Saturday, September 9, 2023

Which states are polling highest, lowest for Trump?

An American Greatness analysis of 25 state polls of voter preferences in the upcoming GOP Presidential Primary Election found former President Donald Trump ahead in all 25 of them, by an average of 36 points.

The analysis tracks publicly announced polls including all announced candidates conducted between April 22 and Sept. 6.

Trump’s biggest lead: 65 points in Louisiana, according to an Aug. 24 poll conducted by Emerson on behalf of WGNO-TV (ABC). He earned the support of 75 percent of likely primary voters there.

Trump’s smallest lead? Eight points in Utah, where he polled at 27 percent, compared to 19 percent for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

Trump averaged 53 percent support among primary voters in the 25 polls, compared to 17 percent for DeSantis.

60 percent + in New York, Illinois, Ohio

Trump has greater than 60 percent support of primary voters in seven states, including three of the nation’s largest.

He’s at 60 percent plus according to polls conducted in Louisiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, Tennessee, New York, and Mississippi.

Trump holds a large lead– but is under 50 percent support– in eight states: Texas, South Carolina, Virginia, Maine, North Carolina, Iowa, Pennsylvania and Utah.

DeSantis polled above 20 percent in eight states– New York, Massachusetts, Florida, North Carolina, Nevada, Oklahoma, Mississippi, and Pennsylvania. He is under 12 percent in six states- Arizona, New Hampshire, Illinois, Louisiana, West Virginia and Ohio.

Trump and DeSantis ranked 12 in 24 of 25 polls, with the exception being a July 17 Ohio Northern University poll of Ohio GOP voters in which DeSantis placed third with nine percent, behind Vivek Ramaswamy’s 12 percent.

Ramaswamy is a Cincinnati native who attended St. Xavier High School in the city.

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley placed third or tied for third in six polls.

Former New Jersey Governor Christie placed third or tied for third in four polls.

Former Indiana Governor and Vice President Mike Pence placed third or tied for third in seven polls.

In addition to placing second in the Ohio poll, Ramaswamy placed third or tied for third in three polls.

In 25 polls, Trump holds an average lead of 36 percent

    An American Greatness analysis of 25 state polls since April shows the former president has commanding leads in all of them…but some are more commanding than others.

X22, And we Know, and more- Sept 9


Biden’s Show Trials: Orwellian Scenes Unfolding in D.C. and Georgia

Truth: ‘If you don't fight like hell, 
you're not going to have a country anymore’

Why did January 6th happen? The conventional narrative says that Donald Trump misled his supporters into believing the 2020 election was stolen. But this explanation makes no effort to understand Trump supporters on their own terms. The truth is that they had no reason to trust the results; they were simply commanded by their enemies to believe them. And they had every reason to fear the aftermath, having witnessed months of unapologetic political violence from the left. Trump, at one point, was forced to take shelter as rioters besieged the White House.  

To call what happened in 2020 an election is to ignore meaningful facts: the left ignored the Constitution to make voting as convenient and fraud-prone as possible. They tapped the intelligence community to cover up Biden’s sordid corruption, and maximize the odds of his victory. In the background was the steady drumbeat of race war. Cities descended into “mostly peaceful” chaos. Biden became the menacing figurehead and stalking horse of a radical, anti-white movement unlike anything the country had ever seen. 

January 6th was, compared to the riots from months prior, a shambolic and fairly restrained eruption of patriotic passion. But the communists who caused organized havoc from city to city are receiving generous, multi-million dollar payouts, while “coup plotters” who marched to the Capitol armed with nothing but walkie-talkies are looking at years in prison.

On Tuesday, Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio received the longest sentence yet: 22 years for “seditious conspiracy.” 

Of what does the “seditious conspiracy” consist? That is of little importance to the kangaroo court. So too is the fact that Tarrio was nowhere near the Capitol on January 6th (Tarrio having been arrested for burning the real American flag, the Black Lives Matter banner). Emotional rhetoric will suffice where the truth is lacking. 

On the basis of nothing but a partisan historical narrative, President Trump and his supporters are being persecuted in an unprecedented show trial. The nation’s capital has become the seat of tyranny.

Trump has not even been accused of the “sedition” so often mentioned in the overwrought narrative of his villainy. Even Jack Smith knows there is no case there. Instead, the law has been stretched to hang Trump for using political rhetoric the regime calls “false” and pursuing “fraudulent” political advocacy. His lawyers are being prosecuted for giving him “false” legal advice in these efforts.

It would be difficult to imagine a more brazen subversion of self-government, than to declare it a crime to challenge the ruling party. 

As in any show trial, the formality of justice has taken center stage. The judges and prosecutors gabble with high, officious words; the solemnity of the law is bastardized into a bombastic, imperious spectacle. 

At Trump’s initial hearing in D.C. Judge Tanya Chutkan blithely declared that Trump’s status as a presidential candidate “has to yield to the orderly administration of justice…if that means he can’t say exactly what he wants to say about witnesses in this case, that’s how it has to be.” At the same hearing, Chutkan warned Trump against saying anything to prejudice the jury in a district where 92 percent of people voted for his opponent. 

Chutkan’s foreign background adds a historical spice to the humiliation: she is a living rebuke of everything Trump, the smoldering avatar of what “white supremacy” represents. She cannot fail to grasp the symbolic significance of her appointed role, one she appears to relish. 

When Trump’s lawyer, John Lauro, had the temerity to use the words “show trial,” Chutkan cracked the whip. 

“Let’s take the temperature down,” Chutkan snapped. “Mr. Trump has considerable resources that not every defendant usually has.”

Who wouldn’t want to be in Trump’s position, facing life in prison at the hands of his political opposition?

When Trump warned, “if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,” he was telling the truth. His supporters had every reason to be aggrieved with the 2020 election: they knew that the regime, roused from complacency by the rise of Trump, would move swiftly to destroy his movement and consolidate its control over America and its destiny.

The Orwellian scene unfolding in Georgia and Washington D.C. is not a reckoning for a failed coup, but the revenge of a successful one.

Wine-Sipping Elites Completely Miss the Plight of the Average American

A lot has gone wrong under the Biden administration, but perhaps nothing has affected average Americans more than the years-long inflation spike that began the moment the current president took office. 

In July of 2022, the rate of inflation peaked at 9.1 percent, an eye-watering level that the United States hadn't seen in 40 years. That followed a nearly year-and-a-half-long march of consumer price increases that left normal people struggling to pay their bills and depleting their savings. To this day, some 60 percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck despite proclamations from the White House of the glories of "Bidenomics." 

Instead of accepting responsibility for the suffering caused, though, wine-sipping elites continue to pretend everything is just fine and dandy. You see, because the inflation rate has gone down over the last year (it did spike upward again in August), you not only should be happy, but you should say thank you.

That attitude was perfectly illustrated by left-wing apparatchiks Justin Wolfers and Tom Nichols, with the former being an "economist" and the latter being an "expert" in whatever he claims to be on a given day. 

That kind of willful ignorance about what actually has people up in arms over inflation is exactly why so many people grade the Biden administration extremely poorly regarding the economy. Here's a hint for Wolfers and Nichols. No one cares about the inflation rating going down when all that is decreasing is the rate of increase. Prices are still rising and at a higher level than normal. 

Further, and more importantly, the massive spike in costs for American families has already happened. For example, food costs have risen 20 percent under Biden's leadership. Some stupid chart showing that they'll only be somewhat more expensive next month is no consolation to anyone. The lack of any acknowledgment of that by clowns like Wolfers is completely tone-deaf. 

Here's the reality for Americans. 

And here's some more reality for the two aforementioned Democrats just in case they are still confused. 

Wages have come nowhere close to keeping up with the above price hikes, and it just so happens that the things mentioned are the things normal Americans spend most of their money on. Hack economists can massage the numbers all they want. It doesn't change the fact that what has happened with inflation has been crushing and continues to be. 

I'm supposed to be impressed that inflation is now "only" 3.2 percent after the last two-plus years of massive cost increases? Yeah, that's not how any of this works. Democrats own the results of their big-spending policies, and it's not Republicans who care crazy for pointing that out. It's partisan imbeciles like Wolfers and Nichols who would rather go "ackshually" than admit how screwed up things are because it might threaten their grip on power.

Whether You Like It or Not, You're in the Midst of a Compliance Test

It's election season and that means the Democrat Party is going to work on new and exciting ways to scare you into compliance. With Black Lives Matter having so much internal and legal conflict, and transgenderism proving to be not as popular as they hoped, that leaves two things remaining to frighten you into running into the arms of old daddy DNC: climate change and COVID-19. 

As I've covered before, the era of COVID-19 was the Democrat Party's golden age. Even after the pandemic ended, they couldn't help but recall the halcyon days of forcing citizens to stay in their homes and wear masks if they went out, and closing local businesses where they could. They were having so much fun that they even attempted to force people to inject themselves with an unproven vaccine if they wanted to stay employed. 

Democrat politicians and other authoritarian figures in the government were getting high on dictatorship and they didn't want to come down. With 2024 around the corner and the elections threatening their reign once again, they're reaching for the used needle that is COVID-19 again. 

As reported by The Independent, the COVID-19 scare is back on, and so is the vaccine race for big pharma. Naturally, "experts" are regurgitating fearmongering strategies and are now saying that some of the old lockdown measures need to make a comeback: 

Moderna released a statement Wednesday saying the company’s updated boosters are expected to work well against the BA.2.86 variant – unofficially called “Pirola”.

Covid-19 case counts are rising across the US, and public health authorities are monitoring the worrisome new variant. Some experts are urging Americans to wear a mask when necessary to slow the spread of the virus.

Doctors warned that Pirola may be cause for concern as it is a newly-designated, highly-mutated variant of Omicron which triggered a surge in cases in a number of countries including the US.

As my colleague Becky Noble noted in her piece on Thursday, places are steadily bringing back mandates, and this has huge benefits...for Democrats: 

On the heels of the cold and flu season, there are conveniently — at least for Democrats — new variants of COVID being detected. Last week, First Lady Jill Biden tested positive for COVID, and recently, an elementary school in Montgomery County, Maryland, reinstituted mask mandates for students. So, what do Democrats get out of a sequel to COVID? Plenty. Joe gets to stay in his basement again, the return of mail-in voting, and ballot harvesting, and best of all, no massive Trump rallies. Voila, problem solved.

The strategy is pretty clear because it's the same strategy Democrats have been using to encourage division and inspire loyalty to the party for ages. They just need to make you afraid because fear greases the wheels for compliance. 

If the Democrats can make you afraid of something, then they can declare their intention to save people from it and also make that thing a sacred cow that you can't question. If you do question it, they can then paint you as uncaring, stupid, or corrupt in some fashion. People questioning their position is the best thing the Democrats can hope for because it allows them to create villains, and with villains in place, they can generate a narrative of heroic opposition. 

Fear, loathing, and spite will drive people right into the arms of Democrats, right in time for 2024. 

(READ: The Leftist Culture of Fear and Loathing)

But this need not go any further, at least in terms of a COVID-19 scare. All you need to do is not comply. When they say you have to wear a mask, don't. When they encourage you to get a vaccine, refuse to. If they say you have to remain in your home, throw a party in a public place. 

Do not comply. 

If mass non-compliance is seen and, what's more, shown to be politically destructive for them they'll back off and go quiet about it. They might love playing dictator, but they won't dare risk their political careers over it if they know it's risky for their reelection campaigns. Remember, these aren't people with principles. 

Remember that you're currently being tested and that failing this test is an admission that you're ready and willing to be submissive. They're hoping to scare you into bending the knee, donning your muzzle and leash, and obeying their commands, all the while painting it as "safety." 

And you know what Benjamin Franklin said: "Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Now's the time to prove that you deserve liberty and moreover that those who would take that from you under the cover of lies don't deserve jobs. 

Whistleblowers Admit They Reported Ken Paxton To The FBI Without A Shred Of Evidence

During the impeachment trial of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, former employees admitted that they reported Paxton to the FBI without any evidence and had no reason not to trust federal agents.

Ryan Vassar, a former deputy attorney general under Paxton, testified over the course of two days regarding his decision to report the AG to the FBI. He claimed that he and seven other so-called whistleblowers had a “good faith belief” that Paxton had committed criminal actions.

This meeting with the FBI in the Fall of 2020 eventually led to the majority of the impeachment articles, alleging that Paxton misused his office to benefit a specific individual who had, several years earlier, donated to one of Paxton’s campaigns.

During the cross-examination by Mitch Little, an attorney for Paxton, Vassar made the shocking revelation that he and the other employees had gone to the FBI without a shred of evidence.

“Mr. Vassar, please, I want to get this straight — you went to the FBI on September 30 with your compatriots, and reported the elected attorney general of this state for a crime without any evidence?” Little asked. “Yes?”

“That’s right,” Vassar admitted. “We took no evidence.”

He attempted to clarify, saying, “We had no evidence that we could point to, but we had reasonable conclusions we could draw.”

Little then asked if, after going to the FBI without any evidence, they later collected evidence that would corroborate their claims to the FBI.

“I don’t recall that we collected any evidence,” Vassar added, again retorting that he and his allies had gone to report a “good faith belief” of criminal activity.

Little retorted, “Respectfully sir, we are not here for your good faith belief.”

Attorney General Paxton, like many other notable conservatives in America, has been the subject of potential weaponization of the federal government — an institution he has successfully sued many times.

Even right now, as the impeachment trial continues, former President Donald Trump — who is by far the favorite for the GOP nomination — is currently being targeted by the apparatus of the federal government.

The weaponization of the FBI has had such an effect on the American public that 70 percent of people are concerned “about interference by the FBI and intelligence agencies in a future presidential election,” according to a Harvard-Harris poll earlier this year.

Nevertheless, Ryan Vassar had no mistrust of the FBI or the federal government at all.

“Do you trust the Feds? Do you trust the FBI?” Little asked during the cross-examination.

“Yes, I have no reason not to, I trust law enforcement and our peace officers,” the so-called whistleblower admitted.

“You can’t think of one reason in the last three or four years not to trust the FBI?” Little pressed.

The lawyer continued, “Ken Paxton told you he didn’t want to help the Feds in any way, didn’t he?”

“Yes sir,” Vassar said.

It is important to note that in the three years since the so-called whistleblowers went to the FBI with their “good faith belief” of criminal action from Paxton, the Bureau has never taken a single public action on the item.

Seemingly, “good faith” was simply not good enough.

Fulton County Prosecutor’s Law Firm Sends ‘Uninvited and Improper’ Mailer to Republican He Helped Indict

The message ‘constitutes a communication with a criminal defendant by the lead prosecuting attorney’s law firm regarding charges which the attorney has been responsible for bringing,’ Shafer’s attorneys said.

The private law firm of the Fulton County special prosecutor Nathan Wade — who helped charge Donald Trump and 18 Republicans for their role in objecting to the 2020 election — sent a solicitation to an indicted alternate elector purportedly offering to defend him from the charges Wade helped file.

On Thursday, David Shafer, one of Georgia’s 2020 Republican electors, revealed on X that he had received a solicitation from Wade & Campbell Firm, the private practice of Nathan Wade. Wade is the special prosecutor who helped DA Fani Willis indict Trump, Shafer, and others for lawfully contesting Georgia’s 2020 election results.

A photo accompanying the post shows a brochure with a photo of Wade and Christopher Campbell, his law partner, grinning. Shafer’s name and one of his charges (“Impersonating A Public Officer”) are printed along the bottom. According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC), the brochure was also accompanied by a letter “signed by Campbell advertising the firm’s legal services” that read: “Attorneys Wade & Campbell dedicate their criminal practice to protecting the rights of any and every individual charged with a Misdemeanor, Felony, DUI or Traffic Offense!!”

The American Bar Association (ABA) explicitly states that “In representing a client, a lawyer shall not communicate about the subject of the representation with a person the lawyer knows to be represented by another lawyer in the matter, unless the lawyer has the consent of the other lawyer or is authorized to do so by law or a court order.” As noted in a Thursday court filing by Shafer’s legal team, it was public record that Shafer had already acquired legal counsel by Aug. 22, 2023 — several weeks before Wade’s firm sent Shafer the solicitation.

As The Federalist previously reported, Willis and Wade claimed in their Aug. 14 indictment that Shafer and the other 2020 alternate electors “unlawfully falsely held themselves out” as Georgia’s “duly elected and qualified” presidential electors and further insisted these electors intentionally attempted to “mislead” figures such as then-Vice President Mike Pence and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger “into believing that they actually were such officers.”

But a transcript of the Georgia Republican electors’ meeting on Dec. 14, 2020, obtained by Willis and her team during their years-long investigation of Republicans, explicitly shows the intent behind casting alternate electors was not to impersonate public officers, as Willis and Wade alleged, but to lawfully preserve Trump’s legal challenge to the state’s election results.

While much of legacy media’s coverage has been devoted to Willis, Wade has played a significant role in helping the Fulton County DA weaponize the legal system against Shafer and his fellow Republicans. As reported by the AJC, “Wade has been a top deputy to Fulton DA Fani Willis on the elections investigation since early last year [and] led the DA’s presentations to the 23-member special grand jury that spent nearly eight months hearing witness testimony and collecting other evidence” in the case.

The outlet goes on to describe Wade as an “old friend” of Willis, who previously “mentored her when she briefly served as chief magistrate judge in South Fulton” and “advised [her] after she was elected and began staffing up her department.” County financial records also reportedly show that Willis’ office has “paid the Law Offices of Nathan J. Wade just shy of $549,000 since January 2022.”

In their motion for an evidentiary hearing filed in Fulton County Superior Court on Thursday, Shafer’s legal team alleged that Wade’s law firm violated ABA rules by partaking in “direct, uninvited, and improper communications” with Shafer.

“[T]he improper communication is far more egregious than a typical violation of the Rule, given the fact that it constitutes a communication with a criminal defendant by the lead prosecuting attorney’s law firm regarding charges which the attorney has been responsible for bringing,” the motion reads. “Surely Messrs. Campbell and Wade do not believe that Wade & Campbell could represent Mr. Shafer against the very criminal charges brought by Mr. Wade, its first named partner, and lead counsel in the prosecution.”

Shafer’s legal team furthermore requested that the court “determine an appropriate sanction” for the purported solicitation, “ranging from admonishment to disqualification.”

Wade & Campbell Firm did not immediately respond to The Federalist’s request for comment on why it sent — and whether it felt it was appropriate to send — the solicitation to Shafer. Nor did the law firm answer if it has sent the same or similar brochures to the other Republicans facing charges from the Fulton County DA’s office.

Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Agrees Biden Regime Violated the First Amendment – Baits Biden DOJ to Appeal to Supreme Court

This is one of those judicial court rulings that needs to be bookmarked because the judicial panel outlines exactly what the Biden administration and Govt officials did, in their blatant violations of the First Amendment.  [SEE pdf HERE]

The Fifth Circuit court of appeals outlines how the Biden administration totally violated the first amendment, by forcing and coercing social media and other organizations to ban speech, block opinion and censor information they determined was against their interests.  Any time a progressive democrat claims their leadership would not destroy this nation, simply put the appellate court ruling back in front of their face and walk away.

[pdf SOURCE Here]

The panel decision modified the injunction against federal officials to now read:

Defendants, and their employees and agents, shall take no actions, formal or informal, directly or indirectly, to coerce or significantly encourage social-media companies to remove, delete, suppress, or reduce, including through altering their algorithms, posted social-media content containing protected free speech. That includes, but is not limited to, compelling the platforms to act, such as by intimating that some form of punishment will follow a failure to comply with any request, or supervising, directing, or otherwise meaningfully controlling the social-media companies’ decision-making processes.

At the government’s request, the Fifth Circuit stayed the order for 10 days to give the government time to petition for a writ of certiorari from the U.S. Supreme Court.  Almost like bait, the Fifth Circuit is seemingly hoping the insufferable & ideological Lawfare operatives in the DOJ will take this decision higher.

SCOTUS would destroy the Biden administration on this constitutional issue.  The evidence of what took place is overwhelming in support of the original court order against Biden, and the subsequent affirmation from the fifth circuit.

[Full Case Details Available HERE]

Biden Regime is Making Me Take the Covid Jab to Become an American Citizen

Give me liberty or give me subclinical myocarditis.

Nearly a million legal immigrants became American citizens last year, the third-highest number in history. One angle missing from the news coverage: Every single one of those immigrants was required, as a precondition of citizenship, to get a Covid booster.

The Immigration and Nationality Act and related federal regulations were designed from a reasonable public health perspective to require immunization against “vaccine-preventable diseases.” However, this regulation has since been expanded to require immunization with any product recommended by CDC guidance, whether or not it prevents disease at all and regardless of any harm such a requirement could inflict. I refer not only to the harm potentially caused by an experimental injection to its individual recipients but to the harm done to the future of the nation by forcing immigrants to submit to mandates widely understood as unscientific.

I’ll admit, this is personal. I have thus far made it to the fall of 2023 without a trace of Pfizer lipid nanoparticles in my circulation. Indeed, in my work as a pediatrician, I consider it a moral duty to speak out against unserious mRNA vaccine studies and to do all I can to protect the children here in my Texas community from Covid vaccine mandates. You can thus imagine my dismay upon learning, as my own citizenship case progresses, that getting a Covid vaccine — with the non-zero risk of myocarditis and other life-altering side-effects such an injection carries — is a requirement for adoption by Uncle Sam.

I am faced with the “choice” to leave my patients, my (American-born) wife and children, and my church — or submit to a medical intervention with no feasible public benefit and significant potential health downsides.  

As Dr. Vinay Prasad points out, the Covid vaccines “do NOT have a favorable risk-benefit balance in healthy young men who had Covid.” I am one such man, with bloodwork proving possession of plentiful natural antibodies to Covid (earned the easy way, after an asymptomatic infection, as is typical for my age and health).

Yet while the U.S. government accepts proof of natural immunity for all manner of other diseases (measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, polio, and varicella), the immigrant medical exam directives contain “COVID-19 specific vaccine guidance” that makes clear that, antibodies or not, everybody who wants citizenship must first pay meet adoration to the Pfizer gods.

Amusingly, this unscientific edict doesn’t just apply to the unvaccinated like me, but even to pharma’s most obedient clients: following CDC guidance, even immigrants who dutifully lined up for boosters repeatedly throughout 2021 are still treated as insufficiently vaccinated until they get at least one dose of the updated bivalent booster. As the authorities explain, adults “who are unvaccinated or previously received only monovalent vaccine doses are recommended to receive 1 bivalent mRNA vaccine dose.” If you’re unable to keep up with Harold Ford Jr., booster for booster (and Covid infection after Covid infection), America wants no part of you.

Becoming an American citizen is not a right, it is a privilege. The United States can make whatever requirements it wants for citizenship. If Congress decides that no foreigner can become an American without a ticket stub from Taylor Swift’s “Eras” tour, that’s your call. But what kind of a populace would such legislation produce? Considering that we did not hear many, if any, indignant protests from the million new Americans who submitted to an unnecessary booster last year, I think we shall soon find out.

I am not aiming to be some entitled brat, bossing my new country around. I am coming to you humbly, trying to make you aware of the country you are building when you deliberately exclude all those who don’t routinely light Fauci prayer candles.

Consider the opposite scenario: What if American immigration law stated that only those foreigners with a track record of not falling for the latest unscientific CDC guidance can qualify? Did you wear a mask in the car on your way to getting your fifth booster? No citizenship for you. What kind of new populace would such a policy beget? Picture those hypothetical new Americans and understand that the very real new Americans you are welcoming these days are their pusillanimous polar opposite. Would you rather have a nation of principled, courageous Djokovics, or of triple-boosted Trudeaus?  

You may recall news coverage of naturalization ceremonies in which teary-eyed immigrants finally live out their dream and officially become citizens of the greatest country on Earth. I must admit, I’ve long dreamt of the day when I too will get to stand in that room, loudly and proudly swear my allegiance, and wave the flag for the first time as a real, honest-to-goodness American citizen. That day may still come, once I have this potentially dangerous, highly profitable Big Pharma product injected into my body for no good reason.

I love America so much, getting the jab is a price I’m willing to pay. Standing before the official with my hand over my hopefully undamaged heart, saying my oath, clutching my little flag, I still may shed a tear that day, but it will not be for myself: It will be for a land that once was free.