Thursday, March 16, 2023

The War With China Has Already Begun . . . and We’re Losing

The attack on what we stand for and what we believe in is well underway, and little is being done to counteract it.

Normally we think of wars as involving shooting, tanks, warplanes, artillery barrages, amphibious assaults and graphic videos on the evening news. But modern warfare can take on unusual, even grotesque, configurations which, in some cases, may be even more threatening than the conventional kind.

It is well known that the synthetic opioid fentanyl and its precursors are manufactured in China, exported to Mexico, and sold primarily to the Sinaloa and Jalisco drug cartels among others at a meager price. The cartels then manufacture the actual finished product in pill form and bring it across our open border to be sold to our vulnerable and unsuspecting young people. 

The casualties are predictable and yet staggering: 72,000 Americans die each year from fentanyl overdoses alone. The drug is sometimes disguised in the form of other medications or more benign recreational drugs as a trap for the unsuspecting. Drug overdoses are now the leading cause of death in the United States among young people between the ages of 18 and 44. This was not true even just a few years ago. 

All of this would seem to be counter-productive. Why would the Chinese and the drug cartels want to kill their own customers? In the context of China’s war to dominate the world, it should be understood that the purpose of this huge international program is not to create a profit so much as it is to weaken and damage America as much as possible. It is part of the Chinese campaign of hegemony to bring our nation and its people under their domination.

If there is any doubt about the success of this campaign against our complacent population, a quick review of the casualty counts brings the entire situation into sharp focus.  The battle deaths from our last four wars are listed as follows: 

  • The Korean Conflict: 33,739
  • Vietnam War: 47,434
  • Persian Gulf War: 1,565
  • Global War on Terror: 6,852
  • Total:  89,590     

The exact number of deaths from Chinese imported drugs for the last three years is not known. However, at 72,000 plus per year, the death toll could easily exceed 180,000. This would make it approximately double the deaths from our last four wars combined. 

Based on the numbers from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the number of people dying from drug overdoses has tripled in the last 10 years. There was a slight drop in the numbers in 2018 which many people hoped was a sign that we were beginning to turn the corner. But then there was a slight increase in 2019 and sadly an explosive surge during the 2020 lockdowns. This most substantial increase seemed to coincide with a shift in the particular type of drug being used from heroin to fentanyl. The easy availability and lower cost of the drug from China may have been behind this new expanding dynamic.  

Tragically, it must be pointed out, however, that overdose deaths are only part of the overall problem. There are also the many people who become addicted to drugs and have their lives permanently crippled. Individuals who might otherwise have been happy and productive citizens are living on the streets in squalor and filth. Both deaths and ongoing addictions tear at the fabric of our society and make us weaker as a nation. This is the true purpose of the entire Chinese drug campaign against our country. 

Part of an Overall Strategy?

The Biden policy regarding the border, China, and the influx of drugs into our country might be best described as a head-on collision of several ill-conceived policies running into each other in a big four-car pile-up rather than an overall cohesive program. When they are untangled, lined up, and organized in their separate and appropriate categories they can be identified as follows:

1) Open Border Policy. It is the thinly disguised purpose of Biden’s open border policy to flood as many people from Latin America into our country as possible, thus changing the demographics of the electorate. Their hope is that these people will vote—legally or illegally—for Democratic candidates in the future. 

2) Unintended Consequences—Illegal Drugs. An open border for illegal aliens, however, is also an open border for illegal drugs and illegal drug cartels. They are also flooding into our country, committing crimes, and doing great harm to our citizens. The millions of illegals are also a strain on social services, costing taxpayers billions of dollars they did not expect to have to pay.  

3) Further Unintended ConsequencesChina’s War on the United States. The leaders of China wish to undermine and defeat our country. As stated above our open border presents them with an added opportunity to do so. They have been able to stab us in the back through our open border with their fentanyl program killing many young people and harming many others.    

4) Biden on the Take. Former President Donald Trump has said that the Hunter Biden laptop scandal is “the biggest scandal in American history.” I would correct that statement by saying that it should be the biggest scandal in U.S. history—but it is not. It should be the biggest scandal because the records from the laptop show Joe Biden and his family taking millions of dollars in what is a de facto bribe from the Chinese Communist Party. 

And why is it not the biggest scandal? 

Because the very powerful mainstream media has downplayed, covered up, and ignored the story. Therefore, a scandal that would have blown open a Republican administration has passed largely from view in the minds of most voters. In a recent poll, 38 percent of the American people did not think that Hunter Biden had done anything wrong in connection with the “laptop from hell.” It is amazing how benighted the American public is regarding this rotting corpse of a scandal. With Republicans now in control of the House, however, the scandal may yet and finally come to be understood as the sordid mess it actually is.   

Of course, a naval and ground conflict over Taiwan may still be in the offing. The damage to our nation from opioids and from the crimes of the drug cartels may only be a prelude to a larger conflagration three or four years away. Nevertheless, it should be understood that the attack on what we stand for and what we believe in is already well underway, and very little is being done to counteract it. 

X22, And we Know, and more- March 16


Are We the Byzantines? ~ VDH

The Byzantines never woke up in time to 
understand what they had become. Will Americans?

When Constantinople finally fell to the Ottomans on Tuesday, May 29, 1453, the Byzantine Empire and its capital had survived for 1,000 years beyond the fall of the Western Empire at Rome.

Always outnumbered in a sea of enemies, the Byzantines’ survival had depended on its realist diplomacy of dividing its enemies, avoiding military quagmires, and ensuring constant deterrence.

Generations of self-sacrifice ensured ample investment for infrastructure. Each generation inherited and improved on singular aqueducts and cisterns, sewer systems, and the most complex and formidable city fortifications in the world.

Brilliant scientific advancement and engineering gave the empire advantages like swift galleys and flame throwers—an ancient precursor to napalm.

The law reigned supreme for nearly a millennium after the emperor Justinian codified a prior thousand years of Roman jurisprudence.

Yet this millennium-old crown jewel of the ancient world that once was home to 800,000 citizens had only 50,000 inhabitants left when it fell. 

There were only 7,000 defenders on the walls to hold back a huge Turkish army of over 150,000 attackers.

The Islamic winners took over the once magical city of Constantine and renamed it Istanbul. It had been the home of the renowned Santa Sophia, the largest Christian church in the world for over 900 years. Almost immediately, this “Church of the Holy Wisdom” was converted into the then largest mosque in the Islamic world, with minarets to follow.

So what happened to the once indomitable city fortress and its empire?

Christendom had cannibalized itself. Western Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy fought endlessly. Westerners often hated each other more than they did their common enemy.

In the final days of Constantinople, almost no help was sent from Western Europe to the besieged city.

In fact, 250 years earlier, the Western Franks of the Fourth Crusade had detoured from the Holy Land to storm the supposedly allied Christian City of Constantinople. 

Then they ransacked the city and hijacked the Byzantine Empire for a half-century. Constantinople never quite recovered.

The 14 th-century Black Plague killed tens of thousands of Byzantines and scared thousands more into moving out of the cramped city. 

But the aging and dying empire battled more than the challenges of internal divisions, or an unforeseen but deadly pandemic and the empire’s disastrous responses to it.

The last generations of Byzantines had inherited a global reputation and standard of living that they themselves no longer earned.

They neglected their former civic values and fought endless battles over obscure religious texts, doctrines, and vocabulary.

They did not expand their anemic army and navy. They did not reunite their scattered Greek-speaking empire. They did not properly maintain their once life-giving walls.

Instead of earning money through their accustomed nonstop trade, they inflated their currency and were forced to melt down the city’s inherited gold and silver fixtures.

The once canny and shrewd Byzantines grew smug and naïve. Childlessness became common. Most now preferred to live outside of what had become a half-empty, often dirty, and poorly maintained city.

Meanwhile they underestimated the growing power of the Ottomans who systematically pruned away their empire. By the mid-15th century Islamic armies were ready to exploit fatal Byzantine weaknesses.

The Sultan Mehmed II grandly announced the Ottomans were now the real, the only world power. Ascendent Ottoman armies would eventually move on to the very gates of Vienna in an effort to rule all the lands of the ancient Roman empire. 

We should take heed from the last generations of the Byzantines.

Nowhere is it foreordained that America has a birthright to remain the world’s preeminent civilization.

An ascendent China seems eerily similar to the Ottomans. Beijing believes that the United States is decadent, undeserving of its affluence, living beyond its means on the fumes of the past—and very soon vulnerable enough to challenge openly.

Left and Right seem to hate each other more than they do their common enemies.

Like the Byzantines, Americans gave up defending their own borders, and simply shrugged as millions overran them as they pleased.

Our once iconic downtowns, like end-stage Constantinople before the fall, are now dirty, half-deserted, dangerous, and dysfunctional.

America prints rather than makes money, as its banks totter near bankruptcy.

Americans similarly believe they are invincible without ensuring in reality that they are. Our military is more worried about being woke than deadly.

Like Byzantines, Americans have become snarky iconoclasts, more eager to tear down art and sculpture that they no longer have the talent to create. 

Current woke dogma, obscure word fights, and sanctimonious cancel culture are as antithetical to the past generations of World War II as the last generation of Constantinople was to the former great eras of the emperors Constantine, Justinian, Heraclius, and Leo.

The Byzantines never woke up in time to understand what they had become.

So far neither have Americans.

6 Takeaways From China’s National People’s Congress

6 Takeaways From China’s National People’s Congress

China is "engaging in Cold War against us and telling us we need to not have a Cold War mentality," says Michael Cunningham, a senior research fellow at The Heritage Foundation. Pictured: Chinese President Xi Jinping attends the opening of the first session of the National People's Congress on March 5 in Beijing. (Photo: Lintao Zhang/Getty Images)

The People’s Republic of China wrapped up its annual National People’s Congress session on Monday as tensions remain high between Beijing and Washington. 

“China’s legislature meets for one or two weeks each spring to outline the nation’s policy direction and set economic targets for the year ahead,” Michael Cunningham, a research fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Asian Studies Center, explained recently for The Daily Signal. (The Daily Signal is the news outlet of The Heritage Foundation.)

In October, the 20th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party held its weeklong, twice-a-decade meeting, at which Chinese President Xi Jinping secured his third five-year term as party general secretary, The Daily Signal previously reported.

“With this session being the first since last fall’s party congress, it has the added role of installing new government leaders and announcing a restructuring of state institutions, which is expected to be extensive,” Cunningham said. 

Here are six key takeaways from the CCP congress: 

1. Xi Wins Third Term

Xi won a third five-year term unanimously as the president of the People’s Republic of China. Members of the National People’s Congress voted 2,952 to 0 to reelect him.

“I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the PRC to safeguard the Constitution’s authority, and fulfill my legal obligations, be loyal to the country and the people, be committed and honest in my duty, accept the people’s supervision, and work for a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful,” Xi said, according to the Xinhua News Agency, the official state media outlet. 

Xi is now the longest-serving president since the founding of the Chinese Communist Party in 1949, CNN reported. He became president in 2013. 

“We will continue to view and develop China-U.S. relations in accordance with the principles of peaceful coexistence, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation,” Mao Ning, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, said following Xi’s win

John Kirby, spokesman of the U.S.’ National Security Council, also weighed in on Xi’s unprecedented victory. 

“[President Joe Biden] is focused on managing the strategic competition with China, and we’re going to continue to keep the lines of communication open with the Chinese,” Kirby said. 

2. Government ‘Work’ Report

Outgoing Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivered the “Report on the Work of the Government” during the first session of the congress on March 5. 

The report included “recommendations for the work of government” for this year, including: 

  1. Follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.
  2. Implement the guiding principles from the party’s 20th National Congress.
  3. Act on the guidelines of the Central Economic Work Conference.
  4. Make solid progress in advancing Chinese modernization.
  5. Promote a full economic recovery.

“The government work report confirmed that China is hyperfocused right now on recovering from its dismal economic performance in 2022,” Cunningham told The Daily Signal in a statement. “But the focus was not on economic growth, but what it referred to as ‘economic stability.’”

The report also included “main projected targets” for 2023, including “[gross domestic product] growth of around 5 percent” and “[consumer price index] increase of around 3 percent.”

“The work report emphasizes striking a balance between ‘stability’ and ‘progress.’ In other words, the Chinese government doesn’t want to waste another year without actively pursuing its program of transforming its economy and eliminating what it sees as major risks impeding China’s rise as a global power,” Cunningham said. “So, it chose a very manageable economic growth target of 5% for the year.”

Other targets focus on “growth in personal income that is generally in step with economic growth” and “steady increases in both the volume and quality of imports and exports,” according to the report. 

3. Xi Takes Swipe at US 

Xi blamed the U.S. and Western countries for what he described as the “containment, encirclement, and suppression” of China, ABC News reported

“Western countries—led by the U.S.—have implemented all-around containment, encirclement, and suppression against us, bringing unprecedentedly severe challenges to our country’s development,” Xi reportedly said, according to Xinhua, during a “a closed-door session with delegates from China’s private sector.” 

Michael Swaine, a senior research fellow with the New York-based Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, reacted to Xi’s remarks.

“This is the first time to my knowledge that Xi Jinping has publicly come out and identified the U.S. as taking such actions against China,” Swaine said. “It is, without doubt, a response to the harsh criticisms of China, and of Xi Jinping personally, that Biden and many in the administration have leveled in recent months.”

4. ‘Cold War Mentality’

At a news conference in Beijing, Qin Gang, China’s foreign minister, warned of “confrontation and conflict.”

“When the U.S. says it wants to ‘install guardrails’ and have ‘no conflict’ in China-U.S. relations, it really means that the U.S. requires China not to fight back when hit or scolded, but this cannot be done,” Qin said. “If the United States does not hit the brakes, but continues to speed down the wrong path, no amount of guardrails can prevent derailing, and there will surely be conflict and confrontation.”

Cunningham said Qin’s statement is “pretty standard Chinese language generally.”

“They are engaging in Cold War against us and telling us we need to not have a Cold War mentality. Of course, because if two sides are fighting the Cold War, it’s a lot harder to win than if only they are, right?” Cunningham said on a recent episode of “The Daily Signal Podcast.” 

Cunningham added:

And so, you do get … China wanting the U.S. to pretty much stand back and just let China continue to rise at our expense, as we had done for decades, essentially.

Now, what is different about Qin Gang’s statement, and I would say especially about Xi Jinping’s statement … is that generally when the Chinese, especially someone as senior as Xi, when they criticize the U.S. in an official statement, they criticize ‘certain countries.’ They don’t directly say ‘the U.S.,’ and so, this is actually quite significant.

Xi’s and Qin’s comments were made against the backdrop of already tense relations between the U.S. and China, specifically since the U.S. military shot down a Chinese spy balloon on Feb. 4 off the South Carolina coast. 

“The U.S. side violated the spirit of international law and international practice by making presumptions of guilt, overreacting, abusing force and making use of the issue to create a diplomatic crisis that could have been avoided,” Qin said of the spy balloon incident

5. New Defense Minister, New Premier

Gen. Li Shangfu was appointed as defense minister on Sunday.

The National People’s Congress voted unanimously for Li, who is “a veteran of the People’s Liberation Army’s modernization drive,” CNN reported

The Trump administration sanctioned Li as well as China’s Equipment Development Department, which Li was leading at that time, in 2018 for buying Russian weaponry, “including a Su-35 combat aircraft and a S-400 surface-to-air missile system,” according to CNN. The sanctions are still in place today. 

China also has a new premier, Li Qiang, Axios reported.  

Li, considered a “close ally” of Xi, is viewed “as a pragmatist, and will be tasked with reviving China’s struggling economy,” the BBC reported.  

Just three delegates voted against Li. Eight withheld their votes, and 2,936 delegates voted in his favor on Saturday, according to the BBC.

6. China’s Military Budget

China plans to increase its military spending this year by 7.2% to $225 billion, The Daily Signal reported on March 7.  

“We remained committed to the party’s absolute leadership over the people’s armed forces,” Li Keqiang, the outgoing premier, said about the past year in his statement to the National People’s Congress, adding:

The people’s armed forces intensified efforts to enhance their political loyalty, to strengthen themselves through reform, scientific and technological advances, and personnel training, and to practice law-based governance.

“We should consolidate and enhance integration of national strategies and strategic capabilities and step up capacity-building in science, technology, and industries related to national defense,” he also said. 

Wilson Beaver, senior policy analyst for defense budgeting with the Center for National Defense at The Heritage Foundation, weighed in on China’s military budget. 

“China will be boosting its defense spending to a total of 1.55 trillion yuan ($225 billion), a number that is both higher than last year’s increase in defense spending and faster than the Chinese government’s annual economic growth forecast of about 5%,” Beaver wrote for The Daily Signal

“China has consistently increased military spending for years with the goal, according to the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence, of securing what Beijing considers sovereign Chinese territory, establishing preeminence in East Asian affairs, and projecting power globally while offsetting U.S. military superiority,” Beaver also said. 

Can DeSantis Endure the Oncoming Barrage?

If Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is indeed running for president, he is about to experience the most difficult time of his political career. If you have been watching how former President Donald Trump, along with the activist media and Democrats are approaching the governor, you know this is no exaggeration.

The former president, for his part, is reportedly readying an opening salvo against DeSantis that will make his attacks up to this point look like kisses and sunshine. Indeed, Trump and his team are on the verge of deploying some of their nastiest attacks yet.

Politico reports:

Trump’s team and his allied PAC are preparing an expansive opposition research file by poring over DeSantis’ record as a prosecutor, member of Congress, and Florida governor. Among the items a Trump-allied group has drilled into is DeSantis’ record while serving as an assistant U.S. Attorney before running for congressional office, with plans to accuse him of being an “extremely lenient prosecutor” in cases involving, among other things, child pornography.

That’s right, folks. If Politico is to be believed – and we must take this with an entire salt shaker – Team Trump is going to use allegations that DeSantis was soft on child porn to knock him out of contention for the GOP presidential nomination. Will it work? According to Ronald Harvey, a retired assistant U.S. Attorney who supervised DeSantis when he was a special assistant U.S. Attorney, any such allegations would be “ludicrous” and that the governor “wasn’t a lone wolf on his own making deals without the entire weight of the U.S. Attorney’s office overseeing what he was doing.”

Still, true or not, Trump has a way of making things stick. But this is not the only weapon the former president has up his sleeve. His allies are also working their fingers to the bone to ensure their guy gets the Republican nod for 2024.

Make America Great Again Inc., a Trump-aligned super PAC, is filing a 15-page complaint on Wednesday with the Florida Commission on Ethics, according to NBC News.

The filing asks the organization to investigate whether pro-DeSantis super PACs, along with his “personally lucrative book tour,” and an influx of state-level campaign contributions, “are unlawful because they service his personal political objectives, are in furtherance of his personal financial gain at the expense of Florida taxpayers, and are intended to influence his official decision to resign from office.”

Taryn Fenske, the governor’s communications director, told NBC News that the attacks were “frivolous and politically motivated,” and insisted that it is “inappropriate to use state ethics for partisan purposes.”

Of course, the news outlet notes that Trump’s people might not have an easy go of it when it comes to getting the commission to investigate DeSantis, “considering he appointed five of the nine members.”

It is also worth mentioning that the allegations likely hold about as much water as a rusty thimble. Unless DeSantis or members of his team have made a gargantuan unforeseeable error, Trump is not going to be able to successfully use lawfare to keep him out of the race.

But this does not mean that we should start calling DeSantis “Teflon Ron” just yet. There are still areas of vulnerability and when you’re dealing with someone like Donald Trump, you must be on point. The former president is out for blood, and he views himself as the rightful leader of the party. Moreover, he has a cadre of right-leaning influencers willing to use their platforms to influence as many minds as possible. Democrats and the activist media are also gunning for DeSantis – meaning that his team will have to fight this battle on all fronts.

So far, DeSantis has shown that he can throw a punch; he has done it many times when it comes to dealing with the press and Democrats. But the question is: Can he take enough punches and remain standing?

The Stanford Free Speech Debacle Is Another Reason Universities Need To Fire 99.9% Of Their Administrators

University bureaucrats will continue to flex their power, stifle learning, undermine the quality of professors, and shut down viewpoint diversity until faculty and students demand they be banished from campus.

If you are at all curious about how the war on campus free speech has evolved since student arsonists torched the University of California at Berkeley in 2017, look no further than the angry mob of infantile Stanford law students who shut down a talk by Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Kyle Duncan last week. Intolerant campus leftists have been shouting down speakers for years now, but what transpired at Stanford law school last week was special: The students’ effort to squash intellectual diversity was condoned and even enforced by a prominent university administrator.   

Ducan, who had been invited by the Stanford Federalist Society to give a talk titled “Covid, Guns, and Twitter,” was driven from the podium by Stanford Law School’s Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tirien Steinbach.

Due to heckling, Duncan asked an administrator to control the students, who were violating Stanford’s free speech policies. That’s when Steinbach stepped in, took the podium from Duncan, and personally chastised him with prepared remarks.

Steinbach said of their behavior in her pre-written speech, “I’m glad this is going on here.” “The Stanford Review” reported that students at the talk were screaming and holding obscene signs, such as “Judge Duncan can’t find the clit.” 

While Stanford President Marc Tessier-Lavigne and Stanford Law School Dean Jenny Martinez have apologized to Duncan, it appears neither the offending students nor Steinbach have been disciplined for their breach of university policy they’ve agreed to follow. 

Student writers at the Stanford Review penned a strong op-ed pressuring the university to fire Steinbach, whose conduct they said, “degrade[s] the principles of free speech [and] degrade[s] the prestige and reputation of Stanford Law School itself.” Getting rid of Steinbach is a good place to start, but ultimately it won’t fix the problem, which is the hundreds of thousands of Steinbach-like administrators across the country who are taking over universities. 

Administrators are the scourge of higher education. They make the lives of students and professors astronomically more difficult by policing speech.

At most institutions, there are more administrators than faculty. At Yale, there are more administrators than undergraduate students. University bureaucrats, with their often seven-figure salaries, are a major factor in the outrageous cost of tuition (which is only getting worse thanks to Biden’s student loan bailout plans).  

For hundreds of years, universities conducted research and managed classrooms without bureaucrats, and non-instructional functions were handled by faculty department heads. Today, the day-to-day activities of the only people who really matter at the university — the students and the faculty — are hindered by overgrown and unnecessary university administrations.  

A 2015 Vanderbilt study found that federal regulatory compliance makes up 3 to 11 percent of schools’ operating expenses and eats up 4 to 15 percent of faculty and staff’s time. Red tape universities have invented is also expensive and time-consuming. Things like dual enrollments or independent studies require approval from multiple pencil pushers, yet all that should really be needed is the consent of the involved student and faculty members. 

The most damaging administrators are people like Steinbach, who are responsible for injecting “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (DEI) into every classroom and campus activity. DEI administrators indoctrinate students with mandatory “sensitivity” training the moment they step on campus. At some institutions, they can affect departments’ hiring decisions, mandating racial quotas that often diminish the quality of professors. According to the DEI zealots, “if you are just hiring the best people, you’re part of the problem.” 

The humanities have been declining for decades, but the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields have also been infected by wokeism, thanks to the DEI heads. Academic departments have their own diversity, equity, and inclusion committees, which give mandatory DEI seminars to majors that would otherwise never be exposed to such nonsense. 

Another important part of the problem is that administrators are highly partisan. Studies show that university bureaucrats are even more left-wing than professors (and that’s saying something). Leftist faculty reportedly outnumber their conservative counterparts six-to-one, whereas leftist staff outnumbers conservative bureaucrats 12-to-one. 

Perhaps the most damning thing university administrators have ever done was subject faculty and students to deranged and un-scientific Covid measures. Students were barred from functioning like normal human beings. They were defrauded out of their tuition dollars and forced into remote learning. They weren’t allowed to visit one another in each other’s dorm rooms, and they were surveilled to ensure obedience. 

Students and faculty were subjected to ineffective and unethical mask, vaccine, and booster mandates, and some were even thrown out for non-compliance. Administrators also implemented mandatory, Communist-esque reporting systems, which required students and staff to turn in colleagues and classmates who disobeyed the Covid edicts.

Bureaucrats’ handling of Covid was arguably the most egregious of their offenses. They shut down campuses, inhibited learning, and needlessly made the lives of students and professors miserable. 

Administrators’ crimes against higher education have gone unchecked, which means they will only get bolder. Steinbach knowingly violated Stanford’s free speech policies, and she has not been fired nor apparently disciplined. She and her colleagues will continue to flex their power, stifle learning, undermine the quality of professors, and shut down viewpoint diversity until faculty and students stand up and demand they be banished from campus.

8 Things to Know About Biden’s Fiscal 2024 Budget, From Bad to Worse

8 Things to Know About Biden’s Fiscal 2024 Budget, From Bad to Worse

President Joe Biden outlines his proposed federal budget for the fiscal year 2024 in Philadelphia on March 9. When left-wing Democrats like Biden use the word "investing," what they really mean is profligate taxing and spending, as his budget proposal clearly proves. (Photo: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)

When discussing budgets, President Joe Biden often uses a quote that he attributes to his father: “Don’t tell me what you value. Show me your budget—and I’ll tell you what you value.”

If the administration’s latest budget is any indication, Biden doesn’t value America’s future.

1) More Spending and Debt

A president’s budget is a request to Congress and can be thought of as a wish list rather than an all-or-nothing demand. Administrations typically lay out an ambitious policy agenda that’s unlikely to happen.

Incredibly, even the Biden administration’s wish list doesn’t include bringing the national debt under control—even with enormous tax hikes.

  • Over a decade, the budget envisions a combined $1.85 trillion in additional spending above the status quo. This reaches an unprecedented $10 trillion of spending in 2033 alone.
  • Despite $4.7 trillion in net tax increases, the budget still allows debtto grow faster than the economy, which is ultimately the most important measure of fiscal health.
  • The budget’s annual deficits range between 4.6% and 6.8% of the economy, far above the pre-pandemic historical average of 2.9%. With the national debt already dangerously high, not even trying to bring deficits down to earth is a budgetary dereliction of duty.
  • While Biden enjoys grandstanding about Social Security, the budget shows that he’s willing to sit idly by and watch it go bankrupt in 2033. That would automatically trigger benefit cuts of 23% for retirees.

None of this should come as a surprise. While the administration claimsto be fiscally responsible, the reality is that the president’s policies added $6 trillion to near-term expected deficits after just two years in office through a combination of wasteful legislation and problematic executive actions.

Drilling down to the budget’s gory details doesn’t improve things.

2) $4.7 Trillion Tsunami of Tax Hikes

The Biden budget includes several dozen new tax increases that would cost Americans $4.7 trillion over the course of a decade. That’s more than $35,000 per household. Worse, this doesn’t even include allowing the expiration of most of the Trump individual income-tax cuts, meaning tax-rate increases from top-to-bottom and slashing the standard deduction by about $7,000 for single filers and $14,000 for married filers—a provision that mostly helps low- and middle-income taxpayers.

Yet the Biden budget repeats the tired claim that “Under [Biden’s] plan, no one making under $400,000 per year will pay more in new taxes.”

Apparently, by their logic, allowing old taxes to return doesn’t count as adding new taxes.

But that’s not the only flaw in their logic. Consider just a handful of the new tax hikes being proposed:

  • Nearly doubling the tax rate on capital gains.
  • Increasing the corporate income-tax rate by one-third to make it the second-highest in the developed world.
  • Increasing the net investment income surtax to 5%—on top of federal and state income taxes that would often exceed 50%.
  • Extending the net investment income surtax to most small-businesses income.
  • Even more funding and power granted to the IRS for more expansive audits.
  • Taxes on the development and exploration of oil, natural gas, and mining.

It’s absurd to think that the government can pile taxes on American small businesses, corporations, and investors six ways to Sunday and that workers and consumers in the U.S.—yes, including those who make much less than $400,000 a year—won’t pay a steep price.

Businesses and investors aren’t charities. Businesses exist to provide customers with goods and services, and business owners and entrepreneurs expend their own time and risk their own money with the expectation that they can take home some profit.

If Biden’s deluge of taxes were enacted, many investors would pull out of U.S. markets, and Americans’ retirement accounts would take a pounding. Nor would businesses simply absorb all those taxes. Many businesses would fold if they tried, so most of the cost would cascade down on American workers and consumers in the form of lower wages, fewer jobs, and higher prices.

One thing’s for sure. This looks like a tax plan that would be proposed by an administration that consists mostly of officials with zero years of business experience.

3) Bad Medicine for Medicare

The rapid, decades-long growth in Medicare spending has been driven by the rapid aging of the American population, the continuing retirement of the baby boom generation, and the continuous increase in the per capita cost of delivering high-quality care to seniors with multiple and complex medical conditions.

Under current law, Medicare spending, aggravated by inflation, will continue to grow faster than wages and the general economy, and more rapidly than private health insurance spending. While the Medicare trustees have repeatedly called upon Congress and the White House to work together to adopt measures to slow the growth of Medicare spending, the Biden budget’s higher Medicare spending is fueled by new taxes.

According to the White House’s own projections, Medicare spending will steadily increase from 3% to 4.5% of gross domestic product in 2033.

This isn’t to say that the president has avoided Medicare cuts. He has framed those cuts, however, as cuts to plans and providers of Medicare prescription drugs. It’s impossible, of course, to cut payments for benefits without directly affecting those who depend on those benefits. Nonetheless, the president is doubling down on Medicare payment reductions for prescription drugs.

The White House budget document states, “The budget builds upon the Inflation Reduction Act to continue lowering the cost of prescription drugs. For Medicare, this includes further strengthening its newly established negotiation power by negotiating more drugs and bringing drugs into negotiation sooner after they launch.”

The use of the word “negotiation” here is an abuse of the English language. In fact, Medicare “negotiates” nothing. The Inflation Reduction Act establishes an elaborate government prescription-drug price control regime. It’s designed to reduce the number of drugs and therapies whose prices are determined through private market negotiation, while increasingly expanding the universe of drugs covered by the government “negotiation” process.

Biden’s proposed Medicare payment cuts for drugs are substantial. According to the president’s budget proposal, his expanded Medicare “price negotiation” will reduce outlays by $4 billion in 2026, rising sharply year by year to $30 billion in 2033.

This budget’s price-fixing program would reduce Medicare payments for prescription drugs, which will further reduce investment in drug research and development. That’s the point: Controlling prices means controlling supply.

According to both the Congressional Budget Office and independent economists, it will reduce the availability of new medical therapies and breakthrough drugs, leading to unforeseen consequences on public health. The Medicare program will spend less, and seniors will “pay” more to secure the program savings—some dearly. 

A second major component of Biden’s Medicare agenda is the addition of a new tax on high-income Americans to extend the solvency of the Medicare Hospital Insurance trust fund.

Under current law, Medicare’s Hospital Insurance trust fund is projected to be insolvent in 2028, meaning that it will not be able to finance all the promised Medicare hospital benefits. Medicare payments for hospital benefits would be automatically cut by 10% initially, with increasingly deeper cuts thereafter.

Biden’s budget proposal would dramatically raise taxes on high-income individuals and small businesses, and would redirect revenues from taxes on investments and small businesses into the Hospital Insurance trust fund. The White House claims that this would extend the life of the trust fund by 25 years.   

Even if that’s true, what the Biden administration fails to mention is that the Hospital Insurance trust fund problem is only a part of Medicare’s much larger financial challenge. As the Medicare trustees reportdescribes, the big cost explosion is in Medicare’s Supplementary Medical Insurance program, which consumed 17% of all federal income taxes in 2017 but is projected to consume close to 27% in 2040.

Without reforms, this dramatic increase in spending on the Supplementary Medical Insurance program would almost certainly cause future generations to face much higher taxes, killing jobs and stagnating the economy. Millennials and their kids won’t know what hit them.

Biden’s Medicare proposal represents more of the same “solutions” that have already been tried and found wanting: a combination of big tax increases and big payment cuts.

It falls far short of the comprehensive Medicare reform that’s needed, based on personal choice and market competition. Such a modernized Medicare program could enhance benefits and coverage options at competitive prices, securing better care at lower costs for all patients.  

4) Failure to Address Needs of Military 

The proposed defense budget shows just how uncommitted the administration is to national defense, but this should be no surprise.

Since taking office, military readiness and recruitment have reached record lows, while our adversaries strengthen. China just announced a 7.2% defense budget increase, and Biden’s response is to propose a U.S. defense budget that will result in a net loss of buying power. 

While other federal departments received proposed budget increases of more than 10%, the Pentagon would encounter a loss of purchasing power of about $9 billion. Biden is sending the wrong message to our adversaries and all but inviting the Chinese Communist Party and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime to challenge our military in future conflicts. 

Every dollar the taxpayers give the Pentagon must be subject to robust scrutiny and congressional oversight to find savings and efficiencies, but that does not negate the need to adequately fund our nation’s defense.

It is past time to correct the dismal state of our military. Congress must show the world and our president that our military will not compromise strength and resilience for wokeness

5) Failing to Secure Border

Once again, the Biden administration seeks to fund its open-border policies in its latest budget proposal and funding priorities.

While the White House and Department of Homeland Security claim that the budget funds things like helping to “secure the border” and supporting a “fair, orderly, and humane immigration system,” it does nothing of the sort.

Instead, this budget incentivizes more illegal immigration by proposing a massive new $4.7 billion contingency fund for DHS and its components to respond to migration surges along the border, making even more aliens vulnerable to cartel violence and human and drug trafficking.

The budget also requests more than $7 billion to support refugees and unaccompanied children in the U.S., with an additional $7 billion emergency fund for the same groups. This occurs while the Biden administration’s very policies inhumanely encourage an increase in refugee and unaccompanied children crossings and the trafficking.

The budget includes $865 million for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services—a fee-based agency—to process the increasing asylum caseload and the total pending backlog when the administration refuses to charge even a nominal fee for asylum applications and encourages more asylum fraud by the masses illegally crossing our southern border.

As for the backlog cases, those applicants already paid a fee for their case to be adjudicated. U.S. taxpayers should not have to pay a second time for USCIS to do its job.   

The administration claims this budget “Enhances Border Security and Immigration Enforcement,” but true immigration enforcement is entirely missing. Immigration enforcement would look like removing aliens with orders of removal and detaining illegal aliens instead of placing 100-day moratoriums on deportations and releasing criminal aliens into the U.S.

Additionally, these budget priorities neglect the DHS mission to secure the homeland and instead focus on priorities entirely outside of the department’s scope. The budget proposes $145 million for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, which is now in the business of censorship and controlling the flow of information to the American public, and $123 million to support investments in emission-free vehicles.

The DHS portion of the president’s proposed fiscal year 2024 budget throws more money at the agency with no solutions to stop or slow the border crisis, increases the pull factors for illegal immigration, and misallocates taxpayer resources to fund climate and censorship initiatives while neglecting to secure our nation. 

6) Spending Spree for ‘Carter’s Boondoggle’

The Biden budget proposes a massive federal education spending spree, likely in an attempt to keep Department of Education funding artificially elevated in the wake the $168 billion in COVID-19 “recovery” spending authorized in 2021.

Over the past decade and a half, the agency has enjoyed significant infusions of cash above and beyond its standard appropriations, beginning with the Obama administration’s “stimulus” spending in 2009.

In its fiscal year 2024 budget, the Biden administration requests $90 billion in discretionary spending, a $10.8 billion (13.6%) increase over 2023 enacted levels. Among the more eye-popping figures are:

  • $20.5 billion for Title I, a $2.2 billion increase. Title I is designed to provide funding to lower-income school districts. However, today, nearly every school district gets some Title I money, and all students are eligible for Title I programs if their school is designated a Title I school, even if those students are not poor. The Biden budget would continue a trend of expanding Title I to non-poor students, accelerating mission creep and poor targeting of taxpayer resources.
  • The budget would spend $578 million to increase the number of social workers and psychologists in schools. Non-teaching administrative staff bloat has been an ongoing problem in districts across the country. Non-teaching staff has increased at a rate seven times that of increases in the number of public school students since 1950.
  • The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act program would get a significant increase to $16.8 billion, rising $2.1 billion over 2023.
  • The budget would spend $100 million on a new initiative to “promote racial and socioeconomic diversity” in schools.

But most notably, the budget proposal would grow Washington’s intervention in education in two unprecedented ways: through “free” (read taxpayer-funded) preschool and through “free” community college. Neither of these domains are under the purview of the federal government.

It would spend $600 billion over 10 years to finance preschool for all 4-year-old children, while also increasing funding for the failed federal Head Start program to $13.1 billion (a $1.1 billion annual increase).

The rigorous research on the effects of government preschool show that it does not deliver on proponents’ promises. It does not improve academic outcomes long term, has negative social impacts on participants, and introduces large distortions into the preschool market that drive up prices—costs that must be borne by parents and taxpayers. The federal Head Start program has failed for a half century to improve children’s academic outcomes, their access to health care, or their parents’ parenting practices, according to randomized, controlled trial evaluations conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services.

The Biden budget’s $500 million plan for “free” community college is equally flawed, setting the stage for further increases in college costs and tilting the scale in favor of one type of postsecondary experience. Coupled with the administration’s ongoing (and legally unsupportable) efforts to provide student loan debt amnesty to borrowers, the budget plan is the most recent attempt to put taxpayers on the hook for bailing out the nation’s flawed higher education system.

The massive 13.6% proposed increase to the U.S. Department of Education’s budget takes the country in the wrong direction. Congress should reject it, and instead focus on going in the opposite direction; namely, laying the groundwork for ultimately eliminating “Carter’s bureaucratic boondoggle.”

7) Road Map to Stagflation, Socialism

Among the parade of horrors included in Biden’s budget is what it would have in store for the overall economy. In all, Biden calls for more than $615,000 in federal spending per household over the next 10 years.

This level of spending would mean that fully one-quarter of the economy over the next decade would be siphoned off by the federal government and run through its programs. This budget represents yet another leftist attempt to shrink the private sector and place the federal government in charge of our economy.

It’s important to remember that every dollar spent by the government is a dollar taken out of the hands of the hardworking Americans who earned it. When the government spends, it doesn’t produce something. It merely reallocates scarce resources.

In the case of Biden’s budget, it reallocates away from innovative and productive businesses and toward unprofitable special interests that favor the president.

Further, the $17 trillion in new deficits planned by this budget over the next 10 years would crowd out private investment. Since the federal government has no cap on dollars it can print or tax to pay back debts, it can draw capital away from businesses that have to earn their money through hard work.

This crowding out will exacerbate current stagflationary pressures, driving up unemployment and driving down wages and economic growth. Biden seems to bank on the Federal Reserve simply printing some of the $17 trillion required to cover his planned deficit. In that case, we’d simply trade a crowding-out crisis for an inflation crisis—of the very sort we’ve seen for a year and a half as Fed money-printing turned into an inflation tax of more than $7,000 per family.

Biden’s other financing scheme, his tax hikes, contains his true plan for the economy. Don’t be fooled by his hollow rhetoric: Biden’s tax hikes may look like they are only on the wealthy and large companies, but in truth, they are aimed squarely at the American people. They will encourage investment capital to flee our nation or to be trapped in the original investment, making new domestic investment prohibitive.

These taxes would drive us further down the path toward socialism. By making private sector investment in productive pursuits more expensive or impractical, it leaves the government in prime position to take over the economy.

If Biden’s economic plans, outlined in his budget, were to be enacted, the result would drive up both unemployment and inflation, creating stagflation. Manufacturing such a crisis would likely lead to yet more misguided calls for economic intervention—calls the current administration would surely welcome.

8) Leadership Vacuum—and Opportunity

It might be tempting to throw up one’s hands in despair over the sorry state of the federal government, but the future of the greatest nation on earth depends on our willingness to keep fighting for it.

It’s still possible for America to have a future of growth and prosperity like Florida’s, rather than stagnation and decline like New York’s.

This year’s fight over the debt limit provides conservatives with an opportunity to deliver a dose of fiscal sanity to Washington. In that vein, The Heritage Foundation’s Budget Blueprint delivers a comprehensive guide for lawmakers on spending, taxes, and bringing debt down to size.

Elected officials often claim they want to serve the country. They won’t get a better chance than this.