Friday, March 31, 2023

The Democrats’ Road to Hell

A new documentary by Vince Everett Ellison rips the mask off Democrats’ evils and the consequences of going along with them.

The most significant things can start from the most ordinary moments.

“This started from a trip my daughter and I had and we stopped by McDonald’s and this lady [who was] going to a pro-abortion march asked my daughter to join her because she saw she was black, and she thought she was a liberal Democrat,” Vince Everett Ellison recalls. “And my daughter very, very nicely said, ‘Uh, ma’am, I’m a Christian and I vote my values.’”

“And that was just so interesting to me because I said, why don’t more people say that? ‘I’m a Christian and I vote my values?’”

Fear? The fear of being shouted at. The fear of being ostracized. The fear of being canceled, and losing one’s career, friends, and social standing. The siren song of the woke herd mentality can be enticing. But not to the Ellison family.

A former Gospel singer, the son of sharecroppers, and now a vocal black leader, Ellison lives by his strong values: his Christian faith, strong family, the value of every life, and America’s unique freedoms and opportunities. He also understands the reluctance to speak up but is having none of it, as he recently told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson. In his sensational new documentary, “Will You Go To Hell For Me?,” Ellison rips into the Democratic Party for promoting what he calls perversion and evil.

“They want you to castrate little boys and cut off the breasts of little girls. And they’re telling people they’re not going to be held responsible for this? That is a lie. The Democratic Party is an evil institution. They are controlled by a cabal of perverts, liars, and psychopaths,” said Ellison. 

“Evil is anyone who intentionally harms a child,” Ellison recently told Emerald Robinson on Lindell TV. He noted that Democrats in Virginia recently blocked two laws that would have prevented the harming of children. One law would have required schools to call parents if their child is transitioning from one gender to another. Another would have required boys and girls to compete in sports aligned with their birth gender. Democrats blocked both, interfering with the parent-child relationship and opening the way for biological boys to compete in girls’ sports, which is both unfair and unsafe given boys’ inherent size and strength advantages.

Ellison’s courage is remarkable and contagious. One of the few black leaders to speak out for America and against the gender confusion and antifamily policies the Democrats are pushing in their quest for power, Ellison calls that party what it is: evil. The Democrats seem determined to prove him right at every turn, from the local level on radicalized school boards that spy on parents all the way to the top, and the president who ran as a moderate but is governing as a hard-core, anti-family leftist.

Ellison warns that the Left is obsessed with the total annihilation of Judeo-Christian values. The proof has arrived in the form of a mentally ill trans-terrorist, likely high on liberal media pro-trans, anti-religious propaganda, walking into a private school outside Nashville to hunt down Christians and kill them.

The Democrats have gone all-in on child gender transitions. The Biden-led Pentagon announced it believes kids as young as seven should be allowed to make the choice to take on powerful medications and surgeries in a quest to change genders. Kids that age can’t vote, can’t drive, and are still growing physically, mentally, and emotionally. They aren’t allowed to make the most basic choices without parental approval—but Joe Biden and the entire Democratic Party want them to be able to sign on for a lifetime of drugs, medical procedures, and extensive psychological counseling, while refusing to listen to the growing number of Americans who now openly and vocally express their grief and devastation because of making similar decisions. This, Ellison says, is evil. 

The same party preaches that one’s actions and statements can be severed from their faith, Ellison notes. It’s a political game the Democrats have been playing for decades, ever since formerly staunch and vocal pro-life leaders such as Jesse Jackson switched to being “personally” pro-life but politically pro-choice, to maintain their standing within the party. The Democrats have only gotten more radical, and more demanding of Christians—essentially insisting they renounce core tenets of their faith. New York now allows abortion nearly up to the moment of birth, and celebrates itself for its radical law.

Ellison told Carlson that this is evil, built on convenient lies that imperil millions of souls.

“If you want to know what evil is, I’ll make it easy for you. Anybody that intentionally harms a child, even Jesus Christ, the greatest human being [who] ever walked this earth, said, ‘If you harm one of these little ones, it is better that a millstone be tied around your neck and you be thrown into the sea.’ Well, I hope some of these Democrats can swim,” Ellison said.

But harming children seems to have become a key plank of the Democratic platform.

The stakes are too high, Ellison says, and they’re not limited to Democrats. As he makes clear in “Will You Go To Hell For Me?,” the choices we make now in this life will affect the ultimate fate of our souls in the next. 

“Romans 14 and 12 tells us we will stand in front of God and be held accountable for everything that we do in our lives,” he notes, singling out the black church for supporting Democrats and their policies that destroy lives and families and have harmed black America for decades. 

It’s past time to choose wisely. Today’s act of convenience or cowardice is a choice that will echo into the future and eternity. Vince Everett Ellison’s voice is one all of America needs to hear and listen to, very soon. 

X22, And we Know, and more- March 31


This has been 1 very unhinged week. 1st, the latest NCIS LA episode, and the looming reality of Hetty coming home, sends some antis on Tumblr over the edge with hate and anger. Then last night, basically all hell breaks loose with regular trolls and even new loser trolls going on the warpath. And even an old foe from my early Disqus days showing up (possibly for his and his high school clique's amusement)!

Some things will just set off the absolute worst in some people's heads, I tell you! But, at least Sunday is 2 days away! 😉

Here's tonight's news:

Left-Wing Violence Chic ~ VDH

For the radical Left, ideology exempts its political violence.

A transgendered Tennessee mass shooter this week executed three adults and three nine-year-old children at a Nashville private Christian school. 

Supposedly she left behind her a manifesto justifying her mass murdering. As of this writing, law enforcement officials have declined to make the document public.

Yet in about a nano-second after the news was disclosed, the left-wing activist machine kicked in, led by politicians, entertainers, and the media. 

Three predictable themes surfaced. 

The first was led by none other than Joe Biden. He lectured that guns were the cause of the mass deaths, not the free will of a psychopathic killer. 

Few noted that the shooter illegally purchased firearms by hiding her documented record of emotional disorders. 

Second, America was told that it would serve no purpose to publish the shooter’s manifesto. Apparently, this exception to the usual practice was due to fears her manifesto would hurt the transgender cause. 

Third, some in the activist media claimed that, while such murdering was regrettable, it was also understandable—given supposed Christian, conservative America’s intolerance of the transgendered. In our sick society, the targeted victims became the political victimizers. 

Did the transgendered shooter anticipate that violence for her “correct” cause would be either contextualized or blamed on the weapon rather than she who used it? 

Likewise, at about the same time, a transgendered activist entered the Texas Legislature and physically fought with the sergeant-of-arms. 

Just days after the Nashville shooting, a trans advocacy group decided neither to cancel, nor to change the name of, their long-planned “Trans Day of Vengeance” protest in front of the Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C.  

It was recently disclosed that federal authorities did little or nothing last year when anti-abortion mobs traveled to the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices, yelling, and disrupting their neighborhoods. 

That mobbing was in clear violation of federal laws prohibiting protesters from swarming the homes of justices to influence their opinions. Yet, mysteriously, Attorney General Merrick Garland demurred from prosecuting the lawbreakers or beefing up security. 

Amid this environment of general chaos, a would-be assassin of Justice Brett Kavanaugh turned up near the justice’s home, but was convinced by his own sister to surrender. 

In March 2020, then-Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) had all but called for violence against the justices, when he threatened two by name before an angry pro-abortion crowd protesting at the doors to the court: 

I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh—you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.

What did Schumer mean by “whirlwind,” “pay the price” and “what hit you”? 

On a recent episode of ABC’s “The View,” octogenarian actress Jane Fonda reentered controversy by boasting that women were not going to retreat on abortion rights. And if their marching and protesting were not enough, Fonda smirked, “Well, I’ve thought of murder.” 

Recently Wayne State Professor Steven Shaviro posted his views on free speech on campus: “Although I do not advocate violating federal and state criminal codes, I think it is far more admirable to kill a racist, homophobic, or transphobic speaker than it is to shout them down.” 

Shaviro apparently was referring to the mob at Stanford Law School that shouted down U.S. Fifth Circuit Judge Kyle Duncan, who had been invited to speak by the campus Federalist Society. Students prevented him from delivering his lecture, apparently for his past refusal to change the pronouns of a convicted pedophile. 

Among the many obscene taunts that were leveled at the judge by Stanford’s future lawyers, one law-school protestor shouted that he hoped Duncan’s daughters would be raped. 

U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.), House Majority Leader Steven Scalise (R-La.), and former Republican New York gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin have all been the target of vicious politically driven physical attacks. 

Most Americans decried the illegal entry into the Capitol on January 6 by protesting Trump supporters. Over 1,000 have been charged, or are in prison, with hundreds more facing indictment. 

Yet none in the Capitol were armed. And the only ones to die violently that day were among the protesters themselves. 

No so in the summer 2020. Then the vast majority of the Black Lives Matter and Antifa-led violent protesters who rioted, burned, and looted for 120 days—injuring 1,500 police officers and causing over 35 deaths—were either not arrested or released. 

For that matter, what do Johnny Depp, Snoop Dogg, Kathy Griffin, George Lopez, Moby, Rosie O’Donnell, Mickey Rourke, and Larry Wilmore all have in common? At one time or another they alluded to various ways of imagining Donald Trump’s violent death. 

What do Joe Biden, Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), and Robert De Niro have in common? They all bragged of their desire to physically assault or beat up Trump. 

For the radical Left, ideology exempts its political violence. The result for everyone else is an open-season and the end of deterrence—and frightening days ahead.

‘Worst Case of Prosecutorial Abuse’: Alan Dershowitz Reacts to Trump Indictment

Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz harshly criticized the indictment of former President Donald Trump, describing it as an extreme case of prosecutorial misconduct.

“In 60 years of practice, this is the worst case of prosecutorial abuse I have ever seen,” Dershowitz told The Epoch Times on March 30. “What’s really unprecedented is not the indictment of a past president, but the indictment of a potential future president who is running against the head of the party of the man who indicted him.”

“It’s very dangerous—it means that district attorneys can indict their own political enemies,” the scholar said. “It really endangers the rule of law for all Americans. Today, it’s Trump; tomorrow, it’s a Democrat. The day after tomorrow, it’s your uncle Charlie, or your niece, or your nephew.”

Dershowitz was responding to the news that a Manhattan jury voted to indict Trump on charges surrounding alleged hush money paid to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, making Trump the first former president to be criminally charged in the nation’s history. It spawned from an investigation conducted by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office that included grand jury testimony by Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen and Cohen’s former lawyer, Robert Costello.

Days before the 2016 presidential election, Cohen allegedly paid Daniels $130,000 in exchange for her silence on an alleged 2006 tryst between her and Trump—which the former president denies. Cohen pleaded guilty to violating federal campaign finance laws in 2018 for arranging payment to Daniels and another woman claiming to have had an affair with Trump. In his guilty plea, Cohen claims to have done so at Trump’s direction and was reimbursed by the Trump Organization through routine legal expenses.

While no charges have been announced, Dershowitz said Bragg likely relied on elevating a charge of falsifying business records involving the payment to Daniels—a misdemeanor—to a felony by tying it to a federal charge of campaign finance violation.

“In order to turn the state statute into a felony, you have to borrow a federal statute,” Dershowitz told The Epoch Times in an interview earlier in March. He said that this combining of laws “seems to raise real serious legal questions.”

“Nobody should ever be arrested based on made-up laws or combining a federal and state statute,” Dershowitz told The Epoch Times in an interview on March 18. “I taught criminal law for 50 years at Harvard, and the one rule was, no creativity is permitted by prosecutors. The law has to be clear.”

“In Bragg’s case, what they’re trying to do is add one and one, and come up with 11. No rational person would look at these two statutes and say that Trump violated them,” Dershowitz said. “Thomas Jefferson once put it very nicely: For a criminal statute to be constitutional, the average person has to be able to understand it if he reads it while running.”

The case pursued by Bragg, a Democrat, is politically motivated, Dershowitz says.

“When you get a district attorney, who ran as a Democrat, promising to get Trump indicting the man who’s trying to unseat, essentially, his boss—the President of the United States, a Democrat—the case should be a slam dunk, it should be very strong,” Dershowitz said. “If the indictment tracks that we’ve seen—and we’re not sure about that—this is the weakest case in the sixty years I’ve been practicing criminal law.”

“It’s not a righteous prosecution. It’s not a just prosecution. And I think every libertarian, whether you’re conservative, or liberal, should be opposed to it,” he said. “There seem to be two systems of justice in America—one for the rest of us, and the other for Trump—and that’s the thesis of my book, ‘Get Trump.’ There is a special system of targeted injustice against Trump, and this is coming from a liberal Democrat who voted against him twice.

Dershowitz dismissed the idea that these cases would exert a material impact on Trump’s candidacy in the 2024 presidential election.

“He’s not going to get prison. Nonetheless, he can run as a convicted defendant,” Dershowitz said, referring to the 2024 election. “He can run from prison.”

“They’re just rummaging through the law books and doing everything they can to get him, but I don’t think they’ve succeeded,” he added. “I can’t imagine that an appellate court would ever hold this, but I don’t think Bragg cares about this. He wants the publicity of a perp walk and an arrest.”

Trump issued a statement on Thursday afternoon responding to the news of his indictment, calling it “political persecution and election interference.”

“From the time I came down the golden escalator at Trump Tower, and even before I was sworn in as your President of the United States, the Radical Left Democrats—the enemy of the hard-working men and women of this Country—have been engaged in a Witch-Hunt to destroy the Make America Great Again movement,” Trump wrote in a statement posted on Truth Social on Thursday.

“Never before in our Nation’s history has this been done. The Democrats have cheated countless times over the decades, including spying on my campaign, but weaponizing our justice system to punish a political opponent, who just so happens to be a President of the United States and by far the leading Republican candidate for President, has never happened before. Ever.”

Trump, a Florida resident, is expected to be arraigned next week in New York.

“This evening we contacted Mr. Trump’s attorney to coordinate his surrender to the Manhattan D.A.’s Office for arraignment on a Supreme Court indictment, which remains under seal,” reads a statement from Bragg’s office, sent to media outlets on Thursday. “Guidance will be provided when the arraignment date is selected.”

Joseph Tacopina, Trump’s lawyer on this case, told The Epoch Times on Thursday that Trump’s arraignment is expected to occur early next week.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis echoed Trump’s view in a statement promptly following the release of the news, saying that Bragg is “stretching the law” in prosecuting Trump and that Florida will not assist with an extradition request.

“The weaponization of the legal system to advance a political agenda turns the rule of law on its head,” DeSantis wrote in a post on Twitter on Thursday. “Florida will not assist in an extradition request given the questionable circumstances at issue with this Soros-backed Manhattan prosecutor and his political agenda.”

When It Comes To Communist China’s Grip On U.S. Institutions, TikTok Is Only The Beginning

Banning TikTok should signal the beginning, not the end, of a war on China’s infiltration of U.S. institutions.

There is a wide, bipartisan consensus that TikTok is effectively Chinese Communist Party spyware, which makes it an easy target for legislators and the Biden administration to ban. Keeping China away from American data, however, could easily become an excuse for the ruling class to claim they are successfully warding off infiltration from a foreign adversary without truly addressing all of the ways China has compromised our nation.

The Biden administration, Congress, states, and agencies such as the FBI agree communist China poses a grave threat to U.S. security. Action to combat these concerns in recent years, however, has largely revolved around the CCP’s weaponization of TikTok.

To put it simply, U.S. attempts to combat China’s vast infiltration campaign by simply banning TikTok is the easy out. The CCP has a grip on Americans and has stealthily tightened that grip for years. Here are other important ways communist China has embedded itself in U.S. institutions.

The Biden Family Business

The family business of President Joe Biden is sustained by overseas dealings with foreign actors including those linked to communist China. Hunter Biden and his uncle James Biden were funneled millions of dollars from companies directly influenced by the CCP to offer the “spy chief of China” legal representation. Two weeks after he traveled to communist China on his dad’s Air Force Two jet, Hunter also helped his Chinese business partners secure a deal that gave them control of a cobalt mine in Congo.

Just last year, the president sold oil from emergency reserves to the same Chinese gas giant that Hunter’s private equity firm, BHR Partners, once owned a $1.7 billion stake in.

Even if Joe wasn’t guilty of helping out his nation’s No. 1 adversary, his relationship with Hunter and the access his son acquired through his father’s status makes him guilty by proxy. Joe is susceptible to sway from Hunter’s foreign buddies including those closely linked to the CCP.


Congress is littered with legislators who are compromised by China. Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell formed a close relationship with a Chinese spy who spent years building connections with Democrats so she could send political intelligence and personal information back to communist China. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and his wife, former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao similarly spent decades getting rich off of the Chao family’s maritime shipping company, which has deep ties to the Chinese government.


In July 2022, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee revealed CCP officials compromised a Federal Reserve employee’s IT equipment and WeChat account. Unfortunately, that was not an isolated incident. Dozens of state and local governments have also fallen prey to the clutches of CCP spy campaigns.


Lawmakers on both sides of the political aisle have raised alarms and proposed bills to stop foreign adversaries such as China from buying up U.S. territory. So far, however, those efforts have not stopped the CCP’s encroachment.

As of 2021, China owns 384,000 acres of American farmland, much of it located near U.S. military bases and other critical infrastructure, and is only increasing its control each year. Between 2009 and 2016, China’s foreign land investments grew from $300 million to $3.3 billion. In 2021, Chinese investors often linked to the CCP acquired 98 percent more U.S. land than they did between 2015 and 2019.

U.S. officials know China purchases land with malicious intent. For example, in 2017, U.S. officials uncovered CCP plans to “plant listening devices near sensitive military and government facilities.”

…And Skies

China has surveilled the U.S. using spy balloons for years. Most recently, a CCP balloon equipped with “multiple antennas” for “intelligence surveillance” completed a days-long cross-country journey above some of the nation’s most sensitive locations. It was only after that journey ended that the Biden administration opted to shoot it down.

Fentanyl Crisis

As House Republicans and witnesses demonstrated during a Subcommittee on National Security, Illicit Finance, and International Financial Institutions hearing last week, the CCP is invested in increasing the presence of fentanyl in the U.S. because it destabilizes the nation and kills tens of thousands of Americans yearly.

China does this by selling and exporting the precursor chemicals required to make potent and lucrative opioids to cartels that then bring the deadly drug across the southern U.S. border. In 2022, Customs and Border Protection seized 14,700 pounds of fentanyl. That’s triple the amount it seized in 2020 and doesn’t account for the fentanyl that was not detected by border agents.


Speaking of precursor chemicals, the U.S. relies on China, the world’s largest producer of active pharmaceutical ingredients, for everyday generic drugs and medical equipment. A report from the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission in 2019 found that the Chinese government wants to exploit that dependency and become the world’s biggest producer of pharmaceutical products. 

China’s hostility further manifested in 2020 when a CCP propaganda outlet suggested the Beijing government might cut off its drug and equipment supply to Americans so the U.S. would “sink into the hell of a novel coronavirus epidemic.”


One of the most well-documented ways China infiltrates the U.S. is through academia and Confucius Institutes. These organizations, often disguised as cultural programs, are designed to expand China’s influence and allies abroad.

Instead of fighting against this part of China’s soft power campaign, the Biden administration stealthily eliminated a Trump-era proposal that required educational institutions to disclose their relationship with Confucius Institutes. Biden’s decision allowed Beijing to reopen dozens of its infiltration hubs under different names.

The administration has also largely ignored the role Chinese state actors play in exploiting the vulnerabilities in U.S. higher education. Students from China are often advised by Chinese embassies or working for China’s People’s Liberation Army.

Since 2013, the Chinese government also has been “the largest source of foreign donations to U.S. universities,” and since 2011, Chinese sources “have participated in donations or contracts worth more than $426 million to U.S. universities.”

Intellectual Property

Because of its successful infiltration into higher education, China places spies in front-row seats to some of our nation’s most promising technology and innovation. The CCP’s desire to beat Americans’ grip on the global economy, and its access to the U.S. institutions developing useful tools, resulted in the theft of dozens of trademilitaryengineering, and intelligence secrets.

The Department of Justice estimates that “80 percent of all economic espionage prosecutions” it brings “would benefit the Chinese state.”


It’s no secret China pays the National Basketball Association in return for American basketball coaches and players’ silence on the communist government’s human rights violations.

In recent years, China successfully convinced NBA officials to shut up employees and hamper players’ freedom to speak out on issues including the Hong Kong protests and Uyghur genocide.

China’s grip on the association is so tight that even the NBA coaches who host basketball camps in the communist country admitted the CCP’s influence meant they were essentially “working for the Chinese government.”

Electric Vehicles

China is responsible for “70 to 80 percent of the world’s battery chemicals, battery anodes and battery cells” which means it essentially controls the electric vehicle supply chain. As the Biden administration and its Democrat allies push toward requiring Americans to use electric cars over gas-powered ones, China’s grip on the global battery market will only tighten.

Similarly, the communist country’s monopoly on rare earth minerals and metals means the CCP controls not just the materials required for “green technology” but also “modern-day weapons systems.”

Wall Street

For years now, the CCP has used willing Wall Street firms to leverage its financial influence within the U.S. and around the world. This collusion not only sustains the human rights violator but also compromises “tens of millions of unwitting American investors in the process.” U.S. firms build woke capital on the back of the CCP which, in turn, gets billions of American dollars.

Other Big Tech Companies

As author Peter Schweizer documented in his book “Red-Handed,” China has “courted and seduced many powerful people in America’s tech industry to willingly, and sometimes enthusiastically” advance the communist country’s goal of technological supremacy.

Facebook, GoogleApple, and Elon Musk’s Tesla all cater to the CCP’s wishes.


Despite its extensively reported penchant for wokeness, Hollywood is all too willing to censor its productions to stay in the good graces of communist China to preserve overseas profits. The CCP’s ability to control what hits screens is just another way China exports its authoritarian ideology to the world.


China not only runs propaganda but also employs the help of American corporate media outlets such as The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and Bloomberg, which have built cozy relationships with Chinese officials.

The compromising nature of these ties became especially prominent beginning in 2020 when the propaganda press helped the CCP spread lies about the origins of Covid-19.

Pretty much every major U.S. institution is ripe for reforms that would root out foreign influences like China. If the U.S. government is serious about combatting China’s sway, a ban on TikTok should signal the beginning, not the end, of a war on China’s infiltration of American systems.

The Real Gutless Cowards

On Thursday, Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) decided he needed some spotlight time and decided to yell at Republicans in the hallway in front of the press.

As RedState reported, Bowman screamed that Republicans were “gutless” and “cowards” and blamed them for the Nashville school shooting that left six dead including three children. The shooting was done at the hands of a woman claiming she was transgender.

Amid the screaming, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) attempted to introduce a little reality into the situation by calmly talking with Bowman, but Bowman wasn’t there to talk, he was there to pontificate and perform. Eventually, Massie gave up trying to speak with Bowman like an adult and addressed the press with his point directly. This only made Bowman scream more as he was supposed to be the center of the press’s attention, not Massie.

My colleague Nick Arama makes a great point in her article about the incident:

Bowman stalks off, but then Massie delivers a final great point, noting members of Congress have armed protection there in Congress. Why is it okay to have protection for the members of Congress, yet Democrats like Bowman don’t want to afford kids the same protection that they get?

Why do we have shootings like the one in Nashville? Maybe because shooters know that the school is going to be gun-free and they can shoot a lot of people before the police can arrive on the scene. If they didn’t know that, if they knew that they might face armed defense, that might give them pause. Increase the number of school resource officers, then supplement them with trained teachers.

A lot of common sense can be gleaned right off the bat for those paying even a little attention. Massie is correct. Congress is consistently protected by armed security yet Democrats don’t want the same for our children. Moreover, you don’t see a lot of mass shootings happening at places where people can quickly shoot back because it’s hard to make victims out of those who can defend themselves.

Republicans — or at least the ones who fight tooth and nail to keep gun rights secure — are not gutless or cowardly in making sure that the people have access to the best means of defense against elements of our society that have no interest in being law-abiding citizens, much less good people.

In fact, as crime skyrockets across the nation and tensions ramp up between the liberty-minded and the authoritarians, I can’t help but notice that the push to disarm citizens from authoritarians is all the stronger. In fact, when one of theirs commits a crime they do their absolute best to blame the law-abiding, freedom-loving people.

This is bullying behavior. Those that wish to prey on others will seek out the weakest and most defenseless and proceed to exert their will on them, take their money, and hurt them. While the bully feels a sense of superiority, what he doesn’t understand is that this is pure cowardice dressed as aggression. The bully will rarely, if ever, challenge anyone that could truly do him harm.

So it goes with these authoritarians all over the country. They would love nothing more than to exert their will on you and force you to hand over everything from your money to your children. However, they wouldn’t dare push too hard or too far while the populace has the ability to fight back. They are gutless cowards who want to rule over you but dare not confront you directly.

You’ve heard it slip on more than one occasion. Joe Biden loves to brag about how your AR-15 can’t stop his fighter jets. You watched as governors and mayors locked you down and held you back from making a living, sending you into poverty and reliance. You’re seeing “educators” and the politicians who support them tell you that you should have no say over how your children are educated. They will send the DOJ after you for attempting to defend your child from these same educators. They will use the IRS to attack you for belonging to the wrong ideological group. They have no problem weaponizing the FBIagainst citizens that threaten their rule.

The gutless cowards are the ones attempting to disarm you from a distance so they can tighten the screws on you through authoritarian laws enforced by armed people at their disposal.

Democrats are the real gutless cowards. Period.