Sunday, April 30, 2023

Joe Freedom

Joe Biden unironically declares that the 2024 presidential election will be about whether we want more freedom, or less.

Joe Biden on Tuesday announced that he is running for reelection via a heavily produced video. Biden’s video attacked “extreme MAGA Republicans,” asserted that we are still in a battle for the soul of America, and talked about how he is the one to defend against the threat to freedom. He claimed that Republicans want to “ban books,” tell people who they can love, cut Social Security, and make it harder for people to vote. 

Meticulously absent was any discussion of Biden’s accomplishments. No discussion about the economy, income growth for working Americans, or the might of the U.S. military. No mention of tax policy, energy policy, immigration policy, women’s rights, or major achievements of international diplomacy. Nothing.

While it would be easy to go point-by-point through Biden’s video and refute each lie and exaggeration about so-called MAGA extremists, one theme deserves to be examined closely, and that is Biden’s theme of freedom. 

In his video, Biden states that the 2024 presidential election is about whether we want more freedom or less freedom. In asking that question, Biden makes the case that he is undeserving of the presidency. 

When the Biden Administration has not been able to achieve progressive goals through legislation, it has turned to executive orders and government regulation to deliver the wishes of the ruling class. With each executive order and regulation, Americans’ freedoms continue to erode slowly but surely.

Biden ran for election in 2020 vowing to end the age of fossil fuels and eliminate gas-powered vehicles. Recognizing that he had no legislative support for any of this, he turned instead to executive orders. On his second day in office, Biden signed “Executive Order on Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis,” canceling the Keystone XL pipeline permit. Then, in the last week of January 2021, he issued the “Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad,” effectively pausing new oil and natural gas leases on public lands.

Biden’s penchant for executive orders and regulations impacted his approach to fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. He signed an executive order requiring all federal employees to have the COVID vaccination, including military personnel. His administration then tried to use the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to implement regulations that would have required every business with more than 100 employees to have their workers vaccinated or submit to weekly COVID tests. This nonsense was struck down by the Supreme Court.

More recently, the Biden Administration has implemented regulations that will end up banning a large percentage of gas stoves, refrigerators, washing machines, and air conditioners.

He has also implemented regulations that would require home buyers with a large down payment and good credit to pay more for their mortgages, in order to allow people with a lower down payment and poor credit to pay less.

Last, but certainly not least, the Biden Administration has proposed new tailpipe emissions limits that “could require as much of 67% of all new vehicles sold in the U.S. by 2032 to be all-electric, up from 5.8% in 2022.”

I agree with Joe Biden. The 2024 election is about freedom. The freedom I choose is the freedom of the American people to make their own decisions, the freedom to allow our elected officials to make laws, not govern by fiat, and the freedom of American businesses to innovate and bring the American people the products Americans want, while protecting the environment.

If the American people agree and vote for freedom, Biden will be a one-term Oval Office occupant.

X22, And we Know, and more- April 30


1 long, and possibly grueling week ahead. And it all starts tomorrow with seeing if a writers strike in the entertainment business can be prevented.

Then much later this week, the very last TV Guide issue that NCIS LA can be featured in will be published. And I have no idea what the info given in the issue will be about! I can only hope that it will be helpful with helping me decide on if I can watch The Reckoning next Sunday.

The Irreplaceable Tucker Carlson

The mass media, in which the Fox News host was both the top dog and yet, somehow, the only real voice of opposition, has scored a victory in its quest for total narrative control.

The news of Tucker Carlson’s unceremonious “parting of ways” with Fox News has sent ripples of ecstasy through the least talented, least imaginative, most obsequious sectors of politics and media. Carlson’s unusually large, powerful, and passionate hate-following is a testament to his courage and authenticity as a journalist. Even the Pentagon has chimed in to share its pleasure. Carlson should be honored.

This was bound to happen eventually, as Carlson doubtless knows. The truth is that Fox News was always an awkward fit for a man of Carlson’s independent spirit. He had outgrown his employer’s cynical business model, which is to keep viewers captive with impotent rage. Carlson is too real for that. During his magnanimous reign at the top of cable, he was a powerful voice of dissent, and a spokesman for those alienated by the radicalization of nearly every institution in American life, including those in his own profession, whose banality and conformism Carlson attacked relentlessly.

Toward the end especially, “Tucker Carlson Tonight” was a gloomy chronicle of American decline. The world of “Tucker” was filled with ugliness, duplicity, chaos, and decay. Carlson was pilloried as a crank for “conspiracy theories” about the evil doings of people in high places. Perhaps his most controversial habit was to comment on the supposed “conspiracy theory” that Democrats are engineering a permanent majority through the demographic erasure of whites—something Democrats, as Carlson often noted, have bragged about over and over again. His hysterical, overwrought critics never bothered contradicting him, because they couldn’t. The “great replacement” sounds cartoonishly evil, and yet it’s undeniably true. The truth clearly bothered Carlson, and he just couldn’t keep his mouth shut. 

As dark as it often was, Carlson’s show was consistently, devilishly funny. The witless dogmatism of his peers only accentuated his polemical gifts. His nightly jeremiads were concentrated assaults on a decadent, childish, narcissistic, corrupt, ungodly, and undeserving elite, an elite that ruled as oligarchs while trumpeting Our Democracy. The absurdity and self-importance of his enemies—the triple-masked “science” worshiper at Whole Foods, the five-star general racked with white guilt—supplied rich pickings for the host and his devastating vignettes. 

Like all talented men, Carlson made the job look easy. 

For a cable news guy, his monologues were unusually thoughtful. He was not just reading off a teleprompter, like his 9 p.m. colleague. Although he sometimes exaggerated, one never doubted the sincerity of his reflections on the world and man’s place within it. 

His work also had a spiritual impact. Carlson often laced his commentaries with reflections on mortality, the human ambition to replace God, and the preciousness of civilization. The aristocratic host was troubled by the freakish disorder of modern America, and the indignities it heaped upon those whom he called “decent people.” 

“Tucker Carlson Tonight” was different. Of course, any old crackpot can be different, but Carlson is no eccentric. He offered something totally unheard of in the world of television: intelligence. On what other show could one hear criticism of war propaganda, anti-white race politics, and the corporate degradation of family life? 

If Bill O’Reilly was the sleazy king of cable, Carlson was its genteel sage. With his abrupt, dishonorable ouster, Fox News returns to its regularly scheduled programming of infantilizing, room-temperature talking points, delivered by charmless talking heads like Trey Gowdy and Brian Kilmeade. The mass media, in which Carlson was both the top dog and yet, somehow, the only real voice of opposition, has scored a victory in its quest for total narrative control. 

Is it a permanent victory for the Left? There can be no doubt that Carlson has suffered a major career hit. Losing a cable news audience is a huge, perhaps irrecoverable, loss. But Carlson is not finished. A true craftsman, he enjoys what he does and has a compulsion to keep doing it. As long as there is an appetite for truth, he will have an audience somewhere. 

Prescription For Parents: Vet Your Child’s Doctors. They No Longer Deserve Your Trust

Parents need to find out now, before a crisis point is reached, what their pediatrician or family doctor’s views are on abortion, contraception, transgenderism, and more.

Let me introduce you to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Like other powerful health authorities, they refuse to inform women of the lifelong increased risk of breast cancer for anyone who has ever taken the pill. It seems that the “benefits” of barrenness trump even the power of pink ribbons. That’s not all: America’s most powerful pediatric voice is also refusing to inform young women of the mental health risks of hormonal contraception, even as we are living through an unprecedented teen mental health crisis, with depression and suicides rising.

The link between hormonal contraception and depression — and even a threefold higher suicide rate — is not new to The Federalist’s readers, nor to countless women around the world, nor to anyone familiar with the massive European studies involved. Do the nation’s pediatricians counsel their families that starting birth control might contribute to depression and even suicide? No. The AAP’s contraception “explainer,” aimed at parents and children, highlights “improved acne” but does not include a word about depression. Similarly, the AAP’s official policy statement on contraception, designed to help guide clinical practice, stays mum on mental health — though does once again highlight that acne-fighting power!

Interestingly, elsewhere in the AAP’s work, the focus on depression seems almost parodically exaggerated. Last year’s policy statement on “The Adolescent’s Right to Confidential Care When Considering Abortion” reveals that the official stance of America’s pediatricians is to advocate for early access to abortion in order to reduce depression — and, what’s more, to keep those abortions secret because informing parents may pose “psychological harm” to the teenager. The statement puts the AAP firmly in the mainstream of modern medical practice, where it is commonplace to argue that we must increase abortion in order to prevent suicide.

Abortion policy is not the only sphere the AAP uses to selectively trumpet a concern over teen mental health. Just this month, in its article on “Health Equity and the Impact of Racism on Adolescent Health,” the AAP’s flagship journal sounds the alarm about the immigration debate: “Structural racism in federal antiimmigrant policies in the last 5 years has skyrocketed rates of anxiety and depression among Latine AYA [adolescents and young adults].” The AAP goes out of its way to link debates over border policy to mental health, yet keeps oddly quiet when faced with far stronger evidence of the psychiatric risks of birth control.

While the AAP claims that avoiding suicide is reason enough to broaden abortion access, it seems to take trans suicide in its stride. We know that trans identification dramatically increases the risk of suicide, according to pro-trans organizations themselves, and yet the AAP enthusiastically embraces and affirms trans ideology.

Let’s recap some potential suicide prevention strategies, as seen through the eyes of our medical community:

Open borders? Yes, please!

Kill your unborn child? You go girl — and it’ll stay our little secret!

Ban chemical castration and genital mutilation? Whoa now, don’t embrace hate!

Just say no to mood-altering hormonal contraception? *Crickets*

Theme of Depopulation

Aside from the nakedly partisan political bent of their activism, there is a clear pattern of supporting any intervention that either kills babies or causes sterility. The medical profession, with the help of Big Pharma, has long been engaged in a war on childhood — but this is something new, a war on fertility itself.

The sad truth is that the medical community is now staunchly, openly anti-life. They are not going to inform your child about the mental health dangers inherent in hormonal contraception or in the denial of biological sex. They are far too busy, as these leading Harvard Medical School professors put it last year in the AAP’s flagship publication, sounding “a national call to action for pediatric residency programs to formalize training in reproductive health and justice.”

Doctors Must Speak Up

Doctors, if you believe in biblical truth, or at least oppose killing or sterilizing children, it is time for you to speak up. If not for yourselves and your own consciences, then for the millions of families out there looking for a medical voice to trust. These families need medical care, and if they can’t rely on a corrupt, woke medical establishment to deliver it, where are they going to get it?

I suspect there are more of us than we know, but even if we’re a small minority, we have an obligation not to politely hold our tongues about Moloch but to affirmatively proclaim our clinics a safe space for God.

Parents Must Act

Parents, it is time to ask your doctor their views on these matters. Your pediatrician’s worldview matters more than ever. Her “personal” views may now be the difference between your child growing up happy, well-adjusted, and with all reproductive organs intact or becoming another suicide statistic, another notch in Big Pharma’s belt, another victim of a deranged mammarian mutilator.  

Doctors ask you uncomfortable questions all the time. Are you sexually active? Do you smoke pot? How many guns do you have at home? Compared to that, “Can a boy become a girl?” is a layup. Don’t be confrontational in the least, simply engage in polite fact-finding inquiries: “Do you regularly prescribe hormonal contraception?” “Do you support a teenager’s right to choose?” If they make you fill out your preferred pronouns upon arrival at the clinic, you don’t have to ask any questions at all!

I routinely have parents-to-be feel me out on a wide variety of topics when deciding whether to bring their children to my office — they’ll ask what I think about home births, crying it out, or Dr. Sears vaccine schedules.

I hope your pediatrician’s beliefs on “reproductive justice” and “gender-affirming care” will never affect you or your children — for by the time they do, it will be too late. That confidential counseling session will have happened before you ever find out about it, and there will be nothing protecting your child from the demons, nothing protecting you from a lifetime of regret over not having asked these questions when your child was a babe in your arms.

To be fruitful and multiply is our Creator’s first and oft-repeated blessing to mankind in the book of Genesis; He, apparently lacking the wisdom of our medical betters, never once blesses any of his beloved with the hope of infertility, depression, regret, and infanticide.

Parents, you need to establish now, before a crisis point is reached, what your pediatrician or family doctor’s views on these matters are. Don’t fail your children. Go ahead and vet your doctor now, while you still can.

'Transabled'? Troubling Trend in Healthy People 'Identifying' as Handicapped — And Worse

'Transabled'? Troubling Trend in Healthy People 'Identifying' as Handicapped — And Worse

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

In this episode of Try to Control Your Shock and Amazement…

Given the current “trans” insanity holding much of America hostage, I suppose it was inevitable: there’s a troubling, rising trend in… wait for it… “transableism,”  in which an otherwise healthy person actually “identifies” as handicapped. Yeah.

But, man, it gets worse. Far worse. Before we continue, let’s back up the history bus, for a minute.

In the “old days,” the accepted term was “handicapped,” which was later changed to “disabled” — although the definitions slightly vary — and now the politically correct (nonsensical) term is transableism, which, as reported by Fox News, is the new woke term for “Body Integrity Identity Disorder” (BIID).

Still with me? Here’s more, via Fox News (emphasis, mine):

BIID has been relabeled to transableism to align with today’s trans community.

The point of “changing the identifier” from a psychiatric condition (BIID) to an advocacy term (transableism) is to “harness the stunning cultural power of gender ideology” to the cause of allowing doctors to “treat” BIID patients by “amputating healthy limbs, snipping spinal cords or destroying eyesight,” according to Evolution News and Science Today (EN), which reports on and analyzes evolution, neuroscience, bioethics, intelligent design and other science-related issues.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) notes on its website: “Those with BIID desire the amputation of one or more healthy limbs or desire a paralysis,” while “some ‘transabled’ people even mutilate themselves.”

If you’re wondering at what point the insanity and immorality will end, you’re not alone.

And think about it: amputating healthy limbs, snipping spinal cords, and destroying eyesight differs from “gender-affirming surgery” only with respect to which part(s) of a healthy body a surgeon (or affected individual) irreversibly mutilates.

A 24-year-old North Carolina college student called transableism a “cry for attention,” telling Fox News Digital:

It’s offensive to people who actually suffer from the condition that you say you need, in order to be your true self. It’s embarrassing, and I don’t know if you can be considered a serious human being if you alter your body like this, instead of getting the appropriate mental help you need.

Obviously, the student is “tranablephobic.” [sarc] Kudos to the 24-year-old.

It gets weirder.

Jørund Viktoria Alme, a resident of Oslo — who’s also “transgender” — told the TV show “Good Morning Norway” “she” had a “lifelong wish” to have been born “a woman paralyzed from the waist down.” Alme has no physical handicaps, as noted by Fox.

Let’s do one more.

In one shocking case, a 21-year-old North Carolina woman who identified as blind “actually took steps to destroy her own eyesight,” according to multiple reports from a few years ago, said Fox.

Dr. Marc Siegel, a clinical professor of medicine and a practicing internist — as well as a Fox News medical contributor — told Fox that most doctors will “only perform procedures they feel are medically indicated.”

Uh-huh. Who’d a thunk, not all that long ago, that doctors would perform irreversible double mastectomies and castrations on confused children?

In reference to Munchausen syndrome, which is a “factitious disorder” in which a person “repeatedly and deliberately acts as if they have a physical or mental illness,” when they are not really sick, according to, Siegel told Fox:

We deal with Munchausen and Munchausen by proxy, where patients can be quite convincing about illnesses they don’t really have — and we need to be on the lookout for this.

Again, Siegel was right, which in today’s Twilight Zone world, is wrong — or worse. How many examples have we seen of honest people targeted by the rabid left for telling the truth and stating the obvious? How many people have been fired or forced to resign from their jobs for having the courage to speak truth to the insane power of the woke left?

Finally, Arizona internist Jane Orient told Fox the obvious: Transableism is a “delusional disorder.”

In my opinion, both transgender and transabled persons suffer from a delusional disorder. The Oath of Hippocrates adjures physicians to do no harm. Mutilating the body is an objective harm even if makes the patient subjectively feel better.

The disability is lifelong and imposes burdens on others — and neither patients nor physicians can duck responsibility for that. With transgenders the follow-up is generally very short — not sure about the [follow-up with] elective amputees.

The ‘no other way’ [to cope with the condition] excuse is a cop-out; we need to find other ways. Denial of reality is anti-scientific.

With that, ’nuff said.

The Bottom Line

When will the insanity end, even if it gets worse before it does? Or, will it ever end? And at what point will the moral and decent among us regain the power to put the perverse toothpaste back into the woke tube?

If we learned anything from the Democrat Party over the last six decades, it’s this: leftists are like spoiled children; the more they get, the more they want — or demand. Leftists are not only relentless; they’ve also been largely successful by practicing the old adage of “eating an elephant [pun intended] one bite at a time.”

Ron DeSantis Prepares to Take out Another Soros-Backed Prosecutor

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

The left has long accused Ron DeSantis of being the Grim Reaper, and he’s living up to that name, at least when it comes to radical, George Soros-backed prosecutors.

As RedState reported back in 2022, DeSantis took out Andrew Warren, a state attorney who pledged to not enforce state laws surrounding abortion and the mutilation of children in the name of “gender-affirming care.” Now, he’s got his eyes on an even bigger prize: State Attorney Monique Worrell.

(Related: State Attorney That Ron DeSantis Suspended Cries a Glorious River)

You may remember Worrell. She made headlines after a man named Keith Moses went on a killing spree in her district. As it turned out, Moses had a criminal history, and Worrell had previously failed to prosecute him for drug crimes. Had she done so, he would have likely been in jail during the time of the murders.

Politico provides more details, including the fact that DeSantis’ general counsel recently demanded Worrell provide records related to the Moses murders, signaling that a case for removal is being built. As noted, the general counsel is the same one that led the charge against Andrew Warren.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis appears poised to suspend another prosecutor from office, this time zeroing in on how a central Florida state attorney dealt with the 19-year-old man accused of killing three people in Orlando, including a television reporter.

DeSantis has already publicly criticized State Attorney Monique Worrell’s handling of previous prosecutions of the suspect, Keith Moses, who had a record of arrests as a juvenile and was on probation at the time he allegedly went on a shooting spree.

On Tuesday, DeSantis’ general counsel demanded that Worrell turn over emails, reports and documents related to Moses, including his juvenile record.

The request is significant because the general counsel’s office handled the contentious suspension of Tampa prosecutor Andrew Warren. DeSantis removed Warren from office last August after the prosecutor pledged that he would not prosecute people under Florida’s new abortion restrictions or doctors who provide gender-affirming care, even though state law doesn’t address that presently.

Orlando has a higher rate of crime than Miami, which is just nuts when you consider the differences between the cities. But that is what Worrell’s tenure has brought. She is your typical far-left social justice warrior who would see her city burn to the ground if it meant she could virtue-signal on Twitter. Her entire worldview is over-racialized and centers on the idea of implicit bias. That’s her priority, not stopping crime.

Is DeSantis going after Worrell to raise his profile for a coming presidential run? I have no idea, and I couldn’t care less. Whatever the motivation is, it’s the right thing to do. These Soros-backed prosecutors are destroying their communities, and it’s long past time someone held them accountable.

In Florida, DeSantis has been willing to push the envelope and exercise his power to get things done. That’s important because you can’t play defense against the left. If you do, you will be consumed by it. Going on offense and taking these prosecutors out is the only way forward. Other governors need to start figuring out how they can take similar actions.

Portugal: Four dead after suspected pigeon racer dispute


A man reportedly shot dead three men in Portugal before killing himself in what has been described as a feud related to the breeding of racing pigeons.

The shooting took place in the city of Setubal, around 50 km (30 miles) south of the capital, Lisbon.

Local media reports that the feud was related to homing pigeons and an illegal vegetable garden.

The victims were reportedly participating in a pigeon racing competition when they were killed.

CNN Portugal reported that the 66-year-old suspect killed himself when police arrived on Sunday morning.

Setubal police commissioner Andreia Gonçalves described the deaths as "an isolated situation" related to an unresolved issue between the men.

A source in the Judiciary Police told the Publico news site that the disagreement related to the breeding of the pigeons.

The identities of the suspect and victims have not yet been revealed. The gunman reportedly lived in a tent in Setubal.

A police investigation is under way.

Portugal has restrictive gun laws but firearms are legal for hunting.   

U.K. Business Leaders Unimpressed With DeSantis Visit and London Leg of Book Tour

As Florida Governor Ron DeSantis finishes up his long-scheduled foreign policy tour, he finishes the trip on a down note in London, England.  Apparently, the political and business leaders were unimpressed by the diminutive stature of the Top-Gov and had lots of uncomplimentary things to say about him.

Meanwhile, on the domestic front, the most recent Trump -vs- DeSantis poll shows another slip for the DeSantis brand managers, despite the considerable lifts they put in his shoes to assist the optics.  President Trump now leads Ron DeSantis 62% to 16% in polling, a 46-point advantage {link}.

Governor DeSantis is scheduled to arrive back in Florida this week as the consultants organize bill signing ceremonies for legislation completed during his absence.  The bills will include a change to the Florida election laws permitting Ron to start officially campaigning for president instead of pretending not to run.  The ‘official’ announcement, which appears to have been planned for several years, is scheduled for mid-May next month.

LONDON — He hopes to win the hearts and minds of devoted Donald Trump supporters ahead of next year’s U.S. election.

But Republican presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis failed to impress British business chiefs at a high-profile London event Friday, in a tired performance described variously as “horrendous,” “low-wattage” and “like the end of an overseas trip.”

The Florida governor, expected to launch his bid next month to challenge Trump as the Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential race, met with more than 50 representatives of major U.K. firms and business lobbying groups as a part of a four-country “trade mission” ending in London Friday.

For several of those present, however, the statesmanship was lacking.

One U.K. business figure said DeSantis “looked bored” and “stared at his feet” as he met with titans of British industry in an event co-hosted by Lloyd’s of London — the world’s largest insurance marketplace.

“He had been to five different countries in five days and he definitely looked spent, but his message wasn’t presidential,” they told POLITICO. “He was horrendous.”

A second business figure who was in the room said it was a “low-wattage” performance and that “nobody in the room was left thinking, ‘this man’s going places’.”

They said: “It felt really a bit like we were watching a state-level politician. I wouldn’t be surprised if [people in attendance] came out thinking ‘that’s not the guy’.” “There wasn’t any stardust.” (Read More)

Please clap…

How Democrats’ Push For Electric Cars Endangers National Security

Democrats’ highly expensive environmental policies have been developed without any meaningful strategic thinking or analyses about raw materials and geopolitics.

Ford Motor Company recently announced it’s set to lose more than $6 billion on its latest electric vehicle plants while it gets them running, with the company CEO saying “we cannot continue to import batteries and rare earth from overseas.”

“We can build all the plants, but what’s the good if we’re importing batteries?” he continued, highlighting U.S. mine closures and global shortages of the rare earths required for the batteries that power these cars.

Joe Biden declared war on fossil fuels on his first day in office. The federal government has adopted numerous policies to swiftly move our nation away from gas-powered vehicles to all-electric ones.

Yet the Biden administration appears entirely unaware of the hard realities of such a major infrastructure shift. In a recent congressional hearing, Biden Interior Secretary Deb Haaland couldn’t answer basic questions about the dearth of crucial materials for EVs due to foreign monopolies on mining and the administration’s antipathy to U.S. energy independence.

Due to government subsidies and regulations, electric car manufacturers are popping up in the U.S. to construct multibillion-dollar assembly plants planned to turn out 150,000 to 250,000 electric vehicles (EVs) per year. Electric battery plants are co-locating to produce the massive batteries for these EVs, aided by federal and state incentives. Batteries account for 20-40 percent of an EV’s cost.

Battery manufacturers initially believed government anti-gas policies would create an unprecedented business opportunity and enable them to meet the EV manufacturers’ needs. But it has become apparent that the battery manufacturers may not control their own destinies. Sourcing the rare-earth elements in the quantities necessary to stamp “Made in America!” on those enormous batteries may mean these billions of dollars being shuffled around will go toward producing far fewer cars than currently promised. That means the entire enterprise could be another giant taxpayer-sponsored boondoggle.

China Monopolizes Key Inputs for EV Batteries

EV batteries require nine elements, here listed in order of proportion: graphite, aluminum, nickel, copper, steel, manganese, cobalt, lithium, and iron. Almost all of these elements that will be needed in massive quantities to produce a U.S. electric-vehicle boom are controlled by foreign countries, especially the top U.S. adversary, China. Mining is a major business operation that requires years to develop, at high business risk, and the United States controls few of the needed raw materials for EVs.

China mines and refines 82 percent of the world’s graphite. It also consumes one-third of the graphite extracted by the world’s next largest supplier, Madagascar. There has been no graphite mining in the United States since the 1950s, and plans for opening any mine are far off.

China produces nearly 60 percent of the world’s aluminum, and all other producers pale in comparison. Aluminum is used in an enormous number of product applications, and almost all of the U.S. needs are met by imports, primarily from Canada. But it’s likely only China can provide the quantities necessary for mass EV battery production. Potential increased production from South America is meeting stiff environmental opposition.

Approximately 50 percent of the world’s available nickel is mined in Indonesia and Australia, with several other countries providing the bulk of the balance, including Russia. The United States’ sole nickel mine will be exhausted by 2026, so all processed nickel for EVs must be imported unless the federal government approves building another, which will take years to get running.

The future of nickel mining for EVs is questionable due to environmental and health concerns. A recent Guardian article described nickel mining as “plumes of sulphur dioxide choking the skies, churned earth blanketed in cancerous dust, rivers running blood-red” and causing considerable opposition from environmental activists.

The U.S. is a top-five producer of copper, so that metal can likely be sourced domestically. The U.S. is also a top-five producer of steel yet still imports almost 20 percent of its needs before adding the demand from EV production.

China’s output is more than 10 times the United States’ and larger than the rest of the entire world’s steel production combined. U.S. imports sourced from China, the world’s top producer, are insignificant, although the United States imports approximately one-fifth of its steel annually.

Manganese is sourced globally primarily in South Africa, Gabon, China, and Australia. China has invested heavily in obtaining control of mining rights in Africa, Australia, and South American countries where preliminary investigations show extensive deposits.

As much as 70 percent of cobalt mining occurs in Congo, and Australia, Russia, and Canada account for much of the balance. Again, China has invested in companies with mining rights in Congo.

Iron (ore) extraction is led by Australia, Brazil, Russia, and China, while mining in the U.S. produces just a small fraction of the global total. Even though China is a top producer of iron ore, its manufacturing needs are so great that it has agreements in place to purchase approximately 70 percent of all global exports of the mineral.

Lithium constitutes just 3 percent of EV battery components. However, the United States has only one operating mine, producing less than 2 percent of the global supply. As a result, the vast majority of lithium is obtained from Australia and South America.

China is also a top-five lithium producer. It has also bought into lithium operations in these countries, as well as the potential “Lithium Triangle,” incorporating the South American countries of Chile, Argentina, and Bolivia. So China effectively controls the majority of lithium sources.

While Democrats Talk, China Dominates

This background on the sources of battery components provides a complete picture of their availability, as well as the major obstacle to domestic EV battery manufacturing. Beyond copper and steel, that obstacle, in a word, is “China.”

China either directly controls the battery components or has secured long-term agreements with their respective producers to effectively control the markets for its necessary metals. It therefore can essentially dictate if, and at what cost, it will allow any competition.

As a result of how China has positioned itself in any major transition to electric vehicles, it could not only be the world’s exclusive EV battery manufacturer, but it could very well be the sole manufacturer of the EVs themselves. That also means U.S. companies moving forward with projects like those that have recently been announced could end up with billion-dollar enterprises that are empty shells.

This all means Democrats’ highly expensive environmental policies have been developed without any meaningful strategic thinking or analyses about raw materials and geopolitics. Neither do they seem to have given any thought to where the additional electrical power will come from when millions of EV owners plug in to recharge.

Democrats’ demanded shift to EVs requires strip mining land, contaminating nearby rivers, streams, and groundwater, and polluting the air due to extracting in many poor countries the minerals necessary to power this EV system. Democrats overlook or dismiss the human toll resulting from forced labor in China and child labor in Africa used to mine the battery components for EVs.

Endangering U.S. Security and Economy

Beginning with the passage of the China trade bill in 2000, U.S. leaders’ arrogance and ignorance have enabled China to grow to now threatening our position as the world’s superpower. China used its trade surplus from us buying their cheap junk to build a navy larger than ours, including a new base in the middle of the South China Sea to support its expanded fleet.

Any military conflict involving China and Taiwan, or even a trade blockade, would immediately disrupt the world’s economies. The island nation manufactures 65 percent of all microchips and as much as 90 percent of the world’s advanced microprocessors. This means the manufacture or assembly of nearly all electronics will come to an abrupt halt with such an attack.

Depending on the likely feckless U.S. response, China could also withhold its shipments of certain medical products and pharmaceuticals to the United States. Many are life-sustaining antibiotics that the United States also depends on China to produce. That would be “checkmate” for us.