Monday, May 1, 2023

Conservatism, Inc. Fiddles While the Republic Burns

One should have a healthy, if only grudging, respect for the sheer force of effort, skill, and chicanery the Left perpetrates every day in the pursuit of its goals.

While members of the conservative think tank elite, outfitted in black tie and ball gowns, sat celebrating themselves in a Washington, D.C., ballroom listening to Dierks Bentley and popping off fireworks over the Potomac, their opponents in Minnesota were pre-registering 16- and 17-year-olds to vote, enacting “motor voter” laws, and establishing pop-up polling locations wherever they expected a balloting hotspot might be (think drop boxes on steroids).  

While the Left is actually working to achieve generational political power, elites on the Right seem satisfied to simply celebrate . . . what? The latest white paper? The sold-out conference on how the Left is beating them in the political arena? Another record fundraising year where 60 percent of the funds go to promote the institution rather than on-the-ground efforts to implement the ideas? It’s usually all of the above.  

Anyone invested in liberty, free markets, and a fundamental respect for life should be horrified by the Left’s obsession with complete power. But this has been the trend for years. One should have a healthy, if only grudging, respect for the sheer force of effort, skill, and chicanery the Left perpetrates every day in the pursuit of its goals. The Left is wired for the pursuit of political power because they understand a very simple truism that my organization, American Majority, constantly emphasizes: politics is policy. The Left knows that if it has political power it gets to implement whatever hideous policy ideas they have—and, as we have seen, they have a lot of them.

Now juxtapose the Left’s pursuit and use of the sledgehammer of raw political power, with Conservatism, Inc. fiddling while the republic burns. 

Nothing could have highlighted how the Left and Right approach “change” in this country better than the Left’s moves in Minnesota occurring simultaneously with the Heritage Foundation’s anniversary celebration for all of whatever it is that think tank now does.

The juxtaposition is a stark reminder that the fact of existence doesn’t equal achievement: I would argue most think tanks, especially the ones in D.C., haven’t accomplished anything meaningful in the last few decades to improve the situation in this country for the Right. In fact they have presented the wrong tactics and strategy with the wrong people all while generating false hope among their donors and our society that they can achieve any outcome of real merit.

When I hear people thinking about investing in think tanks, I hear, “Let’s invest in more losing.” When the Heritage Foundation began in 1973, it ushered in the dawn of a new age of “conservative” think tanks. At that time the national debt was $458 billion. Over the course of the last 50 years, we’ve dumped billions of dollars into these organizations. The national debt is now $33 trillion. Far be it from me to suggest that we’ve been completely wrong about where we spend our dollars, but those think tanks aren’t conserving much of anything but their nice buildings and sinecures. 

Don’t hate the messenger: the numbers and data speak, overwhelmingly, for themselves. So maybe, just maybe, we might want to examine what we’re actually doing moving forward before the republic is completely gone and we have zero chance of ever restoring it.

More than 70 years ago, the Left funded by the Rockefellers, Carnegies, and other staid-but-strayed foundations began investing in institutions in Washington and New York to support their policy endeavors. And it makes sense that 50 years ago, conservatives sought to build similar institutions as a counterbalance. But during that time, the Left continually has invested in every other tool necessary for seizing and controlling power in our country.  

The Left’s nonprofit money funds investigative journalism, lawfare, voter registration, community organizing, and mobilization. It dumped more than $400 million into battleground states in 2020 alone to (very questionably) boost the blue vote in blue counties. They do all these things to build the mechanism of achieving power. Not the Right. No, we write white papers about what should be done instead of doing what it takes to achieve power. 

Maybe we should start thinking about how we reposition ourselves, our strategy, our tactics, and our funding before it’s too late? Because, trust me, we’re not beating back the militant Left by swatting at them with white papers. And what we could be doing right now is educating people about “ballot out, ballot in” efforts for next year and registering people to vote instead of blowing $125 million a year on the Heritage Foundation.

It can and should be done. Look at how far Florida has come in just the past five years. The Democrats held a more than 250,000 voter registration advantage in 2018. Now the GOP has a 450,000 voter advantage in the Sunshine State. How? By spending $2-3 million a year on voter registration. And even when the Republicans were down significantly in registration advantage, they still won 21 of 24 statewides since 2010. How? By investing at least $10 million into an absentee ballot chase program over the final six weeks of every general election to pull an 80-90 percent return on absentee ballots.  The money chasing those absentee ballots is partisan, not nonprofit, but nevertheless most big donors at this stage aren’t terribly interested in write-offs. They’re interested in winning, as is 99 percent of the base.

We have just over 18 months before a truly monumental election for the direction of this country. Let’s stop partying like it’s 1984. Let’s stop squandering time and money. The fate of the republic is in the balance.

X22, And we Know, and more- May 1st


Non woke Super Mario Bros movie reaches an incredible milestone 🥳



“The Super Mario Bros. Movie” has shocked Hollywood after hitting another massive milestone four weeks out when it crossed the $1 billion mark at the global box office this weekend.

The film, which is an adaptation of the popular Nintendo video game, has officially become the first movie of 2023 to hit the coveted milestone with the film’s release worldwide, Variety reported.

The Chris Pratt-lead movie earned $490 million in North America and $532 million internationally as of Sunday. The success has made it only the fifth film since the pandemic to hit such a monumental mark, joining such films as “Top Gun: Maverick,” “Avatar: The Way of  Water,” “Spider-Man: No Way Home,” and “Jurassic World Dominion.”

The movie opened on April 5th during the long Easter holiday and ended up surpassing Marvel’s highly-anticipated “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.” After its first weekend, the film had already become the top-grossing film of 2023 at the worldwide box office and domestically, as previously reported.

It has a star-studded cast of voices, with Pratt as the voice of Mario and Jack Black voicing the love-struck tortured villain, Bowser. The success makes it not only the first movie to cross the $1 billion mark globally but also the first film ever based on a video game to have that kind of success, the outlet noted.

The film has scored big with audiences too — who have given it a 96% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, as previously reported.

“I took my four year old son to watch this movie as he’s super into Mario and he LOVED it,” one audience goer wrote. “I loved the humor in the movie, the colors and animation. It is a good story line and just a great family friendly movie. I have no complaints.”

“Perfect for my 11 year old,” another person wrote. “She enjoyed it and it didn’t have the adult themes or conversation that I have to explain later when she ask [sic] me.”

Meanwhile, critics have loved it less, scoring a 59% on the movie review site.

“Among the many errors of The Super Mario Bros. Movie, screenwriter Matthew Fogel plops him and his brother Luigi into a milquetoast Brooklyn family that doubts them and disrespects their small-business dreams,” a Chicago Reader critic wrote.

Disclosure: The Daily Wire has announced plans for kids entertainment content.

The Crazy Contours of the Crazier 2024 Election ~ VDH

For the Left, having virtually no president at all certainly has its advantages. With no one in charge, everyone is in charge.

We start with the likely American landscape over the next two years.

Joe Biden has no choice but to focus on a purely negative message. So we already know his talking points for the next 18 months: “ultra MAGA” demons, “semi-fascist” insurrectionists, Trump!, Trump!, Trump!, and more Trump!, murdering fellow Americans by putting limits on partial-birth and early abortions, “censorship” as banning critical race theory indoctrination and grooming books, inciting racial tribalism, along with the corollary old boilerplate triad of isms—“fascism, sexism, and racism!”

There will be no Democratic primary debates, even if support for Robert Kennedy, Jr. surges to 25-30 percent of the Democratic electorate. The latter is banking on his name, his gut instinct there are still some JFK-like Democrats and Independents in hiding, the decline of Joe Biden, and the pushback against all things woke.

Biden is failing at a geometric rate of enfeeblement and would likely not be able to rest up, medicate, and prep full-time to salvage the debates as he did as a candidate in the attenuated debate series of 2020. His handlers do not wish to tempt fate a third time and hope that if it comes to a Trump-Biden race that they can goad Trump into offering an excuse to curtail or cancel the debates entirely.

Why Stick with Biden?

So why does the Left stick with Biden, given his high negative ratings, the red-flag example of an enfeebled Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and a disabled Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.,), and his daily lapses of cognition, his inability to read off a teleprompter, his slurring of words to the point of incomprehensibility, his peculiar short-step, hands-out gait, and the indiscreet flashing of his paint-by-numbers, bold-letter prompt cards?

Does the Left not grasp that Biden is one additional bad fall on the steps of Air Force One from full disability, one sparkle-in-his-eye fixation on a young preteen girl in the audience that earns his eerie quips, blowing into the hair, and 20-seconds-too-long hug away from scandal? One complete freeze, in which he loses cognition and the ability to identify those in his immediate vicinity, away from total befuddlement?

Do they not appreciate that Biden is one crooked tax-document dump, one Hunter new-old email release, one burned and flipped former crony whistleblower away from special counsel/impeachment territory?

Do they not understand that the subtext of the current toxic inclusion of Hunter Biden on Air Force One, the shakedown pay for his nose-brush paintings, his new move into the White House, and his cue-card presence at the side of his bewildered dad are all a sort of implied familial blackmail by a prodigal son who believes he got dirty and decadent enriching the Biden clan–his father especially—and yet was never appreciated for his skullduggery?

We are watching a cornered Hunter reclaiming his due as first son. He seeks exemption from the walls-are-closing in law, and wishes to remind the Bidens at any moment he can take them all down with him. Keep your friends close, your family closer.

Nevertheless, the Left Unites

Still, despite the downsides, there are various reasons that explain why the Left unites behind the unpopular and flawed Biden, who is perhaps the least physically able, oldest, and most corrupt president in modern history.

One, the hard Left has learned that despite the obvious liability of a non-compos-mentis president, the advantages of outsourcing the main decision-making of his presidency to the hard Left—the new Democratic Party of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, the squad, the recalibrated Obamas, the black caucus, and the wink and nod to Antifa and BLM—mark a rare moment in U.S.history.

A Jacobin crowd, whose agenda does not poll 50 percent on any issue, is now running the country. Joe Biden is its ancient, happy-face emoji. It has managed in two years to wreck the border, destroy energy autonomy, fuel racial tensions, create an entirely new cause of the aggrieved “transgender community,” tank the economy, spike crime, and put America into rapid decline abroad beneath the Biden façade—and call it all “progress.”

The wherewithal in lieu of popular support came from huge amounts of tech and corporate cash, and the fealty of most of our cultural institutions, from Silicon Valley and the media to the corporate boardroom, academia, K-12, professional sports, entertainment, and the weaponization of the federal bureaucracy including the FBI, Justice Department, Pentagon, CIA, and IRS.

In other words, for the Left having no president at all certainly has its advantages. No one in the Oval Office is warning the socialists, “You guys are crazy and will cost me the election if you keep it up!” Instead, with no one in charge, everyone is in charge.

Two, what choice is there?

The more Kamala Harris knows she must not cackle, must expand her vocabulary to 500 words, and must stop the endless Soak-Wash-Rinse-Spin repetitive cycle of Kahlil Gibran platitudes, the more she simply sticks to her one-trick shtick. No one knows whether on her prompt some aide composed such mush for her teleprompter, or she is freelancing, or if it even matters. Harris is the first vice president in memory whose liabilities prevent an accustomed presence at foreign dignitary funerals.

Three, the Left knows that the strategy of using the Biden veneer for an unpopular socialist agenda is dangerous. It risks Biden’s minute-by-minute octogenarian fragility and, in his vacuum, too much visibility to the absurd people who now surface to lecture the nation on a future of battery-operated tanks, “secure” borders of 6.5 million illegal entries, racist clover-leaves and overpasses, and Dylan Mulvaney’s heroics.

Given all that, the 2024 Democrat campaign in default style has pivoted also to lawfare.

If Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, Fani Willis, Jack Smith, and E. Jean Carroll can stagger their indictments and lawsuits, egg Trump to keep posting on social media, prepare all sorts of gag orders, stays, delays, hearings, and consultations that require Trump to appear in court in chronic fashion, then they believe they can win him just enough empathy to take the Republican nomination, but by November create enough nationwide exhaustion that Independents, Rhinos, and some shaky Trump supporters stay home with a sigh that they “can’t take it anymore.”

So the Left’s strategy seems to be that a few provocative early cuts will create enough blood to excite sympathy and enlist first aid, but subsequent hundreds of cumulative wounds leave such a bloody scene that supporters will recoil, certain either that the victim is terminal or the effort to resuscitate him too messy.

The Republican Strategy

As far as the Republicans, no one knows anything at this early stage and those who say they do know even less.

We forget that in May and June of 2015, we were variously lectured that Jeb! was the Bush who should have been president, that Chris Christie was the sort of blue-state governor that could win nationally, that it was time for Marco Rubio to meet his destiny, that a can-do Rick Perry of 2012 in 2016 would bring Texas know-how to the White House, that Ben Carson was the real outsider we’ve been waiting for, that Ted Cruise alone could unite the anti-Trump vote to rescue the nomination, that Mike Huckabee’s 2012 bid was a just a run-up for his 2016 surge, that the perfect governor Scott Walker had all but locked up on the nomination—and that Trump was a supposed buffoon with zero chance of being nominated and less than zero of being elected.

When Trump currently cuts commercials focusing on the Biden catastrophic record, when he gives televised interviews in which he outlines his solutions to the current self-created messes, and when he omits reference to the “stop-the-steal” past and focuses on 2024, he wins.

And when he detours from comparing his record and agenda to Biden’s and instead replays all the terrible injustices done him (and there were plenty) and goes full bore into ad hominem personal attacks against DeSantis and his sterling record in Florida, he loses the very constituencies he and other Republicans need to win—suburbanites, independents, Democrats terrified of cancel culture, and a few stray rhinos embarrassed by their past nihilistic votes for Biden.

The strange thing is that Trump knows this paradox better than anyone, and seems happy and content when he keeps to his record and future solutions, and morose and moody when he replays the past with himself as the central character rather than the suffering country.

The Democrats fear Ron DeSantis more, evident by the Left’s strange occasional praise of Trump and the latter’s own even stranger attacks from the Left on the Florida governor on abortion, Social Security, the Florida response to COVID, and the repeal of the ossified, crony-capitalist special exemptions for a now woke Disney. The Left’s operative strategy apparently is that it believes Trump customarily gets mad, but DeSantis even more dangerously gets even.

Still, the Left viscerally hates Trump more than it despises DeSantis. It knows the present pro-Trump strategy is risky, since, in 2016, that gambit gave a billion dollars in free media to Trump, only to see him win the Electoral College over a flawed candidate but perhaps even less flawed than Biden. It rationally knows that risk, but emotionally knows it cannot stop taking it.

Lots of candidates may jump into the race, either as vice presidential hopefuls, or hoping that DeSantis proves a Scott Walker, the great Governor hope, who nearly turned a purple state red, took on the right enemies, got reelected, had data and policy at his fingertips—and strangely fizzled out in the first debates.

In contrast, the apparent DeSantis strategy is to declare in mid-May to late June, as the Biden record becomes more depressing, as the Trump legal morass grows and empathy fades, and the more Trump attacks him, the more an above-the-fray DeSantis talks about his record and agenda and creeps back in the polls.

All of the parameters above may be what is known so far. Far greater are the known unknowns of the next year and a half.

If we hit full stagflation with more bank collapses, higher interest, soaring energy prices, and a scary expansion of the slugfest in Ukraine, then all the Democratic strategies in the world will not prevent Biden’s Cartesque fate.

Will Biden manage to simulate a presidency or continue to scare even his supporters? Which, if any, of the four or five legal attacks on Trump will stick, and if so, when, why, and how? And how will DeSantis do with crowds, rallies, and messy spars?

Again, the only thing that is now known is what is possible. What everyone now thinks is certain is likely unlikely. The 2024 race is not predetermined but more fluid than ever.

NBC’s Gleeful Chuck Todd Promotes the Big Trap

CTH has been warning about how the multinationals use the false construct of the DC Potemkin Village to keep people distracted from the true power center that is in control of the system of our national government.  Just as Washington DC and the Legislative branch do not write legislation, the DC system does not control the regulations that flow as an outcome of the Executive branch policy.

Behind the Potemkin Village we discover the mechanisms and people who write the laws, construct the rules, and pay for control over the priority and execution of policy.  Corporations are in control of government; the politicians are the faces that keep everyone distracted.  This dynamic was recently highlighted when Senator Lindsey Graham discovered during a television broadcast that he was a sponsor of a bill he didn’t even understand.

The RNC and DNC are two private corporations within this dynamic.  The same funding mechanisms and corporations behind the Potemkin Village are the same funding mechanisms and corporations who fund the RNC and DNC.  This is one big political apparatus that gives the illusion of government, while the corporations exfiltrate the wealth using laws they construct and policies they create.

Earlier this year we warned these same multinational entities would use the “culture war” to enhance the distraction.  This is ‘The Big Trap.’  Earlier today NBC’s Chuck Todd ran the promotional preview for the 2024 deployment.  WATCH (2 minutes):

Prior to the 2012 election and the rise of the Sandra Fluke free birth control narrative, we used to call them social issues; however, the usefulness of cultural wars has morphed into the larger war of wokeism.

In the big picture, keeping the voting base distracted from the economic expansion of multinational globalism, the corporate ‘masters of the universe’ (ie. the Big Club within both parties), need to keep pushing wokeism and anti-wokeism as a political strategy.  The cultural issues are useful tools to keep control of an alignment of voters.  It has always been thus, and even more important now that people are starting to realize the expansion of the rust belt.

Political parties were created to present you with: (1) a controlled outlet for your focus (pro-tip the Big Club “they” control it); and (2) the illusion of choice.

Now there are some differences between the two political parties – between the two wings of the same DC vulture.

• The DNC wants power. The RNC wants money.
• The DNC uses money to get power. The RNC use power to get money.
• The ideology of the DNC drives their donor activity. The ideology of the donors drives the RNC.

This is the essential difference in their business models.  This is also how the system works when you think about ‘money’ and raw ‘ideological power’.

Let me give you an example in current culture, around “wokeism“.

The social and cultural ideology of the left-wing is clear; they are pushing ideology.  However, when you look at the right-wing corporate response, notice the focus is on money.  The left is pushing a cultural revolution; the right is seeking to gain money in (a) corporate alignment, or (b) velvet-gloved combat against it.

The leftist ideology advances. Notice there is no ideological pushback against the cultural revolution from Congress.  Why?… Money

Democrats know if they want to advance ideology, simply find a mechanism to pay Republicans.  Easy peasy.

The rust belt, the diminishment of the U.S. economic manufacturing base, was an outcome of corporate control over politics.  Corporations and banks seek profit, those profits are inflated by a U.S. service driven economic model.  Skilled jobs require higher wages.

If the skilled jobs can be outsourced to lower cost labor nations, the subsequent lowered labor costs drive bigger margins.  Again, it has always been thus.

At the core of the U.S. political issue, you discover that both wings of the DC UniParty agree with this basic economic model.  Republicans and Democrats now use the catchphrase ‘service driven economy‘ with bipartisan frequency.  Many voters no longer have any reference to an economic system that is anything except a ‘service driven economy’, yet nothing about that system provides long-term value for U.S. voters or workers.

Within this very specific dynamic, you find the root of the support for Donald J. Trump.  A larger, formerly considered silent majority who comprise the baseline middle class workforce, find common understanding with President Trump because he sees the flaws in the economic model.

Not coincidentally, it is only Donald Trump who has ever discussed these economic issues. Factually, no national politician in the modern era prior to Donald Trump ever dared broach the subject of economic globalism, and the negative consequences therein, because they would find themselves in the target field of the corporations who fund the political system.  A general platform more akin to a code of omerta covered the entire subject of republican economic policy.

As the pandemic years have shown, economic security is deeply tied to national security.  As an outcome, economic policy ultimately drives foreign policy.  When combined, the economic and foreign policy outlooks form the structural alignment of the UniParty platform.

Following the downstream effect of multinational corporate influence, modern Democrats support expansionist and interventionist foreign policy.  Meanwhile, modern Republicans, previously called “neocons” have always supported expansionist and interventionist foreign policy.  Leadership of both parties now align in a singular foreign policy outlook; thus, we see support for the Ukraine spending and intervention by both Democrats and Republicans.

However, outside the DC bubble of multinational corporate influence, the support for the interventionist foreign policy doesn’t exist in the same scale and scope.  Voters inside both the Democrat and Republican base do not support the intervention at the same level as the political leadership of both parties.  There is a structural breakdown between the priorities of voters and the priorities of the elected officials.  None of this is new discussion, we all accept this basic reality.

With political leadership of both parties supporting the same economic outlook, and both parties supporting the same foreign policy outlook, we find the source of opposition against U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Economic policy and foreign policy form the uniting bond that drives both parties to oppose Trump’s America First ideological outlook.

As long as Donald J Trump singularly represents the only counterforce against this UniParty globalist construct, he will continue to be targeted by the system of financial controllers who fund the political system.  For the sake of brevity this alignment of multinational corporate and financial economic interests is called “the big club.”

As part of the strategic political effort, the Republican wing of the Big Club needs to carve up the supporters of Donald Trump into smaller, easier to target, pieces.

This is where the value of the culture war, what is now considered as ‘wokeism’, plays into the strategy of those who seek to control political outcomes and remove the threat that Trump represents to their financial interests.  This is the division that Ron DeSantis is being funded by them to assist.

In many ways, this is why we are seeing prominent Republican officeholders pushing the culture war as a tool for their own political advancement.  The same Big Club members who are directly fighting against the America-First economic agenda, are the same Big Club members who are funding the Republican politicians to push the culture war.

The corporations, billionaires and multinationals who are funding the Republican candidates do not have any vested interest in the culture war. For them the social issues are a tool, technique or insurance policy to guarantee security of the interest that does matter, their financial status.

There are trillions at stake, literally trillions.  Additionally, decades of their prior investment interests are contingent upon the ‘service driven economy’ being maintained.

Dollars drive the U.S. global trade and financial exchanges.  The multinationals, both corporations and banks, have pre-deployed investments all around the globe.  However, many of those investments are entirely contingent upon the retention of the U.S. economic system they pre-established before the investment was made.  President Donald J. Trump represents the threat to that entire financial system.

Once you understand this, then a great deal of the more nuanced and granular U.S. political moves, almost all of which are funded by the corporations and billionaires who are attached to the global investment process, begin to make sense.

Every non-Trump candidate, funded to create the opposition to America First, is part of this process to use anti-wokeism as a strategy.

With this level of money at stake, do not be surprised when you look at how much is being spent to construct the system that guarantees the continuation of globalism. The money spent in funding the Republican candidates to advance the distracting cultural war pales in comparison to the amount of money at risk in the 2024 election outcome.

That’s the baseline for this:

…“GOP leaders and candidates should take from this poll one important lesson: voters expect them to fight wokeness,” American Principles Project President Terry Schilling said. “Support for policies protecting families from gender ideology is off the charts, with the majority of the base showing a strong preference for tackling these issues. Meanwhile, approval of Republican establishment priorities was much more muted, with most of those surveyed even agreeing that GOP elected officials have given up too much ground in the culture war.”  

…“Any candidate who expects to win a Republican primary next year for any office needs to lead on cultural issues in order to win over voters,” Schilling said. “Perhaps the two most prominent leaders on these issues so far have been Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, so it should be no surprise they are far and away the favorites in the presidential field. It’s time for the rest of the party to pay heed and set their priorities accordingly.” (more)

Candidate Donald Trump understands the real priorities of the Big Club extend beyond this useful cultural war, deep into the world of economics and foreign policy.

As each of the corporate funded Republican candidates hits the cultural war (wokeism) effort as part of the distracting political strategy, watch President Trump generally agree with the ‘social issues’, but then counter the distraction with arguments specifically targeting economic and foreign policy.

The entire field of Republican candidates will hold the same economic and foreign policy outlook (Ukraine example), with only Donald Trump representing an alternative.