Saturday, June 3, 2023

Question for Durham: Was It All to Impress A Woman?

The special counsel’s report never got 
beyond the shallow end of the deep state. 
Congress needs to go deeper. 

Not since John Hinckley shot President Reagan to impress actress Jodi Foster has a lovesick suitor caused as much political havoc as the FBI’s Peter Strzok did in pursuit of FBI attorney Lisa Page. Or so, at least, it would appear.

The House Judiciary Committee this month will have a chance to probe this and other lines of inquiry with former special counsel John Durham as it regards his investigation of the apocryphal Trump-Russia connection. Although a useful guide, the Durham report never got beyond the shallow end of the deep state. Congress needs to go deeper. 

Both Page and Strzok were in a position to shape outcomes. In 2016, while their courting was still more or less covert, the 35-year-old Page served as an advisor to then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. The 45-year-old Strzok, despite his adulterous affair, was promoted later that year to be deputy assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division. 

On March 3, 2016, Page texted Strzok, “God trump is a loathsome human.” In this series of texts, as in most, it is Page who initiates the Trump bashing and Strzok who plays along to curry her favor. Page, in particular, has little use for any Republican. “Would he be a worse president than cruz?” she asks. Responds Strzok, “Trump? Yes, I think so.”

Of the two, the higher-ranking Strzok had more influence, and he did not hesitate to use it. In leading the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server, Strzok was the one who changed the description of Clinton’s mischief from “grossly negligent,” which could have led to criminal charges, to “extremely careless,” which did not.

As readily as Page expressed her disgust with that “enormous douche” Donald Trump, she gushed about Hillary. Inevitably, Strzok whispered what Page wanted to hear. “And hey. Congrats on a woman nominated for President in a major party,” he texted on July 25, the opening day of the Democratic National Convention. Still, Page could not conceal her unease: “She just has to win now. I’m not going to lie, I got a flash of nervousness yesterday about trump.”

The following day, Page texted Strzok, “Have we opened on him yet?” The “him” of course, was Trump. By “opened” Page meant opened an investigation. She linked to an article from the left-wing blog, Talking Points Memo, titled, “Trump & Putin. Yes, It’s Really a Thing.” 

The article by editor Josh Marshall repackaged the D.C. gossip about Trump’s “deep financial dependence on Russian money” and “conspicuous solicitousness to Russian foreign policy interests.” Strzok responded to Page, “This article highlights the thing I mentioned to you earlier.” He promised to send it to his boss, Bill Priestap.

On that same July 26, reports Durham, Hillary Clinton “approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians’ hacking of the Democratic National Committee.” Within days, a CIA analyst received intelligence about this plot and promptly forwarded it to CIA Director John Brennan.

That last week of July was action packed. On July 28, FBI headquarters received for the first time “information from Australia regarding comments reportedly made in a tavern on May 6, 2016 by George Papadopoulos, an unpaid foreign policy advisor to the Trump campaign.” 

Just three days after receipt of that information, July 31, a Sunday, Strzok “authored and approved” a full investigation. He did this, according to Durham, “without ever having spoken to the persons who provided the information.” Strzok and crew impishly called the investigation “Crossfire Hurricane” after a lyric in the Rolling Stones song, “Jumpin’ Jack Flash.” 

Strzok did not text Page about this breakthrough until late on the night of July 30. They had apparently talked by phone before then. “Damn this feels momentous,” he wrote. “Because this matters. The other one [the Hillary Clinton investigation] did, too, but that was to ensure we didn’t F something up. This matters because this MATTERS.” 

On August 2, in London, two days after opening Crossfire Hurricane, Strzok and a supervisory agent finally met with the Australian diplomat whose meeting with Papadopoulos triggered Crossfire Hurricane. According to the FBI’s legal attaché in London, the Australians had a hard time believing the FBI would open a full investigation into Papadopoulos on nothing more than this single encounter. Strzok apparently had his misgivings as well, reportedly telling the attaché, “There’s nothing to this, but we have to run it to ground.”

Strzok arrived back in Washington late on Wednesday, August 3. He missed the most critical meeting of all. This was one in which CIA Director John Brennan claimed to have briefed President Obama and other key players about what Durham calls the “Clinton Plan intelligence”—meaning the plot by the Hillary Clinton camp to link Trump to Putin. 

Durham cites as evidence Brennan’s contemporary notes. He gives the notes and their author too much credence. When interviewed, Brennan admitted to not “focusing” on the Clinton Plan at the meeting. He may not have even mentioned it. 

On Friday, August 5, Strzok attended a follow-up meeting. He texted Page afterwards that the meeting “[w]ent well, best we could have expected.” There was one complication, he noted, and here he quoted an unnamed official—”the White House is running this.” The “this” was not an investigation into the Clinton Plan. The “this” was the sabotage of the Trump campaign and presidency. 

Neither the White House nor the FBI had any interest in exposing Clinton. Reports Durham, “The FBI never opened any type of inquiry, issued any taskings, employed any analytical personnel, or produced any analytical products in connection with the information.” The White House did not have to give Strzok orders to ignore the Clinton Plan. He had motives of his own. “[Trump’s] not going to become president, right? Right?!” Page texted anxiously on August 8. “No. No, he’s not,” her Lochinvar responded. “We’ll stop it.” 

For the next month, the pair exchanged little useful information. Strzok explained why: “So just make a rule, no texts of a discoverable nature.” Page did, however, continue to share her contempt for Trump, and Strzok expanded the scope of contempt to include Trump’s supporters. “Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart,” he texted on August 26. “I could SMELL the Trump support.” 

On September 7 Strzok was sent a reminder about the Clinton Plan, specifically a referral memo from the CIA “discussing US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s approval of a plan concerning US presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering US elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server.” Neither Strzok, nor any other FBI agent, followed up. 

The FBI brass had more interest in that international man of mystery Christopher Steele. The FBI agent who met with Steele in London on July 5 made note of the fact that Steele was working with “HC,” Hillary Clinton. Strzok had doubts of his own about Steele. On September 23, he messaged a fellow agent about a Michael Isikoff article that had leaked the dossier’s content. “Looking at [Isikoff’s] Yahoo article,” Strzok wrote, “I can definitely say at a minimum [Steele’s] reports should be viewed as intended to influence as well as to inform.”

On October 11, Strzok expressed his skepticism once again. He sent a message to Office of General Counsel attorney Kevin Clinesmith noting that Steele’s “unnamed client” was “presumed to be connected to the [Clinton] campaign in some way.” 

If George Papadopoulos was the Rosencrantz of this investigation, Carter Page was the Guildenstern. These two “foreign policy advisers” found themselves caught in a web of intrigue well above their pay grade. By October 17, the FBI was preparing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) application asking for the right to spy on the hapless Page. Strzok knew about Page’s clearly exculpatory statements, but he disregarded them as he did his own doubts about the Steele dossier. “We need to ram this through,” he emailed an obliging Clinesmith on October 18. 

The next night, October 19, Strzok took a break from railroading Carter Page to watch the final debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. He provided a running update to Lisa Page who was too nervous to watch. “Oh hot damn,” he texted her at one key moment. “HRC is throwing down saying Trump in bed with Russia.” In its own way, likely intended, Crossfire Hurricane was producing results. 

Two days after the debate, October 21, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court approved the surveillance of Carter Page. With that application approved, the Obama Administration officially put Trump “in bed with Russia.” For the next three years, “Trump & Putin” was indeed “really a thing,” at least for the media.

At every step of the way—from soft-pedaling the Hillary server scandal, to opening Crossfire Hurricane, to meeting the Australians in London, to receiving the Clinton Plan, to ramming through the FISA application—Strzok suppressed his doubts and advanced the conspiracy against Trump. Although he had other motives for doing so, impressing his lover seems to have been high among them. 

In his eagerness to please, however, Strzok got sloppy. He left his fingerprints all over the crime scene and compounded his error by refusing to speak with Durham. By cooperating, Brennan was able to cover his tracks and protect his boss. Obama. of course, kept his hands conspicuously clean. On Inauguration Day 2017, national security adviser Susan Rice famously memorialized his fastidiousness, reminding future historians that Obama and his people did everything “by the book.” 

As to Strzok, well, every good conspiracy needs a patsy.

Christian Patriot News and Badlands Media- June 3rd


In light of the stupidity that took place yesterday, here's another friendly PSA:

If you're a fan of someone famous because you know that that person is very sweet, and you find out that person does something in his or her private life that 100% goes against your moral and religious beliefs, you do not have to accept their lifestyle choices or only look at that person and only see someone who does stuff behind closed doors that you know is wrong. Loving that person for reasons that have nothing to do with that lifestyle is perfectly okay, and it's also okay to ignore what that person does behind closed doors if it's technically none of your business. It doesn't make you any less of a fan for choosing to see that person as someone else beyond that lifestyle choice.

Anyone who tries to tell you that you have to accept their lifestyle choices when you know it's wrong, is a complete asshole and bully. There is nothing wrong with seeing confused individuals as straight people, because God intended us to fall in love with our opposite gender and NOT with someone of the same gender!!!

Left-Wing Authoritarianism

In our shared free republic, we cannot defend the Constitution and our God-given liberty and equality against authoritarian ideologies with one arm tied behind our back.

The daily issue of Lisa DePasquale’s “Bright” political newsletter never disappoints. Her May 31 edition was quite an eye opener. To wit, via the New York Post, DePasquale highlights the findings of a study titled, “Understanding left-wing authoritarianism: Relations to the dark personality traits, altruism, and social justice commitment”:

The study published in Current Psychology suggests that left-wing extremism is associated with toxic, psychopathic tendencies and narcissism [and] found a link between higher levels of left-wing authoritarianism and higher levels of narcissism. The authors coined the term ‘dark-ego-vehicle principle’ to describe the phenomenon where individuals with dark personality traits are attracted to political and social activism as a means to satisfy their ego-focused needs rather than working towards social justice and equality. The study also noted that some activists use social justice as a guise for unhinged behavior and prioritize self-presentation, moral superiority, and social status over genuine social causes.

This makes sense. After all, one need only think of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and other left-wing monsters to see the “dark-ego-vehicle-principle” at work in the capture of organizations and movements, and their subsequent implementation of purges and democides. Yet, even on a smaller scale, one can see numerous instances of organizations of all political and apolitical stripes being captured to varying degrees by their most narcissistic and aggressive left-wing members, leading to the group’s increasing left-wing authoritarianism and, in some instances, embrace of violence, at the expense and/or eclipse of its original goals. 

This study of left-wing authoritarianism constitutes a validation of John O’Sullivan’s “First Law”:

All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing. I cite as supporting evidence the ACLU, the Ford Foundation, and the Episcopal Church. The reason is, of course, that people who staff such bodies tend to be the sort who don’t like private profit, business, making money, the current organization of society, and, by extension, the Western world. At which point [Robert] Michels’s Iron Law of Oligarchy takes over—and the rest follows.

O’Sullivan first enunciated his First Law in National Review on October 27, 1989. Over the ensuing decades, events have proven his unquestioned prescience. What I find intriguing, however, is that this “eternal truth,” despite having been proven as a practical matter, took so long to receive this clinicalvalidation. 

In PsyPost, the authors of the left-wing authoritarianism study, Ann Krispenz, a postdoctoral associate, and Alex Bertrams, the head of the Educational Psychology Lab at the University of Bern, provide part of the reason:

There is a wide range of literature and research in the field of right-wing authoritarianism (RWA). However, research on authoritarianism observed in individuals who are supportive of left-wing political ideologies are still rare . . . By many researchers, the notion of left-wing authoritarianism (LWA) has even been met with skepticism.

And there you have it: O’Sullivan’s First Law at work. Left-wing authoritarianism has captured academia. It is normal for people to wish for a world where right-wing and left-wing totalitarian monsters do not exist. But it is unconscionable for the cosseted denizens of ivory towers to ignore both the past (Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, see above) and present (Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, etc.) existence of left-wing authoritarians and their victims.  

Thus, what makes this study so rare is that its authors are some of the very few researchers not only courageous enough to say such a thing as left-wing authoritarianism exists— “Authoritarianism can be found on both sides of the political spectrum”—but they are intrepid enough to study it and release their findings. Moreover, they intend to continue exploring the subjects of left-wing authoritarianism and dark-ego-vehicle-principle:

‘At present, the DEVP is not an elaborated theory as it is yet unclear whether it refers to a robust, stable, and reproducible empirical phenomenon,’ they told PsyPost. ‘Therefore, we are currently investigating the validity of the DEVP in the context of different forms of activism (e.g., anti-sexual assault activism, feminist activism, LGBQ activism, etc.)’

Godspeed in that endeavor, for it is not only academia that refuses to admit the existence of left-wing activism; or, worse, excuses and justifies it. One need only look at how the media refuses to use the term “far left,” or its claims the 2020 riots were “mostly peaceful.” 

But there is another entity infiltrated by “dark-ego-vehicle-principle” individuals with the power to manipulate and direct other institutions’ denial and justification of the same phenomenon, and to persecute their collective and individual opponents: the administrative state. 

The failure to recognize, let alone redress, the existence of authoritarianism on both Left and Right constitutes an erosion of the fundamental checks and balances required in a constitutional republic and the foundational principle of equality before the law required in a just society. Tragically, the rank-and-file Left is embracing this political justice agenda. The metastasizing of “political justice”—which is but mobocracy disguised by the corrupted legal institutions—throughout the past years has been abetted by left-wing authoritarianism.

Moreover, as Krispenz and Bertrams note:

While pretending to be prosocial, narcissists tend to have low empathy and to be primarily interested in satisfying their self-centered needs. Therefore, instead of striving for reasonable solutions, narcissistic individuals will rather be interested in keeping the perception of problems going to maintain their highlighted position.

Admittedly, it is easy for me to renounce and to battle against right-wing authoritarianism (corporatism/fascism) and left-wing authoritarianism (socialism/communism), for I disagree with both ideologies and their tactics, consequences, and proffered aims. It is not easy for the Left. For when it comes to left-wing authoritarianism, the Left’s compulsive and practical need for the end to justify the means renders them purblind to its existence. 

More’s the pity that some may have a psychological and, yes, selfish reason for so doing. In our shared free republic, we cannot defend the Constitution and our God-given liberty and equality against authoritarian ideologies with one arm tied behind our back.

Pride Month Is About Activism, Not Acceptance

Pride month today isn’t bringing anyone together. 
To the contrary, it’s only pulling us farther apart.

June used to be the most exciting month of the year.

Coming from someone who hates winter, June has always been a welcome celebration of summertime, complete with the longest days of the year and some of the warmest. It was always the month that I put another year behind me both in school and as a Gemini, though I won’t pretend to believe in anything related to astrology. If I were superstitious, I might fear the fact that June 13 was a Friday in 1997. Some girls might complain the bad-luck date explains my gayness (sorry, ladies).

But just as aging has begun to produce more anxiety than excitement, June has transformed from the inaugural month of summertime and music festivals to a dreaded 30-day parade in an escalating culture war. Pride month is here.

Every year, pride month surfaces with some of the most nauseating and unhinged commentary in American politics. Conservatives condemn the sex-obsessed spectacles with righteous indignation, and leftists respond to criticism with a blasphemous mockery of religion. Of course, it doesn’t help to shrug off depictions of demonism when Target promotes a “pride” collection designed by a literal Satanist. Nor does grinding on a cross in a graphic display of performative heresy help cultivate mainstream acceptance.

But widespread tolerance of homosexuality no longer seems to be the point of the rainbow holiday. If it were, pride month might no longer exist. More than 70 percent of the country supports same-sex marriage, up from half in 2012 when the nation remained evenly divided. And the “hate crime” statistics are constantly manipulated to serve a political agenda.

But pride month isn’t about sexuality anymore. It’s about coercing a public that was previously hesitant towards gay marriage to now endorse nearly every degenerate item on the left-wing cultural agenda. Trans activists hijacked what was a righteous movement for gay tolerance and turned it into a narcissistic exercise of coercive validation. Gays get caught up in the campaign out of peer intimidation, often devoid of any real conviction beyond the desire for conformity. The primal impulse to virtue signal is the natural response. Corporations, meanwhile, are eager to capitalize, cashing in on the rainbow dollar signs.

This performance capitalism does two things: 1) it reinforces Wall Street’s commitment to promoting left-wing cultural currents and 2) it antagonizes conservatives, especially religious conservatives, most of whom, at this point, just want to be left alone.

One chief characteristic of clinical narcissism is a need for admiration to compensate for the lack of validation in childhood. The aggressive narcissism presented by so many gays today to the point of demanding corporations dedicate an entire month to “gay pride” didn’t just come from nowhere. Between social media and the isolation it breeds, oversexualized public education, and real and perceived hostility from churches and families, levels of narcissism in LGBT activists have risen to new heights, with activists now relishing in the endless validation of pride parades, K-12 classrooms and corporate pride programs.

The inherent narcissism in LGBT activism today has shifted to adopt an aggressive tone wherein radicals feel compelled to desecrate the church and silence critics for the sake of political and cultural acceptance among their newfound tribe. Now there remains a whole month to do it, dedicated to the new religion of transgenderism. A childhood need for validation is now being collectively weaponized to fundamentally change the nation in favor of leftist interests.

While Americans have now grown largely comfortable with having homosexual couples as their neighbors, even if many don’t religiously recognize same-sex marriage, the pendulum can swing back. How far it might swing will depend on how far the wokes push, and let’s not pretend no one’s grooming children when there are literally trans flag onesies for babies in Kohl’s.

The development of child pride apparel courtesy of corporate America is a remarkable illustration of how much validation LGBT activists crave today. Now pride month, which has really turned into pride season, is a new entitlement to guarantee said validation.

So how should we approach pride month today? To some, it’s a time calling for aggressive far-left activism. To others, it’s a Satanic ritual of a post-Christian society. To me, and to most gays, I imagine, it’s just an excuse to go out with neighbors who have something in common. Some gays will take the entire month and fly city to city for their favorite festivals. I don’t think many gay men really look at pride month as a desperately necessary instrument of tolerance. For corporate America, “pride” is an annual cash grab.

I never looked at my own sexuality as something I felt I needed to be “proud” of. Homosexuality is an immutable characteristic, not something to be proud or ashamed of. I’m no prouder to be gay than I am to be white. Of course, gay liberals love to condemn this idea as self-hating. At the same time, it’s easy to imagine their reaction if I were to pump my fist in the air and proclaim, “white pride.” Twitter celebrated pride month last year by reminding users “white gay privilege” is something to shame. (And spare me the lecture about “Velvet Rage,” I’ve read the book too.)

“Pride” is rooted in arrogance. But if you’re so proud to be gay or trans that you need to speak about your sexual identity with a third grader, maybe you’re not “proud” but profoundly insecure. The arrogance demonstrated by those who demand a month-long holiday to celebrate themselves is far less a manifestation of dark psychic forces of the devil at work than of generational narcissism.

Pride month today isn’t bringing anyone together. To the contrary, it’s only pulling us farther apart. The only universal common ground we have is our collective identity as Americans, and even patriotism itself has become politicized.

June, pride month, the solstice month, (my birthday month,) also happens to be home of Flag Day on the 14th. If we really want to unite the country, we might rethink our summer priorities in the run-up to July 4. We can start by replacing the front-porch rainbows with the stars and stripes. That’s not to say we can’t celebrate ourselves. I’m still going out with my brother in Chicago for my 26th in two weeks. But we can at least check the rainbow flags under the red, white, and blue banner.

The corporate onslaught during pride month has become so detached from the original intent, the divisive spectacle we’re left with makes a good case that we should focus our celebrations on shared values such as tolerance rather than issues of identity and sex. Until the Fortune 500 firms capitalizing on pride in the United States push for gay rights in Iran, there’s no better country to be gay in than America.

May Jobs Report Show 339K Jobs Gained, Worked Hours Declines, Unemployment Rate Increases to 3.7%

There is a strong divergence within the May jobs report as released by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) [DATA HERE].  Payrolls increased 339,000 in May from April and previous months were revised up by 93,000. That is good news.  However, the household survey, from which the unemployment rate is derived, showed employment down 310,000 jobs and the unemployment rate increased to 3.7%.

One of the aspects driving higher payroll starts are the number of people taking on additional part-time jobs.  This aspect is noted in a decline for the number of hours in the average workweek. As more PT jobs are added, the number of hours in a workweek declines. As noted in the BLS data, “the average workweek for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls edged down by 0.1 hour to 34.3 hours in May.

There were 161.0 million people working in April.  There are 160.7 million people working in May.

There were 5.7 million people unemployed in April.  There are 6.1 million unemployed people in May.

The unemployment rate increased from 3.4% to 3.7%.

There are 310,000 fewer people working in May than were working in April.  However, payrolls increased by 339,000 over the same timeframe. See graph above for where those jobs were gained.

(NBC) – […] Job gains were broad-based last month with health care contributing 52,000 and leisure and hospitality adding 48,000. Food services and drinking places led the increase in the latter industry, which had been adding an average of 77,000 jobs per month over the prior 12 months.

Overall, the U.S. economy added 339,000 jobs for the month, much better than the 190,000 Dow Jones estimate and marking the 29th straight month of positive job growth.

The unemployment rate rose to 3.7% in May against the estimate for 3.5%. The jobless rate was the highest since October 2022, though still near the lowest since 1969.

Olu Sonola, head of U.S. regional economics at Fitch Ratings, said the jobs report is a mixed bag.

“The strength of the payroll survey is clearly a big surprise, largely on the back of robust job growth in the healthcare sector and the business and professional services sector,” said Sonola. “However, the 0.3% increase in the unemployment rate is the highest monthly increase since April 2020.” (more)

WAGES – As noted within the BLS report, “In May, average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls rose by 11 cents, or 0.3 percent, to $33.44. Over the past 12 months, average hourly earnings have increased by 4.3 percent.” Wage growth still lags inflation; the middle class is getting poorer.  However, with the fed focused on wage growth as the leading indicator of their false pretenses to combat inflation, wage growth is too high (they want around 3.0%).

The Biden economic and monetary policies are delivering the results they want.  Higher energy prices, higher costs of living, lower real wages and increased middle class pressure. The serf model.

The BLS was forced to admit yesterday their Real Hourly Compensation growth was previously flawed.  [CHART DATA SOURCE]

That chart of revisions to real wages tells us a lot about the economic pain being felt by the working class in the U.S.  If it feels like you are working harder and going backwards in your ability to afford basic essentials, that’s because you are.

The prices for essential goods and services have risen at a much greater rate than the wages needed to afford them.  This is the result of Joe Biden’s energy policy, economic policy, and now magnifying monetary policy.

Our goods and housing costs are higher.  Our wages are not growing much.  The cost to borrow money to afford the gap is increasing.  This is unsustainable.

In my opinion, the economy overall – as a measure of units produced and sold – has been in a contracting position since the fourth quarter of 2021.  The appearance of economic growth, the value of goods and services, is an illusion that has been created by higher prices, ie. inflation.

Did they check the sandbag for fingerprints?

BREAKING: Delaware man, 80, loses fight with sandbag.

I’m sure you’ve all seen the video and photos of Grandpa Biden face-planting on stage yesterday after tripping over a sandbag.

At this point, I think the only way you could have avoided seeing it is if you are currently circling orbit aboard the International Space Station. Then again, I’m fairly certain even the International Space Station has internet access.

But in case you haven’t seen it:


I love how after Grandpa gets hauled to his feet, he turns and points at the sandbag.

“That’s the culprit, Jack! Take it into custody!”

Did you notice at the very beginning of the clip that old Braggart Joe tried to do that “I’m the star quarterback taking the field!” trot/run that he often does when entering or exiting a stage?

Yeah, boy, that certainly didn’t work this time, did it?


This is why, despite the lectures not to laugh when Joe Biden face-plants, I found myself laughing uproariously.

I don’t know. There’s something rather satisfying about seeing Joe’s ego getting deflated in real-time.

I imagine if Joe wasn’t doing his “star quarterback” trot/run, I wouldn’t have found this clip nearly as entertaining.

But he did it, and I do.

Come to think of it, I must have watched that clip at least a dozen times before I texted the link to my brother and then to my dad.

By the way, here’s a picture showing the sandbag that took down the Leader of the Free WorldTM.

the sandbag

Maybe they should have that sandbag dusted for fingerprints and swabbed for DNA.

The Secret Service might also want to comb through the CCTV footage from the stadium to see if they can spot a cackling woman in a blue pantsuit.

My brother asked me yesterday what I thought the White House would say about SandbagGate. I told him they would likely say the president was unharmed and completely fine.

I was wrong. They didn’t say he was “completely fine.” They said he was “totally fine.”

My bad.

Apparently, Joe’s stumbly day only got worse when he returned to Washington. The New York Post reported that upon exiting Marine One at the White House last night, Joe “bumped his head on the doorframe.”

This guy just can’t catch a break.

Boy, that New York Post article has so many still photographs from Grandpa’s encounter with the sandbag, I almost felt sorry for him until I recalled what Jesse Kelly tweeted yesterday:

“I thought about feeling sympathy for Biden taking a fall and then I remembered when he told me he was losing patience with me and then tried to have me fired and then called me a threat to democracy. So that sympathy is gone.”

By the way, if you haven’t already, remember to pre-order your copy of Jesse’s book “The Anti-Communist Manifesto” which comes out on Tuesday.

Sure, it might make me look mean. But it is really hard to feel pity for a president who spent the last two and a half years accusing half the country of being white supremacists and domestic terrorists while he and his band of Marxist weirdos destroyed the country and tried to force their creepy “diversity, equity, inclusion” nuttiness on the rest of us.

Personally, I like the way Governor DeSantis handled it in New Hampshire:

Unsurprisingly, the media is trying to downplay Joe’s latest fall. But with the majority of voters (including Democrats) already expressing grave concerns about Biden’s age and fitness for office, such a very public face-plant is going to have an impact on the election.

I expect we’ll start hearing even more insistent demands that the DNC reverse course on its decision not to hold primary debates so Biden’s two challengers, the wooly-headed Marianne Williamson and Robert F. Kennedy Junior, can face off with him on stage.

As it is, Robert F. Kennedy is already polling around 20% against Biden. After yesterday’s run-in with the sandbag, it wouldn’t surprise me if RFK Jr.’s poll numbers get a bit of a bump.

Remember what happened in 2016.

There is no doubt that seeing Hillary Clinton pass out and her lifeless body getting hoisted into the back of her Scooby Van definitely hurt her in the election.

Admittedly, Hillary’s very public fall occurred less than two months before the General Election.

At the same time, Hillary Clinton wasn’t an 80-year-old in the grip of dementia whom voters were already skittish about electing to a second term.

And see, that’s the thing. Joe Biden’s age is already a liability for his reelection campaign. It would be foolhardy to think this fall won’t make that liability even worse.