Sunday, November 19, 2023

Someone Please Rescue Miss USA From Her Lame Globalist Costume

There’s no need for Miss USA to walk around giving free ad space to competitor countries on a billboard strapped to her back.

Helmed by a man who plays dress-up with womanhood, the Miss Universe franchise is filing for bankruptcy — and as far as I’m concerned, that’s better than what the pageant, which has welcomed two cross-dressing male competitors this year, deserves. But there’s one thing about the annual extravaganza I’ll admit I enjoy: the parade of national costumes.

Each contestant chooses a costume that reflects her national heritage, culture, and pride. The outfits are always over the top, usually creative, and occasionally frightful.

Contestants often don costumes featuring their country’s flag, or nods to their mythology, history, local flora, or architecture. Two countries this year, however, featured the flags of other countries.

Miss USA’s costume sported miniatures of landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty and the Washington Monument, but these were flanked by some 10 other flags besides the Stars and Stripes. Miss Canada’s boasted even more, with nearly two dozen flags of other countries perched on top of her costume with other flags emblazoned on her skirt, plus the message “inclusivity makes dreams come true” on her back. The Canadian costume, according to announcers, included the flag of each country in the pageant; no explanation was given for how the flags on Miss USA’s back, from the Chinese flag to the flag of El Salvador, were selected.

Look, I know it’s tough to be Canada. As for Miss USA, I know it’s a challenge to capture the broad diversity and cultural influence of the world’s greatest superpower in one costume. But with all we have to pull from, does our “national costume” really have any business celebrating the competitors‘ nations of origin?

Every year, beautiful women from all over the world dream up lavish costumes that reflect their national pride, and they’re cheered for it. But for the United States and other Western countries where cultural Marxists treat national pride as a faux pas, the costumes can sometimes reflect that self-consciousness. (The voiceover accompanying Miss USA’s entrance this year was all about immigration.)

If Western cultural contributions like classical music, the Renaissance, or liberal thought are tied to icky taboos like colonialism and “Eurocentrism” — Miss Greece even sported a costume calling for the return of ancient artifacts from other countries’ museums — it’s no surprise there’s going to be a bit of an identity crisis when contestants try to craft uniforms celebrating the same heritage that’s under scrutiny. As a result, the rich histories of people like the Germans and the Dutch often end up sanitized into costumes of a pink princess Rapunzel and a stroopwafel, while Miss USA walks around giving free ad space to competitor countries on a billboard strapped to her back.

I actually love Miss USA’s viral costume from last year, a diorama of planting an enormous American flag on the moon. It was outrageous, but that’s the point of the whole competition anyway. Americans should be proud of being the best country in the world, and winning the space race is one great example of her success.

Miss USA in 2002, right after 9/11, exuded pride in an FDNY uniform. In other years, she’s been renditions of a cowgirl, a bejeweled American Indian, Scarlett O’Hara, Wonder Woman, and even Elvis. Kitschy, for sure — but as tacky as rhinestone Elvis sunglasses might be, at least those costumes unabashedly honored residents of our own American pantheon.

We may be a melting pot, but we have no shortage of cultural heritage to pull from. We’ve got Norman Rockwell paintings, the Rocky Mountains, the marble architectural grandeur of our capital city, the brilliant autumn colors in our Eastern foothills, and our music. We’ve got heroes such as George Washington, Daniel Boone, Sacagawea, and Rosie the Riveter. We have our inventions from the automobile to the airplane, our particularly American style from Levi Strauss to Ralph Lauren, our literary greats from Jay Gatsby to Huck Finn, the golden age of Hollywood, the Mayflower, redwood trees, bald eagles, the Declaration of Independence, our coastal fishing towns, baseball, the Chrysler building, the U.S.S. Constitution, and Betsy Ross, just to name a few.

Our president’s doing a bad enough job representing American pride on the world stage. There’s no need for Miss USA to copy his “America Last” mentality.

X22, And we Know, and more- November 19


Who is Pulling the Puppet Strings?

The Nazi rise to power was an aberration in world history. 

Or was it?  

Based on recent events, is it impossible to believe we could be re-living 1938 Germany's past?  Could we see another Kristallnacht occur in America at any moment?  Our country is visibly in freefall, with no leader willing to unequivocally call out the evil that is Hamas and its puppetmaster, Iran.  The lunatics are running our asylum, and they hold immense sway.

No, I'm not talking about the titular head of our country, President Biden, either.  He is a figurehead, no longer capable of deep thought, if ever before.  If Biden ever had any 'seichel' (wit or intelligence), it's been too long since he's shown any.  For a minute, forget about recent polling creating shockwaves running through Democrat circles.  You are left to believe the country is firmly in a box of its own making.

But let's leave Biden recharging in his Rehoboth Beach home and talk political realism.  Outsiders are hard-pressed to name anyone who influences Biden's actions.  Listen to a daily briefing with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, which displays three recurring themes:

  1. Constant reformation of the President's comments.  "What the President meant was…"
  2. "I would refer you to "X" for additional comments."
  3. An ever-growing hostility to reporters who "push" beyond Jean-Pierre's scripted verbiage as delivered straight from her notebook. 
This president's administration, supposedly the most transparent of all time, is perhaps the least forthcoming in a generation.  None other than CNN states: "Failed to act on a number of transparency issues.  Worse, the administration embraces its predecessors' opaque and undemocratic policies."  If the Biden administration is the keeper of light and truth, why does it exhibit such a cloistered, closed administration?  Perhaps Biden is trying to hold his party together in the face of complex and contrary crosscurrents endlessly battering him. 

Because the Biden administration is untruthful on so many issues, one is left to puzzle over what at first appears to be either schizophrenic or just patently wrong decision-making followed by equally inappropriate actions.  

The following issues are the foundational issues backed and supported by Biden, despite what recent narratives or statements to the contrary made that infer something different.

  1. First, he was 100% in support of Israel.  Now, he wants to give Israel the benefit of his experience in how to fight terrorists.
  2. Trillions spent electrifying everything in sight and demagoguing anyone who stands up and says, "Joe!  We don't want electric cars, stoves, or aircraft or having to eat less meat to appease your supporters whose endgame is to control our lives."
  3. Watching millions of illegal aliens admitted to the heartland, unvetted, unable to take care of themselves, and some here to do us physical harm or undermine our republic.
  4. Inflation is allowed to ravage middle-class people, making our savings worth far less.
  5. Woke-ism and racism have our country divided over endless pseudo issues that hide the critical issues.  Instead, we see either inaction or the worst possible outcomes.

It's the lies that should worry us the most.  Bidenomics is eye candy designed to take in the gullible, the uninformed, and those who believe in a better tomorrow based on loving Big Brother.  The statistics, like labor growth, are fundamentally deceiving.  What's been consistently growing is the number of people working for the government.  The latest figures tell the truth: the government is the leading growth sector in report after report.

You have been lied to, not once, but repeatedly, with millions lapping it up.

But exactly who is lying to us?  Some obvious and perennial actors include politicians, special interest groups, big business, foreign interests, and the vast and unaccountable thousands in our mammoth bureaucracies.  It's likely not a conspiracy, but there must be more than the usual suspects.  Since Obama, we have been entirely off the rails.  We've been Slouching Towards Gomorrah for a very long time.  Sure, there's Iran, Russia, China, and others that seek to destabilize and/or take advantage of us in our distress.   But even that isn't the reason we seek.

The honest answer is the worst because it is us, just as Pogo warned when he said, "We have met the enemy, and it is us!"  We've become believers in the "Prison of Two Ideas."  As Greg Gutfeld of Fox's "The Fives" describes it, "They set up an issue as having only two positions -- you're either for or against "X" -- and then place you on the side that sounds most evil."  

Too many of us retreat into default positions instead of insisting on logic and truth.  This leads us to the most malign contrivance of all: forgetting that truth matters.  Without truth, we can be controlled in every way.  Are we just building another box of our own making?  Whoever is pulling the strings, perhaps President Obama, George Soros, or other partisans, they are wearing down our country and the requisite psychic energy necessary to fight back. 

As much as I want to see Biden as the face of the destroyers, I can't.  He's a symptom, not a cause, which makes me wonder about the next person in line if not Biden.  Will he be just as bad?  Will we just be building another box?  Who can we trust with the running of our country, and who will be faithful to our Constitution and the Founders' intent?  In America's Democrat party today, who is happy?  Certainly not the rank and file.  Many Democrats have read the tea leaves and want someone else to run.

So what about the next person in line?  Will he or she be just as bad?  Who can we trust with the running of our country, and who will be faithful to our Constitution and the Founders' intent? 

Right now, as imperfect as former President Trump may be, he's the only one that we have a prayer of electing and who will stand up to the forces that try to destroy us.  Even if he becomes a convicted felon as he will likely be if his haters get their way, I'd vote for Trump again.  If he is to be kept in jail and prohibited from governing, I'll be one of the millions demanding his return.

God Bless America.

Former US first lady Rosalynn Carter dies aged 96


Former US first lady Rosalynn Carter has died at the age of 96.

She died peacefully with her family by her side, according to the Carter Center, a not for profit organisation founded by her husband and former president Jimmy Carter.

The pair were married for 77 years.

"Rosalynn was my equal partner in everything I ever accomplished," Mr Carter said.

"She gave me wise guidance and encouragement when I needed it. As long as Rosalynn was in the world, I always knew somebody loved and supported me."   

How Panicked Is the Army? Check Out Letter Eating Crow, Asking People Booted Over Vaccine to Come Back

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

We've covered the new series of ads from the U.S. Army looking to try to get more people to join up. 

Suddenly, they're not showing ads about people having two moms or catering to the woke. Instead, they're showing what I would call a classic military "Be all you can be" ad, emphasizing jumping out of a plane and achievement, rather than what people's sexuality might be. 

As my colleague Brandon Morse wrote:

By 2022, the Army's recruitment numbers had indeed plummeted. Their attempts to recruit with virtue signaling resulted in very few people signing up, and not just from the pool they were looking to siphon from, but the average middle-American male stopped coming too.

Some also wondered if this might be a sign that the military-industrial complex was trying to ramp up again, with the Biden administration looking like it might like to involve us in more wars. But they're desperate to try to get more people to sign up. 

Now they're even implicitly acknowledging -- at least on some level -- how wrong they were to boot people out for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine. A letter that they're sending out to people is circulating on social media. 

Task and Purpose has confirmed with the Army that the letter is real. 

“As a result of the rescission of all current COVID-19 vaccination requirements, former soldiers who were involuntarily separated for their refusal to receive the COVID-19 vaccination may request a correction of their military records,” according to a letter signed by Brig. Gen. Hope Rampy, Army Director of Personnel Management.

It also instructs soldiers looking to return to service to contact an Army, Army Reserve, or National Guard recruiter. It was not immediately clear to an Army spokesperson if soldiers who rejoin would return to their former unit or MOS.

So part of it is the rescission of the requirement. But the other part is how desperate they are. Task and Purpose says the Army missed its recruitment goals by about 15,000 people. They must be hard up to hire new people who can put out such letters without typos too, as they made a mistake on the spelling of "Military" in the signature block, as my colleague Streiff picked up. 

They booted 1,903 people over not getting the vaccine, and now have sent out 1,900 letters to try to get people back. But even if they got all those people back, they still would be far below their goals. And why should people who were separated trust that it might not happen again? This is an admission that the decision was political. 

Rep. Ben Cline (R-VA) called for them to be reinstated at rank and with back pay. 

But while the Defense Department had suggested people who were separated might get back pay, they walked it back in January. So, I'm not sure how many people would go back at this point. 

NTSB Thinks American Autos Should be Limited to 100 MPH

The author's high school Freedom Iron, 1978. Credit: Ward Clark. 
Ward Clark reporting for RedState 

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) apparently thinks that American automobiles should be limited to 100 miles per hour. The whole thing started with a tragic accident:

The traffic signal on North Las Vegas’s North Commerce Street had been red for at least 29 seconds, but the Dodge Challenger did not slow down. Instead, it flew through the intersection with Cheyenne Avenue at 103 mph, almost three times the 35 mph speed limit. Carnage ensued.

The crash that occurred on January 29, 2022, was horrific. The Challenger, driven by Gary Dean Robinson, slammed into the right side of a Toyota Sienna minivan crossing the intersection. Robinson and his passenger were killed, as were all seven people in the minivan (including four children).

That's horrible. No doubt about it. But the NTSB, in the course of their investigation, promptly and predictably overstepped. While accidents at high speed can be devastating, this is an instance of attempted government overreach; the NTSB has no constitutional authority to do this, and the idea should be shut down forthwith.

But NTSB’s investigation summary also included something else: The agency recommended that automakers install technology on all new cars that can prevent reckless speeding—and, for the first time, called on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to mandate it.

That is an excellent, overdue idea.

It's not an excellent idea, it's not overdue, and the Constitution gives no such power to the Federal government to regulate automobile manufacturers to this extent.

For the moment, though, let's set aside the constitutional arguments. Let's look at the (tragic, awful) event that prompted this recommendation. 

First, the person who caused the accident. The perp in question, Gary Dean Robinson, was one of those people who are "known to law enforcement," a previous offender, who was cited seven times for speeding but whose record only reflects one of those citations; he is, apparently, one of many whom the Las Vegas system has let off easy. This is, of course, a tendency we have seen in law enforcement time and again.

Second, Robinson was going 103 mph when the accident occurred. Would shaving three mph off his speed have made any difference? Of course not, which means that the 100 mph restriction would be the proverbial camel's nose under the tent; once a well-publicized incident occurred with an auto going 80 mph, the limit would be lowered, and again, until, what? The 55 mph speed limit returns? Thanks, no.

Some other examples of the federal government's overreaching in regulating automakers:

This is, honestly, more the kind of thing you'd expect to see in China than in the United States; yes, the same China that is trying to take over the electric-vehicle (EV) battery market, and who is courting U.S. politicians for deals to boost their own sagging economy.

As always, the answer here is simple: If the automobile manufacturers want to limit their own products to 100 mph, they are free to do so; some may, some may not, and people will purchase according to their own preferences. That's how free markets work; that's how liberty works. But every time someone says "There oughtta be a law," the answer is almost always, "No, there oughtn't," and this is one more such example. This Las Vegas situation was another example of a failure in the prosecutorial function of the city of Las Vegas or Clark County; that's where the ultimate cause of the problem lies.

Clamp down on repeat offenders who show callous indifference. And hands off our cars and trucks!

Don’t Trans The Tomboys

They aren’t dysphoric. They’re just girls.

These days, when she gets ready for school, the hair will be done. Perhaps it will be a braid of some sort, perhaps it will be curled. Earrings will be selected. A light and subtle application of age-appropriate makeup usually follows. The only constant is that she will always put on a skirt.

It didn’t used to be this way. When younger, she was quite the tomboy. There were the fights over getting her hair cut short, fights she lost not because we’re that controlling, but because short hair has to be cut more frequently and we didn’t want to add monthly visits to the stylist to the calendar. The uniform was shorts or pants and a polo for school, nicer pants and tops for dressier occasions, and athletic gear for casual moments. Jewelry was a no-go, even the pearls and things that grandmothers like to give to be worn at church.

She never suffered from dysphoria. She always knew she was a girl. It bothered her how often she was mistaken for a boy, not connecting the dots between her preferred functional form of attire and how it was virtually indistinguishable from the clothing sported by little boys. She was horrified when a classmate exhorted her to “just get the surgery.” That was reading too much into the truth, which was that she just wanted to play, to roughhouse, and to get outside. Dresses and skirts didn’t lend themselves to such things.

Once puberty arrived, the interests largely remained, but the video tutorials on how to do different braids and requests for new earrings joined them. It’s also when she looked at me earnestly in the car one evening and said, “I’m glad you and Mom aren’t liberals. You would’ve tried to turn me into a boy.”

While there are people across the political spectrum who recognize the realities of biology, statistically speaking, she wasn’t necessarily wrong in her proclamation. If she’d been born to this momthis mom, or this mom, things could have turned out much differently. Thankfully, she was born to us, and we don’t hold retrograde opinions about the imaginary relationship between preferred clothing, toys, activities, and sex.

Not everyone is so enlightened, though, instead preferring to categorize children based on rigid stereotypes about how superficial things define us as boys and girls, men and women. Countless stories, like those linked above, of parents realizing their daughter was “transgender,” start with “I knew my son [sic] was trans when…” and revolve around such stereotypical markers. She didn’t like the color pink (once hated in our house, now one of her favorites), dresses, or games associated with little girls. Ergo, she must be a boy!

All one has to do to make such a logical leap is ignore the fact that prepubescent kids are, by definition, not sexual creatures and, as such, not much thinking in terms of true masculinity and femininity. They are just thinking about what interests them, not how those interests align with or diverge from their sex. It’s misguided parents who swoop in and make those assumptions.

This viewpoint is especially incomprehensible when one realizes that tomboys have long been with us. They were once staples of literature and other entertainment, from Laura Ingalls to Jo in Little Women to Pippi Longstocking. That they enjoyed clothing or activities more typical of boys wasn’t reason to attempt to muck around with their biology, and it still isn’t reason now.

If you have a daughter, you have a daughter. Her preferred clothing and activities do not define her, particularly when she’s young. Maybe she just finds pants more comfortable or likes playing in the dirt more than playing with a Barbie. If you let her grow up as a girl, those preferences may stick or they may, as in our case, shift in more traditionally feminine ways. In either case, it is not our job as parents to guide them toward self-destruction, but toward self-fulfillment and flourishing.

Let your tomboy be a tomboy. As a father, enjoy that you can get out and do more rough-and-tumble things with her. As a mother, enjoy that she isn’t raiding your closet or makeup tray. To do otherwise, to make the destructive assumption that because she doesn’t fit a stereotype she must have been “born in the wrong body,” is to abdicate your responsibility as a parent, to punish her with pseudoscience, and to saddle her with a lifetime of legitimate suffering, not the imaginary kind that arises from preferring blue to pink.  

Black Chicagoans Ticked Off About Illegal Alien Invasion, Vow to Oust Democrats, Vote Republican

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

In this episode of "It All Looked Good on Paper"...

Remember when Democrat-run cities across the fruited plain first began to roll out their respective "sanctuary city status" policies? What compassion! What utopia! Just one problem. As more and more illegal aliens actually began to arrive in these hypocritical paradises, reality set in. 

Then came the Biden Border Crisis, and it wasn't long before all hell broke loose — among the locals.

Welp, the city of Chicago now finds itself at the wrath of Chicagoans who've had enough of the invasion

In fact, a group of black Chicagoans recently rallied on the city’s South Side to warn City Hall and the City Council that they're organizing an effort to defeat any city official who supports Mayor Brandon Johnson’s commitment to sanctuary city policies and the continued spending of millions of dollars on illegal aliens. 

Yep, they even vowed to vote Republican, if necessary, to kick offending Democrats the hell out of office.

These people went bottom-line in a hurry.

We’re here to say to black aldermen who are elected by the black citizens of Chicago that we are fed up with you not hearing our stress and our demands but rather do what you want to do to please the Democratic Party. 

We are fed up with you for not taking the lead to stop the buses. We are fed up with you for not demanding of [sic] Brandon Johnson to remove illegal immigrants from our community, and we’re also here to say we are denouncing Alderman William Hall and Lamont Robinson for going to the border to look into the eyes of illegal immigrants but has [sic] failed to look into the eyes of homeless black men women and children and other citizens of Chicago.

We have veterans who have served this country who are homeless. Have you looked into their eyes?

Alderman Yancey, Alderman Hall, Alderman Robinson — there are 58,440 homeless people in Chicago. We have black school-aged children sleeping in cars. Have you looked into their eyes? No, you have not.

Yet illegal immigrants are sleeping in hotels in the City of Chicago, paid [for] by the citizens of Chicago.

It's very simple — and it has been for six decades. 

The Democrat Party has exploited black America since the early days of the Lyndon Johnson presidency. From hollow promises to lame excuses about why Democrats haven't kept those hollow promises worked for decades, they continued to convince a majority of black America: "While we have not delivered on all of the promises we've made to you, just think how worse off you'd be if you didn't have us to protect from the evil Republicans." 

Harsh? Yes. True? Absolutely.

The speaker in the video did manage to work "the white corporate-dominated news media" into her speech.

The white corporate-dominated news media have been unwilling to discuss the role that has never happened before about how immigration is contributing to deteriorating economic and social conditions for blacks who live on the south and west sides of Chicago. If these mass immigration increases continues, all wages and employment for black workers and potential workers will fall.

Our position is that we will not quietly sit by and allow poor destitute people from around the world come to Chicago and be dumped into poor destitute communities in the city of Chicago to please the political agenda of black Alderman, the mayor of the city of Chicago, and the governor of the state of Illinois, as well as the President of the United States.


The group presented its list of demands to City Hall and the City Council:

The demands include:

  • We want the mayor to sign an executive order immediately ending sanctuary city.
  • Remove illegal immigrants from our city.
  • We demand that the mayor and the aldermen to not allow any more busloads of illegal immigrants into the city of Chicago.
  • We demand that the aldermen vote ‘no’ on the budget that assume an additional $150 million or more — or any amount for immigrants
  • We demand a funded office of freedmen for black descendants of American chattel slavery.
  • We support the candidacy of Republicans, independents, and Democrats who oppose sanctuary city.
  • We demand that you support Illinois African Americans equitable black school achievement.
  • And we demand that the land grab of senior citizens’ homes and to replace us with illegal immigrants.

The speaker concluded with what amounted to a threat to Chicago Democrat officials.

Those are our demands and this is what we expect our elected officials to do. They are not representing us. They are representing everybody else but us. In illegal immigration, and everything else, we voted for you to get into these positions of power so that you can represent our interests. 

And we have concluded that you’re not representing our interests. And we are organized. We’re organizing to remove any politician, black, white, otherwise, if you’re not going to represent the interests of black people in the City of Chicago.

Others spoke, as well, which you can view here.

Coincidentally — or not — shortly after the protest and list of demands happened, Johnson announced that illegal aliens who arrive in Chicago would be limited to a maximum of 60 days in city shelters — and then some.

Chicago, I heard you, and I hear you. This approach that we have right here is to make sure we are addressing the anxiety and fear that people have, whether you are a taxpayer or someone who is seeking asylum in the city of Chicago while speaking to our hopes and aspirations.

But the embattled mayor then added: "We will always be a welcoming city and a sanctuary city."

Johnson then went full-blown doublespeak:

This is not an admission of questioning our values. This is actually an admission that we have to double down on our values. 

The 60-day notification, again with the expanded services on the back end, will provide these families with a quicker and faster way to be able to contribute to our economy. That is the purpose of this extension of our plan.

Johnson's 2024 budget, if approved by City Hall, would aside $150 million to care for the more than 21,200 illegal aliens sent to Chicago from the southern border, many on buses paid for by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. Through the end of 2023, the city plans to spend more than $363 million to care for illegals. 

But, hey — Brandon Johnson said it himself: "Chicago will always be a sanctuary city."

Go figure.

Virulently Anti-Trump Leftist Actor Michael Rapaport Explains Why Voting for Trump Now on Table

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

We've certainly seen some intense hatred from Never Trump folks over the last few years. 

But there have been few people as virulently anti-Trump as actor and comedian Michael Rapaport. He has been quite fond of cursing out former President Donald Trump in the past and he still is doing so. But given how he has attacked Trump in the past, what he had to say about Trump this week on his podcast was quite something and immediately went viral on X.  

Warning for graphic language: 

"If it comes down to Pig D*ck Donald Trump and Smoking Joe Biden, I'm sorry, I am sorry,"  Rapaport declared. "Voting for Pig D*ck Donald Trump is on the table." He said that he was still going to curse Trump out, "but we need to get this whole f**king situation under control." 

 It's gross that he uses terms like that.

He's nuts, but when you've lost even him, you know that there are a whole lot of other people who are less crazy that you've also lost along the way. That's how terrible things are under Joe Biden. 

What is it that has caused Rapaport to flip? What is his issue with Joe Biden, and what does he think that Biden has let get out of control? 

One issue is the radical anti-Israel protests that have gotten out of control and revealed how crazy a lot of folks on the left are. He's one of those on the left who suddenly realizes that some of the folks on his side are nuts. 

He ripped the antisemitism, stating, "The openly anti-Jewish comments online, ripping down posters, ‘F--- the Jews,’ ‘Hitler this, that and the third’ – Hitler’s your hero? You love Hitler? You think he was dope? F--- you! You think Hamas is dope? F--- you!"

He's gone off on the Squad for their remarks. 

Last month, Rapaport ripped Democratic Reps. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., Ilhan Omar, D-Mo., and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., after they urged a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas and some of them accused Israel of bombing a hospital in Gaza. 

Rapaport wrote on X, "Take down that f---ing bulls---, you f---ing Jew haters. You hate the Jews. You've always hated the Jews. It's been one of your agendas to perpetuate Jew hate. Take down your f---ing fake news tweets. Rescind your f---ing comments, rescind your f---ing fake news statements. You're in government you motherf---ers!"

But it's not just the radical anti-Israel extremists. 

Here's a longer clip of him railing against the ripping down of the American flag on Veterans Day (the night before), but then he rips apart Joe Biden for the economy as well.

Warning for graphic language: 

Try to buy a house or a car and you won't need to get a colonoscopy, he says, because interest rates are so bad. He's certainly right on target with that. Not to mention the "chaos in this country, the chaos around the world." 

What's fascinating about this is his implicit belief that this wouldn't happen under Trump. Even he gets that things were better under Trump. 

Rapaport even posted a video of the Fox story about what he said and had a huge laugh about it, as they noted that Biden might just want to wrap it up now, if he's lost Rapaport. 

Warning for graphic language: