Sunday, July 16, 2023

Censorship by Another Name Is Still Dangerous

The progressive war on free expression hit a speed bump on July 4 when a federal judge prevented the Biden administration from communicating with social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook in its effort to police online content it deems misinformation.

In a preliminary ruling regarding a case brought by Republican attorneys general from Missouri and Louisiana, U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty wrote, “If the allegations made by Plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.”

One might expect the mainstream media, whose very lifeblood is the First Amendment, to celebrate this decision – especially since much of the information the government sought to muzzle regarded highly-contested facts surrounded the efficacy of masks and vaccines and other issues related to COVID-19. Instead, it brought out the knives. The New York Times described the decision as a “ruling that could curtail efforts to combat false and misleading narratives about the coronavirus pandemic and other issues.” The Washington Post told its readers, “The Donald Trump-appointed judge’s move could undo years of efforts to enhance coordination between the government and social media companies.” Over at CNN, chief White House correspondent Phil Mattingly stated:

[T]he Biden administration would regularly reach out to Twitter and Facebook and other companies in kind of the early stages of their COVID response and say, this person is spreading lies about vaccines, this account is spreading misinformation that is inhibiting â?? not just our efforts, the administration’s efforts to address COVID â?? but also public health, do something about it. And often, I think more often than not, the companies would respond and say, okay. And there are emails that came out during the course of this case that that was something that I think â?? when it was explained to me at the time, I thought, alright, that makes sense, that’s probably what we should do on public health grounds.

These responses are not just surprising, they are appalling – don’t CNN, the Post and Times understand that they could be next? While the government might properly alert social media companies about online criminal activities including child pornography and sex trafficking, using its power and influence to “suggest” they take down content they disagree with is beyond the pale. It is tantamount to declaring that any views the authorities don’t like is yelling “Fire!” in a crowded theater.

Let’s be clear: The administration’s determination to clamp down on what it considers “misinformation,” “disinformation,” and “hate speech” is censorship. It is part of the left’s larger effort to silence its enemies, which has been an ongoing problem at universities, corporations, and online platforms during the past decade. (Yes, the right does this too, but not with such ferocity or force). The fact that major media outlets seem onboard with the effort is another indication of how far America has gone off its rails.

Ironically, censorship is gaining traction because of the explosion of free speech ignited by the rise of social media. Twitter and Facebook gave everybody a printing press. It is impossible to overstate the historic importance of this development. Unfortunately, this has occurred, perhaps not coincidently, at a time when our nation is riven by partisan division, as politics has become a main source of personal identity for many citizens. Policy differences are seen as personal attacks, adding deep emotional and psychological layers to our reaction to views we disagree with. Shut Up  – with all its variants – seems the quickest way to end the discomfort. When government does the same, however, it runs afoul of the First Amendment.

Censorship is also thriving because many Americans do not know and understand our national history, which progressives have sought to delegitimize by transforming it into a parade of horribles. If the past has nothing to positive to teach us, then we only have the left’s vision of the future. As a result, we are cheating ourselves of the wisdom of our forebears, who came up with a brilliant solution to the problem bedeviling speech.

The most underappreciated achievement of America’s founding fathers was their recognition that while some truths may be self-evident, most are hard to see – and subject to change. Rejecting the long tradition in which authorities insisted they knew best, they crafted the Bill of Rights, which created a robust marketplace of ideas by protecting citizens from government’s censorious impulses.

It is impossible to overstate how radical this notion was. Until then, it was customary to imprison “enemies of the state.” The Tower of London was rarely vacant. America – albeit with many hiccups along the way – gave free rein to anyone who wished to criticize the nation and its leaders. It’s why dissent (and “misinformation” and hate speech) are as American as apple pie and tandoori chicken.

This extraordinary scheme didn’t just depend on government restraint; it hinged on the willingness of citizens to tolerate diverse points of view. This was no small gamble. At root, communities are forged by people who coalesce because they have common values and assumptions – by folks who are singing from the same hymnal. Those who defy the group are naturally, instinctively, seen as threats.

The First Amendment upended this compact of conformity by asking us to live peaceably alongside those whose ideas don’t just seem wrong but dangerous. We might recoil at communists who call for the overthrow of the government and neo-Nazis who spout hatred, but we accepted the proposition that silencing them posed an even greater threat to the Republic. The glue that held our country together was an abiding faith in diversity, that the benefits of freedom far outweighed the costs.

While we often think of the First Amendment in terms of the outliers it protects, its deeper purpose is to empower everyone to think for themselves. We protect Nazis so that decent people feel free to question everything from mask mandates to the efficacy of vaccines.

This deeply democratic system generates the new ideas that fuel progress – not just from a small coterie of experts, but talented people wherever they may be. The American dream is realized thanks to the freedom to dream, to challenge existing ways of being and doing. If you have a good idea, it may take flight. If your idea is all wet, it will sink. The Founders understood that a robust marketplace of ideas and a free-market economy were far better arbiters of quality than dictates from on high. They also knew their history: Governments with the authority to censor bad ideas almost certainly stifle good ones they don’t like.

The United States has never been a free speech paradise. Countenancing ideas we don’t like is hard. It takes effort. We have fallen short in the past – as we do today. As with so many other aspects of the American experiment, we must dedicate ourselves to aligning our reality with our ideals. But to do that we must know and understand what those shining ideas are and why they must endure.

And we Know, On the Fringe, and more- July 16


Disinformation: Doing Putin’s Job for Him

There are times when “irony” isn’t enough…

The State Department’s Global Engagement Center’s (GEC) section Disarming Disinformation: Our Shared Responsibility begins with this quote by President Biden:

“There is truth and there are lies.  Lies told for power and for profit.  And each of us has a duty and responsibility, as citizens, as Americans, and especially as leaders – leaders who have pledged to honor our Constitution and protect our nation – to defend the truth and to defeat the lies.”

Speaking of “lies told for power and profit,” doubtless Mr. Biden’s call to arms was issued after the bogus Hunter Biden laptop letter of October 19, 2020.

In that sordid statement, 51 current and former members of the U.S. intelligence community claimed the laptop was likely Russian disinformation.  The goal was to provide the Biden campaign a “talking point” to rebut the truth that the discovered Hunter Biden laptop was real.  Per the now infamous Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails:

It is for all these reasons that we write to say that the arrival on the US political scene of emails purportedly belonging to Vice President Biden’s son Hunter, much of it related to his time serving on the Board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation…  It is high time that Russia stops interfering in our democracy.

The mendacious missive exceeded expectations.

The knowingly false claim was amplified by the corporate media; and then cited by Big Tech as a reason to censor the New York Post reporting about it, all in a successful effort to get Mr. Biden elected president.  As the New York Post’s Miranda Devine bluntly concluded: “The letter was a domestic disinformation operation by the CIA to deceive the American people and help Joe Biden win the 2020 election.”

Yet, the Hunter Biden laptop letter was but the spin-off of the deceitful Russia-gate disinformation campaign.  As the New York Post editorial recounts, Special Counsel John Durham’s report on the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign “colluding” with Russia determined:

The FBI’s probe was “seriously flawed” and had no basis in evidence…  FBI officials “discounted or willfully ignored material information that did not support the narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia.” Investigators put too much faith in information provided by Trump’s political opponents and carried out surveillance of Trump campaign adviser Carter Page without genuinely believing there was probable cause to do so.

Who was the instigator of this Russia-gate witch hunt?  The Russians seek to sow domestic discord amongst the American body politic?  Summing up the Durham report, the New York Post editorial provided the means, motive, and opportunity of the guilty party:

Top ranks at the FBI and Justice Department fought tooth and nail to kibosh any investigations of Hillary over both the hundreds of millions in shady donations her foundation raked in while she was Secretary of State and her casual, repeated violations of federal law around classified documents.  Then they turned around and opened the Russiagate probe on the basis of third-hand rumor, soon using the Clinton-paid Steele Dossier to fraudulently justify surveilling the Trump campaign.  This, though the entire top of the US government had been warned that the Clinton camp intended to create a bogus Trump-Russia scandal to distract from her misdoings.

Despite the ardent promotion by her media allies and fellow Democrats, the Russia-gate disinformation campaign failed to abet Ms. Clinton’s elevation to the Oval Office; however, this lie that refused to die did succeed in seditiously derailing the duly elected Republican president who defeated her.

As if it couldn’t get more absurd, in perpetuating the Russia-gate investigation, the agency endeavored to utilize and pay an individual who may well have been an actual Russian purveyor of disinformation:

Igor Danchenko, who was Steele’s “primary sub source” and boasted of contributing “80%” of the “intel” for the dossier, meanwhile, may have been spreading Russian lies, according to the report – which notes Danchenko was once investigated as a possible spy before becoming an FBI informant and getting paid $220,000 by the bureau for the privilege between 2017 and 2020. Despite the bureau using him as a source, Durham notes, the previous espionage investigation was never resolved. 

It is a good time to reflect upon the GEC’s assessment of Russian disinformation:

Disinformation is one of the Kremlin’s most important and far-reaching weapons.  Russia has operationalized the concept of perpetual adversarial competition in the information environment by encouraging the development of a disinformation and propaganda ecosystem.  This ecosystem creates and spreads false narratives to strategically advance the Kremlin’s policy goals.  There is no subject off-limits to this firehose of falsehoods.

Regarding the U.S., Russia’s disinformation seeks to sow political and social discord and widen the divide between Americans.  In short, Russia is an equal opportunity dissembler, one who seeks to deceive all Americans to further its goal of debilitating and destroying our national security and strategic interests.  As the GEC notes, Russia has been diligent in spraying its “firehose of falsehoods.”  So why are the Democrats and the federal government doing Putin’s disinformation for him?

The answer is as elementary as it is inexcusable: the Democrats have played their “Russia to the Rescue” card for partisan gain, and even weaponized the police and counter-intelligence capacities of the federal government to fuel its potency and prospects for success.  They have done so with relative impunity.  The result is that in the 2016 and 2020 presidential races, the greatest font of election disinformation and interference was not the Russian government.  It was the American government.

If, as President Biden earlier averred, “each of us has a duty and responsibility…to defend the truth and to defeat the lies”; and if, as the GEC informs us that “Truth disarms Russia’s disinformation weapons,” the solution to the U.S. government doing Russia’s disinformation job for them is straightforward: the American people must demand their servant government tell the truth – or suffer the legal and political consequences individually and collectively.

This will be difficult, for as the New York Post editorial board assessed:

Meanwhile, all the media that waxed hysterical for years over Russiagate stand largely silent, at best treating Durham’s revelations as old news…  No wonder trust in the federal government and the media is at historic lows.  Democrats from Biden on down regularly bewail the nation’s political divisions.  Yet healing those will require Dems and their allies to stop ignoring (and even rewarding) abuse of power as long it benefits their side.  

Thus, the crux: will the 2024 election cycle see a continuation of this execrable campaign tactic that abets Russia’s disinformation aims?  Yep.  Democrats, both in and outside the government, as well as their media allies will continue their disinformation and election interference practices.  Why?  Because, bluntly, they worked – just ask President Biden or former President Trump.

No, “irony” isn’t enough to fully capture the follies, foibles, and failings of the American government and its self-anointed ruling “elite,” especially when the Democrats are heedlessly doing Putin’s disinformation job for him by exacerbating the animosity, apathy, and doubt among Americans; and our government remains hellbent on proving the term “intelligence community” is an oxymoron.

Somebody Tell Planned Parenthood Summer Camp Is For Good Clean Fun, Not Sex Ed

Planned Parenthood encourages children to live sexually promiscuous and confused lifestyles so they ‘need’ the products that the nation’s No. 1 abortion vendor sells.

For many Americans, the idea of summer camp evokes warm, fire-lit memories of outdoor adventures, new friends, and the simple pleasure of enjoying God’s creation. As a former camper, my favorite activities were archery, educational nature hikes, and any sport involving water.

After experiencing such delights, it’s hard to believe Planned Parenthood recently had the audacity to market a children’s sex education program as “summer camp” — but then, it’s already ruining families via abortion and future fertility through sex-suppressing hormones. Why not add summer camp to its list of spoilers?

For poor souls in Minnesota, Planned Parenthood North Central States announced it was hosting “S’MORE” camp, which stands for Science-based, Medically accurate, Open-minded, Responsible Education. None of these attributes accurately describe Planned Parenthood. This is the same organization that changed its definition of ectopic pregnancy treatment when the facts weren’t convenient anymore.

After media pushback, however, the program webpage has recently been taken down, with only an earlier version of it from May being saved through a web archive.

The program was listed for minors aged 13 to 15 who have finished eighth grade but not started high school. It was three half-days a week for two weeks, and according to its website, topics included “healthy and unhealthy relationships … consent, birth control methods, barrier methods, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy options.”

Planned Parenthood has yet to respond to my inquiry about whether this program was canceled and the reasoning behind that decision. I also inquired whether parenting and adoption were included as “pregnancy options” or if abstinence would have been taught as a protection against sexually transmitted diseases, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 1 in 5 Americans are thus afflicted. 

As abortion was undoubtedly included in “pregnancy options,” I also questioned whether the risks of abortion were also on the agenda. If consent really does matter, informed consent about abortion — which threatens women with injury, infertilityabuse, and maternal mortality — should be equally important.  

If your inner child isn’t jumping in excitement for such a brainwashing session, it doesn’t appear that today’s children were either. 

Despite the abortion giant doing everything it could to sweeten the deal (free attendance, free lunch and snacks, and a $100 Visa gift card upon completion — $150 gift card for a different Minnesota Planned Parenthood “Sex Ed Summer Camp”), Minnesota teens were not flocking to sign up. According to Fox News’ Pete Hegseth, one camp in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area was actually canceled due to lack of interest. A week-long version for 15- to 18-year-olds was being offered instead. Poison in smaller doses is perhaps more bearable, but it doesn’t make it acceptable. 

Always twisting something good, Planned Parenthood’s “summer camp” has strayed far from the original purpose of this seasonal, simple childhood joy. 

Summer camp found its beginnings in the mid-1800s with the Gunnery Camp, which the American Camp Association considers the first organized American camp. In Washington, Connecticut, Frederick W. Gunn and his wife ran a boys’ school in their home, and he took the entire school for a two-week escapade in 1861 that included fishing, boating, camping, and trapping. Known as the “father of organized camping,” Gunn set off a tradition that around 26 million children still enjoy today. 

Summer camp later began to be refined as recreational and childhood preservation. In 1874, the Young Women’s Christian Association began a “vacation project” for “tired young women wearing out their lives in an almost endless drudgery for wages that admit no thought of rest or recreation,” and by World War II, the purpose of summer camp was “to prolong and protect childhood innocence.” 

It’s a worthy endeavor, and one so needed today as our children are exposed to filth in every setting, particularly by Planned Parenthood.

This is why Students for Life of America is working around the country to get Planned Parenthood out of our schools and communities through initiatives like the Campaign for Abortion Free Cities, and it looks like our list now needs to include summer camp. 

Looking over just the past several months, ninth graders in Canada were subjected to perverted card games in the classroom, which included the idea of being sexually attracted to a television. On TikTok, one Planned Parenthood “educator” coached children on getting “spicy toys” while hiding them from parents. Online, they also produced animated videos aimed at children, which state that “puberty blockers are safe” and chemical abortion pills “are very safe.”

Planned Parenthood has also repeatedly exposed children to “family friendly” drag shows, handing out condoms and lubricant to children as young as 13 years old. They’ve celebrated “good” porn, “vulva care,” and graphic content in the name of education

When someone is interested in talking about sex to our children, we usually think “pedophile.”

But Planned Parenthood encourages our children to live sexually promiscuous and confused lifestyles so they “need” the products that the nation’s No. 1 abortion vendor sells. Don’t feel affirmed in your biological sex? They sell hormones for that. Slept around and got pregnant in a bad situation? There’s a procedure for that. But it will cost you — financially, physically, and mentally.

Iowa's Red Shift

Iowa's Red Shift

Ward Clark reporting for RedState 

Iowa was, for a long time, a political swing state. Speaking as one who grew up there and lived there until my 26th year, and most of whose family still lives in Iowa, I can say with some confidence that Iowa is a place of great momentum. In small towns and rural areas like the one I grew up in, not much changes from generation to generation. Not industries, not farming practices, not families. But Iowa is an important state politically, mostly due to its status as the opening bell for presidential primaries. Note Tucker Carlson’s recent series of interviews with various GOP POTUS candidates – in Iowa.

This makes Iowa’s political shift to a solid-red state pretty interesting.

“There has been remarkable change in the political makeup of the state,” veteran Iowa-based Democratic consultant Jeff Link told Fox News.

Link spotlighted that “what has changed the most is there was significant shift in the counties along the Mississippi River that were traditionally Democratic strongholds. They were counties that had lots of organized labor and those are the places that have had the biggest change.”

This shift certainly happened, and part of it may be due to an overall drop in private-sector union membership. But Mr. Link misses the larger point; one that GOP consultant David Kochel didn’t miss:

David Kochel, a longtime Republican consultant and veteran of numerous GOP presidential campaigns in Iowa and nationally, also pointed to “the migration of White working-class voters from the old Democratic Party coalition, which included a lot of labor and blue-collar workers.”

“As the Democratic Party became more progressive, those White working-class voters migrated into the Republican Party,” added Kochel, a former Iowa GOP executive director.

Kochel spotlighted Howard County in northeastern Iowa, which he noted “had the largest swing from Obama and Trump of any county in the country.”

It’s not that Iowans have moved right. It’s that Democrats have moved left.

That leftward lurch has hurt Democrats more in Iowa than in plenty of other places. Colorado, for example, consists of a large cohort of small-town and rural communities that generally vote Republican, but they are overwhelmed by the Denver-Boulder Axis, which holds most of the population of the state.

Even California, minus the Bay Area and Los Angeles, would count as a pretty red state. Ditto for Washington, minus Seattle/King County. This is true for most states with large cities. It’s a pattern you see too often for it to be a coincidence.

Iowa, on the other hand, has only Des Moines and Cedar Rapids. A look at the 2022 Iowa Governor results is revealing:

Iowa’s 2022 Governor election results, by county. Credit: CNN Politics

Note the blue areas. Des Moines (Polk County) and Cedar Rapids (Lynn County) are what pass for urban areas in Iowa; the two darker-blue areas contain Ames (north of Des Moines) and Iowa City (south of Cedar Rapids). Those have two of Iowa’s three major state universities, the students and staff of which tend to vote heavily Democratic.

The rest of the state is awash in a sea of red.

Iowa has always been friendly to GOP candidates who took the right policy positions – mostly, those who are perceived as friendly to agriculture. Back in the Seventies, Iowa held the motto “A Place to Grow,”  to which wags generally added “…a place to grow corn, soybeans, hogs, chickens…” But Iowa is and will remain a heavily agricultural state. Chuck Grassley has always campaigned as a friend to farmers, and he has been Iowa’s senior Senator since dirt. Joni Ernst won election initially, in large part, due to her farm background.

In fact, in 2014, when Grassley was up for re-election, his Democrat opponent, Bruce Braley, made one of the biggest blunders in the history of Iowa politics by saying:

“You might have a farmer from Iowa who never went to law school, never practiced law, serving as the next chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee,” Braley said in a video released by the conservative America Rising PAC. “Because, if Democrats lose the majority, Chuck Grassley will be the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee.”

Braley was apparently unaware that he was speaking to a bunch of farmers from Iowa who never went to law school.

That’s Iowa in a nutshell. Iowa hasn’t gone red because her citizenry shifted. Iowa has gone red because national Democrats adhere to ideas like transgender treatments for kids, and kowtow to the likes of environmental activists like the Doom Pixie, and to every leftist fringe cause to come along. And until the Democrats slide back to being a center-left party rather than a progressive one, Iowa will probably stay red.

DeSantis Fires a Dozen Staffers as Campaign Payroll Burn Rate Nears 30%

There is a lot of granular dissection of the DeSantis campaign taking place as the music stops and the staff clamor for a chair.

Keep in mind, Donald Trump released his campaign fundraising details showing over a million small donors helped raise $35 million with an average contribution of $34.20.  Small donors, that’s millions of middle class and working class MAGA folks, are the fuel for President Trump’s campaign.

According to the latest FEC filing [DATA HERE] the DeSantis campaign team took in $20.1 million, but burned through $7.9 million in just six weeks.  This presents a major problem for the campaign, because over two-thirds of those contributions were from maxed-out donors who cannot contribute again.  Only 15% of DeSantis campaign fundraising came from small donors.


As NBC notes, “the numbers suggest, for the first time, that solvency could be a threat to DeSantis’ campaign, which has touted its fundraising ability as a key measure of viability.”  The big problem for Ron DeSantis is his reliance on big donors.

(NBC) – […] more than two-thirds of DeSantis’ money — nearly $14 million — came from donors who gave the legal maximum and cannot donate again, NBC’s analysis shows. Some of those donors gave the $3,300 limit for both the primary and general elections, boosting DeSantis’ totals with cash that can’t be used to try to defeat Trump.

DeSantis finished June with more than $12.2 million in the bank, but his filing indicates that $3 million of that can only be used in the general election. Trump’s campaign ended the quarter with $22.5 million on hand. At the same time, DeSantis spent about 40 percent of what he raised, in part by paying salaries to 92 people (before the staff firings). (article here)

The issue of relying on billionaires, rich people, corporations and Wall Street was always an Achilles heel for DeSantis. Once those donors have contributed the maximum amount, either individually or through bundling their friends to support him, that’s it.

Every campaign needs a wide and deep donor group from the voters in order to tap them intermittently for assistance as the campaign continues. DeSantis just doesn’t have that with only 15% of his total raised coming from small donors. That makes the burn rate a major problem, and with the scale of payroll assembled, he needs to cut expenses after less than two months of campaigning. Casey will not be happy.

(NBC) – Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign has fired roughly a dozen staffers — and more are expected in the coming weeks as he shakes up his big-money political operations after less than two months on the campaign trail.

Those who were let go were described to NBC News by a source familiar as mid-level staffers across several departments whose departures were related to cutting costs. The exits come after the departures of David Abrams and Tucker Obenshain, veterans of DeSantis’ political orbit, which were first reported by Politico.

Sources involved with the DeSantis campaign say there is an internal assessment among some that they hired too many staffers too early, and despite bringing in $20 million during its first six weeks, it was becoming clear their costs needed to be brought down.

[…] DeSantis’ campaign had 92 people listed as being on the payroll for at least some period of time during its first fundraising period, according to campaign finance reports filed Saturday with the Federal Election Commission. It is by far the most of any Republican presidential candidate, and it has left his campaign with huge payroll expenses and, the new filings show, fewer resources than originally thought. (read more)

Team DeSantis is having a crisis and coping party this weekend in Tallahassee, where they will address the issues of greatest concern to the billionaires.  However, absent a structural change in the candidate, the team, the outlook and the entire purpose of their assembly – nothing will work.

As noted by those connected to the campaign, “They think DeSantis’ inner circle underestimated just how hard — and expensive — it would be to break the grip on the Republican base held by Trump, who has a commanding lead and is seen as the overwhelming frontrunner. Even in Florida, a state that re-elected DeSantis by nearly 20 percentage-points just seven months ago, Trump now has his own 20-point lead on DeSantis, according to a Florida Atlantic University poll released last week.

I said last year not to worry about DeSantis too much, because the more people would be exposed to him the less likely his campaign would succeed.  This was not snark on my part, this is just the reality that is Ron DeSantis.  The reason why the influencers recruited by Christina Pushaw are so abrasive, sanctimonious, condescending, annoying and detrimental to his campaign, is because his influencers are just like him.  Pushaw factually enlisted the help of people who have the same personality as Ron DeSantis – which is to say they are a miserable unlikable bunch.

There are not enough uppity jerks in the base of the Republican Party, people who look down on others while taking selfies of their lunches, to overwhelm the ordinary base of regular folks who comprise the MAGA community.  DeSantis polls well with a very narrow segment of rude, affluent people, and there just are not enough of them.

The issues for the DeSantis campaign are structural and embedded in the DNA of the campaign participants.  This is not a fixable flaw.  I knew this last year when I was watching the team assemble; these are the same GOPe types that form the core of the never-trumpets.  Just a miserable bunch of out-of-touch political types.

The Sea Island Super PAC (Never Back Down) has money, around $200 million, but the campaign itself is on life-support after only a few months.  Even with the super pac buying off everyone they can, they don’t end up changing the dynamic of the voting base.

You might say I have been a little hard on DeSantis, and if he just stayed as governor all would be ok.  Unfortunately, that’s not accurate or possible.  Ron DeSantis could not avoid running for 2024 because this 2024 race was the entire reason he was put into the 2018 Florida Governor’s contest to begin with.  Once you realize DeSantis is a long-planned operation, going back to Trump’s 2018 mid-term, then you realize why he needs to be removed.