Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Manifesto Destiny

The FBI is vetting the manifesto of mass murderer Audrey Hale, and that’s a problem.

On Monday, March 27, Audrey Hale, a 28-year-old woman who thought she was a man, shot her way into the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee. There Hale gunned down Evelyn Dieckhaus, 9, Mike Hill, 61, William Kinney, 9, Katherine Koonce, 60, Cynthia Peak, 61, and Hallie Scruggs, nine-year-old daughter of Chad Scruggs, who is senior pastor at the Covenant Presbyterian Church, on the same site as the Covenant School.

Hale, reportedly a former student, specifically targeted the place. The shooter used an AR-15style rifle, a 9mm Kel-Tec SUB2000, and a 9mm Smith and Wesson M&P Shield EZ 2.0 handgun. Hale would have claimed many more victims but Nashville police took her down. She left behind a manifesto that could shed light on her motive for murdering three adults and three nine-year-old children. But trans activists oppose the public release of the manifesto.

It should not be published,” Jordan Budd, the executive director of Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere (COLAGE), told Newsweek. “The focus should be on how this was able to happen in the first place. There should not be such easy access to deadly weaponry.” 

Also weighing in was PFLAG, Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, the first and largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and their families.” PFLAG’s Laura McGinnis told Newsweek that release of the manifesto could risk a “contagion” and “the contents don’t change the outcome of the tragedy.” 

Charles Moran of Log Cabin Republicans, advocates for equal rights for LGBTQ+ Americans, warned of “serious consequences” if the manifesto was released to the public. Enter Nashville City Councilman Robert Swope, who worked as Tennessee state director for Donald Trump in 2016 and now heads the city council’s Public Safety, Beer and Regulated Beverages Committee. 

Swope told the New York Post that the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit is working “in tandem with” the Metro Nashville Police Department to complete “a very in-depth analysis of certain aspects of the shooter’s life.” Which aspects Swope did not say. 

According to the councilman, “the manifesto is going to be released. It’s just a matter of when. There are some incredibly brilliant psychological minds and psychological analysts combing through her entire life.” Relatives of the victims, meanwhile, have reason to be wary of FBI involvement.  

Supposedly on guard against domestic terrorism and violent extremism, the FBI did nothing to prevent Audrey Hale from murdering six people, including three children. In similar style, the FBI did nothing to prevent terrorist mass murders at Fort Hood in 2009 (14 dead), San Bernardino in 2015 (14 dead), and Orlando in 2016 (49 dead). 

On the other hand, the FBI does boast a record of altering documents. Consider Kevin Clinesmith, assistant general counsel in the National Security and Cyber Law Branch of the FBI’s Office of General Counsel in Washington, D.C.  

As the Department of Justice explains, “Clinesmith was assigned to provide legal support to FBI personnel working on Crossfire Hurricane,” the FBI’s covert operation against President Trump. Trump advisor Carter Page was a source for an OGA, a U.S. government agency, specifically the CIA. Clinesmith altered an email to show that Page was “not a source.” 

Clinesmith then “forwarded the email to the FBI Supervisory Special Agent (SSA), who “submitted the fourth FISA application to the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.”

In addition to forgery, the FBI is adept at concealing evidence in murder cases. 

In February 2020, DHS whistleblower Philip Haney, author of See Something Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad, was found dead in Amador County, California. The local sheriff handed Haney’s computer, thumb drives, and other materials to the FBI. 

As of this writing, the FBI has failed to make the material public, and at some point handed the investigation to the federal Customs and Border Protection (CBP), which determined that Haney’s devices contained “contraband.” As this implies, the murder victim was a secret criminal, allied with foreign actors. The Islamic terrorists Haney exposed would have motive to kill him, but no word from the FBI of any suspects. 

The FBI was also unaware that James Hodgkinson, a Bernie Sanders supporter, was carefully tracking Republican legislators. On June 14, 2017, as the representatives played baseball, Hodgkinson opened fire on them with an SKS 7.62 rifle and a 9mm pistol, wounding five and nearly killing Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.). 

The FBI, then under Andrew McCabe, determined that Hodgkinson’s attack was a “suicide by cop,” a ludicrous claim that drew criticism from Republicans and Democrats alike. Consider also the case of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich, a possible leaker of Hillary Clinton’s emails. 

On July 17, 2016, Rich was gunned down on a Washington street. The FBI showed no interest in the basic questions of motive, means and opportunity, but quickly grabbed Rich’s laptop computer. In 2020, the bureau admitted that it possessed the computer and with the murder still unsolved the FBI seeks to delay release of the computer’s contents until 2088, a proxy for never. 

For all but the willfully blind, the FBI is the KGB and secret police of the Biden junta. As such, the bureau is not exactly the best agency to analyze the Audrey Hale manifesto, which should have been released immediately, and in full. On Monday, April 3, a full week after the murders, Hale’s manifesto still had not been made public. As the American people await revelations, they have cause to wonder what the FBI knew, and when they knew it. 

The “Trans Day of Vengeance,” slated for April 1, served up the prospect of more violence. In advance of this heavily promoted event, was the FBI tracking any person of interest who purchased an AR-15style rifle or a 9mm Kel-Tec SUB2000? 

With all its resources and allegedly brilliant analytical minds, was the FBI profiling anyone who issued threats against “transphobes” in general or Christian schools in particular? The aforementioned Fort Hood case gives the people cause to wonder. 

In 2009, Major Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army psychiatrist, was communicating with al-Qaeda terrorist Anwar al Awlaki about killing Americans. As Lessons from Fort Hood explains, the FBI knew all about it but someone in the Washington office judged Hasan was not a threat and called off the surveillance. 

On November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood, Texas, yelling “Allahu akbar” as he fired, Hasan murdered 13 unarmed American soldiers, and the unborn child of Private Francheska Velez, bringing the count to 14 killed, with more than 30 wounded. The Obama Administration famously called this “workplace violence,” not terrorism or even gun violence. 

“Jill and I join the President and Michelle in expressing our sympathies to the families of the brave soldiers who fell today,” said Vice President Biden in a statement. “We are all praying for those who were wounded and hoping for their full and speedy recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are also with the entire Fort Hood community as they deal with this senseless tragedy.” 

No word of how they “fell.” The Delaware Democrat did not name the shooter and failed to name a single one of his victims. It was all just a “senseless tragedy.” 

In his initial statement on Nashville, Biden said the shooting was “sick” and “heartbreaking” but likewise failed to name the shooter or a single one of her victims, including the three children. Murder victim Mike Hill was black, but no speculation that the shooter, a white woman, could have been motivated by racism. The target was a Christian school, but no speculation that the mass murder could have been a hate crime. 

“We have to do more to stop gun violence,” said Biden, who called on Congress “to pass my assault weapons ban.” For the Delaware Democrat, as Victor Davis Hanson noted, “guns were the cause of the mass deaths, not the free will of a psychopathic killer.”

Three days after the murders, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre failed to name any of the victims or identify the shooter. The Biden mouthpiece did say “our hearts go out to the trans community as they are under attack right now.”

In the White House view, “the trans community” is the victim, not Evelyn Dieckhaus, Mike Hill, William Kinney, Katherine Koonce, Cynthia Peak, and Hallie Scruggs. Say their names. The struggle against trans violence is the struggle of memory against forgetting.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more- April 4


Is fear a normal reaction in uncertain times? Yes. But is fear also used as a weapon by the enemy to make everyone be fearful of the future, of fighting back, of the consequences of fighting back? Absolutely.

Right now, Fear is what the enemy wants us to feel. They want us to be afraid of speaking our mind, They want us to be afraid of standing up to them. What do you think the last week and the last 3 years have been about?

Don't give them that satisfaction. Don't be afraid of their tactics. There are way more of us then there are of them.

Here's tonight's news:

Indict One—And All? ~ VDH

Were the opposition to match tit-for-tat these Democratic means, then the republic would not survive.

As we await the publication of all the impending indictments of former President Donald Trump by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, Americans are trying to figure out what constitutes an indictable offense for current and retired public officials.

Most legal experts, Left and Right, have noted:

1) Bragg promised in advance that he would try to find a way to indict Trump. His prior boasts are reminiscent of Stalin’s secret police enforcer Lavrentiy Beria’s quip, “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.” Nancy Pelosi gave the game away, when in her dotage, she muttered that Trump had a right to prove his innocence as if he is presumed guilty.

2) No former president has ever been indicted—and for good reason. Such prosecutions would be viewed as persecutions and render all former presidents veritable targets of every publicity-hungry and politically hostile local, state, or federal prosecutor. They would reduce the presidency to Third World norms. Gratuitously prosecuting former presidents would become a political tool to harm the opposing political party or to tarnish the legacy of a former president.

3) Trump is currently ahead in the polls for the Republican nomination to face Democratic incumbent Biden. And in head-to-head matchups, he outpolls Biden. For a prosecutor of the same party as the current president facing reelection to seek to destroy the viability of a likely opponent is a first in U.S. history. But again, it is now in accordance with Third World norms.

4) At least two left-leaning federal and state prosecutors previously have passed on the same evidence Bragg is now using for his indictments. They have explained that such a prosecution is infeasible because of statutes of limitations, because of a state attorney improperly appropriating the role of a federal prosecutor, and because non-disclosures agreements are a fact of life and not strictly illegal.

5) Bragg’s chief witness Michael Cohen is a felon and confessed liar, with a deep personal hatred of Donald Trump—a fact well known to all potential prosecutors.

6) The current indictment follows a long line of historic harassment of Trump, including the first incidence of two impeachments of a sitting president, the first impeachment trial of a president as a private citizen, and the first FBI armed raid of a retired president’s home, the first instance of an FBI director leaking confidential presidential conversations to the media for the purpose of appointing a special counsel to remove a president.

Such asymmetry also raises questions about the equal application of our laws as they apply to all our other officials, current and out-of-office.

Or, to put it another way: what crime did Trump not do that others did with either impunity or without being arrested? Here is a sample of 20.

1) Trump did not violate federal law, as did Hillary Clinton, by destroying federally subpoenaed emails and devices in order to hide evidence.

2) Trump did not violate federal law, as did Hillary Clinton, by sending classified government communications on her own, through an unsecured home-brewed server.

3) Trump did not violate federal law, as did Hillary Clinton, by hiring—through three paywalls—a foreign national, who is prohibited from working on presidential campaigns, to compile a dossier to smear her presidential opponent.

4) Trump did not violate federal campaign laws, as did Hillary Clinton, by hiding her payments (as “legal services”) to Christopher Steele through bookkeeping deceptions.

5) Trump did not, as did Bill Clinton, use a crony to search out a high-paying New York job for a paramour in order to influence her testimony before a special counsel.

6) Trump did not, as did Bill Clinton, receive a $500,000 “honorarium” for speaking in Moscow while his wife, our secretary of state, approved a longstanding and lucrative desire of the Kremlin for North American uranium to be sold to a Russian consortium.

7) Trump did not, as did Barack Obama, promise Vladimir Putin that he would be “flexible” on “missile defense” if during his own reelection bid Putin in return would give him “space”. That quid pro quo arrangement led to the U.S. abandonment of key joint missile defense systems with Poland and the Czech Republic, and, reciprocally, less than two years later a Russia invasion, mostly unopposed by the United States, of eastern Ukraine and the Crimea.

8) Trump did not boast publicly, as did Joe Biden, that he used U.S. foreign aid monies as leverage to have the Ukrainian government fire a prosecutor who may have been looking into the Biden family’s efforts to sell influence to corrupt Ukrainian interests.

9) Trump did not, as the Bidens did, set up a family consortium to leverage monies from Ukraine, Russia, and China, on their shared expectations that he might soon run for and be elected president and become compromised. Trump is not mentioned, as is Joe Biden, in family business communications as a recipient of a 10 percent commission on such payoffs.

10) Trump did not, unlike Joe Biden, remove presidential papers—without any authority to declassify them—and leave them scattered and unsecured in a garage and various residences and offices.

11) Trump did not, as did the FBI, wipe clean subpoenaed mobile phone records.

12) Trump did not, as did interim FBI head Andrew McCabe, admittedly lie under oath on four occasions to federal investigators.

13) Trump did not, as did CIA Director John Brennan, admittedly lie on two occasions while under oath to the U.S. Congress.

14) Trump did not, as did Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, admittedly lie on one occasion to the U.S. Congress.

15) Trump did not, as did James Comey, claim amnesia or ignorance 245 times while under oath before the U.S. Congress.

16) Trump did not, as did FBI Director James Comey, summarize a confidential private conversation with a president and then deliberately leak that classified memo to the media for his own agenda of appointing a special counsel to investigate the president—which turned out to be his friend Robert Mueller.

17) Trump did not, as did Robert Mueller, claim ignorance while under oath when asked about the Steele dossier and Fusion GPS, the catalysts for Mueller’s own investigation.

18) Trump did not, as did private citizen and former secretary of state John Kerry, meet clandestinely while out of office with Iranian officials to help them resist  current U.S. policy toward Iran—or what the Boston Globe characterized as “unusual shadow diplomacy” to “apply pressure on the Trump administration from the outside.”

19) Trump did not, as did the FBI and CIA, pay clandestine money to Twitter to monitor and smother news stories deemed unhelpful to their agendas.

20) Trump did not, as did then-Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, whip up a mob at the doors of the Supreme Court by threatening two sitting justices by name to intimidate them concerning an impending judicial ruling: “I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you.”

In subsequent months, mobs of protestors swarmed the private homes of these two named justices to influence their decisions, a federal crime that was ignored by Attorney General Merrick Garland, but not by a self-confessed, potential assassin of Justice Brett Kavanaugh who later turned up in the neighborhood.

What are we to make of these radical disparate applications of laws and protocols? The Left repeatedly breaks laws and long-held customs with impunity by weaponizing federal offices and bureaus, whether defined in the legal sphere by mostly exempting 120 days of mass rioting, looting, arson, mayhem, and lethal violence in the summer of 2020, or procedurally by denying the House minority leader the right to nominate his party members to committees, or ceremonially having the speaker of the House tear up the presidential State-of-the-Union Address on national television.

By any fair application of past tradition and the law, Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas should be impeached for their deliberate efforts to subvert U.S. immigration law for political purposes. By any just measure, Joe Biden should be the target of a special counsel’s investigation to ascertain how and why the Biden family received hidden funds from foreign governments and whether Biden himself paid taxes on such large sums.

It is the revolutionary Left that attacks institutions deemed unhelpful for its current political agenda—one that rarely warrants 50 percent public approval—whether that effort is defined by threats of ending the filibuster, scrapping the Electoral College, adding two more states, packing the court, or radically changing balloting laws and customs to turn elections into a 70 percent no-show of voters on Election Day.

All of the above is predicated on a simple premise: Were the opposition to match tit-for-tat these Democratic means, then the republic would quickly descend into a spiral of illegality and chaos analogous to what ended the late Roman Republic. That fact is well known to the new hard-left Democratic Party. So it has assumed the role of the spoiled teen who feels he has a blank check of lawless behavior that his parents would not dare emulate, given that for adults to do so would destroy the family.

In other words, the Left is saying to America something along the following lines, “We are so morally superior to you that we can and must employ any means necessary to achieve our unpopular political ends. But you cannot respond in kind or deter us by mimicking our own tactics, because should both parties do so, the resulting disorder would undermine the republic. And that is something you won’t dare do.”

As Moral Relativism Replaces Christian Values, Americans Will Suffer More Mass Shootings

The devolution of American society began when moral relativism supplanted biblical truth in education, government, and eventually the family.

The devolution of American society began when moral relativism supplanted biblical truth in education, government, and the family.

Beginning in the late 1940s with the Supreme Court’s Everson v. Board of Education ruling and onward, our government and educational system have turned their backs on absolute truth to embrace Marxism, which aims to remove Christianity from all spheres of society.

The moral erosion proves obvious in a recent Barna poll that found, “Millennials are significantly less likely to believe in the existence of absolute moral truth or that God is the basis of all truth.”

The study also noted that “Millennials have less respect for life, in general,” and that “they are less than half as likely as other adults to say that life is sacred. They are twice as likely to diminish the value of human life by describing human beings as either ‘material substance only’ or their very existence as ‘an illusion.’”

Millennials’ disregard for life or morality should not come as a surprise. The decreasing number of young Americans who attend church regularly hear from pastors who may not preach biblical truth. A study by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University found that only 51 percent of America’s evangelical church pastors hold a biblical worldview. 

Armed with this data, I am thankful that recent shootings like those at The Covenant School in Nashville and the school shooting in Uvalde do not occur more frequently.

Gun-control advocates, the media, politicians, and my friends on social media urge increased gun restrictions as the solution to the problem, pointing to Europe and Australia as the golden standard for gun control. Yet, a 2018 New Zealand Herald article showed that despite tighter gun restrictions in these countries, shootings have occurred more frequently than Americans realize.

In 2022, for example, a gunman killed two and wounded seven people in Denmark, a country with some of the strictest gun laws in Europe, before authorities apprehended him and held him for psychological testing. The article, along with anti-firearm advocates, suggests increased psychological testing as the next solution now that radical gun-control policies have failed.

Not many in Western society honestly address the origin behind increased psychological problems. Western countries increasingly lean on modern mental health mantras rather than dealing with the heart of the matter.

For centuries, firearms have been a standard tool for hunting and home defense in America and Europe. So why the escalation of gun-related massacres throughout the United States and the West over recent decades? Again, I pose the heart of the issue: Moral relativism has replaced the truth of God’s Word.

As a college writing professor, I read and hear the anti-American and anti-Christian propaganda to which my students have been exposed their entire lives. Basic biblical truths such as “treat others how you wish to be treated” and “love your neighbor” have been replaced with mantras like “treat others with kindness unless they offend you” and “love yourself.”

How can a society that raises children devoid of the Christ-centered teachings of Christianity expect anything besides massacres at the hands of miserable, self-centered, and horribly confused individuals like the Uvalde and Highland Park shooters?

Gun Control to Mask Moral Decline

Seven years ago, I attended an active-shooter training hosted by the campus safety department at the community college where I taught in Portland, Oregon. I will never forget the cautionary advice shared by one of the presenters.

“In the event of an active shooter situation, don’t bother calling campus police. Instead, call 911,” he advised. “Campus police at this college are unarmed, so we won’t be able to ensure your safety. Although it will take the local police department much longer to respond to a campus shooting, they will eventually be able to take down a shooter if the need arises.”

Baffled, I asked why campus police are expected to perform their duties unarmed. He explained that several years prior, a college board member felt distressed about campus police carrying firearms. After a swift vote by the board, my safety as well as the safety of my students and colleagues would be jeopardized henceforth.

After the training, I stayed behind to ask the officer his opinion regarding faculty arming themselves on campus. He encouraged me — off the record, of course — to carry concealed for my own safety and for the safety of my students. That college, like most academic institutions across the country, proclaims itself to be a gun-free zone.

A 2019 CNN article documented 10 years of school shootings, and the majority occurred in gun-free zones. A 2019 study conducted by the Crime Prevention Research Center found that in schools across the U.S. that reportedly allow teachers to carry guns on campus, no deaths occurred as a result of shootings between 2000 and 2018.

Neither the problem nor the solution to school shootings has any correlation with guns or mental health problems that can be treated with medication and therapy, as many scholars and pundits contend. Rather, the problem stems from our nation’s replacement of biblical truth with moral relativism.

A Symptom, Not the Cause

As a writing instructor for 16 years, I examined thousands of essays, gaining an unusual window into the lives and experiences of my Millennial and Gen Z students. Like an airline passenger who shares intimate details with a stranger, knowing he will never see that passenger again, many of my students confide personal musings and revelations in their writing.

A surprising number of essays I read unwrap students’ deep suffering related to childhood sexual, physical, or emotional abuse. Some of my students suffer the scars of drug- or alcohol-addicted, neglectful parents. Some students are only a few months clean and sober themselves. Several are homeless. And over the past decade, they write increasingly about gender confusion.

I have detected a common theme throughout their stories. Each of these unique souls is in search of something specific, a need inherent in every human. The agonizing part is that an ancient moral and religious tradition understands their needs, but they do not.

Instead of the moral relativism they have been fed from kindergarten through college, they need to hear truth. Not the “find your own truth” nonsense propagated by educators, Hollywood, and hosts on “The View,” but rather the age-old truth found solely in the Word of God.

The solution is clear: Churches must put away social justice-centered and seeker-friendly sermons and return to expository teaching. Parents must roll up their sleeves and remove the responsibility of parenting from educators and the media by doing the hard work themselves. And voters must stop expecting the government to fix a problem created by sinful humanity.

Instead, we must repent and ask God to point our nation to truth.

Three Democrats Facing Expulsion From Tennessee Legislature for Aiding the 'Transurrection'

Monday, three Tennessee bolsheviks were stripped of their committee assignments and locked out of the Tennessee Capitol because of their leading role in the “Transurrection” that took over the capitol building last Wednesday (WATCH: Left-Wing Protesters Storm TN Capitol, Insurrection Reaches the Legislative Chamber).

State Representatives Gloria Johnson and Justin Jones were notified by the Clerk of the Tennessee House of Representatives that they had been stripped of all committee assignments. A third representative, Justin Pearson (Justin as a first name seems to be a thing amount Tennessee Democrats), had no committee assignments. Their ability to enter the legislative facilities was restricted in a separate action.

Three Democrats Barred Facing Expulsion form Legislature for Aiding the 'Transurrection'

Naturally, the anti-American left is beside itself. Gun-grabbing twink, David Hogg, suffered a bout of fecal incontinence if using all caps is any indicator.

Monday night, House Speaker Cameron Sexton had the votes to file expulsion resolutions on all three.

The three are trying to portray themselves as some sort of martyrs to the cause of democracy when their actions show they had much more in common with communist revolutionaries than with any part of American political tradition. The left is trying to whitewash their actions by claiming they didn’t lead the protesters. That’s true, as far as it goes. What the three did was move to the presiding officer’s bench with a bullhorn and lead the protesters in the gallery in chants.

Some legislators expressed the opinion that this would make them into “martyrs. That might happen, but making martyrs is not as damaging as introducing mobocracy to the legislature.

Republicans always make the same mistakes when dealing with these kinds of antics. First, they seek to “take the high ground,” thinking they are dealing with bad behavior and ill-breeding rather than recognizing Leninist and Maoist revolutionary warfare actions for what they are. Second, they always forget that Democrats never fail to mistake kindness for weakness.

In cases like this, we need to take a page from Stalin’s playbook (figuratively, of course, I’d never, ever advocate hauling them out of their homes in the middle of the night and carting them and their extended families off to a hastily dug trench in the deep forest) that goes something like, “If a man is a problem, then no man, no problem.”

I dearly hope Speaker Sexton has the votes to expel these three clowns — I suspect he does, and I just hope he pulls the trigger rather than reducing the bill of expulsion to a threat — even though they will be replaced with people just as opposed to the rule of law as these. If he doesn’t take action, he’s just opened the door to mob rule.

Jill Biden Steps in It Big Time With Invite Made After NCAA Women’s Basketball Championship

Jill Biden Steps in It Big Time With Invite Made After NCAA Women’s Basketball Championship

Sister Toldjah reporting for RedState 

For the longest time, it has been either insinuated or outright stated by our supposed intellectual betters on the left about how First Lady Jill Biden is the “wiser” of the two senior Bidens who currently occupy the residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

But you wouldn’t know it based on some of the really cringe-inducing things she’s said and done since her husband Joe was sworn in, one of which happened Monday in the aftermath of the NCAA women’s basketball championship game, which was played Sunday in Dallas.

In it, the Louisiana State University (LSU) Tigers defeated the Iowa Hawkeyes 102-85, making it the first time in school history that one of their basketball teams (men or women) brought home an NCAA championship.

On Monday during a trip to Denver, Mrs. Biden, who had been at the game the night before, said LSU would be invited to the White House as championship teams at both the college and pro levels often are – but that Iowa also should be invited:

“I know we’ll have the champions come to the White House, we always do. So, we hope LSU will come,” she said. “But, you know, I’m going to tell Joe I think Iowa should come, too, because they played such a good game.”

The White House didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment about whether President Joe Biden would also extend a White House invite to Iowa — and whether it would be a joint visit with LSU or a separate engagement.

One of the stars of the game, LSU’s Angel Reese, responded to the news by using laughing emojis and calling Biden’s invite “A JOKE”:

Honestly, it doesn’t make sense in my opinion to invite the losing team to the White House, considering it’s a “winner’s privilege” to be able to go.

But considering Reese’s response, some are ripping “Dr.” Biden for claiming another kind of so-called “privilege” – “white privilege.”

The rationale behind it appears to stem from the backlash to Reese flashing the “you can’t see me” sign at Iowa star player Caitlin Clark at the end of the game, something Clark herself had done to a Louisville player during Iowa’s game against them in the Elite Eight.

Reese has taken criticism over her version of trash talk, and when asked about it, she’s said in so many words that the reason why she’s taking heat is because she’s black (she says Clark, who is white, was widely praised when she did it).

Anna Horford, who is the sister of NBA legend/former Boston Celtics player Al Horford, summed up the thoughts of a lot of the Very Online Left in reaction to Jill Biden’s invite of both LSU and Iowa:

My thought here is that maybe Jill Biden is trying to “Beer Summit” Clark and Reese by bringing them together in the spirit of sportsmanship or whatever, which would actually be very dumb if so, because to the victors go the spoils, and that includes being able to do some trash talk against the losing team and visit the White House (if that’s your thing).

Unfortunately for us all, Biden expressing her wish for LSU and Iowa to travel to the White House was not the worst of what she said:

In her remarks, Biden also marveled at how far women’s sports in the U.S. have come since Title IX in 1972 gave women equal rights in sports at schools that receive federal funding.

“It was so exciting, wasn’t it?” she said. “It was such a great game. I’m old enough that I remember when we got Title IX. We fought so hard, right? We fought so hard. And look at where women’s sports have come today.”

Right, I mean women’s sports have come so far that your very powerful husband is a proponent of altering Title IX along with allowing men who identify as women to compete in their sporting events and win. Yay, feminism! Right?