Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Trump’s Second Term: The First 24 Hours

For starters, strip the FBI of its arrest powers

Say we do it.

Say we prevent Mark Zuckerberg – or any other America-hating billionaire – from pumping hundreds of millions into the privatization of elections with drop-boxes and illicit “training” for local officials.

Say we deploy enough lawyers BEFOREHAND to monitor early voting and inspect suspiciously “harvested” ballots.

Say we prevent tens of millions of mail-in ballots being sent out unbidden under the cover of the latest Wuhan-generated demi-plague.

And say we actually mobilize enough pissed-off patriots to overwhelm the remaining election skullduggery that big democratic cities like, Philly, Chicago, Atlanta and Baltimore have become infamous for.

And then Donald Jonathan Trump wins. 45 becomes 47. What then?

Here’s one plan.

Obviously, as President Trump is on his way back from the Capitol and the Inauguration, his team is in the Oval with the stack of Executive Orders that cancel those enacted by Biden. Starting with the re-establishment of the XL-Keystone pipeline, reinstating Title 42 to secure the border, etc. That’s the easy part.

But then the hard work begins, work to establish the President’s control over the Executive branch, as his mandate from the People would demand. Because this time they’ll be even more vicious than before. This time those who disdain the Americans who built America and who fight her wars, must be so crushed that “government of the people, by the people, for the people,” can actually be our American reality.

How is that done? By seeing that Justice is done. By so shocking the permanent bureaucracy, that it cannot continue its seditious and unconstitutional ways.

1. Strip the FBI of its arrest powers. The FBI as FBI is irredeemable. After willingly colluding to become a GESTAPO-like entity happy to lie on secret FISA-surveillance warrants, raid a former President’s home and target innocent parents at schoolboard meetings, it cannot be allowed to survive with the powers it has.

Whilst cleaning out the huge organization will take weeks and months, its ability to persecute politically must be neutered instantly.

As Steve Friend, courageous FBI whistleblower has recently written, the FBI’s agents must be stripped of their status as 1811 federal police officers. No badges, no guns. Instead, they can go back to their original remit: investigating, not being a domestic intelligence agency targeting American citizens because they’re Catholics, or worked for President Trump, or are pro-life. Then, if the FBI wants to arrest someone because they’re a “threat” they’ll have to convince a local police chief or sheriff of their case, a local law officer who isn’t part of the DC Swamp.

But it’s not just the FBI. As we have seen with Operation Crossfire Hurricane, the joint FBI-CIA-NSA operation that targeted President Trump, his campaign and his Presidency, the politicization of federal government has gone far beyond the Hoover building.

The Department of Homeland Security has become a proxy censor for the Left, colluding with Palo Alto, and instead of preventing the next 9/11 – as was its remit – it has become a domestic intelligence agency spying on Americans.

And there can be no mercy for the unelected who have trammeled on the rights of millions of Americans simply because they believe in America and supported a “populist” President who wanted to Make America Great Again. If they have subverted the rights of their fellow citizens and the Constitution they must be removed from their positions of power and charged with every offense they have committed.

So what next?

2. Move every Swamp agency out of DCMore than 90% of Washington DC votes Democratic. And that figure, which would have made Saddam proud, isn’t much better in northern Virginia where many government types now live.

This isn’t just a question of political identity. It’s a threat to how we pick our President and whether they can actually exercise the People’s will.

After several weeks working in the White House, I noticed a disturbing pattern. At the weekly classified meetings of the National Security Council, whatever the topic of the day was – how to defeat ISIS, the future of NATO, the threat posed by China – I witnessed the same pattern. None of the very senior SES or SIS bureaucrats in the Situation Room, or who had dialed in via the secure video connection, would mention the new President, or what he was elected to do, and had promised to do.

Eventually I decided to interrupt these meetings, the highest decision making entity outside of an actual cabinet meeting – and remind all involved who the President now was and what he said yesterday about Jihadism, North Korea, the border, or Iran.

It was clear I was dealing with individuals who have been at their agencies for decades and couldn’t care less what President Trump wanted, or what the American People had voted for. That cannot be allowed to persist. So in the first week of a second Trump term, the President must initiate the move of the FBI, the CIA, the State Department, the DOJ, out of Washington, preferably to somewhere where patriots live, like Texas, or South Dakota.

And if you’re a GS-15 who loves Hillary, Obama, or Biden, loves to dine in Georgetown and Adams Morgan, and don’t want to live in “fly-over country,” that’s fine. Retire.

3. Stop the next Vindman. The greatest weakness of the 2016 Trump Administration, was the number of actual fifth columnists at the heart of the executive, from anti-Trump appointees like Gen. John Kelly and Bill Barr, to subversive members of the military like Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the key figure for the second pseudo-impeachment.

If President Trump is re-elected, no one can be allowed in an appointed position who isn’t 100% behind the America First agenda and the will of the people, as expressed in their choice of the new Chief Executive. At the same time, potential subversion must be identified and dealt with, or adequately deterred.

This will require placing someone in charge of presidential appointments who actually knows the swamp and can veto the RINO, old-boy network’s referrals, root out those with the intent to undermine the President and veto such threats.

What about those already in the bureaucracy who intend to use the power of their unelected position to covertly counter the President? They have to be sent a message.

In the first seven days, department by department, the most egregious established subversives must be apprehended and neutralized. For example, if you are the career diplomat who used her ambassadorial position to illegally surveil American citizens close to the President, or the FBI employee who labeled “traditional Catholics” a domestic threat, you must be physically removed from your office by US Marshals – ideally in front of the cameras of the corporate media – and charged under 18 U.S. Code §242 with Deprivation of Rights under the Color of Law.

If we do that with a few of the worst actors in each agency, throw the book at them, secure transparent prosecutions and get them fired, the motivation of the similarly unconstitutionally motivated saboteurs will change. I guarantee it. Even scumbag like their pensions.

That is how the will of the people is re-established and “government of the people, by the people, for the people,” is restored.

That is how we start. Who should serve in that new Trump Administration?

That’s part II. Stay tuned.

X22, And we Know, and more- August 2nd


Wasted Years: Biden’s Foreign Policy Record

The Biden administration has missed chances 
to stem the growing Chinese threat

U.S. foreign policy under President Biden has been defined by the combination of the failure to advance U.S. national interests and support for the progress of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The administration continues to act as though the threat from the PRC is not an urgent or an existential one where every moment matters. As such, the PRC’s comprehensive national power has continued to grow, as does its global influence. This matters because no matter who is president in January 2025, the U.S. has lost precious time in its confrontation with China.

U.S. foreign policy under Biden has suffered in four major areas.

First, in Europe, the Biden administration’s continued support for the attritional war in Ukraine serves to drain U.S. defense resources with no end to the conflict in sight. The administration will likely make a push to end the war in 2024 due to the U.S. presidential election cycle. This will be true whether Biden is the candidate for reelection or has been replaced by another. This continues while simmering unrest in Kosovo threatens to destabilize the western Balkans with inattention from the administration. Moreover, our British allies have been poorly treated by this administration due to the president’s apparent hostility stemming from his Irish ancestry. However, the greatest failure of the Biden administration in Europe is that it has not pressed Europe to decouple its economy from China. While there is clear evidence that Europe is looking to the U.S. for leadership on this matter, unfortunately, the U.S. has abandoned the Trump administration’s effort to decouple its economy from the PRC.

Second, in Asia, Biden’s failure is profound. Taiwan remains inadequately armed and supported by the U.S., while the PRC’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) continues planning and preparations for its invasion of the island. Every day counts to bolster Taiwan’s ability to deter an attack with conventional weapons. The time lost will impose a terrific cost when the PLA does attack – and attack it will. Senior U.S. officers have warned of a Chinese attack. In March 2021, Admiral Philip Davidson, then commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, stated that China would attack Taiwan before 2027. In October 2022, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael Gilday warned that rather than a 2027 window for Chinese aggression, it may come in a 2023 window. The former commander of U.S. Strategic Command, Admiral Charles Richard, warned many times against the impending threat from China. Most recently, U.S. Air Force General Mike Minihan explained in a leaked January 2023 memo that PRC would attack in 2025. The halting measures Biden has taken are insufficient for a conventional deterrent.

Third, the Middle East, South America, the Caribbean, Africa and the Pacific remain arenas of China’s expansion. Iran retains warmed relations with China while the UAE and Saudi Arabia build an increasingly close relationship with Beijing. The Venezuelan government and the new one in Brazil are proudly pro-China. China’s intelligence collection facility in Cuba appears to be expanding and will no doubt soon be expanded to permit a greater number of People’s Liberation Army forces. In Africa, the Chinese military presence continues to grow, with a base in Djibouti and a new one likely in one of the many West African nations that Beijing has cultivated around the Gulf of Guinea. China’s relationships with Angola and, increasingly, Nigeria are alarming. In the Pacific, the familiar pattern of economic investment becoming political influence is witnessed from the Solomon Islands to Kiribati. Biden’s cancellation of his visit to Papua New Guinea and of his visit to Australia to address the parliament is a stain that will not soon be forgotten.

Fourth, on the strategic front, China and Russia possess a “no limits” partnership while moving closer with cooperation on conventional and strategic cooperation. The seeds of this nascent entente already are producing poisonous fruit for the United States as it introduces the most complicated strategic environment Washington has faced since the death of the Soviet Union. The PRC’s rapid expansion of its nuclear arsenal has been termed “breathtaking” by a former U.S. Strategic Command commander, Admiral Charles Richard, who in 2021 cautioned that “we are witnessing a strategic breakout by China.” The admiral warned that it is “inconsistent with a minimum deterrence posture” because “China has correctly figured out that you can’t coerce a peer – in other words, us – from a minimum deterrent posture.”

The explosive growth and modernization of its nuclear and conventional forces can fairly be described as breathtaking – frankly, the word breathtaking may not be strong enough. A major consequence of this is that “the breathtaking growth and strategic nuclear capability enables China to change their posture and their strategy” as they desire. It is challenging enough to face China’s expanding arsenal. When it is twinned with Russia, the U.S. faces the possibility of nuclear coercion due to the overwhelming imbalance.

Time is precious in all matters, only more so in international politics. The Trump administration had momentum and was on the right track – it identified China as the enemy and was acting accordingly, in conjunction with allies and partners. That momentum is gone, and the opportunity cost is considerable. It will not be long before we reflect on Biden’s presidency as wasted years. Actions that might have been taken to destabilize the PRC regime and its global influence were not taken. The Biden administration will bequeath to its successor a far worse world for U.S. interests than it inherited.

Poll: Faith In America’s Military Plummets To Lowest Level In More Than 20 Years

Americans’ faith in the U.S. military has declined to its lowest level in more than 20 years, according to a recently released poll.

Conducted by Gallup from June 1-22, the survey found that over the past five years, an increasing percentage of Americans are now “less likely” to voice “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in the U.S. military. According to the poll, 74 percent of Americans expressed such sentiments as recently as 2018. That number has since declined to 60 percent, marking the lowest level since 1997.

As noted by Gallup, overall confidence in the U.S. military steadily improved during Ronald Reagan’s presidency and continued to “surge” following the Gulf War and 9/11 terrorist attacks. While Americans’ faith in the armed forces would go on to hover “above 70% for the next two decades,” these numbers declined to 69 percent in 2021 and have “declin[ed] further since then, following the poorly executed exit from Afghanistan.”

Most notable in the survey’s findings, however, is the alarming drop in confidence among self-described Republicans and independents. While Republicans remain the group “most likely” to express faith in the military, these sentiments have plummeted in the past three years, falling from 91 to 68 percent since 2020. Meanwhile, independents’ confidence “has dropped nearly as much — by 13 points, from 68% to 55%” over the same period, to the point that they now “have less confidence than Democrats do.”

After experiencing a slight uptick upon President Joe Biden assuming office, Democrats’ faith in the military has also dropped in the past year, falling from 68 to 62 percent.

While Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal could offer a potential explanation for the country’s waning confidence in the U.S. military, another probable factor is the Pentagon’s ongoing embrace of DEI ideology. DEI, which stands for “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” is a divisive ideology that downplays merit in order to discriminate based on characteristics such as skin color and sexual orientation.

Since Biden took office, the Defense Department has regularly instructed its leadership to advance DEI throughout its ranks. This embrace of so-called “diversity” and “inclusion” has often included preferential treatment for self-identifying LGBT service members. In May, for instance, the Air Force authorized its military bases to host events celebrating “pride month.” Nearly a month later, the branch authorized the use of taxpayer money to fly service members to its “pride” events in Washington, D.C.

It’s worth mentioning that Biden has also nominated several military leaders who have embraced DEI to high-ranking positions within the U.S. armed forces. Most notable is Gen. Charles Q. Brown, who was tapped by the president in May to become the next chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and has regularly espoused support for DEI policies.

Attempts by congressional Republicans to rid the U.S. armed forces of DEI have been met with resistance from the Biden administration, which has defended such policies by baselessly claiming they “promote a cohesive and inclusive force.”

Zuckerberg's Twitter Killer Is Already Dying

Zuckerberg's Twitter Killer Is Already Dying

Brandon Morse reporting for RedState 

People really thought Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg had Elon Musk by the tail when he dropped “Threads,” his Twitter knockoff. Indeed, the speed at which people signed up was staggering and it seemed like the momentum Threads had garnered would make it the first real contender.

Of course, RedState’s reporting on Threads tells the tale. The app became mighty and then became a joke just as quickly. People who had bragged that they were leaving the bird behind in order to embrace a better (read censored) experience found themselves meandering back to Twitter not long after. Soon, the 101 million signups that had happened in mere days only served to highlight its failure to compete with Musk’s app, rebranded to “X.”

According to the latest update from Business Insider, Zuckerberg’s noticed a massive drop-off, admitting that even half of its new users didn’t stick around after sign-ups. Now, Threads is moving to change up the strategy to win would-be users back by doing what Zuck does best; getting you addicted:

Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, said earlier this month that Threads is working on obvious missing features” such as trending topics, hashtags, translations, the ability to view likes, and a “following” feed that only shows posts from users you know.

But Meta’s chief product officer, Chris Cox, added that Meta is also working on “retention-driving hooks” to encourage users to return to the app, such as “making sure people who are on the Instagram app can see important Threads,” Reuters reported.

That suggests there could be even more of a crossover with the photo-sharing app, which was essential in Threads’ rapid expansion since users sign up via their Instagram accounts.

Does Threads still have a chance?

Anything is possible, but the real issue with Threads isn’t hooks or interconnection with Meta’s other products. Sure, it’ll probably help, but the real issue behind the dropoff is the issue that made Twitter vulnerable to failure in the first place; a lack of trust.

While I’d hardly say X is perfect and I still see it come down on people for bizarre things from time to time, I would say that people trust Musk far more than they trust Zuck. Facebook has gone above and beyond to not just censor people, but promote certain political ideologies that benefit the left and only the left.

For more than half of America, you can trust Zuck to screw you over. You can trust Musk to at least try not to.

It’s the fact that more than half of America doesn’t want to be subjected to that level of censorship again that would inevitably lead more people back to X as well. While you might be getting the controlled environment you want, it matters little if no one is around to hear you say it. For journalists, a smaller pool of people means fewer clicks on your work, including the coveted “hate click.”

Eventually, they would meander back over to X as well, and for people who like to view and comment on news directly and without the worry of censorship, then X gon’ give it ya.

Zuck can bring out as many hooks as he wants, but he can’t and won’t do the one thing that would actually send his app into competitive territory, and that’s to simply stop censoring people to serve the needs of a singular political party. Threads integration into Facebook and Instagram will definitely boost its interactions, but it’ll just be an extra feature on an app meant for something else.

Musk remains the king of this particular mountain, and if rumors of additional features coming to X are true, then he will be for a very long time.

DeSantis Economic Policy Looks Like Typical GOPe Think Tank Work Product of Mindless Platitudes

“Platitudes”, that’s the best word to describe what the DeSantis campaign previously claimed would be a substantive economic policy outline from the Florida governor.  As the policy was unveiled in New Hampshire yesterday, I watched it all {Direct Rumble Link Here} to see what it would cover and how DeSantis would deliver it.  Summary, major fail.

First, I must admit to coming to any economic policy outline as presented with a laser focus. You tell me you have an economic policy, and you have my full attention.  Why? Because the economic policy of a federal candidate will ultimately determine monetary policy, fiscal policy and foreign policy.  It is the only national policy we cannot affect from a local level, yet we are necessarily impacted by it and cannot avoid it.

MAGA starts with MAGAnomics.  So, to say I get into the weeds on this, would be a soft understatement.

Unfortunately, but not unexpectedly, what Ron DeSantis outlined yesterday was a series of 10-point meaningless platitudes.  If the UniParty policy teams of Pete Buttigieg and Kamala Harris got together over a weekend with Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, they would create a think-tank-driven UniParty economic policy outline very similar to what Ron DeSantis presented yesterday.

Platitudes, soundbites and structurally incoherent gibberish – presented with a word assembly that amounts to nothing.

“We will declare our economic independence from the failed elites that have orchestrated American decline, from the reckless federal spending that has inflated prices and plunged this nation to the brink of bankruptcy.”  ~ Ron DeSantis 7/31/23

Declare away doofus, you can declare all you want but it takes an actual set of targeted actions to move from declaration to outcome.  Those same “failed elites that have orchestrated American decline” are the same people financing your run for office.

I’m sure somewhere in a Pete Buttigieg kind of way, that soundbite might have seemed like a good sentence; but in reality, it’s gibberish and parseltongue.

You can see the 10-point outline above.  Generally speaking, when the ten points are outlined the speech and accompanying policy therein would describe exactly what action takes place in each of the points….  Nope, not for DeSantis it doesn’t.  Instead, what DeSantis does in his policy framework is take each of the ten points and then describe what they mean.

DeSantis describes what is referenced by each of his ten points, he does not outline the specific action that takes place within them. That’s how you can tell when a think-tank puts meaningless platitudes into a format for a candidate to speak.  In this instance the think tank is the stunningly typical Club for Growth, U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the multinationals who are funding the DeSantis campaign operation.

Take point #1 as an example, dealing with China.  Here’s the policy:

  • DeSantis will end our abusive relationship with the CCP, reverse our ever-increasing trade deficits, ban imports of goods made from stolen intellectual property, strengthen protections to stop child and forced labor, and end China’s preferential trade status.
  • DeSantis will demand that American companies act in accordance with American interests — which means preventing companies from sharing critical technologies with China and banning the sale of strategic assets like farmland to CCP members and their affiliates.
  • DeSantis will incentivize the repatriation of U.S. capital from China through strategic tax abatements and aligning market incentives with strategic goals to help secure our supply chains and invest in America.


“DeSantis will end our abusive relationship with China.”  How?  Doesn’t say.

“DeSantis will demand”….  How?  Doesn’t say.

“DeSantis will incentivize”….  How?  Doesn’t say.

See the problem?

The era of hopeful optimism that a Republican candidate will actually take an action to fulfill the policy “demand” is over.  The rustbelt sits there, staring at any Republican politician who would dare say the Republican Party has protected Main Street from the vulture capitalism of Wall Street.

This DeSantis economic policy is an assembly of meaningless platitudes with no substantive action presented as policy to back up the intention.  Worse still, not only is there no action outlined, but there’s also no action that could be outlined that is not against the interests of the very people who put the outline together.

The people constructing this language (for DeSantis to read) have no intent, thought or purpose of actually doing anything to act upon any of the economic issues.  Within all of the remaining nine points it’s the same.  It’s all meaningless gibberish.

Compare the DeSantis policy to the Trump policy.  Here’s Trump’s “AGENDA 47” China plan:

♦ENDING RELIANCE ON CHINA: President Trump’s America First trade policy will completely eliminate U.S. dependence on China–the primary beneficiary of Democrats’ globalist agenda.

In addition to universal baseline tariffs on most foreign goods, President Trump’s plan will reclaim our economic independence from China. President Trump will revoke China’s Most Favored Nation trade status and adopt a 4-year plan to phase out all Chinese imports of essential goods—everything from electronics to steel to pharmaceuticals. This will include strong protections to ensure China cannot circumvent restrictions by passing goods through conduit countries.

President Trump will establish new rules to stop U.S. companies from investing in China and stop China from buying up America, allowing only those investments that serve American interests.

President Trump will ban federal contracts for any company that outsources to China. (link)

See the difference?  The DeSantis campaign assembles talking points, while the Trump China plan is direct, specific and actionable.

The DeSantis economic plan is well described by this segment by Steve Bannon {Direct Rumble Link}:

Fortunately, we do not have to guess which candidate has the right path.  We have President Trump’s actual economic policy results to look at and see how the expansion of the economy was creating the type of growth that would sustain Social Security and Medicare.  This was/is MAGAnomics at work.

…. Make America Great Again!

We know it works, because we have the results to cite.

It was the Fourth Quarter of 2019…..

Right before the pandemic would hit a few months later…. Despite two years of doomsayer predictions from Wall Street’s professional punditry, all of them saying Trump’s 2017 steel and aluminum tariffs on China, Canada and the EU would create massive inflation, it just wasn’t happening!

Overall year-over-year inflation was hovering around 1.7 percent [Table-A BLS]; yup, that was our inflation rate.  The rate in the latter half of 2019 was firmed up with less month-over-month fluctuation, and the rate basically remained consistent.   [See Below]  The U.S. economy was on a smooth glide path, strong, stable and Main Street was growing with MAGAnomics at work.

A couple of important points.  First, unleashing the energy sector to drive down overall costs to consumers and industry outputs was a key part of President Trump’s America-First MAGAnomic initiative.  Lower energy prices help the worker economy, middle class and average American more than any other sector.

Which brings us to the second important point.  Notice how food prices had very low year-over-year inflation, 0.5 percent.  That is a combination of two key issues: low energy costs, and the fracturing of Big Ag hold on the farm production and the export dynamic:

(BLS) […] The index for food at home declined for the third month in a row, falling 0.2 percent. The index for meats, poultry, fish, and eggs decreased 0.7 percent in August as the index for eggs fell 2.6 percent. The index for fruits and vegetables, which rose in July, fell 0.5 percent in August; the index for fresh fruits declined 1.4 percent, but the index for fresh vegetables rose 0.4 percent. The index for cereals and bakery products fell 0.3 percent in August after rising 0.3 percent in July. (link)

For the previous twenty years food prices had been increasingly controlled by Big Ag, and not by normal supply and demand.   The commodity market became a ‘controlled market’. U.S. food outputs (farm production) was controlled and exported to keep the U.S. consumer paying optimal prices.

President Trump’s trade reset was disrupting this process.  As farm products were less exported the cost of the food in our supermarket became reconnected to a ‘more normal’ supply and demand cycle.  Food prices dropped and our pantry costs were lowered.

The Commerce Dept. then announced that retail sales climbed by 0.4 percent in August 2019, twice as high as the 0.2 percent analysts had predicted. The result highlighted retail sales strength of more than 4 percent year-over-year.   These excellent results came on the heels of blowout data in July, when households boosted purchases of cars and clothing.

The better-than-expected number stemmed largely from a 1.8 percent jump in spending vehicles. Online sales, meanwhile, also continued to climb, rising 1.6 percent. That’s similar to July 2019, when Amazon held its two-day, blowout Prime Day sale. (link)

Despite the efforts to remove and impeach President Trump, it did not look like middle-class America was overly concerned about the noise coming from the pundits.   Likely that’s because blue-collar wages were higher, Main Street inflation was lower, and overall consumer confidence was strong.  Yes, MAGAnomics was working.

Additionally, remember all those MSM hours and newspaper column inches where the professional financial pundits were claiming Trump’s tariffs were going to cause massive increases in prices of consumer goods?

Well, exactly the opposite happened [BLS report] Import prices were continuing to drop:

[Table 1 – BLS report link]

This was a really interesting dynamic that no-one in the professional punditry would dare explain.

Donald Trump’s tariffs were targeted to specific sectors of imported products.  [Steel, Aluminum, and a host of smaller sectors etc.]  However, when the EU and China respond by devaluing their currency, that approach hit all products imported, not just the tariff goods.

Because the EU and China were driving up the value of the dollar, everything we were importing became cheaper.   Not just imports from Europe and China, but actually imports from everywhere.   All imports were entering the U.S. at substantially lower prices.

This meant when we imported products, we were also importing deflation.

This price result is exactly the opposite of what the economic experts and Wall Street pundits predicted back in 2017 and 2018 when they were pushing the rapid price increase narrative.

Because all the export dependent economies were reacting with such urgency to retain their access to the U.S. market, aggregate import prices were actually lower than they were when the Trump tariffs began:

[…]  Prices for imports from China edged down 0.1 percent in August following decreases of 0.2 percent in both July and June. Import prices from China have not advanced on a monthly basis since ticking up 0.1 percent in May 2018. The price index for imports from China fell 1.6 percent for the year ended in August.

[…]  Import prices from the European Union fell 0.2 percent in August and 0.3 percent over the past 12 months.

[Page #4 – BLS Report, pdf] – BLS press release.

So yes, we know President Trump can save Social Security and Medicare by expanding the economy with his America First economic policy.  We do not need to guess if it is possible or listen to pundits theorize about his approach being some random ‘catch phrase’ disconnected from reality.  Yes folks, we have the receipts.

This was MAGAnomics at work, and this is entirely what created the middle-class MAGA coalition.  No other Republican candidate has this economic policy in their outlook because all other candidates are purchased by the Wall Street multinationals.

America First MAGAnomics is unique to President Trump because he is the only one independent enough to implement them.

That’s just the reality of the situation.  They hate him for it… 


Author’s note as said in 2016: “If I absolutely did not believe this economic model was doable, I would never expand the concept and place advocacy upon it. I am an absolute believer that we can, as a nation, reignite a solid manufacturing base and generate an expanding middle class.”  Yes, I bet on Trump, and he was right.