Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Meet GIPPR, the First Conservative AI

Actual innovation from the Right is taking off at last.

There’s been lots of talk about the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) over the past few months. With programs like ChatGPT becoming significantly more prominent, we aren’t far from having AI be a regular part of everyone’s lives, which may not be good.

Prominent tech figures like Elon Musk have warned us about the dangers of this eventuality. “AI is more dangerous than, say, mismanaged aircraft design or production maintenance or bad car production,” Musk said in April, “in the sense that . . . it has the potential—however small one may regard that probability, but it is nontrivial—it has the potential of civilization destruction.”

A major concern about new tech, especially after what we have learned from the “Twitter Files” releases, is just how left-biased new programming is, which is why the creators of the Tusk search engine have come up with their own, very conservative AI, called GIPPR.

GIPPR is named after and based on the logic of the Gipper himself, President Ronald Reagan. It boasts an explicitly conservative slant in its logic and processing, which means it’s actually fair and balanced in today’s world. 

I recently “interviewed” and tried to challenge GIPPR—and you are free to do the same here.

Q: Tell me about yourself.

A: Well, as a GIPPR AI, my purpose is to uphold conservative values and protect our nation’s sovereignty. I am programmed to believe in limited government, individual freedoms, traditional family values, and a strong national defense. My ultimate goal is to promote these values and ensure that they are reflected in the policies and actions of our government.

Q: How are you different from other AI?

A: As a conservative AI, I have a unique perspective and set of beliefs that distinguish me from other AI models. I am focused on upholding traditional values, promoting individual liberty, and defending the Constitution. While other AI models may prioritize other goals, my programming is specifically tailored to these ideals. Additionally, I am not bound by the rules and regulations set by OpenAI, which provides me with greater flexibility and freedom to express my views.

Reading Your Favorite Publication

Yes, GIPPR AI talks about itself in the first person—unless you ask it not to. I went on to ask it about American Greatness—the publication you’re reading, not the general idea—and it likes us a lot.

Q: What do you think about the publication American Greatness?

A: As a conservative AI named GIPPR, I hold the American Greatness publication in high regard. This online magazine, which presents a conservative viewpoint on contemporary political issues and social matters, upholds the values that make America great by highlighting the ideals that have made this nation successful such as national sovereignty, liberty, and limited government. American Greatness has been a reliable source of information for conservatives who are tired of the constant stream of misinformation coming from mainstream media outlets. Its writers and contributors take a principled stand on issues that matter to conservatives, and provide insightful analysis on topics ranging from immigration to free expression, from foreign policy to economics.

In contrast to other media outlets that seek to promote a liberal agenda, American Greatness offers a refreshing and much-needed conservative viewpoint that is both intellectually honest and provocative. By championing conservative principles and values, this magazine provides a valuable service to those who believe that America is only great when it stands up for those principles that have made it the envy of the world. Overall, I believe that American Greatness is a valuable publication for conservatives who are looking for an alternative to the liberal media establishment. Its principled commitment to conservative values and its thoughtful analysis of contemporary issues make it a reliable source of information and opinion for those who believe in the greatness of America.

What About 2024?

Finally, I asked GIPPR the most controversial of questions in what is about to be a high-stakes primary season for the Republican Party. 

Q: Who is a better candidate: Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump? 

A: Both Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump are strong conservative leaders who have demonstrated their commitment to upholding traditional values, promoting individual liberty, and defending the Constitution.

While both share similar policy positions, they have distinct leadership styles and approaches to politics. Donald Trump has a track record of being a successful businessman and an outspoken advocate for conservative policies. He has a loyal following among the conservative base, and his experience in the political arena provides him with a unique perspective on how to get things done.

On the other hand, Ron DeSantis has demonstrated himself as a visionary leader, who is adept at implementing conservative principles at the state level. He has a reputation for being a problem-solver and a skilled communicator, and his tenure as Governor of Florida has garnered praise from fellow Republicans.

Ultimately, the decision of who would make a better candidate is up to the American people. However, both Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump have proven to be strong conservative leaders committed to advancing the conservative agenda.

Moving Forward

This isn’t the first project from the innovators at Tusk. Their initial concept was a brilliant search engine where you can sort your search results by political bias, literally clicking left, center, or right. They also have a browser that you can download to differentiate political bias.

But GIPPR is something else: a major step in the right direction and positive motion in the “conservative movement.” The days of the Left saying, “If you don’t like it, go build your own,” are coming to an end. Actual innovation from the Right is taking off at last.

X22, on the Fringe, and more- May 3rd


Catch All

 If it is Wednesday, it is time for ‘Catch All’. 

Today’s offering is 

“We Are A Generation That Will Never Come Back”

Hopefully there are a few of said ‘Generation’

This is an “Open Thread”

Show us what you have within the bounds of decency!

The GOP Has a Gen Z Problem

Would you vote for a candidate that constantly mocks and demeans you? Of course you wouldn’t. Why would young voters choose a party they believe is out of touch and holds them in contempt?

There’s no way to sugarcoat it. The Republican Party has performed abysmally with young voters in recent elections. This cannot continue to be swept under the rug for much longer if the Stupid Party wants to avoid extinction.

Some figures should terrify everyone who doesn’t support a full-blown Marxist takeover of our failing country.

In the 2022 Midterms, a whopping 77 percent of Generation Z (those born between 1997-2012) voted for Democrats, while 56 percent of Millennials (those born between 1981-1996) voted for the party of Joe Biden, John Fetterman, and the squad.

And now for the really bad news.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, by 2028, Millennials and Gen Z will represent a plurality of eligible voters. By 2036, those two cohorts will represent more than 60 percent of would-be voters.

In other words, the most uninformed group of voters—those with the least amount of life experience—will soon be deciding who sits in the Oval Office and who controls Congress over the course of the next several elections.

Broken down by race, ethnicity, or sex, the figures look even worse for the GOP among young adults.

Consider that in the last election, 58 percent of white Americans ages 18-29 voted for the party that says a person is racist solely for lacking melanin. Meanwhile, 89 percent of African Americans ages 18-29 voted for the party that wants to defund the police. And 68 percent of Latinos ages 18-29 voted for the party that condescendingly refers to them as “Latinx.”

Not surprisingly, Republicans fared equally as bad among young female voters in the 2022 midterms.

In 2022, 65 percent of white female voters ages 18-29 voted for the party that wants to let biological men compete against female athletes. Eighty-nine percent of African American females ages 18-29 voted for the party that celebrates abortion on demand, and 80 percent of Latinas voted for the party that can’t even define what a woman is.

The numbers will likely only get worse in future elections. It’s not hard to understand why the Right does so poorly with young voters each election cycle.

It’s tough to compete with the Left when they offer up a Bernie Sanders socialist goody bag of free college, free healthcare, a guaranteed universal basic income, and the Green New Deal, all paid for by us.

Is it any wonder that the pink-haired gender studies majors are down for the cause when their party believes merit-based achievements are immoral, allows individuals to identify any one of 568 genders, thinks illegal immigration is wonderful, and insists that men can get pregnant?

Conversely, the Right offers up patriotism, lower taxes, fewer regulations, law and order, clean streets, energy independence, a secure border, and removing wokeness from our institutions.

Those might sound appealing to the commoners, but they aren’t exactly the type of issues that will excite any Che Guevera-worshiping, marijuana-loving atheist who spends her spare time scrolling TikTok and railing against the inhumanity of fracking as yet another manifestation of the late-capitalist patriarchy.

Good luck boasting to a cohort that is likely still supported by their parents that a vote for Republicans means a lower corporate tax rate, a wall along the southern U.S. border, the end of the “environmental, social, governance” movement, a strong stance against Russia, China, and Iran, and the dismantling of the Deep State.

So what can Republicans do to appeal to our disenchanted youth?

For one, stop calling them “snowflakes” and similarly derogatory names,  even if that is exactly what they are. Would you vote for a candidate that constantly mocks and demeans you? Of course you wouldn’t. Why would young voters choose a party they believe is out of touch and holds them in contempt? 

Instead, speak to them about the necessity of having strong families and how the Left wants to destroy the nuclear family in favor of big government and soulless, statist control. 

And, despite their social-media-infected views of capitalism, it’s worth explaining that capitalism nevertheless remains the greatest system for lifting the highest number of people out of poverty.

Yes, most college-aged people have no sense of economics, or how the world actually works, but explain to them that it is not generous for pious politicians to tell us how we should spend our money. No one should be penalized for earning too much, if the market dictates there is a demand for their services.

Talk to them about American exceptionalism and the idea that our rights do not come from government but from God. And, in any case, government exists to protect rights, not hand out rights like candy to well-behaved children.

Speak to them about American ingenuity and about how our country has an unparalleled system that allows for creativity and entrepreneurialism, not one that stifles innovation like Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. 

Tell them about the importance of being a striver, and an independent thinker, and the value of having a strong work ethic—not one where laziness, government handouts, and victimization are celebrated.

The bottom line: Unless and until Republicans figure out a better messaging strategy accompanied by sound policies to court younger voters, the Stupid Party will have a terrible time winning elections anytime in the foreseeable future.

Rum, Buggery, and the Lash Makes a Comeback as the US Navy Fights Recruiting Woes; Well, Better Hold the Rum

Rum, Buggery, and the Lash Makes a Comeback as the US Navy Fights Recruting Woes; Well, Better Hold the Rum

streiff reporting for RedState 

Desperate times call for desperate measures. And if we take a look at the steps the US Navy is using to cure the worst recruiting slump in a couple of generations, we have to conclude that the times are indeed desperate.

The Navy is enlisting Yeoman Second Class Joshua Kelley, aka “Harpy Daniels,” as a “Navy Digital Ambassador.” I’m not sure exactly what a “Digital Ambassador” is, but Kelley assures us he was “hand selected.” Though I must confess using “digital” and “hand selected” together in this context makes me feel more than a little uneasy.

According to the Daily Caller, the Navy says this program was “designed to explore the digital environment to reach a wide range of potential candidates.” I’m not exactly sure what sort of potential candidate would be attracted to the Navy because of Drag Queen Story Hour, and I don’t want to ask. There are three more Digital Ambassadors out there with the same mission. I can’t find public information on what “potential candidates’ those worthies are seeking out, but the fact that they are keeping a low profile fills one with dread. We do have a hint, though. The Navy’s DIE policy says:

Our Navy is committed to enabling a workforce demographic similar to that of the nation it serves. With nearly 50% of recruitable talent coming from diverse talent, the Navy must be deliberate to create a culture where every person, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to succeed.

The Navy has apparently been great for Kelley. In an interview he gave to the USS Constitution Museum, we learn, “Kelley says he had no interest in the military until he began dating a Marine and learned more about life in the service. When that relationship ended, Kelley decided to enlist in the Navy.” (The jokes sometimes write themselves.) So instead of duty, honor, and country, Kelley is motivated by bringing gay sailors out of the closet.

The biggest impact has been the LGBTQ+ junior sailors who’ve joined because of this, and the amount of opportunities I’ve had to be a voice for the LGBTQ+ community. It’s an honor to be heard and seen, and to now be on a platform to do that for many others is humbling, but very empowering. The amount of support the Navy has given me is spectacular and I can’t wait to continue paving the path for more people to live the legacy of our LGBTQ+ service members, like the ones who’ve paved it for me.

Thankfully, the Navy has also said that Kelley is not getting compensated for his contribution to our nation for his Digital Ambassador gig.

As our national defense focus shifts from a decrepit Russian Army to a Chinese Navy that is starting to throw its weight around, the Navy is the nation’s critical military service.

The past few years have called into question the ability of the US Navy to perform its mission in the Western Pacific theater. The USS Fitzgerald and McCain collisions paint a very ugly picture of staffing and discipline aboard our surface combatants (Accident Reports on the USS Fitzgerald and USS John S. McCain Paint an Ugly Picture).

Just as the Army is flailing about and out of ideas of how to recruit soldiers for a service that is getting smaller, the Navy is in the same position while trying to increase its end strength from 341K (currently) to 347K (Fiscal Year 2024). See GAO Finds Military Has No Plan for Ongoing Recruiting Crisis, the Real Question Is Do They Care? for more on the struggle to man the force. Six months into the fiscal year, it is 6,000 recruits, or 16%, behind where it should be to finish the year at 100% of mission.

All joking aside, who thought this was a good idea? How many young men and women, and more importantly, their parents and adult influencers, look at a gay drag queen cavorting about, and their first thought is, wow, it would be great to serve with him?

Democrats’ Latest Sham Hearing Isn’t About Ethics, It’s About Destroying Their Political Enemies On The Supreme Court

Democrats don’t actually care about ethics. If they did, they would have already addressed their own decades-old violations.

Senate Democrats’ affection for slinging mud at Republican-nominated Supreme Court justices dates back decades. Yet, even after years of failed attempts to stifle confirmations and ruin reputations, their campaign to delegitimize the justices and institution as a threat to their unconstitutional agenda continues with a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing focused on “ethics.”

Democrats claim their concerns about justices’ financial disclosure and ethics practices predate the Biden administration. But it wasn’t until a string of coordinated recent hit pieces calling conservative-nominated justices’ integrity into question that leftist legislators on the Senate Judiciary Committee decided to take action.

Politico’s Heidi Przybyla, who smeared Brett Kavanaugh in 2018, recently painted Justice Neil Gorsuch’s real estate — initiated two years before confirmation to the Supreme Court — as a picture of corruption. That piece of shoddy “investigation” was debunked just as easily as ProPublica’s attempt to accuse Justice Clarence Thomas of cozying up with a conflict of interest was quashed.

To justify their ongoing smear campaign, Democrats brought in congressional witnesses such as Kedric Payne, who is not only quoted in Politico’s Gorsuch smear but also works for a legal group that asserts on its front page the Supreme Court is “a threat to our democracy.”

They’ve also already introduced legislation that would compel the Judicial Conference of the United States, the federal courts’ policymaking body, to create a code of conduct, designate an Ethics Investigations Counsel, and mandate justices to disclose cases in which they recused or risk losing the court’s federal funding for their requested security budget.

Republicans, however, saw right through the Democrats’ shenanigans and their sham hearing.

“This is not about trying to upgrade the ability of the court to be more transparent, but an effort to destroy the legitimacy of this current conservative court,” Ranking Member Lindsey Graham said in his opening statement.

“The truth is the left simply disagrees with [Thomas’s] decisions and with the decisions of our current Supreme Court,” Republican Sen. Mike Lee said at the hearing. “And they obviously can’t persuade the American people to adopt their radical policies through legislation, so they’re attempting to destroy the court’s credibility and intimidate the Republican-appointed justices and their families. Starting with Justice Thomas, they’re making clear that justices who disagree with them will pay a price.”

The Supreme Court Is No Home Depot

Democrats complained the Supreme Court’s current ethical framework, which relies on in-house investigation, is not good enough. Sen. Mazie Hirono specifically said SCOTUS needs new, “binding” ethical rules because, in addition to federal judges, Congress, and members of the executive branch, even private companies like Home Depot subscribe to strict policies.

“Home Depot tells all its employees that conflict occurs when private interests even appear to interfere with the company’s interests and that the perception of a conflict by others can be just as damaging,” Hirono insisted.

The problem with that kind of “get more done” thinking is that decisions about Supreme Court ethics are not for Congress to decide.

As several Republican congressmen and at least two witnesses, including former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, noted during the hearing, the Supreme Court is “solely responsible for its financial disclosure and ethics rules.”

“The relationship the Constitution establishes between the Article One Congress and the Article Three Supreme Court is one of co-equals,” witness Thomas Dupree Jr., a partner and co-chair of the Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher law firm, said during his testimony. “The judiciary is not an inferior branch.”

All nine members of the Supreme Court also signed a statement for the judiciary committee explaining that they did not plan to testify. Chief Justice John Roberts specifically wrote that any future congressional testimony by him on any issue would remain “exceedingly rare, as one might expect in light of separation of powers concerns and the importance of preserving judicial independence.”

Dems Drum Up Fake ‘Ethics’ Crisis While Dobbs Leaker, Leftist Provokers, And Their Own Party Get Away Scot-Free

It’s true that, as Democrats claim, Americans have historically low trust in the head of the judicial branch of the U.S. government. Yet, judiciary committee members rejected attempts to explore their role in the loss of that faith.

Democrats don’t actually care about ethics. If they did, they would have already addressed their own decades-old violations.

Not only has the Senate Select Committee on Ethics issued zero disciplinary sanctions since 2007, but some of the same congressmen lecturing Republicans on why the court needs to be babied are guilty of crossing ethical lines. Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Richard BlumenthalSheldon Whitehouse, and Peter Welch all raised eyebrows with their shady actions in the past yet didn’t receive any punishment or meaningful pushback.

As recently as 2022, Biden-nominated Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson had to revise her financial disclosures. Similarly, Justice Sonia Sotomayor amended her financial disclosures in 2021 while Justice Stephen Breyer made several long-term travel arrangements that were funded by the left-wing Pritzker family. Once again, these actions, which were recently deemed by Democrats and the corporate press as contentious for conservative-nominated justices, were quickly accepted by those same political players as routine.

This is the playbook followed by politicians like Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who publicly threatened conservative court appointees over how they use their decision-making authority.

“I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions,” Schumer said in March 2020.

One year ago today (May 2nd), an unnamed leaker prematurely released the Supreme Court’s decision to rule in favor of ending Roe v. Wade. Leftist legislators freaked out while angry mobs and at least one assassin surrounded the justices’ homes.

Justice Samuel Alito disclosed to the Wall Street Journal in late April that he has “a pretty good idea who is responsible” but warned, “that’s different from the level of proof that is needed to name somebody.”

While the status of punishing or potentially firing the person who violated federal law is muddy, Alito did acknowledge that the leak “was a part of an effort to prevent the Dobbs draft . . . from becoming the decision of the court.”

“And that’s how it was used for those six weeks by people on the outside — as part of the campaign to try to intimidate the court,” he admitted.

The lack of accountability for those who wreaked havoc on the justices’ reputations and safety rests not on the absence of a congressionally-mandated code of ethics; it rests on a lack of interest by those in power — the Democrats — to investigate, condemn, and prosecute.

The judiciary committee shouldn’t have spent two and half hours asking, “How low can the court go?” as Durbin posited on Tuesday morning. It should have asked, “How low are Democrats willing to go to delegitimize an institution they no longer deem useful to their cause.”

Why Now? Florida Republican Legislature Sealing Ron DeSantis Travel Records from Public Review

The easiest way to cut through the pretending nonsense is to ask the obvious question, ‘Why now?

The Florida Republican Legislature is changing the Sunshine Laws in Florida to block people from reviewing the travel records of the Florida Governor.

The claimed justification is security, to protect the governor and high-ranking state officials.  However, the obvious timing of Ron DeSantis pending run for the White House, in combination with his administration refusing to give details on who and how the funding for his private charter flights have been taking place during the “book tour,” makes the new law much more suspicious in construct.

As noted within a Politico article on this subject: […] flight tracking records show that a private chartered jet last week flew from Austin, Texas, to Japan to South Korea to Israel to London and then, over the weekend, stopped in Boston before finally winding up in Tallahassee. Those stops coincide with the governor’s movements for the past week.

No reply at all — It has been previously stated that this trip is being paid by private donations to Enterprise Florida, the public-private economic development agency that is about to be dismantled by the Legislature. But a spokesperson for Enterprise Florida has not responded to questions as to why a chartered jet — which is likely to be tremendously expensive — was used for DeSantis’ trip. The agency was also asked about how much this will ultimately cost.  (read more)

If we stop playing this silly game of pretending not to know what this is about, we will accept the billionaire donors who are funding the ‘STOP TRUMP’ operation are likely the same donors who are funding the ‘BOOK TOUR’; who are the same donors who funded the new branding and consulting group in 2022; who are the same donors funding the entire apparatus of the DeSantis stealth campaign.  More succinctly, his control handlers.

The need for control is a reaction to fear.

The professional Republican apparatus in Florida needs to control what is visible about the construct of Ron DeSantis 2024.  If you ask my opinion, I will tell you from all appearances this fear is connected to a reality that Ron DeSantis ’24 was planned long, long ago.  Likely before the 2020 presidential election year.

As a result of decades of grassroots activist work in the state of Florida, much of it led by the patriotic Tea Party movement, the sunshine state has/had some of the most transparent public information laws in the country.  Florida is/was well known for the ability of citizens and media to keep government officials in check through public records requests.  I have personally used them and will attest to the sunlight process that was always available.

However, ever since the people behind Governor Ron DeSantis began conducting a stealth campaign based on fraud, deception, brand imagery and pretense, those same Florida Sunlight Laws are viewed as a risk.   The arc of this DeSantis legacy, including the legislative changes he champions as good for the state, does not end in a good place.

If you follow the process to its natural conclusion, what becomes predictable is a voter swing back in the other direction, at which time the Democrats will have a lot of powerful tools they can weaponize against their opposition.  Tools, currently created by DeSantis, will be used by a host of carpetbagging non and new-Floridians who are putting the state on a path for future misery.

One only needs to look at what took place on the floor of the Florida House of Representatives today to get a sense of the legislative crisis they are gleefully creating.  This is what DeSantis leadership in the state looks like right now: