Thursday, April 20, 2023

This Time, The Only Way Out Is Out

It’s time for a greater American opt-out.

Victor Davis Hanson has recently pondered in back-to-back essays whether there is any way out of America’s previously “fast-tracked” and now accelerating decline. 

Meanwhile, Julie Kelly appears to see no way out of the “near-certainty” that a “D.C. grand jury . . . will indict Trump on multiple counts” in ways that will cause him to be treated “[n]ot as a former president but as a traitor.” 

Columnist Josh Hammer, addressing both Trump’s judicial travails and the broader “decadent civilizational morass,” insists in his own consecutive submissions that “sometimes, the only way out is through”—tit-for-tat action from the Right. 

The depressing reality? This time, with the progressive Left’s assault on America, in Hammer’s words, having far passed the “point of no return,” the only way out is: out

Across his two discourses, Hanson laments various “self-inflicted wounds.” “Dilapidated, dangerous, and dysfunctional” urban areas. Declining global trust in and fear of Uncle Sam under laughable leadership, and as “the once-vaunted U.S. Armed Forces have descended into some bizarre woke commissariat” that cannot keep secrets. Devastating debt and infinite inflation generated by perpetual-motion money-printing. Non-existent borders spawning social tension and drug-induced death. The descent of “America’s former strength” of “transparent, accurate and trustworthy” elections into “its greatest liability.” And of course, “predictably partisan” media “egging on” rank political persecution. 

Hanson’s sad conclusion: sensible, generally agreed-upon “remedies” such as instilling fiscal discipline, rebuilding military strength, restoring urban cores and meritocracy, enforcing the law, and educational reform are “now seen as worse than the original maladies”—in large part because today, in contrast to the past, “the elected government is what caused the crisis.” 

Focusing on one aspect of this “self-inflicted” crisis—weaponization of the justice system—Kelly warns that “Trump almost certainly will be charged with obstruction of an official proceeding . . .  But [Special Counsel Jack] Smith might decide to pursue seditious conspiracy charges . . . a crime comparable to treason.” 

While “decent Americans still want to believe this can’t, and won’t, happen,” the unstoppable investigative journalist is resigned to merely urging “flat-footed Republican leaders” to “prepare.”  

In contrast, Hammer, calling even Alvin Bragg’s comparatively lesser, state-level prosecution of Trump “the point of no return,” considers the way through, and therefore out, to be to “fight fire with fire” on multiple fronts. 

He nods approvingly at “the dramatic pushback” to, and financial losses from, Bud Light’s transgender misstep; the expulsion of two Tennessee state legislators for disrupting the House chamber; and federal judges’ boycotts of potential clerks from speech-stifling law schools.

And insists that “[t]here is simply no choice” but for “Republican prosecutors in deep-red jurisdictions across the country to prudentially and reasonably respond in kind” to Bragg’s outrageous legal attack on a former president. “Surely there is some creative and ambitious right-wing prosecutor in the Oklahoma Panhandle or West Texas who would like to summon Hunter Biden or Anthony Fauci out to ‘flyover country,’ right?” 

Yet his “fighting-with-fire” examples are mere candles in hurricane-force winds as “the modern Left” progresses inexorably in efforts to “permanently vanquish the forces of traditionalism and Americanism.” One minor brand among thousands still fully sold out to the LGBTQ agenda. A handful of boycotting judges amid nearly 900 on the federal bench. The two legislators? Already reinstated. 

And would some Capra-esque prosecutorial Jefferson Smith be willing and/or crazy enough to risk reputation, position, and personal security for a lost cause? Doubtful. So-called “lawfare” clearly only runs one way. Heard anything lately about the John Durham investigation into the roots of “Russia, Russia, Russia?” Exactly. That Hunter Biden corruption probe? Yep. 

“Billary,” Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clinesmith, Clapper, Brennan? All waltzing around free as birds and laughing their way to the bank, the CNN studio, or both. 

The bottom line, as both Hanson and Kelly clearly recognize: America’s leftist Ruling Class has moved too far beyond Hammer’s “point of no return” to even be reached, much less fought, with fire. 

This was all demonstrated when Democrats spied on White House servers and a “cabal” of operatives, influencers and media brazenly stole a presidential election, discovered myriad ways to criminalize any questioning that outcome, and colluded in censoring truthful information to rig that election and leverage a pandemic to ratchet up government’s size and power. 

It was clear when child mutilation and kindergarten drag queen shows were normalized and the usurper president of the United States declared that deviant personalities “shape the soul of the nation.” 

As President Trump points out, hooligans from among the millions of scofflaws and traffickers now pouring over America’s nonexistent border are pampered in upscale New York hotels while veterans sleep on the street. 

America’s hard-won energy security and hundreds of thousands of high-paying jobs are abandoned for dependence on unreliable, energy-poverty-inducing, landscape-scarring, wildlife-killing, non-recyclable and non-renewable “renewables” and electric vehicles—produced by coal-burning, slave-labor-powered facilities in China. 

When we see all of these things and note, too, that liberals may have bought a key state Supreme Court seat aided by megadonors, purchased votes and laundered money, and limp-wristed establishment Republicans blame so-called failure to find a “middle ground” on abortion less than 10 months after the pro-life’s greatest triumph, we can safely say we’ve passed the point of no return. 

All in all, elites are pursuing an agenda so radicalized, reckless and ruthless—so far beyond the pale and yes, the point of no return—that on every meaningful political, economic, social, cultural, judicial, security and electoral matter there is no more middle nor common ground, and no more way out except out. 

Red America, for whom Hanson’s sensible “remedies” to our “self-inflicted wounds” are as plain as Hunter’s cocaine-sniffing nose, must go its own way. 

How this “Greater American Opt-Out” can and should occur is a subject for this correspondent’s upcoming next missive. But it must happen. 

And the ground-laying must begin here and now, at this point well-past the point of no return, before further misgovernment and another purloined election thrusts the nation into utter social and economic chaos and even civil war.

X22, And we Know, and more- April 20


The Useful Veneer of the Aging Democrat ~ VDH

The new majority of radical Democrats allows the old fogies to bask in the limelight until they drop because these codgers mask their revolutionary intentions.

Joe Biden is now 80 years-old. He will be 82 when he campaigns for the 2024 presidency—and a clearly debilitated 86 should he be elected and fill out his second term. He has been in government for over a half-century. 

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and current representative from California is 83. 

Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), the second-ranking Democratic House member behind Pelosi, was House majority leader until early this year. He is 83, and has been an elected official for nearly 60 years. 

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is 72, with 48 years in elected government. 

Democratic luminary and former chairman of the Senate Judiciary and Intelligence Committees, Senator Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.) is 89, and ailing—after 53 years as an elected official. 

James Clyburn (D-S.C.) is House minority whip and 82. 

These are the official faces of the Democratic Party. 

They came into power and maturity three decades ago during the Clinton years of 1993-1999.   

Decades ago, they sometimes supported strong national defense, secure borders, gas and oil development, fully funding the police, and a few restrictions on partial-birth abortions. 

Not now. 

Their role has changed from that of liberals of the Clinton era to serving as the thin power-holding veneer that masks the new real Democratic Party. 

The party has been changed beyond recognition by Senators Bernie Sanders  (I-Vt.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), the so-called Squad, the Congressional Black Caucus, newly elected senators like the Georgia duo of Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock—and Antifa and Black Lives Matter. 

Yet Biden and company are still familiar American faces. 

Their final role is to acculturate the electorate to the new Democratic Party. 

Its radicals are breathing down their necks to get out of the way. Yet for a while longer they still need such an ossified veneer of respectability to ease the transition to what is now essentially a socialist-European green party. 

This new Democratic Party believes in defunding the police. 

It supports the George-Soros-funded state and city district attorneys. 

These prosecutors seek either to release violent criminals without bail or reduce their felonies to misdemeanors. 

Critical legal and race theories are their creeds. So they argue that crimes have little to do with individual free will. 

Criminals are not deterred by tough enforcement of the laws. Instead, “crime” reflects arbitrary constructs of a racially oppressive hierarchy. 

They believe the woke revolution of using race and gender in lieu of a meritocracy should dominate government and corporate boardrooms. 

Racial separation in graduations, dorms, and university programs are needed reparations. 

Big Tech is their ally. All the better when it partners with government, especially the FBI and CIA, to suppress “misinformation” and “disinformation.” 

They believe gender is socially constructed. Thus transitioning biological males can and should compete in women’s sports. 

They want a Green New Deal right now, one that calls for the abolition of natural gas and oil for electricity generation and transportation. 

Abortion is seen as a God-given right—even as a baby passes through the birth canal. 

Climate change is their religion, trumping any concern for the viability of the middle-class suffering from inflation, high interest rates, and recession. 

They want semiautomatic rifles to be banned. Concealed handgun permits should be almost impossible to obtain. 

The more voters skip Election Day through mail-in balloting and early voting, the better. 

There is no longer “dark money,” only useful “correct” money. 

The more that Silicon Valley and Wall Street grandees quietly reroute hundreds of millions of dollars into hard-Left PACs and “nonpartisan” causes, the more the donors should expect lucrative crony-capitalist green deals and government concessions. 

Much of the ideology of the new Democratic Party arose in academia, like critical race theory and modern monetary theory. The giveaway word is “theory”—a mask for any absurd doctrine that can be dressed up as a sophisticated new idea. 

When Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), the new Democratic minority leader in the House or Elizabeth Warren in the Senate advocates these positions, the voters recoil. That pushback is understandable, since almost none of these notions polls above 50 percent. 

The role of a calcified Biden, Pelosi, Feinstein, Hoyer, or Clyburn is to reassure voters through their notoriety and apparently staid exteriors that they are hardly the sort to embrace revolution, although that is exactly what they do. 

 “Ol’ Joe” Biden’s old guard and the new hard Left play a game of mutual advantage. 

The new majority of radical Democrats allows the old fogies to bask in the limelight until they drop—exempt from counter-revolutionary criticism or interparty primary challenges or demands to retire.  

In return, the codgers reassure the nation that old faces like theirs cannot possibly be polyester revolutionary socialists—despite their role in airbrushing and photoshopping the radical catastrophe unfolding before our eyes.

The Many Denominations of Leftist Theology

The Many Denominations of Leftist Theology

posted by Becky Noble at RedState 

The great Rush Limbaugh once described liberalism itself as a religion. And when he described it as such, he said that “abortion was the sacrament.” Rush was right and prophetic about so many things. We see it every day, what is good for the country, what is good and safe for the people, and what is inherently right, just doesn’t occur to the left. It is about ideology and pushing their agenda on those who do not want it, at any cost. Liberalism is definitely a religion, and today in 2023, its primary denominations are climate change and transgenderism.

It is hard to say if one denomination is more popular than the other. Both have their rabid adherents. Climate change is the older of the two. It may have started innocently enough back in the 70s with “Earth Day” — which sounds like a concept we can all get behind. As human beings, we have the responsibility to be the best stewards of the planet we can possibly be. Regardless of our political leanings, we all want clean water for everyone, clean air, and at least most of us look at those who throw their trash out of a moving car window with disdain.

All good it seemed until Al Gore lost the 2000 election and realized he needed a job. Enter the next incarnation of Earth Day, global warming. Gore’s movie, “An Inconvenient Truth,” released in 2006, introduced us to a map of a flooded lower Manhattan. Couple that with the infamous 1998 “hockey stick” chart, an invention of climate scientist Michael Mann and colleagues which claimed to be a reconstruction of Northern Hemisphere temperatures since the 1400s depicting an alarmingly rapid rise in temperatures — purportedly due to human activity. Liberals were true believers.

But when it would snow in places that were usually warm climates, global warming became, climate change. The religious practices of those who follow the climate change denomination include: driving electric cars, installing solar panels on residential rooftops, wanting to ban gas stoves, and don’t even think about putting those recyclables in the regular trash! Climate change salvation comes when you have reduced your carbon footprint as much as humanly possible. The point? Humans are the problem, and as many of them as possible must be eliminated. And what will deliver these zealots to climate change “heaven?” Forcing the rest of us to follow their dogma.

While the climate change followers try to get us all to eat bugs because “sustainability!” or something, there are new traveling preachers in town, though transgenderism itself is nothing new. Those of us old enough remember ophthalmologist turned professional tennis player Renee Richards. Richards was the first well-known transgender American, having sex change surgery in 1975, a groundbreaking thing in those days. Fast forward to 2023, and transgenderism is the denomination gaining the most popularity. It is everywhere, and the followers of transgenderism appear more militant than their climate change cousins. They have a recruiting agenda in place to grow their numbers, in academia at every level, including elementary schools. They bring the transgender gospel into high school and collegiate sports where they demand that transgender women, born biologically male, be allowed to compete with biological women, who then have little to no chance of competing fairly. They bring it to business in the form of the shakedown of companies and corporations that do not accept this new theology in full.

And like most religious zealots, they fully believe in the dogma. They believe that they have been called by a higher power. That higher power appears to be God, when it is convenient. Transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney has decided that he must be a religious martyr. He recently stated that,

“I’m trying really hard to maintain a relationship with God. I don’t think He made a mistake with me, and that maybe one day, I will actually be grateful for being trans, that this isn’t some curse, but it’s just a different path to the same destination.”

Hallelujah — it’s a miracle! The problem, among many with leftist theology, is that there is no freedom of religion for the rest of us. Non-believers are forced to comply, and if they do not, there is much penance to pay in the form of cancellation, and a basic destruction of your life for your sin of non-belief. The dedication to the religion of liberalism and the latest popular denominations runs deep. And with their level of dedication being this intense, there is no indication that anytime soon they will leave the non-believers alone, just relax, eat some bugs, and have a Bud Light.

It Sure Seems Like POLITICO Thinks DeSantis Is Finished!

It Sure Seems Like POLITICO Thinks DeSantis Is Finished!

Joe Cunningham reporting for RedState 

Ron DeSantis took a trip to Washington D.C. to speak with lawmakers, part of a larger national tour that appears to be a trial run for an upcoming presidential campaign. The headlines this morning, however, are all about how terrible a day it was for DeSantis.

POLITICO, for example, has three pieces out this morning on the subject.

All three of these stories make it a point to hit DeSantis because yesterday wasn’t a banner victory day. The declaration that he is in a “rut” seems particularly odd in the face of new polling that shows him outperforming Trump in 2024.

But, POLITICO seems absolutely certain that the Washington D.C. trip spells “D-O-O-M” for DeSantis.

Via the morning Playbook:

DONALD TRUMPS RON — It was supposed to be RON DeSANTIS’ big day on Capitol Hill. Yet DONALD TRUMP managed to overshadow him from almost 1,000 miles away.

In the 24 hours leading up to the Florida governor’s much-anticipated meeting with GOP lawmakers, two members from his own state — Reps. JOHN RUTHERFORD and GREG STEUBE — endorsed Trump. A third Floridian — Rep. BRIAN MAST, who was once considered close with DeSantis — told CNN’s Mel Zanona that he’ll soon follow suit.

And a few hours later, in a stone-cold act of political brutality, Rep. LANCE GOODEN (R-Texas) walked out of the DeSantis meeting and declared his support for Trump.

“It’s a killer!” said one positively giddy Trump confidant, who was on the phone with Playbook when news of Gooden’s surprise endorsement broke.

AP/Reuters Feed Library
AP Photo/Chris O’Meara, File

A lot is being made of the fact that DeSantis didn’t score endorsements yesterday, so you’d be forgiven for thinking DeSantis was a declared candidate. In fact, he is not. That is probably the biggest reason most lawmakers aren’t making endorsements for DeSantis – there’s nothing to endorse yet.

But the Florida governor is clearly under attack from the Trump camp, which appears to have coordinated endorsements to coincide with DeSantis’ visit. But Trump is a former president and is still seen in some circles as the leader of the party. The fact that he doesn’t have more should be a bigger concern than picking up a couple of lawmakers in D.C.

Especially when lawmaker endorsements make very little difference in the long run.

We’re not even in 2024 yet. We aren’t close to a vital primary day. We don’t even have DeSantis as a declared candidate yet. The rush to declare DeSantis’ political career essentially over because he didn’t pick up a dozen lawmaker endorsements on Tuesday seems a bit absurd.

But, you have to remember that POLITICO is a news outlet that is “For D.C., By D.C.”. It is entirely focused on Washington gossip from a center-left perspective. And what does the left care about right now? The Rise (and Hopefully Fall!) of Ron DeSantis.

The left is absolutely terrified of him. Their worry is that he’s a smarter, more effective Trump. They would rather Trump stay in charge of the GOP because they know he’s beatable, and they are really worried that DeSantis simply resonates too well with the American public.

U.S. positioning troops ahead of possible Sudan embassy evacuation


The Pentagon is positioning U.S. forces in Djibouti in anticipation of a potential mission to evacuate U.S. Embassy personnel in Khartoum, two people familiar with the military plans said.

The security situation in Sudan’s capital has cratered over a week of fighting, as two rival generals — Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan, in charge of the nation’s armed forces, and Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dalago, who leads the Rapid Support Forces military group — battle for control of the country. The heavy fighting in Khartoum has left many stranded in the city of 5 million people, including embassy staff who are sheltering in place at the compound eight miles from the international airport. 

Wendy Sherman, the deputy secretary of State, privately told lawmakers Wednesday that troops would be moving to Djibouti, home to Camp Lemmonier, to provide the administration an option to launch an evacuation operation, according to one of the people familiar with the situation. The person, along with others POLITICO spoke to for this story, was granted anonymity to discuss sensitive military planning and internal deliberations. Sherman stressed that the mission would whisk only embassy staff to safety and that there won’t be a military-led general evacuation of American citizens, the lawmaker added.

A Defense Department spokesperson confirmed that the U.S. was prepositioning troops, but stopped short of saying they were heading to Djibouti. 

“The Department of Defense, through U.S. Africa Command, is monitoring the situation in Sudan and conducting prudent planning for various contingencies. As part of this, we are deploying additional capabilities nearby in the region for contingency purposes related to securing and potentially facilitating the departure of U.S. Embassy personnel from Sudan, if circumstances require it,” said DoD spokesperson Lt. Col. Garron Garn.  

Some in the administration are hoping to avoid scenes reminiscent of the evacuation from Kabul, Afghanistan, in 2021. The crush of thousands pleading to leave the city as the Taliban took control became a defining image of America’s withdrawal. 

Lawmakers, meanwhile, are worried about the safety of U.S. staffers in Khartoum.

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said worried senators took a detour to a Capitol briefing Thursday on the document leaks to ask about the safety of U.S. personnel in Khartoum. Declining to provide specifics because of the classified setting, Kaine said there was a plan in place to take care of them.  

“Arrangements have been made. They’re sheltering in place and currently all secure, all accounted for and in communication with them,” he said. “There’s a whole-of-government effort to figure out exactly how to make sure that they continue in safety. We’re very much on top of it.”

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), also on the committee, added “I, of course, have concerns about our personnel there.” He declined to discuss specific plans.

A military evacuation seems more likely by the hour.  

The airport, located in central Khartoum, is closed but would be inoperable even if it reopened due to damage from bombardment and fighting. The roughly 70 U.S. staff at the embassy have no options to leave Sudan on their own without immense risk to their safety. For the most part, U.S. diplomats in Sudan are unaccompanied, meaning they do not have their family with them at what’s considered a challenging post, a State Department official said.

The American mission in the capital warned Thursday that “due to the uncertain security situation in Khartoum and closure of the airport, it is not currently safe to undertake a U.S. government-coordinated evacuation of private U.S. citizens.”  

Also on Wednesday, Molly Phee, the top State Department official for African affairs, told congressional staffers that it was too late to order a departure of the mission because of the deteriorating security situation that has already led to around 300 deaths and about 3,000 more wounded, two congressional aides said.

Another U.S. official familiar with the planning said papers had been drawn up at the State Department for an evacuation order. The official added that State Department leadership held a call with embassy staff Thursday morning to discuss options, including a ground evacuation. But the assessment, per the official, was that travel by road was currently more dangerous than by air  

A potential option would be to move the personnel to Wadi Seidna Air Base for an air evacuation. Dozens of Egyptian soldiers captured by the Rapid Support Forces paramilitary group were released this week and flew home from that base, which is 14 miles north of Khartoum.

The United States was also in touch with other countries with embassies in the Sudanese capital about evacuation plans, a different U.S. official said.

The State Department didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. 

The Biden administration has faced similar situations multiple times since the chaotic Kabul evacuation.

As the situation deteriorated in Ethiopia amid a major conflict, the State Department urged Americans to leave the country while preparing U.S. forces and diplomats for a potential full embassy closure that ultimately did not have to happen. (A partial drawdown of non-emergency embassy personnel was ordered.)

The administration shut down the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv in the days before Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Within months it had reopened the embassy, though not at full staffing.

The Biden administration in both cases said it would not stage another Kabul-style evacuation that involved people beyond U.S. government employees. To that end, it sent out warnings for weeks and months telling Americans to leave Ethiopia and Ukraine. 

The political situation in Sudan has been volatile for years, and the State Department has long urged Americans not to travel there. The last time a similar fight broke out in the region between two top leaders, 400,000 people died — and that was in South Sudan.  

Analysis: An All-Too-Predictable Turning Point Arrives in Media’s Trump vs. DeSantis Wargaming

Analysis: An All-Too-Predictable Turning Point Arrives in Media’s Trump vs. DeSantis Wargaming

Sister Toldjah reporting for RedState 

It has often been said that the media will tell you which candidate they fear the most by the level of over-the-top coverage they throw in their direction, and that has certainly proved to be true over the last several presidential election cycles with 2016 and 2020 being notable examples.

As RedState readers will recall, during the 2016 GOP presidential primary campaign season, the media operated on the mindset that Donald Trump was a sideshow, and would likely never make it past the primaries. As a result, some in the media, the Morning Joe cast of characters chief among them, coddled Trump, eagerly wallowing in the spectacle he presented to them, thinking he’d be off the radar soon so they could get to lecturing voters as to the dangers allegedly presented by whoever the eventual nominee would be.

When it became increasingly clear that that nominee would be Trump, those who had treated him with kid gloves did 180s and began presenting him as the greatest threat to mankind since, like, well ever, just as they have every Republican presidential nominee going back decades.

Since then, the media has taken readers and viewers on yoyo journeys, telling us during much of his presidency and during his 2020 reelection campaign that he was unfit for office. and then flip-flopping by letting us know once he was gone from the White House how much, in reality, they really needed him.

And now here we are as the 2024 GOP presidential primary campaign season is officially underway with Trump, Nikki Haley, and a few others having declared their candidacies, and the mainstream media are at it once again, this time playing games between Trump and someone who hasn’t yet formally declared – Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Not even a year ago, we were getting a barrage of “DeSantis is even more horrible and dangerous than Trump!” stories from the usual corners, basically informing us that neither of them were fit for office but that DeSantis would be even worse or something because he in their view was like Trump “without the baggage.”

But in an all-too-predictable turn, some in the media are now picking sides in the DeSantis vs. Trump debate, and it shouldn’t shock too many people to know that the side they’ve picked is Trump’s, who we were reliably told for five or so years was the most disturbingly serious threat to the freedom of the press that we had ever seen:

On Wednesday, Joe, Mika, and the rest of the gang were cheerleading big time for Trump over the issue of Disney and how Trump defended Disney from DeSantis in various statements and how DeSantis has picked the wrong political hill to mount his flag on:

MSNBC and Aaron Rupar aren’t the only ones in the media flashing their “T” shirts. Politico also piled on DeSantis with a series of pieces this week, declaring in so many words that DeSantis was finished before he even gets started good and that at this point the nomination is Trump’s to lose, well before the remaining candidates announce and well before the first primary debate is held.

What’s going on here at this point is very similar to what we saw in 2016, but with a twist. Though there’s no grand conspiracy at play here, the media wants Trump to win the nomination because they again believe he’s unelectable in the general. But instead of demonizing him as per the norm, they’re portraying him as this savvy, astute politico who is outfoxing DeSantis every chance he gets, with the insinuation being that voters should begrudgingly respect his approach.

While reasonable people can agree or disagree with that assessment, the point to be made here is that they’re playing favorites now not because they like Trump but because they need him to win the nomination, and not just because they view him as unelectable, but because they’d love nothing more than to make the 2024 general election all about Trump and doom and gloom him just like they did in the general in 2016.

Nothing would be better for the Morning Joes of America and their standing among the cocktail circuit elite than to have Trump in the limelight for as long as possible, as that would give these people more opportunities to pretend, as they did for four years, that they have the moral high ground when it comes to all things Trump.

As was confirmed by the media/Dem-driven 2016 Trump/Russia collusion nonsense, they most certainly do not have any high ground. They are simply playing people here, and hoping they take the bait.

Regardless of where one stands now on the Trump/DeSantis debate, my advice to Republican voters and independent voters who tend to vote for Republicans is to simply ignore the mainstream press and talking heads to the extent they can and make judgments about candidates based on not just listening to them but researching their records and seeing what their accomplishments are. Because there are few things the media loves more than trying to manipulate the minds of impressionable voters ahead of elections.

After all they’ve done to earn voter distrust over the years, no one should give them the satisfaction of complying. Not now, not ever.

After FBI Raids Republicans’ Last President, Mitch McConnell Wants To Increase DOJ Funding

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell called on Congress to beef up federal law enforcement after Trump’s arraignment.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell called on Congress to beef up federal law enforcement on Tuesday after the FBI’s raid of Donald Trump and the former president’s unprecedented arraignment.

In his first remarks related to the weaponization of the Justice Department following Trump’s indictment last month, McConnell told NBC News that lawmakers “ought to be looking for ways to spend more on law enforcement.”

“I think I can pretty safely say that I’ve not met any Republicans in Congress who want to spend less on law enforcement,” the GOP Senate leader reportedly said.

The comment stands in stark contrast to how lawmakers, including even some of the former president’s biggest rivals, reacted to the partisan charges brought against Trump by the Manhattan district attorney. Trump pled not guilty to a 34-count felony indictment carrying a maximum 136-year prison sentence over 2016 hush-money payments to porn actress Stormy Daniels.

Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, who was the only Republican in the upper chamber to support Trump’s impeachment twice, condemned the indictment as an “overreach” that “sets a dangerous precedent for criminalizing political opponents.”

“I believe President Trump’s character and conduct make him unfit for office,” Romney said. “Even so, I believe the New York prosecutor has stretched to reach felony criminal charges in order to fit a political agenda.”

Even Trump’s competitors for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination slammed the indictment as a political witch hunt. McConnell, however, remained silent.

While Trump’s charges came from a local prosecutor in Manhattan, the D.A.’s office admitted to House Republicans that federal tax dollars were used for its investigation. Trump remains under separate Justice Department investigations over the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot and his handling of classified documents after his White House departure.

The criminal conviction of former President Trump has remained the top item on the Democrats’ policy agenda for eight years. The Department of Justice is their primary vehicle, run by ideologues who have weaponized the federal government to crack down on political opponents. Decades of agency misconduct led House Republicans to convene a Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government under the Judiciary Committee chaired by Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan.

[READ: 19 Times Democrats And DOJ Deliberately Politicized Law Enforcement]

Within moments of the news that Trump’s indictment was imminent, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy demanded that Republican committees investigate the former president’s prosecution. Republicans’ leader in the Senate, however, remained mute on the topic until Tuesday in what has now become an episode of routine betrayal from the Kentucky lawmaker. McConnell also recently parroted the Democrats’ propaganda related to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot when he blasted Fox News for conducting journalism related to the demonstrations.

In March, Fox News prime-time host Tucker Carlson presented his team’s findings after a weeks-long review of more than 40,000 hours of Capitol surveillance footage to which McCarthy gave him access. The Jan. 6 tapes undermined the left’s narratives about the riot being a “deadly insurrection.”

In that news cycle, McConnell wasn’t silent. McConnell stood before reporters on Captiol Hill the day after the first installment of the tapes aired to condemn Fox News.

“With regard to the presentation on Fox News last night, I want to associate myself entirely with the opinion of the chief of the Capitol Police about what happened on Jan. 6,” McConnell said.

Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger had sent a memo to his department hours earlier that lambasted Carlson’s coverage as “filled with offensive and misleading conclusions.”