Saturday, February 18, 2023

Make Being a 'Joyful Warrior' a Personal Calling

Perhaps the most difficult thing in life is finding genuine contentment.  We set goals for ourselves, we strive to reach them, and when we do, any momentary happiness goes poof awfully quickly, as we seek and set new goals once again.  At some point, even the most driven and ambitious among us will wonder, "What am I doing, and why am I doing it?"

That is a good thing.  I don't have much figured out about this life, but I do believe we are meant to constantly ask ourselves the big questions: Why am I here?  What is the point of our existence?  Are there lessons I am supposed to learn along the way?  What comes next?

The funny thing about asking big questions is that doing so tends to put all the things in life that ordinarily drag us down into startling perspective.  It is only natural to get upset about domestic politics, higher fuel and food prices, growing censorship, and encroaching State tyranny.  It is much more difficult to rise above those problems and keep trudging ahead.  Eventually, all the turmoil either gets the better of us, or we realize that the turmoil — no matter how large in scope — still pales in comparison to the meaning of life.  When you think in terms of why am I here and what am I meant to do, well, the terrible things around us start to look more like opportunities than problems.

That is also around the time when you realize that there is a distinction between happiness and joy.  Whereas happiness brings a sense of pleasure and personal satisfaction, it is both ephemeral and misleading.  What makes us happy today may leave us bored, distraught, or even angry tomorrow.  Just as with setting and achieving goals, happiness won is soon lost.  Joy, on the other hand, is a much more enduring state of being, a kind of spiritual triumph that exists when a person sees beyond the struggles of life and feels connected with something more.  Can you find meaning and keep moving forward when nothing seems to be going your way?  Can you distinguish between the things within your control and those that are not and accept the difference?  Can you recognize that life is more than a quest for pleasure and comfort and see the value in struggle and pain?  Do you have a bond with a loved one that is indestructible?  If so, then you have no doubt experienced some measure of joy that is entirely yours and can never be taken away.

Experiencing joy connects us with the divine.  We become acutely aware that we are both part of something much bigger than ourselves, as well as singularly in charge of our fates.  Joyfulness clears out the clutter that keeps us from seeing truth clearly.  It is a path toward inner peace.  One breath at a time, recognize your life as something more than just a collection of days.  Once you find joy and learn to guard it from the outside world, then problems look much different and sometimes melt away.

Most atheists I've met describe their understanding of existence in one of two ways: either as the mathematically preordained result of deterministic events or as the strange conclusion of a long string of random occurrences.  Either the laws of physics determined that roughly 13.8 billion years after the Big Bang we would all be sitting around reading American Thinker together, or the unpredictable chaos of the universe took one wacky turn after the next until stumbling into our present reality.  Either way, neither random chaos nor mathematical determinism leaves much room for notions of free will or a sacred understanding of life.  

Since atheism is far more prevalent among political leftists, it seems counterintuitive that they get so angry when they do not get their way.  I always think, "If there is no God and free will is imaginary, then why is it so imperative that the left's worldview be imposed on everyone else?  If life is no different than a pile of rocks and our choices are nothing more than complex math equations, then why can't leftists stand back and accept the world as it unfolds?"  Just as there never seem to be any atheists in a foxhole, there never seem to be any leftists inclined to forfeit the exercise of their own free will — especially when doing so would sacrifice their control over everyone else.

No matter how strenuously leftists describe human beings as nothing more than algorithms that can be hacked and programmed for optimal control, their efforts evince an uncomfortable understanding that we humans are much more than biological robots or complex chemical reactions with moving parts.  Humanity's future is predicated on deliberate choice — the choices of those who seek substantial control over everyone else and the choices of those who will refuse to be controlled.  A battle is shaping between competing forces of free will.  Within that battle, certain things ring true.  To be alive is special.  To be a part of this universe is special.  To be conscious of our existence in such a vast world and yet to feel intimately connected to that vastness is special.  We are not ones and zeroes.  We are not simple code.  We are part of something much greater.

Seen from this perspective, the events that dominate our days are very small.  Joe Biden's reckless policies do not matter.  The Federal Reserve's money printing does not matter.  The growing national security surveillance State does not matter.  The World Economic Forum's attempts to remake and dominate the world do not matter.  What matters is how each one of us responds to those threats and the choices we individually make.  

People and institutions with power have a strong interest in convincing everyone else that fighting back is useless.  They have a clear interest in convincing those they rule that there is no God by the side of the faithful who choose to pray.  They have a Machiavellian interest in convincing human beings that they are not as worthy of protection as planet Earth's rocks.  They have an enduring interest in convincing each one of us that we are weak, alone, and small.  They have every interest in keeping us from feeling connected to a greater purpose.

When we refuse to abide the will of powerful interests and instead ask the big, important questions in life, we make those with power feel uncomfortably small.  We connect to things much larger than ourselves.  We place ourselves on a path toward finding authentic joy.  We open our lives to the helping hands of God.  One breath at a time, one choice at a time, an amazing thing happens when you put yourself in His hands: the powers that be here on Earth become astonishingly weak.  

Perhaps being a "joyful warrior" merely requires a willingness to trust in God so completely that courage vanquishes fear and the joy of righteous struggle replaces doubt.  Rebellion to tyrantsBenjamin Franklin saidis obedience to God.  That sentiment will always win out.

Red Pill News and Badlands Media- Feb 18




Buy Emetrol - you will need it for the nausea!
Line trash cans with plastic bags and place next to your bed. You will be using them..a lot.
Buy electrolyte beverages. YOU WILL DEHYDRATE within four hours!!
They do not mention fever as one of the issues. I rarely run a fever and have had a high one for four days. Forget taking anything for the fever. It will return in forms you wish not to have.

Forget COVID; CDC now warns this virus is highly contagious

One in 15 Americans will get this virus, here’s how you can try to avoid it

February 17, 2023 6:11pm EST

Winter months brought a surge of respiratory illness across the country. As flu, cold and COVID-19 cases further trend down, the CDC is now warning of an uptick in another type of illness: norovirus.

Public health officials have noted an increase in norovirus cases, the highly contagious virus that causes the "stomach flu." The number of infections this year outpace the last few years, but decreased congregation from the COVID-19 pandemic most likely contributed to the lower-case counts, and we are now experiencing normal trends preceding COVID-19.

The stomach flu isn’t the same as the "flu" caused by influenza, which is characterized mostly by fever, fatigue and respiratory symptoms. The norovirus stomach flu has more focused and intense gastrointestinal symptoms and, in most cases, a shorter duration of sickness.

The most common symptoms are:

Stomach pain

While outbreaks can happen anytime and anywhere, they occur most often during the colder months and in crowded environments, like hospitals, nursing homes, childcare centers, schools and cruise ships.

For the overwhelming majority, the illness is usually self-limited, resolving on its own without medical intervention. It’s not fun to have and can lead to dehydration quickly. Dehydration can be especially worrisome in the elderly and young kids, and it can lead to serious complications.

The stomach flu sends about half a million people to the emergency room each year for supportive care and to rule out other more ominous diagnoses, like appendicitis.

The stomach flu isn’t the same as the "flu" caused by influenza, which is characterized mostly by fever, fatigue and respiratory symptoms. The norovirus stomach flu has more focused and intense gastrointestinal symptoms and in most cases, a shorter duration of sickness.

Unlike the respiratory spread of influenza and SARS-CoV-2, norovirus largely spreads from contaminated food and surfaces, making it the most common foodborne illness in the U.S.

Foods that are commonly involved in the outbreaks include leafy greens (lettuce), fresh fruit and shellfish. The highly contagious virus typically spreads from unwashed hands (especially after using the restroom and/or vomiting) handling food or surfaces food is placed upon. Norovirus can remain viable on surfaces and still infect people for days if not cleaned appropriately. Aggressive handwashing and keeping surfaces unsoiled are key to helping reduce the spread of this pesky virus.

There is some short-term protective immunity following the stomach flu. However, there are over two dozen strains of norovirus known to infect humans, all with many variants, so protection from one does not necessarily protect from another.

It is nearly impossible to avoid the illness once an outbreak does occur. To decrease the risk of infection and further spread of the havoc-wreaking virus, be sure to:

Follow strict bathroom hand hygiene
Wipe and disinfect bathroom's surfaces after someone sick uses it
Wash hands before and after preparing food
Rinse fruits and vegetables
Cook shellfish thoroughly

Each year, one in every 15 individuals in the U.S. will get norovirus stomach flu; it’s hard to avoid. If you do get sick, make sure to stay in touch with your doctor and drink plenty of fluids to decrease the risk of dehydration and the consequences of fluid depletion. Do what you can to stop the spread by keeping contaminated surfaces clean and avoiding group settings until 48 hours after symptoms have completely resolved>

Three Cheers for Liberal Defectors

Conservative journalists, commentators and on-air talent at organizations like Fox News, The Blaze, Townhall, Breitbart, The Daily Wire, HotAir, PJ Media, The Federalist and others have been working for years to break the stranglehold that the Left has on the media, and therefore news and culture. They have made remarkable strides, and their impact is growing every day.

More recently, a less-frequently discussed but equally notable phenomenon has been taking place. Over the past few years, a notable number of left-wing authors have broken ranks with their comrades in pursuit of a work environment free of the censorship and bias that has been throttling real reporting.

Bari Weiss left The New York Times, moved to Substack, and then founded a new online newsletter called The Free Press that features writers of a variety of political persuasions. Glenn Greenwald was one of the co-founders of The Intercept, created purportedly in response to a perceived need for independent journalism. Greenwald subsequently left The Intercept, citing editorial censorship; he, too, moved to Substack. Michael Shellenberger, who used to describe himself as a progressive, wrote a scathing piece for Forbes magazine in 2019, criticizing so-called progressive policies in California that were contributing to the homelessness crisis in that state. Shellenberger has since authored two bestselling books, "Apocalypse Never" and "San Fransicko," exposing the deceit and damage inflicted by the environmental and homelessness policies espoused by the Left. Matt Taibbi was once a contributing editor for Rolling Stone magazine. He now publishes his popular online newsletter,!

The Racket, via Substack.

Greenwald has become a relentless critic of American media, newly popular on the Right and now loathed by the Left. Weiss, Taibbi and Shellenberger have also made themselves personae non grata on the Left by helping Twitter's new owner Elon Musk reveal the extent of the censorship that was taking place in the social media behemoth. Twitter's former executives -- often at the behest of Democrat operatives in government -- were falsely labeling political conservatives as Russian operatives, suppressing truthful but damaging information about Joe Biden and his son Hunter in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election, and shutting down the accounts of anyone with questions or information that ran counter to the "official narrative" about the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic, alternative treatment protocols, the efficacy of masks or the risks of vaccines.
These defections provide an opportunity to focus the public's attention on the important differences between "liberal" and "progressive." 

Although "liberal" has been painted as left-wing in this country for at least the past hundred years, the Founders of this country would have characterized themselves as liberals, the word connoting at the time a belief in certain fundamental individual rights, including individual liberty (along with corresponding responsibility) and the right of self-governance.

Traditional liberalism was grounded in distinct, fundamental principles. The language in America's foundational documents makes those principles clear. The Declaration of Independence states not only that there is such a thing as truth but that some truths are "self-evident," including the truth that "all men are created equal." It professes that certain rights -- notably, although not exclusively, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" -- are inherent in mankind by virtue of our status as creatures made in the image and likeness of God.

Progressivism has revealed itself, time and time again, to be unmoored from principles, which explains so many of the otherwise inexplicable inconsistencies it its application. Of course we want free speech -- until we disagree with what's being said. Justice and equitable treatment for minorities are righteous demands -- unless the minorities are conservative. Women's rights are important -- until some biological men claim to be women. Protecting children is a universal objective -- until some adults want to inject discussions of their own sexual preferences and identifications into preschool and grade school curricula. Preserving the environment is praiseworthy -- until one bumps up against the ugly realities of burying wind turbine blades, acreage needed for solar panels, or mining the metals for electric car batteries. Black lives matter -- except for those lost to abortion. Bodily autonomy is sacrosanct -- other than the government forcing people to take experimental "!

Progressivism is only about goals, and the power needed to obtain those goals -- "by any means necessary ..." In that respect, it is just another offshoot of Marxism. Indeed, even the goals themselves can change, depending upon who has the power, and what they want. Trying to pin progressives down on fundamental principles is like trying to predict the movement of a school of fish. Without firm societal and governmental restraints -- themselves rooted solidly in principles like liberty and due process -- progressivism ultimately devolves into purity tests with grievous ramifications for those who fail them. Today's "cancel culture" is a warning; what comes next are concentration and re-education camps, imprisonment, torture and executions.

None of this is to say that those who identify as "progressives" are themselves without principles. To the contrary, the vast majority are no doubt highly principled people who believe that the movements they support are manifestations of those principles.

Indeed, the belief in fundamental principles is what's behind so many of the defections from progressivism: journalists who believe in truth; academics who believe in inquiry and collegial debate; politicians who believe in transparency, fair elections and actual democracy; anyone who believes in the protection of children and sanctity of human life.

We should herald those with the courage and integrity to recognize hypocrisy and demand adherence to principles. Individuals regardless of their political affiliations who share a commitment to fundamental principles have the best chance to bury progressivism and relegate it to the history books, where it belongs.

Former US President Jimmy Carter to receive hospice care


Former US President Jimmy Carter will receive hospice care and "spend his remaining time at home with his family" instead of additional medical intervention, the Carter Center said.

Mr Carter, 98, is the country's oldest living former leader.

The Democrat served one term from 1977 to 1981. He was defeated in his re-election bid by Ronald Reagan.

He has suffered from recent health issues including a melanoma that spread to his liver and brain.

"He has the full support of his family and his medical team. The Carter family asks for privacy during this time and is grateful for the concern shown by his many admirers," the Carter Center said in a statement.

Mr Carter has the distinction of being a former US president longer than anyone else.

Since leaving the White House, Mr Carter has remained active, carrying out humanitarian work with his Carter Center.

He went on to gain an international reputation for his work in promoting human rights, winning a Nobel Peace Prize in 2002.   

Opposing the Climate Inquisition

Climate alarmists falsely claim to uphold the sanctity of scientific integrity while simultaneously violating the scientific method by suppressing debate, scientific inquiry, and the free exchange of ideas.

Spokespersons for the “Climate Inquisition” (CI) do this, they say, because they have cornered the truth concerning the causes and consequences of climate change. Because of this, the CI tars climate realists and skeptics -- those who, because they follow the scientific method, point to various gaps in knowledge about climate and weaknesses in the argument that the earth is on the verge of a climate catastrophe -- with various offensive labels, perhaps the most opprobrious being, “climate denier.”

Recently, Roland Lloyd Parry, in an article originally published at AFP and distributed on Yahoo News, titled "Politics, cash, fame: what motivates climate change deniers,” jumped on the ad hominem bandwagon, claiming that climate skeptics are purely motivated by greed and fame.

Parry and the people he interviewed for the article use one of the most common and lazy accusations against climate change realists: that they are in the pocket of “Big Oil” and other corporations, seeking fame and fortune. These claims lack any basis in truth, which is why evidence of such a connection is rarely, if ever, provided. Of course, Parry provided nothing of substance; just opinions of some people who have made careers out of smearing climate realists.

In reality, climate realists such as the Heartland Institute and the other organizations dedicated to the promotion of providing sound policy founded in solid science, receive a negligible amount of funding compared to the vast amount of money invested in doomsaying climate research and climate-related political causes. Most accusers are unable to look at themselves in a mirror and see that if anyone is being bought and paid for in the climate debate, it is they.

Parry, for instance, seemingly fails to recognize that people he interviewed for the article, John Cook, and Stephan Lewandowsky, have a long history of unscrupulous shenanigans against climate skeptics that could only be described as “slime tactics.”

For example, John Cook, a former cartoonist, now a postdoctoral research fellow with the Climate Change Communication Research Hub at Monash University, got where he is simply by bashing climate skeptics. His tactics included trying to sneak into a 2019 Washington, D.C. climate conference hosted by the Heartland Institute. Cook claimed to be representing the Weather Channel. Yet, his ruse failed. When he was ejected from the event, his film crew recorded the “faux outrage” he expressed for being denied entrance to a venue he was not cleared or qualified to attend as a previously registered journalist.

His partner in crime, Stephan Lewandowsky, a professor of Psychology at University of Bristol, has also made a career of hampering the pursuit of climate truth by bashing climate realists. His actions have arguably been even more nefarious than Cook’s -- he has abused his credentials as a professional psychologist by remotely diagnosing the motives of climate skeptics, asserting that realists suffer from a variety of “mental disorders” without ever actually interviewing them, or disclosing his own biases.

This is a clear violation of the canons of the medical ethics of psychological practice. Lewandowsky’s misbehavior was so egregious that a paper he wrote on the psychology of those who reject claims that a climate catastrophe is in the offing was retracted by the science journal it was published in. This happened not just once, but twice. In another paper, Lewandowsky tried to claim climate skeptics’ ideas were akin to the false belief system displayed by moon landing deniers. Other scientists wrote scathing reviews of Lewandowsky and his methods.

Lewandowsky didn’t like having his paper retracted, and suggested “threats” were the reason rather than shoddy science. Eventually, the journal’s editors took Lewandowsky to task for spreading misinformation.

Despite these broad ethical breaches, Parry seems to think that Cook and Lewandowsky are trustworthy. Parry also mimicked the same slimy technique used by Lewandowsky when he refused to ask any climate skeptics about their opinions in his article.

Simply put, this is a classic smear tactic, built upon numerous logical fallacies.

Testing, observation, debate, and intellectual exchange are the hallmarks of scientific rigor and societal progress.

Hundreds of articles posted at Climate Realism and dozens of brief informational “fact checks” posted at Climate at a Glance show the evidence -- meaning measurable, recorded data -- does not support assertions that climate change is making the world less livable, causing more severe or more frequent bouts of extreme weather, or has resulted in an increase in weather or temperature-related deaths. Indeed, the long-term trend data trends show the opposite is occurring.

Rather than address the evidence and valid arguments climate realists present, members of the CI resort to the tactics of dogmatists and authoritarians. When not just hurling names or using ad hominem attacks to discredit climate realists for daring to dispute “their truth” about climate change, they call for censorship, threaten careers, and even propose imprisonment for skeptics.

H.L. Mencken, a great observer of human nature, offers one possible reason for the CI’s behavior, “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”

Nobel prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman offers a more charitable assessment, “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.” When it comes to climate change, it is sad that alarmists have so deluded themselves. However, it’s unconscionable that they continue to try to deceive everyday Americans, especially students in government-run schools, as well. In truth, there are climate deniers. We call them members of the Climate Inquisition.

Can’t Afford Groceries In Biden’s America? Wall Street Journal Says Just Don’t Eat!

As many Americans struggle to put food on the table, The Wall Street Journal proposed an idea this week: Instead of Biden taking responsibility for his destructive public policy, you should just skip breakfast.

Titled “To Save Money, Maybe You Should Skip Breakfast,” the article analyzed three popular breakfast foods — eggs, juice, and cereal — and offered explanations for why they cost significantly more since last year. According to the Journal, eggs are up a whopping 70 percent, frozen orange juice is up more than 12 percent, and cereal is up 15 percent since just one year ago.

Why the crippling increases? The explanations were as plentiful as they were diverse: avian flu, bad weather, citrus disease, dead chickens, and Vladimir Putin.

Global food supply includes a myriad of liabilities and moving parts, and of course, a drop in supply will play in role in rising prices. But the Journal neglected to mention perhaps the most important contributor to Americans’ economic woes: Biden’s apparently limitless federal spending.

Ukraine aid in 2022 alone totaled $113 billion, and Congress plans to send at least $47 billion more this coming year. Under Biden’s new $1.7 trillion spending spree, he plans to inject more dollars domestically into an economy still recovering from government-imposed Covid lockdowns. Appropriations include increased funding for food stamps, utility bill assistance, childcare, Medicaid, and more.

And the greater the quantity of cash, the higher prices will universally become, as borne out in the January Consumer Price Index report.

It isn’t just breakfast foods. The energy sector is suffering, too. Electricity prices rose about 12 percent. Utility gas services jumped a whopping 26.7 percent. Gasoline, too, still stands at $3.42 today compared to averaging $2.17 in 2020.

But from the legacy media, Americans get obfuscation over accountability. As Biden plans to spend more of your hard-earned money, The Washington Post claims inflation is “good for you,” so cheer up. CNN argues the recession is like getting a $100-per-month raise. And of course, now The Wall Street Journal argues for more personal sacrifices from everyday, working-class citizens: Maybe you should just skip eating.

The Democrats’ New ‘Submission of Allegiance’

When I was growing up and going to public schools, every morning, first thing, we students would all stand up, put our hands over our hearts, face the American flag, and recite the “Pledge of Allegiance."  I honestly don’t know if children still do that in the United States, and the fact that I honestly don’t know is, I believe, quite telling.

But it doesn’t matter.  The Democratic Party will probably have a new “pledge” for us soon. I suspect it will go something like this:  

“I submit allegiance to the multi-colored flag of the Socialist States of America.  And to the socialism for which it stands, multi-national, under Marx and Darwin, racially and morally divided, with liberty and social justice for those to whom our wonderful government masters deem to give them.”  

Let’s analyze this new “Submission of Allegiance.”  It might even be wise to begin teaching it to our children.

1.  “I submit allegiance.”  You won’t have to “pledge” allegiance to this new country.  They won’t care if you voluntarily obey or not, only that you submit and do what you are told.  They will force you to do that, so no need to make a “pledge.”

2.  “To the multi-colored flag.”  The red, white, and blue will have to go.  We need to add all the colors of the spectrum to make sure we don’t omit anybody.   330+ million-colored flag.  Choose one that fits you.

3.  “Of the Socialist States of America.”  Russia, under communism, was the “Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.”  Our leaders will be more honest.  We won’t be voluntarily united or have a republic any more, but we will have socialism, so we might as well put that in the “Submission.”  People need to bow to socialism, so it needs to come out of every mouth.

4.  “And to the socialism for which it stands.”  Again, the flag will not represent unity, republicanism, or freedom any more, but only the totalitarian system that will be in existence.  So, it won’t stand for America, but for the world-wide, globalist, socialist revolution that Lenin began to inaugurate over 100 years ago.  Funny how we thought we won the Cold War. 

5.  “Multi-national.”  There is already a “black” national anthem.  How long will it be before Hispanics, Asian-Americans, Muslim-Americans, Native Americans, Congo-Americans, ad infinitum, will want one, too?   That will make the anthem-playing before football games very lengthy indeed, probably longer than the boring, drawn-out games already are.

6.  “Under Marx and Darwin.”  These two men have been the most influential humans in the last 150+ years.  They dominate the world now.  Marx’s economic theories are ever-increasingly, not decreasingly, popular, and Darwin’s pseudo-scientific nonsense has booted God off the planet and created a morally relativistic world where pagan, earth-worshipping human elites now make the rules.  And you had better obey.  Might as well acknowledge, in our new “Submission of Allegiance,” the influence of these two scumbags.

7.  “Racially and morally divided.”  Not “indivisible” any more; listening to any Joe Biden speech will clearly tell you that.   “Divide and conquer” has always been a good program, and the Democratic Party believes in it 100 percent.  The more division a country has, the more government force is needed to keep it glued together. 

 8.  “With liberty and social justice for those to whom our wonderful government masters deem to give them.”  In the old America, freedom came from God.  It was something we were born with, and government existed to protect these natural-born rights, not give them to us.  Thus, government power was limited.  It won’t be that way under the Democrats’ new socialist, totalitarian system.   Government will exist to GIVE us the rights we have.  And, of course, anything government gives, it can take away.  As long as we are like sheep, as the Europeans have become, benevolent Big Brother will take care of us and let us live our lives in whatever prescribed manner is dictated from on high.  The “criminals” will be freedom-lovers who oppose this system.   They will be starved, shot, or sent to the gulag, concentration camp, or labor camp, and maybe even forcefully have their internal organs removed if somebody else needs them more.  There will be high-altitude balloons everywhere, watching us, making sure we remain “free” by submitting to our masters.   And, yes, our children will learn how “wonderful” these people are, for providing for us, taking care of us, and defending us against those bigoted, religious, hate-mongers who want to destroy the beautiful utopia our overseers have created for us.  

This is Orwell’s 1984 all over again, of course.  He wrote that book in 1949.  It’s kind of frightening, isn’t it, how accurate he was. 

I wish I was being facetious or satirical in this column, but I’m not.  Every one of the points in my proposed “Submission of Allegiance” is clearly visible, at least in gestation, in America today, and is the direction the Democratic Party is determined to take the country.  They can’t hide it, they can only lie about it, and hope they can fool enough people until they can fully implement it.  The sad thing is, many countries (Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam, Korea, etc.) that effected such a system had a brutal and costly civil war before they were successful.  And then, after they were victorious in that war, the socialist tyrants continued to kill millions who opposed their ruthless, authoritarian regime.  History can be fearsome.

Maybe Americans, like modern-day Europeans, will go quietly to their doom, wistfully and ignorantly, like sheep led to the slaughter.  Half of our country is already there.  Submission is always easier than freedom.

Joe Biden Takes Swipe at Ron DeSantis, Ends up Committing Glorious Self-Own on School Choice

Joe Biden Takes Swipe at Ron DeSantis, Ends up Committing Glorious Self-Own on School Choice

Sister Toldjah reporting for RedState 

No doubt because they view him as a serious political threat, Joe Biden and members of his administration have frequently taken shots at Ron DeSantis during the course of Biden’s time in office, most notably during the Wuhan virus pandemic when they were at odds over things like vaccine distribution and keeping kids in school. There have been other issues they’ve attacked him over as well, like DeSantis shipping migrants off to Martha’s Vineyard and the Parental Rights in Education bill he signed into law in March 2022.

DeSantis, of course, has often responded accordingly, but in the most recent Biden attack on the Florida governor, the POTUS inadvertently committed a rather glorious self-own.

As RedState readers will recall, Joe Biden – who is beholden to national teachers unions – is not a proponent of school choice and explicitly stated so during the course of his 2020 presidential campaign:

Remarkably, however, Biden seemingly came out and endorsed school choice in a tweet posted Friday, in which he referenced a Washington Post hit piece on parents who were outraged over DeSantis supposedly threatening “to eliminate Advanced Placement classes.”

“I think every kid, in every zip code, in every state should have access to every education opportunity possible,” Biden tweeted. “I guess, for some, that isn’t the consensus view.”

The problem here is that that has never been Biden’s view. And the only reason he’s acting like it is now is because, apparently, he (or his handlers) thought it would be a good idea to try and ding DeSantis on social media.

It wasn’t.

Many pointed to Biden’s self-own, flip-flopping on limitless educational opportunities for young people while trying to dunk on a potential 2024 rival.

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders also got in on the act, correctly pointing out that career politician Biden has always been about “protecting a broken government system,” not looking out for children:

As of this writing, no response from Gov. DeSantis directly to the tweet from Biden, but then again, he doesn’t really have to, does he (though I suspect, at some point, a jab will be taken)? The point has already been made, with DeSantis getting Biden to inadvertently backtrack on a major issue of national import without breaking a sweat, which is something that is sure to be a major bone of contention between the two should they meet up on the debate stage in 2024.

WATCH: Biden Goes Full-Blown Race-Hustler, Claims White People 'Still' Want to 'Lynch' Black People

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

Oops, he did it again. The “he” was Joe Biden and the “it” was not only going full-metal race-baiter  — yet again —but also lying his head off while doing so. The transparency was as laughable as his ridiculously racist warning to a largely black audience about the GOP: “They gonna put y’all back in chains,”

And the best part was Captain Ice Cream Cone’s Biden’s complete lack of self-awareness.

The below quote begins in the middle of Biden’s latest claim.

Lynched for simply being black, but not anymore. White crowds [and] white families gathered to celebrate the spectacle; taking pictures of the bodies and mailing them like postcards. Hard to believe that’s what was done — and some people still want to do that.

Wow, Joe. That’s even out there for you. Who still wants to lynch black people”? And where? The worst part? Biden knew he was lying when he lied, and he lied for a single reason, which we’ll get to.

This was not Biden’s first race-hustling rodeo — by a long shot.

Truth is Joey from Scranton has a decades-long history of making overtly racist remarks, taking discriminatory positions, and hanging out with known racists — a troubling pattern that would get Republican politicians kicked to the curb, most likely by the GOP, itself.

Anyway, here’s a partial list of Biden’s overtly racist comments:

On Charlamagne Tha God’s popular morning radio show in May 2020, Biden admonished the largely black audience that if they were unsure of whether to vote for him or Donald Trump, then “you ain’t black!”

Biden’s declaration said more than the declaration itself. Think about it:

If you’re black and dare to step off the Democrat plantation, which is where Democrats assign you to live, simply because of the color of your skin, then “you ain’t black.” You’re not allowed to think, speak, or question anything the Democrat Party does. Rather, you’re supposed to buy every ounce of the pandering bilge Democrats have been feeding black Americans for six decades.

And if you do leave the plantation? You’re to be castigated, ridiculed, dismissed, or destroyed. That’s the reality in 2023, and Joe Biden remains the hood ornament of the Democrat race-hustling clown car.

Here’s more:

In August 2020, Biden told NPR’s Lulu Garcia-Navarro and a gathering of black and Hispanic journalists:

Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things. You go to Florida, and you find a very different attitude about immigration in certain places than you do when you’re in Arizona.

Translation: In Biden’s mental acuity-challenged mind, all black people think alike — or are supposed to. 

Let’s take a quick trip in Wayback Machine for a quick look at a few of Joe’s other oldies but goodies:

In 2007, Biden referred to Barack Obama as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.”

In 2006, he idiotically said: “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

And way back in 1977, Biden said forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.”

The list goes on, yet Biden has the immoral audacity to preposterously lie about “semi-fascist” Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans as representing a “clear and present danger” to democracy in America. Why? “White supremacy” and “systemic racism” runs rampant in white America, according to Lyin’ Biden.

And of the above from a guy who pledged a “time to heal” in America. How’s that working out, Joe?

The truth?

Everything Democrats support or oppose can be connected to the ballot box in two dots or less.

Trump Paid Reseach Firm More Than $600K to 'Prove' 2020 Election Fraud, Refuses to Release Findings

Trump Paid Reseach Firm More Than $600K to 'Prove' 2020 Election Fraud, Refuses to Release Findings

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

Following the 2020 presidential election, the Trump campaign paid an outside research firm in a bid to prove his claims that the election was “rigged” and “stolen,” but he refused to release the findings because the firm disputed many of his theories and could not offer any proof that he was the rightful winner.

As reported by The Washington Post, the Trump campaign in the final weeks of 2020 paid researchers from Berkeley Research Group more than $600,000 to dig into 2020 election results in six states, looking for fraud and irregularities to highlight in public and in the courts.

Among the areas examined were voter machine malfunctions, instances of dead people voting, and any evidence that could help Trump show he won, as he continues to claim. Around “a dozen” researchers were involved, including “econometricians,” who used “statistics to model and predict outcomes,” digging into “at least a dozen hypotheses,” according to WaPo.

At the end of the proverbial day, none of the findings were presented to the public or in court.

According to a person familiar with the work who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private research and meetings, the researchers “looked at everything.”

They looked at everything: change of addresses, illegal immigrants, ballot harvesting, people voting twice, machines being tampered with, ballots that were sent to vacant addresses that were returned and voted.

Literally anything you could think of. Voter turnout anomalies, date of birth anomalies, whether dead people voted. If there was anything under the sun that could be thought of, they looked at it.

In the more than 60 court cases Trump lost in his effort to overturn the 2020 election, Berkeley’s research never made an appearance.

The researchers did find the usual election irregularities according to WaPo: a few “voting anomalies,” “unusual data patterns,” and “some instances in which laws may have been skirted,” but none of it was “significant enough to make a difference in who won the election.”

Researchers also debunked some of Trump’s voter fraud conspiracy theories, such as rigged voting machines.

Here’s more from WaPo:

The findings were not what the Trump campaign had been hoping for, according to the four people. While the researchers believed there were voting anomalies and unusual data patterns in a few states, along with some instances in which laws may have been skirted, they did not believe the anomalies were significant enough to make a difference in who won the election.

The research group’s officials maintained privately that they did not come into the research with any predetermined conclusions and simply wanted to examine the data provided by the Trump campaign in the battleground states.

In reaction to the researchers’ findings, Trump spokesman Steven Cheung said:

President Trump received a record-breaking 74 million votes, the most of any sitting president in the history of the country. Anyone who takes a look at Joe Biden glitching through his presidency knows who really won the election.

Not to nitpick, but the disastrous actions and results of Biden’s miserable presidency have zero to do with showing “who really won the election.”

So, it stands to reason that the researchers’ findings and conclusions were the last thing Team Trump wanted to hear, as I suggested earlier.  or it would have released the finding in a New York minute. Donald Trump would have trumpeted the results at every opportunity, as would any candidate in any election who believes an election was stolen from him — or her.

The Bottom Line

Those who believe the 2020 election was “rigged” and “stolen” will never believe it wasn’t, regardless of the lack of substantive evidence that it was.

Thing is, it wouldn’t make a modicum of difference who believes what about the 2020 election, if it doesn’t metastasize in the 2024 election.

I’ll leave it there for now, but I will say this: if arguably the worst president in history continues to do his damnedest to destroy America as we know it wins re-election in 2024, not only will the Republican Party, but conservatism as well, miss a golden opportunity to stop the destruction wrought by Joe Biden and the radicalized Democrat Party.