simply protecting the public from falsehoods, both government and non-profit actors within Censorship Industrial Complex have followed CTIL’s exact playbook and have waged a full-fledged influence operation against Americans.  

This influence operation has deep ties to security and intelligence agencies, as is evidenced through many examples of collaboration. In one instance of such collaboration, supposedly independent “disinformation researchers” like Renée DiResta coordinated a 2020 election tabletop exercise with military officials.

Defense and intelligence funding supports much of the Censorship Industrial Complex. For instance, Graphika, which was involved in both EIP and VP, receives grants from the Department of Defense, DARPA, and the Navy.

Pentagon-affiliated entities are heavily involved in “anti-disinformation” work. Mitre, a major defense contractor, received funding to tackle “disinformation” about elections and Covid. The US government paid Mitre, an organization staffed by former intelligence and military personnel, to monitor and reportwhat Americans said about the virus online, and to develop vaccine confidence messaging. This government-backed military research group, Public discovered, was present in the EIP and VP misinformation reporting system, and in election disinformation report emails to CISA.

The AMITT framework also includes many counters we have yet to find concrete evidence for, but which we suspect may have been attempted:

  • “Infiltrate the in-group to discredit leaders”

  • “Honeypot with coordinated inauthentics”

  • “Co-opt a hashtag and drown it out (hijack it back)”

  • “Dilute the core narrative - create multiple permutations, target/amplify”

  • “Newsroom/Journalist training to counter influence moves”

  • “Educate high profile influencers on best practices”               

  • “Create fake website to issue counter narrative”

Tucker’s Not Wrong, But It’s Way Worse

Tucker Carlson discussing the collective DC system (both parties) to fund the Ukraine proxy war against Russia.  For the sake of brevity, Tucker is not wrong – but the motive is way worse and far more nefariously connected to our domestic situation than he can outline. {Direct Rumble Link}

I can speak authoritatively about this because I have firsthand knowledge.  Additionally, in response to a prior comment, I shared my opinion the State Dept travel advisories over the past two years are not -generally speaking- about U.S. travel security; those advisories are to keep us as caged birds without information. WATCH:

I will be sharing more about my direct experience, but gathering information is not as complicated as most would think. You just have to use common sense, set up solid plans and contacts while being prudent about how you organize your research effort. Suffice to say, on this subject, almost everything we think we understand about the geopolitical issues shared through the prism of western media is purposefully wrong.

Tucker previously said he would never go there because it was entirely too dangerous. Perhaps I thought so too, but if no one ever goes then how do we know.

You see, it is entirely possible to build up fear in your mind.  Fear of something, simply because we have been trained to be fearful.

Thankfully, Tucker was wrong, it wasn’t dangerous at all.

Nothing is what it seems.

‘Two-Tiered Justice System’: House Finds Biden’s DOJ, Weiss Gave Hunter Biden Special Treatment

The report confirms the DOJ slow-walked the tax crime inquiry into Hunter and ‘deviated from standard procedures’ to protect the Bidens.

One day after Delaware U.S. Attorney-turned-Special Counsel David Weiss scolded Hunter Biden for baselessly requesting preferential treatment in his ongoing gun case, Republicans in the House released a report detailing how the Department of Justice treated President Joe Biden’s son with favoritism in the investigation into his alleged tax and gun crimes and then tried to cover it up.

Evidence uncovered by the House Judiciary Committee, Ways and Means Committee, and Oversight and Accountability Committee confirms that the DOJ slow-walked a federal tax crime inquiry into Hunter and “deviated from standard procedures” to protect the Bidens, with unprecedented actions like barring investigators from asking about any evidence that mentioned Joe such as the “big guy” or “dad.”

“The Department’s concerning actions and kid-glove treatment of Hunter Biden serves as yet another example of the two-tiered justice system at the Biden Justice Department,” the report concludes.

The findings aim to satisfy the third prong of the impeachment inquiry ordered by former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy in September, which asked if the Biden administration did anything to “slow, hamper, or otherwise impede the criminal investigation of the President’s son, Hunter Biden, which involves funds received by the Biden family from foreign sources.”

The committees determined from evidence and the testimonies of 10 federal officials including Weiss that both the DOJ and FBI hampered the criminal tax investigation of Hunter by interfering with IRS agents’ investigative protocol, cluing in the younger Biden to a surprise IRS interview in December 2020, and allowing the statute of limitations to expire “on the most serious potential charges.”

“These unusual—and oftentimes in the view of witnesses, unprecedented—tactics conflicted with standard operating procedures and ultimately had the effect of benefiting Hunter Biden,” the congressional investigators found.

The report’s findings corroborate testimony from several IRS whistleblowers who warned that the DOJ deliberately choked their investigation and charging recommendations for Hunter Biden because it didn’t want to damage Biden’s presidential chances.

“Several witnesses acknowledged the delicate approach used during the Hunter Biden case, describing the investigation as ‘sensitive’ or ‘significant,’” the report notes.

At the time, Weiss denied the DOJ’s meddling and claimed to have “ultimate authority” over the investigation. Weiss later declared that his charging authority “is geographically limited to my home district.”

Despite previous insistence under oath that Weiss possessed all of the authority he needed to properly charge Hunter, Attorney General Merrick Garland slyly admitted in a September congressional hearing that was not true.

Biden Justice Department officials told congressional investigators that Weiss could not bring charges without first getting the stamp of approval from other U.S. Attorneys and the Biden Justice Department’s Tax Division. It was “Biden Administration political appointees” who “exercised significant oversight and control over the investigation,” not Weiss, the committees found.

Documents suggest Hunter should have been charged with several tax felonies and misdemeanors for evading “millions of dollars in taxes.” Instead, the DOJ offered Hunter a sweetheart deal, for the apparent purpose of protecting his father’s political prospects.

“There is no question that without the brave IRS whistleblowers, it is likely that the Biden Justice Department would have never acted on Hunter Biden’s misconduct,” the report notes.

The DOJ, the report states, “attempted to cover-up Hunter Biden’s wrongdoing, as well as its own.” Garland’s decision to name Weiss special counsel after a judge called foul on the carefully orchestrated plea deal only confirmed the committee’s suspicions that the DOJ would do everything it could to disqualify the federal government’s Hunter Biden investigation from further scrutiny.

“Using the ‘ongoing investigation’ as a veil to shield its misconduct, the Biden Justice Department unilaterally limited the scope of witness testimony and document productions to Congress, severely curtailing the Committees’ ability to gather information,” the report states.

To this day, the committees say the DOJ “impeded the Committees’ investigation” into its handling of Hunter’s criminal case by refusing to hand over key documents and ignoring subpoenas demanding testimony from two Tax Division officials.

“The Department’s blatant disregard for the Committees’ constitutionally prescribed oversight responsibilities is yet another stain that the Biden Administration has placed on the Justice Department’s once-venerated reputation,” the report states.

The committees concluded by emphasizing their work “will continue despite the Biden Administration’s attempts to severely limit, obstruct, and curtail the Committees’ inquiry.” The Republicans expressed hope that the continued oversight will not only aid the impeachment inquiry but also ramp up congressional support for “strengthening laws protecting whistleblowers from retaliation, reforming the ‘special attorney’ statute, codifying the special counsel regulations, and reforming the Department’s Tax Division.”

The report comes one day after Weiss, in a letter rejecting Hunter’s demands to subpoena former President Donald Trump and former Attorney General Bill Barr in his gun charge case, said that the Biden son deserves no special treatment from the DOJ because he is not a publicly identified member of a “constitutionally protected class.”

This is not the first time Weiss tried to absolve himself and the DOJ of wrongdoing on behalf of the Bidens. Weiss promised the House Judiciary Committee in November that “political considerations played no part in our decisionmaking” about the investigation into Hunter.

“I’m not going to comment on any aspect of the investigation or a prosecution, and from my perspective, the prosecutors who participated in this case followed the law and the facts. That was the motivation,” he claimed.

As Federalist Legal Correspondent Margot Cleveland wrote, Weiss’ “assurances that ‘political considerations played no part in our decisionmaking’ are meaningless.”

“This testimony establishes that Weiss has done nothing to review his team’s handling of the Hunter Biden investigation for possible political bias, notwithstanding the whistleblowers’ detailed claims of such favoritism,” Cleveland explained. “No wonder then that Weiss can say he has confidence in his prosecutors and believes they acted ‘in a professional and unbiased manner without partisan or political considerations’.”

Democrats Are Afraid Trump Will Do To Them What They Have Done To Him

The corporate media’s Trump-will-be-a-dictator narrative is everywhere right now, and it’s pure projection.

A new set of anti-Trump talking points has been cropping up in the corporate press recently, warning of the horrors that will come to pass if Trump wins the election. Most of it is shameless fearmongering, but there’s something else going on too.

Democrats are afraid that if Trump is elected he’ll do to them precisely what they’re currently doing to him. When Trump fearmongers in the media cry out with one voice that Trump will weaponize the Justice Department and the courts, rig our elections, and shred the Constitution, it’s pure projection. Because that’s exactly what they’re doing right now in a desperate bid to prevent Trump from winning office again.

It should go without saying that this suddenly ubiquitous media genre is extremely dangerous. As my colleague Mollie Hemingway aptly put it in response to a hysterical Trump-as-dictator piece by Robert Kagan in The Washington Post, you might as well call it “assassination prep.”

That’s according to their own logic. After all, these people claim the republic itself is at stake and that we’re about to descend into autocracy. Liz Cheney went on NBC News over the weekend to flog her new book and warn in dire tones that in a second Trump term there’ll be “no guardrails that can stop him.” She says if Trump wins he’ll become a fascist dictator, never leave office, and plunge the United States into tyranny. 

She’s not alone in this absurd belief. The prospect of dictator Trump is more or less the entire theme of a new special edition of The Atlantic, ominously titled “If Trump Wins,” for which the magazine’s writers dutifully churned out two dozen essays fantasizing about the hellscape America will become if Trump is ever allowed back into the Oval Office. Nearly every facet of our national life would be left in ruins, they say, and America will be changed forever.

CNN’s Jake Tapper was apparently so scared out of his wits by these essays, he brought some of the writers and editors onto his show to talk about their prognostications of doom for the republic under Trump — including, Tapper said with a straight face, “how women could be targeted” under a Trump “retribution presidency.”

Atlantic Editor-in-Chief Jeffrey Goldberg replied to Tapper that a second-term Trump would be “bent on revenge,” because he “knows how he was thwarted” the first time. Well, yes — but not necessarily in the way Goldberg means it.

Trump was certainly thwarted the first time around — not thwarted in some dictatorial scheme but in the normal exercise of his office. A deeply corrupt media establishment — including the likes of Tapper and Goldberg — worked hand-in-glove with anti-Trump elements in the federal bureaucracy to peddle the Russia-collusion hoax in an unprecedented attempt to oust him from office or, failing that, undermine his presidency. During the 2020 election, many of these same elements succeeded in suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story. And after Jan. 6, 2021, they have cheered on the blatant weaponization of the justice system unleashed by Biden and the Democrats.

You almost have to admire the audacity of Democrats actively doing to Trump everything they say Trump will do to them if he regains the White House. You can’t get more on-the-nose in this regard than a triple-bylined piece that ran in The New York Times on Monday warning, “Mr. Trump’s vow to use the Justice Department to wreak vengeance against his adversaries is a naked challenge to democratic values. Building on how he tried to get prosecutors to go after his enemies while in office, it would end the post-Watergate norm of investigative independence from White House political control.”

It’s almost like the Times is trolling its readers with this. Surely the reporters and editors behind this laughable piece of agitprop know that this is exactly what the Biden Justice Department and powerful Democrats nationwide are now doing to Trump. The idea that Merrick Garland is some sort of straight-shooting attorney general is a joke. Not one person in America really believes it.

So what do Democrats and their media courtesans do? They lean into the gaslighting, claiming over and over in the most outlandish terms that a second Trump term will bring about everything that’s happening now under President Biden.

Why? Because they’re desperate. They know that owing to the weakness and corruption and unpopularity of the current president, there’s a chance Trump just might win next year. That’s why Democrat attorneys general and federal prosecutors want so desperately to convict him of a crime, any crime, and why editors and writers at the Times and The Atlantic will say almost anything to scare voters with horror stories about what will happen if Trump wins.

They also crave power. For people like Cheney and Kagan and Goldberg and every other establishment player, Trump’s great crime wasn’t anything he did or said on Jan. 6, it was that he won the election in November 2016. That wasn’t supposed to happen. Democrats and the permanent regime in Washington were supposed to remain in power forever. Trump had the audacity to win, and they can’t let it happen again.

In that effort, they’re willing to do and say almost anything. Throughout Trump’s stint in office, Democrats, establishment Republicans like Cheney, and nearly every major media outlet worked overtime to trample norms, bend the rules, break various laws, and undermine a duly elected president simply because they were incensed that they weren’t in power.

Remember that when they say what Trump will do in a second term. They’re doing it right now.

Blackburn Hits Wray on Epstein, Flight Logs, Sex Trafficking, Not Pursuing Certain Cases

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

It's been an interesting day for FBI Director Christopher Wray. He was testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday on a variety of topics pursuant to their oversight capacity. 

Wray laid out how the threat level was at an "all-time high," which is concerning. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) grilled him on the politicization of the Bureau and the DOJ in regard to the investigation into the alleged corruption of Joe and Hunter Biden. Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA), meanwhile, cornered him on why they didn't tell people that the laptop was real, and Wray's answer was horrible. 

Wray: Terror Threat Level at an 'All-Time High'

Ted Cruz Torches Wray Over FBI Handling of Investigation Into Biden Corruption

Sen. Kennedy Wrecks Wray on Why the FBI Didn't Tell the Truth About Hunter's Laptop

But that wasn't the only important topic that the Senate hit on. 

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) then went into the Jeffrey Epstein case, demanding to know why the FBI had refused to follow up on complaints from alleged victims of Epstein who had information that might be helpful to the case. 

That's a great question. I'd be curious to know what the FBI's justification for that was. 

Additionally, she wanted the Epstein flight logs. She previously tried to get the Democrats to subpoena them, but Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) blocked the effort. That led people to ask what the Democrats are trying to hide regarding Epstein. 

Blackburn said Durbin was even trying to pretend on Tuesday that he wasn't aware that she'd asked for a subpoena for the flight logs. 

We reported her request at the time, and Durbin shut it down while Democrats voted to drop subpoenas on conservatives Harlan Crow and Leonard Leo in their never-ending fishing expedition to undermine the Supreme Court. 

Marsha Blackburn DemandsAnswers About Covering Up of Epstein Flight Logs

Wray said he hadn't dealt with the case in a while but would consult with the people on the matter and see if he could get back to her with more information. That's probably the most he's said all day in terms of providing any real answers. Most of the day, especially when the matter dealt with Hunter or Joe Biden's corruption or why the FBI didn't say the laptop was real, he said "ongoing investigation" or stonewalled. Does that mean there is no ongoing matter in regard to those involved with Epstein? That would raise another question if there weren't. 

Former President Bill Clinton flew on the Epstein plane 26 times. There are all kinds of names on the flight logs. Blackburn said the American people deserve the answers and that such trafficking rings need to be dealt with. She's right; it's long past the time that we should have had the answers to this. Everything leaks -- except the lists as to the folks involved with Epstein.

Intel Report Warns ISIS, Al-Qaeda Will 'Increase Calls for Violence' Over the Holidays

Bob Hoge reporting for RedState 

CBS News reported Tuesday evening that they have reviewed a new intelligence report indicating that terrorist groups such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda will likely "increase calls for violence" in the U.S. over the holiday season and try to fire up their terrorist followers over the Israel Hamas war.

The bulletin, a joint effort from the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice as well as local, state, and federal law enforcement, further cautions that the most likely "primary targets" would likely include churches, synagogues, and Jewish people. 

While terror threats usually increase during the holiday season, the report predicts that this year will be worse than normal. Watch:

As RedState's Susie Moore reported earlier Tuesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray appeared on Capitol Hill and testified that the threat level was at "an all-time high." The new report only bolsters than claim:

"I've never seen a time where all the threats or so many of the threats are all elevated, all at exactly the same time," Wray told Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

"So, blinking red lights analogy about 9/11 — all the lights were blinking red before 9/11, apparently," Graham replied. "Obviously, all of us missed it. Would you say there's multiple blinking red lights out there?" he asked. 

"I see blinking red lights everywhere," Wray answered.

Indeed, Las Vegas police said Friday that they thwarted a potential terror attack by a 16-year-old who had converted to Islam. He made terroristic threats online; police were able to track him down and found bomb-making equipment in his home. They also found a lot of other disturbing things:

Additionally, police found terrorism propaganda, a handmade ISIS flag, a headband and patches. Evidence also included ISIS and Al-Qaida propaganda, radicalization materials, and guidance for conducting a terrorist attack, investigators said. Police also found self-portraits of the suspect wearing the material and surrounded by propaganda, self-produced terrorism propaganda and anti-Semitic threats.

The intel report further warned that the death tolls reported by the Gaza Ministry of Health will inflame terrorists. As we've reported, the numbers are not to be trusted because Hamas controls the ministry, and they are proven liars.

With the spike in threats since the war began, the intelligence report warns civilian casualties in Gaza, "whether real, perceived or falsified," and the "increased presence of U.S. military forces in direct support of Israel" will likely be exploited by terrorist groups.

There is no specific or credible threat, and Wray testified there's nothing to indicate Hamas has the intent or capability to conduct operations inside the U.S., but Wray added the Bureau has not discounted the possibility.

As the war in the Middle East rages on, violence here in the U.S. unfortunately becomes more and more likely. We know that terrorists are exploiting our porous southern border, and it is assured that they're coming with bad intent. Let's just pray that, like the Las Vegas police, authorities catch them before serious harm can be done.