Friday, September 15, 2023

MeAgain Kelly Interviews President Donald Trump

No matter how much time passes since that day on August 5th, 2015, when it became crystal clear that Megyn Kelly was working with Fox News VP of Political content, Bill Sammon, to construct the targeted hit against Donald Trump, I will not forget it.  Bill Sammon and Rupert Murdoch were working to elevate Marco Rubio.  Sammon’s daughter Brooke, was Rubio’s campaign communications director.   Yet, it is part of Kelly’s current brand to stand back and pearl clutch at journalists with agendas. The sanctimony reeks from her eyes, her face, her wherever.

I will not forget it, because CTH was the only voice calling out two days earlier that it was going to happen.  I will also not forget it, because Megyn Kelly showed the true nature of her character and then later took the $15 million from Rupert Murdoch (book deal) as payment for the hit job.  Unfortunately, people have really short memories – and somehow permit the MeAgain Kellys of the world to pretend they have evolved into a better moral character.  The one positive thought about an otherwise repugnant woman, is that she subjected herself to the COVID vaccine.

That said, here’s President Donald Trump giving her his time and attention.  WATCH:

.Megyn Kelly is joined by former President Donald Trump to talk about the Biden impeachment inquiry, what we’re learning now about the potential for then-VP Biden corruption that Trump tried to bring up at the debate, whether Biden is too old to be president, birthright citizenship and the immigration crisis in America, why he didn’t fire Dr. Fauci, how Biden and DeSantis handled COVID, the success or failure of Operation Warp Speed and COVID vaccines, not getting enough credit for what did during the beginning of the pandemic, his stance on trans rights and how it’s evolved, his friendship with Caitlyn Jenner (and previously Bruce), trans in the military, whether he’d ban puberty blockers for kids, the details of his classified documents case and the Presidential Records Act, why he didn’t turn over documents after the subpoena, Hillary Clinton and the double standard, if he’s angry about the prosecutions, the real story behind the “DeSanctimonious” Ron DeSantis nickname, why he values loyalty above so much else, how Melania and Barron are doing, the personality traits about Melania that the media doesn’t understand, why he’s running for president and facing jail time instead of enjoying retirement, the way this country can come together, that big debate moment between Trump and Megyn, and more.

X22, And we Know, and more- Sept 15


Giant onion weighing almost 9kg 'breaks world record


A grower has proved he knows his onions with a giant vegetable contest entry expected to break a world record.

Green-fingered Gareth Griffin produced the root vegetable weighing a whopping 8.97kg (19.775lb) for the National English Honor Society (NEHS) Giant Vegetable Competition.

The large specimen went on display at the Harrogate Autumn Flower Show, which hosts the contest.

The onion was among colossal cabbages, monumental marrows and very big beetroots judged at the flower show, held at Newby Hall and Gardens near Ripon in North Yorkshire.   

Fellow grower Chris Parish took home a prize for his giant pumpkin, weighing 102kg.

Meanwhile Paul Proud's cabbage, parsnip, beetroot and cucumber claimed victory in their respective categories.

The Harrogate Flower Show runs twice a year, in April and September, with up to 30,000 visitors expected to attend the autumn event, held from Friday until Sunday.  

The show also features a display entitled The Blooms Of Deception, inspired by the tales of intrigue and suspense by British crime writer, Agatha Christie. 

The author, who died in 1976, celebrated her birthday on 15 September.

The spring event takes place at the Great Yorkshire Showground in Harrogate, from 25-28 April next year.

In 2021, Peter Glazebrook, from Nottinghamshire, entered the history books for growing the heaviest aubergine, weighing 3.12kg (6lb 14oz), Guinness World Records said. 

It was the 17th record for the dedicated giant vegetable grower - who previously held the record for the heaviest onion weighing 8.2kg (18lb 1.5oz).

Sky News has contacted Guinness World Records to confirm whether Mr Griffin's entry will make the pages of its famous book.   

Post-Postmodern America ~ VDH

Woke Revolution depends on its advocates never having to experience firsthand any of the nonsense they inflict on others

When the progressive woke revolution took over traditional America, matters soon reached the level of the ridiculous.

Take the following examples of woke craziness and hypocrisy, perhaps last best witnessed during Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution.

The Biden administration from its outset wished to neuter immigration law. It sought to alter radically the demography of the U.S. by stopping the border wall and allowing into the United States anyone who could walk across the southern border.

Over seven million did just that. Meanwhile, Biden ignored the role of the Mexican cartels in causing nearly 100,000 ANNUAL American fentanyl deaths.

Then border states finally wised up.

They grasped that the entire open-borders, “new Democratic majority” leftwing braggadocio was predicated on its hypocritical architects staying as far away as possible from their new constituents.

So cash strapped border states started busing their illegal aliens to sanctuary blue-state jurisdictions.

Almost immediately, once magnanimous liberals, whether in Martha’s Vineyard, Chicago, or Manhattan, stopped virtue-signaling their support for open borders.

Instead, soon they went berserk over the influx.

So now an embarrassed Biden administration still wishes illegal aliens to keep coming but to stay far away from their advocates—by forcing them to remain in Texas.

That means the president has redefined the US. border. It rests now apparently north of Texas, as Biden cedes sovereignty to Mexico.

Precivilizational greens in California prefer blowing up dams to building them.

They couldn’t care less that their targeted reservoirs help store water in drought, prevent flooding, enhance irrigation, offer recreation, and generate clean hydroelectric power.

Now an absurd green California is currently destroying four dams on the Klamath River. In adding insult to injury, it is paying the half-billion dollar demolition cost in part through a water bond that state voters once thought would build new—not explode existing—dams.

The Biden administration is mandating new dates when electric vehicles will be all but mandatory.

To prove their current viability, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm led a performance art EV caravan on a long road trip.

When she found insufficient charging stations to continue her media stunt, she sent a gas-powered car ahead to block open charging stations and deny them to other EVs ahead in line.

Only that way could Granholm ensure that her arriving energy-starved motorcade might find rare empty charger stalls.

In some California charging stations, diesel generators are needed to produce enough “clean” electricity to power the stalls.

The state has steadily dismantled many of its nuclear, oil, and coal power plants. It refuses to build new natural gas generation plants.

Naturally, California’s heavily subsidized solar and wind plants now produce too much energy during the day and almost nothing at night.

So the state now begs residents to charge their EVs only during the day. Then at night, Californians may soon be asked to plug them in again to transfer what is left in their batteries into the state grid.

Apparently only that way will there be enough expropriated “green” electricity for 41 million state residents after dark.

One of the loudest leftist voices to defund the police, and decriminalize violent crimes in the post-George Floyd era, was Shivanthi Sathanandan, the 2nd Vice Chairwoman of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party.

She was recently not shy about defunding: “We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department. Say it with me. DISMANTLE.”

But recently the loud Sathanandan was a victim of the very crime wave she helped to spawn.

Four armed thugs carjacked her automobile. They beat her up in front of her children at her own home, and sped off without fear of arrest.

The reaction of the arch police dismantler and decriminalizer on her road to Damascus?

The now bruised and bleeding activist for the first time became livid that criminals had taken over her Minneapolis: “Look at my face. REMEMBER ME when you are thinking about supporting letting juveniles and young people out of custody to roam our streets instead of HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS.”

Andrea Smith was an ethnic studies professor  at the University of California, Riverside. But now she has been forced out after getting caught lying that she was Native American.

Prior to her outing, she was well known for damning “white women” (like herself) who opted to “become Indians” out of guilt, and (like her) for careerist advantage.

The common theme of these absurdities is how contrary to human nature, impractical, and destructive is utopian wokism, whether in matters of energy, race, crime, or illegal immigration.

There are two other characteristics of the Woke Revolution.

One, it depends solely on its advocates never having to experience firsthand any of the nonsense they inflict on others.

And two, dangerous zealots with titles before, and letters after, their names prove to be quite stupid—and dangerous.

Impeachment Case Against Paxton Implodes As Witnesses Admit No Misdeeds

Witnesses called by the House Board of Managers have testified under oath that they have no direct evidence against the attorney general.

A week and a half into the impeachment trial of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, the case against the conservative fighter is falling apart in spectacular fashion.

Witness after witness, all called by the House Board of Managers, have testified under oath that they either have no direct evidence against the attorney general or explained that the articles of impeachment were simply untrue.

All this after Rep. Andrew Murr, R-Junction, chief manager, promised the people of Texas that the trial in the Senate would be the place where the supposed evidence of horrific misdeed would be finally brought to light.

Instead of convincing evidence showing that Paxton abused his office beyond a reasonable doubt, those watching the trial have been met with overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The witnesses closest to Paxton, who had the most opportunity to see wrongdoing, have repeatedly testified under oath that they never saw the general do anything wrong or had no evidence to speak of that proved wrongdoing.

For example, the prosecution called Drew Wicker, Paxton’s former personal assistant. Wicker had previously told investigators that he was worried that an Austin-based businessman had paid for renovations to Paxton’s Austin residence, which forms the basis for impeachment Article 10.

However, Wicker explained on the stand that he had never seen any agreement between the two men and even testified that he had not and would never accuse Paxton of bribery. On cross-examination, the defense provided pictures of Paxton’s home from before the 2020 renovations and from August 2023, which showed Wicker that the renovations he had been concerned about never even took place.

Furthermore, the defense produced invoices and bank statements showing the general had paid for all renovations from his personal accounts.

“Can we agree now, Drew, that your concerns have been put to bed?” the defense lawyer, Tony Buzbee, asked. “Yes, sir,” Wicker confirmed.

A similar sequence happened when the House called a young lawyer named Brandon Cammack to the stand. Paxton had hired Cammack as outside counsel for the Office of the Attorney General to investigate allegations of misconduct by state and federal law enforcement made by Nate Paul.

Paxton hired Cammack because none of the employees in the office would look into the case, with some even claiming that it would be illegal for Texas to investigate wrongdoing by federal officials. Cammack eventually sent out several dozen grand jury subpoenas in an effort to obtain information. This action triggered several of Paxton’s top staffers to go to the FBI and allege criminal wrongdoing in 2020 — setting off the series of events that would eventually lead to the impeachment trial.

Impeachment Article 5 is grounded entirely on Cammack’s actions, but on the stand, the young attorney destroyed the claim in its totality.

The House Managers alleged that Cammack had been hired as a “prosecuting attorney pro tem,” a very specific legal position with statutory limitations. However, Cammack explained he never operated under that title, and his contract confirmed he had been hired as “outside counsel” only, something Paxton had the legal authority to do.

Furthermore, the impeachment article claims that the investigation had been baseless and done solely for the benefit of Paul, but Cammack testified, “I was convinced there was something there,” adding that “if the allegations they were making were true, that would be serious.”

When the defense asked Cammack if he had conducted the investigation for the benefit of Paul and his businesses, he admitted, “I didn’t even know Mr. Paul or his properties.”

With these two impeachment articles imploding, many of the others similarly fall away as they are all intertwined. In short, the Board of Managers was doing about as well as a pig on ice.   

As if to punctuate the absolute disaster of the House’s argument, Rusty Hardin, the 81-year-old lawyer leading the prosecution, accidentally rested their case-in-chief before the other side had a chance to cross-examine the witness who was still sitting on the stand.

When he tried to take it back, Tony Buzbee held him to it, and Lt. Gov. Patrick agreed, ending the prosecution’s case.

At the beginning of trial, Buzbee told the Senate, “The prosecution and the press will tell a whopping story … [but] it’s a tale of sound and fury; it signifies nothing.”

And after a week and a half and more than two dozen hours of testimony, it appears that the impeachment gambit against Paxton really did signify nothing.

Tucker Carlson Explores Argentina and the Reality of Chasing Socialism

Tucker went to Buenos Aires, Argentina for a review of the country as it collapses under hyperinflation.  He shared a preview last evening.  

NEW: Reason Why Whistleblower Gary Shapley Was Booted From Hunter Biden Investigation Revealed

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Before whistleblower and IRS agent Gary Shapley went public with allegations that he was being sandbagged in his investigation of Hunter Biden by DOJ officials, he was promptly removed from his position. Now, we know why.

According to testimony made before the House Ways and Means Committee, Shapley was removed after a recommendation from Darrell Waldon, who was the IRS Special Agent in Charge of the criminal inquiry at the time.

IRS Special Agent in Charge Darrell Waldon told the House Ways and Means Committee in closed-door testimony on Friday that he suggested Shapley’s removal due to a “perceived” bias, according to Fox News

“So before I left the special agent in charge position, in February, I recommended to [IRS Director of Field Operations Michael Batdorf] that Gary Shapley be removed as the [supervisory special agent] from the Hunter Biden investigation, primarily due to what I perceived to be unsubstantiated allegations about motive, intent, bias,” Waldon said. 

“And, again, my goal was to protect the integrity of the investigation and figure out a way forward.” 

It is concerning that Shapley would be removed for "perceived" bias that even Waldon felt was completely unsubstantiated. Also of note is that the timing of Waldon's recommendation (he left in February of 2023) was well before Shapley was identified publicly, which begs the question of who exactly Waldon and others were worried about when it came to perceptions. 

Was the DOJ making noise about Shapley remaining on the case? That seems possible given the allegations that it was the DOJ kneecapping the IRS investigators, refusing to let them interview key witnesses while tipping off the Bidens to possible searches. 

“DOJ would communicate what their preference is, and then we would deliberate on that conversation,” he said generally about how decisions are made to reassign IRS investigators. 

Waldon responded, “No,” when asked if he thought the investigation was being politicized. although he characterized it as “sensitive.”

Waldon backed Shapley’s claim that he protested that his investigatory duties in the probe were being limited. 

That sure sounds like the DOJ was calling the shots, which would bolster Shapley's claims that his investigation was limited. Waldon appeared to confirm those complaints by testifying that he does recall them being lodged at the time. 

Whether any of this will bolster Shapley's claim of government retaliation against him is unknown, but it does shed more light on the fact that influence was definitely exerted. Why was the DOJ so intent on not letting a real investigation happen? I think we can speculate on the answer, but certainly, the fact that the Bidens were largely placed off-limits in the midst of a serious investigation was incredibly inappropriate and corrupt. Slapping a "sensitive" label on it doesn't change that.

FBI Agent Agrees Weiss Didn’t Have Ultimate Authority To Charge Hunter Biden

During an interview with the House Judiciary Committee, an FBI agent still involved in the Hunter Biden investigation admitted the obvious: David Weiss did not have full authority to charge the president’s son.

The assistant special agent in charge (ASAC) of the Baltimore FBI office sat for a transcribed interview on Monday with the House Judiciary Committee. The transcript from the closed-door session, which The Federalist has reviewed in full, reveals a rare find: an FBI agent still involved in the Hunter Biden investigation who will admit the obvious — that Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss did not have ultimate authority to charge the president’s son.

Monday’s interview of the Baltimore ASAC, whose name is being withheld by the House Judiciary Committee, followed the questioning last week of her boss, Thomas Sobocinski, the special agent in charge. Both Sobocinski and the ASAC attended the Oct. 7, 2022, meeting in which, according to IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, Weiss said he was not the final decisionmaker on whether to bring charges against Hunter Biden.

In questioning the ASAC, the Judiciary Committee asked about her understanding of Weiss’s authority. She initially testified that she understood Weiss had the authority “to move forward and bring charges if that was what the determination was and he would go forth in doing that.” But after several back-and-forths, which included the ASAC reviewing the statutory language that would allow Weiss to bring charges in another district, she acknowledged that Weiss did not have the ultimate authority to charge Hunter Biden. 

“But based on what we just discussed, it’s true that Mr. Weiss alone was not the deciding person on whether charges are filed?” the House attorney queried.

“I would say, based on the statute, seeing that, as it reads here … yes, I would say that there is someone else, the Attorney General, as it’s noted here in the statute, that is involved in this process,” the ASAC replied. 

The House attorney continued: “[I]s it your understanding today that there is another person involved in whether Mr. Weiss could bring charges in another jurisdiction?”

“Yes,” the ASAC concurred.

The ASAC’s answer has been obvious to everyone for months, yet Democrats, the legacy media, and Weiss and Merrick Garland apologists have refused to acknowledge the reality. Even the ASAC’s boss, throughout his interview with the House Judiciary Committee, maintained, “Weiss had the authority in the U.S. to bring the charges where venue presented itself,” wherever he wanted, whether it be in California or D.C. And even when pushed on the limitations of a U.S. attorney’s authority, Sobocinski said Weiss had the authority and it was merely a matter of administrative hoop-jumping for the Delaware U.S. attorney to charge Biden in another district. 

In fact, that Sobocinski couldn’t admit the truth rendered his entire testimony not credible. That is precisely why no one should believe anything Weiss and AG Garland say about the Hunter Biden investigation either — because they first deceived Congress and the American public about Weiss’s authority and have since doubled down on their misrepresentations. 

Garland, for his part, told Sen. Chuck Grassley under oath that “the U.S. attorney in Delaware has been advised that he has full authority … to bring cases in other jurisdictions if he feels it’s necessary.” Weiss then covered for Garland, telling the House Judiciary Committee in a letter on June 7, 2023, that “as the Attorney General has stated, I have been granted ultimate authority over this matter, including responsibility for deciding where, when, and whether to file charges and for making decisions necessary to preserve the integrity of the prosecution…” 

Then after the transcript of Shapley’s congressional closed-door interview was released, revealing the whistleblower’s testimony that during the meeting on Oct. 7, 2022, Weiss had said he was not the ultimate decisionmaker on whether to charge Hunter Biden, Weiss clarified his statement. While saying he stood by what he had written in his June 7, 2023, letter to the House Judiciary Committee, Weiss wrote in an early July follow-up letter that he wished to expand on what he meant. He acknowledged that as the U.S. attorney for the District of Delaware, he lacked the authority to charge Hunter Biden in other districts. Yet, not to worry, Weiss assured the House oversight committee: Garland had promised him that, if necessary, the AG would grant Weiss special attorney status to allow him to prosecute Hunter Biden in D.C., California, or any other jurisdiction.

The most revealing fact from Monday’s interview is that it took this long and this ASAC to say openly what the attorney general, the U.S. attorney, and the special agent in charge of the Baltimore FBI field office continue to obfuscate about: Weiss’s pre-special counsel authority. The only real reason to hide the reality that Weiss lacked the authority to charge Hunter Biden in D.C. and California is that it means the failure to charge him for felony tax offenses falls on the U.S. attorneys and attorney general his father appointed. 

Thus the ASAC’s testimony also confirmed that the Biden-appointed U.S. attorneys in D.C. and California had refused to bring charges against Hunter Biden in their districts where they had proper venue for the alleged tax felonies.

On the question of what, precisely, Weiss had said during the Oct. 7, 2022, meeting, the ASAC was less helpful, however, not remembering many of the details. But not only didn’t she remember what Shapley claimed was said during the meeting. She also didn’t remember what her boss, Sobocinski, admitted to saying during the meeting. Her lack of recall thus doesn’t carry much of a punch, especially when she hadn’t taken notes during the meeting, as Shapley had.

Of course, during the interview, the DOJ and FBI’s attorneys tried to spin Shapley’s email notes as merely a summary of the meeting written later, but the IRS whistleblower has already destroyed that narrative. On Wednesday, his attorneys provided the House Judiciary Committee a copy of the handwritten notes he had taken during the meeting. 

While those notes corroborate Shapley’s testimony, we are much beyond the question of what Weiss said during the meeting. We are now at the point that the House needs to launch additional impeachment inquiries of Garland, Weiss, and FBI Director Christopher Wray to uncover what the DOJ and FBI did (or didn’t do) to cover up for Hunter and Joe Biden and then cover up their cover-up.

Democrats Are Begging Joe Biden to Dump Kamala Harris as His Running Mate. Should He Listen?

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

President Joe Biden’s chances of winning re-election are not a sure thing, and as time goes by, it becomes even more apparent that the American public has serious doubts about his ability to perform his duties. Polling has shown that people are concerned about the president’s age and cognitive acuity. Democrats are increasingly worried that this might be an issue for his campaign.

But at least some have floated an idea that they believe could help drag him over the finish line: Dump Vice President Kamala Harris as his running mate.

A number of columnists have penned op-eds suggesting that the president choose someone else to partner with him in his quest for a second term.

Several columnists have an idea on how to make President Joe Biden more electable in 2024: Drop Vice President Kamala Harris and pick a new running mate.

Yes, voters think Biden may be too old to serve another four years, according to recent polls, but three columnists believe that a stronger running mate will gain traction in the country or even in the party.

David Ignatius wrote a piece arguing that the president “could encourage a more open vice-presidential selection process that could produce a stronger running mate.”

Eric Levitz recommended that Biden go with Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Sen. Raphael Warnock, or another Democratic lawmaker.

Central to the issue is Harris’ abysmal approval ratings.

As of Sept. 12, 39% of registered voters had a favorable opinion of Harris and 54% had an unfavorable opinion — a net rating of -15 percentage points, according to a Times average.

In June, Harris hit a record low for vice presidents, with a paltry 32 percent of respondents indicating they held a positive view of the VP.

To put it simply, Harris isn’t doing Biden any favors by being his second in command.

Of course, this puts the president in a rather tricky position – I’ll give you three guesses as to why.

Yep, you guessed it: If Biden ditches Harris, progressives will call him racist, sexist, and mean. Indeed, one of the biggest factors Democrats touted about his campaign in 2020 was that he chose a quasi-black woman to serve as his running mate. They had high hopes for Harris, which were quickly dashed when the nation realized she lacked competence and the ability to communicate effectively.

That being said, those suggesting that Biden part ways with Harris are right, of course. She is not doing anything to help his chances of winning re-election and could become even more of a liability in the future. In reality, he could just choose another black woman to replace her, which might go a long way toward assuaging the woke concerns of the hard left.

But the point might be moot, given the fact that Biden has already said he would continue with Harris as his running mate. If he sticks to his guns, then Democrats will have to find another way to counteract concerns about his age and evident cognitive problems. If this fails, then their best hope might be putting former President Donald Trump, who will likely be the Republican nominee, behind bars. Even then, victory is anything but a foregone conclusion for the current president.

Biden Makes Weird, Disturbing, and Racist Remarks

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

As we reported earlier, Joe Biden tried to deflect from his son's indictment and his impeachment inquiry by pushing "Bidenomics" and attacking "MAGAnonmics," which doesn't exist but which he weirdly changed into "Meganomics." 

I don't know who advised Biden to call his bad economic policies "Bidenomics" because it only puts a label on his bad economic policies that the American people have already shown they disapprove of. But then he makes it worse in an attempt to contrast to former President Donald Trump who produced a great economy and didn't have rampant inflation. The comparison isn't at all helpful to Biden. 

Biden ignored questions about his son getting indicted on gun charges. 

He made a weird comment about Maryland Gov. Wes Moore's biceps. Biden is obsessed with commenting on and — in some cases even feeling — men's biceps.

He also got very confused when he had to leave the event. They played the music loudly to signal him to get off the stage. But he wasn't sure where to go. 

But in addition to the confusion, the weird comments, the making up of all kinds of false stories, and saying a lot of things that aren't true, Biden has another problem that he's had for decades: making racist remarks. He went there again on Thursday when he spoke about Bidenomics and claimed he had done a lot for minorities, making a disturbing, racist comment. 

He seems to think he has to help these groups because somehow they're deficient in some way. That's wrong, Joe, and that's racism, Joe, even if you don't get it.  He also threw in veterans, too, there as "without high school diplomas."  So he thinks somehow they're lacking as well. 

We've seen this from Joe before when he speaks about minorities. Remember the “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids” remark?  There was his infamous remark about Barack Obama. “First mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” Two years ago, he suggested that “Hispanic and African American” people would have trouble understanding how to get online to register for the COVID vaccine.  

Three years ago, he was asked a question about race and slavery, and he responded by saying that they needed to help [black?] people to raise their children right. And that they needed to play the record player so kids could learn words. Yikes. 

We bring social workers into homes and parents to help them deal with how to raise their children. It’s not that they don’t want to help. They don’t know quite what to do. [emphasis added] Play the radio. Make sure the television – excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night.”

Going back before that, he talked about not wanting his kids to grow up in a "racial jungle" and the infamous "they're going to put y'all back in chains" comment.

The media doesn't hold him to account for this racism. If this were a Republican, we'd never hear the end of it from the media. They don't even report on a lot of Biden's racism so many people don't know this about Joe Biden. 

This is who Joe Biden is.

Biden Regime Begs Supreme Court to Let Them Control Social Media Content – Alito Says Maybe

Justice Alito is going to allow the Biden Administration to justify why they should be allowed to control all the content on social media platforms and coordinate with the social media companies to remove opinion & information against their interests.  This should be interesting. 😂🤣😂

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Thursday temporarily blocked a lower court ruling that would place restrictions on the Biden administration’s contact with social media companies.

The brief order issued by conservative Justice Samuel Alito came less than two hours after the Justice Department asked the Supreme Court to step in.

It gives the court more time to consider what next steps to take before deciding whether to grant the administration’s request. In the meantime, the lower court ruling will remain on hold until midnight on Sept. 22.

[…] Alito’s order, which does not mean the court will necessarily grant Prelogar’s request once considered in more detail, said the states should respond by Sept. 20.

[…] “The implications of the Fifth Circuit’s holdings are startling,” Prelogar wrote. “The court imposed unprecedented limits on the ability of the President’s closest aides to use the bully pulpit to address matters of public concern, on the FBI’s ability to address threats to the Nation’s security, and on the CDC’s ability to relay public health information at platforms’ request.” (read more)

Methinks they doth protest too much.