Monday, December 4, 2023

Noted Climatologist Pope Francis Continues 'Global Warming' Crusade, Warns Planet Is 'Overheating'

Ultracrepidarianism. Familiar with the term? If not, you're not alone; few people are. 

Yet, we all know an ultracrepidarian or two — or a helluva lot more. 

That neighbor across the street who pontificates on a wide array of subjects about which he sounds like an expert (if you know nothing or little about the subject at hand, that is, but if you're well-versed in the subject, you know damn well he isn't)? Yeah, that guy's an ultracrepidarian. 

Enter Pope Francis — and "climate change."

For example, as I reported in October, Francis went off on carbon emissions — the climate alarmists' primary bogeyman — issuing the usual "existential threat to mankind" warning about melting polar ice caps, "great rains and floods," volcanic eruptions, and even "communities swept away by seaquakes."

Welp, Francis is back — with another cataclysmic climate warning. 

His Holiness sent a message to the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Summit, fulminating against the “unbridled exploitation” of the environment by first-world countries. His missive included the usual "time is short" warning, of course.

Emphasis, mine.

[T]he destruction of the environment is an offence against God, a sin that is not only personal but also structural, one that greatly endangers all human beings, especially the most vulnerable in our midst and threatens to unleash a conflict between generations. 

[C]limate change is “a global social issue and one intimately related to the dignity of human life” I am with you to raise the question which we must answer now: Are we working for a culture of life or a culture of death?To all of you I make this heartfelt appeal: Let us choose life! Let us choose the future! 

May we be attentive to the cry of the earth, may we hear the plea of the poor, may we be sensitive to the hopes of the young and the dreams of children! We have a grave responsibility: to ensure that they not be denied their future.

In other words, It's all about our "inordinate greed," my fellow capitalists.

It has now become clear that the climate change presently taking place stems from the overheating of the planet, caused chiefly by the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to human activity, which in recent decades has proved unsustainable for the ecosystem. 

The drive to produce and possess has become an obsession, resulting in an inordinate greed that has made the environment the object of unbridled exploitation. The climate, run amok, is crying out to us to halt this illusion of omnipotence. Let us once more recognize our limits, with humility and courage, as the sole path to a life of authentic fulfillment.

Francis was even more direct:

[T]he footprint of a few nations” [is] responsible for a deeply troubling ‘ecological debt’ towards many others. [It would] only be fair to find suitable means of remitting the financial debts that burden different peoples, not least in light of the ecological debt that they are owed.

We find ourselves facing “firm and even inflexible positions," His Holiness claimed, "calculated to protect income and business interests.” 

The Pope's Solution? "Multilateralism"

Try to control your shock and amazement:

It is up to this generation to heed the cry of peoples, the young and children, and to lay the foundations of a new multilateralism. Why not begin precisely from our common home? Climate change signals the need for political change

Let us emerge from the narrowness of self-interest and nationalism; these are approaches belonging to the past. Let us join in embracing an alternative vision: this will help to bring about an ecological conversion, for there are no lasting changes without cultural changes.

Of course, the pope favors multilateralism — for two main reasons. 

First, as is the case with the United Nations, Francis embraces the idea of countries pooling resources — wealth redistribution — with the United States, primarily, transferring wealth to "underdeveloped" countries. 

Second: As also embraced by the UN, Francis favors an international system by which small and middle powers can restrain more powerful nations and gain additional influence.

The Bottom Line

I've suggested in the past that Hollywood actors should stick to acting, singers should stick to singing, and popes should stick to poping

In the case of the latter, others might argue (including Francis) that issuing histrionic missives about the "overheating of the planet" and "the climate run amok" — all of which His Holiness blames on the "greed" of developed countries — is poping. 

Yeah, I disagree.

X22, And we Know, and more- December 4th


The Cult of Climate Change Convenes Church In Dubai

Until December 12, leftists worldwide will meet in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, for COP28, the 28th annual meeting of the “Conference of Parties” of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Initially, the conference attracted only 5,000 attendees; however, 70,000 will attend this event. Ironically, many attendees will be flying into Dubai on their private jets. According to the Institute for Policy Studies, private jets emit ten times “more pollutants than commercial planes per passenger.”

One presenter who could not attend in person was Pope Francis due to “inflammation of the lungs.” His speech was given by his representative, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin. Once again, the Pope lamented the evils of nationalism and capitalism and stressed that the road forward needed to be one of “multilateralism.” He declared that he could hear “the cry of the earth” for a “decisive acceleration of ecological transition” and “the elimination of fossil fuels.”

With all the problems in the Catholic Church, it is sad that the Pope is such a leftwing ideologue, focused on a political agenda of open borders, socialism, and climate change. Instead, the Pope should be focused on saving the souls of the faithful, growing Church attendance and donations for worldwide missions, dealing with the damaging pedophilia scandal, and recruiting devout people to join the clergy and laity to ensure the future survival of the Catholic Church.

Another famous leftist who presented in Dubai was the king of climate alarmism, King Charles III. He arrived at “Green Davos” in a private jet. The King preached about “transformational action” and “warned…we’re seeing alarming tipping points being reached.” The King claimed that “the Earth does not belong to us; we belong to the Earth.”

It is disgusting to hear such demands from the wealthy and privileged King, who enjoys a huge staff of sycophants, a massive fleet of cars and aircraft and a personal train at his disposal. Most workers around the world are struggling during these tough economic times. To reach the King’s unrealistic “net zero” goal, which is the complete negation of greenhouse gases produced by human beings, the additional costs placed on average citizens worldwide will be significant.

The dream for King Charles and his fellow “climate change” fanatics is for meat to be removed from our diets, nitrogen fertilizer to be drastically reduced, and methane emissions from cows to be significantly curtailed. Such changes to our agriculture and diet will lead to “worldwide famine,” but the “climate change” zealots believe it is necessary to combat the dangers of taking no action.

One of the theoretical pieces of evidence of “climate change” is the increase of extreme “weather emergencies.” However, a study by four Italian scientists shows that the number of cyclones and hurricanes occurring worldwide has not increased in the last fifty years.

The “climate change” devotees also claim that wildfires are occurring in greater numbers due to this supposed crisis. Yet, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reported that wildfires mostly occur due to human activities such as arson and improper land management. In addition, science researcher Roger Pielke, Jr. discovered that global wildfires have decreased in the last twenty years.

The “doom and gloom” reports from “climate change” alarmists are not sufficient to support the change in lifestyles that they want to enforce on humanity. Not only will economic activity be curtailed, but trillions of dollars in wealth will be transferred from the middle class to the elitists.

No wonder there is no mass popular movement for these changes. In the last annual Gallup survey of Americans, “climate change” did not list the top 14 problems facing Americans. Instead of worrying about something that may or may not be man-made or impact them in the decades to come, the pollindicates Americans are more concerned about the problems we face today: dissatisfaction with government, high inflation, the poor economy, and the massive increase in illegal immigration.

Regardless of Americans' true concerns, the Biden administration is investing heavily in the “green agenda.” The U.S. Special Envoy for Climate, John Kerry, promised that the United States will “stop building new unabated coal power plants.” President Joe Biden has already committed to replacing all coal plants in the country with “wind and solar.” A study by the Institute for Energy Economics and Finance Analysis estimated that 173 coal plants would close by 2030.

While the United States moves away from coal toward more expensive energy sources, China is massively increasing its “coal power capacity,” permitting 106 gigawatts in 2022, a 400% increase from the previous year.  Instead of attempting to rein in China, delegates at the Dubai conference were circulating a petition demanding the United States and other Western nations end the construction of new natural gas infrastructure projects. Those who signed the anti-natural gas petition must have overlooked that natural gas is very efficient, producing only 117 pounds of “heat-trapping carbon dioxide per million BTUs of energy produced,” much less than gasoline or coal.

For the “climate change” radicals, the facts do not matter; they are obsessed with eliminating fossil fuels. Not surprisingly, the Biden administration is fully supportive of this effort. At COP28, Vice President Kamala Harris announced that the United States will contribute $3 billion to the U.N.’s Green Climate Fund, supporting poor countries' transition from fossil fuels.

Fortunately, not all world leaders subscribe to this radical agenda. Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott blasted the “green cult” and said these climate goals are “ahistorical and utterly implausible.” Abbott noted, “10,000 years ago, we had an Ice Age, that was rather dramatic climate change, but presumably that had nothing to do with mankind’s carbon dioxide emissions.” Well said, Prime Minister. 

Three COP28 Updates to Be Concerned About

Last Thursday, November 30th, the 28th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference (or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC) was kicked off in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The cool kids simply call it COP28.

This year’s conference is the hottest climate event in 2023. Eighty thousand attendees are reportedly there. I understand the appeal. Dubai is a warm, inviting, and modern city. I don’t blame conferencegoers for jetting there, except when they bemoan air travel for us plebeians. But the selection of the UAE and this year’s conference chair, Sultan al-Jaber, has made climate alarmists more unhinged than usual. 

Extinction Rebellion UK said, “Despite over 130 lawmakers urging the UN to remove Al Jaber as president of #COP28 due to being CEO and founder of ADNOC - a company who has the largest net-zero-busting expansion plans of any company in the world - he has remained centre stage.”

And unsurprisingly, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres - who benefits from fossil fuel usage yet calls for eliminating them - doubled down on decarbonization, tweeting, “We can't save a burning planet with a firehose of fossil fuels. We must accelerate a just, equitable transition to renewables. The science is clear: The 1.5°C warming limit is only possible if we stop burning fossil fuels. Not reduce. Not abate. Phase out.” 

This anti-fossil fuel rhetoric, however, is not the craziest observation from this year’s summit. 

One proposal is a “non-binding” net-zero plan for global meat consumption. The UN wants it to align with the 2015 Paris Climate Accords. This proposal stems from the July 2023 COP28 Food Systems and Agriculture Agenda. 

Billed as a “global food systems’ road map to 1.5C,” the United Nations’ Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) will “tell” rich nations to scale down agriculture practices on “equity” grounds while giving developing nations with worse environmental footprints a pass. 

“The world’s most-developed nations will be told to curb their excessive appetite for meat as part of the first comprehensive plan to bring the global agrifood industry into line with the Paris climate agreement,” Bloomberg reported. “Nations that over-consume meat will be advised to limit their intake, while developing countries — where under-consumption of meat adds to a prevalent nutrition challenge — will need to improve their livestock farming, according to the FAO.” 

But the outlet observed, “The guidance on meat is intended to send a clear message to governments. But politicians in richer nations typically shy away from policies aimed at influencing consumer behavior, especially where it involves cutting consumption of everyday items.”

Our media and elected Democrats have dismissed similar efforts like this as a Republican culture war. Except it’s not. NYC wants to reduce food-brd emissions–including that of meat– by 33%. Scientific American says eating unquestionable plant-brd meat will fight the climate crisis–a sentiment echoed by The GuardianThe HillHarvard University, and preservationist environment group Center for Biological Diversity, among many searchable public endorsements calling for red meat phaseouts.

Another concerning item is a petition circulating in Dubai calling to shut down U.S. natural gas production. Fox News reports a letter boasting the signature of Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) is the source of this effort.

"At COP26, the United States and 39 governments and institutions signed the Glasgow Statement, pledging to prioritize the clean energy transition and end new direct public support for the international fossil fuel sector by 2022," the letter states. "This is the very least we can do, considering that even existing production capacities already exceed the limits set by the Paris Agreement." 

The report continued: “The letter further argues that while liquefied natural gas (LNG) — natural gas that has been cooled to enable easier transport — was originally looked to as a means to "tackle the consequences of the global energy crisis," additional LNG capacity is "not needed." Climate advocates have long opposed LNG and natural gas production since, when burned for power production, it produces greenhouse gas emissions.”

The letter, Fox adds, will be finalized and published during the conference in concert with the  "Global Parliamentary Inquiry on the Progress of the Fossil Fuel Phase-out." 

Natural gas is clean, affordable, and essential for daily life. It also ensuresenergy security and has lower emissions. No wonder why the decarboniser hates it. 

The third concerning proposal is a new $250 billion fund called Alterra to fuel “smart” climate investments in the Global South. Alterra will be chaired by the aforementioned COP28 Chair, Sultan al-Jaber, who heads Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) as chief executive. CNBC reports the fund will “direct private markets towards climate investments,” emphasizing “energy transition, industrial decarbonization, and climate technology.” The host nation reportedly will pitch in $30 billion of that $250 billion amount.

This is in response to the oil and gas hub's criticism for leading climate talks at this year’s summit. Reports suggest the UAE is, ironically, using the annual climate conference to lobby for more oil and gas development deals.

Climate pledges do little to bolster the environment except for inviting energy insecurity and poverty while inviting lectures from eco-hypocrites who have big individual footprints. 

Governments worldwide are greenlighting more fossil fuel production despite these flashy proclamations of going net-zero and pledging decarbonization. Perhaps it’s because renewables, even with subsidies and government backing, don’t power efficiently, are unreliable, and have a worse environmental footprint.

COP28 might be far away, but the impact could be felt here should these proposals be adopted. 

Donald Trump: Man in the Arena

Sundance, that tireless intellectual warrior standing guard over at The Conservative Treehouse, occasionally jeers: “You ‘conservative pundits’ still don’t get it.  Trump isn’t our candidate.  He’s our murder weapon.  And the GOP is our victim.”  

Recently, he returned to that refrain after highlighting an interview in which Mitt Romney announced his intention to vote for a Democrat unless Republican primary voters nominated Chris Christie, Nikki Haley, or Ron DeSantis for president.  Given that Romney tried to remove President Trump from office for Joe Biden’s quid-pro-quo crimes in Ukraine and elsewhere, his continued betrayal of grassroots voters is no surprise.  Still, considering how many ordinary Republicans held their collective nose to vote for John McCain in 2008 and then for Ol’ Pierre Delecto four years later, it would be nice to think Establishment Republicans could be convinced to show some reciprocal respect for their voters’ wishes.

Professional Republicans’ sustained contempt for the electorate has been infuriating.  For this reason, there was a time when candidate Donald Trump was more “murder weapon” than presidential dynamo in my mind.  I loved what he had to say in the lead-up to the 2016 election, and I believed he was a breath of fresh air in an otherwise stale political pantomime.  However, confronted with the Establishment’s absurd attempt to saddle voters with another Bush or Clinton eight years ago, voting for Trump felt, first and foremost, like swinging a sledgehammer through a mold-laden Uniparty wall in dire need of being knocked down.

Since his victory over Hillary Clinton — an unindicted co-conspirator in the Russia collusion fraud against the American people — President Trump has proven himself far more capable and consequential than I ever imagined.  As evidence for how much the Deep State fears this one political outsider above all others, compromised prosecutors, judges, bureaucrats, and lawmakers have done nearly everything they can to deprive him of his property and liberty.  Still, the man stands with a vim and vigor that is inspiring.  Even while fighting one legal battle after the next in courtrooms across the country, he holds back-to-back campaign events and political rallies.  The contrast with Dementia Joe’s lethargic attempts to merely walk across a stage without falling down is stunning.

Watching Trump persevere, despite the forces arrayed against him, is like witnessing President Theodore Roosevelt’s 1910 Paris speech, entitled “Citizenship in a Republic,” come to life: “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.  The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly.”  In the arena, President Trump is a sight to behold.  

Just as astonishing, the U.S. government has plumbed to insidious depths to keep Trump from the presidency.  Obama’s FBI not only spied on his campaign but also framed him as a Russian spy.  While Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann attempted to cover up the government’s ongoing criminality, they spent two more years threatening the Trump administration with selective prosecutions and process crimes.  Congress impeached him for noticing Biden’s pay-to-play family corruption in Ukraine.  Those same turds impeached him again for giving a speech a mile from the Capitol concerning the 2020 election’s obvious fraud.  After killing four unarmed Trump supporters on January 6, 2021, authorities in D.C. pushed ridiculous propaganda defaming J6 protesters as “insurrectionists” attempting to overthrow the government.  The FBI and DOJ have spent the last three years hunting down Trump supporters, sanctioning election lawyers for daring to combat fraud, censoring and prosecuting pro-Trump meme-makers for exercising their free speech, and secretly listing anyone who denounces these tyrannical actions as a potential “domestic terrorist.”  As for the coming 2024 election, Joe Rogan says it best: the Uniparty’s only campaign strategy is to imprison Donald Trump.

The U.S. government’s unconstitutional and criminal behavior has been shockingly atrocious.  If nothing else, Donald Trump’s rise to power has revealed a level of entrenched D.C. corruption and rampant authoritarianism that most Americans never imagined possible.  It has been enough for General Mike Flynn — one of the first Trump administration officials to be targeted by the Deep State — to conclude that the United States is “now officially a communist third world banana republic.” 

The U.S. government does not believe in freedom.  It believes in propaganda, deception, and force.  It believes in mass surveillance and the criminalization of speech.  It believes in religious and ideological discrimination.  It believes in unfettered illegal immigration, widespread and unchecked violent crime, and the unconstitutional confiscation of citizens’ firearms.  It believes in putting Americans on secret lists in order to monitor their movements and influence their behaviors.  It believes in endless wars all over the world — including all-out gun battles on city streets right here at home.  What it will not countenance, however, is limited government, individual liberty, and long-term peace.

Every four years, two private corporations posing as political parties offer the American people a choice for president that almost always consists of two crooks who have long been on those corporations’ payrolls.  The State-controlled press calls this “democracy.”  It is no such thing.  It is an illusion of choice — or at least it was until the American people found a workaround and successfully put Donald Trump into the Oval Office.  

Now we aren’t even allowed our traditional quadrennial illusions.  After the “never let a crisis go to waste” use of COVID to skirt state voting laws and usher in a new fraud-filled era of anonymous ballot dumps, elections look even less real than they did before.  Successful campaigns may depend entirely on an avalanche of mail-in ballots and an army of political operatives willing to collect them, fill them out, and return them to unsecured drop boxes sometime between the months before Election Day (ballot hunting season) and the weeks after that now irrelevant endpoint when undated, unverified ballots are still permitted to flow in and be counted. 

In response to the American people’s Trump workaround, the Establishment Class simply constructed a workaround of its own that eliminates the need for any real voters.  If the Uniparty gets its way, elections will be nothing more than illusion and fraud mixed together until the pungent smell of horse manure is strong enough for the “authorities” to claim victory.

However, the feeling among Trump’s supporters is neither apathy nor dread.  If D.C.’s Establishment Class assumed that its constant bombardment of injustice and harassment would wear voters down until they begged for mercy by agreeing to vote for another Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, or Hillary Clinton, that plan has backfired.  Instead, the Uniparty mass produces one feeling among the public: sheer rage.  

It has been said that Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher — another warrior worthy of Roosevelt’s gladiatorial arena — carried around a poem written by Charles Mackay, the nineteenth century Scottish writer perhaps best known for his book, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.  In that poem, Mackay asks:

You have no enemies, you say? 
Alas! my friend, the boast is poor; 
He who has mingled in the fray 
Of duty, that the brave endure, 

Must have made foes!  If you have none, 
Small is the work that you have done. 
You’ve hit no traitor on the hip, 
You’ve dashed no cup from perjured lip, 

You’ve never turned the wrong to right, 
You’ve been a coward in the fight.

It seems to me that no U.S. presidential candidate has ever had more skin in the game than Donald Trump.  As the unaccountable Deep State’s true enemy, he deserves all Americans’ support.  Or, as I like to say: MAGA like YOLO ‘cause FJB.

Greg Abbott Escalates, Authorizes the Arrest of Illegal Immigrants

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

In a decision that is likely to send the Biden administration into fits of rage, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has authorized certain state authorities to arrest illegal immigrants. 

That move comes as the border crisis continues to boil over, with millions of illegal immigrants crossing in just the last year. Cities like El Paso have seen their streets flooded and resources drained while the federal government has done everything it can to keep the situation untenable. The Biden administration has even sued Texas to force them to remove physical barriers the state put up. 

Abbott isn't backing down, though. 

Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) announced sweeping new measures aimed at keeping illegal migrants out of the United States as thousands have unlawfully crossed the border through his state under the Biden Administration. 

On Sunday, Abbott announced that state officers will soon be allowed to arrest and detain illegal aliens in an effort to curb the mass numbers of migrants entering the U.S. through the southern border. 

"Well, I'll tell you a couple of things very interesting. For one, the problem is extraordinarily bad. The numbers are high, and that is because Joe Biden continues to lay out the welcome mat, welcoming illegal immigrants into the United States of America," Abbott told Fox News' Maria Bartiromo.

The new provision will go into effect after Abbott signs a new law that has already passed the legislature. That is expected to happen in two weeks, and it will grant the power to every police officer in the state to arrest and detain illegal immigrants. Legal action is likely to follow, as the Biden administration has continually tried to force states to abide by its open border policies.

As Abbott pointed out in his interview, Texas has seen a drop in illegal entries as a result of the state's measures, including razor wire and the deployment of National Guard troops. Part of continuing that trend is offering a deterrent to discourage crossings. Police officers being able to arrest any illegal immigrant they come across in their normal duties will provide that. 

What happens after an illegal immigrant is detained isn't clear. Talk of state-led deportations has circulated, and that would be the most effective response. Regardless, some rise in enforcement is the only way out of this situation.

Election Indicators That Aren't

If you were to look at the political fundamentals heading into the 2024 election season, you might believe that Republicans are in a very strong position. Donald Trump has taken a lead in the polling average against Joe Biden, and the president's approval ratings are either at or near record lows, depending on what survey you look at. 

That's not surprising given how bad the situation in the world currently is. From foreign policy to financial issues, Americans are feeling the pressure. All the "good" economic indicators in the world don't matter if prices remain stubbornly high, sky-rocketing interest rates prevent home ownership, and savings accounts continue to dwindle. The sense of chaos as wars continue to break out across the globe also isn't helping perceptions. 

With all that in mind, Biden having an approval rating of around 40 percent seems about right. 

How indicative is that number, though? Note that the last time Biden's approval rating was this low was August 10th, 2022. That happened to be right before a major election in which Republicans were projected to clean up. The talk of a red wave was everywhere. Would the GOP win 52 Senate seats or would they push it to 55? Would the new House majority be 20 seats or would it surpass 35 seats? 

I remember giving my election predictions, stating that we'd end up with 51 seats and a 20-seat majority, and getting lambasted for being too negative. Little did any of us know that those numbers would be proven laughably rosy once all the votes were counted. I won't belabor the point, but Republicans ended up severely underperforming, gaining just a four-seat majority in the House and losing a seat in the Senate. It was one of the worst election disasters in decades given expectations. 

Other results since then have pointed to a disconnect between the polling and outcomes. Democrats have surpassed Biden's 2020 margins in 20 of 27 special elections so far in 2023. During the 2023 general election, which focused on states like Virginia, Ohio, and Kentucky, Democrats came away with surprising victories that gave them new hope heading into 2024. 

That's the cautionary tale that should leave Republicans very concerned. How indicative is Joe Biden's job approval regarding Democrat election performance? As of now, all the evidence says not very. Will that change with Biden himself on the ballot? Perhaps, but is that a factor that can be counted on given how well Democrats have done with mobilizing their voters, especially in suburban and urban areas? 

There are big issues here that the GOP must deal with if it is to actually win in 2024. One of those is the fundraising gap. As RedState reported, the RNC is getting absolutely trounced by the DNC, with the latter doubling up the former in money raised over the last few months. An illusion has set in with some on the right that money and donors don't matter (largely as a way to spite said big donors, who I agree, can be awful), but when push comes to shove, getting outspent by sometimes upwards of 70 to 80 percent can and will swing elections. 

Are you depressed yet? That's not the intention of this piece. Republicans can still do well in the next election. The warning is this, though: Democrats will not be defeated by default. The GOP can not simply sit on its hands, make a ton of mistakes, focus inwardly, and believe that the fundamentals will deliver a victory without any strategy or positive input. Biden's poll numbers are noteworthy, but they are not definitive. Treat them as a good sign, but nothing more. The election will ultimately be won on the ground, with organization, voting infrastructure, and a solid message. Nothing less.

40 Day Countdown

The Iowa caucuses are January 15, 2024, and represent the first opportunity for the GOP nomination contest to highlight candidate support.

Initially, I was going to wait to post this information later, mid-December.  However, based on conversation earlier today, and my pledge to be publicly consistent and transparent, here’s an advance review of my expectations.

(#1) The full-throated DOJ, Jack Smith, Georgia and New York legal cases will likely trigger, like scud missiles in a blitz attack against Donald Trump, around 10 days prior to the Iowa caucuses.  I’m not sure what the granular details of the Lawfare assault will look like; however, the timing will certainly be in/around these dates.  The deepest part of the DC system that is in full alignment against Trump will be looking at this time frame as the first opportunity to hit Trump hard.  The main battery comes after the 2024 RNC convention (Wisconsin🙄, thanks Ronna).

(#2) Simultaneous to this, keep in mind the Sea Island group have spent hundreds of millions on an organizational process for Ron DeSantis, that is now contingent upon an Iowa victory.  Just like the timing of the Mar-a-Lago raid, there will likely be some background coordination between the administrative state in DC and the organizational assemblies of DeSantis and Nikki Haley. Again, this is the first opportunity for the ‘stop Trump’ apparatus to create an inflection point.  If President Trump crushes the Iowa caucuses, he will destroy the GOPe narrative.

(#3) This also creates the context timeline for us to consider an urgency by the deepest part of the DC control apparatus to influence public opinion.  As a result, and given the recent remarks by platform operator Elon Musk, we may also see something happening with Twitter that blocks the ability of the assembled masses to communicate about whatever happens in #1.  To a significant extent, MAGA has assembled discussion into a large Twitter stadium per se’.  If the people controlling U.S. political outcomes want to hit hard, they will need a significant and timed disruption in the system of public communication.  Scattering that stadium would be very effective.

The DHS artificial intelligence (AI) rollout into the ¹overall communication system, specifically social media, can also be considered as part of a disruption effort to influence the 2024 election.  The national security labeling, definitions that establish censorship, removal and content control, will almost certainly flow through the pre-existing Public-Private partnerships.  I would not be surprised to see the timing of that launch, in a full scale, somewhat in this same calendar period.

We all know the 2024 election is for all the marbles, so we just await the predictable incoming fire.

Smart wolverines will have preestablished iron dome defenses at the ready.

¹[GO DEEP] DHS’ AI task force is coordinating with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency on how the department can partner with critical infrastructure organizations “on safeguarding their uses of AI and strengthening their cybersecurity practices writ large to defend against evolving threats.”


Using AI for Content Moderation

Facebook / META / Tech joining with DHS

Zoom will allow Content Scraping by AI 

AI going into The Cloud

U.S. Govt Going into The Cloud With AI

Pentagon activates 175 Million IP’s

Big Names to Attend Political AI Forum

DoD to use AI to monitor U.S. Internet for Disinformation

DHS Announces Guidelines for Using AI to monitor Americans.

DHS Announces “Expert Group”