Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Pride Divide

The radical sexual onslaught is intensifying.

Whereas holidays and observances typically last a day or, on occasion, a week, the LGBTQIA+ lobby has an entire month devoted to “Pride.” And whatever you may think of Pride Month, there is no escaping it. Church services, baseball games, schools, etc., are forcing a radical sexual regimen, often hysterically, on all of us, and children, who tend to be sponges, are sopping it up. 

This year, the victim angle has been in play on a grand scale. The American Federation of Teachers reports, “It’s been a rough year for the LGBTQIA+ community. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has issued a state of emergency for LGBTQIA+ people in the United States. More than 525 anti-LGBTQIA+ bills have been introduced in state legislatures; more than 76 have already passed. Taken together, the bills push trans healthcare bans, require misgendering of trans students and support trans sports bans, trans bathroom bans, book bans, drag bans and ‘don’t say gay’ bans.” 

In a nutshell, HRC, the country’s “largest and most influential activist organization representing the interests of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community,” finds that in some places, men not being allowed in women’s bathrooms and 10-year-olds not being allowed to pick their own gender qualify as an “emergency.” 

HRC’s over-the-top alarmism aside, our nation’s youth are buying into the agenda. Big time. According to a CDC report, the results of which were released in April, 24.5 percent of high school students identify as gay, lesbian, transgender, or “something other than heterosexual.” Traditionally, that number has been around 3.8 percent. 

Now why wouldn’t a teen want to be LGBT? These days, it’s cool! It’s rad! 

In reality, the leap in numbers is social contagion. It’s the “in” thing, like owning a hula hoop, lava lamp, or mood ring. These older fads may have cost a few bucks at one time but they didn’t have the potential to damage anyone’s life. 

Regarding Pride Month in schools, Los Angeles is leading the country. At its June 6 board meeting, the L.A. school board passed several pointed resolutions on the subject. One of them states that “the Governing Board of the Los Angeles Unified School District proclaims and Commemorates June as LGBTQ+ Pride Month, October as LGBTQ+ History Month, as well as October 11th as National Coming Out Day, November 20th as Transgender Day of Remembrance, March 31st as Transgender Day of Visibility, and April 12th as Day of Silence to honor the contributions of the LGBTQ+ community.” 

Another resolution reads, “The Board encourages all schools to incorporate lessons on the LGBTQ+ community in instruction, utilize the Queer All Year calendar, and hold other commemorative activities in honor of Pride Month in June and LGBT History Month in October, as well as during the above-mentioned days.” 

Ah, the “Queer All Year Calendar!” No pictures of George Washington or Abraham Lincoln, of course, but rather people like Ru Paul, known as the “Queen of Drag” who adorns the December page, are represented. 

At the same time that the radical sexual agenda proliferates in Los Angeles, the traditional subjects are being downplayed. Per the 2022 state standardized tests, 40 percent of sixth-graders and 43 percent of seventh-graders meet grade-level standards in English. And just 19 percent of seventh-graders and 23 percent of eighth-graders are at grade level proficiency in math. 

But kink is hardly L.A.-specific. In 2024, California education officials are set to debut an “online LGBTQ+ cultural competency training course to be taken by public school teachers and other credentialed staff employed by the state’s 977 school districts.” 

In Eagle County, Colorado, teachers filled the Vilar Performing Arts Center with third, fourth, and fifth graders to see “Muse,” a performance that focused on an adult male transitioning to a female. Provocatively dressed men performing sexual dances were also included in the show. 

An elementary school in Charlottesville, Virginia, recently encouraged fourth graders to lead a Pride Month celebration of LGBTQ+ gender ideology during a schoolwide monthly meeting, according to video obtained by The Daily Signal.

Needless to say, extremist legislators and educrats nationwide have joyfully boarded the Pride train. In California, under Assembly Bill 957, coauthored by the State Assembly’s Lori Wilson (D-Suisun City) and Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), a parent could lose custody of his or her kid for not “affirming” or agreeing to a child’s claims about gender identity.

This bill is so over the top that California State Sen. Scott Wilk (R-Santa Clarita) urged parents to “flee” the state before it’s too late if they “love their children” in response to what he calls alarming language in a gender identity bill. “I was born and raised in this state. I love this state, but I’m not going to stay in this state. It’s just too oppressive, and I believe in freedom, and so I’m going to move to America when I leave the legislature,” he said.

AB 957 cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee with an 8-1 vote on June 13.

Also, California’s SB 107, which became law on January 1, further erodes parents’ rights by allowing minor children to travel to California for trans procedures. Citing the Protect Child Health Coalition, Katy Grimes, editor of the California Globe, explains, “. . . the law actually authorizes parental kidnapping (when a non-custodial parent illegally takes a child from the parent who has legal custody) if the purpose of the kidnapping is to subject the child to radical gender transition procedures.”

Additionally, the Golden State’s AB 665 would change an existing law that allows minors 12 and older to receive mental health counseling or therapy without parental consent.

In New York, the State Department of Education published a “legal update and best practice” document for how schools should serve “transgender and gender expansive” students. As Max Eden, a research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, explains, “The key takeaway: if your child decides that he or she wants to socially transition to the opposite gender, it is now a ‘best practice’ for the school to lie to you about it.”

On a national level, the Biden Administration’s Department of Education will soon decide on its proposal to change the historic interpretation of Title IX of the Civil Rights Act to accommodate those who “identify” as the opposite sex. If enacted, the rule will permit boys and men who maintain that they possess a gender that differs from their hormones and body parts to compete on girls’ and women’s teams and also use women’s bathrooms and locker rooms. 

If all the above were not bad enough, the Southern Poverty Law Center has determined that Moms for Liberty, a parent activist group, belongs with neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan as an. “extremist group” that is “anti-government.” 

As Moms for Liberty founders Tiffany Justice and Tina Descovich, explain, “Because we have fought name-calling and attempts to marginalize us for so long, this wasn’t alarming to us. But every parent should pay attention to this smear and what it means for parental rights. Apparently the SPLC finds it threatening that parents are speaking up about things their kids are learning in school.” 

And indeed, some parents are starting to take action. On June 2, Saticoy Elementary School in Los Angeles saw over 100 people turn out to protest a Pride Month assembly, many of whom sported t-shirts that read “leave our kids alone.

In L.A.-adjacent Glendale on June 6, Pride adversaries showed up as the school board was set to vote on a resolution recognizing June as Pride Month and committing to what the board calls a “safe, inclusive, and nurturing environment” for all students. (The resolution ultimately passed.)

If things are going to change, parents must be leaders in the fight against celebrating Pride Month and the rest of the agenda that is perverting youngsters. Do you want your kid’s school celebrating the “Queen of Drag?” Or are you in favor of your child’s teacher telling them they can pick their own gender? Maybe you don’t think that The Infinite Moment of Uswhich features the line, “His cock strained against his jeans” should be in your child’s school library. Perhaps you would prefer your school acknowledge Flag Day or D-Day in June and omit Pride Month.

Clearly, our institutions are failing us. If your local school board and/or state mdoesn’t comport with your worldview, please send your young one to a private school, or, better, home school. Your child’s future and the future of the country, in fact, rests on your shoulders.

X22, And we Know, and more- June 22


America Wakes Up to Woke ~ VDH

Americans are rejecting wokeism because they finally are realizing that if they do not, they will not have a civilization left.

Wokeness was envisioned as a new reboot of the coalition of the oppressed. 

Those purportedly victimized by traditional America would find “intersectional” solidarity in their victimhood owing to the supposed sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and other alleged American sins, past and present. 

The so-called white male heterosexual victimizing class was collectively to be held responsible for their sinful triad of white “rage,” “supremacy,” and “privilege.” 

Class considerations became passé. The Duchess of Sussex, and the billionaires Oprah Winfrey and LeBron James, shared grievances against all whites, whether they hailed from Martha’s Vineyard or impoverished East Palestine, Ohio. 

A bicoastal elite would draft the woke agenda and the oppressed would follow as ordered. 

That top-down blueprint would embrace massive multibillion-dollar reparations to blacks. 

In lockstep, all victims would rally around a Green New Deal that mandated high energy costs to discourage consumption of fossil fuels. 

The new transgender canon mandated three sexes. Sex is socially rather than biologically determined. And there is a large, oppressed, and transgender population: this presents the next great civil rights struggle for America. 

Historical wokeism lodged a list of grievances against the supposedly flawed American past. Indicting the dead required statues to be toppled. Names had to be changed. Histories were to be rewritten. Even the foundational date of America was to be reconsidered and altered. 

Yet, the rainbow fabric of woke is now fraying—and for a variety of reasons. 

For one thing, woke took off after the perfect storm of the COVID pandemic, the devastating lockdown, the 120 days of violent rioting and looting following the death of George Floyd, and years of endemic Trump Derangement Syndrome. Most of those catalysts are waning. Temporarily unhinged Americans are slowly reviving. Millions of the comatose are waking up to normality—and don’t recognize their own country. 

Two, woke is retrogressive, reactionary, and anti-civilizational. Decriminalizing the legal code, defunding the police, failing to apply norms to the homeless population, and destroying meritocracy have all hollowed out our major cities. 

San Francisco was a far cleaner, safer, and kinder city 20, 40, or 80 years ago than it is today. 

A woke FBI, Pentagon, or airline industry becomes a matter of life and death. 

Three, in modern America, class is now a far more accurate metric of oppression than race or gender. 

It is one thing to restrict fossil fuel development if you are in the upper one percent income bracket, quite another if you commute 50 miles a day in a used car. If there are to be reparations, why include Eric Holder or Al Sharpton, but not indigent Hispanics, Asians, and poor whites? 

The multimillionaire, and prep-school and Ivy-League educated Barack Obama may castigate the unwoke Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) for his absence of victimhood. But from which of his three enclaves does Obama do so—the Kalorama mansion, the Martha’s Vineyard estate, or the restricted-access beachfront retreat in Hawaii? 

Four, religions also trump race. Hispanic-American Catholics and Middle-Eastern-American Muslims have more in common with so-called white Christians than they do with an atheist, or agnostic woke elite who pushes the lie that the anti-religion Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are a mere charity group. 

Muslim-American communities in Michigan do not want children seeing drag queen shows or the pride flag flying with equal status to the American flag. The Catholic Hispanic community of Los Angeles has little tolerance for lurid anti-Christian motifs that preview a Los Angeles Dodgers game. 

Five, wokeism is cannibalistic. Even the children of woke architects with perfect SAT scores and 4.0 grade point averages are being rejected on the basis of their race at their coveted Ivy League schools. 

Neither the mansions of Beverly Hills nor estates of Presidio Heights qualify as sanctuaries from violent criminals, who are now exempted by the anointed from legal consequences. 

The wokest of Hollywood celebs will soon lose movie roles and be disqualified for film awards on the basis of their race. 

Even the most left-wing of movie directors do not want to be ordered by Soviet-style commissars to hire their crews, actors, and writers on the basis of race. 

Six, wokeism is a dangerous diversion of American resources. 

The United States may have sponsored gender studies programs, flown pride flags, and bragged of George Floyd murals in Kabul. But meanwhile its military suffered the most humiliating defeat in a half-century, as it skedaddled from Afghanistan, leaving behind billions of dollars in deadly arms for terrorists. 

Our elite work to ban plentiful natural gas, subsidize transgendered activism abroad, and lecture on sexual identities in the military. China’s elite builds dozens of coal and nuclear plants, and doubles the size of its navy, while preparing to absorb Taiwan. 

Americans are rejecting wokeism because they finally are realizing that if they do not, they will not have a civilization left. 

The U.S. Transitions from Superpower to Migrant Colony

On America’s current trajectory, our future is not well-kept suburban neighborhoods, but a nation of dilapidated Bidenville slums built to deal with our elites’ disastrous policy failures.

America’s day of reckoning has arrived. After decades of lofty sanctuary rhetoric and scandalously reckless immigration policies, we now face some big questions with no easy answers. Where are we to put the millions of new arrivals? How will we pay for them? What is the cost to our society?

While Joe Biden and his team of anti-borders radicals have been busy turning our country into a make-a-wish charity for the rest of the world’s population, it seems little, if any, thought was given to where all these newcomers would reside. Most of our larger cities, which illegal aliens tend to live in or near, appear beyond capacity due to the White House-engineered border stampede.

As even the most doctrinaire sanctuary mayors are now waving surrender flags, an alternative plan has become necessary. The solution? Third World-style shanty towns in places like rural Liberty County near Houston. Already home to more than 75,000 migrants, a community called “Colony Ridge” is undergoing a massive expansion with huge tracts of land being clear-cut to create more living space. Apparently it’s not considered ecosystem-killing deforestation if it’s done to deposit more illegal aliens into America.

Those who crossed the desert in Mexico to reach the prosperous land of opportunity in the north may be disappointed when they reach communities like Colony Ridge. As there is no regulation of what is built there, early residents are living in RVs and sheds, some with blankets instead of windows.

As with so many sanctuary communities, these new areas almost exclusively inhabited by illegal aliens become recruiting hotbeds for MS-13, the 18th Street gang, and other ultra-violent syndicates. These areas seem destined to become the Western Hemisphere’s version of the infamous no-go zones of Paris: impoverished, overcrowded, and crime-ridden. At some point the Colony Ridge settlers may ask if the squalor of their new home is really that much better than the squalor of Tegucigalpa or Caracas. 

In addition to the expansion of places like Colony Ridge, the erasure of our southern border has also provided our wobbly economy with a perverse housing boom: the construction of massive new shelter facilities needed to accommodate the overflow of illegal aliens.  

Biden’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is allocating $363.8 million of federal money—that is, your money—to non-federal entities to provide housing and other amenities to recently-arrived aliens. Few and far between in the word salad from our federal bureaucracy is any mention of deterring the sea of humanity from entering our country illegally. It is treated like a hurricane, a force of nature that can only be dealt with, never stopped.    

After filling many of its luxury hotels and homeless shelters with migrants, New York City recently announced it will construct two new “Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief” shelters in the Upper West Side to house more than 800 migrants. At least that plan keeps the new arrivals in the city. Mayor Eric Adams’ other solution has been to sue 30 counties in New York state for refusing to accept the aliens who Adams and the Big Apple invited with their sanctuary preening. 

The New York shelters are dwarfed by the new migrant processing center in the El Paso sector near the border. The 360,000 square-foot facility occupies 28 acres and can hold 2,500 migrants. If the U.S. economy truly hits rock bottom, the Biden White House already has a modern-day version of FDR’s Works Progress Administration underway: hiring the unemployed to build the numerous shelters needed to house the migrants that helped bankrupt the nation in the first place.

As one might expect with such lavish spending, the opportunities for corruption are almost limitless. Fiery debate roiled town halls in Chicago recently over the expenditure of $51 million to help illegal aliens in the city. The Chicago Tribune reported that $47 million of that sum paid for “contractual staff,” with the paltry remainder actually going toward its declared purpose.

City Alderman Raymond Lopez, a Democrat, said the majority of the money is going to “the pockets of grifters [and] usual poverty pimps.” One shudders at the scale of corruption likely on the federal side of the anti-borders racket, where the spending is measured in billions, not millions.

Despite the tired “immigrants make us stronger” platitudes, none of the aforementioned activities serve to make America stronger, more prosperous, or more cohesive. The once-triumphant victor of the Cold War and lone superpower is now busy managing its own self-created decline.

On America’s current trajectory, our future is not well-kept suburban neighborhoods, but a nation of dilapidated Bidenville slums built to deal with our elites’ disastrous policy failures. The window to avoid this future is closing rapidly.   

Guns, Tyrants, and Joe Biden's Lies

Guns, Tyrants, and Joe Biden's Lies

Ward Clark reporting for RedState 

Talking again about guns at a Democratic fundraiser on Tuesday evening, President Biden gave another stunning demonstration of not knowing what he’s talking about. This time he was speaking about “assault weapons,” F-16s, and cannons.

Biden’s remarks at a fundraising event in a private residence in California came as he discussed gun violence in America and stressed the notion that Americans do not need AR-15s.

“We have to change,” Biden said. “There’s a lot of things we can change, because the American people by and large agree you don’t need a weapon of war. I’m a Second Amendment guy. I taught it for four years, six years in law school. And guess what? It doesn’t say that you can own any weapon you want. It says there are certain weapons that you just can’t own. Even during when it was passed, you couldn’t own a cannon. You can’t own a machine gun.… No, I’m serious.”

There are several falsehoods in that statement. Let’s break them down.

  1. Joe Biden, far from being a “Second Amendment guy,” has been the most anti-Second Amendment President in history, save perhaps Barack Obama. He constantly rails for “assault weapon” bans without even being able to define what an “assault weapon” is. He is in favor of universal background checks, magazine bans, waiting periods, and pretty much any other law proposed to restrict Americans’ Second Amendment rights.
  2. When the Second Amendment was ratified, civilians could and did own cannons. They owned warships. The U.S. government, and before it, the Continental Congress, issued Letters of Marque, which authorized owners of privately owned and armed ships to pursue and capture or destroy enemy shipping in times of war. These ships and their crews were called “privateers.”
  3. You can own a machine gun. Many Americans do legally own machine guns. There is a process; it’s onerous, but you can do it. Machine guns and other fully-automatic firearms are controlled under the 1934 National Firearms Act. Transferring one involves a transfer tax and a background check, and since the law now prohibits the manufacture of fully-auto firearms for private sale, the guns themselves are very, very expensive. But they are not illegal to own if you go through the process.

President Biden has been called out on this time and again. He doesn’t care. You will note that when he repeats these falsehoods, he’s always talking to a friendly audience, as he was Tuesday night. He often goes on, as he did Tuesday, to mock the Second Amendment community and the fact that the Second Amendment represents an insurance policy against tyranny. He continued:

You know, I love these guys who say the Second Amendment is — you know, the tree of liberty is water with the blood of patriots. Well, if [you] want to do that, you want to work against the government, you need an F-16. You need something else than just an AR-15.

And again, Joe gets it wrong. The quote is incorrect; the actual statement is that “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants,” which is quite a different rhetorical kettle of fish. And if you think you need a fully modern military with an air force and the entire logistics train that goes with it to win a civil conflict, I suggest you have a word with Ho Chi Minh – or the Taliban.

The anti-gun crowd likes to point at questionable polls and claim that American support for gun control is rising, but even if this is true, it doesn’t matter. Constitutional rights are not dependent upon public approval. The Supreme Court has upheld the Second Amendment as guaranteeing an individual right to keep and bear arms, most recently in the Bruen case. President Biden’s repeated falsehoods aside, gun ownership is a right, not a privilege bestowed upon us by government — and just as easily taken away. Joe gets that part wrong, too.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to put a pistol brace on my Crosman air pistol and go elephant hunting.

Ominous: Biden Jeers Americans Would ‘Need an F-16’ to Take on Government

 Ominous: Biden Jeers Americans Would ‘Need an F-16’ to Take on Government

Ominous: Biden Jeers Americans Would ‘Need an F-16’ to Take on Government
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Add this to the list of things you never wanted to hear your president say. Joe Biden (again) mocked Americans who stand on their Second Amendment rights to own AR-15s, sneering, “[if] you want to work against the government, you need an F-16.” Is that an observation or a veiled threat?

The Founding Fathers specifically insisted that the right to keep and bear arms — including arms used in warfare — was absolutely essential to guard against tyranny. “Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence, raised in the United States,” Founder Noah Webster reflected with satisfaction. Patrick Henry urged, “The great object is, that every man be armed… Every one who is able may have a gun.” And Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1824 that it is the people’s “right and duty to be at all times armed.” (Emphasis added.)

But Biden (no surprise) seems to disdain the Founders’ vision.

Sleepy Joe blathered about the Second Amendment at a private residence fundraiser in California Tuesday, Fox News reported. “We have to change,” Fox quoted Biden. “There’s a lot of things we can change, because the American people by and large agree you don’t need a weapon of war. I’m a Second Amendment guy. I taught it for four years, six years in law school,” he asserted.

”And guess what? It doesn’t say that you can own any weapon you want,” Biden pontificated. “It says there are certain weapons that you just can’t own. Even during when it was passed, you couldn’t own a cannon. You can’t own a machine gun… No, I’m serious.”

After that brilliant ramble, Biden jeered at Americans who want to own guns to protect themselves from an increasingly weaponized and biased government. “You know, I love these guys who say the Second Amendment is — you know, the tree of liberty is water with the blood of patriots,” Biden sneered. “Well, if [you] want to do that, you want to work against the government, you need an F-16. You need something else than just an AR-15.”

Biden made almost the exact same assertion in January. Since then, his FBI and DOJ have been found targeting pro-liferstraditional Catholics, and parents concerned about woke curriculum — not to mention Donald Trump and many Jan. 6 protestors. And the IRS, of all agencies, just raided a Montana gun store — and took only gun purchaser records. They’re adding to the federal database on U.S. gun owners, I suppose.

Maybe all that is why Americans want to own AR-15s and other guns, Joe. No one wants to have to defend himself from his government, but it’s a disturbing possibility that seems more likely every day.

Hunter Biden Plea Deal Is A Tragedy About A Troubled Life (Kidding, It’s About The Trashy Bidens And The Corrupt DOJ)

Hunter Biden isn’t a victim just because he’s a drug addict and an absent father. The media would rather make that his strength, though.

After all the ways that the public has been visually assaulted by Hunter Biden, you’d think the least the media could do is acknowledge us as the victims. But they can’t even do that.

Following the announcement this week that the president’s lowlife embarrassment of a son has reached a sticky-sweet plea deal with the Justice Department regarding his tax evasion and illegal gun possession, news outlets immediately set to work explaining that not only was it all following the standard legal process — but that Hunter himself was actually a victim!

The Washington Post on Wednesday ran an article under the headline, “The complicated relationship between a presidential father and a struggling son.” (One of the fundamental rules of the media is that if a scandal implicates a Republican, it’s very clear-cut who the villain is, but if it implicates a Democrat, well, things are more “complicated” and not so white-and-black!)

A sappier piece couldn’t have been written by Hunter’s publicist. Reporter Matt Viser wrote in the article that the plea deal, widely criticized by legal experts for its absurd leniency, “could bring closure to a long-running legal saga that has thrust to the forefront a complex relationship between a presidential father and a son recovering from addiction.”

Yeah, yeah, Hunter just got off after years of being investigated, during which time videos and photos have surfaced of his drug binges and sex with prostitutes. But there’s a much more human story to be told here about how the son of a president is recovering from addiction and the complex relationship he has with his dad.

The Post’s tribute reached the height of comedy in declaring that Hunter’s life “is on far more stable ground than it was four years ago,” reasoning that he has a son named after his late brother, has remarried, and paid a visit to the White House in order to walk his daughter down the aisle during a wedding ceremony.

Wow, it seems like only yesterday that Hunter abandoned the daughter he had with a stripper. He originally denied she was his child and now is suing to have his child support payments reduced. (Bonus: Joe Biden, who has pledged to restore the soul of America, won’t even acknowledge his grandchild exists!)

Was it that long ago that Hunter was expelled from the military for doing drugs? That he unlawfully purchased a firearm? That he struck up an intimate relationship with his dead brother’s widow?

How time flies! But I’m glad to hear he’s on far more stable ground. That’s the real story, isn’t it?

The New York Times similarly wrote with sympathy that the Justice Department’s probing of Hunter “focused on a particularly chaotic and unseemly period in Hunter Biden’s life when he was addicted to crack cocaine.”

Obscene? Scandalous? Nah! Chaotic and unseemly due to the tragedy of addiction? That’s the ticket.

Anyone unfortunate enough to have seen all or any of the repulsive material on Hunter’s notorious laptop couldn’t possibly come away from it telling themselves, “That poor soul.” They would wonder why the president doesn’t hang his head in shame about it.

All of this is peripheral to the much larger issue of the Bidens’ nakedly corrupt influence-peddling scheme wherein foreign actors appeared to pay exorbitant sums of money to Hunter in exchange for political favors secured with his father’s help (not to mention the strong evidence that Joe Biden himself received bribe money). But if the media aren’t going to regard any of that as a legitimate crime or even wrongdoing, I’d appreciate it if they at least didn’t portray the cokehead as the victim with daddy issues.

We Need a Peace President

 We Need a Peace President


Tags War and Foreign Policy

Most people agree that we are closer to nuclear war than at any time since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Some would even argue that we are closer now than we were in those fateful days, when Soviet missiles in Cuba almost triggered a nuclear war between the US and the USSR.

In those days we were told that we were in a life-or-death struggle with Communism and thus could not cede a square foot of territory or the dominoes would fall one-by-one until the “Reds” ruled over us.

That crisis was very real to me, as I was drafted into the military in the middle of the US/USSR standoff over Cuba and we could all feel how close we were to annihilation.

Fortunately, we had a president in the White House at the time who understood the dangers of nuclear brinkmanship. Even though he was surrounded by hawks who could never forgive him for aborting the idiotic Bay of Pigs Cuba invasion, President John F. Kennedy picked up the telephone for a discussion with his Soviet counterpart, Nikita Khrushchev, which eventually saved the world.

Historians now tell us that President Kennedy agreed to remove US missiles from Turkey in exchange for the Soviets removing missiles from Cuba. It was a classic case of how diplomacy can work if properly employed.

It is all too clear that we do not have a John F. Kennedy in the White House today. Although we no longer face a Soviet empire and communist ideology as justification for taking a confrontational tone toward Russia, the Biden Administration is still dragging the US toward a nuclear conflict. Why are they putting us all at risk? The same old “domino theory” that was discredited in the Cold War: If we don’t fight Russia down to the last Ukrainian, Putin will soon be marching through Berlin.

This all started with Biden promising to only send uniforms and medical supplies to Ukraine for fear of sparking a Russian retaliation. From there we went to anti-tank missiles, multiple-rocket launchers, Patriot missiles, Bradley fighting vehicles, and millions of rounds of ammunition. The Biden Administration announced last week that it would send depleted uranium ammunition to Ukraine, which poisons the earth for millennia to come. Rumors are that long-range ATACMs missiles are to be delivered soon, which could strike deep into Russia.

Apparently, F-16 fighter jets are also on the way.

The escalation rationale from Washington, we are told, is that since the Russians have not directly retaliated against NATO for NATO’s direct support of Ukraine’s war machine, we can be sure they never will respond.

Is that really a wise bet? It is clear to many that US-built F-16 fighters taking off from NATO bases with NATO pilots attacking Russians in Ukraine – or even Russia itself – would be a declaration of war on Russia.

That means World War III – something we managed to avoid for the whole Cold War.

Congress is silent – or compliant – as we lurch forward toward disaster for no discernable US strategic goal. Biden – or whoever is actually running the show – is forging straight ahead.

As we move into the US presidential election cycle one thing is clear: we desperately need a peace president to do for us what JFK did for the US during the Cuba crisis. Hopefully it won’t be too late!

Ted Cruz Leaves Trans-Ideologue Spinning in Circles During Hearing With Riley Gaines

Ted Cruz Leaves Trans-Ideologue Spinning in Circles During Hearing With Riley Gaines

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Transgender ideology collapsed in on itself on Wednesday as the president of the Human Rights Campaign thoroughly discredited herself under questioning on Capitol Hill.

RedState previously reported on an exchange that involved Riley Gaines, a female swimmer turned activist who has become the leading edge in the fight to protect women’s sports from biological men. In it, Gaines corrects Kelley Robinson after she laughably claims that Serena and Venus Williams are stronger and better than men. In reality, the Williams sisters once lost to the 203rd-ranked male player after he downed several beers.

The embarrassment continued during Ted Cruz’s questioning. The Texas senator challenged Robinson to answer whether there’s a difference between men and women.


Here’s the partial transcript for those who want to give themselves a headache.

CRUZ: Ms. Robinson, do you agree with Ms. Gaines that there’s a difference between women and men?

ROBINSON: If the question is about transwomen…

CRUZ: I’m just asking, is there a difference between women and men?

ROBINSON: What I can say here is that the NCAA has rules in place. They’ve had rules in place for the last decade, and when this competition happened, the rules were clear.

CRUZ: Okay, I’m gonna try again. Do you believe there is a difference between women and men? It’s a yes-no question. Do you believe there’s a difference?

ROBINSON: Well, I think that we’re talking about this case with the NCAA…

CRUZ: No, I’m asking a question. Do you believe there’s a difference between women and men? Most people could answer this very simply. I’m curious if you are willing to do so.

ROBINSON: Oh, absolutely. I’m just putting into context this conversation that were having. I think there are definitions related to sex, but I also think…

(cross talk)

CRUZ: Is that a yes? I’m trying to get a yes or no. I’m not trying to get a speech. Is there a difference between women and men?

ROBINSON: I think that there are definitions for biological sex, which is different than gender.

It just continued from there, with Cruz then positing the question of why we need to have women’s sports at all then. After all, if there are no differences between women and men in a way that demands the separation of the sexes, then why bother with separate leagues? Robinson doesn’t answer that question either, again fumbling around about sex and gender. Why? Because she knows the answer to both questions blows up everything she’s arguing for in the name of transgender ideology.

Putting aside that sex and gender aren’t actually distinct things (and no one argued that point until about five minutes ago in human history), when discussing sporting events, biological sex is obviously the only factor that matters. Almost all sports are tests of physical strength and prowess. So even if Robinson were correct that sex and gender are distinct (again, she’s not), she would still lose the argument over “transgender women” in women’s sports because physical superiority is heavily influenced by biology.

This is what happens when the slightest bit of pressure is applied to transgender ideology. Because it is such a gigantic ball of blatant contradictions and arbitrary inconsistencies, it can not survive basic questioning. That’s why, contrary to what we see with most cultural issues, Americans are actively rejecting transgender ideology, with opinions on the matter swinging back towards sanity. Hopefully, that trend continues because if we a majority can’t agree on basic reality, there’s nothing left.