Sunday, June 25, 2023

Durham Sequel Goes Back to the Prequel

The struggle against FBI injustice is 
the struggle of memory against forgetting.

“I made it clear that neither President Obama nor Vice President Biden were in Durham’s crosshairs,” explains William Barr, the Attorney General who tapped John Durham to investigate the Russia collusion hoax against candidate and President Donald Trump.

In One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of an Attorney General, Barr also praises Robert Mueller and deputy attorney general Rob Rosenstein, who appointed Mueller to investigate Trump. “Few can appreciate the complexities Rod faced during that tumultuous time,” writes Barr, “and even fewer will know the important contributions he made to the administration and the country.” 

The allegedly heroic Rosenstein gets only a single mention in Durham’s recent report, and Rosenstein’s “important contributions” failed to emerge in Durham’s June 21 testimony. On the other hand, John Durham did not spare the FBI.

The bureau, he testified, failed to “sufficiently scrutinize” collusion claims, did not “apply the same standards” to the Clinton and Trump campaigns, and was too willing to use “politically funded and uncorroborated opposition research, such as the Steele dossier.” This continued even after intelligence briefings “suggesting that there was a Clinton campaign plan underway to stir up a scandal tying Trump to Russia.”

As it happens, Hillary Clinton needed a plan even before Trump locked down the Republican nomination.

Sanders bests Clinton in new early state polls,” headlined a January 12, 2016 Politico report. Two new polls showed the Vermont senator “catching fire in not only his regional stomping ground of New Hampshire but also in Iowa.”

On March 16, 2016, WikiLeaks launched “a searchable archive for over 30 thousand emails and email attachments sent to and from Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was Secretary of State.” The 50,547 pages of documents spanned a period from June 30 2010 to August 12, and 7,570 of the documents were “sent by Hillary Clinton.”

People wondered who might have leaked the documents. One possibility was a Democrat insider partial to Bernie Sanders, who continued to get traction.

Early-state polls hint at Bernie Sanders surge,” headlined Politico on June 15, 2016. In New Hampshire, Sanders was grabbing 32 percent of the vote and gaining on Clinton, backed by 44 percent of Granite State Democrats. 

On July 10, 2016, Seth Rich, a 27-year-old digital campaigner with the Democratic National Committee, was gunned down in Washington DC. Police called it a street robbery gone wrong, but the shooters did not take Rich’s wallet, watch or phone. The FBI showed no interest in the basic questions of  motive, means, and opportunity but quickly latched on to Rich’s laptop.

Weeks after the murder, as the BBC reported, “Wikileaks published 20,000 emails obtained from Democratic National Committee computers via an anonymous source.” Some observers thought the source might be Seth Rich. Many of the emails dealt with the escapades of Hillary Clinton and showed up on social media. The former First Lady didn’t like it.

Clinton says Russia behind DNC hacking, draws line to Trump,” headlined a July 31, 2016 Reuters report. “We know that Russian intelligence services hacked into the DNC and we know that they arranged for a lot of those emails to be released,” Clinton told reporters. “and we know that Donald Trump has shown a very troubling willingness to back up Putin, to support Putin.” The former Secretary of State wasn’t done.

“I think laying out the facts raises serious issues about Russian interference in our elections, in our democracy.” The collusion hoax was on, and as John Durham revealed, the FBI was all-in. 

The FBI launched operation Mid-Year Exam to clear Hillary Clinton, with FBI boss James Comey proclaiming that “no reasonable prosecutor” would pursue a case against her. Congress subpoenaed the emails but the former First Lady bleached her server and smashed up devices.

The FBI launched operation Crossfire Hurricane against candidate and President Trump, deploying the secret FISA court to spy on Trump aides, falsifying documents, and entrapping Gen. Michael Flynn, Trump’s pick for national security advisor.

The Russia hoax was the flywheel of the impeachment effort, and the hoax continued even after Robert Mueller showed there was no collusion. As Durham now confirms, it was a Clinton campaign plan, backed by the FBI. Comey, Strzok, McCabe et al faced no criminal charges, and FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, who forged documents, even had his law license restored.

Lost in the shuffle was slain DNC staffer Seth Rich, a possible source of the Clinton email leaks. The FBI had no suspects in his murder, but in 2020 the bureau admitted possession of Rich’s laptop computer. No word about the contents.

Last year, the FBI defied a court order to hand over information from the laptop, and sought to reverse the 53-page ruling of federal judge Amos Mazzant, an Obama appointee. If the court declined, the FBI wanted to delay release of the data for 66 years, a proxy for “never.”

Last December, it emerged that the FBI also possessed Seth Rich’s work computer. FBI records boss Michael Seidel claimed that the computer is only a physical object, not an “actual record,” and therefore not subject to a Freedom of Information Act request. By all indications, that’s where things stand now.

John Durham didn’t deal with the Rich case but his investigation revealed what has long been obvious to all but the willfully blind. The FBI holds itself above the law and to reverse that abuse of power is going to be difficult.

Congress might start with a full-scale investigation of the Seth Rich murder, with no players off the table – not even former presidents, vice presidents, First Ladies and FBI bosses – and investigators fully empowered to get the information they need. A good launch date would be July 10, the seventh anniversary of Seth Rich’s murder.

Remember, there is no statute of limitations on murder. The struggle of the people against FBI injustice is the struggle of memory against forgetting.

X22, And we Know, and more- June 25


A Catastrophic Implosion . . . of the Rule of Law

Instead of proper rule of law we are living with that Orwellian alternative, Our Rule of Law™—an arbitrary enforcement of the laws and use of the coercive power of the state.

Like some other commentators, I have in recent years several times quoted a famous exchange from Ernest Hemingway’s first novel, The Sun Also RisesRecent developments in the Biden family money laundering scheme, the implosion of a boutique underwater expedition to the Titanic, and a possible coup in Russia prompt me to wheel it out once again. “‘How did you go bankrupt?’ Bill asked. ‘Two ways,’ Mike said. ‘Gradually, then suddenly.’”

It fits the long-running drama over Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell, I think. Miranda Devine broke news of that scandal in the New York Post in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election. It languished in the doldrums of official nonrecognition for years as the regime went into overdrive to keep people, especially voters, from paying any attention to it. 

Gradually, however, the truth leaked out. First, the authenticity of the laptop was acknowledged. Turns out it was not “Russian disinformation,” as those 51 intelligence experts insisted. Nope, it belonged to Hunter all right. At first, the public was titillated by all the sex-drugs-and-rock-n-roll that pervaded that digital trove. Gradually, very gradually, however, the publicly important stuff—the money angle with news of foreign payments apparently to dear-old-dad from various foreigners—began leaking out. 

Then suddenly, just this last week, the House Ways and Means Committee began dropping bombs. 

Material from an IRS whistleblower—no, two IRS whistleblowers—got fed into the mix and we got such Hunter Biden classics as this WhatsApp message from July 2017 addressed to Henry Zhao, a member of the Chinese Communist Party and, wouldn’t you know it, a business partner of Hunter’s: 

I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment [the commitment being millions of the crispest] made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight, And, Z, fi [sic] get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.

I enjoyed reading that over the morning coffee while gazing at the accompanying photograph of Hunter all got up in black tie for a big to-do at the White House the other day. That was right after he, miraculously, managed to wangle the plea bargain of the century. He failed to report millions in income, yet the prosecutor agreed to reduce felony charges to misdemeanors and, essentially, to forget about the fact that Hunter lied on his application for a firearm, a felony. Nice work, Hunter!

There are some people who insist that we are still in the he-said she-said phase of this drama. It’s happened before. 

Remember, years ago, when FBI lovebirds Lisa Page and Peter Strzok had their little back and forth a few days after the Trump-Russia hoax got started? Page cooed to Strzok: “Trump should go f himself.” Strzok responded, “F Trump.” Two days later, Page texted, “[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” Strzok replied, “No. No he’s not. We’ll stop it.” “We” being not just Peter and Lisa but also the FBI. Somehow, that got diluted and interpreted out of relevance, though, and the fact that the premier police power of the country interfered in a presidential election got swept under the proverbial rug.

It might happen this time, too. We have credible allegations galore, not only of Hunter’s lawbreaking, but his father’s. According to the whistleblower testimony that the House Ways and Means Committee just released, the Justice Department tipped off Hunter Biden about a plan to search his storage unit, thus allowing him to clean it out before the feds arrived. The Justice Department also declined to execute a search warrant of Joe Biden’s guest house when Hunter was living there. They hid allegations about foreign bribery from the IRS lawyers overseeing an investigation of Hunter’s finances and lost or “slow walked” other aspects of the government’s investigation into his tangled affairs for some five years. 

Preferential treatment? Assuredly not! At least not according to our American Gothic Attorney General Merrick Garland. After this latest spate of revelations dropped into the news cycle and seemed to be getting traction, even in the legacy media, Garland held a press conference in which he said, in essence, if you criticize the Justice Department you are betraying “democracy.” 

It was an extraordinary performance. But here we are. Nancy Pelosi and others kept going on about Our Democracy™ when what they meant was “our oligarchy.” More recently, Joe Biden has been nattering on about “our children,” as if children belonged to the government. Now we have the attorney general of the United States insisting that the Justice Department dispenses justice impartially even though grandmothers with cancer who happened to traipse through the Capitol on January 6 are tossed into jail while Hunter Biden skates. The two-tier deployment of justice in this country is patent for all to see, but what are you going to believe, your lying eyes or the pronunciamentos of this gray-on-gray bureaucrat from hell? 

Yes, Nancy Pelosi was happy to substitute Our Democracy™ for democracy plain and simple. Now we have Merrick Garland attempting the same thing with the rule of law. That went out with the advent of predawn raids by the FBI on opponents of the regime. Instead we are living with that Orwellian alternative Our Rule of Law™, which is to say their arbitrary enforcement of the laws and use of the coercive power of the state. 

The end, as Hemingway’s character observed, came gradually at first. We’ve moved on now to the “suddenly” part. It’s not, I fancy, unlike what happened aboard that swank, if ultimately unseaworthy submersible, the part described in headlines everywhere as a “catastrophic implosion.” Descent by PlayStation was gradual until, suddenly, it wasn’t.

Greek elections: Mitsotakis's conservatives hail win as mandate for change


Greek conservative leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis has thanked voters for giving his party a "strong mandate" to move faster on the path of change.

He beat his centre-left rival Syriza in May, but called new elections in a bid to win enough seats to govern alone.

His New Democracy party was polling 40.5%, 20 points ahead of Syriza, with more than 90% of the votes counted.

The vote came 11 days after a migrant boat tragedy off Greece in which 500 people are thought to have died.

Although three days of mourning were held, the disaster had little effect on the campaign and Greeks voted to maintain economic stability.

Under Greek election rules for a second election, the conservatives are awarded a bonus number of seats in parliament, but the exact number depends on the final result. With more than 40%, New Democracy could have a 50-seat bonus.  

"The people have given us a secure majority," said Mr Mitsotakis as the result became clear. "Major reforms will go ahead with speed."

Last month, his party had fallen just short of a majority in the 300-seat parliament and he called a second election in a bid to form a stable, single-party government.

He said he could not promise miracles, but that New Democracy had big aims for a more efficient state, and a better health service and education.

Former Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras's Syriza party was unable to narrow the margin of last month's defeat.

But one of the big stories of the election was the success of a newly created far-right Spartans party, which was set to pass the 3% vote-share threshold to enter parliament.

The Spartans only emerged as a political force this month when the Greek Supreme Court banned another far-right party, the Greeks, and its jailed founder, Ilias Kasidiaris, threw his weight behind them.

Kasiadaris had been the spokesman for neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn, which was banned as a criminal organisation and its leaders given long prison terms.

Greek commentators noted that together with nationalist Greek Solution and ultra-conservative Niki (Victory), the hard right had won a bloc of more than 30 seats.  

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The victory secured by Kyriakos Mitsotakis, 55, over Alexis Tsipras's Syriza is a rarity in Greek politics, as few parties increase their share after a first term in office.

He is credited with successfully returning the Greek economy to stability and growth after a severe debt crisis and three international bailouts. Mr Tsipras had led Greece at the peak of the crisis from 2015.

Although many Greeks are struggling with the cost-of-living crisis, voters chose to stick with the party promising lower taxes and improved public health.

His party was helped by the fragmentation of the left-wing vote; with Socialist PASOK set for more than 11% and the Communist KKE on around 7%.

The conservative leader has formed a reputation as a Teflon-coated leader, fending off a series of damaging crises in the past year, including a rail disaster and a wire-tapping scandal that brought down the intelligence chief and his own nephew, who worked as the prime minister's chief of staff.

Greece was being led by a caretaker government when a migrant boat sank off the south-west coast in the early hours of 14 June.

Since the migrant crisis, the views of most Greek voters have shifted in favour of stricter, more conservative policies, says Panos Koliastasis, assistant professor of politics at the University of Peloponnese.

"The reason is rooted in the 2020 migration crisis on the Evros [river], when Turkey tried to push thousands of migrants into Greek territory and the Mitsotakis government acted swiftly. So the greater part of the public perceives the migration issue as an external threat to national sovereignty."  

WATCH: Defiant LGBTQ Marchers Chant: 'We're Here, We're Queer, We're Coming for Your Children'

WATCH: Defiant LGBTQ Marchers Chant: 'We're Here, We're Queer, We're Coming for Your Children'

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

Despite the insincere blather about “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI), the left wants nothing of the kind, and it never did. What leftists do want — including LGBTQ activists and Joe Biden’s Democrat Party — is to shove their radical ideology down the throats of the rest of us. The more we resist, the harder they push.

If there was ever any doubt that they also want your children, that notion was blown to pieces in New York City on Friday as in-your-face LGBTQ activists marched and defiantly chanted:

We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children.

Just taunting, or were they serious? Hell yes, they were serious, but I suspect you already knew that.

The activists gathered in Tompkins Square Park, described on its website as (emphasis, mine):

This popular park in the middle of the East Village is a perfect centerpiece for its eclectic neighborhood, which houses artists, radicals, fashion lovers, and those who have lived in the neighborhood for decades and witnessed its many changes.

The performances hosted by the park are as unique as its visitors: the annual lineup includes the outdoor drag festival Wigstock, the Howl Festival commemorating Allen Ginsberg, and the Charlie Parker Jazz Festival.

Along with its excellent people-watching, the park is equipped with two playgrounds, a handball court, chess tables, and a basketball court.

Two playgrounds for the kiddies. An excellent grooming location? Probably a good idea for moms and dads to accompany their children to the park, don’t you think?

The activists then marched through the Village before stopping at the Stonewall Inn. The gay bar was the site of violent riots in 1969, which are still referred to as the Stonewall Riots or the Stonewall Uprising.

In another video, signs reading “Groom Cissies” and “Drag isn’t for Cissies” can be seen.

The ridiculous made-up term “cis,” or “cisgender,” describes a person whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth. A person designated female at birth and identifies as a woman — or a person designated male at birth and identifies as a man — is cisgender.

Here’s a thought: Why not just call people who don’t pretend to change their gender exactly what they are instead of making up a silly term that sounds “woke” or whatever?

So back to the chant.

If  “we’re coming for your children” doesn’t send a chill down the spine of parents with young children, particularly given the ongoing indoctrination in public schools across America — some of it blatant, some of it hush-hush — I’m not sure what would.

Young children can be confused enough by life, but radical leftists pushing obscene crap on unsuspecting young minds is unconscionable — and now they’re not only admitting it en masse; they’re daring us to try to stop them. Yet stop them we must.

Joe Biden was unavailable for comment.

Hunter Biden Is Above The Law

We’re constantly told no one is above the law except IRS whistleblower testimony proves at least one person is: Joe Biden’s son.

Everyone was assured by Democrats and our always helpful media that the sticky sweet plea deal for Joe Biden’s lowlife son Hunter was proof positive that “NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!!!1!1!”

ABC “The View’s” Sunny Hostin: “It shows no one is above the law, which is important, not even the president’s son.”

Obama 2012 deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter: “[I]t shows that no one is above the law and what taking responsibility looks like.”

Washington Post: “The sitting president’s son being held accountable for underpaying his taxes illustrates that no one is above the law in the U.S. system.”

And now look: overwhelming evidence that actually, no, Hunter Biden apparently is above the law. And that’s not just when he’s high on crack.

The House Ways and Means Committee on Thursday released the transcript of an interview with high-level IRS investigating agent Gary Shapley who testified that the Justice Department, under both presidents Trump and Biden, “provided preferential treatment, slow-walked the investigation, did nothing to avoid obvious conflicts of interest in this investigation” into Hunter’s shady, questionable as hell business dealings. Included in Shapley’s exhaustively detailed testimony was a 2017 text message uncovered in the years-long investigation from Hunter to a member of the Chinese Communist Party.

“I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,” Hunter wrote. It’s not clear what transaction he was referring to, but like the nasty little weenie that he is, he used his daddy’s status as a high-profile political figure to threaten the communist. “[I]f I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”

Hunter mentions “my father” more frequently than David French gets off to Ukraine.

Throughout Shapley’s testimony, he names lawyers and officials within the IRS and FBI who admitted there was enough evidence to trigger more intensive investigations into Hunter (search warrants), which would, in turn, likely lead to criminal prosecutions (tax fraud), but that time and time again, they declined to pursue the matter.

“[W]hatever the motivations, at every stage decisions were made that had the effect of benefiting the subject of the investigation,” Shapley said, referring to Hunter. “These decisions included slow-walking investigative steps, not allowing enforcement actions to be executed, limiting investigators’ line of questioning for witnesses, misleading investigators on charging authority, delaying any and all actions months before [the 2020 election] to ensure the investigation did not go overt well before policy memorandum mandated the pause.”

He said his supervisors repeatedly deferred to the Justice Department regarding the investigation’s progress and that the DOJ consistently denied advancements and even tipped off Hunter’s lawyers as to what information the government knew, giving him a chance to conceal more incriminating material or concoct some feasible defense.

The New York Times reacted to this explosive testimony by noting that “Taken at face value, the message would undercut President Biden’s longstanding claims that he had nothing to do with his son’s international business deals.”

But that’s only if you take it at “face value,” folks!

The president knew what his son was doing. He was complicit and probably profited from it. The only reason we don’t know for sure is because, according to Shapley’s testimony, FBI agents deliberately avoided asking witnesses about it. On the one occasion that an agent did ask Hunter associate Rob Walker about Joe Biden, Walker said he believed Hunter had orchestrated a business meeting wherein his dad made a quick appearance for the purposes of bolstering the chances of “making a deal work out.”

“And, inexplicably,” Shapley said, after Walker confirmed this, “the FBI agent changed the subject.”

NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW, they scream.

“The law” isn’t applied by artificial intelligence. It’s applied by people. And those people make decisions based on their predispositions. If those predispositions are to protect the ones who in turn protect the people applying the law, then it’s not equal justice. This is otherwise known as “The Way Washington Works.” If you’re in, you’re in. If you’re not, expect the FBI, the IRS, and every other federal agency to bear down until your last breath.

Biden and Hunter on Marine One in the Middle of Scandal Sets Internet Ablaze

Biden and Hunter on Marine One in the Middle of Scandal Sets Internet Ablaze

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

You would think that Joe Biden and Hunter Biden might be a little embarrassed about all that has been revealed in the allegations against them.

Even the regular liberal media has now been forced to cover some of it; they can’t ignore it anymore.

IRS whistleblowers have revealed how the investigation was stymied, even with investigators not being able to interview members of the Biden family in order to investigate Hunter Biden’s alleged tax crimes.

Reporters peppered both National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby and White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre with questions, including how this contradicts Joe Biden and KJP’s prior claims that he never talked with his son about his business dealings. Kirby refused to answer and fled the room, while KJP snapped at reporters and deflected.

Yet, the Bidens showed they have no shame, with Joe Biden even inviting Hunter to the state dinner for the Indian Prime Minister (and inviting Attorney General Merrick Garland to the same event), after the U.S. Attorney in Delaware cut a sweetheart plea agreement with Hunter Biden. As we reported, Hunter was glad-handing around the event with people who hugged him and kissed him, who equally had no shame sucking up to him.

If you didn’t think Joe was flaunting his errant son in our faces at the state dinner, he made it apparent when he took off for his typical weekend vacation. Joe showed he doesn’t care what anyone thinks, having Hunter accompany him to Camp David aboard the Marine One helicopter.

Now, you also might expect that Joe Biden would be huddled with his advisers in the middle of all the chaos in Russia, thinking about what to do if things truly go south, or how they will deal with the various events that might occur. But instead, it’s Hunter who’s boarding the helicopter with him. So, that tells you right there what Joe’s priorities are.

Three guesses as to what they are going to be discussing this weekend. I’m thinking that it’s going to be more about Hunter and less about Russia, with them talking about what the IRS whistleblowers have revealed and what associates like Devon Archer — who is going to be talking to the House Oversight Committee — might say about their dealings. So nice they can fly on their dime to a taxpayer-funded facility.

People were not shy about weighing in on what they think. Many speculated on what Hunter had in his bags.

Some even asked if he was still living in California anymore or if he was now staying with Daddy.

Meanwhile, as they spend the weekend at Camp David, doing whatever they might be doing, it’s Jill Biden who is going out and campaigning for her husband for 2024. They don’t have to put Joe Biden out there to gaffe or be incoherent. That’s likely to be how they handle a lot of the campaign — doing their best to hide Joe and Hunter, and putting Jill out there.

But even with the plea deal, the walls seem to crumbling around them, as more is revealed about the scandal. More people keep coming forward, and I don’t think they can hold off even more from coming out.

Trump Winning in 2024 Could Lead to Tearing Country Apart, According to GOP Pollster Frank Luntz

Trump Winning in 2024 Could Lead to Tearing Country Apart, According to GOP Pollster Frank Luntz

Duke reporting for RedState 

Just a lazy, last full Saturday of the month of June and not much really happening today.

Except for Joe and Hunter hopping on Marine One to go to Camp David to discuss new allegations that were revealed earlier this week. Also, that whole coup that almost happened in Russia, where Putin was set to take up an early retirement plan but somehow he averted it at the last minute.

The Russia story, in particular, has had more twists in it than a roller coaster—and I have whiplash at how fast this story moved as covered here: Russian Coup Shocker: PMC Wagner Leader Suddenly Calls off March to Moscow.

Over the last 24 hours, Russia has been facing a mutiny by one of its most trusted fighting forces. The infamous PMC Wagner group, led by Yevgeny Prigozhin, left the fighting in Ukraine and began a march toward Moscow in an apparent attempted coup.

RedState has provided several updates on the progress (see here and here), but after crossing into Moscow Oblast, just a few hours from the capital, there’s been a sudden turn of events.

According to an audio recording from Prigozhin, the march is now off and Wagner forces are returning to their field camps “according to the plan.”

There are way too many questions here to make any real determination as to what this means. It’s highly unlikely that PMC Wagner is making this move without getting something in return. What did Putin promise them to get them to turn around? Has Prigozhin, who was facing arrest prior to this, bought himself some kind of reprieve?

With all of that going on I was almost surprised to read that former GOP pollster superstar (now shunned by most of the GOP base) Frank Luntz, is worried about this country being torn asunder. Of course, not by any of the Biden or Democrat scandals, just by the possibility of Donald Trump becoming the 47th President of the United States.

He vented right here about it, and I almost had trouble taking a nap after reading his concerns.


“I now have to acknowledge that it is a distinct possibility that Donald Trump could be elected president – I did not believe that one year ago,” Luntz told [The Sydney Morning Herald’s Latika] Bourke. In the interview, published Monday, Luntz argued that Trump’s domestic opponents and the way the court cases against him have been handled have dealt Trump back in and given him a real shot at winning another general election.

“I did not believe that the search of Mar-a-Lago would be handled so badly, I did not believe that the indictment of him in New York would be handled so badly,” Luntz argued….

Luntz could not and would not stop there.

Luntz then explained to Bourke that Trump’s positioning in the 2024 race is an existential threat to U.S. democracy and even went so far as to quantify the odds of the U.S. breaking apart.

Frank’s main concern is that he now sees a pathway, albeit slim, for Trump to not only win the nomination but to win the election to regain the Presidency in 2024. Back in the good ole days of 2021, Frank was incredibly confident that there was no way in Hades that Trump could regain the Oval Office. However, now Luntz is having night sweats, as he projects the odds to at least 15 percent that the Donald could be sworn in on January 20th, 2025.

Quite frankly the way that Joe Biden and the Democrats are handling everything nationally, you could probably run Ronald Reagan in his current condition against Joe Biden—and 70 percent of Americans would think it’s a vast improvement.

This is one of the reasons why my colleague Scott Hounsell has been saying for months now, on the RedState VIP Chat, that the Democrats are going to slow roll Ole Joe out before the primaries. 

So, when will Frank reveal if he has the same fear that the country will be torn apart, if Joe Biden and the Democrats are not held accountable? Your guess is probably as good as mine, and I know I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

Now, I know I’m not a fan of everything that Donald Trump does but I don’t live in the perpetual fear that the orange man is going to tear the country apart. I think the people who are willing to look the other way at everything that Hunter Biden is doing, and shrug it off because the big guy and the little guy both have D’s after their names, are more of a danger to the Republic.

Maybe Frank will come around to that common sense thinking, before he gives himself a heart attack worrying about Donald Trump getting close to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue again as POTUS.