Saturday, June 17, 2023

There Is No ‘Moving On’ From Corruption

What we're watching transpire in U.S. politics right now should be galvanizing the country. But it doesn't seem to be, and we need to ask ourselves why.

A common sentiment expressed by some voters on social media these days is the need to “move on.” This viewpoint seems to be particularly popular with those deeply desirous of a Republican candidate for president of the United States who is not Donald Trump.

They readily admit that Trump’s policies were far better for the economy and view Biden’s administration as disastrous. Some even acknowledge that social media censorship and changes to election procedures—many unlawful—cost Trump the 2020 presidential election.

Even so, they say, “It’s time to move on.   

It’s easy to chalk this up to “Trump fatigue”—weariness of Trump’s ego and combative personality. But an argument can also be made that this is the latest example of the public’s reluctance to confront corruption and the erosion of standards in American governance. What we’re watching transpire in U.S. politics right now should be galvanizing the country. But it doesn’t seem to be, and we need to ask ourselves why.

Joe Biden, the president of the United States, has just had Donald Trump—his primary political opponent in the 2024 presidential election—indicted and arrested. That may be a common occurrence in Third-World countries, but it is unprecedented in the history of this nation.

Worse than the political targeting is the legal double standard. Trump is accused of mishandling classified documents. But we now know that Biden has had classified documents in unsecured locations (including his garage) for years. And he acquired these documents when he was not the president with the constitutional power to declassify them.

Where is the indictment of Joe Biden?

While Biden was vice president, his son Hunter received millions of dollars from a Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma, whose leadership was under investigation. Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid unless Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor conducting the investigations, was fired. “Well, son of a bitch,” Biden bragged on camera, “he got fired.”

After Trump was elected president, he asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to look into the decision to fire Shokin. Democrats accused Trump of using the presidency to target a political opponent and impeached him for “abuse of power.”

Where are the articles of impeachment against Biden?

More information has come to light this week, suggesting not only that Joe and Hunter Biden received millions of dollars in bribes from Ukraine, but that the FBI has been covering up evidence of the bribery.

Why aren’t more of us demanding accountability? Perhaps it is because we have been dismissing government corruption for far too long.

Under former President Barack Obama, the IRS improperly held up the applications of conservative nonprofits for tax-exempt status—often for years—crippling their fundraising efforts and support for their candidates and policies. Lois Lerner, then-director of Exempt Organizations, pleaded the Fifth Amendment in response to a congressional subpoena. Lerner was held in contempt of Congress. What penalty? She retired from the IRS with a full pension.

Move on.

Obama’s attorney general, Eric Holder, was also held in contempt of Congress, after refusing to turn over information subpoenaed as part of a congressional investigation into failed “gunwalking” program Operation Fast and Furious. Guns ended up in the hands of criminals who killed dozens of Mexican citizens, as well as U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. Contempt proceedings against Holder languished in the federal court system for years until Democrats regained control of the U.S. House of Representatives and dropped the matter.

Move on.

Hillary Clinton has had her share of corruption scandals. In 2012, when she was secretary of state, our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was attacked and four Americans killed, including our ambassador, Christopher Stevens. Clinton knew it was a planned terrorist attack, but lied to the American public that it was a spontaneous uprising in response to a video made by an obscure filmmaker named Nakoula Basseley Nakoula (who was arrested and served a year in prison). When questioned about her lies during a congressional investigation, Clinton’s infamous response was, “What difference at this point does it make?”

Clinton also lied about having classified information on private, unsecured email servers, and she destroyed evidence. But then-FBI Director James Comey declared that “no reasonable prosecutor” would bring charges.

Move on.

Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign illegally funneled money through law firm Perkins Coie to Fusion GPS and then former British spy Christopher Steele, looking for dirt on opponent Donald Trump. The FBI knew the information they received thereafter was false, but lied to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to get warrants to spy on Trump.

Clinton’s campaign paid a modest fine. No consequences for the FBI. 

Move on.

The unrest at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, is supposedly another day that will live in infamy. But we don’t know why FBI brass refuse to answer straightforward questions about whether federal agents in the crowd incited or contributed to violence.

But let’s do “move on.”

This week, major news outlets are finally admitting what was obvious three years ago—that SARS-CoV-2 emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, where dangerous “gain-of-function” research was being conducted. The government lied to us about the origins of COVID-19 and locked down the country, crippling the economy and doing immeasurable damage to the education of millions of children. It demanded that social media censor physicians, scientists and researchers trying to expose the truth about the virus, available drug treatments, and the vaccines Americans were being forced to take.

But let’s not get into the blame game. We need to “move on.

There is no “moving on” from corruption. To wave it away is to embolden the corrupt. If we as a people do not care enough about the integrity of our laws and the proper limits of our government to enforce both, those who flagrantly disregard those laws and those limits will not stop until they destroy everything we hold dear.

X22 and Badlands Media- June 17


Conservatives Must Resurrect Tea Party Principles For The 2024 Election Cycle

If conservatives can reject political trends of the past eight years and return to Tea Party principles, we may just save our republic.

I was recently having a conversation with two friends about our shared dread over the upcoming election cycle. In the midst of this conversation, I came back to a familiar epiphany that has sustained me through the ugliness of getting involved in politics. If we conservatives can reject several major political trends of the past eight years and return to Tea Party principles, we may just win more policy battles and elections, and possibly save our republic.

The conversation went like this. One person made the statement that she thought Donald Trump was the best president in a very long time, maybe her lifetime. The other replied, “Trump was very good. But the results since 2016 suggest America has soured on him. So if he loses the general, what does it matter how good he’d have been if he’d have won? Going back to the Tea Party, the GOP has often acted like they’d rather lose with their first choice than win with their second choice.”

I understand the frustration of losing winnable races but take issue with the instinct to blame the Tea Party. Perhaps I’m sensitive, having been at the forefront of Tea Party organizing and strategizing in Oregon since its emergence.

The 2010 Tea Party wave gave us Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, a historic midterm wave in the House, seven Senate seats, and about 1,000 state legislative seats. Republican leadership then took that momentum and scuttled the ship rather than training its artillery on the enemy.

But I get it. Engaged voters in America watch the news, hold dear to their principles, listen to the candidates, and make the most informed voting decisions they can while juggling family, work, and life. They take their responsibilities seriously, and they get frustrated with losing.

The Right’s Complacency

As an activist, I have a different perspective. I am one of hundreds of thousands of people nationwide who took that Tea Party momentum and tried to make conservatism more effective and efficient to elect good people to public office. Our real problem in conservative politics is that we don’t engage in the important fights as the institutional left does. The left has an enormous advantage in their fundraising and organizing machines that bring the fight to us starting the day after Election Day, all the way through to the next Election Day. They never stop, whereas Conservative Inc. gets complacent and refuses to engage.

The right has failed for decades to properly deploy its resources. The Tea Party proposed to do just that. It got shot down by the Karl Roves and Paul Ryans of the world.

Having moved to Florida a couple of years ago, I even see it here. Gov. Ron DeSantis won reelection by 20 points in 2022, creating coattails every other statewide Republican candidate rode to double-digit wins as well, and producing supermajorities for the GOP in both houses of the state legislature. So when I joined my county Republican Executive Committee, I was surprised to see folks happy with the status quo, despite the promise by the left to infiltrate small towns across America to suppress the vote of good, decent people.

Fights That Matter

So, what does this walk down Tea Party memory lane have to do with the election cycle in 2024? Almost everything, I propose. Conservative media put so much emphasis on national-level elections while giving almost no thought to our local races. We hang on every national presidential poll or generic congressional poll, despite them having little to no bearing on the outcome. The corporate media gleefully overemphasize this while undervaluing the elections closest to the voters.

The Tea Party injected needed energy and new blood into local elections. In Oregon in 2010, we handed the Republicans a 30-30 tie in the state House and a razor-thin 14-16 minority in the Senate. We came within 40,000 questionable votes in Portland of electing the first Republican governor since 1982. The nationwide results, in elections where Republicans actually had a chance, were significantly larger.

A longtime political operative in Oregon — one of the few successful conservative consultants that existed — taught me another important lesson. He had no love for the establishment or lobby class, and he had a knack for creating effective radio commercials for his candidates. He told me many times that voters need to be educated every election cycle. If we fail to frame the proper issues and offer the proper solutions, we lose every single time. GOP candidates in Oregon, by and large, are far too timid and refuse to engage in the fights that truly matter to the voters. Then, they refuse to use their platform as candidates to send strategic messages about those issues, afraid of offending someone. This has always struck me as a microcosm of why we lose on the national level.

Conservative, Not Republican

One final lesson comes from William F. Buckley, in the days of the Goldwater campaign. In 2013, Neal B. Freeman, the former editor of National Review, wrote a definitive guide, “Buckley Rule, According to Bill, Not Karl.” In many ways, the Buckley Rule was Tea Party decades before the Tea Party existed.

Freeman wrote, “We all understand that it is Karl Rove’s mission to promote the Republican party. It was the mission of Bill Buckley to promote the conservative cause. There should be no confusion between the two.”

The rule does not mean to find the most electable Republican candidate, as establishment moderates often claim. The rule means to promote the rightward-most viable candidate. Buckley himself ran as a third-party candidate for New York mayor in 1965, against what Freeman called a highly electable moderate Republican. Primary elections should not focus on how candidates will perform in the general election, but rather how eloquently and forcefully they can use their platform to advance conservative solutions.

In 2016, Trump taught us some lessons in the effective use of the media. Instead of living in fear and trying to finesse a message palatable to corporate media, he gave voice to frustrated voters by mocking the entire media ecosystem. It got him elected. His greatest asset was his utter lack of fear in calling out media malpractice.

The lessons for voters and candidates alike are pretty straightforward: 1) Don’t get distracted by polls. 2) Find viable candidates who can articulate bold conservative solutions. 3) Candidates must learn to use the broken media ecosystem against itself. 4) Donors must put resources into a year-round effort to register and educate voters, instead of engaging in pointless advertising wars too late in the election cycle to make a difference. 5) Winning in the court of public opinion starts with rejecting the left’s false premises, and framing messages in basic sense and truth. 6) Never even give the appearance of compromising on bedrock conservative principles.

If we can resurrect these proven strategies on a scalable level in races across America while convincing the donor class to deploy resources properly, we can create the wave we hoped would materialize in 2022 but didn’t. If we stay mired in the polls and the pointless squawking on cable news, we’ll never even engage the left in the fights we need to win to get our people elected.

Do Any Republicans Really Think DeSantis Won’t Get Impeached Or Framed By The FBI?

After these last seven years, it’s obvious any politician who questions the Congress-defying security state will get the Trump treatment.

Anyone who has been watching for seven years — and counting — has seen the nation’s top Republican politician framed, impeached, raided, prosecuted, and now indicted by corrupt spy agencies on behalf of the Democrat Party. Their goal is to send their top political opponent to prison on charges they said were fascist to bring against their own presidential candidates.

After these last seven years, how can anyone not expect that any Republican who questions the unelected, Congress-defying security state won’t get the Trump treatment? If they can and will do it to Trump, they can and will do it to Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, Robert Kennedy Jr., and anyone else who threatens their power. (Clueless candidates like Mike Pence and Nikki Haley don’t.)

Remember, even ineffective, regime-pleasing nice guys Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan were cast as a dog torturer and grandma murderer. But standard media smear operations pale in comparison to media functioning as a security state propaganda tool to frame dissidents for treason.

Any Republicans who think the security state wouldn’t frame others the same way it has Trump are in denial about the evidence repeatedly stampeded across their eyeballs for seven years. This means if D.C. Republicans want any president but Trump, their only ticket to that outcome is fighting back good and hard against his relentless persecution.

If the law is not equally applied to all, it turns into a weapon for injustice. If the powerful can break constitutional norms about legal equality for one man, they can — and will — break constitutional norms about legal equality for anyone else they want.

The Trump Treatment Is Already Spreading

We’re already seeing this lawless weaponization of government bleed past Trump. The security state has also targeted Republican senators who have gotten a little too close to its corruption, Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson, and lower-profile Republicans like former Rep. Jeff Fortenberry. DeSantis has also started to get the Trump treatment with a Texas sheriff’s attempt to bring criminal charges over DeSantis’ lawful removal of illegal border-crossers.

Don’t forget, either, the FBI and DOJ entrapment of Mike Flynn, raid on pro-life dad Mark Houckjailing of a pro-Trump meme creator, lawless allowance of violent mobs to pressure Supreme Court justices, pressuring of social media giants to help rig elections, unhinged pursuit of people accused of misdemeanors on Jan. 6, targeting of parents as “domestic terrorists” for protesting at school board meetings, and apparent spying on churches as hotbeds of anti-regime messaging.

Atop all these, how can anyone forget the lessons of Spygate, the bulk of the security-state iceberg we’re currently able to see? Spygate is an extremely dense saga, partly because of how many powerful institutions worked together to frame Trump as a Russian traitor to conceal evidence of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden’s own traitorous activities.

It took seven years to even get an accounting from a special counsel who brought zero accountability. In the meantime, a few dogged reporters — led by The Federalist — steadfastly blew away Democrats’ deep haze of lies. For a quick Spygate summary, here’s John Yoo and Robert Delahunty:

In 2016, the Hillary Clinton campaign fabricated false reports of ‘collusion’ between Trump and Russia and spread them to a sympathetic law enforcement and national security bureaucracy.

The ‘Russia hoax’ sparked a special counsel investigation that paralyzed the Trump White House for two years. The recent Durham Report fingered political bias by high FBI officials as the culprit.

Here’s a good place for more background on this credibility-killing operation from the federal agencies still cooperating to jail the nation’s top Republican. Spygate was intelligence agency election interference that boosted Democrats for two presidential election cycles, and now possibly a third.

This is what Democrats and U.S. security agencies are willing to do to get their way.

A Long Train of Abuses and Usurpations

Many more such operations occurred in the Trump era, probably many of them unknown. While the DOJ and FBI are obviously among the worst actors, they’re in plentiful company. Recall also the “Resistance” that involved insubordinate federal employees across all agencies working to thwart the policies of their constitutionally designated, democratically elected boss.

Here’s another: Several brazen, court martial-worthy acts by one of America’s top generals, Mark Milley. During Trump’s presidency, he secretly told Chinese officials he’d warn them if Trump ordered a strike on America’s chief foreign adversary.

According to Grassley and Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., Milley also “reportedly ordered senior officers to check with him before executing orders from then-President Trump.” The woke general who pushed Marxism on American troops also worked to prevent the president from repulsing nationwide rioting by Marxist agitators and pulling U.S. troops from Afghanistan. The inspector general has inexplicably declined to even investigate Milley despite such widely reported treasonous interference with the policies of the constitutionally appointed commander in chief.

Any future Republican president — and increasingly governors and senators — can look forward to similar behavior from an American bureaucracy that has come entirely unmoored from constitutional restrictions on their actions.

Indictment Is the Same Play as Spygate

After its successful 2016 election interference operation, the institutionally corrupt FBI interfered in the 2020 election by leaking about Hunter Biden’s laptop to boost Democrats’ false claim it was “Russian disinformation.” Since then, it is becoming more apparent the FBI wasn’t so much investigating the laptop as burying it, as it appears to be doing with other evidence of Biden corruption that endangers U.S. national security.

In their indictment this week, the DOJ’s special counsel boasted of “audio recordings of Trump appearing to confirm he’d retained a document he failed to declassify as president.” The same agency hid from elected lawmakers evidence about audio recordings of Joe and Hunter Biden allegedly taking $10 million in bribes from Ukranians.

Prosecutors also claimed Trump’s documents include major national security information, like nuclear secrets. How convenient that these documents are allegedly classified information that nobody can see. Regardless, “the president and the president alone decides what is a presidential record and what isn’t. He may take with him whatever records he chooses at the end of his term.”

Beyond that, Trump has been falsely accused of being dangerous with nuclear information so many timesanyone accepting this wild claim without good, hard, complete evidence is either a propagandist or an idiot. Remember how the security state’s narrative, formed by selective leaks about Trump’s call with Ukraine, was disproven by Trump releasing the transcript of the call? Of course, that didn’t stop Democrats from impeaching Trump while hiding key evidence and structuring the impeachment to make Democrat leaks the only way for information to get out.

As Grassley recently pointed out, deceptive leaks are now DOJ and FBI standard operating procedure. They constantly leak information out of context to form false narratives that benefit Democrats. That’s called disinformation and misinformation. It’s election interference, it’s authoritarian, it’s illegal, and it’s accelerating.

DOJ and FBI employees use misleading leaks to corporate media to legitimize their pursuit of jailing their top political opponent, like tyrannies from East Germany to Venezuela. No one can trust a word these agencies emit. They are staffed with hardened liars for whom facts stripped of context are weapons of power, not truth.

End Abuse of Power with Legitimate Use of Power

It’s willfully blind to disregard this overwhelming evidence to presume any Republican who pushes what the party’s voters want will not receive the Trump treatment. There’s so much evidence, it’s impossible to fit it into even a long article. This hasn’t even touched on the Fulton County, Georgia prosecution of Trump that looks like a coverup of gross election abuses there, Trump’s ridiculous indictment from New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg, the FBI’s multiple coverups for Hillary Clinton established in the recent special counsel report, the FBI’s retaliation against whistleblowers, and lots more.

This is not about Trump himself. It’s about the voters he represents. As my colleague Jordan Boyd notes, “The left’s short-term goal may be hampering the right’s chances in the next presidential election, but the long-term goal was always to outlaw the ideological platform that made this new GOP competitive in the first place.” That’s why the tyrannical tactics used against him will expand — unless those who deploy such tactics are held legally accountable by something a lot stronger than no-consequence reports and made-for-TV hearings.

The first thing this unprosecuted history of institutionalized crime ought to teach is that the people willing to do things like this will do anything they can get away with. The second is that they must not get away with it. That’s not going to happen unless others in power stop these systemic abuses by applying their rightful authority. It will take a long time, and it will happen to a lot more Republicans on the way.

Many BTS pics from several of GAF's new Christmas movies being filmed 🌲💗


There's even 1 new Fall movie included:

I was looking through my photo album and noticed I have a lot of images from behind the scenes of Great American Family Christmas movies from social media, and I thought it would be fun to share these random pics with all of you! Some are recent, and others are from a week or so ago, maybe more!

Here we go...


The first image above is of Jen Lilley and Matthew Morrison dancing around a Christmas tree in Paris Christmas Waltz. Here are some more images from the set...


Danica McKellar is currently filming her royal-themed Christmas movie, Royal Christmas Ball, for Great American Family. So far, she's only been seen alone.


Susie Abromeit recently shared who her co-star is in her Christmas movie, Designing Christmas (wt), Liam McIntyre, and she also recently shared a close-up image and a video dancing in the snow...


Jessica Lowndes has shared some behind-the-scenes videos from her Fall movie, including one of her co-star, Luxton Handspiker, who plays Jessica's son in the movie. Luxton portrayed the new orphan, Roy, in the "When Hope Calls" Christmas episodes.


At the beginning of June, Trevor Donovan shared these images as his Christmas movie, Christmas By Chance, with Merritt Patterson, was wrapping. He's currently filming his Fall movie for Great American Family.


I also have some screen grabs from Candace Cameron Bure's military-themed Great American Family movie, My Christmas Hero, which was filmed back in April. You can even see an American flag in the background of the second image. Plus, Candace shared a fun press shot with her photographer, Ricardo Hubbs.


And last but not least, for those of you who have been wondering about Jesse Hutch's Christmas movie... it appears he will be starring alongside an all-star cast with Lori Loughlin, James Tupper, Jason Cermack, Karen Holness, and Laura Bertram in An Angel's Fare Christmas.

You can see a screen grab image of Jesse plus the main cast in the image below. It appears James Tupper may be playing Lori Loughlin's love interest, as he did in their previous movie together, Fall into Winter.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this exciting look at the upcoming Great American Family movies coming this Fall and Christmas!!! I'm so looking forward to ALL of the original movies they have planned.

I can't begin to say which movie I most want to see - because they ALL look FANTASTIC!!!


Additional note: There's even a new trailer out for some of the movies GAF will be premiering after July!