Saturday, October 21, 2023

Latest Emerson Polling – Trump Beating Biden and Dominating GOP Primary

Team Ron DeSantis made a desperate effort to accuse Donald Trump of supporting Hezbollah and trying to out-Israel Nikki Haley, they failed miserably. At this point the pathetic campaign of the Florida Governor has been reduced to a small supportive segment of rich, affluent, white men over 50; in essence, the professional republican donor class; and that’s it.

President Trump leads the field with almost 60% support and no other candidates reaching double digits.

[Source DATA]

[…] In the 2024 Republican primary, Trump holds his base of support since last month at 59%. No other candidate reaches double digits at the national level: 8% support Haley, 8% DeSantis, 4% Chris Christie, 3% Mike Pence, and 3% Ramaswamy. Ten percent are undecided. Since last month, DeSantis’ and Ramaswamy’s support decreased four points from 12% and 7%, respectively, while Haley’s support increased five points nationally from 3% to 8%. (link)

X22, On the FRinge, and more- Oct 21


The Gaza Blood Libel and Netanyahu’s Test To Come

A free nation can only have one legitimate military goal: 
the enemy's unconditional surrender

The Israel Defense Forces’ much-anticipated ground invasion of the Hamas-run Gaza Strip has not yet commenced, but the world’s attention has already begun to shift away from the single bloodiest and most catastrophic slaughter of the Jewish people since the defeat of Nazi Germany 78 years ago.

The Oct. 7 Hamas pogrom, which featured the indiscriminate mass murder of babies in their cribs, whole civilian families shot dead execution-style, countless teenage girls raped, and roughly 200 more civilians taken hostage back to Gaza’s subterranean terror tunnels, was so barbaric that U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who previously commanded the war on ISIS, described what he saw while visiting Israel as “worse than ISIS.”

Yet, while Jew-haters, conspiracists, jihad sympathizers and certain libertarians meticulously debated for a week whether the Jewish children slaughtered en masse in southern Israel were decapitated or “merely” tied up and burned alive, ultimately requiring the Israeli government to release grisly corroborative photos, the Western world immediately sided with Hamas propaganda – no questions asked! – when news broke this week of a deadly rocket attack on a hospital in Gaza.

In the eyes of the “enlightened” world, every Jewish death must be closely scrutinized and “journalistic ethics” demands we “just ask questions,” but every claim of Arab death put forth by terrorist-run “health ministries” must be immediately accepted as undisputed truth. Curious, that.

Accordingly, The New York Times and countless other useful idiot jihadist mouthpieces quickly put out defamatory headlines accusing Israel of striking the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza, killing 500. (The Gray Lady, for its part, also quickly posted a deceiving accompanying photo, which was apparently not even taken in Gaza). Thus far, very few of these Hamas propagandists have issued meaningful editorial corrections.

On the contrary, as of Wednesday evening, “CBS Evening News” posted on X (formerly known as Twitter): “The humanitarian crisis in Gaza continues to grow following a hospital explosion that killed hundreds. CBS News spoke to a doctor who says Israel’s army had previously warned the facility to evacuate.” In this case, X’s “Community Notes” feature handily pointed out the facts: “President Joe Biden has confirmed that the explosion was most likely a result of the misfiring of a Hamas missile. Video also shows that the explosion was in a car park and does not appear to have demolished any buildings.”

Indeed, by the time CBS posted this, there was mass-circulated footage clearly showing the fatal rocket in question was misfired from within Gaza itself, either by Hamas or the Iran-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Not only had the IDF itself already confirmed that; U.S. intelligence had as well. But why let some stubborn facts get in the way of a convenient narrative?

But the corporate media are not the only shameful actors here. U.S. House of Representatives’ “Hamas Caucus” Chair Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) continues to peddle the abhorrent lie that Israel intentionally bombed the hospital. We now know not only that that is false; we also know it is (thankfully) untrue that the hospital itself was hit, as the “Community Note” above clarified.

Let’s call this what it is: 21st-century blood libel. It is vile and condemnable.

Watching this week’s hospital soap opera unfold, along with the backdrop of President Joe Biden visiting Israel to hector Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s war cabinet about warfighting and rules of engagement in advance of a Gaza incursion, one must ask: Is Israel really going to be able to do what it needs to do, in Gaza, to finally eradicate the Hamas cancer once and for all?

If Israel is to finish the job in Gaza, it is imperative that this absurd cycle not repeat itself. Today’s Nazis, an Islamist Reich hellbent on global Jewish genocide beyond the massacre it just successfully perpetrated, must be defeated by any means necessary. Furthermore, as the world recently saw when Hamas apparently began bombing its own roadways to prevent Gazans from fleeing toward Egypt, cynically preferring to keep its people trapped in Gaza as cannon fodder, Hamas bears full responsibility for all civilian deaths in Gaza.

More to the point: Did the United States get bogged down in this sort of global public relations fight, following the 1942 Doolittle Raid, the first bombing of the Japanese mainland after Pearl Harbor? Did the Allied powers get dragged into a public relation fight with Hitler, following the 1945 bombing of Dresden?

H.L. Mencken famously said that “democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” In Gaza, Hamas was popularly elected and remains overwhelmingly popular.

War is messy. And when a genocidal death cult strikes a free nation, that free nation can only have one legitimate military goal: the enemy’s unconditional surrender.

No matter how much pressure Biden applies, and no matter how nasty the public relations battle gets, let’s pray Netanyahu and his war cabinet remember that.

No, The Conflicts in Israel and Ukraine Are Not ‘One War’

Neocons are twisting themselves into rhetorical pretzels to make the case for one big war — with the U.S. right in the middle of it.

A memo must have gone out this week to all unreconstructed neocons directing them to propagate the idea that the conflicts in Israel and Ukraine are “one war,” and that the stakes of this one war are so high — civilization itself hangs in the balance! — that the United States must get deeply involved in both of them.

I know, it sounds idiotic, but that’s the line. President Joe Biden peddled a version of it in an Oval Office speech Thursday, saying Hamas and Putin represent different threats but “both want to completely annihilate a neighboring democracy.”

This flimsy talking point made the rounds earlier in the week when neocons like Jonah Goldberg and Matthew Continetti both argued that Israel and Ukraine are “the same war on two fronts,” as Goldberg put it. Everyone knows about Iran’s support for Hamas, he said, but the “more vital question is of Russia’s involvement.”

And what, pray tell, is the connection between Moscow and Hamas? Well, you see, Iran supports Hamas, and Iran and Russia both depend on oil revenue. Both are sanctioned by Western governments, and “Global instability keeps the petrodollars flowing.” See the connection? Wake up, sheeple!

As for Israel and Ukraine, Goldberg claims they are both “flawed but decent democracies facing enemies who seek to erase them from the map.”

This is like a Kamala Harris speech on foreign policy: Israel is a country. Ukraine is a country. Because they are both countries, they have much in common. Both are at war. War is when good armies fight bad armies. Ukraine and Israel are good. Russia and Hamas are bad. Therefore, Israel and Ukraine are fighting the same war. 

Seriously though, setting aside obvious facts like Israel is one of America’s closest allies and Ukraine is not an ally at all, let’s start with the fatuous notion that Israel and Ukraine are both “flawed but decent democracies.” Even before the war, Ukraine ranked well below a bunch of Third World “sh-thole countries” on nearly every democracy matrix, and was only slightly better than Russia on most corruption indices. A 2021 report by Freedom House pegged Ukraine as a “transitional or hybrid regime,” not a democracy, and rated it only “partly free.”

Once the war began, it got worse. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky shut down the free press, banned all opposition political parties, and canceled elections. Ukraine is now a one-party state where the party controls the news media. That doesn’t sound like any democracy I’ve ever heard of, and it certainly isn’t anything like Israel, which has a free press and free elections — things that aren’t just characteristics of democracy but prerequisites for it.

What about Biden and Goldberg’s notion that Ukraine and Israel both face enemies that want to wipe them off the map? I get that demonizing foreign adversaries is a way to gin up support for endless and unpopular foreign adventures, but the comparison here is ridiculous. Russia is a rational authoritarian state, not part of a fundamentalist Muslim terror network trying to start World War III. It doesn’t want to annihilate Ukraine, it wants to absorb it into a greater Russia (Putin himself has said so repeatedly).

We can all recognize Putin is the aggressor in this war while also admitting that the difference between Russians and Ukrainians is mostly a regional accent. Given the unique historical circumstances and the realities of Russia’s nuclear arsenal, the best thing we can do to help Ukraine is to push it to negotiate a political settlement with Russia — something we should have been doing before the first shot was fired.

That of course is impossible in Israel, which isn’t fighting to keep “occupied lands,” as Ukraine is, and would likely give 99 percent of the West Bank and Gaza back to Egypt and Jordan if it could. Acting like there’s some equivalency between the Donbas and Gaza isn’t just historically illiterate, it’s insulting to Israel. As for Hamas and its allies in Tehran, they don’t want to rule over the Israelis or absorb them into a greater Palestine, they want to drive them into the sea. 

But I don’t want to beat up on Goldberg too much because he’s not the only one spouting this nonsense. Continetti over at The Washington Free Beacon published a somewhat less ham-fisted version of the same “one war” argument this week. He says both conflicts stem from two big mistakes by President Biden that weakened American deterrence: the Afghanistan withdrawal and the revival of the Iran nuclear deal. The Afghanistan debacle convinced Moscow there would be little cost in an outright invasion of Ukraine, and Tehran took advantage of Biden’s diplomatic overtures to unleash regional mayhem.

Both observations are correct as far as they go. American weakness abroad usually results in revisionist powers pursuing their revisionist goals, as we saw during the entire Obama presidency and again during Biden’s term. But Continetti takes these observations much farther than they can reasonably go. 

Without explaining what core U.S. interests are implicated in the Russia-Ukraine war, or what a Ukrainian victory in that conflict might entail, he simply asserts that Biden “must recognize that Ukrainians and Israelis alike man distant ramparts in a war for the civilized world,” as if a Moscow-dominated Ukraine represents the same kind of civilizational threat as an Iranian-dominated Middle East. But of course it doesn’t. The former would mean a return to the status quo ante 2014 in Ukraine (which might be where we end up even with a Ukrainian “victory”). The latter would mean nuclear war.

But never mind that. How do we save civilization? Congress must dole out funds to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan right away — and that’s just for starters, says Continetti. “Then Biden must tell Congress that this money is a down payment. The next step is a much larger appropriation. America must commit to a conventional and strategic arms buildup that will instill fear in Moscow, Tehran, Pyongyang, and Beijing.”

One could argue that given the decrepit state of the U.S. military and the unstable state of world affairs, a conventional and strategic arms buildup is long overdue. But that’s not what Continetti is arguing. Remember, civilization itself is at stake, which here serves as a rhetorical legerdemain to skip over how, exactly, the U.S. under Biden’s leadership is supposed to reverse decades of industrial and military decline, keep funding the quagmire in Ukraine, while also supporting Israel, Taiwan, and maintaining U.S. military readiness.

As Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio and Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts noted in a recent op-ed, the U.S. has overcommitted resources to Ukraine at the expense of allies like Israel: “In January, the U.S. raided one of our major arms stockpiles in Israel, designed to support our allies in that region, and instead transferred 300,000 155mm shells to the war in Ukraine.”

Such details don’t concern the likes of Goldberg and Continetti. For them, all revisionist powers meld together into a single enemy, all foreign conflicts become essentially the same, and all of them require U.S. intervention. They really think this way, so at least they’re being honest. The neocon mind comprehends only one war — a forever war that must be fought over and over, decade after endless decade, no matter the cost, no matter how pyrrhic the victory. No thanks.

Congrats, Lapdog Media! New Survey Shows America's Confidence in News Outlets Returns to Record Low

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

In this episode of "Try to Control Your Shock and Amazement"...

According to a new survey conducted by Gallup — are you sitting down? — Americans across the political spectrum have moved beyond disillusionment into full-blown distrust of the mass media.

The 32% of Americans who say they trust the mass media '"a great deal" or "a fair amount'" to report the news in a full, fair, and accurate way ties Gallup's lowest historical reading, previously recorded in 2016.

Is it any wonder?

Conversely, the survey found that 29 percent of American adults have "not very much trust" in the media, while nearly four out of 10 — 39 percent — have "none at all."

Given the hyperpartisanship that has metastasized throughout the U.S. media over the last six to eight years, anyone surprised by Gallup's findings has either been living in a cave or has managed to avoid all contact with mankind, and access to the news and goings-on of these turbulent time.

And Those Who DO Trust the Media?

I remain convinced that the vast majority of people who regularly watch any given news outlet(s) or read any given political site(s) — conservative or liberal — do so for two primary reasons: 

First, they want to be told what they already believe, and, second, they believe their opinions are validated when they see or read their favorite media heroes say or write the same thing(s).

The Blurring of Facts, Opinions, and Conspiracy Theories

The late Democrat senator and statesman Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously said

You are entitled to your own opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts. 

Big problem. Huge problem — for the left, as it relates to today's political reality. Take "science," for example, and how the Democrats continued to bastardize the hell out of it, as COVID-19 facts no longer supported their histrionic narrative.

It should be noted that the Democrat Party of Moynihan's days of course bears little resemblance, if any, to the far-left Democrat Party's socialism and wokeism of today. Nevertheless, Moynihan's assertion remains fundamentally true. 

So here's the thing. 

Problems continue to compound with respect to trust in the media for multiple reasons — the principal among them being: who fact-checks the fact-checkers

Also, credibility suffers when untold millions of Americans get their "news" and/or "facts" from the social media cesspool, or elsewhere — without bothering to take the time to educate themselves — or at least, to look for reputable third-party sources before running their mouths or firing up their keyboards. The list goes on.

Also not shocking, Democrats have historically trusted the mass media more so than Republicans. 

Given the combined viewership of CBSNBCABCMSNBC, and even CNN, the proof is in the biased pudding, which is precisely why the "mainstream" [rolling-eyes emoji] media have attempted to portray Fox News as practically Satan's own media outlet.

The above said, even Democrat trust in the media has now matched its record low of 2016. Why? 

I can only speculate that the mere existence of Fox News, along with the continuing growth and influence of conservative "citizen journalism," is at play.

Meanwhile, the band plays on. And the divisiveness in this country only continues to harden and grow. 

White House Asks Congress for $106 Billion – $61B for Ukraine, $14B for Israel, $9B for Gaza et al

The people behind Joe Biden have put together a single $106 billion request of financial support intended to force Congress to fund the priorities of the Obama/Biden U.S. foreign policy.

The supplemental appropriations request [SEE HERE] also includes funds to support the continued flow of illegal aliens at the southern border.

WASHINGTON – […] All told, the request includes $61.4 billion for Ukraine, including $44.4 billion to provide Department of Defense equipment for the country, to replenish weapons stocks and to continue providing other military support. The administration is also asking for $14.3 billion for Israel and $9.15 billion for the State Department to provide humanitarian assistance to Ukraine, Israel and Gaza.

[…] In addition to the funds for the two wars, the White House is also asking Congress for $13.6 billion to address migration at the southern border. That includes $6.4 billion for border operations, such as holding facilities, $3.1 billion for additional border agents, $1.4 billion for migrant shelters and services and $1.2 billion to counter fentanyl. (read more)

Biden Regime Officials Worry About Middle East Escalations

Ward Clark reporting for RedState 

While Israel prepares their population to do what must be done in Gaza, the rest of the world is watching with a mixture of anticipation and horror — not least of all, the United States.

Never before have we talked to so many top government officials who, in private, are so worried about so many overseas conflicts at once.

Why it matters: We don't like to sound dire. But to sound a siren of clinical, clear-eyed realism: U.S. officials say this confluence of crises poses epic concern and historic danger.

Behind the scenes: Officials tell us that inside the White House, this was the heaviest, most chilling week since President Biden took office just over 1,000 days ago.

  • Former Defense Secretary Bob Gates — who ran the Pentagon under presidents of both parties, George W. Bush and Barack Obama — tells us America is facing the most crises since World War II ended 78 years ago.
  • He explains the White House's system overload like this: "There's this gigantic funnel that sits over the table in the Situation Room. And all the problems in the world end up coming through that funnel to the same eight or 10 people. There's a limit to the bandwidth those eight or 10 people can have."

I'm skeptical about the idea that Iran, China, or Russia will become directly involved in this conflict. The distances are too great for military intervention; China's vaunted Navy has a lot of ships but little in the way of at-sea replenishment, which restricts them to the western Pacific near their ports. Russia has its hands full in Ukraine. The two powers may be able to provide financial and some logistical support to Hamas, but little more than that. Iran is a somewhat greater concern; they can reach Israel and Gaza with some of their missiles. But Iran is a Persian, Shia nation while Hamas is a Sunni Arab organization; they may be allies of convenience and useful to Iran for feces-stirring purposes, but Iran probably won't enter into a major war because of Hamas.

Jordan, however, has a greater reason to be concerned.

Jordan's foreign minister said on Thursday the country feared the worst was yet to come in the Israel-Hamas war, with no signs of success in efforts to de-escalate tensions.

A deadly rampage on Oct. 7 by Palestinian Islamist group Hamas killed 1,400 people, prompting Israel to bombard the Gaza Strip in strikes that have killed thousands and made more than a million homeless.

In remarks at a press conference with his German counterpart, Ayman Safadi said the war would have "catastrophic repercussions" and urged "protecting the region from the danger of its expansion".

"All the indications are that the worst is coming.. The catastrophe will have painful consequences in coming periods," Safadi said, adding that diplomatic efforts were not yielding any results in ending the conflict.

Jordan, unlike most of the majority-Muslim nations of the Middle East, has diplomatic relations with Israel. Jordan is also a U.S. ally. They have reason to be concerned about Hamas, but they are also a buffer between Israel and the two major opposing regional powers, Iraq and Iran. The Druze in the southern part of Syria poses a problem for any nation wanting to move supplies through Syria, and that nation is embroiled in a civil war that doesn't help matters any. So, it would be difficult, at best, for the various factions to coalesce into a conventional regional conflict.

That's not to say that the Israel-Hamas conflict cannot escalate. It certainly can, whether or not outside forces intervene. Hamas has shown itself very capable of all manner of atrocity, and it's certainly possible, if not probable, that Hamas has embedded operatives, or at least allies, in Western nations — including the United States. Our porous southern border has all but laid a welcome mat down for people who intend to do our people harm. 

If the Israel-Hamas conflict were to escalate, it would likely be an unconventional regional conflict, with non-uniformed irregulars (which is what Hamas is) carrying out unconventional warfare against Israel and its allies — including the United States. As Nick Arama informs us, this is already happening.

Which brings us back to Washington.

When one examines the history of the Biden administration, what rapidly becomes apparent is the weakness of the figures at the very top — the ones who represent America to the world. The administration is people with executives and staff who were all too often chosen to check "diversity" boxes rather than for their actual capability, and drinking from the fire hose that is the current geopolitical situation clearly has them flummoxed.

None other than Barack Obama once famously said that it was unwise to "...underestimate Joe Biden's ability to f*** things up." He was right; now, in American foreign policy, we see not only feckless and weak responses to political crises but now near-panic on the part of administration officials who are utterly incapable of dealing with more than one threat at a time.

That, as much as anything else, is the threat that the United States faces.

NYC Activist Judge Fines President Donald Trump $5,000 For Visibility of Tweet Made Prior to Gag Order

In the New York case against President Trump’s business operations, far left Judge Arthur Engoron previously issued a gag order forbidding President Trump from criticism of any court employee.  Today, Judge Engoron levied a $5,000 fine against President Trump because a Truth Social media post made prior to the order was visible on the Trump campaign website.

This judge is nuts.  Literally, nuts.

(Reuters) – Donald Trump was hit on Friday with a $5,000 fine by a New York judge for violating a gag order barring the former U.S. president from disparaging court staff during a civil fraud trial in which he is accusing of unlawfully inflating his net worth to dupe lenders.

Future violations by Trump could be punished by steeper fines and possible imprisonment, Justice Arthur Engoron said in an order. The judge noted that the violation appeared inadvertent, but added, “Make no mistake: future violations, whether intentional or unintentional, will subject the violator to far more severe sanctions.”

Engoron said in the order that a social media post by Trump attacking the judge’s clerk – which was deleted from the former president’s Truth Social platform – had remained visible on his campaign website two weeks after he had ordered it taken down. (More)

Sidney Powell’s Plea Proves Fulton County Prosecutor Went Nuclear To Get Trump

Why did the Fulton County DA offer Sidney Powell such a favorable plea deal? The answer is simple.

Lawyer and former Trump adviser Sidney Powell pleaded guilty Thursday to six misdemeanor counts of conspiracy to commit intentional interference with performance of election duties. Under Georgia’s First Offender Act, Powell’s plea agreement will result in the discharge of all the criminal charges after she serves six years of probation. That the Fulton County prosecutor settled for these misdemeanor charges when Powell faced seven major felony counts — including an expansive RICO conspiracy count — confirms the criminal justice system was weaponized to get Trump.

Jury selection in the criminal case against Powell was scheduled to begin Friday on charges returned against her by a grand jury in Fulton County, Georgia, in August of 2023. That grand jury indictment, which spanned some 98 pages, charged Powell and 17 other defendants, including former President Donald Trump, on some 41 different criminal counts. The unifying theme of the indictment was that the defendants conspired to “unlawfully change the outcome of the election in favor of Trump.”

On Thursday, however, Powell struck a last-minute plea agreement with Fulton County prosecutor Fani Willis, agreeing to plead guilty to six misdemeanor counts under Georgia’s First Time Offender law. Under this law, Powell will serve six years of probation, after which the criminal charges will be discharged, leaving Powell with no criminal record. As part of the plea deal, Powell must also testify truthfully in the upcoming criminal trials of the other defendants. The former Trump adviser must also pen an apology letter to Georgia citizens and pay nearly $10,000 in fines and restitution.

Powell’s deal resembles, in some ways, the sweetheart “pretrial diversion” agreement Hunter Biden negotiated with the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office, which later fell apart. But there is one huge difference between the two agreements: Powell only agreed to plead guilty because Willis had obtained a grand jury indictment charging her with seven serious felony counts. And in her plea agreement, Powell did not plead guilty to any of the charges contained in the indictment.

The bottom line is this: Willis basically extorted a guilty plea from Powell by charging her with seven serious felonies, including a RICO conspiracy count, two counts of conspiracy to commit election fraud, and one count each of conspiracy to commit computer theft, conspiracy to commit computer trespass, conspiracy to commit computer invasion of privacy, and conspiracy to defraud the state. With a jury culled from deep-blue Fulton County, the risk of a conviction on even one of the felony counts, and the consequential loss of her law license, would be just too great of a chance for any defendant to take — especially when the plea only involved misdemeanors that would be discharged from Powell’s record following probation. Under these circumstances, it would have been lunacy for Powell to have rejected the plea offer.

But what reason would Willis have to offer such a favorable deal? None, if Willis truly believed Powell committed the felonies for which she was charged and Willis had the evidence to prove them. After all, it is not as if Powell’s testimony is needed to establish the other crimes charged against the other defendants.

So why let Powell off with what would be a slap on the wrist if Powell had committed the felonies as charged? The answer seems clear: Powell hadn’t committed the felonies, and Willis never thought she had. But she overcharged Powell to add gravitas to the supposed election conspiracy claims and to make an offer for a first-offender misdemeanor plea deal an offer too good to refuse.

The Fulton County prosecutor played the same gambit with another defendant, Scott Hall, who reached a similar first-offender deal last month. How many other defendants Willis will seek to squeeze guilty pleas from using this ploy remains to be seen, but it is unlikely to work for several of the defendants because the crimes for which they are being charged are ones that fail as a matter of law.

For instance, the charges Willis brought against the alternative electors, and the lawyers advising the Trump campaign on the appointment of alternative electors, should never reach a jury because the naming of alternative electors was entirely legal and the proper way to protect Trump in the event his legal challenges to the Georgia election succeeded. Lawyer Kenneth Chesebro made precisely that argument last week, and while Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee rejected it, Chesebro can challenge that decision on appeal. Whether Chesebro will, though, or will instead accept a plea deal remains to be seen. But even if Chesebro pleads guilty, it will only take one defendant standing firm to destroy the fake-elector theory.

By charging the defendants with multiple felonies, however, Willis made it exceedingly difficult for them to chance a conviction. And she’d likely be happy with misdemeanor first-offender pleas from everyone — until she gets to Trump — proving Willis didn’t just weaponize the criminal justice system. She went nuclear.

Biden Lets Loose on Bibi and Jim Jordan as WH Walks Back His Bad Remark About Gaza Invasion

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

With the Middle East blowing up, with Americans being killed and held hostage, and U.S. forces under attack, you would think maybe that would be taking up all of Joe Biden's time on Friday. 

Instead, Biden had a summit meeting with EU leaders where he had trouble with his notes and told a wild story about his Uncle Frank, then attended a campaign fundraiser before he headed off to the beach for yet another weekend vacation. 

But he wasn't quite done with the bad remarks for the day before he hit the beach. Reporters in attendance at the fundraiser reported on those remarks. 

Biden said that "the Saudis wanted to recognize Israel," and Hamas may have attacked because "they knew I was about to sit down with the Saudis."

This comment Is nonsense on at least a couple of levels. 

First, the evidence indicates that the attack was in the planning for a long time, so it wasn't precipitated by any recent event from Biden. 

Second, Biden had nothing to do with bringing the Saudis and Israel closer. That was all the peace efforts of former President Donald Trump. Biden seems to be trying to take credit for that achievement. If anything, Biden worsened the situation, by angering the Saudis with his words against Prince Mohammed bin Salman and fighting over oil. 

Third, Biden wants to deflect from the real reason -- that his weakness and deals with Iran emboldened Hamas. 

Biden's comment about Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu was also not helpful under the circumstances. Biden said he told Netanyahu he didn't "agree with a damn thing you say." 

The guy who falsely claims he's a "unifier" also took a shot at Rep Jim Jordan (R-OH) whose effort to be House Speaker just failed. "He just got his rear end kicked," Biden said.

What a small, petty man Biden is. 

Perhaps Biden's most problematic comment at the fundraiser (at least from what we've heard so far) is that he threw Israel under the bus again. He said "yes," in response to a question from a reporter about whether Israel should delay their invasion until more hostages could be released. 

Then the White House had to quickly walk that back, claiming that Biden "misheard" what was asked of him. They claim that he just heard the second part of the question and said he wanted more hostages released. 

Sure, let's go with that, rather than that he said something stupid undercutting Israel again. Let's accept that he can't hear reporters, he can't read teleprompters, he can't manage to find his way off stages. Can anyone tell me why anyone would want this guy for any job, much less in the most powerful job in the nation?