Thursday, August 24, 2023

Christianity and the Globalist Agenda

When Christians believe something is wrong, 
they will take action to change it

When God tells you what to do you cannot hesitate.
– “Vampiro,” played by Bill Camp, in the Movie “Sound of Freedom

The power of these 10 words threatens the most powerful individuals and institutions on the planet, and what might otherwise be their total control over governments. These words express a principle that an authoritarian government cannot tolerate. They proclaim “Government is not the ultimate sovereign. God is the ultimate sovereign. And if you challenge my God and make me choose, I will obey God, and I will defy you.”

There’s plenty out there to defy these days. One big piece at a time, the whole world is coming under the control of fewer and fewer people. That is inherently suspect, but their avowed and allegedly benign objectives make matters far worse.

Just two hedge funds, Vanguard and Blackrock, with combined assets well over $20 trillion, are the biggest shareholders in 88 percent of the companies on the S&P 500. These massive wealth managers work in concert with the World Economic Forum, the World Federation of Advertisers, and other transnational institutions to, as Ben Shapiro documents in a must-watch video, “create a universal framework full of guidelines and ratings designed to enforce approved narratives.”

And what is the purpose and objective of these narratives? In a 30,000 word essay, “The China Convergence” published earlier this month on Substack, author N.S. Lyons writes: ”The less the people are willing and able to practice self-governance individually and collectively, the more formal rules and systems of external authority will step in to micromanage what they want and how they behave.”

From these two sources, one succinct and the other comprehensive, both scrupulously documented, ample evidence is offered to help explain why Christianity is a threat to the narrative. Christians not only fail to recognize government as the ultimate authority in their lives, they are self-governing. They don’t need to be micromanaged. And on every issue of consequence, issues that will determine our identity and our destiny, they don’t accept the narrative.

The obvious clash between Christians and the globalist narrative is over how to define morality. But acrimonious debates over abortion and sexuality aren’t what makes Christians a threat. It’s that when Christians believe something is wrong, they will take action to change it. As the approved narrative aims increasingly to divide people by race and gender, at the same time as it aims to convince individuals to indulge decadence, depravity, indolence, victimhood, and general selfishness, Christians see this for what it is: the destruction of a culture and the erasure of a free people.

Hence the overwrought scorn brought down by the approved narrative onto the movie “Sound of Freedom.” From Rolling Stone, “The QAnon-tinged thriller about child-trafficking is designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer.” From The Economist, “Turning the culture war into profit.” From USA Today, “a recruiting tool for the far right.” From People, “creative liberties” taken by the film included “scenes in which children are held against their will within shipping containers.” Creative liberties? It happens all the time! And from state-funded NPR, “QAnon supporters are promoting ‘Sound of Freedom.’”

This derision obscures establishment fear. Child trafficking, like sex changes on kids and radical gender indoctrination in elementary schools, crosses a red line for Christians. And they are not going to back down. Nor are these examples the only areas where Christians are ready to fight.

The extreme environmentalist agenda, a fundamental part of the approved narrative, is guaranteed to convert the vast majority of humanity into second class creatures. It not only condemns humanity to be reduced to the status of livestock, it puts the interests of plants and animals in front of the interests of people. Christians are as willing as anyone to strive for balance between nature and civilization, but Christianity explicitly rejects the primacy of “Gaia”: In Genesis 1:28, it reads “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

Extreme environmentalism is a false religion, and Christians will never submit to it.

If the approved narrative relies on extreme environmentalism as the state religion that provides the alleged moral justification to effectively enslave the vast majority of humanity, the ultimate technology to enforce the lockdown is Central Bank Digital Currency. Christian scripture is so explicit on this phenomenon it might even make an agnostic think twice. Here is a modern translation of Revelation, 13:17: “Then it compels all, small and great, rich and poor, free men and slaves, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads. The purpose of this is that no one should be able to buy or sell unless he bears the mark.” Cash is freedom.

Secular conservatives recognize the power of devout Christians as indispensable allies, and even after decades of negative indoctrination, Christianity remains the dominant faith in America. Despite statistics demonstrating a decline in America’s “shrinking Christian majority,” even among Americans in their 20s, more than half still identify as Christian. Overall, two-thirds of Americans, over 220 million people, identify as Christian. What percentage of them are devout Christians? What percentage of them will become more devout as they recognize the hidden agenda behind the approved narrative, and see the decadence rolling out now in plain sight?

Christianity in America may have declined in recent decades, but that decline may be over. Moreover, with America’s fertility rate for devout Christians holding at 2.4, while only 1.3 for the irreligious, the long-term demographic ascendancy of Christians is inevitable. No wonder the culture seeks to stigmatize Christians. Their only hope is to convert millions of young Christians to atheism. But that trend, as well, may have already peaked. An authentic youthful rebel in 2023 America turns toward Christianity, not away from it. And in any case, watch the Christian resistance grow the first time, and every time, the government turns off digital money to enforce a carbon ration.

Christians recognize something the purveyors of the approved narrative only pretend to see, which is the existence of absolute good and absolute evil. The elites have done us all a favor, and perhaps committed a fatal error, by thinking humans were already so brainwashed they would believe it’s ok to tell five year old children they can choose their “gender,” or that it’s a healthy display of liberal tolerance to allow drag queens to twerk in front of elementary school children, or for doctors and “therapists” to coerce parents into having their pre-adolescent children castrated.

These things are abominations to Christians, along with pretty much anyone else with an ounce of common sense, and that they are institutionally promoted stimulates a more generalized skepticism of the approved narrative. It certainly calls into question the conventional wisdom that the approved narrative is “science based.” Under scrutiny, the entire narrative falls apart. No, we don’t want to live in techno-pens like human livestock to appease “Gaia.” No, we don’t want digital money that the government can track and turn off at will. Yes, we want to be free.

Christians are also a threat because they believe in an afterlife. They are not afraid to lose their possessions or even their lives, because they believe their experience in this world is only a preliminary to heaven. Animating to action a mere fraction of America’s Christians raises an army of millions. They have no fear, because they are God’s army.

X22, On the Fringe, and more- August 24


8 Things Trump Promises to do When He’s Back in the White House

While the Mainstream Media obsesses over every tiny piece of negative Trump news, they always fail to mention what he actually plans to do for America if he’s re-elected. President Trump isn’t all just talk. He laid out a lot of substantive policies in his Agenda47 plans for his second term if he’s re-elected, but you probably haven’t heard a lot about them. 

Here’s 8 Trump quotes on his plans if he’s elected as the 47th President of the United States: 


“There is no more dire threat to the American Way of Life than the corruption and weaponization of our Justice System—and it’s happening all around us,” President Trump said. “If we cannot restore the fair and impartial rule of law, we will not be a free country.”

Since President Trump left office, our criminal justice system has been weaponized against American citizens. He promised to appoint 100 U.S. Attorneys who will be the “polar opposite of the Soros District Attorneys,” overhaul the Department Justice, and investigate Marxist district attorneys. 


“Under no circumstances should Republicans vote to cut a single penny from Medicare or Social Security.”

Trump has vowed to stop Joe Biden’s reckless spending to save social security and our country. Even though Biden’s spending has been out-of-control, Trump believes it shouldn’t affect the average American. Instead, the D.C. elites should feel the pain. If we stop reckless spending on mass illegal immigration, climate extremism, and left-wing military programs, we won’t have to hurt our senior citizens. 


“The drug cartels are waging war on America—and it’s now time for America to wage war on the cartels.”

President Trump plans to destroy the drug cartels after Joe Biden has spent his term causing chaos at the border. Biden stopped border wall construction, ended Remain in Mexico, canceled Title 42, and left our country vulnerable to a mass of illegal immigrants. President Trump plans to restore all his former policies, deploy all necessary military assets, cut off the cartel’s access to the global financial system. 


“We will not rest until we have ended the drug addiction crisis.” 

In President Trump’s first term, he took the drug and fentanyl crisis on and won. America saw the first reduction in overdose deaths in over 30 years, and he pledged to make this happen once again. Biden’s open borders have allowed drugs to once again seep across the border making it even harder to combat the drug epidemic. Trump fixed it once, and he vows to do it again. 


“Under my policy, the United States government will tell Big Pharma that we will only pay the best price they offer to foreign nations, who have been taking advantage of us for so long— the United States is tired of getting ripped off.”

President Trump is the only President who ever took on Big Pharma. He lowered drug prices for the first time in 51 years and finalized the “Most Favored Nation Rule” ensuring pharmaceutical companies offer the same discounts to the US as other nations. President Biden, on the other hand, got rid of that rule. Trump has vowed to sign an Executive Order on day one to end the “global freeloading on American consumers once and for all.”


“I will urge Congress to ensure that anyone caught trafficking children across our border receives the death penalty immediately.”

In his first term, President Trump signed an executive order to target transnational trafficking organizations and signed the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention Act authorizing $430 million to fight sex and labor trafficking. Now, he’s proposing an even stricter policy: the death penalty for any sex traffickers.


“I will require every federal employee to pass a new Civil Service test demonstrating an understanding of our Constitutional limited government.”

President Trump wants to stop unelected bureaucrats from ruling our country. Right now, bureaucrats are able to take enforcement action without any substantive guidance. Trump wants to stop bureaucrats from being able to bully, pressure, and choke American citizens for their own political beliefs. By requiring a civil service test, bureaucrats will have to prove they have an understanding of due process rights, equal protection, Free Speech, religious liberty, and the Fourth Amendment.


“When I am back in the White House, we will use every tool, lever, and authority to get the homeless off our streets. We want to take care of them, but they have to be off our streets. “

There is nothing compassionate about letting these individuals live in filth and squalor rather than getting them the help they need. We need professionals to help them.”

President Trump wants to rescue our cities from homelessness, the drug addicted, and mentally unstable. He has plans to bring back mental institutions and rehabilitate people to reintegrate them back into our city. Trump is deeply committed to using our resources to help American citizens most in need.

Dick's Sporting Goods Is Learning What the Consequences of Going Woke Are

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Go woke, go broke. That's what conservatives say, and unfortunately, sometimes it's just rhetoric that doesn't materialize. Still, there are times when the adage proves true.

Enter Dick's Sporting Goods, the woke outdoor company that has prided itself on inserting itself into various cultural battles. As RedState reported, shareholders were greeted with bad news recently when it was revealed that Dick's saw a 23 percent drop in profit over the last quarter.

That sent the company into a freefall. On August 21st, the stock price was $141. Two days later, it was at $108 (for the up-to-the-minute price, click here). That's a dramatic drop for a well-known retail brand with so many years in the game.

The question is, what led us here? According to Dick's own admission, a sharp rise in retail theft has severely hampered profitability.

While we posted another double-digit EBT margin, our Q2 profitability was short of our expectations due in large part to the impact of elevated inventory shrink, an increasingly serious issue impacting many retailers.

That's more of a symptom than a root cause, though. The sudden onslaught of flash mob robberies and brazen shoplifters didn't just materialize for no reason, and I've got a pretty good idea of how we ended up here. 

Dick's has long prided itself on being at the forefront of the push for "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion," which is just a fancy phrase for when a company wastes money paying do-nothings to push far-left policies within the broader culture. It's all about showing that a company is fighting for "justice" and is "giving a voice" to the whinest, most entitled members of its workforce. 

Unfortunately for corporations that went down that path, the bill for their activism is now coming due. Nothing is disconnected from the culture, and when Dick's decided to go all-in on being woke, that didn't happen in a vacuum. Rather, the company fed into a far-left behemoth that actively sought to change laws surrounding bail and shoplifting. The result has been anarchy, where criminals can walk into a store, clean out an entire section, and walk out with little fear they will be prosecuted.

This is what happens when corporations decide to insert themselves into the culture wars. For its part, Dick's was at the forefront of banning gun sales following the Parkland shooting, as if doing so would have any impact at all on mass shootings. By 2019, the company had fully invested in a DEI department and made it a centerpiece of its corporate strategy.

The consequences of that have been a 23 percent drop in profitability due to the abuse of policies the company either directly or indirectly supported. So do I feel sorry for Dick's? Not in the least. I think they should continue to enjoy the fruits of their labor to the fullest. 

Why China’s Decline and Biden’s Incompetence Could Push Xi Jinping to War

China’s worsening economy and Biden’s ineptitude increase the likelihood of Xi playing the jingoistic card of war and invasion. 

China’s economy is in serious trouble. Paramount leader Xi Jinping’s turn toward Chinese Communist Party control is finally ending the People’s Republic of China’s experiment with state-directed capitalism.  

China has cut off the outside world from its economic data, but its youth unemployment rate and local government debt problems are growing to unsustainable proportions. And its real estate market is a mess. China also is entering into a deflationary period and has even cut the salaries of mid-level government officials.  

As a result, the longstanding agreement between the CCP and the Chinese people — economic growth in exchange for political repression — is null and void.  

This presents Xi with a conundrum. He can relax controls to improve the economy, but that would mean admitting error and losing face. Worse, if the economy doesn’t improve, Xi’s reign will be seen as a failure.  

But there’s a way out, one common to dictators: start a war to stoke nationalist fervor. 

This option is often overlooked by Western observers, who feel comfortable in their mirror-imaging fallacies. Under this bias, they assume that foreign regimes act with the same rationale as the nations where they have lived, studied, vacationed, or worked. 

In 1982, when a worldwide recession was hitting developing nations harder than the U.S., the Argentinian junta was running low on popularity. Then, on April 2, Argentina’s military leaders made the rash decision to invade Islas las Malvinas — known in most of the world as the Falkland Islands, a British territory. For weeks, the people celebrated the junta amid a swelling of nationalist pride. But in just over two months, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher put together a British task force and retook the islands. Within weeks, the Argentinian junta was ejected from power.  

So, what might the run-up to conflict in the Pacific and first few weeks afterward look like? 

Michael Lucci, founder and president of the State Armor Project, has thought about how China would prepare to invade Taiwan, the self-governed democracy of 24 million people only 90 miles off the coast of China. Lucci believes China would want assurances that the U.S. would not come to Taiwan’s aid.  

The Taiwan Relations Act, signed into law by President Jimmy Carter in 1979, considers “…any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means, including by boycotts or embargoes, a threat to the peace and security of the Western Pacific area and of grave concern to the United States.”  

Testing Western Resolve 

Lucci believes China is already testing American resolve. The spy balloon incident is one clear example. President Joe Biden did nothing. To that we could add more than 100,000 deaths per year from fentanyl largely cooked in Mexico from Chinese ingredients, the recent water cannoning of Philippine resupply vessels, and the use of military-grade lasers and aggressive ship and jet maneuvers around U.S. Navy ships as well as Navy and Air Force aircraft. 

China has other means to test America’s willingness to fight. It is known that China has inserted kill switches in the large high-voltage transformers it has sold to the U.S. This led then-President Donald Trump to sign an executive order in 2020 banning the importation of these large transformers, which carry 70 percent of America’s electricity, from “foreign adversaries.” Biden promptly lifted the ban.  

What if China selectively blacked out a major U.S. city or region? Some U.S. metropolitan areas, already reeling under defunded police and increasing crime, might quickly descend into looting and violence. 

The prudent response would be to send a contingent of Marines to Taiwan while reinforcing the U.S. Navy’s Seventh Fleet in Yokosuka, Japan. But Biden would likely remain passive. As we have seen in Hawaii in the wake of the wind-driven fires, the disaster response would be slow and bungled. Plus, Taiwan, on the verge of a presidential election on Jan. 13, 2024, might turn down an offer from the U.S., fearing it would provoke China.  

Alternatively, China might try to seize Lesser Orchid Island, a small, uninhabited island measuring about half a mile on its sides, just three miles south of Orchid Island, itself about 20 miles east of the southern tip of Taiwan. Such an action likely wouldn’t involve shooting with Taiwanese forces and could give China an indication of the willingness of the U.S., Japan, the Philippines, and Taiwan to respond. 

Moving up the escalation ladder, there are three more scenarios, any of which might be preceded by the one just outlined.  

Escalating to War 

In recent years, China has developed a robust shipbuilding capacity, now some 200 times the capacity of America to launch warships and submarines. The PRC has been making good use of this capability to start to close the gap with the U.S. Navy, especially in the restricted, highly contested waters around Taiwan. This might lead China to attempt a blockade of Taiwan. China would announce that it will inspect both sea cargo and cargo aircraft to prevent additional weapons and ammunition from being shipped to the island nation.  

Blockades are acts of war, and it would give the U.S., Japan, and other regional powers ample warning of the PRC’s intentions and time to plan ways to break the blockade. The U.S. Navy could easily choke off China’s considerable oil imports, most of which travel through the Strait of Malacca adjacent to Singapore. China would likely threaten the use of nuclear weapons against Japan and West Coast cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco. 

But China has planned for this eventuality. Not only did China purchase much of Biden’s sell-off of the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve to salt away into its own reserve, but China has successfully electrified much of its transportation system. Half of the world’s electric vehicles operate in China, where domestic coal production powers them. China is also greatly expanding its coal-to-liquids program. This is the same technology that Nazi Germany used to turn its own vast coal reserves into fuel and high-quality lubricants.  

China’s Invasion of Taiwan 

Sensing weakness and irresolution from Biden, who was responsible for the embarrassing debacle in Kabul and the indecision in the first few weeks of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, China might decide to invade Taiwan. If so, the invasion could feature a lot more violence than that which Russia brought upon Ukraine. Taiwan is a far smaller target, and, while separated by 90 miles of ocean, China has built thousands of guided missiles for the purpose of attacking Taiwan. 

China has been practicing commandeering its vast civilian fleet in support of amphibious operations. In mid-August, two civilian roll-on/roll-off ships, particularly useful in military operations, were seen steaming south, far from their usual routes in the Yellow Sea, to join another two such vessels at a navy base in Hainan Island. 

But PRC planners may assess that the U.S., Japan, and other nations might not easily be cowed — or at least might eventually swing into action to defeat an invasion of Taiwan. In this case, the PRC would likely preempt U.S. and Japanese military assets in the region that could contribute to a defense of Taiwan. China might attack Okinawa, Guam, other bases, and ships at sea with little to no warning.  

Attacks on America & Deadly Trade Disruptions 

Coincident with such an attack, China may hit the American homeland by severing oceanic internet cables, attacking the electric grid, damaging key infrastructure, such as pipelines and municipal water systems, and even carrying out direct sabotage and assassination operations. 

Regarding the latter, since the beginning of the year, sources at the border with Mexico have described an abrupt shift in the nature of Chinese nationals illegally crossing into America. In the past, family units crossed. They would eagerly tell Border Patrol agents their stories — back when the Border Patrol had the increasingly rare luxury of interviewing would-be migrants.

Today most illegal aliens are military-aged and very tightlipped, simply wanting to be released to go on their way to the U.S. interior. These young Chinese nationals might simply be fleeing the increasingly bad economy in the PRC, or they might be part of a vanguard of saboteurs, or both. 

Lastly, with America’s overwhelming dependence on China for key medicines, such as antibiotics, and the world supply chain’s reliance on China for basic drug ingredients, a disruption in trade would threaten to kill more people than there are military members in the line of fire. 

China’s worsening economy, combined with the understanding that the sluggish and inept Biden administration won’t likely remain in office for long, increases the likelihood of Xi playing the jingoistic card of war and invasion.  

The Heartless Walter Mitty

It isn't empathy to constantly upstage the suffering of others

When Joe Biden finally visited Maui on Monday, the first thing I thought was, "He’s not going to recount that stupid kitchen fire anecdote, is he? I mean, even Joe can't be that heartless."

Well, Joe was that heartless.

As I was having my morning cup of tea yesterday, I saw the video of Joe recounting the stupid kitchen fire.

Over the years, Joe has transformed that 2004 incident from the small kitchen fire it was into the Towering Inferno.

Biden told the people in Lahaina, the town where more than 850 people are still missing and at least 115 are dead, that the fire, which was contained to the kitchen and put out by firefighters in 20 minutes nearly cost him his wife, his classic Corvette, and his cat.

Why bring it up at all?

Because upstaging every occasion is Joe Biden's raison d'être.

One woman on Twitter (sorry, X) summed it up perfectly. Like Barack Obama, Joe Biden is the bride at every wedding.

But unlike Obama, who typically upstages things by being oblivious (like speaking over "God Save the Queen" in front of her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II), when Joe Biden upstages things, he does it by indulging in fictional tales of woe that grow bigger with each retelling.

No matter whose story it is, Joe Biden insists on casting himself in the starring role.

He uses this minor kitchen fire from nearly 20 years ago for the same reason he exploits the death of his son Beau.

While allegedly "paying respects to the lives lost in Maui" on Monday, Biden trotted out his other favorite tale of personal tragedy, the death of his first wife and baby daughter.

The guy is a heartless Walter Mitty, spinning fantastical falsehoods as a way to upstage the grief and pain of others.

It's childish, thoughtless, and often cruel.

But his supporters don't care.

To Biden supporters, especially those in the media, Joe’s self-indulgence is his way of showing "empathy."

CNN reporter Bill Weir said of the president's Maui visit that Biden "said the right things" and acted as the "empathizer-in-chief."

No, Bill. That wasn’t empathy. It was narcissism.

If someone is dying of cancer and you sit at her bedside recounting the time you got a nasty paper cut, you aren’t saying the right things or empathizing. You’re being a self-centered prat who has to make everything about you.

If any Republican president indulged in this kind of heartless, self-absorbed twaddle, everyone at CNN would be clutching pearls in horror, especially if the same Republican president had spent the previous week vacationing while the people in Maui were combing through the burned-out rubble looking for bodies.

The media created the fiction of Joe Biden as a loving, caring, compassionate, empathetic family man. As a result, they are obligated to keep up the fiction in the face of all evidence to the contrary, even if that means spending four years pretending his seventh grandchild didn't exist or ignoring the Gold Star families whose loved ones were lost in the 2021 terrorist attack in Kabul.

Between now and Election Day, the media and Biden will be competing to see which of them can concoct the most outrageous lies about this heartless, hapless president.

And given his decades of experience, my money is on Joe.