Sunday, November 26, 2023

US Navy Rescues Hijacked Israeli-Managed Oil Tanker and Captures Houthi Pirates

streiff reporting for RedState 

A US destroyer intercepted a hijacked Israeli-managed oil tanker in the Gulf of Aden earlier Sunday, freed the crew, and took the Houthi pirates into custody. My colleague Jeff Charles covered the piracy in this post, High Seas Drama: Another Israeli Tanker Seized by Unidentified Attackers Near Yemen.

Shortly after dawn local time, the Central Park, a small Liberian-flagged oil and chemical tanker managed by an Israeli company registered in London, sent a distress call saying it was being boarded by armed men. The USS Mason, an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, was operating in the area. According to reports, the Mason directed the crew to take refuge and not turn the ship over to the pirates. The Mason is part of the USS Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group; Pentagon Issues 'Prepare to Deploy' Orders to 2,000 US Troops – RedState.

According to Fox News's Jennifer Griffin:

The crew had locked themselves in the Citadel (safe room). A Japanese destroyer assisted the USS Mason with the interdiction. 2 Chinese  Navy warships in the area did not render assistance. The gunmen tried to beat down the door to the safe room but failed. The hijackers exited the vessel and were making their way back to the shores of Yemen when the US Navy personnel pursued and arrested them. Warning shots were fired by the U.S. Navy personnel and a U.S. helicopter gunship flew cover.

There are some interesting bits in this story. The two PLAN warships that ignored the distress call are part of a six-ship flotilla that rotates through the Persian Gulf, "The six warships are the Type 052D guided missile destroyers Zibo and Urumqi, the Type 054A guided missile frigates Jingzhou and Linyi, and the Type 903 integrated supply ships Qiandaohu and Dongpinghu." These ships seem to be part of a PLAN operation to get the Chinese Navy blue water experience and build proficiency in underway replenishment and refueling operations. The fact that they refused to acknowledge a distress call simply underscores the hostile nature of Chinese presence in any environment: political, economic, military, or academic.

The fact that the USS Mason was cleared to render aid may mark an escalation in how the Navy addresses the war by Houthi pirates on ships with any connection to Israel. The Navy has become more aggressive in engaging Houthi missiles and drones, so upping the pressure on their piracy operation would be a logical move.

Tucker Carlson Predicts 2024 Race Won’t Be Between Trump, Biden

Tucker Carlson predicts that the 2024 presidential election won’t be between Biden and Trump, citing Biden’s declining poll numbers and Trump’s legal issues.

He expresses concern about potential candidates and warns of serious developments leading up to the election.

Carlson criticizes the current leadership and expresses deep dissatisfaction with the country’s direction. 

“Take the opponent out of the race, and they’re still losing,” said Carlson.

“So, I mean, I don’t know what’s going to happen. This is not going to be a race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump,” predicted the independent analyst.

“I would bet my beloved fishing camp in Maine that that is not going to happen. That’s not going to happen,” he repeated.

“If it’s Gavin Newsom,” thought Carlson, “we should be very, very concerned.”

“That guy’s scary, and I mean it. I mean it. Scary. But that’s a whole separate conversation,” warned Carlson.

He highlights concerns about border policies and accuses the leadership of being dark and destructive.

“The people who are responsible for it are the most dishonest, the most ruthless, and the most anti-human group I’ve ever dealt with, and I spent 35 years living in Washington,” lamented Carlson.

“I don’t even recognize these people. And what they’re doing—it’s so dark,” he cautioned.

Adding, “They’re doing things that can’t even, on an academic level, conceivably help the United States or the population that lives here.”

Additionally, Carlson’s departure from Fox News has sparked speculation, with claims that he was fired due to legal issues, although Fox denied this.

Tucker Carlson Predicts 2024 Race Won’t Be Between Trump, Biden (

Even Though Unparalleled Deeds Offend Today, Great Men Did Shift History

Napoleon’s ambition, decisiveness, and drive
 made him excellently suited to make the most
 out of the tumult of the revolution.

Antony Beevor’s latest article in The Telegraph discusses Ridley Scott’s upcoming film about Napoleon’s life and laments the fact that heroic figures like Napoleon give weight to the Great Man Theory. Beevor sees the idea that a few significant figures have outsized effects as “unfashionable and offensive.”

It is a shame that someone like Beevor, an excellent writer who has produced many magisterial history books about World War II, wrote such a historically misguided article.

What about Great Women?

One of Beevor’s points is that the Great Man Theory “carries the insulting implication that women cannot be great leaders.” But appreciating Napoleon or Caesar does not exclude recognition of the achievements of female rulers. Maria Theresa of Austria is considered by some to be “the most important ruler of the age of Enlightened Absolutism.” Queen Victoria’s rule defined one of Great Britain’s most vibrant eras. Catherine the Great played a key role in turning the Russian Empire into a great power.

Beevor’s assertion that female rulers are somehow “much less susceptible to the narcissistic narratives so favoured by male dictators” appears silly to anyone who’s read a biography of Cleopatra or Catherine de Medici.

To his credit, Beevor recognizes that individuals can have an outsized effect on history. He goes on to say, however, that “individuals alone have not created history. Threats to food or energy supplies have played their part in leading to revolution and war. So have differences over religion and its 20th-century successor, political ideology.”

Great Men Need Great Opportunities

But he is attacking a strawman. Yes, of course, great rulers have never appeared in a vacuum. The French Revolution was key to clearing Napoleon’s path to the throne, as Beevor points out. If Japan had not been mired in the turmoil of the Warring States Period, Tokugawa Ieyasu would not have had the opening to unify Japan and proclaim himself Shogun. Without the centuries of social and economic forces and army reforms of Marius that shaped the Roman Republic’s army into the finest the world had ever seen, even a talented commander like Caesar would not have been able to cover himself in glory.

Recognizing that events can provide opportunities for the great men of history does not detract from their agency and talent. They still had the foresight and strength of character to bend those events according to their vision. Napoleon’s ambition, decisiveness, and drive made him excellently suited to make the most out of the tumult of the revolution.

Yes, Alexander may never have started his conquests were it not for Macedonian society’s strong military ethos, his father’s military reforms, and the Greek world’s abundance of the cornel wood that was necessary for producing the Macedonians’ deadly 16-foot-long sarissa pikes. But it took Alexander’s courage and genius for war to make the fullest use of those factors. He used the opportunities to achieve a legendary, unbroken string of victories that military academies still study today.

Social and economic factors, the people a prince rules, and natural and political disasters all shape history. But great individuals impose order on the chaos and make the best use of the opportunities and resources granted to them. Dough without a baker will never turn to bread on its own.

Denying the agency of great individuals is like belittling the artwork of Mozart or Michelangelo because, without years of training by their teachers, financing by wealthy patrons, and a society around them that appreciated their masterpieces, they would have been nothing. Of course, all those factors contributed to their artistic success. That doesn’t detract one particle from the beauty of Mozart’s “Marriage of Figaro” or Michelangelo’s “David.”

Great Men and Reckless Politics

It’s true that, as Beevor says, many politicians love melodramatic comparisons to World War II. They cast themselves as reincarnations of Winston Churchill and foreign dictators as Adolf Hitler. The lazy analogy erases nuance in foreign relations and leads to dangerous decisions. Politicians are naturally given to such grandiloquent statements and thoughtless foreign policy choices. But Beevor fails to show why the Great Man Theory leads to this sad state of affairs.

The most absurd claim in Beevor’s article is his last one. He is upset because he thinks the Great Man Theory “is no longer limited to military conquest. It also extends to those leaders who can, through the force of personality, toxify politics by encouraging and exploiting hatred: the Trumps, the Orbans, the Miloševićs.”

How can Beevor shake his head at politicians who keep seeing a new Hitler behind every foreign tyrant’s military uniform and then seriously go on to compare Trump and Orban to Slobodan Milošević?  

It’s also inconsistent to blame populist leaders like Trump and Orban for “fomenting hate.” Leftist leaders have turned hatred and division into an industrial complex. Kamala Harris egged on violent rioters burning down our cities. Joe Biden tarred half of the country as fascists. A Marxist professor threatened a conservative reporter with a machete. Myriad other leftist politicians, professors, actors, woke corporations, and media personalities daily try to turn our country into a giant Tower of Babel by dividing us according to race, sexual orientation, and “gender identity.”

Why Are Great Men So Controversial?

Perhaps the best argument against Beevor and all other detractors of the Great Man Theory is the fact that great men like Napoleon still generate so much controversy. As Beevor wrote, Tolstoy believed that powerful rulers are “history’s [slaves].” Yet Tolstoy still cast Napoleon as the principal monstrous villain of his greatest work, War and Peace. That choice makes no sense if the French emperor was just another cog helplessly moved by historical forces beyond his control.

Napoleon, as some have claimed, “has had more books written about him than any other individual, with the sole exception of Jesus Christ.” Although he lived more than two centuries before our time, the ideals he formulated and enacted through his Napoleonic Code reverberate to this day.

It’s worth noting that not all powerful rulers are good men. Individuals like Hitler, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong have also had a great effect on history for the worse, murdering tens of millions of innocents.

And Napoleon is just one triumphant example of how true the Great Man Theory is. One could spend hours discussing great men and their contributions to history. Churchill played a key role in stopping Nazi aggression. America might not exist without George Washington’s inspired leadership. The emperor Constantine’s legalization of Christianity helped speed the new religion onto the global stage.

In the end, detractors can say what they want about the Napoleons and Alexanders of our history books. The achievements of these heroes speak for themselves.

X22, And we Know, and more- November 26


The latest assault in the war on whites

A racial inquisition is underway against white people, who are falsely accused of oppressing everyone else.  Whites are being demonized, marginalized, stereotyped, denigrated, and suppressed at every turn.  The left, says author Ben Shapiro, wants to portray America as “an incurable mass of bigoted whites.”  President Biden bought in to this lie when he declared that white supremacy is the number-one threat to the nation.

The war on whites is being waged by government, private industry, the media, and academia.  The City of Seattle, for example, requires all white employees to “undo their whiteness.”  The Coca-Cola Company has demanded that its white employees should be “less white.”  Instead of regarding these actions as racist, the culture has made them acceptable.

A popular book entitled White Fragility alleges that all white people are racist and benefit from unearned privileges.  Another book called How to Be an Antiracist advocates discrimination against whites.  Not to be outdone, a new race-baiter by the name of Janice Gassam Asare wants us to “decenter whiteness.”  Her latest book, Decentering Whiteness in the Workplace: A Guide for Equity and Inclusion, describes “white-centering” as a racist system that promotes white people over everyone else.

In an article published by Forbes, “3 Ways to Decenter Whiteness in Your Workplace,” Asare talks about how to remove whiteness to better cater to people “of color.”  “White-centering,” she says, is a system that “prioritizes white dominant culture to the detriment of non-white groups and cultures.”

“Because White-centering is often left unexamined and unchecked,” Asare adds, “equity and justice have continued to evade organizations.”

“Decenter whiteness” makes about as much sense as “undo your whiteness” and “be less white.”  All three are racist concepts designed to coerce white people into apologizing for their skin color.  Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy referred to Asare’s position as “just pure racism.”

Ohio senator J.D. Vance was appalled when he read the Forbes article.  “I’m just done with this s---.  It’s racist and it’s gross,” Vance wrote.  “Forbes should be ashamed of themselves for publishing it.”

“So sick of this anti-American hate and racism from corporate media and corporate America,” The Federalist editor-in-chief Mollie Hemingway wrote after reading Asare’s comments.  “People who push such racism are bad people destroying the country.”

Journalist David Harsanyi said the concept of “decentering whiteness” could be achieved only if a workplace fired its white employees.  “The only way to ‘Decenter Whiteness’ is by firing White people,” Harsanyi wrote, “because being White is not a belief system or a faith or a way of living, it is an immutable characteristic.”

Lawyer Harmeet Dhillon offered to help sue companies who follow the advice in the Forbes article.  “But seriously, people, if your employer is ‘decentering’ any race, religion, gender, veteran status, or other protected characteristic in YOUR workplace and it affects you, @dhillonlaw takes those issues on nationally,” Dhillon wrote.

An account on X (Twitter) wrote: “Imagine if Forbes published a headline saying ‘3 Ways to Decenter Blackness in your Workplace’?  Or what if Forbes said ‘3 Ways to Decenter Jewness in your Workplace’?  It’s racism pure and simple and Forbes should be ashamed.”

What is it like to undo your whiteness or to be less white or to decenter your whiteness?  “It is the language of cult programming,” said Christopher F. Rufo, an editor for City Journal, “persuading members that they are defective in some predetermined manner.”  Rufo calls it a “racial justice shakedown.”

“It’s about hate, humiliation, and power,” said Tucker Carlson.  “Attacking people on the basis of their race is a sin.  They can try to disguise it with Orwellian terms like ‘anti-racism,’ but this is the purest kind of race hate. It will destroy America faster than anything else.”

'Progressives' actually foster divisiveness, intolerance, and hate

The United States was founded on individual liberty, and individual rights. 

When we adhered to that ethos, we were united. E pluribus unum. In fact, we were united in our belief in that very ethos. 

Today, so-called “progressives” demand that everything be about the group. This group. That group. The oppressors. The oppressed. Black. White. Asians. The LGBTQ community. Etc., etc. Intersectionality rules the day and is considered sacrosanct. And, as such, our unity is gone and our nation torn asunder.

Conversely, American classicist and commentator Victor Davis Hanson recently wrote that, historically, “unity, equality, and fairness” have been “better aspirations” than “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” That is objectively inarguable.

“Tolerance” is another purported “virtue” that progressives love to extol. Yet, the more today’s “liberals” tout tolerance, the less tolerant they are of anybody with whom they disagree. In reality, tolerance has been used as a cudgel to attack the concept of merit and batter the idea of standards. If this goes much further, chaos will replace competence…to everyone’s detriment.

Analogously, the more progs speak out against hate, the more they seem to show hate to others. Trump and his supporters, for instance, a large portion of the country’s citizens. And the more they espouse support for Hamas and terrorist atrocities. And the more babies are killed in their mother's wombs, under the pretense of “women’s health care.”

Ironic? Not really. Just idiotic, hypocritical, and evil. 

Irish PM Who Said Government Is 'Too White' Slammed for Insulting Response to Hamas Hostage Release

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

It hasn't been a good week for Irish PM Leo Varadkar. As RedState reported, he stoked controversy recently by declaring that his nation's government was "too white." That left people scratching their heads given Ireland is 93 percent white. A country's government reflecting its demographics is not exactly unusual. Besides, it's objectively racist to say something is "too" any race.

That silly statement represents a pattern for Varadkar, though. Following a deadly stabbing attack on Thursday in which an Algerian immigrant stabbed three children and others, the prime minister made a statement claiming that it was actually the "far-right" and its "hate" the Irish residents fear. In the face of children being stabbed, Varadkar was focused on lazy, stereotypical potshots against his political enemies. 

Now, his response to Hamas' recent release of some of the hostages taken on October 7th has people talking, and not in a good way. While speaking of Emily Hand, an Irish-Israeli who was released by the terrorist government of Gaza on Saturday, Varadkar described her as being "lost" with no mention of her plight. 

To say that ruffled some feathers would be an understatement. He was absolutely slammed on social media. 

Warning: coarse language content

There are two ways to look at this, in my opinion. The more forgiving way is to assume that Varadkar was drawing on a Biblical analogy and got a little too loose with his descriptions. Still, the parable of the lost sheep is about a sheep that wanders off, not a sheep that gets taken hostage by a genocidal terrorist organization. Perhaps he didn't think that far before making his post? 

The less forgiving, and for my money, more likely, explanation is that Varadkar is once again doing everything he can to not offend the pro-Hamas factions within his own country. Perhaps he fears a backlash, or worse, he just agrees with them, but it seems rather purposeful to not mention that Emily Hand was held captive by barbarians for well over a month. She was not lost, and she was not found. She was released as part of an imperfect but probably necessary ceasefire. 

It's also worth noting that Varadkar did essentially nothing to help secure her release. He didn't pressure Hamas and demand its unconditional surrender. Instead, he pushed the ridiculous "collective punishment" talking point after Israel responded with military force. This would be a good time for him to sit down and stop talking. Will he do that? I have my doubts.

After Demanding Ken Paxton Resign, Chip Roy Endorses Ron DeSantis

In the next several months you might notice a more deliberate tone to the CTH postings that may create some discomfort for those who prefer a more delicate approach.  Having met with several people who are now accepting the non-pretending framework, and having a seemingly enlarged support network ready to see things as they are – and not as we would customarily wish them to be, it becomes more important than ever to provide brutally honesty within all review.

Congressman Chip Roy previously aligned with the George P Bush clan and called for Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to resign {SEE HERE}, thereby showcasing his ideological alignment with the professional republican apparatus who constructed a completely fabricated political hit against Paxton. As a consequence, it does not come as a surprise to see Representative Roy align with the professional republican, Ron DeSantis.


There is nothing “truly good or decent” about the DeSantis couple who would scheme, lie and connive with the billionaire donor class of Never Trumpers to deceive the Florida and national electorate.  Everything about the DeSantis operation is astroturf, fabricated, false and manipulative.

The time for half measures is no longer.  If we are to accept the great awakening, we can no longer provide quarter to those who would continue the era of battered conservative syndrome.

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

― Taylor CaldwellA Pillar of Iron

…”If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom – go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!”

Samuel Adams

The American Dream Isn’t Dead, But Democrats Are Trying To Kill It

The other day, I was flipping through the Internet and came across a story in the Wall Street Journal with the headline, “Voters See American Dream Slipping Out of Reach, WSJ/NORC Poll Shows.” What? I had to read it, and sure enough, “Only 36% of voters in a new Wall Street Journal/NORC survey said the American dream still holds true, substantially fewer than the 53% who said so in 2012 and 48% in 2016 in similar surveys of adults by another pollster.” So, what happened to our country?

I’ll put this out there at the start: the American Dream is not dead; what is dead is most people’s idea of what that phrase means. The Journals writes, “The American dream—the proposition that anyone who works hard can get ahead, regardless of their background—has slipped out of reach in the minds of many Americans.” 

That’s not really what the American Dream is – the United States is not Lake Wobegone, where everyone is “above average.” If everyone “gets ahead,” then getting ahead would mean nothing, just as if the minimum wage was a million dollars per year, people making only one million dollars would be poor, as everything would cost exponentially more, etc. 

The American Dream is a shot at success, success of any level. There’s a reason almost all innovation and invention comes from the United States, and it’s not dumb luck or coincidence. Sadly, however, much of that reality is lost on Americans, and the leaders in innovation and invention are immigrants (of the legal variety) who come here with a better understanding of what the American Dream is compared to natural-born citizens. 

Much of the outside world sees the US as the land of opportunity it is, while people growing up here see it through the lens of the left-wing educational complex, which tells everyone the country is a bastion of oppression and sucking. 

Our culture is rotten. 

White kids are taught they’ve got all the advantages because of their skin color, and they’re monsters because of it. That their parents were just this side of slave owners, and everything in life was the result of “white privilege,” not hard work. Hate yourself; either join the progressive fight, or you’re the enemy. 

Young black people are taught the country as racist, one where the only path to prosperity is being an athlete or musician, not because it’s true, but because the entertainment and media industries – also controlled by the left – only highlight those options. To the extent a black business leader is ever mentioned or profiled, it is to highlight how they “overcame” this oppression. If “oppression” is actually real, you can’t “overcome” it at all; you’re oppressed. All you can do is escape or overthrow it. Overcoming it is impossible if it’s actual oppression.

But the true oppression we have in this country is instituted and administered by the people spending the most time talking about oppression, and that’s in the public school system. It’s not holding people down; it’s weighing them down with garbage – teaching people they are victims who will never succeed while denying them the only accurate tool to succeed: an actual education. 

You tell someone that they can’t get ahead, that “the system” is rigged against them; guess what happens when something doesn’t go their way? They get discouraged. 

Everyone fails at some point; they don’t get the job or promotion they want. But if you’ve been conditioned your whole life to believe you’re oppressed, those stumbles people used to learn and better themselves from are another straw smashing the camel’s body to bits. 

Sooner or later, after being told you can’t get ahead by people in positions of authority and trust, you believe it. We used to be more patient as a society, which made it difficult for this cancerous attitude to take hold because advancement – doing better than your parents’ generation – was what the American Dream was largely about. So, stumbles out of the gate were recovered, and people did better. Now, we are a microwave society that demands everything. Next weekend is forever away, and people on Instagram are having fun today, so it’s unfair! You’re a victim; you’re oppressed. 

Success is reached by so many “social media influencers” who come across as so dumb they likely couldn’t tie a shoelace if their life depended on it. A nation of Veruca Salts can’t understand why they can’t fly private, so the whole system must be destroyed. 

They’ve all been marinated in a culture of entitlement while denigrating the concept of earning. Well, you can’t “tax the rich,” no matter how large the writing is across a bulbous ass, if there aren’t any rich in the first place. And you can’t get away with writing it across where your head usually is if you don’t have an ignorant audience trained to receive it without getting lost in your own hypocrisy obediently. 

The American Dream is alive, but it’s not well. It’s the baby, and the Democratic Party is the British nanny charged with taking care of it. We need an intervention. We need someone who embodies that dream to virtually smack people across the face with a dead fish and wake them up because the Dream exists, but it’s not guaranteed. It’s not a birthright. It’s an objective, one you have actually to work hard for. 

The concept of hard work is nearly dead, too – everyone wants to be Kim Kardashian now; they don’t want to release a sex tape of them being ridden by a long-forgotten rapper and date a series of losers while parlaying that into a vapid reality show to get to where she is. 

That might be a little unfair, at least to Ray J (people remember him), but you get the point. The culture is rotten, and the average person just doesn’t want to do the work anymore. Ironically, the “influencers” they sit around watching worked hard to do whatever stupid thing they do. No one will admit it, and it’s not working how it has been traditionally understood, but it wasn’t immediate or easy. 

Still, no one wants to admit it or accept it. They don’t understand it; the concept, I mean. All they know is someone else has it better than they do and, somehow, is unfair. And because of that, the American Dream has been denied them. 

That sense of entitlement is true oppression. And the people instilling it – beating it – into kids today are the same people who oppressed people before the Civil War: Democrats. They’re doing it differently now, but the outcome is the same – Democrats never change their objectives, only their tactics. They’re now doing it to everyone, not one specific group, but make no mistake – the objective is the same.

To achieve that objective, they have to kill the American Dream once and for all. They’ve failed, thus far, on that front, but as that Wall Street Journal poll shows, they’re still goosestepping their way toward that goal, and at a surprising pace. Next year might be our last chance to stop them. 

'Biden Absolutely Sucks,' the President's "Base" Turns on Him Hard

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Trouble looms on the horizon for Joe Biden, at least for now. While polling has consistently shown discontent among younger voters, a key base for the Democratic Party, direct testimony isn't saying anything different.

The Washington Post visited the campus of the University of Michigan, and the responses were dire for the cognitively challenged president. 

The Washington Post recently spoke to several University of Michigan voters who claimed they might support a candidate other than Biden due to the issue, with one voter telling the outlet that she and her friends now refer to the world leader as "Genocide Joe" because of his support for Israel. 


The Post reported: "… [senior Bhavani Iyer] said she doesn’t know if she will support President Biden’s reelection bid next November. One of her top priorities is protecting access to abortion, but her disapproval of Biden’s handling of the Israel-Gaza war and his decision not to call for a full cease-fire weighs just as heavily on her mind these days."

"In past elections, I voted a straight ticket. But in this one, I feel like it’s probably not going to be that way," Iyer told the paper.

Several more examples are given with quotes in the article, but you get the idea. Young voters are very upset with the current White House resident.

In light of that, while there hasn't been a lot to celebrate as a Republican over the last half-decade or so, I take a lot of enjoyment from watching the Democratic Party eat itself. That it's doing so over Israel trying to destroy Hamas, a terrorist government that massacred 1,400 people on October 7th, makes it even better. 

The far left doesn't care that Biden is in a steep mental and physical decline or that his policies have created an economic situation that would make Jimmy Carter look preferable. Young voters particularly don't care that they won't be able to buy a house or that they'll have to get two jobs to make ends meet after they wrack up a few hundred thousand in debt with college. 

No, what they care about is that the president isn't antisemitic enough. It's both hilarious and pathetic. Out of all the horrible things Biden has done and continues to do, the one thing that kills him with younger voters is his lack of support for a terrorist government that has pledged to commit genocide in order to create an Islamic state that treats women like slaves. You can't make this stuff up. That's how contradictory and insane the modern left is. 

They scream about "social justice" and "oppression," yet they take the side of vicious, murderous oppressors because they otherwise might have to defend the Jews, and we can't have that. Younger voters, many indoctrinated in college, believe that skin tone and financial standing dictate oppression, not, you know, actual oppression. That's how you get Muslims being treated as perpetual victims despite Islam's entire history being marked by conquering, enslaving, and colonizing. 

In short, young voters tend to be really, really stupid. Perhaps they'll grow out of it, but in the meantime, perhaps they'll at least not show up to vote if they are this angry at Joe Biden.

Biden Heckled by Protesters in Nantucket 
Before Dining at Curiously-Named Restaurant

Joe Biden is in Nantucket for the Thanksgiving holiday with several members of his extended family, including his grandchildren as well as his son, Hunter Biden.

One of the grandchildren posted about the family taking a "polar plunge" and it wasn't clear whether or not Joe took the dip. But Biden did take credit at a presser for the deal in which Hamas released some of the hostages they had taken on Oct. 7 when they attacked Israel. But there so far have been no Americans included among the people released. Biden seemed to have no idea about whether any Americans would be released. Then too, questions were raised about his health when he came into the presser and seemed to stagger/weave as he moved toward the podium set up for him. 

But after he left the presser, he went out to lunch in town at a place that some noted was perhaps appropriately named, given the allegations of corruption that are currently being investigated about Biden and his family in Congress, "Brotherhood of Thieves." Anti-Israel protesters were across the street shouting, "Free Palestine!" Biden saluted a man who was nearby because he was wearing a USS Nantucket hat.

If you noticed there's a man with horns as the logo of the restaurant. It's a historical restaurant and you can read some of the history of the place and why the man has horns.

They continued to chant while Biden shopped the Black Friday deals in the town. 

 Then later in the day, Biden went to the town tree lighting. 

There he was met by more protesters with signs saying "Free Palestine" and chanting "Biden, Biden, you can't hide, we charge you with genocide!" Why are they still protesting? There's a ceasefire right now. So you mean it's not about that? Who would have guessed? 

Another point of irony, given Democrats whip up their left. So it's rather funny when it comes back to bite them in the posterior like this. He can't even go to a tree lighting without these characters haunting his steps. 

There was also a story that didn't get wider reporting, that on Wednesday there was a fire alarm that went off at the home where Biden was staying, but it was a false alarm. They don't explain what triggered the false alarm. 

Was Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) in the vicinity?