Friday, April 7, 2023

The Gathering Storm

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s flop was merely the unsatisfying appetizer for the feast on Donald Trump that is about to come.

The first grand jury indictment against Donald Trump, like so many highly-anticipated gotcha moments involving the former president, landed with a thud this week.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s 34-count bill of goods failed to impress legal and political observers across the spectrum. Even Ruth Marcus, associate editor for the Washington Post, admitted the legal basis for the charges is “unnervingly flimsy at worst.”

News coverage of Bragg’s faceplant is quickly disappearing from the front pages as all desperate eyes now turn to Jack Smith, the mysterious figure appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland last year ostensibly to take over the Justice Department’s investigation into Trump’s culpability for January 6 and alleged mishandling of classified documents. As I explained here, Smith is special counsel in name only; the team of investigators and prosecutors who initiated the first set of inquiries simply changed letterhead.

Given the targets of Smith’s recent subpoenas, we can surmise there is nothing independent or impartial about his behind-the-scenes work. In rapid succession, Smith has successfully sought testimony from Trump’s inner circle, including former chief of staff Mark Meadows and White House lawyer Evan Corcoran. 

For the first time in history, a vice president will testify before a grand jury considering evidence of crimes committed by his former boss. Mike Pence, after winning partial immunity, reportedly will answer questions about his exchanges with Trump in the weeks leading up to the protest at the Capitol. Oddly, Pence will not be compelled to discuss what he did on January 6—a dubious protection considering his key presence throughout the day and into the next morning.

Of course, the public can’t read any of the government’s arguments since everything remains under seal. Ditto for court orders granting Smith’s every wish. As the most norm-crushing investigation in history unfolds in the nation’s capital, judges without explanation keep the files out of the view of the American people.

Out of view, that is, except for what D.C. apparatchiks want to spin. Selective leaks keep Smith’s inquiry in the headlines. CNN disclosed this week that Smith’s team is focused on postelection discussions in the Trump White House related to the possible seizure of voting machines. “Details about the secret grand jury testimony and closed-door interviews, neither of which have been previously reported, illustrate how special counsel Smith and his prosecutors are looking at the various ways Trump tried to overturn his electoral loss despite some of his top officials advising him against the ideas.”

The coordinated leak strategy is intended to give the appearance that the prison walls, once again, are closing in on Trump.

This time, however, it’s true.

Smith’s multipronged investigation—another recent leak indicated Smith’s team is considering obstruction charges tied to the classified documents investigation—by far represents the most dangerous legal threat Trump has ever faced. Working with a limitless budget, no media scrutiny, zero congressional oversight, compliant federal judges, and abundant case law providing a clear pathway to multiple felony charges related to January 6, Smith is in the driver’s seat. And he knows it.

A D.C. grand jury likely will indict Trump on multiple counts for his key role in the events of January 6. Grand juries are composed of the same voters who sit on regular juries—and that is terrible news for Trump. Washington, D.C., is the most heavily Democratic city in the country, even more so than New York City and San Francisco, and grand juries since January 6 have issued hundreds of federal indictments representing thousands of criminal counts. The Justice Department has a near-perfect conviction rate for January 6 defendants; judges refuse to move trials out of D.C. despite overwhelming proof Trump supporters cannot receive a fair trial in the nation’s capital.

Trump almost certainly will be charged with obstruction of an official proceeding, the felony slapped against at least 250 January 6 defendants punishable by up to 20 years in prison, and conspiracy. He could face other offenses such as tampering with witnesses and/or evidence if Smith shows proof that Trump tried to interfere with any aspect of the investigation, including the work of the January 6 select committee.

But Smith might decide to pursue seditious conspiracy charges, which poses the greatest legal peril for Trump. Several men have been convicted or pleaded guilty to the rare charge, a crime comparable to treason. Five members of the Proud Boys are now on trial for seditious conspiracy; prosecutors have cited Trump’s off-handed (and prompted) remark for Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by” during the September 2020 presidential debate as a call-to-action of sorts that motivated the group’s unarmed “attack” on the Capitol.

Should any or all of the Proud Boys defendants be found guilty—the case is expected to finally go to the jury next week after four months of arguments—the convictions will add fuel to Smith’s pursuit of a similar charge against Trump.

When he is indicted, Trump will confront the same legal and judicial circle of hell that has destroyed the lives of hundreds of Americans and counting. Judges he appointed will automatically be disqualified—not that it makes a difference since his judges have acted as badly, and in the case of Judge Timothy Kelly, worse than jurists appointed by Democratic presidents. His case will probably be assigned to an Obama-appointed judge such as Amit Mehta or James Boasberg, the new chief judge.

From there, Trump can expect a change of venue motion to be denied. The judge handling his case will cite the handful of acquittals as evidence Trump can get a fair trial in Washington. Any appeal will be denied by the D.C. Circuit.

And to fulfill the bloodlust on the Left to finally see Donald Trump behind bars, there is a chance Smith will request, and a judge will grant, pretrial detention for the former president. Dozens of January 6 defendants charged with nonviolent obstruction or conspiracy counts have been denied release by D.C. judges; most have no criminal record and committed no violent act that day.

But none of the facts matter. Trump will be treated no differently in the banana republic-like atmosphere in the D.C. federal courthouse. 

After all, this is the same judicial circuit that has stripped Trump of executive privilege protections and insisted, as Judge Tanya Chutkan wrote in her 2021 order denying Trump’s first privilege claims, “Presidents are not kings, and [Trump] is not President.”

And that is how Trump will be treated. Not as a former president but as a traitor—the man responsible for inciting the “insurrection” that still traumatizes so many judges and jurors to this day, the leader who attempted to “overthrow democracy” on January 6.

Decent Americans still want to believe this can’t, and won’t, happen. But it is a near-certainty for which the country, flat-footed Republican leaders in particular, must prepare. Bragg’s flop was merely the unsatisfying appetizer for the feast on Donald Trump that is about to come.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more- April 7


'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son'- John 3:16

The Last American

The old civic nationalist ethos does not apply in these times, because Trump is not being treated normally and never has been.

Earlier this week, former President Donald Trump surrendered to the New York City courts to face an indictment on 34 felony charges. The case arose from his accounting records of payments to a former paramour, Stormy Daniels. The indictment itself is garbage, the product of an extremely ideological prosecutor. 

Elevating these charges to a felony required that the bookkeeping errors furthered some other crime, but the indictment does not even identify the other crime. Indictments are usually bare bones, but the New York rule requires that an indictment “asserts facts supporting every element of the offense charged . . . with sufficient precision to clearly apprise the defendant or defendants of the conduct which is the subject of the accusation.”

Trump Should Resist on Every Front

Why did Trump surrender at all? 

Alvin Bragg is a rogue prosecutor acting outside the boundaries of the law. Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, said he would not cooperate in any extradition. If Trump did not surrender, he might simultaneously have defied this nonsense charge and also put DeSantis, his likely opponent, in a bind. 

DeSantis does not want to appear to be Trump’s lackey, but he also wants to keep his word. His P.R. gesture eventually would have come crashing down, as a governor does not really have authority to defy an extradition request. But forcing DeSantis’s hand would take some time, and it might have redounded to Trump’s benefit when DeSantis eventually caved.

Not only should Trump not have surrendered, he should be looking for ways to get his allies to sue and prosecute his enemies, including this lunatic Manhattan prosecutor. Starting now, states are going to need to develop creative means of resistance to the federal government, as well against blue states, which are engaged in lawless, extraterritorial power grabs. We need to dust off the 19th century playbook of nullification.

Trump suggests why he surrendered in his Mar-a-Lago speech. Even though he said the justice system was becoming “lawless” and that he is facing “persecution, not an investigation,” his actions show that he believes he will be able to fight this in the courts and win, vindicating himself and his reputation.  

For all his faults and his New York cynicism, Trump still believes in America. The old one. This is why he says Make America Great Again. He thinks the country and its institutions are fundamentally good, that its people are decent, and that truth, justice, and prosperity will prevail once again when this temporary emergency passes. 

This is why he highlights the hypocrisy of his mistreatment by the Democrats, the intelligence community, and the Department of Justice. For him, this is all a deviation from an otherwise workable and just system. Remove the bad actors and the bad precedents, and things return to normal. 

Unfortunately, this is all very doubtful, not least because his trials are simply a more extreme example of bureaucratic resistance to democracy that has taken hold since the New Deal. In the past, former presidents, while given substantially more deference and respect than Trump has been accorded, did not have a completely free hand. 

There is evidence the deep state had much to do with the political demise of President Nixon and that the CIA and the Pentagon tried to box in JFK. Earlier, President Eisenhower warned of the dangers of the national security state. 

The apparatus of the deep state is much bolder now.

Coming to Terms With Two Tiers of Justice

Contrary to all of the aspirational rule-of-law stuff we learn in school, the January 6 defendants have also learned that the old civic nationalist credo is no longer functional. The mature ideological system has two parallel standards, one for regime-approved people and another one for “MAGA Americans.” 

With Trump, the rule of opposites prevails. His enemies accused him of foreign collusion, but it turns out Hillary Clinton and her crew were bribing Russians and hiding payments to come up with dirt on Trump

Trump is a supposed threat to the rule of law, but FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith served no jail time and didn’t even get disbarred after falsifying a warrant in the Trump Russiagate probe. For the regime, MAGA people are the lowest, and, among them, Trump is the lowest of all

We were told ad nauseum that Trump violated the “norms” of “democracy,” but the unelected bureaucrats and generals of #TheResistance took it upon themselves to thwart their boss, who was elected democratically. 

Prosecutors and the media called nonviolent election protesters insurrectionists, while they downplayed a summer of violent Antifa and Black Lives Matter riots as “mostly peaceful,” even though the latter included a nearly successful assault on the White House in June 2020.

The case against Trump has no merit, would normally be barred by the statute of limitations, and the indictment doesn’t even spell out one of the essential elements of the offense. It is merely the latest manifestation of fanatical Trump hatred, which envelops both Trump and his supporters.

People Matter More Than Words on Paper

I’ve offered my fair share of criticism of Trump. The reason he is in this jam is one of the most salient: even after all his years in business, he has terrible instincts about whom to hire, fire, and promote. Being involved with the obvious dirtbag Michael Cohen was a mistake. Cohen has proven to be completely slimy, disloyal, and also incompetent. 

Trump made different, but equally consequential personnel mistakes in elevating James Mattis, Nikki Haley, John Bolton, Anthony Fauci, Rudy Giuliani, and his son-in-law Jared Kushner. All of these people either betrayed him, were incompetent, or acted in a passive aggressive way towards his agenda. 

This mistake arises from a deeper misunderstanding. Trump thinks the system is about laws and rules, words on paper. If these rules and words are truly paramount, then people are constrained. But ensuring that the person interpreting the rules is loyal, decent, and smart is at least equally important as the content of the rules themselves. 

One of the most important features of the developing administrative state and its powerful managerial class is their disregard for the American people and their opinions and interests. The managers want a free hand to do what theythink is best and without democratic accountability. Trump threatened this class and its power. A system built on special privileges, accounting tricks, and relentless propaganda cannot bear much truth. 

Trump was willing to point out the obvious, such as the way politicians get rich from the same rules by which he got rich, that our bemedaled military leaders keep losing wars, and that many of the immigrants coming to the country over the last 50 years do not contribute much because they possess the same qualities that made their homelands failed states. They hated him in return.

Trump should take stock of very recent history. He cannot rely on the goodwill of the ruling class or even their fear of the American people because they have none. He cannot rely on traditional American institutions such as the rule of law or the jury system, particularly in a hostile jurisdiction like New York or Washington, D.C. 

The old civic nationalist ethos does not apply, because he is not being treated normally and never has been. For the ruling class, he is below the law. The fact that this prosecution is garbage doesn’t mean they won’t find Trump guilty and throw him in prison. 

Surrendering was a mistake. Respecting this crooked process and hoping for the best would be another.

The Rapidly Expanding Transgender Cult Is The Product Of Cultural Marxism

Cultural Marxism is dystopia peddling utopia through grievance narratives and rank emotionalism, the hallmarks of transgenderism.

In a surreal moment at the Country Music Awards last week, co-host Kelsea Ballerini joined with several drag performers to belt out a campy version of her single, “If You Go Down (I’m Goin’ Down Too),” an anthem taking aim at Tennessee laws denying wrongly named “gender-affirming care” for children. 

The performance was steeped in queerness, both in the pretend “oppression” of performers literally center stage at a nationally-broadcast awards show and in the academic sense, where drag serves as a kind of postmodern harlequin dance. Choreographed to confront its audience, the unspoken subtext of the number was that it’s time for you to pick a side, and you had better be careful which side you pick.I

This was a brazen show of strength. Think “shock and awe,” only with lots of bedazzling.

A Vicious Activist Cult

The left picked their side. And the side they picked was the side of a school shooter who became for them an emblem of their cultural movement: Cast as a victim of “hateful” traditional religious values, a tragic figure broken by her desire to “be seen,” the shooter was sainted, her death a kind of religious redemption play. The narrative coalesced around her supposed suffering because the left was never going to surrender its stranglehold on politicized victimhood. That’s where all the power is.

At the tip of the cultural Marxist spear today is the trans cult. Just a year ago, it was the racialist cult of Black Lives Matter. Their presence is smothering in cultural spaces by design. In fact, their defiance of norms is predictable. After all, over the last seven years or so we’ve seen veneers of civil comradery peeled back, or else worn so thin as to become transparent.

A public pause to mouth the platitudes of togetherness is no longer required in a society so clearly divided along ideological lines. Indeed, such niceties are ridiculed as a sign of weakness or inauthenticity. “Where was your Christian god that day?” the left sneered. “Guess your church can’t protect you, after all.”

In glib taunts that displayed their misunderstanding of God’s earthly role in traditional religions, they laid their ideology raw before the bodies of three 9-year-olds were even cold. And that ideology, like the martyr it created when it embraced the killing of Christians as a blasé bump on the road to their utopia, now wants to be seen. The devil wants his due. There can be no other explanation for the leftist urge to celebrate the “visibility” of a vicious activist cult, or to claim “transgender Americans shape our Nation’s soul,” especially in the immediate wake of the slaughter of Christians by a trans person. Their ostentatious obeisance to these damaged people was a liturgy performed with rapturous audacity on the American stage. It, too, was meant to “be seen.”

Whether it’s a country music drag act, a trans-identified light beer, a trans-allied wizard, or a march by college students demanding the surrender of natural rights to the state, the memetics of cultural Marxism is performative, phony Maoist struggle sessions delivered in swarms to project strength and to dispirit opponents by displaying the inevitability of the mob and its power. It’s a cultural troll. It’s their way of telling you that they are in charge and that you are helpless. You will conform. You must. What else is there?

It was in response to this attempted coup against Western liberal culture and the Enlightenment itself that I’ve written what I believe to be a clarion call for the individualist; but it, too, was something of a performance: It proclaimed, but it didn’t explain.

Cultural Marxism Demands Cultural Hegemony

Briefly, we must reject the premises of the cultural Marxist because cultural Marxism itself cannot live peaceably with federal republicanism or individual autonomy. In fact, it demands the opposite: All things are constrained by the state and its desires. Rule must be universal. Governing individuals is like herding cats, whereas ruling over a collective molded by both state pressures (law, force) and social forces (shame, shunning) is a more gratifying task, especially because the molding, if done well, creates a populace that reflects back the will of the state to itself. The state is now God, and its citizens, made in the state’s image, are its supplicants.

The whole of the cultural Marxist project is to create and maintain cultural hegemony. It’s that sameness we saw in the uniformed Maoists with identical haircuts, and the sameness we see in our own social justice Red Guard with their ubiquitous cotton-candy hair and tribal piercings. There can be no deviation from the new standards, built atop the rubble of old traditions the Marxists seek to destroy. To create the New Man, you must kill off the Olds. To arrive at Year Zero, you must erase all those years that came before it. To save the culture, you must first destroy it completely.

Cultural Marxism is dystopia peddling utopia through grievance narratives and rank emotionalism. It grants the self-styled dispossessed enormous power over those it casts as oppressors, which is itself determined by an intersectional calculus among victim groups.

Yet this power is temporary. Because what its authors seek, ultimately, is authoritarian. The useful idiots will soon be replaced by a ministerial elite, who will guide the filthies during The Great Reset. With policed conformity. Asceticism. Sameness. Every thought you think, every word you utter, and every move you make, must be approved by the state. And you’ll beg them for that privilege.

Blinded By ‘Being Seen’

The useful idiots enjoy wielding power, but they never seem to recognize that once they’ve ground down all opposition and extirpated all difference, once they’ve rooted out every intolerance they can conjure, there are no more battles to fight, no more ideas to be born, no more purpose left to live. To speak in a language they understand, their project reduces us to the means of production, slaves to the most successful oligarchs, earthly deities who delight in our serfdom, providing us safety and sustenance in exchange for conformity, and a surrender of self to a greater good they determine. Enlightened feudalism, in short. And we’re tilling their fields.

But that’s the endgame, and those who’ve embraced the cultural Marxist paradigm can’t see it coming. Their identity politics and the power their “oppression” yields appeal to their egos. They are blinded by the narcissism of “being seen,” and by the thrill of cultural control, however temporary. They revel in bullying.

All of our major institutions have taken up the trans cause for the same reasons they took up the cause of BLM: to gather power, destroy norms, attack traditions, and create the conditions of tribalism that must exist before the collective comes together out of the ruins of universal cancellation. The last man standing is the New Man, the perfect servant to a benevolent master.

Where we once were conceived of statist authoritarianism as an iron boot forever pressing on our necks, today it’s a Christian Louboutin red-bottomed pump, worn by a dude in a lace dress and zebra thong, stomping on our faces forever. Only we’re compelled to dig the kink.

The revolution will be accessorized, and you’ll learn to like it, or else.

Alan Dershowitz Analyzes Bragg's Trump Indictment, and the Remaining Cases as Constructed

Often when legal professor Alan Dershowitz appears on media segments he is short on time to give context to his review.  However, in this lengthy interview by Steve Bannon {Direct Rumble Link Here} Mr. Dershowitz has the time to walk through the cases against President Trump and deconstruct the foundation of them.

It’s a good overview for the average person to understand.  WATCH:

They Are Scared: Watch What Jake Tapper Says About RFK, Jr Now Running for President

They Are Scared: Watch What Jake Tapper Says About RFK, Jr Now Running for President

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

The liberal media seems to have a fit whenever anyone tries to go against the narrative they are pushing.

It appears that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. — who is decidedly not with the narrative they are pushing — is now sparking one of those fits. As we reported, he just filed paperwork that he was going to run for the Democratic nomination for president.

RFK, Jr. is a Kennedy, but he’s infuriated some in the mainstream left because of his positions against vaccines, in particular the COVID vaccine. He’s also attacked former NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci, who they hold as a God, even blasting him a book.

As we reported, here’s what the AP said about him:

His push against the COVID-19 vaccine has linked him at times with anti-democratic figures and groups. Kennedy has appeared at events pushing the lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen and with people who cheered or downplayed the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Oh, my, “anti-democratic.” You know, I’m inclined to think it’s “anti-democratic” for the government to try to censor people’s free speech. But that’s exactly what the Twitter Files revealed that the government tried to do to Kennedy, by flagging him to the Twitter police.

As I reported, he even commented on the bombshell story from an insider about alleged CIA involvement in the death of his uncle. RFK, Jr’s response? “The most courageous newscast in 60 year,” Kennedy said. “The CIA’s murder of my uncle was a successful coup d’état from which are democracy has never recovered.”

How fearful are they of RFK, Jr, that he might split some folks away from whoever their establishment candidate is? It sounds like they’re very worried. When CNN’s Jake Tapper rips a Kennedy like this, you know they’re scared.

“Healthcare menace?” I probably disagree with him on a lot of things. But seriously, the temerity of anyone on CNN talking about anyone else when they’ve pitched so much that isn’t true on so many subjects, including on COVID. If they want to talk about “menace,” they and some of their other media cronies should look in the mirror.

However, I don’t think the anger is about vaccines. I think this is about liberal media/Democrats (excuse me for being redundant) thinking that he might have a more viable candidate than Marianne Williamson, who could truly draw people away from Biden or whoever they ultimately throw up there who will parrot the narrative. He could get a lot of the anti-Pharma and anti-establishment left, and perhaps even more. But he also would call out some of their sacred cows during a primary and a debate with Biden (if dared to have one and they were able to pull him out of the basement) might just do Joe in. That’s what they fear.

That would explain the vitriol that Tapper is throwing out there. We’ve seen this when there’s any candidate that stands in the way of that narrative, in particular with Trump. But even with milquetoast Mitt Romney in 2012, the media tried to demonize him when he was running, even suggesting that he was endangering dogs. Anyone who isn’t with them must be savaged and thrown under the bus. It’s not even party sensitive as this shows.

It shows just how nasty they can be and how far they are willing to go. This highlights it for everyone to see. And they do. And such things always backfire, making the person they attack more powerful and attracting more interest.

Ruling Class Sides With Transgender Shooter Who Murdered 6 At Tennessee Christian School

Instead of speaking out in support of Christians, the people who run the country offered solidarity to transgender Americans like the shooter.

Prior to the recent Nashville shooting in which a transgender-identifying shooter shot and killed three children and three staff at a small Christian school, the identity-obsessed ruling class jumped to condemn shooters.

When police admitted the shooter’s trans identity motivated her to target her former educational institution, however, the organizations that usually come out of the woodwork to support every other identity group when they are terrorized remained silent.

Instead of speaking out in support of Christians following the attack, the people who run the White House, Congress, state governments, top corporations, and the entertainment industry responded to the tragic deaths by offering solidarity with trans-identifying Americans like the Nashville shooter.

They didn’t just ignore how transgenderism reportedly played a role in the shooter carrying out the “targeted attack,” but they doubled down on the alphabet sexual ideology. Here are many of the politicians, companies, and organizations that went on to tacitly blame the victims of the shooting by celebrating the identity of the person who murdered them.

Biden Administration

When President Joe Biden went to address the somber tragedy that rocked the Nashville community on March 27, he cracked a joke about only coming to speak because he had heard there was chocolate-chip ice cream.

He followed that bit with another round of inappropriate laughs following an exchange with a reporter who asked him if he believed “Christians were targeted in the Nashville school shooting.”

“I have no idea,” Biden responded.

“Josh Hawley believes they were,” the reporter noted, pointing to the Missouri senator’s letter demanding the FBI investigate the shooting as a hate crime. “What do you say to that?”

“Well, I probably don’t, then,” Biden said while grinning. “No, I’m joking.”

Just two days after that, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre condemned Republicans who support bans on the mutilation of minors and claimed transgender Americans are “under attack right now.”

Instead of making the kind of trip Biden offered to other shooting victims and even criminals, the president ended the week by celebrating a “Transgender Day of Visibility.” He told Americans who claim to be transgender that they are “made in the image of God” — despite their best efforts to undo that. 

As my colleague Elle Purnell noted, it’s true that everyone is created in the image of God, but it is “equally apparent that the cult of transgenderism seeks not to celebrate that sacred image but to distort and blaspheme it.”


Just one day after the tragedy, Amazon Vice President of Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Candi Castleberry sent a message to “LGBTQIA+ employees and allies” reaffirming that the company “remains in solidarity with our LGBTQIA+ employees, customers, and communities” during “this period of apprehension and uncertainty.” Nowhere in the message did Amazon recognize the Nashville shooting nor the victims who lost their lives to the transgender shooter.

Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley

Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley made a point to reinforce her support for transgender policies from the House floor.

“In the fight for human rights, we must affirm that trans rights are human rights,” she said.

Before that, the only words Pressley had for the families grieving their loved ones were blaming the “cowardice & a deficit of political will” of presumably Republicans.

Other Democrats and Their Staffers

The same day of The Covenant School shooting, California state Sen. Scott Wiener posted in honor of “Transgender Week of Visibility.”

“The war on trans people continues,” he tweeted.

Wyoming Minority Caucus Whip Rep. Karlee Provenza reposted a graphic to her Facebook last week that suggests people should arm themselves to “protect trans folks against fascists and bigots.”

Josselyn Berry, recent press secretary for Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs, resigned from her position after she faced backlash for posting a similar call to violence to her public Twitter account. The offending tweet featured a gif of a woman holding two handguns and the caption “Us when we see transphobes.”


The same day as The Covenant School shooting, the “Like A Virgin” singer announced she would head to Nashville in December to host a benefit concert. Instead of offering her fundraising to the Christian families who lost loved ones to a transgender shooter, however, Madonna planned her performance to honor and raise money for trans-supporting organizations that promote the mutilation of children.

“The oppression of the LGBTQ+ is not only unacceptable and inhumane; it’s creating an unsafe environment; it makes America a dangerous place for our most vulnerable citizens, especially trans women of color,” Madonna said in a statement.

Corporate Media

The same corporate media that rushed to demonize other school shooters as white supremacists spent hundreds of words last week sympathizing with the shooter instead of the Christian community that suffered the consequences of her actions. They framed Christians as the perpetrators of the shooting rather than the victims.

They blamed Tennessee gun laws, gun lovers, and laws protecting children from inappropriate drag shows and irreversible sexual disfigurement. They also complained that authorities “misgendered” the shooter by referring to her as her actual sex.

Trans Activists

Radical activists across the nation spent the weekend after six people lost their lives to a transgender murderer celebrating a “Trans Day of Vengeance” and releasing a statement commiserating with the shooter.

In Kentucky, Tennesee, and Texas, rowdy crowds stormed their states’ capitols mere days after the shooting to protest laws intended to keep children safe from sexual indoctrination and to call for gun bans.

The Tennesee crowd was joined by several Democrat legislators who were later stripped of their committee assignments for their role in inciting the capitol chaos. Republicans are still weighing whether those legislators should be expelled from the General Assembly.

CMT Music Awards

In a tone-deaf post, CMT celebrated men in costumes at its annual awards show with a tweet claiming its host’s performance featuring drag queens “SLAYED.”