Sunday, August 20, 2023

Trump Isn’t Just the Target, He’s the Pretext

Ambitious charging, indeed, by local District Attorney Willis

It is August: another day, another partisan Democrat indictment of Trump, while Americans either cheer, scream, or shrug as they head once more unto the beach, slather on sunblock, and sip a banana republic daquiri.

Emulating the Biden administration’s Department of Justice’s special counsel, Jack Smith, once again a partisan local Democratic prosecutor in a one-party jurisdiction has stretched state laws to indict a former president from their opposing party who is also the leading candidate for its 2024 nomination. As previously demonstrated by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, Georgia’s Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis will receive the plaudits and votes of her partisans for her indictment of Mr. Trump and 18 of his 2020 campaign associates. Given the electoral insularity of her position in a Democratically controlled county, the enmity of Republicans and/or MAGA supporters is impotent to unseat her; and, in fact, it is politically beneficial to her, as it burnishes her credentials with Democratic primary voters. (Ironically, this is akin to how these political indictments boost Mr. Trump’s standing in the GOP primary).

The Fulton County, Manhattan, and the federal special counsel’s indictments are politically motivated, even if juries agree in the heavily Democratic jurisdictions of Atlanta, New York City, and Washington, D.C. Per former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy analysis in the New York Post:

Willis, by contrast, is probing serious misconduct – the duplicitous and heavy-handed schemes by which Trump tried to remain in power despite losing the election.  She can plausibly maintain that she is investigating Trump based on what he did, not who he is.  The question is whether what he did amounts to criminal offenses.

As with the Biden administration’s special counsel, this is where the “creative” prosecuting begins:

In this, [Willis] is running into the same complications that Biden Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith faces in the election-interference charges he has brought against Trump in Washington, DC, federal court.  In fact, there is significant overlap in that case and Willis’…  The special counsel will have to stretch the law and get favorable court rulings to make the charges stick.

…Unlike Smith, Willis can invoke laws that are specifically designed to deal with election-interference conduct of the kind Trump engaged in.  That is not to say she won’t make some heads turn, particularly because she indicted Trump under Georgia’s anti-racketeering law…  It sounds like ambitious charging, but it may not be all that much of a reach.

Perhaps, but as McCarthy also notes, District Attorney Willis has difficulty proving the indicted defendants, in fact, conspired to commit a criminal act, as opposed to a purely political one. True, she must still prove the defendants committed criminal acts in furtherance of a specific criminal goal. But she can argue the conspiracy charge and criminal goal first, then move on to proving the underlying individual crimes allegedly committed in furtherance of said criminal aim. In short, she can argue the defendants all agreed to break a law and sought to continue doing so by continuing to break other laws. Of course, she can argue the facilitating crimes first, but that is doubtful – even though she has not specified the alleged conspiracy’s specific criminal aim.  Why?

Accusing Trump and his co-defendants of “corrupt practices” within the state’s RICO statute is on par with accusing Mr. Trump and his associates of “colluding” with Putin to steal the 2016 election. “Colluding” has a negative connotation but not a legal sanction attached to it. In the present instance, District Attorney Willis has focused on the general rather than the specific. Given the likely partisan makeup of a Fulton County jury, it will be easier to believe Trump and his fellow defendants had a “corrupt aim.” Bluntly, there exists the distinct likelihood Mr. Trump will be convicted for being Mr. Trump; and his associates will be convicted for supporting him in disputing the election.

This will not prove the RICO charge’s elements, but it will suffice for a partisan jury to convict them of the charge, as well as smoothing the way for them to indict him on the underlying crimes allegedly committed in furtherance of the “conspiracy.” After all, one could reason, if the defendants committed the big crime, they likely committed the smaller ones. Should anyone doubt the partisan nature of the indictments, recent history is replete with the Democrats politicizing justice to advance their own corrupt aims from Russia-gate to Hunter Biden’s attempted plea deal, ad nauseum.

Ultimately, should Mr. Trump win the GOP primary, he and his campaign staff/co-defendants will be hamstrung throughout the 2024 campaign. Moreover, future dissent against election outcomes will be chilled, which is what the Democrats covet as they continue to erode election integrity laws throughout the country. And, of course, it will further the Democrats craven weaponization of government against the Republican-Populist movement. “Ambitious charging,” indeed, by local District Attorney Willis.

Doubtless, the ultimate resolution of these nakedly political prosecutions will not be determined by juries but by federal and state appellate courts. But what of the ultimate arbiter of all – the American people?

As noted, the respective Left and Right partisans will celebrate or condemn this and other indictments of Mr. Trump. But what of the Middle? Certainly, the partisan, political nature of these indictments and their damage to the present and future of equal justice under the law in our constitutional republic cannot be lost upon them?

It isn’t. But in their eyes it is minimized beneath the shadow of Mr. Trump. By the accounts and actions of both friend and foe, Mr. Trump is, shall we say, a “type A” personality. For this, his supporters love him and his opponents loathe him. But those in the middle, who neither love nor loathe him, do not like him. It has twice been proven in the popular vote. In 2016, for independents he was a means to an end to block the Left’s radical agenda, represented in the person of Hillary Clinton. It is why in 2020 the Left ran a Trojan horse, Joe Biden, as a faux “moderate.” In both instances, Mr. Trump lost the popular vote.

Simply, the middle has tired of Mr. Trump, who they believe has outlived any usefulness he may have had. They are tired of his histrionics, petty squabbles, and impulsive behavior, and simply want him to go away. It is not that they condone the Democrats’ partisan indictments of Mr. Trump and his associates. They just don’t particularly care. To them, Mr. Trump is a TV show that jumped the shark, and they have tuned him out.

Yes, Mr. Trump’s supporters will argue that the Democrats would do the same to any GOP nominee. Yes, but that would cause the Democrats enormous difficulty with independent voters, for it would clearly reveal the Democrats’ patent pattern of abusing their power. Why? Because the new target would not be Mr. Trump; thus, independent voters would see it and likely vote accordingly to punish the Democrats for engaging in the naked politicization of justice.

But there is no other GOP frontrunner. So, for the today, Mr. Trump remains not just the target, but the pretext and excuse for the Democrats’ despicable weaponization of the police powers of the state. To paraphrase the old adage, for the Left, “with Trump, all things are possible.”

And these things are not good for anyone.

Should the 2024 GOP nominee be Mr. Trump, he will lose the 2024 election – and not solely because of partisan, political indictments. When that happens, the Democrats’ will have at least four more years to institutionalize their weaponization of government at the federal, state, and local levels against Republican-Populists and all dissenters to the Left’s radical, dangerous, and extreme agenda.

Time will tell. But today remains August: another day our free republic bends and frays in the ebbing rays of a dying summer, and we are nearer the fall.

X22 and Badlands Media- August 20


You know what I could've been doing right now? I could've been reading speculation on the new Seasons, heck. 1 of the earliest teasers for NCIS Hawaii could've been Sam giving an update on Hetty!

Instead, look at what the last 3 months have been: Stuck. Stuck having to hope for these stupid labor disputes to be resolved because while they are still going on, nothing that airs on broadcast is filming!
And still stuck waiting on CBS to make a fucking decision on what will air in the Monday 10 pm slot!

And the earliest I could be hearing new teasers, might just end up being around Christmas!

Not at all what I pictured doing after NCIS LA ended. Not at all.

How President Trump Can Use Political Pressure to Defeat the Biden Witch Hunt

Making America Great Again 

won’t come without risks

President Trump, as well as his base of tens of millions of supporters, need to prepare themselves for chaos in 2024. The witch hunt directed against President Trump and his supporters is a sign of the insanity and hysteria infecting the Democratic Party. No matter how the 2024 election turns out, it will be destabilizing for the country. 

More importantly, Trump simply cannot trust the courts in any Democrat controlled state or the Biden regime’s Department of Injustice to treat him fairly. President Trump’s legal problems require political solutions. 

Make no mistake, the law is on President Trump’s side. The prosecutions against the President are politically motivated and spurious. It is not necessary, or even useful, to discuss the specifics or legal theory behind those cases here. Trump has a powerful legal team. They know the law and they know their client is innocent. 

But to the agents of the Biden regime, none of this matters. Trump’s popularity among voters is a sign, in the liberal mind, of how great a threat he poses to Our Democracy. They will beg, borrow, cheat, and steal to keep him from winning.  

Let us assume President Trump isn’t thrown in prison, left-wing Secretaries of State allow him on the ballot, and the Democrats do not successfully “fortify” the election. In that situation, Donald Trump wins in 2024 in an electoral landslide. Even so, in that case, I believe we will see widespread political violence from the Left that will far surpass in size and scope the George Floyd riots of 2020.  

The Left is deeply afraid of President Trump. They are also in charge of tremendous financial resources. The leadership of virtually every institution in American life from Wall Street to the woke military despises ordinary Americans and the MAGA movement. The Biden regime would be more than happy to sic their communist paramilitaries, like ANTIFA, on the heartland.  

This is a dangerous possibility and one that all patriotic Americans need to be ready for.  

If Biden claims another stolen election victory it will mean political repression orders of magnitude greater than what we are seeing now. If Trump wins, the entire American liberal establishment will go on the warpath.  

President Trump and his team walk a narrow tight rope.  

But they do have options. For one, the Trump campaign should start now by laying the groundwork for widespread pro-Trump rallies and protests if the President is unjustly imprisoned. The trucker rally in Canada is the model. At its height, the Canadian government nearly imploded in the face of this public pressure.  

President Trump could easily capture that energy. But he shouldn’t just aim to motivate truckers. The American rail networks are even more vulnerable to a widespread strike. The rail companies treat their employees like serfs and the federal government won’t even allow them to strike for better wages. President Trump should start now by promising to support our tough and unheralded rail workers in receiving the wage increases, health benefits, and vacation days they deserve.  

When the moment comes, if President Trump is thrown in jail by our corrupt regime or is denied his rightful election victory, the moment will be perfect for a strike. The Biden regime believes that by controlling the nation’s financial sectors and federal law enforcement agencies that they are all-powerful. 

They need to be taught a lesson. A widespread coordinated rail strike and trucker protest could easily bring the nation’s economy to a screeching halt. America’s transport networks are a critical vulnerability for the Biden regime. Our leaders hate the people who work in these industries but also need them to keep showing up in order to keep the money flowing. 

Any protest against the liberal totalitarians of the Biden regime comes with risks. Federal agents will attempt to infiltrate such protests to stage provocations and false flags. Organizers of such protest activity will be censored by the major social media companies at the behest of the deep state.  

The federal government would be more than happy to throw pro-Trump protestors in prison or even use violence against them. In light of these considerations, patriotic Trump defenders should utilize the tactics of the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong against the Communist Party in China. These patriots should take measures to confuse facial recognition software and video recording and they should turn off cellular communication devices while protesting. They should also use cash instead of credit cards to pay for goods purchased in or around a protest.  

Beyond encouraging protests and a transport strike, President Trump should also consider simply refusing to go along with these corrupt prosecutions. This is a high stakes option but it has the benefit of putting the Biden regime in an uncomfortable position. If President Trump refused to show up to court, decrying these legal prosecutions as illegitimate (which they are), he will force the deep state either to give up their witch hunt or to use force to make President Trump submit.  

Are they really willing to take such a drastic step? 

Liberals have the requisite malice but do they have the competence? That is a serious question. Would the Secret Service really turn on the man they are sworn to protect? Would Biden’s secret police really be willing to use force against the political opposition? Only a moment of testing will reveal the true answer but I believe the answer is no.  

The courts are the deep state’s home turf but in the public realm, in front of cameras, it’s a different ball game. Biden and his hatchet men aren’t popular. Trump is. Therefore, Trump should always keep in mind that he does have the option to play his ace in the hole and refuse to participate in the legal farce directed against him. 

President Trump’s team has yet another option available. The arrest of Trump’s supporters, especially in Michigan, has shown that liberals have reached a new level of frenetic hatred against the President. They need to be reminded that there are consequences to their radical actions. Pro-Trump governors in red states could do to Democrats what the Democrats are doing to Republicans in blue states. 

Wyoming comes to mind as an ideal location for putting this strategy into practice. A number of wealthy Democratic donors and operatives make their homes in Wyoming, especially outside Jackson Hole. These power players should be made to understand that ongoing political prosecutions against patriotic Americans by the Democratic Party could mean problems for them personally. The idea that America’s liberal elites have never done anything that might put them in legal jeopardy themselves is ridiculous.  

This strategy requires that mainstream Republican officials have the will to enforce the law and to punish their opponents for waging political warfare. The cowardice of the GOP leadership class, indeed, is a grave problem.  

Of course, all of these political options come with risks but the ongoing witch hunt against President Trump has put them on the table. Each option is designed to put the Biden regime in a high stakes game of political chicken. Right now, the Left has had the space to misbehave without consequences. They censor, harass, and arrest their opponents at will. They haven’t yet faced serious political backlash. But they could. Even now, the Left fears that possibility. 

President Trump has the political clout and popularity to force a reckoning with the swamp. Not only that, but he very well could win that challenge.  

Making America Great Again won’t come without risks but they are risks worth taking for the sake of this wonderful country. 

These 14 American Cities Have A ‘Target’ Of Banning Meat, Dairy, And Private Vehicles By 2030

If C40 Cities’ climate aims are
 carried out, people will die.

Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate organization known as the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,” which has an “ambitious target” by the year 2030 of “0 kg [of] meat consumption,” “0 kg [of] dairy consumption,” “3 new clothing items per person per year,” “0 private vehicles” owned, and “1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person.” 

C40’s dystopian goals can be found in its “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World” report, which was published in 2019 and reportedly reemphasized in 2023. The organization is headed and largely funded by Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Nearly 100 cities across the world make up the organization, and its American members include Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Seattle.

Media coverage of C40 Cities’ goals has been relatively sparse. The few media personalities and news outlets who have discussed it have been heavily attacked by the corporate “fact-checkers.” In a “fact check” aimed at conservative commentator Glenn Beck, AFP Fact Check claimed that the banning of meat and dairy and limits on air travel and clothing consumption were actually “not policy recommendations.” 

AFP quotes a paragraph from the original “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World” report, which reads, “This report does not advocate for the wholesale adoption of these more ambitious targets in C40 cities; rather, they are included to provide a set of reference points that cities, and other actors, can reflect on when considering different emission-reduction alternatives and long-term urban visions.”

But this paragraph,  likely included in the report as a liability in the case of pushback, seems to directly contradict the meaning of “target,” which in this context can be defined as a “desired goal.” The target of eliminating meat, dairy, and private vehicles by 2030 is “based on a future vision of resource-efficient production and extensive changes in consumer choices,” the report notes — something its authors clearly hope to bring about. If these were not their goals, they would not have labeled them “ambitious targets.” 

The “fact-checker’s” insistence that C40 Cities’ explicitly stated climate goals are somehow insincere is even more unconvincing, given that we are watching them start to unfold right now. This year, in lockstep with C40 Cities’ 2030 aims, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced that the city will place caps on the amount of meat and dairy served by city institutions, such as schools and prisons. Meanwhile, the U.K. has banned the sale of new gas-powered vehicles after 2030, and France has banned short-haul flights “to cut carbon emissions.”

In 2020, the World Economic Forum (which promotes C40 Cities on its website) introduced “The Great Reset,” which seeks to use the Covid-19 pandemic as a point from which to launch a global reset of society to supposedly combat climate change. This reset, however, has far more to do with social control than it does with the climate. If globalist leaders truly cared about the environment, they wouldn’t be chartering private jets or owning massive, energy-consuming mansions on the coast in California, which, by climate fanatics’ own calculation, will soon be underwater

As the WEF plainly stated in a 2016 promotional video, by 2030 “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.”

Right now, hedge funds and private billionaires are buying up residential homes and farmland all over the world. At the same time, unrealistic zero-emissions policies are impoverishing Westerners and annihilating the middle class, which is fueling reliance on centralized government. Such intentional steps backward also, ironically, harm the earth because wealthier nations are proven to have cleaner environments and put less strain on natural resources.

Climate activists are also advocating for “climate lockdowns,” in the same way there were Covid lockdowns. Ideas floated for a climate lockdown have ranged from shuttering people in their homes and restricting air travel to providing a Universal Basic Income and introducing a maximum income level.

Climate dystopianism doesn’t end there. WEF-linked “bioethicist” Dr. Matthew Liao has proposed the idea of scientists genetically modify humans to be allergic to meat. Liao has also discussed shrinking the physical size of humans via eugenics or hormone injections so they consume fewer resources.

All of these policy proposals appear even more unreasonable and illogical when we actually evaluate the data. According to the International Disaster Database, deaths related to extreme heat, floods, storms, and droughts have plummeted as C02 emissions have risen. The fossil fuel economy has provided billions of people with heating, air conditioning, weather warning systems, mass irrigation, and durable buildings. 

This isn’t to say that we shouldn’t try to limit carbon emissions. Environmentally friendly nuclear energy, which is safe and more reliable than wind and solar energy, is a great way to wean our society off of our reliance on fossil fuels. The globalist climate activists, however, oppose nuclear energy, further undermining their supposedly good intentions.  

Ultimately, the climate coalition’s goals are inherently anti-human. People generally need meat and the protein it provides to flourish. Banning meat and dairy, restricting calories, genetically altering the human body, and impoverishing the masses will hurt the planet and people. More likely than not, it will do more than hurt people — it will kill many of them. 

DeSantis Says MAGA Supporters Are “listless vessels” Who “follow whatever comes down the pike on Truth Social”

Feeling empowered after his boost from Georgia Republican Governor Brian Kemp, a man of notoriously intemperate disposition, presidential candidate Ron DeSantis begins the process to align himself with the neocon establishment and labeling Donald Trump supporters as “listless vessels” devoid of principle, who simply “follow whatever comes down the pike from Truth Social every morning.”

Appearing with a young millennial wearing a beaver tail on his head, namely Will Witt from the Florida Standard, Ron DeSantis outlines his opinion that the MAGA movement is only driven by the support of President Donald Trump, a person who has exhausted his usefulness in awakening the electorate.  As a result, the high-minded superior intellects of the Republican Party now need to step in, reestablish the core values of the conservative movement, and put the squirming MAGA children in their play pens.

You can watch the entire interview below; I’m just prompting it to the part that best highlights the sanctimonious arrogance of a dim-witted candidate who really doesn’t carry his own policies, only those of the managers and branding consultants that create his talking points.  WATCH:

What the insufferable DeSantis and his branding/image consultants pretend not to know, is that President Trump’s America First policies are the driving force behind the MAGA movement.  Those policies consist of three main attributes that are non-existent in any other candidate:

Immigration.  The construct of a southern border wall, denial of illegal entry and a return to immigration border controls that block illegal aliens. 

Economics.  The implementation of MAGAnomics that puts incentives behind Made In America.  Baseline tariffs on all imports. The removal of the 70-year-old one-way Marshal plan for tariffs on USA products into the EU.  Reciprocal tariffs against all nations who participate in bilateral Free Trade Agreements, and a return to America first manufacturing independence.

Foreign Policy.  The withdrawal of USA interventionist foreign policy. The respect of national borders and national policies that are the outcome of the independent will of people within sovereign nations.  The primary responsibility of NATO funding, support and activity, to the member states of the European Union. The use of USA economic strength as a national security weapon. 

Those three pillars form the baseline of the America First policy that President Trump represents.  No other candidate comes even close to the policies therein.  President Trump represents the vessel we are using to force the professional political class to accept these policy priorities. MAGA is a set of policies uniquely attributed to President Trump, because only Trump willingly represents those policies.

The GOPe know this; so too does Ron DeSantis and his handlers.  Every candidate in the Republican field understands this set of policies, and they have been paid by the multinational donors to pretend they do not know.  Their collective GOPe mission is to destroy the policy platform; therefore, they must attack the core of the Trump supporters by pretending not to know.

What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Border Patrol Records 800% Increase in Chinese Illegal Aliens

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

In this episode of "Try to Control Your Shock and Amazement"...

As the Biden Border Crisis continues, unabated — by my count, roughly 31 months and running — a startling new statistic illustrates the perils of an open border. 

U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents have recorded a roughly 800 percent increase in illegal aliens from China crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, according to updated federal data released on Friday.

What could possibly go wrong? 

We should shudder at the thought. Consider the following: 

Between October 2022 and July 2023, there were roughly 17,700 illegal alien encounters with Chinese nationals along the border — compared to just 1,970 in all of fiscal year 2022, according to the data. And in March, CBP sent a memo (exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation) to agency officials warning of a growing surge of Chinese illegal aliens. 

The loosened COVID protocols in China have allowed Chinese nationals to flee repressive rule in China and begin their journey to the United States seeking better living conditions. 

According to CBP, custodial interviews indicate that Chinese citizens are requesting asylum claiming religious persecution by the Chinese Government due to their Christian faith. 

Additionally, Chinese nationals reportedly make their own smuggling arrangements for most of their journey, only utilizing elements of smuggling networks to cross the border.

"Sino Joe" Biden was unavailable for comment. 

Listen, I'm not an expert in foreign espionage, of course, but you don't have to be James Bond to guess that ruthless communist dictator Xi Jinping and his ChiCom pals in Beijing have been smart enough to infiltrate the massive surge in Chinese nationals with agents of the government. 

Again, as the crisis continues, what could possibly go wrong?

Gordon Chang, respected author of “The Coming Collapse of China,” and Fox News contributor, previously told the DCNF that there are obvious, potential national security concerns associated with the Chinese surge.

When I first saw that the surge in Chinese migrants, that’s the thought that came to my mind — that these are either Ministry of State Security agents or Chinese military, who are coming to this country to commit acts of sabotage against the U.S.

Therein lies a perfect example of the danger of the Biden Border Crisis. 

In the mind of Biden and Democrats, the security of America be damned — with deference to their hellbent efforts to import as many (what they perceive as) future Democrat voters as they can. Think about that. 

Yep, the very same hypocrites who laughably call Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans "a threat to this country" — and far worse. Here's Biden in September 2022:

[A]s I stand here, tonight, equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic. ... there is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country.

And the amusing hell of it? 

If reputable pollsters stood along the southern border and asked illegal aliens streaming into the country whether they'd vote Democrat or Republican, if ever given the right to vote, and a majority of them indicated "Republican" (which wouldn't happen but stay with me), Joe Biden and the Democrats would rush to the border and lock arms in a human chain stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico in a desperate effort to keep them the hell out of the country.

Does anyone — including Democrats — doubt that for a nanosecond? Of course, not. I mean, they'd lie their asses off about it, of course, so there's that.

They know it. We know it. And they know we know it. 

It’s All a Political Pantomime but the Audience Isn’t Buying It…

For his weekly monologue, Neil Oliver hits on a familiar metaphor.  The grand theatrical performance of global politics and the orchestration of the actors and scripts.  The difference, in this modern era, is that no one in the audience is watching the pantomime any longer; it is all too predictable.   WATCH:

Biden Camp Will Resurrect the 'MAGA Republican' Strategy Against GOP Presidential Contenders

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

President Joe Biden is reportedly set to roll out an interesting messaging strategy against Republicans seeking to win the Republican presidential nomination. According to reports, it will be a more robust version of the president's rhetorical "MAGA Republicans" trope.

You might recall back in the olden days of September 2022 when the president went full Sith Lord in a dark and dreary speech about the pernicious threat MAGA Republicans pose to the country. Before a backdrop resembling something out of the dystopian classic "V for Vendetta," Biden warned the nation about the dangers of electing these evil MAGA Republicans.

The president's strategy will include more of that.

The Biden campaign plans to highlight what it's calling an "extreme MAGA blueprint" by GOP candidates during the first Republican presidential debate, according to a memo first shared with NBC News.

The memo, written by campaign communications director Michael Tyler, lays out five criticisms of the GOP field, including Republicans' views on cutting Social Security and Medicare, lowering taxes for the rich, banning abortion, protecting the gun lobby and undermining democracy, which focuses on election deniers.

"The 2024 Republicans are focusing on litigating the benefits of slavery, which books they want to ban from schools, and a made-up war on 'woke' that they themselves can’t even define," the memo said. "That’s a race for the MAGA base, not a pathway to winning a general election in 2024."

The campaign expects the candidates to try to “out-MAGA each other” on the debate stage Wednesday night in Milwaukee, according to the memo.

President Biden and Democrats have been using the "MAGA Republicans" trope since 2022. It is an effort to cast Republicans as wildly extreme and out of touch with the American public. The outcome of the 2022 midterm elections appears to show that this strategy was at least somewhat effective.

For the 2024 election, the success of this approach will depend largely on the Republican contenders. With the candidates who veer further to the right on hot-button issues like abortion, it might be easier to portray them as radicals. Moreover, Biden and company could use the focus on anti-wokeism as another line of attack by trying to convince the nation that Republicans seek to whitewash America's troubled history with race, while also attacking members of the LGBTQ community.

However, these talking points could backfire if Republicans are savvy enough to highlight the extremism that leftists are pushing when it comes to the woke issues, especially when it comes to saturating K-12 schools with progressive political propaganda. They could take advantage of the national backlash against transing and sexualizing children, a position that Biden will have a hard time defending without resorting to barefaced deception.

On the other side of the coin, relying on portraying Republicans as radical extremists might have already lost its efficacy, especially because Democrats have been so outrageous in their fixation on sexuality and gender identity. Even further, their failure to curb crime due to lax policies against violent offenders will almost certainly be seen as radical to those who favor criminal justice reform, but not the type that endangers citizens.

There is also the possibility that there could be a stronger backlash against the president using this line of attack. After he gave his speech in September, even folks on the left criticized him for demonizing half of the voting base as "MAGA Republicans." It did not exactly go over well with many in both political camps.

At the end of the day, however, it is the economy that will likely be the deciding factor. If the nation continues to go through tough monetary times, no amount of screaming "MAGA Republicans" is going to cut it. If people are still struggling to make ends meet, they might just choose someone who they might perceive as extreme on some issues if it could result in economic relief.

Andrew McCarthy Exposes the Real Reason for Hunter Biden's Sweetheart Plea Deal

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

With David Weiss' promotion to special counsel, the future of the Hunter Biden probe appears unclear. Charges have been officially dropped in Delaware as part of a stated plan to charge the president's son in another jurisdiction. 

That begs the question of why the charges were ever in Delaware in the first place if they supposedly don't belong there now. If it feels like the DOJ is hoping to draw a less-skeptical judge to rubber stamp yet another sweetheart plea deal, that's probably because that's what appears to be happening. A recent leak revealed that while the FBI believes it has evidence to charge Hunter Biden with FARA revelations (and the publicly known evidence is stunning), the special counsel isn't really interested in pursuing that path. 

From the moment news broke that Hunter Biden was being charged with two misdemeanors for not paying his taxes (and being given pre-trial diversion for a gun charge that normally demands prison time), it has seemed as if the DOJ was more interested in representing the president's son than actually prosecuting him to the full extent of the law. 

There may be even more to it, though and his latest piece, Andrew McCarthy exposes what he believes is the real reason for the sweetheart plea deal.

Sham special counsel David Weiss could not have more royally screwed up the Hunter Biden case. But of course, if that was the plan, it’s not really a screwup, right? 

After his opening, McCarthy takes the time to lay out how things arrived at their present position, including the fact that Judge Aileen Noreika was skeptical of the legality of burying broad immunity in a diversion agreement. Never mind that the diversion agreement went against DOJ protocol anyway, which demands the pursuit of incarceration for the gun crime Hunter Biden committed. 

McCarthy then gets to the biggest tell in the plea agreement: Weiss was more than happy to adopt Hunter Biden's version of events on the biggest points.

But that barely scratches the surface of Weiss’s sabotage. The statement of facts that he adopted is Hunter’s version of events. This shows that (a) there is no real Justice Department Biden investigation, and (b) Weiss is trying to kill the case before it engulfs the president.

That is what the evidence shows. But what did Weiss do? He adopted a statement of facts in which Hunter asserts that the foreign income was legitimately earned through his purported work as a high-end lawyer and business consultant (i.e., no way it’s bribery, influence peddling, and foreign-agent work), and that he failed to pay his taxes because he was drug-addled (i.e., no way it’s money laundering and tax evasion).

The fact that Weiss was trying to let Hunter Biden dictate the statement of fact is bad enough. We know that Hunter Biden's foreign dealings were not all "legitimately earned" through his work as a "high-end lawyer and business consultant." How do we know that? Well, we know that for multiple reasons, including the testimony of others, but just as importantly, we know that because the DOJ itself has told us that

The DOJ has told us that with their prosecution of Hunter Biden's business associates, who were doing the same things he was doing with the same companies (i.e. CEFC China). For example, how is it possible that Gal Luft violated FARA by taking money from CEFC China but Hunter Biden didn't? They were both working on behalf of the company to lobby US government officials. 

Why would Weiss want to put on paper that everything Hunter Biden did was legitimate except not paying his taxes? That's when McCarthy really gets to the meat of his assertion.

The statement of facts adopted by Weiss completely undermines the essence of the Biden corruption scheme. If you were a prosecutor who was assigned to the Biden case, and you truly had an “ongoing investigation” into the Biden business activities, there is no way in a million years that you would adopt a defendant’s spin on the “facts” that contradicts the evidence amassed by your investigators. Indeed, there is no way, in the middle of your “ongoing investigation” of serious felonies, that you would gift one of the main subjects of the investigation with a plea deal involving two misdemeanor tax charges — a plea deal in which you promised to seek a no-jail sentence and which you structured so the defendant could credibly claim complete immunity from any crimes uncovered in your “ongoing investigation.”

In other words, this all goes back to protecting Joe Biden. By trying to pass off to the court that Hunter Biden's business activities were legitimate, Weiss was trying to kill the broader investigation into the president. He would have succeeded if not for one skeptical judge. 

With all that said, why would anyone trust Weiss to handle his role as special counsel with anything but the same bias? What charges are ultimately filed in Washington, D.C., which is where most believe the DOJ is going next, will say a lot about whether Weiss has changed his disposition in the case. If the goal is to protect Joe Biden, though, there would be no reason for him to do anything but double down on that pursuit.