Thursday, August 3, 2023

What is the Future for America’s Experiment with Democracy?

The United States is now on what many 
believe to be an unsustainable course

In his novel The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway’s character Mike Campbell is asked how he went bankrupt. “Two ways,” he says. “Gradually and then suddenly.” That seems to be true, mutatis mutandis, of revolutions too: some are measured, peaceful; some are not.

In thirteenth-century England, King John was, roughly speaking, a tyrant. In a move that is considered a significant step toward the development of modern constitutional law and democracy in the Western world, the English barons met John at Runnymede in 1215 and forced him to sign the “Runnymede Agreement,” which established the principle that everyone, including the king, was subject to the law. That was a peaceful, and sort of gradual, step toward modern government.

The Dutch Revolt, also known as the Eighty Years’ War, was a series of uprisings in the Low Countries that began in 1568 and led to the formation of the independent Dutch Republic. The revolt was largely peaceful, although there were some violent clashes between the Dutch rebels and Spanish forces.

The Glorious Revolution, which took place in England in 1688, was another relatively peaceful operation that managed the overthrow of King James II and the establishment of a constitutional monarchy. The event was significant because it established the principle of parliamentary sovereignty and limited the power of the monarchy.

The Belgian Revolution of 1830, which led to the separation of Belgium from the Netherlands, was largely peaceful, although there were some isolated incidents of violence.

Au contraire, however, was the French Revolution: it was one of the most violent, bloody, and far-reaching revolutions in European history, characterized by mass popular uprisings, executions, and political turmoil that lasted from 1789 to 1799.

The United States is now on what many believe to be an unsustainable course. There’s a lot that’s wrong, and lot of it began with the 2020 election.

Whether or not the election was stolen, in the sense of Republican ballots not being counted or Democrat ballots being manufactured and stuffed into ballot boxes late at night, is really no longer the issue—except to fanatics (of whom the 2020 loser in the presidential election is the most fanatical).

The real election issues are the changes that were made in voting procedures and the manipulation and suppression of information relevant to the voters. Now-Secretary of State Antony Blinken organized a lying fest in which he got 50 national security types to state in writing that the Hunter Biden laptop (which had been in the FBI’s possession for more than a year) was a Russian disinformation operation. We know it was not. What it was was an Antony Blinken disinformation (дезинформация) operation. Then, as we learned from Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, the FBI piled on, warning media outlets that the impending dump of anti-Biden information gleaned from the laptop was probably a Russian plot. That’s why you heard almost nothing about it from the mainstream press during the election.

And even up til press time today—but surely this does not surprise a sophisticated reader—the New York Times has made not a single critical mention of Antony Blinken’s (Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s!) role as the mastermind behind the Soviet-style дезинформация operation. And they called Nixon “Tricky!”

We digress to ask why any foreign government should believe anything Blinken says? He has no credibility—which, one could say (and should) makes him the perfect secretary of state for the Biden administration.

But dishonest Blinken is not the only wart on the Biden administration’s face. There is also, inter alia, the stunningly dishonest secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, who has repeatedly said, despite extensive television coverage showing the contrary, that the southern U.S. border is secure. Who you gonna believe, him or your own eyes?

And as a result of Biden’s perfidy—allowing millions of illegals to cross the border—we have a fentanyl epidemic: more than 110,000 people died of fentanyl in 2022.

And of course, there’s a lot more that’s wrong, that’s deliberately wrong, deliberately because what is happening is what the Biden administration, Biden, and his cronies and their allies in Congress, intend to have happen.

They are destroying the currency by passing massive spending bills; they demand equality of outcome, not of opportunity; they seek to destroy our energy supply, replacing it with the absurdity of the “green new deal;” they are enfeebling the military by demanding woke behavior from service men and women; they bang the racial drum from morning til night; they want to eliminate the filibuster and the Electoral College, pack the Supreme Court, command all states to follow a federal election law, weaponize the law enforcement agencies and the FBI; require everyone to ignore the obviousness of there being only two sexes; eliminate parental control over children so they can be chemically or surgically disfigured according to the dictates of sex-deniers; they are spending more on climate nonsense, welfare, and student loans than on defense.

But wait: there’s more. They tried to subvert the justice system to give the president’s son a sweetheart plea bargain deal and they have subverted it by not investigating the increasingly obvious crooked business dealings of the president himself.

The current situation is untenable. But how does it end? The Runnymede way—as it did in England, Holland, and Belgium? Or the way it ended in eighteenth-century France? The tumultuous, guillotine ending?

  1. S. Eliot concluded his poem The Hollow Men with the famous line:

“This is the way the world ends: Not with a bang but a whimper.”

That may not be a good prediction for how America’s experiment with democracy ends.

X22, On the Fringe, and more- August 3


The writers and studios finally meet tomorrow to discuss negotiating for a deal. Please pray they reach a deal soon. They go back to work, then work on the NCIS's new Seasons can finally begin, and I can 100% have hope for good Seasons AND for a real Hetty update!

How the Establishment Uses ‘Hate and Fear’ to Manipulate Voters

False Premises of Democratic Fearmongering

Hate and fear might as well be the GOP’s motto. And while there was a time when a liberal like me saying that would be accurately labeled hyperbolic, that time has passed. Show me what, aside from hate and fear, the modern Republican Party is all about.
Columnist Rex Huppkewriting for USA Today, July 16, 2023

Huppke’s comment is something we hear all the time. The campaign to dehumanize MAGA Republicans as hatemongers and fearmongers is a staple of the liberal media, is the playbook for Democrat politicians all the way up to President Biden, and is supported by almost the entire academic community. This dehumanization campaign isn’t restricted to Democrats. Establishment Republicans either equivocate, or explicitly join Democrats in demonizing MAGA Republicans.

If Huppke’s self-described hyperbole typifies how housebroken establishment pundits attack MAGA Republicans, a more intellectual approach to sowing hatred and fear of MAGA Republicans is exemplified in the writings of an influential political commentator, Heather Cox Richardson, who earns an estimated $1.0 million per year from her Substack subscribers. When writing about alleged “messages of anti-inclusion and hate” proffered by the grassroots group Moms for Liberty, Richardson quoted Chris Rufo to make her point about a supposed “attack on democracy” coming from the American Right:

“Radical right activists like Rufo believe they must capture the central institutions of the U.S. and get rid of the tenets of democracy—individual rights, academic freedom, free markets, separation of church and state, equality before the law—in order to save the country.”

In an extensive body of work, Richardson’s consistent theme is that Republicans are dangerous extremists, relying on misinformation to spread hate and fear. While her tone is objective and she carefully avoids the appearance of hyperbole, her message is consistently biased. Richardson is not objective, or she would blend empathy with her criticism of right-of-center groups such as Moms for Liberty. Instead, Richardson is an active participant in a process of polarization, not mutual understanding.

What Richardson misses, perhaps willfully, is that the “central institutions” of the U.S. have already been “captured” by left-wing extremists, who use them as a platform to spread the most potently seductive blend of hatemongering and fearmongering in the history of propaganda. Equally significant, and also ignored by Richardson, is that America’s most powerful corporations and wealthiest individuals have, with rare exceptions, determined that embracing the leftist narrative offers them a path to more profit and more power.

How Democrats Sow Hatred and Fear

On a host of critical issues the pervasive reach of this narrative of fear and hate is omnipresent. The strategy is obvious: saturate the population with fear, then tacitly urge them to hate anyone who is allegedly responsible, and, crucially, hate anyone who attempts to diminish or deny the threat posed by whoever or whatever is so allegedly fearsome. The “climate emergency” is a perfect example.

When it comes to spreading fear, catastrophic floods, rising seas, deadly heat and raging fires are images that tap something primal in humans. All of these threats are now conveyed to the American public, nonstop, by every establishment institution. A normal heatwave is now “historic,” despite evidence to the contrary, and television screens show temperature maps smothered in red, as if the world was on fire. A powerful storm is now called a “bomb cyclone,” and whatever damage or death may result is blamed on “human caused climate change.” To cope, laws and regulations are demanded, and passed, that convey unprecedented new powers to government bureaucracies and politically connected corporations.

With the fear comes hate. Anyone questioning the climate crisis narrative is a right-wing extremist. The use of the word “denier” to describe a climate skeptic is a particularly effective choice, since it triggers associations with the commonly used term “holocaust denier,” used to describe anyone repugnant enough to deny the Nazi genocide against Europe’s Jews during the Second World War. In a classic and typical strategy of inversion, as well, climate skeptics are accused of being funded by fossil fuel companies. And this accusation sticks, despite the obvious fact that if supplies of the most indispensable fuel on earth are constrained, fossil fuel companies make more profit.

The militancy and fanaticism of climate alarmists is well documented and growing. But it isn’t love for the planet, much less people, that motivates them. It is obsessive anxiety, nurtured by fearmongers on the corporate, Democratic Left, who have captured America’s institutions and stoke that anxiety with every new storm and every hot day. And with existential anxiety comes hatred for anyone who would get in the way of whatever radical solutions might ease that anxiety.

Fearmongering from Democrats is everywhere. The “war on women.” “Systemic racism.” The “genocide against black men by police.” “Turning back the clock” on rights of women and minorities. And, of course the latest, the campaign to “erase” transsexuals.

False Premises of Democrat Fearmongering

None of these claims have any solid basis in facts. Women have more rights in America than they ever have, anywhere in the world, today as well as throughout history. Systemic racism in its modern incarnation favors virtually anyone belonging to a “protected status group,” which in practice means anyone who is not a heterosexual white male.

The number of blacks killed each year at the hands of police is vanishingly small. Between 2015 and 2021, a total of 135 unarmed blacks were killed by police, an average of 19 per year. With more than 23 million black males living in the U.S., the chances of an unarmed black man in America dying at the hands of police in any given year is less than one in a million. In most of these cases there is an explanation for what happened, while some of these killings are clearly inexcusable and horribly wrong. But with over 1 million sworn police officers in the United States, some abuses are a statistical inevitability. That doesn’t justify them, but it is not evidence of an “epidemic of violence against black men,” much less “genocide.”

This doesn’t stop the Democratic hate machine. If you question the black genocide narrative, you are a racist. If you are a racist, you deserve to be hated.

As for “turning back the clock,” there is a gaping difference, completely ignored by Democrats, between trying to restore common sense, fairness, and sanity to America’s culture and American institutions, and going back to the 1950s, much less the 1850s. Moms for Liberty can be forgiven if they want to keep books written at the third grade level that offer graphic instructions on how to perform oral and anal sex, out of the libraries of elementary schools. Similarly, activists like Chris Rufo have a point when they suggest it might be a tragic mistake for America’s medical and psychiatric establishment to endorse hormone blockers and genitalia altering surgery on minors.

These people are not “haters.” They are fighting madness, curated by an establishment that has traded sanity and standards for a manipulated, collectively psychotic, fearful, hateful, and very useful Democrat mob.

Democrats (and RINOs) Are Corporate Puppets

The truth about climate, identity, and healthy morality doesn’t matter to Democrat leaders, and if all you care about is acquiring, keeping, and growing political and economic power, why should it? Fearmongering and hatemongering is the hard currency of Democrats. It is being used to purchase and transform a nation. Pundits like Rex Huppke traffic in this currency because it’s an easy schtick. It also pleases the corporations and oligarchs that pay Huppke. These special interests recognize how coopting the rhetoric of leftist fear and hate diffuses what until recently was a virulent leftist aversion to corporate power and private wealth. At the same time, they recognize how the green agenda and equity agenda will enable them to acquire still more power.

The biggest lie in American politics is that Democrats and RINOs care about the American people, especially the underdog or “disadvantaged.” They do not. Democrats have become a party controlled by transnational elites, multinational corporations, international banks, and supranational institutions. Worse, much worse, is the flawed, misanthropic agenda of this coalition: turning America into a technology driven police state, using environmentalism and “equity” as justification to level down and subdue the American people. And the psychological weapon to advance this agenda is to foment fear and hatred against whoever might expose the lie.

Partisan academics like Heather Cox Richardson hide the propagandistic essence of their work by adopting an intellectual tone, and selectively omitting relevant facts. But they, too, are feeding the fear and hate machine that defines corporate Leftism in America today. If Richardson, or Huppke, and all the other thousands of hacks who have climbed the greasy pole of leftist influencing truly cared about fighting hate and fear, they would look in the mirror. They might recognize that corruption and hate, sadly, can be found everywhere. Starting from that novel premise, from time to time they might honestly examine what merit and moral worth might be found in MAGA Republican populism, and what nihilistic madness might be found in their own backyards.

That would constitute balance. That would be a step towards reconciliation and unity. It might lead to a new political consensus that demands freedom be more than an illusion, and rejects a national policy of managed decline.

A Message From Rush Limbaugh

Wow, does this message from Rush Limbaugh ring true today. {Direct Rumble LinkWATCH:

God Bless Him – We all miss Rush Limbaugh.

Before Donald Trump entered politics there was no home for people voting on the issues of a national economic agenda. Both Democrat and Republican candidates had essentially the same worldview on national economic policy because they are all getting money from the same multinational corporate trough.  However, President Trump changed that dynamic by presenting an alternative national economic policy called America-First.

For decades middle America was begging the McConnell’s, Ryans, Boehners, Romney’s, McCain’s, Bushes, et al, to make America-Fist economic policies their priority.  All of our shouts for help fell upon deaf political ears plugged by corporate donations and influence.  Our communities were literally collapsing around us (see rust belt), and yet no national politician would do anything of consequence.

By the time Donald Trump arrived decades of frustration exploded in an eruption of massive applause because he was articulating the central economic issue that was being ignored by the professional political class.  The America-First agenda is the restoration agenda.  From Trump’s national economic policy, the middle-class erosion stopped. Economic security, specifically U.S. employment stability and wage rates, goes hand in glove with border security and immigration controls.

MAGAnomics is the core of the great MAGA republican coalition, a working-class coalition that cuts through all other distinctions and divisions.  It is not republican because of political affiliation, it is “MAGA republican” only because the republican party was the political vehicle selected by Donald Trump to install the policy.

This reality creates a problem for the DC professional political class and the corporate media. Because MAGAnomics is the fundamentally binding principle there is no way to fracture the Trump supporter coalition.

I am a “MAGA republican” by default of my wanting a national economic agenda that looks out for the economic interests of American’s first.

Donald Trump is the irreplaceable Great MAGA King because Donald Trump is the only one who holds that same outlook.

It ‘seems’ chaotic and mad because it has been created to appear that way.  There are more of us than them; they just control the systems that allow us to connect, share messages and recognize the scale of our assembly.

And here we are… divided by a network of seemingly intoxicating systems; many purposefully driven by the modern dynamic of social media, steering a tribal outcome we are only now just beginning to fathom.

Ultimately the collective weight of progressive leftism is putting us is isolation. There are many historic references to this disconcerting sentiment to review with hindsight. However, ultimately the feeling of isolation first begins with a rejection of God.  Defeat it by embracing Him.

Our nation needs more people like you, right now. Don’t wait… engage life, get optimistic however you need to do it. Then let that part of you shine right now… This is how we fight. Hold up that flag; give the starter smile… rally to the standard you create and spread fellowship again.

Once restored, fight these bastards!

Be Ready: The Authoritarian Left Is Increasingly Using the Government to Suppress Free Speech

It seems the authoritarian left is growing even more authoritarian as of late, especially when it comes to trying to prevent people from saying things they don’t like. Over the past year, there have been a growing number of stories in which leftists have used the government to suppress speech or punish people for expressing their views.

If I’m reading these political tea leaves correctly, I think we can expect to see these efforts increase and intensify over the next year – especially with election season coming.

Let’s start with former President Donald Trump. You have probably already read up on the latest Justice Department indictment. The agency is hurling a slew of charges against him related to the aftermath of the 2020 election, particularly the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol building.

The indictment accuses the former president of conspiracy to defraud the United States, along with other crimes related to his claims that the election was stolen from him. The DOJ’s case will likely hinge on questions of whether Trump believed his own claims about the results of the election.

The Justice Department is also implicating six alleged co-conspirators in the supposed fraud. It also references conversations Trump had with officials in battleground states in which he pressured them to find ways to swing the election his way.

John Lauro, an attorney representing Trump in this case, excoriated the Justice Department, accusing them of trying to attack “free speech” and “political speech.”

“This is an attack on free speech and political advocacy. And there’s nothing that’s more protected under the First Amendment than political speech,” the lawyer said during an interview. “Our defense is going to be focusing on the fact that what we have now is an administration that has criminalized the free speech and advocacy of a prior administration during the time that there’s a political election going on. That’s unprecedented.”

Next, we have a situation in Watertown, Wisconsin where police officers arrested a group of young Christians for preaching the gospel and protesting at a public event featuring drag queens performing for children. Officers accosted the young men for exercising their right to free speech in a public area. This story is an example of local governments using the force of government to stifle people from expressing views of which they do not approve.

Last, but certainly not least, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) made some waves when he led a group of far-leftist senators in writing a letter to the Justice Department urging the agency to prosecute folks in the fossil fuel industry for supposedly spreading misinformation about climate change. Yes, you read that right. Sanders and company want the DOJ to send men with guns and badges to toss fossil fuel executives into jail cells for publicly contradicting the Democrat-approved narrative on climate change.

If this trend continues, it ain’t looking too good for free speech in America.

In each of these cases, those engaging in protected speech are being targeted by the authorities for their opinions. It reveals just how far authoritarians are willing to go to keep their political opposition from speaking.

Freedom of expression is a fundamental natural right. But the left has essentially jettisoned all pretense of caring about the First Amendment – especially when it comes to those who disagree with them. Up until this point, they have relied on other means to silence their opposition. Cancel culture, internet censorship, and shouting down speeches by prominent conservatives and libertarians are all examples of tactics these people have employed to ensure their voices are the only ones people are allowed to hear.

As much as these methods have enraged those who actually value speech, they pale in comparison to what it appears the left is trying to do currently. Using the power of the government to threaten people who are guilty of wrongthink is the logical, and tyrannical, endgame when you draw this out to its logical conclusion. The most effective way to silence people is by using the threat of government-sanctioned violence to imprison those who dare to express ideas progressives find objectionable.

Not only is this tyrannical, but it also has a chilling effect on free speech. Targeting Trump, fossil fuel executives, and young Christians is intended to have a specific effect: Intimidating people into censoring themselves. I wish I could say differently, but I expect to see more of these efforts to use the government to suppress speech. Cancel culture and internet censorship only go so far, right? The ultimate method for authoritarians to get their way is to have the power of the state behind them. Unfortunately, that’s what these people are gunning for.

Tripwire – Newsom Sets Up PAC and Super PAC – DeSantis Agrees to Debate Him in November

Gee, who woulda thunk?  A couple of data points to highlight the construct of something we have predicted for a year.  Those who control the illusion of choice within each club, RNC and DNC, have always looked to be constructing a 2024 outcome where Gavin Newsom competes against Ron DeSantis.

First, California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom has recently set up a Political Action Committee (PAC) and a Super PAC that would seemingly support the perspective of his presidential ambitions.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Gov. Gavin Newsom is taking fundraising steps often used by potential presidential candidates, setting up multiple committees that in their first three months have raised and spent millions of dollars.

The three Newsom-affiliated committees are a political action committee, which limits contributions to $5,000 a year and can donate to individual candidates; a SuperPAC, which can raise unlimited amounts of cash but is restricted from promoting a specific candidate, and a joint fundraising committee, which functions like a bank, mostly collecting and distributing funds to the other groups. (more)

One day later, Ron DeSantis announces on the Murdoch news channel, using the mockingbird broadcaster, that he is willing to debate Gavin Newsom this November.  Notice the states, and you will easily be able to guess which one will be selected for the venue.

(Via Politico) – Govs. Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom have tentatively agreed to debate — one hosted by Fox News.

The Florida Republican and California Democrat have repeatedly sparred over policies in their respective states, each representing one side of the ideological spectrum though occupying different political perches. DeSantis, a Republican, is trailing former President Donald Trump for the Republican presidential nomination while Newsom, a Democrat, has brushed aside questions about his own presidential ambitions to become a super surrogate of sorts for President Joe Biden.

A showdown between the two seemed unlikely as DeSantis ramped up his presidential campaign. But Newsom still has spent months trying to entice his counterpart into joining him on a stage.

On Wednesday, DeSantis agreed, telling Fox News’ Sean Hannity: “Absolutely I’m game. Just tell me when and where.”

An aide to Newsom told POLITICO that the governor was also in. Newsom’s office had sent a formal request offer to Fox News last week with proposed debate dates of Nov. 8 or Nov. 10. That request called for Hannity to serve as the sole moderator for a 90-minute forum on Fox News that would not include an in-studio audience and would air live.

[…] In his letter, Newsom’s office proposed three separate debate sights: Nevada, Georgia or North Carolina. (more)

Those who control the illusion of choice have to proceed with the planning as if the objective to remove candidate Donald Trump will succeed.

That sets up Joe Biden to announce withdrawal due to medical issues.

The state they will choose for this GN -v- RD debate venue is easy, Georgia.

Nothing is a coincidence.

Throughout our analysis of the preferred ’24 outcome by those in the background who ultimately seek to control elections through the activity of front men, those artfully skilled at presenting the illusion of choice, it has always looked like the RNC/DNC preferred presentation was a Ron DeSantis -v- Gavin Newsom (win/win) contest.

The landscape of the ’24 election would then be reduced to “social issues” as distinctions between the two faces of the contest, while the economics of things – the substantive part – carries a far lesser contrast. An almost identical replay to the attempted 2016 construct of Hillary -v- Jeb.

In 2016, the RNC/DNC corporations wanted a Hillary v Jeb matchup. That was the outcome of both corporate intents, and all processes were deployed to create that outcome.  For 2024, it became obvious last year the corporations wanted a Newsom v DeSantis contest.  In that matchup the people who control the financial mechanisms can maintain their status quo.  The billionaire funders for DeSantis, RGA/RNC would be quite okay with a Newsom outcome.

Republicans Who Don’t Impeach Biden and His DOJ Cronies Now Are Part of the Partisan Prosecution Problem

Voters want accountability for the people and agencies responsible for meddling in the latest three elections, but Republicans fail to deliver.

The latest round of unconstitutional charges from Biden’s Department of Justice against former President Donald Trump warrants a severe smackdown from the other branches of government. Senate Republicans have a proven track record of being useless in defending conservatives against Democrat-led attacks but even the House GOP has sat on its haunches on this issue far too long.

Formally, according to an indictment announced Tuesday night, Trump faces charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and an attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against civil rights, all of which were brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith in an investigation into Trump’s actions leading up to and on Jan. 6, 2021. In reality, Trump faces punishment by his likely 2024 presidential rival for claiming the 2020 election was stolen, an opinion which is undoubtedly protected by the First Amendment.

The most recent indictment is in addition to the 74 preexisting charges in the Democrats’ classified documents and Manhattan cases against Trump, both of which are legally weak, even by Never Trumpers’ standards. The number of charges is only expected to go up, with several more charges anticipated in the “get Trump” Georgia election case.

The timing of Trump’s indictments is suspicious because it perfectly aligns with the Biden administration’s attempts to obstruct and cover up the Democrat president’s role in an international influence-peddling scheme. Every time there is a bombshell breakthrough in the Biden family corruption case, Trump is punished with more concocted charges.

There’s no doubt House Republicans have made headway in their quest to expose FBI, DOJ, and Biden family corruption. But if the GOP can’t muster up the courage to act on those findings, they are practically useless.

The first round of sham charges against Trump should have prompted a swift and sound impeachment campaign against key players like President Joe Biden, Smith, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss for their roles in the deep state’s biggest election-rigging plot to date. Talk about impeachment and defunding the disgraced DOJ swelled but has yet to come to fruition.

The latest round of rustled-up charges against Trump gives the House GOP the chance to follow through on their promises to hold morally bankrupt bureaucrats accountable. Instead of releasing articles of impeachment mere hours after the newest Trump charges hit, Republican members apparently plan to dawdle in their districts all of August.

Republicans had plenty of statements and tweets about the partisan scheming of the Biden DOJ. Talking about the Biden administration’s corruption is technically more than Senate GOP leadership is willing to devote to the situation but ultimately means nothing without action.

The House GOP is so slow on the uptake that 2024 presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy beat them to the “taking action” punch with a lawsuit that threatens the DOJ for refusing to hand over documents that could confirm allegations of collusion between White House officials and the DOJ about Trump’s charges.

Voters want accountability for the people and agencies responsible for meddling in the latest three presidential elections. A majority, 56 percent, know the Trump indictments are “interference by the Department of Justice in the 2024 elections” instead of a “fair application of the law.”

Yet, Republicans fail to deliver. Their inaction leaves the rampant Biden regime not only unpunished for prosecuting its enemies but forever available to continue its rampage. While the Bidens flit about free of prison time and counting on their DOJ friends to let them off easy, Trump endures yet another smear campaign that could not only cost him the election but his freedom.

Our constitutional republic is threatened more and more every day the Biden administration is allowed to continue its war on American voters. If the GOP doesn’t act on its impeachment promises soon, the Biden administration will not stop its attack on its primary political opponent until he is behind bars and out of the 2024 race, and his supporters are adequately punished for wrongthink.