Tuesday, October 3, 2023

RFK Jr. Internal Polling Revealed – In a 3-way Race, Kennedy Takes Away the Trump Lead Over Biden

The truth has no agenda, and it certainly doesn’t care about your feelings. Remember that, because it is the core of this assembly.

RFK Jr. recently spoke of internal polling showing that his third-party independent run would pull more votes from Trump than Joe Biden.  Many people refused to believe the statement and demanded to see the polling.  Well, here it is:


You will notice the Joe Biden percentage of voters (38%) doesn’t change when Robert Kennedy Jr. is added to the equation as a third-party independent candidate.  However, the Trump support drops from 40% to 38%, essentially wiping out the lead that President Trump would hold in a general election over Joe Biden.

Given the intellectually honest assessment that RFK Jr., as an independent run, could never win the general election, it may annoy some people to accept his decision to run as an independent only carries one motive – to reduce the Trump vote.  However, as much as you may not want to accept that reality, the data is clear – and it makes sense.

Many right-leaning or politically homeless Trump voters have spent a great deal of time celebrating the positions of RFK Jr. and projecting a positive opinion toward him.  After thinking positively about him for so long, having to accept that RFK Jr. may not be as decent, honorable and/or altruistic in his intentions can be a painful admission.  I get it; but the reality of the situation doesn’t change.

At CTH we accept things as they are, not as we would wish them to be.  Cognitive dissonance is not appreciated here, and the reality is that RFK Jr. has a large following of supporters within the MAGA-hood.  He has been talked-up for almost a year.

RFK Jr is one of the most popular people on Rumble, and all of the content containing him is very well viewed and received.  It factually makes sense that some of Trump’s support would transfer to RFK Jr. given the nature of the political climate in the United States.  I’m sure that once Trump’s team review their own independent data, we will likely see a shift in tone from Trump toward RFK Jr.

Here’s the bitter pill to swallow.  RFK Jr. has already admitted that if he changes from Dem to Indy, he will hurt Trump more than Biden.   So, if RFK Jr. does actually change from Dem to Indy, his intention is to pull from Trump’s support and assist Biden.  That’s the reality of the situation.

The truth of the thing doesn’t care about how difficult it is for you to accept the thing.  Nor do I.

I accept that RFK Jr. is going to try and support Joe Biden by pulling votes away from Donald Trump.  After all, he is a Kennedy.

RFK Jr. is not an ally regardless of how many invested voices continue to claim he is or remain unwilling to reverse course.

X22, On the Fringe, and more- Oct 3


I'm so weary of always talking about politics. All the stinking in fighting, all the back and forth arguing with little to no results, all the phony drama, all the 'OH MY FUCKING GOD THIS PERSON IS A TRAITOR FOR EVEN SAYING OR THINKING THAT!!!' spit balling, (seriously, you even have to ask why almost nothing gets done quickly or at all?). I wish I could talk about something else. Except here in lies the problem: NCIS LA is done, the surviving shows won't start filming for another month (🤞), and therefore, I have no updates on Hetty to talk about. So, yeah. I'm stuck with what I have. (and yeah, maybe this has something to do with me waking up and asking 'Where's some NCIS news? Where's Hetty' for a couple of minutes.).

Canadian Stasi Requires Dissidents to Register with Government – “Meaningful Content” Will Be Monitored

Comrades, all your speech are belong to us…

In order to control information that may be averse to the regime in charge, various totalitarian government operations require registration.  The registration process generates a permit that can then be leveraged against any operation that doesn’t conform to the regime fiats.

A few days ago, the North American hub of speech and information control known as Canada, announced that all internet hosting platforms that give voice to podcasters must register with the government.

Additionally, it appears that any podcast who wishes to provide information must also register.  The users and viewers do not need to register, only those providing the content.

Gee, I wonder who the core target is here?

CANADA – Today, the CRTC is advancing its regulatory plan to modernize Canada’s broadcasting framework and ensure online streaming services make meaningful contributions to Canadian and Indigenous content.

On May 12, 2023, the CRTC launched its first public consultations. After thoroughly examining all the evidence on the public record, including over 200 interventions, the CRTC is issuing its first two decisions.

First, the CRTC is setting out which online streaming services need to provide information about their activities in Canada. Online streaming services that operate in Canada, offer broadcasting content, and earn $10 million or more in annual revenues will need to complete a registration form by November 28, 2023. Registration collects basic information, is only required once and can be completed in just a few steps.

Second, the CRTC is setting conditions for online streaming services to operate in Canada. These conditions take effect today and require certain online streaming services to provide the CRTC with information related to their content and subscribership. The decision also requires those services to make content available in a way that is not tied to a specific mobile or Internet service.

A third consultation is ongoing. It considers contributions traditional broadcasters and online streaming services will need to make to support Canadian and Indigenous content. The CRTC will hold a three-week public proceeding starting on November 20, 2023, and will hear from 129 intervenors representing a broad range of interests. (read more)

Note…. Rumble streaming and Video Platform is a Canadian company.


{Background Here}

‘Terrible Idea’: Renown Doctor Obliterates COVID Vaccine

The latest COVID-19 vaccine is now accessible at participating pharmacies and healthcare providers, endorsed by the CDC for individuals aged 6 months and older.

Not all health experts support this recommendation.

Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Florida’s surgeon general, said, “It’s just a really terrible idea.”


“And it’s remarkable and really spellbinding that [the CDC] would make that kind of recommendation in the absence of evidence,” he continued.

“The FDA and CDC could have compelled Pfizer or Moderna to conduct clinical trials — that’s something that’s totally doable — and they didn’t do it,” he said.

“The risks are very real, which adds to the madness of the way that the CDC and the FDA are making decisions right now,” he said.

“I suspect that it is a real finding and a major safety concern,” he said. “And they’re pushing the product on human beings. That is an anti-human approach … an anti-human policy.”

“There are so many reasons to say ‘pause’ at this point. Instead, the CDC and FDA are saying ‘full steam ahead.'” 

“The CDC was vocal about the spike protein being a very short-lived phenomenon … and now we have people who, for prolonged periods of time, seem to have evidence of spike proteins circulating in their tissues,” Ladapo said. “Is that a safe outcome? I don’t think so.”

“Human beings deserve better than these products that have very high rates … of serious adverse events,” Ladapo said.

Pfizer saw its 2022 revenue surpass a record $100 billion as company CEO Albert Bourla vowed that everyone will have a “perfectly normal life with just injection maybe once a year.” Bourla received a 36% pay hike and netted $33 million through the pandemic. Despite four doses of his company’s vaccine, the quadruple-vaxxed Pfizer CEO still tested positive for COVID last year in August 2022. Bourla stated that he was “thankful” to have received four doses of the vaccine at the time.

In March 2023, a staggering 40% of adults said they were very or somewhat concerned about the safety of the vaccine.

In the United States, 60% of adults said they had received at least one dose of the vaccine in January 2022. By March 2023, that number had dropped to 55%.

The new COVID variant is referred to as BA.2.86. It has been designated as a “variant under monitoring” by the WHO “due to the large number of mutations it carries.”

“Today we are more prepared than ever to detect and respond to changes in the COVID-19 virus. Scientists are working now to understand more about the newly identified lineage in these four cases, and we will share more information as it becomes available,” CDC spokesperson Kathleen Conley told CBS News.

The variant is one of dozens being tracked by national health agencies.

‘Terrible Idea’: Renown Doctor Obliterates COVID Vaccine (msn.com)

At least 20 dead in Italy after bus falls from Venice bridge


At least 20 people died on Tuesday after a coach crashed off a flyover near Venice in northern Italy, the city’s mayor, Luigi Brugnaro, was quoted as saying by Italian newspaper la Repubblica.


Jennifer Rubin Urges Democrats To ‘Shore Up Democracy’ By Erasing Even More Of It

Just when you think there’s literally nowhere left for Democrats to go in bringing us all one step closer to full governmental collapse, there’s Jennifer Rubin saying, “Wait, have we tried this yet?”

The party’s most reliable hype man wrote Monday in the Washington Post that it’s absolutely imperative for Democrat Senate leaders, with their majority of one vote, to change institutional rules in ways that will deny their political opponents a say in essentially anything. Her very original argument is that democracy is at stake.

The wheels have apparently not fallen off that wagon yet.

“[T]he problem is Republicans’ insistence on denying the key component of a democracy: the power of the people to elect the leaders of their choice to govern,” Rubin wrote. “Republicans have grown attached to tactics that perpetuate minority rule, including thwarting voting (e.g., filibustering voting rights legislation) and denying election results (e.g., signing onto a brief to disenfranchise millions of Americans, baselessly challenging Biden’s electors) … Simply put: We need to shore up democracy.”

To be sure, by “shore up democracy,” Rubin means for Democrats to once again escalate political tensions by abandoning their allegedly precious norms and precedents.

They did it under Obama when the Democrat Senate majority terminated the filibuster for cabinet appointments. They did it under the same presidency by defending his IRS commissioner’s demonstrable harassment of right-leaning non-profits. They did it under Trump by claiming — without evidence! — that he stole the presidency with an assist from Russia and then that he was actually a Russian agent guilty of treason. They also chased down Trump’s private tax records. Then, they impeached him twice for no discernible crime. They did it during the 2020 election by encouraging and excusing months of nationwide riots, political violence, and the destruction of property. When Republicans had their own much smaller version limited to a single day, Democrats called for the protesters to be thrown in prison.

The one time Republicans even bothered to play the same game was at the start of the Trump presidency when they removed the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees. And that was only a tit-for-tat. If they had really wanted to one-up the opposition, they would have packed the court with another nine justices, as Democrats have been threatening to do since 2020.

For all of their bullshitting about “the norms,” “the soul of democracy,” and “faith in our institutions,” it’s Democrats time and time again taking a dump on all of it.

They weren’t so horny to “shore up democracy” after Trump was elected. Since 2016, they’ve asserted that elections aren’t fair unless they win, stripped state legislatures of their constitutional domain over election regulation, and attempted to bury their leading opponent for president under a crush of criminal indictments that threaten to put him in prison — for doing the very thing Democrats have done for years.

The only recourse out-of-power Republicans have in checking extreme measures the left has taken on abortion, transgenderism, and race discrimination is to consult the rule book and perhaps find a way to stall. That’s the same option Democrats have had and have used when they’ve been in the same position. It’s the same option Democrats would have when they’re inevitably in the same position again.

Rubin: Nope! Time to throw that one out, too, FOLKS!

Of course, their goal is to make it so that they’re never in the same position again. Then the things they’ve done won’t get to be done in return. For that, they have to “shore up democracy” by erasing even more of it.

The Abbott Express Is Accomplishing Its Mission

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has received more than his share of criticism over his policy of bussing illegal immigrants and asylum seekers to Democrat-run cities. The move, which was intended to force politicians in these cities to shoulder some of the burden, seems to have worked.

Folks on the left and right accused Abbott of engaging in a political stunt intended to get attention. They said he was using individuals coming to the southern border as political pawns.

Regardless of what one thinks of Abbott’s idea, there can be no doubt that it was instrumental in pushing Democrats, who tend to favor open borders policies, to reconsider their stance. So far, Texas has sent tens of thousands of illegal immigrants and asylum seekers to blue cities.

Abbott's program has proven to be the bane of Democrats at all levels of government, from the White House to mayoral offices in deep blue cities. Abbott argues Texas towns have carried the weight of illegal immigration for too long and has forced "sanctuary cities" to begin sharing the burden.

"Texas has bused over 35,000 migrants to self-declared sanctuary cities," Abbott wrote Tuesday on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. "Over 11,300 to D.C., over 13,300 to NYC, over 6,700 to Chicago, over 2,600 to Philadelphia, over 1,000 to Denver, over 480 to LA.

"Our busing mission provides critical relief to overwhelmed Texas border towns."

When Abbott first began the policy, the irony was not lost on many. It revealed that Democrats are more than willing to advocate for letting people come over the southern border willy-nilly as long as they did not have to deal with them. It prompted a “Not In My Backyard” outcry from politicians in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, the District of Columbia, and others.

But now, many of these government officials are singing a different tune.

Let’s start with New York City Mayor Eric Adams, whose city is struggling to handle the constant flow of foreigners. The city has been forced to cut budgets to accommodate the new arrivals. The problem has become so pronounced that representatives from the Big Apple have been sent to border-crossing locations to discourage asylum seekers and illegals from coming into the country.

He’s now sending representatives from New York are at border-crossing locations distributing flyers that explain New York is not an ideal destination. The city is becoming overrun with immigrant arrivals and is stretched to capacity as far as housing and care, all due to its own declarations and hubris on the issue of immigration. Adams joined a list of current and former politicians who have condemned others for wanting to stem the tide of immigration and built up their own aggrandizement by posing as our moral superiors in welcoming those to their sanctuary city.

Adams has repeatedly criticized the Biden administration for failing to develop solutions to address the border crisis.

Next, we have New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, who has become an immigration hawk of sorts.

Keep in mind that Texas is being overwhelmed by tens of thousands of illegal immigrants daily. New York is not seeing anywhere near those numbers, and yet their system is already cracking under the pressure. Democrats are suddenly turning into immigration hawks, urging those flooding into the United States to seek asylum elsewhere. All of a sudden, Hochul and others are immigration hawks, demanding the Biden administration do something about the crisis.

"We want them to have a limit on who can come across the border," Hochul said on CBS Face the Nation on Sunday. "It is too open right now. People coming from all over the world are finding their way through, simply saying they are in need of asylum and the majority of them seem to be ending up on the streets of New York, and that is a real problem for the people of New York City."

Last but certainly not least, Chicago Democrats have been crying out for solutions, noting the impact the border crisis is having on the Windy City.

Anyway, two city aldermen now want voters to decide if Chicago should remain a sanctuary city.

Here's more:

Aldermen Anthony Beale and Anthony Napolitano have forwarded a resolution that calls for adding a referendum to the March 19 presidential primary ballot that asks residents for their take on whether Chicago should remain a safe haven for the thousands of migrants and refugees seeking asylum here.

The proposal calls for a ballot yes-or-no proposition that asks: "Should the City of Chicago continue to keep its designation as a Sanctuary City?"

Napolitano wrote the following on Facebook. The emphasis is mine.

The Resolution creates a ballot referendum where residents (YOU) can decide if Chicago should remain a sanctuary city. The ordinance we created requires Aldermanic approval for Any & All [sic] temporary illegal-immigrant housing within their ward.

The illegal-immigrant crisis is quickly spiraling out of control, and the hardworking residents of Chicago are left holding the bag. Our residents and the integrity of their neighborhoods need to remain our top priority!

Next thing you know, we might be seeing Democrats donning MAGA hats and screaming “Build the wall!”

If this situation shows us anything, it’s that Democrats’ principles bend pretty easily once they are faced with the consequences of their ideology.

The 2024 election looms on the horizon and the Democratic Party’s stance on immigration is becoming even less popular among Americans, most of whom might favor legal immigration while also supporting border security measures intended to regulate how we let people into our country.

Amid the backdrop of this complex tapestry, Abbott’s program might come to be seen as more than just a cynical political maneuver; it could be viewed as a catalyst for action when it comes to America’s broken immigration system. Indeed, it could cause even more Democrats to become more aggressive in their demands that the White House finally do something about the border crisis. It might be a long shot, but, as stated earlier, it is election season and left-leaning politicians likely understand that they cannot continue to ignore this issue.

3 Facts To Arm You Against Global Elites’ Biggest ‘Climate Crisis’ Lies

Climate-related deaths are down 99% worldwide over the past 100 years — thanks largely to fossil fuels, capitalism, and human innovation.

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres declared that “Humanity has opened the gates of hell” during his opening remarks at the Climate Ambition Summit in New York on Sept. 20. The event followed two days of meetings attended by global elites. 

Scientists and experts have been making catastrophic climate predictions like these for decades — often relying on flawed models endorsed by the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change — which have been consistently proven wrong. 

“Horrendous heat is having horrendous effects. Distraught farmers watching crops carried away by floods, sweltering temperatures spawning disease, and thousands fleeing in fear as historic fires rage,” the U.N. chief continued, pinning the blame on fossil fuels.

In another bizarre moment, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky apparently figured now would be a good time to leave his war-torn country and embark on a trip halfway around the world to lecture Americans about reducing their carbon emissions.

Zelensky said that “humanity is failing on its climate policy objectives,” as he addressed the 78th session of the U.N. General Assembly. “This means that extreme weather will still impact the normal global life and some evil state will also weaponize its outcomes.” He then claimed that “islands and countries” would soon “disappear underwater.” 

‘Existential Threat’ Causes ‘Climate Anxiety’

President Joe Biden also took to the podium at the U.N. where he called for increased public and private sector investment in green-energy solutions to help “climate-proof the world,” adding that his administration “has treated this crisis as an existential threat from the moment we took office not only for us but for all of humanity.” 

Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris told an audience in Pennsylvania that young people are experiencing something called “climate anxiety.” They are questioning “whether it makes sense for you to even think about having children, whether it makes sense for you to think about aspiring to buy a home because what will this climate be?” 

What Harris didn’t mention was that a study published earlier this year found that those who are the most worried about climate change tend to know the least about it. According to the findings, “people who know more … about the environment in general, and about climate in particular, are less … anxious about climate change.” 

If Harris and others like her were actually concerned about so-called climate anxiety and its effects on a generation of young Americans, they would stop with the irresponsible rhetoric immediately. They would stop using fearmongering and alarmism as a means to gain even more political power for themselves. 

They might even consider doing what — of all people — billionaire Bill Gates did recently: tell the truth. “There’s a lot of climate exaggeration,” Gates noted during an interview at the Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit last week. He went on to say, “Climate is not the end of the planet. So, the planet is going to be fine.” Despite the barrage of apocalyptic messages and relentless lying from global elites, here are three quick facts you should know about the climate. 

1. Wildfire Rates Have Declined Since 2001

As smoke from Canadian wildfires blanketed parts of the United States this summer, Biden wasted no time politicizing the issue. He told Americans, without offering a shred of evidence, that the fires were a “stark reminder of the impacts of climate change.” Even the IPCC has refused to positively link wildfires to climate change. 

In a tweet that garnered more than 1.3 million views back in June, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made the same claim. “Year after year, with climate change, we’re seeing more and more intense wildfires,” he said.

This is patently false. In reality, the data show that global wildfires are burning at their lowest rate in decades. 

2. Hurricanes Are Becoming Less Frequent

A recent New York Times headline quipped, “DeSantis, Leading a State Menaced by Climate Change, Shrugs Off the Threat.” The article attempts to paint Florida’s Republican governor as a so-called climate denier. The authors wrote that “scientists say that the hurricanes battering his state are being intensified by man-made global warming.” 

Tellingly, the authors didn’t mention which scientists. Perhaps they didn’t say because both the severity and frequency of landfall hurricanes in the U.S. are actually decreasing slightly, not increasing, according to more than a century of reliable data. 

3. Climate-Related Deaths Are Down

Death and destruction are always on the horizon for climate alarmists. Or so we’re told. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., famously predicted, “The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.” Activist Greta Thunberg tweeted in 2018 that “climate change will wipe out all of humanity” within the next five years.

Perhaps the single most important fact to keep in mind when it comes to the doomsday climate cult is this one: Climate-related deaths are down 99 percent worldwide over the past 100 years — thanks largely to fossil fuels, capitalism, and human innovation.