Sunday, December 3, 2023

Senate Republicans Prepare To Hand Democrats Abortion Victory Over Tuberville’s Protest

Politico revealed at least eight Republicans are considering whether to side with Democrats to sidestep Tuberville’s protest.

Senate Republicans willfully betraying their voters on critically important policy issues is nothing new. Within the past few years, the upper chamber’s GOP members have helped Democrats increase federal spending, declare war on the institution of marriage, and crack down on Americans’ Second Amendment rights, to name a few.

So, it should come as no surprise to find out that several Senate Republicans are contemplating whether to side with their Democrat colleagues to kneecap Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s protest of the Pentagon’s unlawful abortion policy.

After the Defense Department implemented guidance earlier this year that uses U.S. taxpayer dollars to pay for service members’ travel expenses to get abortions, Tuberville began using his position on the Senate Armed Services Committee to slow-walk votes on President Biden’s military nominees. Rather than allow the committee to confirm a large number of military nominations “en masse,” the GOP senator’s protest forces the body to vote on each nomination one at a time. Tuberville has since come under attack from Senate Democrats, who — despite possessing the power to bring these nominations to the floor for individual confirmation — have baselessly claimed the Alabama senator’s holds harm “military readiness” and “national security.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Democrats have gone to great lengths to stymie efforts by House Republicans to force the Pentagon to reverse its unlawful abortion policy. The House-passed National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2024, for example, contained a provision to do just that. During a Thursday radio interview, Tuberville claimed he “had the votes in the Senate” to keep the provision in a Senate-negotiated version of the NDAA but that Schumer “took it out.”

In Congress, “you have really no say so about what goes on in any of these bills [unless] you’re in leadership,” Tuberville said. Schumer has since thrown his support behind a resolution passed by Democrats on the Senate Rules Committee earlier this month that — if approved by 60 senators on the full floor — would effectively allow their party to circumvent Tuberville’s protest and permit the Pentagon’s unlawful policy to go unchallenged.

With a slim 51-49 majority, Democrats would need Republican support to get the measure approved. Given recent remarks issued by several of their GOP colleagues, their wish may very well come true.

On Tuesday, Politico revealed at least eight Republicans are reportedly considering whether to side with Democrats to sidestep Tuberville’s protest. Among them are Sens. Dan Sullivan of Alaska, Joni Ernst of Iowa, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Todd Young of Indiana, and Mitt Romney of Utah, all of whom went to the Senate floor in recent weeks to attack Tuberville for using his position to stand for life.

Also included in Politico’s “to watch” list are Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Thom Tillis of North Carolina, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. Collins and Tillis confirmed to Politico they are considering supporting the proposed rule change while Murkowski has previously criticized Tuberville over his holds.

The Fight Ahead

With the prospects of being betrayed by his GOP colleagues looming, Tuberville is contemplating how best to move forward with his protest. The Alabama senator confirmed during a Thursday presser that he’s had several meetings in recent days with his GOP colleagues on the matter and is focused on “getting the promotions over with.” He also expressed skepticism about whether Schumer has the votes necessary to change the Senate rules.

“At the end of the day … I’m not going to be pushed and shoved and hurried on this because we’ve taken on our time with it [and] we’ve done it the right way,” Tuberville said.

With the Pentagon refusing to budge, the only way for Republicans to strike down the unlawful and immoral policy is for GOP House leadership to ensure a repeal of the guidance is included in the final version of the 2024 NDAA. In a statement provided to The Federalist, Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas — a vocal supporter of Tuberville’s protest — commended Alabama’s senior senator for his stand and called out House Republicans for leaving him “dangling by walking away from forcing the good policies on NDAA negotiations, including the abortion travel ban.”

Roy recently raised concerns that House GOP leadership may be folding on critically important issues relevant to the NDAA, such as FISA surveillance, which was used to illegally surveil former President Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. Sources who reportedly spoke with Fox News told the outlet that “congressional leaders are discussing punting [the fight over FISA reauthorization] until early 2024 by attaching a temporary extension of FISA to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).”

“[I]f you take FISA and you add it to the NDAA, and we know that the NDAA is going to be stripped of our fixes on our side on abortion tourism, transgender surgeries, DEI, critical race theory … you’re using the fear of the security of this country under FISA collection of data, and you’re using that extension to pass a crap NDAA bill,” Roy said. In his remarks to The Federalist, the Texas congressman separately blasted Senate Republicans “who campaign on being ‘pro-life'” for “selling out” Tuberville and “walking away from fighting against taxpayer funding of abortion so they can say they are ‘pro military.’”

House Speaker Mike Johnson did not respond to The Federalist’s request for comment on whether he intends to ensure a provision repealing the Pentagon’s abortion travel policy is included in the NDAA for fiscal year 2024. The GOP speaker also did not answer whether he would support an NDAA bill that fails to include a provision repealing the Pentagon’s policy or whether he would encourage his House Republican colleagues to support such a measure.

X22, And we Know, and more- December 3


How to Achieve Tyranny With Mush Words

If you want to become a tyrant and transform your fellow citizens into slaves, all you really need are a few good mush words. “Mush words” are words with vague definitions. They’re slippery, hard to pin down, elusive, ultimately unknowable—and, for budding tyrants, extremely useful.

The word “racist,” for example, is a superb mush word. “Sexist” is outstanding as well, as is “(whatever)-aphobe.” Better yet, accuse someone of being full of “hate.”

But how do they work? Why are mush words powerful enough to achieve tyranny?

First, you don’t need to understand why they work, only that they do. It takes no talent or intelligence to just sling these words around and reap the rewards without understanding the dynamics involved. That said, for those who want to dig deeper, here’s a brief summary:

The two keys to good mush words are 1) unknowability and 2) accusation.

Unknowability (#1) is the magic ingredient that gives mush words their mushiness. The essential element is slipperiness. A mush word is like a verbal greased pig, or Proteus, the shapeshifting Greek god who could change forms at will. Vagueness is critical. Clarity is the enemy

It’s interesting to notice that hardly anyone accuses anyone else of having six fingers or being nine feet tall.

Why is that? Because those can be easily verified. They’re clear, objective, and open to the public. There’s no uncertainty, no controversy—a complete lack of drama. For budding tyrants, they’re useless.

Good mush words, on the other hand, point to things that are impossible to quantify, measure, see, hear, know objectively, or disprove. While nearly everyone can easily verify six fingers or measure height, no one can conclusively “see” that you’re “racist” or harbor “hate” in your heart.

These can be argued about, of course. But arguing requires effort, which creates opportunity. As Bertrand Russell said, “The most savage controversies are those matters as to which there is no good evidence either way.”

Since there’s no objective, public, scientific way to verify mush word accusations one way or another, these areas are beyond the reach of fair-minded, reasonable people. This sets the stage for a confidence game, which allows anyone to bluff their way in. Whoever can pretend to have certainty on the matter wins.

If you can pretend to be certain of something ultimately unknowable, chances are the other person won’t be certain precisely because it is unknowable. It isn’t hard. Just pretend to be psychic and act confident about it. If the other person even seems less confident, the battle is essentially won.

The trick is to weaponize uncertainty.

If it’s done properly, it creates a heads-I-win, tails-you-lose, house-always-wins scenario. If anyone gets close to clarifying things, the mush word changes definitions, escapes into vagueness, and the game can continue.

The best mush words are so slippery they can be applied to practically anything. Math, for example, could be described as racist—or pancake syrup, coffee, golf, sleep, grades, “assault weapons,” or wanting honest elections. It’s the mark of a great mush word: anything and anyone can become “wrong.” To some, this might make the word meaningless. But with proper salesmanship and coercion, it becomes all-powerful.

But that requires the second ingredient.

Accusation (#2) makes mush words truly lethal.

Publicly blaming someone for doing something “wrong” is powerful because we all want to be “right.” (Even the rebellious and humble—both of whom describe themselves as wrong—do that because they think it’s “right” in a bigger sense). The ethical framework involved might be real or imaginary. It doesn’t matter, so long as the target believes it.

Use a mush word to accuse anyone of doing something “wrong,” and they’ll panic and scramble around like terrified children, trying desperately to prove that they aren’t whatever you accuse them of being. They’ll fail, of course—which means they’ve fallen right into your trap.

Take, for example, accusing someone of being “racist” (or whatever-aphobic, hateful, etc.) They’ll likely—and desperately—start naming dear friends and family members of different races. Whatever they do, you can laugh at them and mention how ridiculous—and racist—they look, even in their attempts to deny it. The more they try to escape your spell, the more they’ll often find themselves enmeshed. Informally, they’re guilty until proven innocent unless they can definitively clear their name—which is usually difficult, if not impossible because the burden of proof is on them.

It’s all-powerfully effective and often hilarious to watch.

But is that person actually racist? That brings us right back to slippery definitions (“What is a “racist”?) More importantly, it’s irrelevant. The aim isn’t to discern truth but to eliminate political enemies, create an outlet for real hatred, or cow people into submission.

Once a person has been accused and is squirming, offer a way out. People will often do anything to “prove” that they aren’t whatever you accuse them of being. So, you can point them in any direction, such as telling them to donate money to your pet organization, make public declarations, join a cause, etc. To the degree that your ploy has been effective, you own them, and can point them wherever you want.

Why does this work?

Deep down, many of us carry around a secret sense of guilt or shame, as if we’ve done something wrong in the past (even if we aren’t clear what that was, exactly). That guilt can come to the surface and get activated quite easily. Tyrants exploit this. Those who constantly accuse others of racism have essentially rediscovered “sin” (something Judeo-Christianity and other religions described thousands of years ago, now dressed up to look secular and therefore socially acceptable).

That’s how this con game hijacks human nature. We often don’t know ourselves. Human motives can run deep and are often mysterious. So, when someone loudly accuses us of having a specific motive—especially if they seem confident or have a clever argument to back it up—many of us will collapse into gullible puddles of goo. “That person accused me of being (insert mush word)? Maybe it’s true! I should do some introspecting and try to better myself so I don’t get accused of being (insert mush word here) again.”

The Salem Witch Trials demonstrated this well. The formula was simple. Accuse someone of being a witch. What’s a “witch,” exactly? Nobody knew. (They pretended to know, but their answers were absurdly tragicomic.) Ultimately, “witch” was simply a mush word. Today’s witch trials work the same way.

The process is like casting a magic spell. A dark sorcerer chooses a mush word, picks a target, accuses them of being guilty in some mushy way, and then watches them squirm and scramble. Unless they can break the spell, they’re yours.

So, what breaks this spell?

The game collapses when someone assertively stands up against mush words. If people insist on being judged by clear, objective, publicly available measures—or if they simply know themselves well—then they’ll see through it all. (Or worse, they might go on offense and accuse the accuser of slander). When that happens, the gig is up. The spell will be broken. It’s time to find a new mush word and an easier target and start over.

Luckily, few do this. Laws, cultures, and even entire societies are built around mush words. People are imprisoned, impoverished, and executed based on mush words. The fact that it’s based on a kind of verbal sorcery made up of senseless, hysterical, impossible-to-verify accusations is beside the point. For most humans, mush words rule.

And that’s why they’re so easy to enslave.

The Season of Santa’s Surveillance

Against the revelation that DOJ officials gathered the Trump Twitter hit list of wrong thinking Americans, including all the metadata therein, this monologue by Neil Oliver -a good friend of the Treehouse- is timely and prescient in its forethought.

Discussing how the new legislative effort in Ireland is intended to conduct surveillance on the Emerald Isle nationalists, ie dissident voices within the Irish population considered adverse to the interests of the state, Neil Oliver outlines how the communication freedom of most Irish citizens is now dispatched.  Irish citizens are now under full government surveillance for any speech that might be considered dangerous.

Populations of various countries already experienced the testing ground of government control in the recent COVID-19 vaccination process.  Regulated freedom was contingent upon compliance with an untested vaccine, so it should not be a surprise to see the next evolution of control – the control over speech and communication.

13 years ago, people on these pages did not quite fathom what I was implying with the sharing of the image below.  However, if you have watched the Oliver monologue, and you are one of the non-pretending wolverines who find ways to live amid the surveillance with a productive free purpose, just like a Rorschach test, the imagery might take on a new perspective.

NATO should be ready for ‘bad news’ from Ukraine, Stoltenberg warns


NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg warned that the Western military alliance should be ready for bad news from the Ukrainian front as Kyiv continues to defend against Russia's all-out invasion.

"Wars develop in phases," Stoltenberg said in an interview Saturday with German broadcaster ARD. "We have to support Ukraine in both good and bad times," he said.

"We should also be prepared for bad news,” Stoltenberg added, without being more specific. 

His comments come as Western allies debate over ammunition and financial aid for Ukraine, and as Moscow boosts its troop levels. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on Friday to increase the number of soldiers by some 170,000 to a total of 1.3 million.

The front lines have moved little in recent months despite Kyiv’s counteroffensive during the summer. But the Ukrainians have used cruise missiles to push back the Russian fleet in the Black Sea and have caused damage deep in Russian territory

“These are big victories even though they haven’t been able to move the front line,” Stoltenberg said in the interview.  

Stoltenberg called on NATO’s members to ramp up the production of ammunition, bemoaning the fragmented state of Europe’s defense industry.

“We’re not able to work as closely together as we should,” he said, urging governments to look beyond their national interests and see the big picture.

A victory for Putin would not only be a tragedy for Ukraine but it would also present a danger for the rest of the allies, Stoltenberg said. “The more we support the Ukraine, the faster the war will end."   

Behind Pro-Hamas ‘Student’ Walkouts Lurk Manipulative Adults

Pro-Hamas walkouts are being planned and executed by radical left-wing groups using children as political props.

According to the corporate media, hundreds of high schoolers are taking it upon themselves to walk out of school to protest Israel’s right to defend itself. In New York, San Francisco, Philadelphia, and more, the nation’s budding humanitarians are banding together with the hope of ushering in a new era of peace, the stories say. As is the case with so many stories surrounding Palestinian terrorism and Israel’s response, the prevailing narrative is wrong.

These walkouts are not the result of well-meaning teenagers choosing to take a stand. These protests are being conceived of and then planned and executed by radical left-wing groups using children as political props.

The largest of these was the “#schools4Palestine” walkout, which disrupted learning in an estimated 100 New York City public schools on Nov. 9. A coalition of far-left groups, including New York Collective of Radical Educators, NYC Educators for Palestine, Palestinian Youth Movement, and Teachers Unite, authored a “toolkit” — a handbook aimed mainly at adults to show them how to turn students into pro-Hamas activists. The document purports to be for “students, teachers, and parents,” but its content is less relevant for students than for teachers who seek to influence them. Another far-left group in the San Francisco Bay Area created a toolkit of its own, full of the same hateful lies about Israel.

Though the New York City toolkit’s writers claimed, “High school students are organizing walkouts,” they don’t seem to believe their own words. The document, created by left-wing adults, provides a ready-made plan for students, with poster templates, instructions for identifying chant leaders, and even a sample schedule. The students are being organized by adults.

They were showing up, at the behest of their teachers, to support a cause probably very few of them understand. The toolkit contained a sample script for teachers to encourage their students to participate, and it notes that teachers may “show support for their students … canceling tests or major paper deadlines or making the lesson more flexible to accommodate students who walk out.” Teachers who followed this advice placed their own radical politics ahead of learning and committed a major violation of professional ethics. They abused their positions of responsibility for the sake of their own agenda.

The toolkit put words in the mouths of children with a recommended chants list, including “Say it loud, say it clear, we don’t want Zionists here.” When they took to the streets, some of the students chanted, “F-ck the Jews,” thus flaunting their hatred and abandoning the façade that this protest was ever about peace.

Students Aren’t Being Taught the Truth

Students are being taught that it is good and noble to walk out in support of Hamas. What they are not being taught is that there was a ceasefire in place on Oct. 6, and it did not stop Hamas from slaughtering Israelis and taking hostages. They’re not teaching students that so many Palestinians live in poverty, not because of Israel, but because Hamas would rather spend money on rockets and tunnels and their own plush hideaways in Qatar than on basic infrastructure. They’re not teaching that supporting the Palestinian people means opposing Hamas, an enemy of peace and prosperity and the reason that Gazans are suffering today.

Some meager accountability for this indoctrination has come from parents who are angered about what their children are being taught. A principal in Montgomery County, Maryland, emailed the entire school community to “make them aware” of a walkout, noting that all absences due to the protest would be excused. Backlash was so swift and severe that the principal has since resigned.

These protests do not happen in a vacuum. In many schools, Jewish students are seeing their peers cheerlead for terrorism with their teachers’ encouragement. No student should be forced to face this kind of hostility and harassment. No parent should be forced to send his or her child to a school where this sort of teacher-sponsored bullying is allowed or encouraged.

As Hamas tightens its death grip on Gaza, pro-Hamas protesters will desperately attempt to appear thoughtful and mainstream. But not unlike the group these protesters are supporting, they’re experts at using children as pawns.

Arab Nations Behind the Scenes Talk With Israel Reveals What They Truly Think About Hamas

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Our sister site Townhall has picked up some interesting information about the private goings-on behind the scenes between Israel and its surrounding Arab nations, from a Haaretz report that perhaps says more about what the Arab nations truly think about the Israel-Hamas war than what they may be saying publicly. 

Publicly, some of them (like Egypt and Jordan) are falling in line with public opinion in their countries and condemning the civilian deaths caused by Israel’s military response. But behind the scenes, almost every leader in the region, including in most of the Gulf states, is urging Israel to end the war only after Hamas is defeated, since they view the organization as a dangerous domestic enemy.

Now that's a pretty huge thing, if true. But it's easy to see why it's true because Hamas continues to contribute to the instability and fighting in the region. As we already have seen with the war, the surrounding countries like Egypt and Jordan don't want to take in refugees, and have publicly made that very clear. 

The reason is not just that they don't want to be overwhelmed by refugees, although that's certainly part of it. But there's another reason that isn't being said, as Matt Vespa noted in Townhall. There's been trouble when they've done it in the past. 

The problem is the Palestinian Liberation Organization set up shop in Lebanon, where they caused problems for the government while also attacking Israel from the southern part of the country. Israel had to invade in 1982 and remained in Southern Lebanon until 2000. Egypt has closed its border with the Gaza Strip in Rafah due to terrorism concerns.

In the days after the brutal October 7 attacks executed by Hamas, Egypt knew what was going to happen. They deployed tanks to the border while their prime minister vowed that his country would sacrifice millions to keep their borders safe. He was not referring to Israel.

When the Arab nations met for a summit in November, when some sought to enact punitive measures against Israel, those measures were stopped by Saudi Arabia and countries that had come together with Israel in the Abraham Accords, engineered by former president Donald Trump, as well as Egypt and Jordan. 

The demands were to prevent the transfer of U.S. military equipment to Israel from American bases in the Middle East region; suspend all diplomatic and economic contacts with Israel; cut back oil sales to the United States over Washington’s support for Israel; stop Israeli air traffic over the skies of the Gulf and send a joint delegation to the United States, Europe and Russia to push for a ceasefire.

The resolution to adopt these measures was blocked by Israel’s Abraham accords partner states the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco. They were joined by Egypt and Jordan, two countries with long-standing peace agreements with Israel. Saudi Arabia, Mauritania and Djibouti also opposed the measures.

So Israel can concentrate on its prime goal since Oct. 7: taking out Hamas.  The irony is that pressure to hold back/tie their fight is coming from the Biden team, claiming Israel has to do more to protect civilians. 

‘The Woke Regime Is A Hostile Occupying Power’ Like In Vichy France

‘If we lose this war, we will have full-fledged tyranny,’ Ramaswamy tells Claremont Institute Chairman Tom Klingenstein in an interview transcript released to The Federalist.

The United States is in a cold civil war in which “the woke regime is a hostile occupying power not so different than Germany when it occupied France during WWII,” presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy says in an interview released today.

“If we lose this war, we will have full-fledged tyranny,” Ramaswamy tells Claremont Institute Chairman Tom Klingenstein in an interview transcript released to The Federalist. “You see, if people are free, then there will be group differences in outcomes because often groups have different preferences and talents. The only way you can make groups equal in terms of outcome is by force.”

Since cultural Marxists’ leading demand is forcing an unnatural equality of outcomes, he said, that necessarily makes them pushers of totalitarianism.

“Woke America hasn’t yet achieved full Stalinist status. But if you want to see gulags being built, you don’t have to look any further than the treatment being given by the Biden justice system to the so-called ‘insurrectionists’ of January 6,” Ramaswamy says in the interview. “This is the treatment being prepared for all who oppose the woke tyranny, who are already branded ‘domestic terrorists.’ And while they are preparing these gulags, the woke Left can accomplish their purposes in other ways. They censor, shame, spy on citizens, fire them, require loyalty oaths, deprive people of services—all totalitarian tactics that get to the same place as gulags; they neutralize dissenters.”

Fearing smears has effectively tied conservative Americans’ hands from defending America’s founding principles, Ramaswamy said. Among other efforts to deprive all their opponents of basic constitutional rights, Democrats are working to deprive Republicans of due process through a competent legal defense.

“Not only are the woke zealots weaponizing the financial system, they are also weaponizing the practice of law. Lawyers who represented Trump are now the target of organizations that seek to disbar them. It won’t stop there. If we do not do something pretty soon, any lawyer associated with an anti-woke cause will be unable to practice law. This is more evidence that we are in a war,” Ramaswamy said.

Vivek on DeSantis and Haley

Ramaswamy also echoed fellow presidential candidate and Florida governor Ron DeSantis’ attacks on their primary competitor, Nikki Haley, saying, “She’s a RINO who doesn’t know what time it is, and she hasn’t met a foreign war she doesn’t love. She has no vision. Also, today she is critical of BLM but at the time of the riots she was busy honoring George Floyd as some kind of patron saint.”

DeSantis has been pointing out Haley’s tweet above as “an example of her adopting this left-wing mindset and accepting the narrative.” The RealClearPolitics polling tracker shows former President Donald Trump with a commanding primary lead since the beginning of the 2024 cycle. DeSantis has held a diminishing second place in the tracker, while Ramaswamy and Haley have traded spots at third place. Currently in the aggregate, Trump holds 61 percent support, DeSantis 13.8, Haley 9.9, and Ramaswamy 4.8.

Ramaswamy said DeSantis is “competent” and he’d consider him for a cabinet post, but dinged DeSantis for accepting Democrat weaponization of the justice system against Republican voters and the last Republican president to represent them: “I will pardon Trump on my first day in office. DeSantis has made no such promise. And he has adopted DOJ/Special Counsel Jack Smith talking points about Trump and J-6; DeSantis has done nothing to help the Floridian J-6ers who have been and still are being persecuted.”

Concerning the culture war over whether the United States will remain a free country, Ramaswamy said most Republican politicians refuse to acknowledge it’s a war because, “Like most people, political leaders have a strong inclination to delude themselves rather than face harsh truths. I think if we don’t face these truths, we will lose our country.”

Then Ramaswamy and Klingenstein had this exchange:

List of ‘Woke Generals’ Coming in January

To make administrative war on the destructive Marxist infiltration of U.S. government, Ramaswamy said he plans to eliminate the U.S. Department of Education, “which is using $80 billion a year to effectively force schools to adopt the DEI, anti-American curriculum.” President Ronald Reagan promised to end the then-new USDOE in his presidency and never did.

Klingenstein pointed out Republican presidents since Reagan have made that promise and failed to follow through. Ramaswamy said they lacked the will and a favorable Supreme Court, two conditions that have changed especially since parents now are becoming more aware of their kids’ anti-American curricula.

Not just in education, but throughout the federal bureaucracy, Ramaswamy said, “under some conditions, mass layoffs are permissible. The president already has the authority to shut down agencies and that’s just what I’ll do.”

Ramaswamy said he’s working on a list of the “woke generals” whom he’ll fire immediately if elected president. He promised to release the list in January 2024.

“Citizens must understand that it is the administrative state that carves the channels through which wokeness flows. It is the administrative state that executes the woke agenda. The war I wage as the next president will not be against non-threatening foreign states, it will be against the administrative state and that most definitely includes our security apparatus, which, as we saw in the Trump administration, has been weaponized by the woke Left.”

Biden Regime Fines Trucking Company $700,000 For Checking Employment Eligibility for Job Applicants

It is slightly unfair to say this is a Biden issue, because the minefield of verifying employment eligibility has been a weaponized DOJ process since Eric Holder entered the picture as Attorney General.   Both wings of the UniParty support the intentional conflict in employment law.  The civil rights division of the DOJ now uses a Lawfare concept called “disparate impact” to target any employer who would require employment eligibility verification as a contingency for a job.

Essentially, if you have a work eligibility screening process that disproportionally hits any protected category of person (ie. race, color, national origin, etc.), then the practice creates a “disparate impact” and is therefore unlawful.  Example: 100 people apply for a job; 50 of them are Latino. All of the applicants must provide work eligibility documents to process their I-9 form.  If more than half the denied applicants are Latino, the demand for the documents creates a disparate impact and is therefore illegal.

Covenant Logistics and Transport Management Services LLC, “routinely discriminated against non-U.S. citizens by requiring lawful permanent residents to show their Permanent Resident Cards (known as green cards) and by requiring other non-U.S. citizens to show documents related to their immigration status,” according to the DOJ filing.

(via AP) – […] That violates a provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) which says employers must allow workers to present whatever acceptable documentation the workers choose and cannot reject valid documentation that reasonably appears to be genuine and to related to the worker. (read more)

Not a lot of people understand the issue of “disparate impact” and the exact reason why the DOJ and Dept of Labor created the novel legal theory.  The DC system, Republicans and Democrats, support illegal aliens holding jobs in the USA – Democrats for ideological reasons, Republicans for their corporate owners.

This issue has existed for 15 years and is the primary reason why illegal aliens find it so easy to work in the USA.  Essentially, employers are in a no-win situation.  If you hire illegal aliens, you are breaking the law.  However, if you disqualify applicants based on their employment eligibility status -and a disparate impact issue exists- then, you are also breaking the law.

(AP) – Chattanooga-based Covenant Transport and an affiliate will pay the U.S. government $700,000 after investigators found the companies violated an anti-discrimination provision against workers who are not U.S. citizens.

The U.S. Department of Justice said in a release Monday that Covenant and its affiliate Transport Management Services LLC routinely discriminated against non-U.S. citizen workers when checking their permission to work in the United States.

That violates a provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) which says employers must allow workers to present whatever acceptable documentation the workers choose and cannot reject valid documentation that reasonably appears to be genuine and to relate to the worker.

Instead, federal investigators found that between January 2020 and at least August 2022 Covenant and Transport

..routinely discriminated against non-U.S. citizens by requiring lawful permanent residents to show their Permanent Resident Cards (known as green cards) and by requiring other non-U.S. citizens to show documents related to their immigration status.

Employers are required to let workers present whatever acceptable documentation the workers choose and cannot reject valid documentation that reasonably appears to be genuine and to relate to the worker.

Under the terms of the agreement, Covenant and Transport will pay $700,000 in civil penalties to the United States, train their employees on the INA’s anti-discrimination requirements, revise their employment policies and be subject to monitoring by the department.

Employers cannot discriminate against non-U.S. citizens by demanding specific or unnecessary documents from them to prove their permission to work,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. “The Justice Department is committed to ensuring compliance with our federal civil rights laws so that non-U.S. citizens with permission to work can contribute their talents to our workforce. (read more)

There are approximately 50 million illegal aliens working inside the USA.

Confronting this issue in the 2024 election will bring out all the aligned enemies, so it’s best for Trump to avoid it.