Thursday, June 8, 2023

Biden, Not Florida, Is Crushing Sanctuary Cities

If Ron DeSantis really did authorize sending a few illegal aliens to Sacramento on planes, he got the idea from Joe Biden.

If the Biden Administration’s sabotage of America’s borders has resulted in anything positive, it has served to expose the fraud of sanctuary policies and the politicians who support them. For years sanctuary “leaders” have been showered with unearned praise for their empty rhetoric. Now, the border crisis is applying a stress test to them and their jurisdictions, and both are failing miserably.

After nearly endless stories of sanctuary foolishness the last several years, we may now be reaching peak absurdity. State officials in California, America’s petri dish of radical leftist policies, are caterwauling because 36 migrants were flown to Sacramento on two planes by the Florida Division of Emergency Management (DOEM). Governor Gavin Newsom and state Attorney General Rob Bonta are accusing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis of sending the migrants, although there is no evidence DeSantis authorized the flights.

Newsom, the archetype of the hyper-ambitious, attention-obsessed modern politician, took the matter to Twitter, where he called DeSantis a “small, pathetic man” and suggested that the Florida governor is guilty of kidnapping by allegedly tricking migrants to board the planes to California.         

To eviscerate Newsom’s accusation is to be like a mosquito at a nudist colony. Where to start? Within 24 hours of Newsom’s charge, the Florida DOEM released a video showing migrants signing consent forms agreeing to be flown to California. The video also showed the migrants celebrating both on the planes and in what appears to be a stretch limousine, and saying the Florida officials treated them “super well.” In what world does that resemble a kidnapping?

Throughout his office’s press releases and in his stump speeches pandering to illegal aliens, Newsom is fond of saying that “our communities are all stronger and more innovative because of the nearly 11 million immigrants that call California home.” Given that, why is he so enraged that a paltry 36 migrants arrived in his state capital? Doesn’t it just mean more strength and innovation for California at Florida’s expense?

It also strains credulity to believe anyone in the United States illegally would not prefer to be in California. Throughout his term as governor, Newsom has pushed through a cornucopia of benefits for illegal aliens including guaranteed free healthcare, state identification cards, and $125 million in COVID-19 relief, to name a few.

The anti-borders activists and their allies in the corporate media have been vilifying DeSantis for allegedly turning Florida into the most inhospitable place in America for illegal aliens. If that is true, then the DOEM should be praised for rescuing those aliens from the hellish gulag that is Florida and delivering them to the tent city paradise of California.

Since red state governors began sending illegal aliens to sanctuary cities last summer, the leaders of those cities have been flummoxed about how to deal with the people who, in their sanctuary bombast, they claimed to want.

After filling many of New York City’s luxury hotels with migrants, an exasperated Mayor Eric Adams is putting aliens in elementary school gyms and is now floating the idea of paying city residents to shelter them in their homes. To Adams, Newsom, and other like-minded politicians, such absurd remedies make more sense than facing the inescapable truth: sanctuary policies are unsustainable and destructive to their communities.     

Given the state of cold war that now exists between sanctuary and non-sanctuary states, the country could use a sage leader in the White House to bring the two sides together and create a better way forward. Unfortunately, America is bereft of leadership at the federal level. We have a hyper-partisan in the Oval Office who clings to the demonstrably implausible sanctuary philosophy. There is no Biden-Newsom-DeSantis beer summit forthcoming.

At a time when the nation needs wisdom, we get something far less from the Biden Administration. When asked about the Florida-California skirmish, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre demonstrated her trademark tone-deafness.

[B]ussing or flying migrants around the country without any coordination with the federal government—we’ve talked about this, state or local officials as well—is dangerous and unacceptable. . . . We will continue to be very, very clear about that. It is dangerous and unacceptable, because you’re putting people’s lives at risk.

The lack of self-awareness or outright deception in that statement is jarring. It is the Biden Administration that has chartered “ghost flights” of planes packed with illegal aliens to cities around the country under cover of darkness without coordinating with local authorities. The White House sent 70 flights to Jacksonville, Florida alone in 2021. If DeSantis really did authorize sending a few aliens to Sacramento on planes, he got the idea from Joe Biden.

At a time of relative border security, such as during the previous administration, sanctuary politicians could wax poetic about the virtues of being a welcoming community and not have to do much about it. Since Biden and his team of radicals demolished our nation’s borders, the unprecedented influx of migrants is pushing these once-sparkling metropolises to insolvency. For these sanctuary leaders, the catalyst for their problems resides not at the governor’s mansion in Tallahassee, but at the White House.

X22, And we Know, and more- June 8


I have some sad news to report on today:

Fellow Disqus friend Rueda (later changed his name to Agustin Garcia), who loved to post photos of his travels, passed away last September. Proud Conservative Mom confirmed it today.

I knew him well from NTJP and Conservatively Speaking, He loved traveling and sharing great photos of his world travels, and he was always friendly to everyone.

He will be missed. 💔

Republican Attacks on Biden’s Age Aren’t Landing

Electability means nothing in the new America.

Republicans have been waiting years for their attacks on Joe Biden’s advancing age to land. It’s becoming a bit of an absurd pastime. The polls say voters are aware of Biden’s feeble condition, and yet, we read that they would choose Biden again over Trump and his “mean tweets.” 

The GOP smart set insists that this reflects Trump’s lack of some ambrosial quality they call “electability” (as if Biden breathes it from every pore). But, if anything, there is a rising sense of dread that Trump should not be dismissed. Trump is almost certainly going to be his party’s nominee in any event.

If Trump has zero chance of winning as some insist, it is for reasons that would also bar any other Republican from victory in the general election: an unscrupulous, dishonest news media, a fatally broken electoral process, a weaponized legal system, and a deeply suggestible electorate.

The media are still not covering Biden’s corrupt business dealing despite a stream of incriminating evidence that grows by the day. Recall, Hunter Biden’s “laptop from Hell” was kept out of the news in 2020 through coordinated skulduggery the extent of which is still being uncovered. 

If Biden received even an ounce of scrutiny Trump does, his approval ratings would drop five or 10 points overnight. But Republicans cannot depend on the tender mercies of their enemies.

Republicans would do well to focus more on Biden’s corruption than his weakness. Attacking the latter has only made a wicked hypocrite look like a victim. 

It’s easy to see why this latter approach is tempting. Biden’s feebleness ought to be seen as a potent symbol of the decadence of his era. But the suggestibility of the public that was laid bare during the pandemic-induced hysteria has led many to adjust their expectations radically downward, and few have benefited more from this dynamic than Biden. 

This often gets passed over, but the big shift to mail in voting in 2020 was a mostly psychological phenomenon. It could not have happened without the legal cover of an “emergency,” but it also required the cooperation of an electorate frazzled (and lazy) enough to surrender their custody over the political process. 

Has that really changed? Take a look at our current Congress, where you will find Senator John Fetterman (D-Pa.) stalking around in a hoodie and gym shorts. 

A world in which Biden and Fetterman are “electable” is a world where words have no meaning. 

But is this not the world toward which we are tending? What is justice in the new America? What is truth? 

Our entire political system and civilization are under siege. Trump’s dramatic invocations of a “final battle” are not without merit. 

Another five years of this demoralizing spectacle will have a devastating effect on the nation’s soul, which appears to be spiraling into despair.

The malaise of the post-pandemic era would spell doom for an incumbent in other times, but the normal rules of political logic do not obtain any longer. Compared to a few short years ago, there is a powerful smell of apathy in the air. There is a sense that people hate the way things are, but have grown to accept them. 

The appeals to greatness that fill Trump’s soaring rhetoric only work on people with an appreciation for beauty and excellence. The cramped moral vision of social justice and “equity” more and more defines the national character.

It’s very unlikely that Biden will be replaced, supposing fate does not intervene. Democrats brute forced his way into power once before, and they are absolutely prepared to do it again. 

All the same there are reasons for cautious optimism. Biden now is an incumbent and he cannot avoid physically campaigning like he did in 2020, which will doubtless tax his body and mind. 

But if Biden is somehow ejected, it won’t be because he’s fallen down too many times. The complacency we see and feel around us will have to be replaced with the kind of smoldering rage that Trump tapped into in 2016.

GAF announces 'Destined at Christmas 2' 🌲🥳



More wonderful Christmas movie news today from Great American Family!!!

"Destined At Christmas 2," starring Shae Robbins and Casey Elliott, is coming to the network this Christmas!!!

In the first movie (if you haven't seen it), Kim (Shae Robbins) and Theo (Casey Elliott) meet by chance on Black Friday while shopping for gifts amongst a busy crowd of shoppers. The two are unexpectedly separated and cannot find each other. Unfortunately, neither asked for a full name nor shared a phone number - so they have no way of reaching out. It would end there, except both Kim and Theo felt an undeniable connection, and they try to search for each other throughout the Christmas season!

Great American Family promo for "Destined At Christmas 2":

(Note: It may take a few seconds or a minute for the video below to load, depending on your connection.)

My Quick Take:

How exciting to hear Great American Family is bringing Shae Robbins and Casey Elliott back to reprise their roles for this sequel. The original film was such a hit among many viewers last year; I have a feeling the original and the sequel are destined to win many hearts over again this Christmas!

I personally loved the whole mystery aspect of both Kim and Theo following the clues while attempting to find one another again. My head is already spinning with potential storyline ideas for this sequel. Will Kim and Theo still be together? Will they be thinking of getting married?

I can't help but hope somehow they sneak into the script some way for Casey Elliott to sing. He has such an amazing voice in real-life and is part of the musical group GENTRI. (In fact, Shae's husband, Brad, is also one of the members of the group.)

Judge Threatens Hunter Biden With Severe Consequences if He Doesn't Comply With Order

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Joe Biden seems to want to ignore Navy Roberts, the daughter his son Hunter had with the former stripper Lunden Roberts. While Joe frequently talks about his other grandchildren, he never mentions or even acknowledges that he has this granddaughter. There was no stocking up for her for Christmas at the Biden home. She’s a complete non-entity in the Biden world.

But Hunter Biden is in a continuing court fight with Lunden Roberts. The guy who is flying around the world with his dad and living in mansions wants to pay less in child support, claiming that he can’t afford to continue to pay what he has been paying. He’s also fighting against his daughter having his last name.

When last we left you in the matter, his legal team was pleading poverty, claiming Hunter had no salary and had his Porsche repossessed. They even had an unbelievable excuse that included Joe Biden, saying Hunter had to sleep on a cot in Joe’s room when they traveled to Ireland in April because of his financial situation. That’s just a ridiculous excuse.

His team claimed his only income was from his art sales, but then they claimed they were unable to provide a list of who bought his paintings and how much they are worth. It doesn’t make a lot of sense that he can’t say how much he made if that’s his only income.

The Judge wasn’t happy with what they were turning over.

Judge Holly Meyer rebuked the 53-year-old’s legal team during the two-hour proceedings, saying they wrongly concealed details of filings that had already been submitted to the court as part of the ongoing legal saga.

“The ability to redact is somewhat being abused,” the judge told Hunter’s attorneys before ordering them to refile some of those papers.

Roberts’ attorney also pointed out the irony that while Hunter is claiming he doesn’t have the money, he has high-priced attorneys representing him.

But now the judge issued an order on Monday demanding that Hunter Biden show up at the Independence County Circuit Court on July 10 to be questioned by Roberts’ attorney and produce evidence, including his bank statements.

If Biden fails to turn up, he faces being held in contempt, which could land him in jail for up to six months, a fine, up to $20,000 toward Roberts’ legal fees, and have his requests in the case thrown out, the court order states. [….]

Meyer ordered Biden to appear next month to answer questions about his finances and “show cause, if any exists, why he should not be held in contempt,” the judge’s order states.

It sounds like the judge has had enough of the stalling and wants all the information turned over. It’s ridiculous, as well, since Biden is the one who wants to reduce what he’s paying. If the judge doesn’t know what he’s making, she can’t properly assess the worth of his claims. If Hunter’s team fails to turn over the outstanding information, things are going to get a lot more interesting. Someone may actually hold him accountable.

Breaking Boundaries: How Moms for Liberty Became Public Enemy Number One

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) strikes again. The organization, which used to be an honorable institution, has once again shown that it is nothing more than a propaganda mill filled with authoritarian leftist shills. The SPLC has placed Moms for Liberty, a parental rights advocacy group, on its hate list in an effort to paint the organization as a hate group.

For those who hadn’t already heard of the story, RedState’s Brittany Sheehanreported:

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has labeled Moms for Liberty, a grassroots organization advocating for parents’ rights, as an “anti-government” and “extremist” group in their 2022 Year in Hate & Extremism report released Tuesday.

In a statement released alongside the report, a representative from SPLC stated that Moms for Liberty stood out among a dozen groups as the premier “anti-student inclusion” group. The SPLC report alleges that the mommy group employs tactics such as intimidation and harassment of teachers and school officials, targeting teachers’ unions, and supporting legislation that progressives don’t like.

The SPLC’s report excoriates Moms for Liberty for its protests at school board meetings and advocacy against those pushing a progressive agenda in K-12 classrooms:

At the forefront of this mobilization is Moms for Liberty, a Florida-based group with vast connections to the GOP that this year the SPLC designated as an extremist group. They can be spotted at school board meetings across the country wearing shirts and carrying signs that declare, “We do NOT CO-PARENT with the GOVERNMENT.” The group hijacks meetings, preventing officials and parents from conducting their normal proceedings. “I can be sitting in a meeting minding my own business, and they turn around and scream at me that I am a commie and teachers want to see all kids fail,” a teacher’s union president in Brevard County, Florida, explained to a Washington Post reporter.

The report goes on to state that Moms for Liberty’s objectives are to “fuel right-wing hysteria and to make the world a less comfortable or safe place for certain students – primarily those who are Black, LGBTQ or who come from LGBTQ families.”

As an example, the SPLC cites an instance in which a Tennessee-based Moms for Liberty chapter objected to the inclusion of books about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Ruby Bridges in second-grade classrooms.

Moms for Liberty rose to prominence over the past few years when a backlash arose against the revelation that progressives were introducing far-leftist ideas to small children. School districts across the country were infusing their curricula with concepts related to critical race theory and gender identity. The situation became even more pronounced when it became clear that these learning institutions are also encouraging children suffering from gender dysphoria to undergo “gender-affirming care” ostensibly to transition to the opposite sex.

The organization has received no small amount of vitriol from the hard left, which has pulled its collective hair out trying to discredit it. The SPLC is clearly attempting to up the ante in the left’s war against groups like Moms for Liberty by placing it on a list alongside actual hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan and Neo-Nazis. It’s an old trick that the group has been using for decades. By including Moms for Liberty on its list, it is essentially branding them as a terrorist organization.

Sound familiar?

It’s the same tactic the left used when it convinced the Justice Department to approach parents protesting at school board meetings as “domestic terrorists.”

It’s clearly an act of desperation at this point. While I did not agree with the situation in Tennessee, it involved only one chapter and did not necessarily reflect the entire organization. Nevertheless, the activist media did what it always does: lie about it.

The real issue here is that the left sees that groups like Moms for Liberty and others are making headway in their efforts to prevent progressives from indoctrinating children into their ideology. They have been instrumental in electing school board officials who refuse to go along with the agenda. This is why groups like the SPLC are resorting to such malevolent tactics.

Of course, this will only fool people who already want to believe that Moms for Liberty is a hate group. But to the rest of the public, the propaganda effort might not be quite as successful given that most Americans, regardless of political affiliation, are not on board with what the left is trying to do with the education system.

Chris Christie Belly-Flops … er … Dives into the Race

Quixotic and damaging. Just like last time.

Can somebody explain to me why Chris Christie has decided to launch another failed campaign for president?

This guy had a brief window of popularity in 2011 after he defied expectations and defeated the Barack Obama-endorsed Democrat Tom Kean to become the Governor of New Jersey. And it’s been a downhill slide ever since.

At this point, the only voters eager for a Chris Christie campaign are the Democrats who want the GOP primary to be so crowded that Trump wins the nomination and loses to Biden again in the General.

Among Republican primary voters, Christie is about as popular as head lice.

So why in Lucifer’s reach is this waddling has-been diving into the 2024 primary race?

When launching his campaign at a town hall in New Hampshire yesterday, it was clear that the sole reason Christie is running this quixotic campaign is so he can attack Donald Trump.

According to the Associated Press, Christie described Trump as “a lonely, self-consumed, self-serving mirror hog” who “never admits a mistake” and “never admits fault,” but instead blames others when something goes wrong while taking credit when something goes right.

What? He can’t say things like that from his perch on CNN?

Admittedly Christie’s comments about Trump weren’t wrong. But I don’t understand why you would launch a presidential campaign based solely on singling out and attacking another primary candidate.

Then again, that’s pretty much what Trump is doing, isn’t it?

But Christie explained that he is “going after Trump” for two reasons. Because Trump “deserves it” and because Christie believes that it is “the way to win.”

Win what, exactly, a schoolyard spat between two overweight has-beens?

Now, it’s undeniable that Christie’s pugnacity during the 2016 primary debates helped suck the air out of Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign. But in that instance, Christie was not the beneficiary of his efforts; Donald Trump and Ted Cruz were.

So turning that pugnacity on Trump might be “the way to win,” but there is no guarantee that Chris Christie will be the one taking the victory lap.

At the same time, Christie was much more popular with Republican voters in 2016 than he is today. So setting his sights on Trump could very well backfire on him, boosting Trump’s popularity while giving Christie zero traction.

What is the point of going to all the trouble to launch a presidential campaign, hire staffers, and debase yourself to donors if the only thing you want out of the effort is to be nothing more than the debate stage version of a Twitter Shit-Poster?

For heaven’s sake. Just use your Twitter account to attack Trump and spare yourself the time, expense, and energy of running a hopeless campaign.

In an op-ed in the Washington Post this week, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu, who was toying with the idea of running for president, explained that he will not seek the Republican nomination in 2024 because the “stakes are too high for a crowded field to hand the nomination to a candidate who earns just 35 percent of the vote” (like Trump did in 2016), and Sununu wants to ensure that this doesn’t happen again in 2024.

Chris Christie could have done the same.

If Christie truly believes that Donald Trump shouldn’t be the 2024 Republican nominee, then he too could have done his part to make sure the GOP field isn’t a clown car of also-rans by staying the hell out of the primary.

But at the end of the day, Chris Christie is far too much like Donald Trump for his own good, and his ego would never have allowed him to follow Sununu’s lead.

In 2016, Chris Christie was complicit in splintering primary voters and handing the nomination to the guy who only received 35 percent of the vote.

Today, the Republican primary voters who didn’t want Trump in 2016 remember that. So who precisely is going to choose Christie this time around? Certainly not the Trump fans. Definitely not the people supporting DeSantis. Hell, even Republican voters who support Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, or Mike Pence aren’t going to appreciate this dope belly-flopping into the race, since their preferred candidates will be the ones getting screwed.

And that right there is the problem with a Christie campaign.

It’s a vanity project that will only make it harder for Republican voters to solidify behind a single candidate as a viable alternative to Trump.

And if history is any guide, when Christie does drop out in humiliation at the start of the primaries, he will waste no time throwing his support behind the guy he believes should never be the nominee.

This is what France keeps censoring

This is what France doesn't want us to see.

Please view with caution, as this is a graphic and uncensored video of the attack. They would not let us upload the video directlt, so a link will have to do.

Mark Meadows and Mike Pompeo – Acceptable Republicans for National Security State

Some people reviewing the latest articles [SEE HERE] about the potential indictment framework of President Trump are stunned by this section regarding former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows:

[…] Mr Meadows has already given evidence before the grand jury and is said to be cooperating with the investigations into his former boss. It is understood that the former North Carolina congressman testified as part of a deal for which he has already received limited immunity in exchange for his testimony.

[…] It is not yet known whether the testimony or the charges in question relate to the documents probe, or a separate investigation into the January 6 attack on the Capitol. Both investigations are being overseen by a Department of Justice special prosecutor, Jack Smith. According to ABC News, Mr Meadows has given evidence in both the documents matter and the January 6 investigation. (read more)

First, President Trump did nothing wrong.  Meadows can give no testimony that is damaging to President Trump in any ordinary construct.  The targeting of Trump is apex Lawfare, which is the manipulation of the law, including new and novel concepts of law, as weapons against opposition.

There, but for the grace of God, stand any one of us.  I say this from armored experience against these creatures.

Second, removing the unsubstantiated claim about Meadows reportedly pleading guilty to some charge, which is directly and strongly called “bullshit” by his lawyer, some people are wondering about Mark Meadows. I am not one of those who wonder about Meadows; I have always viewed him as a sketchy self-interested conniving Republican, and I retain that disposition through today.

Mark Meadows and Mike Pompeo were part of the “approved” Republican group who operated inside the Trump administration with loyalty to the right-wing of the UniParty apparatus.  Meadows and Pompeo were/are about as trustworthy as Rupert Murdoch and Ron DeSantis, which is to say, they ain’t.  They are DeceptiCons, and this isn’t a new position about them.  I have previously used the testimony of Mark Milley to show just how Machiavellian this entire tribe of  ‘acceptable Republicans’ was/is.

Keep in mind, as President, Donald Trump had few options on administration personnel.  He hired what everyone said at the time were solid republicans, only to see those same people undermine his efforts whenever possible.  Jeff Sessions, Dan Coats, Mark Meadows, Mick Mulvaney, Bill Barr, Mike Pompeo, the list is long, including his Vice President, Mike Pence.

In essence, this was the GOPe control within the Trump administration, the exact same dynamic would happen in any disruptive administration that came from outside the beltway.  This is why those same DeceptiCons are embracing Ron DeSantis – he’s in the club, Trump wasn’t.

As I outlined in September of 2021, years of agonizing and frustrating reviews and analysis of the Trump administration reconciled in the testimony of Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley.  During his September 28, 2021, Senate testimony before the Armed Services Committee, General Mark Milley clarified some very painful issues to accept.  Namely, that President Trump was being heavily managed by operatives of the Senior Executive Service (SES), and his Republican inner circle was willfully participating.

General Milley is a brutally political, manipulative, entitled and arrogant member of the United States armed forces.  His delusions of grandiosity represent the worst of our nation and can only be topped by one other, Anthony Fauci.  However, in his testimony Milley outlined the Republican opposition to Donald Trump.

JC Chairman General Mark Milley was attempting to flex his power in the almost identical way we saw former FBI Director James Comey pull the same angle.   You might remember, during congressional testimony in March 2017, when Comey was questioned about why he never informed congressional ‘gang-of-eight’ oversight about the preceding eleven month FBI investigating the incoming President, Donald Trump.  Director Comey pontificated, obfuscated, dodged carefully, and then deflected responsibility by saying he informed the “national security council” under President Obama.

When General Milley attempted to justify his unilateral contacts with Chinese military officials, he made a similar, and remarkably telling, admission and deflection.

For the January 8, 2021 phone call with General Lee of China, Milley stated he informed President Trump’s Chief-of-Staff Mark Meadows and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Keep in mind, Kash Patel has publicly stated General Milley did not inform Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller directly, at least to his knowledge.  So, Milley’s secondary point about notifying Christopher Miller in January 2020 needs to be reconciled carefully.

Listen carefully to how Milley is describing those calls.  Specifically, pay attention to Milley saying the calls were initiated by him in response to “concerning intelligence, which caused us to believe the Chinese were worried about an attack on them by the United States.”   It is important to note what this is NOT.

The contact by Chairman Milley was not initially triggered by the Chinese contacting him or any U.S. official about their concerns.  The contact to them is justified by saying the U.S. intelligence community was generating intelligence that said the Chinese were worried.

For clarity, the Chinese did not say they were worried, the U.S. intelligence community were saying the Chinese were worried.   Knowing how the Deep State, aka Fourth Branch of Government operates, keep that key point in mind.

Milley goes on to say, he was attempting to “deescalate” a situation the Chinese had never escalated.  Think about that carefully.

[WATCH from 09:00 forward, Prompted]

The first call, driven by U.S. Intelligence Community alarms, was made in October 2020, before the election.  Then another call was requested by the Chinese on December 30, 2020, for scheduling on January 8, 2021, after the U.S. election.   Note this important statement surrounding the January 8th call: “Shortly after my call ended with General Lee, I personally informed Secretary of State Pompeo and White House Chief of Staff Meadows, about the call – among other topics.”

Notice who General Milley did not inform.

General Milley did not inform President Trump, nor his national security advisor Robert O’Brien. This framework appears intentional; however, when you overlay what we previously suspected and outlined about Mark Meadows and Secretary Pompeo, it all makes sense.

Just like many other people who preceded them in the administration, Meadows and Pompeo were in place to manage President Trump.  Unfortunately, accepting that reality brings with it a bunch of very concerning issues.

We’ve long suspected Mark Meadows was introduced into the Trump orbit specifically because the Fourth Branch was exerting influence and needed to mitigate any independent action by President Trump.  This is the same scenario around introducing former CIA Director Mike Pompeo for the same purposes.

Mike Pompeo and Mark Milley worked unilaterally without President Trump’s authority on at least one situation during the winter of 2019 when U.S. strikes took place.  [Background Here] [Background Here]. President Trump made Esper, Milley and Pompeo hold a press conference without Trump supporting them; then President Trump remained silent on the issue for days.  There were other issues with Pompeo which looked sketchy, but that one specifically was a big red flag (or cherry on the proverbial cake).

Mark Meadows was the source of frequent leaks against President Trump including his health status during his COVID hospital stay.  Mark Meadows was also the primary source for John Solomon when Meadows was in Congress.  [Solomon made this admission during a podcast.]

During the peak of the 2018 “Spygate” headlines, prior to the mid-term election, it became obvious that Solomon was being managed and steered in his reporting.  It always appeared that Meadows was attempting to tamp-down outrage within the Trump base in order to manage it.  John Solomon and the Fox News tick-tock club were a big factor in the success of that approach.

Meadows was/is loyal to the Republican corporation inside the swamp.  This was always the accurate prism to view Mark Meadows.

Yes, it is remarkable…. with so many Republicans working against the America First Agenda of President Trump, including all of the Republican members who participated in the Hillary Clinton Russiagate nonsense, it is amazing how Trump was able to achieve so many accomplishments on behalf of Main Street.