Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Can You Define Leftism?

Leftism is the attempt to destroy the past—every value and every institution, the good as well as what it regards as the bad.

After a speech in Romania last week, I was asked a question by a young member of the audience that, remarkably, I don’t remember ever having been asked: What is leftism?

The question seems so simple and so basic to understanding contemporary life that you would think it would be posed frequently—and if it weren’t, the reason would be that almost anyone who cares about society would already know how to answer it. But the question is rarely posed, and few know how to answer it.

“What is leftism?” is not at all the same as “What is liberalism?” Leftism and liberalism share almost no values. Indeed, perhaps the greatest tragedy of America today is that liberals do not vote their values. Leftists vote their values, and conservatives vote their values. But liberals vote for left-wing values, almost none of which they hold.

To cite but two examples: Liberals do not believe in racial segregation, whereas the left does: all-black dorms, all-black graduation exercises, different standards for blacks, etc. And liberals do not believe that males who say they are females should be allowed to compete in women’s sports; only leftists do. 

If you ask people, “What is leftism?” most will respond by listing left-wing positions, not by defining it. People confuse identifying left-wing positions with knowing what leftism is. But naming left-wing positions is not the same as defining leftism.

To be fair, many people, including conservatives, cannot define conservatism either. In fact, the inability of millions of American conservatives to define conservatism is a major reason so many conservative parents don’t have conservative children. (See my two-part column, “Explaining Conservatism.”)

Ironically, if conservatives had not defined conservatism but had only defined leftism, that alone would have ensured that many of their children would never have embraced left-wing views. The moment you understand leftism, almost everything that is happening in and to America at the present time becomes clear. And the moment that becomes clear, most people reject the Left.

What, then, is leftism?

Leftism is the attempt to destroy the past—every value and every institution, the good as well as what it regards as the bad. 

That is why leftists, by definition, hate conservatism. Conservatism seeks to conserve the best from the past. The Left seeks to destroy the past, including the best.

The first of the modern left-wing revolutions, the French Revolution, quite consciously sought to destroy every major institution and value of French society—not just the monarchy but God, religion, the legal system, traditional notions of good and evil, the calendar, the old way of telling time, the old weights and measures, and even the names of the days of the week. In other words, the past. Just like the Left in contemporary America, the leftists of the French Revolution toppled statues—in their case, the statues of every king of France.

The next major left-wing revolution, the Russian, did the same. As the Soviet dissident joke went, “In the Soviet Union, the future is known; it’s the past that is always changing.”

Now you can begin to understand leftism.

In a very real sense, today’s leftism began in the 1960s with the infamous clarion call, “Never trust anyone over 30.” That phrase meant nothing less than “value nothing from the past.” Precisely what all leftism has been about—from France under its revolutionaries to Russia under the Bolsheviks to China under Mao to America under the Left.

That is why, as I have said almost every day on my radio show for years, “The Left destroys everything it touches.”

Whatever its noble-sounding rhetoric, the Left stands for nothing and therefore builds nothing (other than state power). Aside from state power, it only destroys.

Leftism in music, art, sculpture, and architecture destroyed everything beautiful and noble that had been created over all the preceding centuries.

It is destroying the universities, the high schools, and the elementary schools.

It is destroying science. More and more medical schools, for example, no longer speak of “pregnant women” but of “birthing persons.” The American Medical Association has come out in opposition to listing the sex of newborns on their birth certificates; children, the AMA holds, will eventually decide whether they are male or female, neither or both. 

Like the French revolutionaries, it has redefined moral categories. It has substituted class and racial categories for moral ones. Good and evil have been replaced by black and white, male and female, rich and poor.

It is destroying the ideal of the nuclear family—a married man and woman with children. The Left has made war on “heteronormativity” and has redefined marriage.

And most telling—even the French Revolution did not conceive of this break with the past—the Left is working to destroy the distinction between man and woman.

Days before the 2008 presidential election, then-candidate Barack Obama told a wildly cheering crowd, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

That’s all the Left does: fundamentally transform. Destroying everything it touches is not a byproduct of leftism. It is its aim.

X22, Red Pill news, and more- June 21


Well, that didn’t take long



June 20, 2023

Well, that didn’t take long.

From the time the US government managed to sign the debt ceiling resolution, it took just thirteen days for the national debt to soar by nearly $600 billion.

At that pace, they added over $500,000 to the national debt every second.

The US national debt has now breached $32 trillion… meaning America’s debt-to-GDP ratio is now 121%. Historically, advanced nations tend to get into trouble when debt-to-GDP reaches around 90%. The US is way past that threshold — but I’ll return to that point in a moment.

First, any time there’s a discussion about the national debt, invariably some idiot says something stupid like “the debt doesn’t matter because we owe it to ourselves.”

This is one of these irrational aphorisms (like “silence is violence”) that people like to repeat over and over again until they believe it to be true. But it’s not true. The debt matters. But let’s first examine who owns it:

Foreign governments like China, Japan, and Saudi Arabia hold a combined $7.4 trillion of US debt.

The Federal Reserve owns $5.1 trillion of US debt.

Social Security owns another $2.7 trillion of US debt, which of course is money owed to American retirees. Similarly, the Military Retirement Fund holds about $1.36 trillion.

State and local governments hold about $1.55 trillion combined in US debt.

Mutual funds own another $2.84 trillion.

Banks own trillions worth of the national debt. Banks buy US government bonds with their depositors’ money, i.e., YOUR money.

JP Morgan Chase alone owns about $300 billion worth of US government debt. Silicon Valley Bank famously held about $120 billion of US government debt before they went bust.

Even the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which is supposed to guarantee bank deposits up to $250,000, owns about $128 billion worth of US government debt.

Then there are countless businesses and individuals around the world who own US government debt, simply because Treasury Bonds are considered “risk free”.

Now, when people say that “we owe it to ourselves”, they mean that most of the debt is NOT owed to foreigners. And this is true. Foreigners own just under 25% of the debt.

But does that make it OK to default on the other 75%? Is it somehow acceptable to default on banks across America, which bought US Treasuries with their customers’ money? Is it OK to default on 50+ million Social Security recipients? Or military retirees?

That’s why the “we owe it to ourselves” crowd is completely delusional. They seem to think that it doesn’t matter if the government defaults on, say, the Federal Reserve, or Social Security. But doing so would cause disastrous consequences — global economic meltdown, national social crisis, etc.

So, in order to avoid a major catastrophe, the debt needs to be repaid.

But with the national debt at 121% of GDP, is repaying it even possible anymore?

Technically, yes. And it all comes down to growth.

Back in the 1980s and 1990s, the US economy grew an average of 3.3% per year after adjusting for inflation; economists call this ‘real’ GDP growth.

But real GDP growth since 2000 has been much lower, averaging just 2%. And it turns out that the 1.3% difference in growth has had an enormous impact.

To give you an example, if real US economic growth had remained at 3.3% for the past 20 years, government tax revenue (which averages ~18% of GDP) would have grown substantially.

Along with some very modest spending restraint, budget deficits would have melted away over the past two decades, and America’s debt-to-GDP ratio would today be less than 50%… and falling.

And by 2033, the US national debt would be zero. Social Security would be completely funded. The US would have no financial challenges whatsoever. And the US dollar’s dominance would be sacrosanct.

Economic life today would be a completely different reality… if the US economy had only grown more quickly.

It’s not like an additional 1.3% growth isn’t achievable; again, the US consistently hit this number for decades.

You’d think that politicians would understand something so obvious, and that they’d do everything in their power to maximize growth. They’d embrace capitalism, cut red tape, create incentives for production, support small businesses, make taxes more efficient, etc.

Or at a minimum, they’d simply stay out of the way.

But instead, they do the opposite. They paid people to stay home and not work. They single out critical sectors (like energy companies) and punish them.

They constantly threaten businesses, invent new regulatory burdens, stifle innovation, and attempt to systematically destroy capitalism, brick-by-brick.

So, no, based on current trajectory, it looks like the debt problem will keep getting worse… until the catastrophes of default are unavoidable.

The federal government has already acknowledged that Social Security’s trust funds will run out of money in about 10 years. This means that, at best, America has less than a decade to turn itself around.

Again, technically this IS possible. But time is running out. And this is why it makes so much sense to have a Plan B.

To your freedom,

Simon Black, Founder
Sovereign Man

If You Work for the FBI, Quit Your Job

We’ve moved way past the “few bad apples,” excuse. The FBI is a tool of leftist power.

For those working for the FBI, particularly in the Hoover building or the Washington Field Office, allow me to offer a little career advice: Quit. 

Anyone who cares about law enforcement, the rule of law, and the Constitution, should not associate with the criminal gang that the bureau is quickly becoming. If you want to terrify innocent Americansscoff at Congress, and lie to courts, then the FBI is the right place for you. Those who care about their reputations for integrity should flee the FBI as quickly as possible.

Legitimacy in a republic originates with the consent of the governed. A president wields legitimate constitutional authority because he stands for an election. The FBI has no independent authority under the Constitution. Yet instead of deferring to its constitutional masters, the FBI now brazenly interferes in these elections. 

In May, the Harvard Caps Harris Poll revealed that a whopping 70 percent of registered voters, “are very concerned about future interference by the FBI and intelligence agencies in elections.” The poll also indicated that 69 percent of respondents were not surprised the FBI violated its own policy to start the Russian collusion probe.

The FBI and Justice Department have simply reinforced the public perception of a two-tiered justice system with the recent news of Hunter Biden’s sweetheart no-jail plea deal. According to the Washington Post, Hunter will receive two years of probation and an agreement to not prosecute on additional charges. Under the agreement, Hunter faces no sanction for participating in $1.2 million in secret deals with foreigners seeking to influence his father. This is because, in the minds of the totally corrupt Washington establishment, the bribes aren’t the problem. Forgetting to pay taxes on the bribes is the problem. But only if you’re a connected Democrat. 

As for the charges related to purchasing a firearm while habitually using drugs? The Justice Department will dismiss that charge after he completes a diversion program. Meaning Hunter will be free to continue voting and buying firearms with no felony conviction. The Post story did not indicate whether Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss will also administer a soothing shoulder rub to Hunter as he signs the plea agreement. It was all handled in private and between “gentlemen.” And we can now be sure Hunter will be spared the public relations assault and leaking the FBI reserves for its political enemies.

We’ve moved way past the “few bad apples,” excuse. The FBI is a tool of leftist power. The activists carrying badges have convinced themselves that they’re fighting the next Hitler. Anything goes because if they lose, baby Hitler will bring about a “Handmaid’s Tale dystopia of forcing women into knock-off puritan cloaks tailored for forced maternity. 

With unchecked power and gleeful cruelty, the FBI has devolved into thuggery. It stages and invents crimes more often than it solves them. 

If one sees “FBI” on an applicant’s résumé, it’s worth wondering what this applicant will do once he or she gains a perch within an organization. 

We know from the Twitter files that FBI alumni liaison with active FBI personnel to convert social media into agents of unofficial government censorship. The agency will push politically convenient narratives about the scourge of anti-LGBTQ white supremacist violence while suppressing stories about real violence by political allies. 

We know, too, that FBI personnel are happy to intrude upon the most private details of the lives of innocent Americans. They have made blackmail and intimidation an art form and can quickly gain influence or even dominion over people foolish enough to trust them.

Inviting a former FBI attorney or agent into an organization might help achieve dark goals using dark means. But if integrity is the goal, an FBI alumnus is not the person one wants anywhere near information or power that can be abused. Because they always are inclined to abuse power—often without even any awareness that they might be doing something wrong. It’s just standard practice.

The same goes for the Justice Department. There are surely pockets within the Justice Department that might remain professional and apolitical. But as a whole, these are not people who understand or care about equal application of the law. When they say they “took an oath to uphold the Constitution,” what they really mean is that they don’t have to answer to anyone except the Constitution which they have neither read nor care to understand. 

Nobody in the FBI cares about the constitutional prohibitions against illegal searches and seizures, free speech, free exercise of religion, or the Second Amendment. When Attorney General Merrick Garland says he believes in the “rule of law,” what he really means is that he believes politicized lawyers can and should be able to abuse the law to take out any political opponent.

A résumé showing experience in the Justice Department regarding anything involving politics, counterintelligence, or civil rights, is becoming career poison for people in the know. Hiring firms can assume that FBI and Justice Department personnel care nothing for the law. These ruthless bullies just want their side to win at all costs. 

FBI and Justice Department officials get away with nearly any misconduct without prosecution. Why would any sane manager hire somebody from a culture so lacking in accountability? It’s not enough to violate the law for an FBI employee to get fired. An employee must do something that either undermines the political masters or offends the left-wing thugs who set the agenda for both agencies.

The raid on Mar-a-Lago and the bogus documents indictment might not have been so obviously political if they applied the same legal interpretations to Democrats. But the FBI and the Justice Department actively obstruct and cover-up any inquiry that might hurt a Democrat. They leak excessively when the information, often false, hurts their political opponents. But if the information hurts an ally, it’s all “sources and methods,” and “protecting the integrity of the investigation.” 

Most of the country now thinks the FBI encouraged violence on January 6, 2021. It’s starting to look like the FBI infiltrated a legitimate protest to provoke enough violence to justify the Soviet-style mass arrests that followed. Nothing Merrick Garland or FBI Director Christopher Wray say to the contrary can be believed. Both rebuff indisputable evidence of political corruption with obvious lies about the evenhandedness of these politicized organizations. 

The lies themselves are a power flex, rubbing congressmen’s noses in their own impotence. Justice Department officials don’t respect Congress and have no fear of its oversight. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover maintained control over Congress with secret blackmail files. Has anything changed? Elections come and go. The FBI’s power just grows and grows.

For now, nobody in the country is both willing and able to stop the FBI or the Justice Department as its tentacles continue to strangle constitutional checks and balances. But it will not always be so. The resentment towards these corrupt organizations continues to build with each anti-democratic victory they achieve. 

One day, the people will finally gain the upperhand and expel these cancers. 

And when these lawyers and agents look for new jobs, they will not be welcome at any place that prizes integrity, honesty, and fairness. For the rest of their careers they will struggle to find some niche for doing jobs that make people hate them. If that’s how they want to be perceived, then they’re in the right place working for the FBI or the Justice Department. Otherwise, FBI and Justice Department personnel should immediately start looking for honest work. Because the organizations they serve are becoming pariahs.

‘What Does That Say About Biden?’: Reporter Nails Inconvenient Truth Behind Post-Indictment ‘Trump Bump'

‘What Does That Say About Biden?’: Reporter Nails Inconvenient Truth Behind Post-Indictment ‘Trump Bump'

Sister Toldjah reporting for RedState 

Though opinions vary, mine is that it’s unquestionable at this point that the Biden Justice Department’s pursual of charges against former President Donald Trump in the classified documents probe – and then getting them, was a politically motivated abuse of power done in hopes of irrevocably damaging a potential 2024 general election opponent of the current Oval Office occupant.

But as RedState has previously reported, Democrats and media figures alike who thought this indictment along with the Bragg indictment in April would damage Trump in the court of public opinion have been in for a very rude awakening, as his numbers among Republicans and independent voters who lean Republican have risen in response.

ABC reporter and “This Week” guest host Jon Karl brought this issue up to panelists during the Sunday program, and let an inconvenient truth about the polling slip out in the form of a question about Joe Biden (bolded emphasis added by me):

KARL: The bottom line is his favorable ratings actually increased and his unfavorable ratings went down among Republican voters and independents who lean Republican. So, in other words, his standing among Republicans actually has improved since this indictment was announced.

[ABC’s RICK] KLEIN: Yeah, Jon, it’s remarkable. We’ve seen it before. I think whether or not you believe the political situation today is the same it will be when the voting starts early next year, and whether or not you think this is just kind of rally around the flag, a sugar high for Trump, the reality that his rival candidates have settled around, and I’ve talked to their campaign managers. I’ve talked to their strategists.


KARL: So, let me try to put some oxygen back in the room. Donna, I want to try to do another poll, try to do this a little cleaner this time. But a poll from Quinnipiac, on a possible Biden Trump match — matchup puts Biden at 48%, Trump at 44%. This is a poll again, taken largely after the indictment. I mean, that’s got to make you a little — that’s within the margin of error. That is a statistical tie.

[DONNA] BRAZILE: The race was close before the indictment, the race is going to be close no matter what happen (INAUDIBLE) —

KARL: So, what does that say about Biden?


Indeed, what does it say about Biden? It says despite the fact that the former POTUS has an uphill battle in the courts going into 2024 in facing multiple felony counts that most Republican and Republican-leaning independent voters are not buying what Team Biden is selling and that even if there is some validity to the charges that they’d prefer even that over Biden, who has been an unmitigated disaster since taking office – something which a majority of the American people appear to agree with according to polling averages.

I mean Biden is still polling in basement levels and is in a virtual tie with Trump at this point despite all Trump is facing. That speaks very poorly of the current president, no matter how his handlers might try to spin it.

Further, I think it also suggests that a growing number of people remember what Democrats and the media tried to do to Trump in 2016 (and beyond) with the Trump/Russia collusion hoax nonsense, and are sending a message that just like then, those tactics will not work for Democrats in 2024.

As New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R) told former Biden press secretary turned MSNBC host Jen Psaki during a recent interview (done prior to the Miami indictment), it doesn’t matter what gets thrown at Trump by the Biden administration, Democrats, and the press at this point, and they only have themselves to blame:

“What happened in New York was wrong. I mean, it really was. They are beating up on Trump for political reasons, everybody sees that. What happened with the Russian ‘collusion’ that never existed effectively exonerated the guy, so he can play a victim card. You’ve all created a situation where, God, what kind of planet are we on where Donald Trump’s become the victim? That’s really what it is.


Yeah, but nobody buys that any attack on Trump isn’t anything but political. You’ve created, everybody has, kind of, created this scenario, he’s playing it to the fullest. He is playing the violin strings better than anyone imagined which is why his poll numbers have miraculously, are actually going up.”

The man has a point.

Comer Drops More Info About Two New Forms He Reviewed in Biden Probe, Reveals What's Next

Comer Drops More Info About Two New Forms He Reviewed in Biden Probe, Reveals What's Next

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

We’ve been talking at length about the FD 1023 “bribery form” that shows that a confidential human source revealed there was an alleged payoff of $5 million to Hunter Biden and $5 million to Joe Biden in exchange for unspecified actions.

But we also reported that there are two more FBI documents/forms that House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) and Ranking Member Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) would be viewing. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) revealed there were two more FD 1023 forms. Now the word is that Comer and Raskin viewed those documents on Tuesday.

Comer has now revealed some of what he and Raskin saw — that it was heavily redacted — and he’s not happy with that. He wants answers.

Today the FBI brought two unclassified FD-1023 forms for my review. These records were heavily redacted.

Americans have lost confidence in the FBI’s ability to enforce the law impartially. The FBI must provide unredacted copies of these records.

Additionally, Comer has also said that he has more key witnesses coming forward for depositions.

Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) over the weekend accused the “the deep state bureaucracies” of turning a “blind eye” to Biden family business dealings and contended that his panel had made headway despite resistance from federal agencies under the current Democratic administration.

“Our job in the House Oversight Committee is to follow the money. And we have more bank records coming in. We’re gonna start bringing in key figures in the Biden family influence-peddling schemes for depositions,” Comer told Fox News’ “Life, Liberty & Levin.”

Comer has spearheaded the GOP’s inquiry into the Biden family since the Republican takeover of the House in January. He has reportedly already conferred with some witnesses.

“I think we’ve done as much as we could do with the obstacles we’ve had to overcome,” Comer said. “No one thought I would get bank records. No one thought we would get access to the Treasury, Cabinet’s suspicious activity reports, but we would not take no for an answer.”

As Comer noted, the FBI delay/excuses regarding the FD 1023 form showed there was a problem.

“If this is the case — and the FBI informant [is] credible and the FBI informant tells the FBI that the vice president of the United States took a bribe from a foreign national in exchange for foreign policy and foreign aid — then why did the FBI not investigate it?” Comer said.

Then if it was nothing, why delay even acknowledging it existed and then delay letting Congress see it?

Comer said to Mark Levin that they can do things like cut the agencies’ budgets — that they can’t reward them. The Republicans have to stick together to reform the FBI and these agencies that are pursuing this two-tiered system of justice.

Comer also contended the plea agreement regarding Hunter Biden that dropped on Tuesday showed that “two-tiered system of justice.” He said that the “Oversight Committee will not rest until the full extent of President Biden’s involvement in the family’s business schemes are revealed.”

They also need to be thinking of impeachment at this point as well, given the things they are uncovering. So hopefully, they have all their ducks in a row. Whatever happens with the Senate, they at least need to follow through on impeachment in the House and start holding the agencies accountable. Rake all their directors over the coals in a grilling before Congress and make them comply with reform or cut the money.

Lab Leak – WSJ Confirms Three Wuhan Scientists Likely Contracted SARS-COV-2 in November 2019

The Wall Street Journal confirms earlier independent reporting today that three Chinese scientists from the Wuhan lab fell ill in November 2019 with a likely COVID-19 viral transmission.  WSJ writes, “the researchers’ names were noted last week in an article in Public, which publishes on the Substack platform, and were independently confirmed by the Journal.”

WSJ – […] “Ben Hu, a scientist at the Wuhan Institute of Virology who had done extensive laboratory research on how coronaviruses infect humans, was identified in U.S. intelligence reports as one of the researchers who became ill in November 2019 with symptoms that American officials said were consistent with either Covid-19 or a seasonal illness. None of the researchers died.

[…] The current and former U.S. officials told the Journal the three who fell ill were Hu; Yu Ping, a Chinese scientist who wrote a 2019 thesis on SARS-related coronaviruses found in bats; and another scientist named Yan Zhu.

[…] November 2019 is roughly when many epidemiologists and virologists think SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind the Covid-19 pandemic, first began circulating around Wuhan, a city in central China. China has said that the first confirmed case was a man who fell ill on Dec. 8, 2019.

Hu is a leading researcher on coronaviruses who worked closely with Shi Zhengli, the leading expert on bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Much of Hu’s research focused on modifying coronaviruses so they could bind to human cells.

The stated purpose of the research was to identify viruses that could lead to a pandemic and facilitate the development of a vaccine. Critics say that such research requires stringent precautions because such work can make the viruses in the lab more infections for humans.

Yu Ping, who also worked for the institute along with Zhu, is an expert on the geographic spread of coronaviruses and wrote a thesis that was the first to describe a new family of SARS-like coronaviruses that are most closely related to SARS-CoV-2. (read more)

With additional mounting evidence of the lab leak in Wuhan as the originating source of the pandemic, it is worth revisiting the statements from former Acting CIA Director Mike Morrell back in 2020 when the intelligence community was dismissing the lab leak theory.

2020 – Politico […] Morell noted separately on Thursday that if the virus leaked from a Wuhan lab, the U.S. would shoulder some of the blame since it funded research at that lab through government grants from 2014-2019.

The National Institutes of Health said in a statement on Thursday that a $3.4 million grant awarded to EcoHealth Alliance, which in turn awarded funds to the Wuhan Institute of Virology over the last 6 years, had been terminated but didn’t say why. “Any questions related to the origins of the outbreak should be directed to ODNI,” the statement said.

“If it did escape from the lab, not only bad on China but also bad on the U.S. for giving funding to a lab with safety concerns,” Morell said, referring toState Department cables from early 2018 that warned of the lab’s risky coronavirus experiments and shortage of trained technicians.

“So if it did escape,” he added, “we’re all in this together.” (link)

Thus, the motive for the U.S. government to deny any role in creating the virus that was unleashed unto the world.

Move along… move along…