Thursday, February 9, 2023

How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline

The New York Times called it a “mystery,” 

but the United States executed a covert sea operation 

that was kept secret—until now

The U.S. Navy’s Diving and Salvage Center can be found in a location as obscure as its name—down what was once a country lane in rural Panama City, a now-booming resort city in the southwestern panhandle of Florida, 70 miles south of the Alabama border. The center’s complex is as nondescript as its location—a drab concrete post-World War II structure that has the look of a vocational high school on the west side of Chicago. A coin-operated laundromat and a dance school are across what is now a four-lane road.

The center has been training highly skilled deep-water divers for decades who, once assigned to American military units worldwide, are capable of technical diving to do the good—using C4 explosives to clear harbors and beaches of debris and unexploded ordinance—as well as the bad, like blowing up foreign oil rigs, fouling intake valves for undersea power plants, destroying locks on crucial shipping canals. The Panama City center, which boasts the second largest indoor pool in America, was the perfect place to recruit the best, and most taciturn, graduates of the diving school who successfully did last summer what they had been authorized to do 260 feet under the surface of the Baltic Sea.

Last June, the Navy divers, operating under the cover of a widely publicized mid-summer NATO exercise known as BALTOPS 22, planted the remotely triggered explosives that, three months later, destroyed three of the four Nord Stream pipelines, according to a source with direct knowledge of the operational planning.

Two of the pipelines, which were known collectively as Nord Stream 1, had been providing Germany and much of Western Europe with cheap Russian natural gas for more than a decade. A second pair of pipelines, called Nord Stream 2, had been built but were not yet operational. Now, with Russian troops massing on the Ukrainian border and the bloodiest war in Europe since 1945 looming, President Joseph Biden saw the pipelines as a vehicle for Vladimir Putin to weaponize natural gas for his political and territorial ambitions.

Asked for comment, Adrienne Watson, a White House spokesperson, said in an email, “This is false and complete fiction.” Tammy Thorp, a spokesperson for the Central Intelligence Agency, similarly wrote: “This claim is completely and utterly false.”

Biden’s decision to sabotage the pipelines came after more than nine months of highly secret back and forth debate inside Washington’s national security community about how to best achieve that goal. For much of that time, the issue was not whether to do the mission, but how to get it done with no overt clue as to who was responsible.

There was a vital bureaucratic reason for relying on the graduates of the center’s hardcore diving school in Panama City. The divers were Navy only, and not members of America’s Special Operations Command, whose covert operations must be reported to Congress and briefed in advance to the Senate and House leadership—the so-called Gang of Eight. The Biden Administration was doing everything possible to avoid leaks as the planning took place late in 2021 and into the first months of 2022.

President Biden and his foreign policy team—National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, Secretary of State Tony Blinken, and Victoria Nuland, the Undersecretary of State for Policy—had been vocal and consistent in their hostility to the two pipelines… continued HERE

Already woke new NBC show goes even woker



Monday’s broadcast of NBC’s rebooted Quantum Leap went woke pushing transgender athletes on kids’ sports, promotting boys claiming to be girls using girls’ locker rooms, and celebrating the idea of players born as males competing against natural-born female opponents.

The episode entitled “Let Them Play” featured Dr. Ben Song (Raymond Lee) leaping into the body of a high school girls basketball coach in the year 2012. The coach is also the father of one of his players, Gia (Josielyn Aguilera), a biological male claiming to be a transgender girl.

The show is a reboot of the 1990s cult classic series of the same name starring Scott Bakula in which a scientist uses a machine to travel in time but instead ends up leaping into the minds and bodies of one person after another to “set time right” by altering decisions that would lead to disaster. The show was very liberal for its day and confronted many social issues. (no wonder this was brought back)

Monday’s episode pushed hard for “inclusion” of trans athletes giving no serious consideration to those who oppose transgender athletes, especially in high schools. It opened with Ben putting Gia into a game without knowing that Gia was either his “daughter” or a transgender person. Ben’s spur of the moment decision to put Gia in the game set off a series of controversies as the school was confronted with protests against Gia’s playing against biological girls.

The rest of the episode presents Gia’s family as they struggle to deal with the blowback of Gia’s game day and the Quantum Leap project’s computer warnings that Gia will run away and end up committing suicide over the anguish of being ostracized by teammates unless Ben can fix it all.

Throughout the episode, Gia is presented as the only real adult in the room as the character lectures everyone over “inclusion” and the morality of right and wrong. Gia even wins over the one girl who feels she is losing her spot on the team to Gia.

The episode also features several gay, drag queen, and trans characters in a series already notable for featuring Mason Alexander Park as a trans character and a main cast member.

There is only one voice of opposition to Gia’s playing and that comes from the mother of one of the girls on the team. While the mother says she supports Title IX rules that mandate inclusion in school sports, she opposes allowing biological boys playing against biological girls.

“We had to fight for Title IX,” the mother tells Gia’s parents. “So I’m not gonna sit here as you take away women’s sports because you think there’s no difference between boys and girls.”

But the mother is portrayed as a mean-spirited, Karen-like character whose point of view is presented as bigoted. (of course she was. Because as we all know, anyone who dares to stand up to society's freaks are Karens)

Naturally, the episode ends with Gia being warmly welcomed into the girls locker room and being treated as a full member of the team. Oddly, the year this episode is set, 2012, was years before the transgender athlete issue really heated up. It is also noteable that the series picked model and actress Josielyn Aguilera, a natural-born woman, to play a “transgender woman.”

The episode was written by trans activist Shakina Nayfack (who also appeared as trans character Dottie in the show) who told the website Gayety that she felt sure her story pitch would be accepted by the series.

“I pitched this episode at my interview. I knew pretty much going into it that because Quantum Leap has Mason Alexander Park, we have a trans actor as a series regular,” Nayfack said. “The show was committed to addressing trans issues in the first season, which is huge. A lot of times, special interest issues have to be kicked back to later seasons. But there was a commitment there and a willingness to take a big step to stand up for trans kids, not only from the writer’s room and the producers of Quantum Leap, but from NBC and Universal. So we did it.”

The entire episode was a one-sided exercise in advocacy for transgenderism in school sports that never gave serious consideration to legitimate concerns that males are physically too powerful to be allowed to play against biological women.

Indeed, the episode wholly ignored the fact that most Americans do not support allowing transgender “women” to play against biological women. (of course it would! Because heaven knows, making it known that every smart person out there knows that men do not belong in women's sports no matter how much they destroy their bodies would wreck their intended narratives!!)

Can Donald Trump Win in 2024 America?

Due to demographics, voter manipulation, and implacable ideological fault lines, the 2024 election is a potential watershed that may well be the point of no return for this nation as founded if the Democrat Party’s presidential nominee wins.  Thus, it is imperative that the Republican presidential nominee not only has a track record of defeating the radical left and facing down the media but more importantly can win the presidency in a nation far different than the America of seven-years ago. 

America’s youngest generations (Millennials and Gen Z) now account for over half of the populace.   Only 27% are proud to be American and unsurprisingly, nearly 20% believe that the Communist Manifesto “better guarantees freedom and equality for all” than the Declaration of Independence and nearly half believe that the U.S. economic system works against them.

More determinative is that 68% of these two generations would vote for an avowed socialist candidate.  When combined with the unfortunate reality that 33% of the older generations would also vote for an avowed socialist, the political impact of Millennials and Gen Z cannot be underestimated.

This massive segment of the citizenry is growing in influence with each passing election.  In 2016 this group accounted for 36% of all registered voters.  In 2020 they accounted for 44% of all registered voters. In 2024 it is estimated that they will account for nearly 52% of all registered voters.  

While in the 2016 election these two generations accounted for less than 32% of the overall vote and voted 55-38% for Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump, by the 2020 election this bloc accounted for 44% of the overall vote and voted 54-43% for Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump.

Despite rampant inflation, impending recession, massive disapproval of Biden’s job performance, and 75% of the country agreeing with the statement that the nation is on the wrong track, in the 2022 mid-terms these two generations voted 57-40% for the Democrat Senate and House candidates, which is the primary reason the vaunted and expected red-wave did not materialize. 

These generations are not lost to the conservatives if the 2024 Republican nominee has the temperament and ability to unabashedly talk to these generations about the direction of the country and their vital role in its future as compared to the dystopian scenario the Marxist Democrats offer.

Bombastic rhetoric or the regurgitation of decades-old Republican talking points will only alienate these generations further as the Republican nominee in 2024 cannot win the presidency without reducing the vote deficit over the past three election cycles from an average of 15 to at least 4-5 percentage points, as it is estimated that this voting bloc will account for nearly 50% of the overall vote.

Much has been written about the minority vote migrating to the Republican Party.  While there has been movement, in reality it is far too small to offset the potential impact of new generational voting patterns. 

In 2016, 89% of the Black vote and 66% of the Hispanic vote backed Hillary Clinton.  In 2020 the respective results were 87% of Blacks and 65% of Hispanics voted for Joe Biden.  Despite being disproportionally impacted by Democrat economic policies, the 2022 mid-terms recorded a similar pattern as 86% of Blacks and 60% of Hispanics voted for Democrat Senate and House candidates. 

While there is only a marginal chance of increasing the Black vote in 2024, there is an opportunity to increase the share of the Hispanic vote.  However, that is fully dependent on a Republican nominee who can tap into the economic and cultural underpinning of American Hispanics and a track record of acceptance to these voters.  

Couple the above demographic realities with brazen and unfettered ballot harvesting, mail-in voting, outright voter fraud by lawfare and ballot manipulation by the Democrats in every so-called battleground state, the prospects of winning future presidential elections, which depend on the Electoral College vote, become problematic. 

The only potential solution to this massive Democrat advantage in 2024 is for the Republican establishment to finally make a concerted effort to also ballot harvest and aggressively promote mail-in and early voting among their constituents.  However, a historically somnambulant and feckless Republican Party hierarchy seems incapable of doing so.  

Only a determined and fearless Republican nominee who has an unapologetic track record of not being intimidated by the media and a history of confronting the radical left can organize and galvanize the grass roots to defeat the Democrats at their game.

Neither Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris will be the Democrat party nominee in 2024.  In all likelihood the party establishment will recruit and coronate Michelle Obama as the nominee, effectively skipping the expense and vitriol of the primaries.

This will enable them to focus all their resources on the Republican nominee.  Despite a fractured economy, a society in shambles and a culture in chaos, Michelle Obama with the power of the legacy media behind her, will be a formidable candidate that will appeal to America’s younger generations and minorities.

If a left-wing Democrat wins the White House in 2024, the radical left will have controlled the presidency for sixteen out of twenty-years.  By 2028 they and the Democrat party will have transformed the Judiciary into a de facto quasi-Marxist legislature and in all likelihood appoint at least two to three Supreme Court Justices.  Thus, there will be no check on their governing by executive order regardless of the make-up of Congress.

Over the past two-years the southern border has been deliberately flung open allowing 5+ million illegal immigrants and perhaps another 5+ million over the next two years to enter the country.  This was done with the shameless intention of granting these and nearly 20+ million illegals already in the country amnesty by executive order and eventually voting rights.

Coupled with demographic voting changes, the massive influx of “migrants”, and the left’s intent to federalize all elections and compel mail-in voting and ballot harvesting in all states, the Democrat party will never lose a national election and thus will also capture Congress in near perpetuity.

The importance of the 2024 election cannot be understated.  The importance of the Republicans nominating an accomplished conservative candidate that can win the general election in 2024 America is therefore paramount. 

The current frontrunner, Donald Trump, can perhaps easily win the Republican nomination through the primary process; however, unless he changes his demeanor, bombastic style and inability to connect with over 50+% of current voters, he cannot win in a general election. 

Trump’s accomplishments during his one term are legion, but this is not 2016 and Michelle Obama is not Hillary Clinton.  Further, the results of the 2022 mid-term election exposed that reliance on pocketbook issues and competence to win elections is a thing of the past as the political party’s ability to “get out the vote” and the candidate’s attributes and affiliations have become paramount.

It is imperative that conservative, Libertarian and Republican voters understand what is at stake in 2024 and put sentiment, loyalty, and antagonisms aside and focus on choosing the candidate best able to win the presidency in the America of today, not the America of 7 or 15 or 30 years ago.

X22, And we Know, and more- Feb 9


Today was officially the 1st day of filming the final episode. (if not, they're filming out of order) Looming goodbyes, even when I'm ready to move on from the never ending charade of 'Where's Hetty', always get to me. Because they fucking hurt. Especially possibly knowing that all next week, everyone will be saying their goodbyes 1 by 1 before all saying 1 final goodbye after the last scene is filmed a day or 2 after their next new episode airs on the 19th! 💔 (yes, this is what is known as 'reality setting in').

The only thing that's keeping me from being more of an emotional say then I already am is listening to 'Let's Fighting Love' on repeat. (1 of the best songs from 'South Park').

Here's tonight's news:

The President Who Wasn't There

Joe Biden very well may be the worst president in generations…worse than Jimmy Carter, and I can already hear the sound of a thousand readers uttering simultaneously, “And that’s saying something!”

I’m not saying it’s not a close call, but one of the reasons we even remember how awful Carter was is that he had a notable presence. He made decisions. They were all wrong, but they were all his, and America knew that. He was a nice man with terrible governing skills, and he was probably far too nice to have ever made an effective President. When he left office, he stayed on America’s radar because he stayed active and useful. By now we’re all familiar with Carter’s Habitat for Humanity work. It is a legacy that far outlasted his presidential term.

Joe Biden is the un-present President…the confused Commander-in-Chief…the lost leader. It is hard to really even be mad at him. Biden doesn’t seem to be making choices, good or bad. He doesn’t give off an aura of authority, and we don’t see enough of him to think he’s just a really dumb leader making really dumb decisions.

This President simply isn’t there.

He is nowhere he needs to be when he needs to be there, it seems. He spends a disturbing amount of time in his Delaware home. At this point, it may be close to at least half his time spent at his personal compound. That’s just what we know about. My uninformed suspicion is that Mr. Biden spends quite a bit of unreported time at his personal compound.

When he is in D.C., he’s not really available to the public by way of the press. He’s not visiting the press pool. He’s not holding regular Q&A sessions like his predecessors. He’s not even courting the press, the way Obama did. There were many times Obama would buy food for the press corps, and he was known to visit the press corps compartment on Air Force One. There are many pictures of him laughing and joking around with the White House press pool. It was a constant source of annoyance for conservative voters and Republican politicians.

Now that I’ve seen Biden in inaction, it makes me miss Obama’s incessant sucking up. At least we knew where he was and what he was saying and doing.

Even when he is physically present, it is not always clear that he is mentally present. While he managed to stay alert and aware through his entire State of the Union speech on Tuesday night, that is a rare occurrence. By now, the American people have been treated to video after video of POTUS sounding confused, forgetting the names of people he’s known for years, forgetting who he is celebrating or introducing, even forgetting that someone he was supposed to be eulogizing is dead. The video of him standing on a stage at the front of Raphael Warnock’s church as the choir leads the congregation in an MLK Day celebration is cringe-inducing sadness at its worst. Biden looks confused, lost, as if he’d just gained consciousness and wasn’t really sure how he ended up on that stage or even exactly why he was there. Even Warnock looks troubled, keeping a distance from the President, not even looking at him, not smiling, not proud to be hosting the President of the United States. He looks like a man driving past a cemetery late at night with the windows down.

In other moments, Biden has wandered away from podiums at which he is speaking, clearly unsure of where to go. Even the Easter Bunny had to help him find the proper direction.

He tells contradicting stories, sometimes outright lies. He seems to have an entire alternate universe floating around in his brain, from which he plucks pretend scenarios and bizarre fantasies to share at the oddest moments.

President Biden is not there in the sense of governing, either. Last week, a Chinese spy balloon took a casual, leisurely trip across the entire continental United States with nary a whisper from the President himself. By the time the Pentagon and White House came to any kind of strategy to deal with the incursion of our air space, the balloon had completed its mission. We have no way of knowing what kind of information the Chinese were able to glean from that little stunt. Biden hasn’t offered any assurance or explanation. He didn’t even bother to mention it in his speech last Tuesday, even just to pretend he was being a “tough guy” about it. It was as non-existent as his leadership.

When we see the President walk, it is the frail gait of an ill, old man. That may seem harsh, but that is the reality. It looks as though each step is pained and unsure. He walks like a child just learning how to put one foot in front of the other. God-willing, we’ll all be in that same position one day, carefully measuring our steps and squinting our eyes and groaning every time we stand up from the sitting position. But that’s fine, because in all likelihood not one of us (or maybe one single person reading this, who knows?) will ever be the leader of the free world. We won’t need to be seen as strong and alert.

Biden isn’t seen as strong or alert. He’s barely seen at all. Even his State of the Union speech was cobbled together from half-truths, outright lies, and better speeches from better men before him. Even his formal presence in congressional chambers felt more like the ghost of a hallowed office than the actual man who occupies the office.

Joe Biden just simply isn’t there. Whomever is pulling the levers of this country, it is not the Commander-in-Chief. That much is certain.

And while right now his presidency feels awful and dangerous, it seems to me that once Biden is gone, he will be easily forgotten by history. He will join the list of weak and unpopular presidents we never talk about anymore, and most Americans aren’t even aware ever existed.

Joe Biden will not be a Jimmy Carter. He should be so lucky.

He will be a Millard Fillmore.

Inside Baseball Stuff About the House Oversight Committee and the Twitter Censorship Hearing

CTH has never pretended or played the game of pretending, but several people have discussed the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing today on the Twitter censorship issue… and thus, some reminders and clarifications of inside DC politics are needed.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, hereafter called the House Oversight Committee or HOC, has a very specific function in DC circles that apparently too few understand.  Once again, let us be clear while trying to explain decades of false information founded upon arcane legislative outlooks.

This article is specific only to the House Oversight Committee.

Within Washington DC, the HOC has a very specific and unique function.  What Fox News is to corporate conservative punditry, so too is the HOC to the same DC system of pretending.  The House Oversight Committee is the “Chaff and Countermeasures” committee.  The HOC operates for both parties with the same mission.

The House Oversight Committee was/is created by the House legislative leadership to make money for the party in control of the Chair.  When the House Speaker is notified of a DC corruption issue, inside his/her office they will often be heard saying, “give it to oversight.”  The intent of that instruction is to give the issue to the HOC, so they can hold hearings, create soundbites and fundraise from the issue.

Making money for the party in control of the Chair is the primary function of the House Oversight Committee.  The HOC does not exist to create accountability or oversight; the HOC exists to exploit the issue for fundraising and satiate the base voters of the party in control of the Chair.  The HOC presents the illusion of accountability by constructing soundbites and member performances which are then broadcast on television for appearances to the voting audience.  It is essentially theater.

The HOC is a “general oversight’ committee, not a committee of “specific jurisdiction.”  Thus, the HOC is the vehicle where Democrats and Republicans publicly display their political initiatives, frame their narratives and then broadcast them on MSNBC, CNN (Democrats) or FOX NEWS (Republicans).

Depending on the issues at hand, the HOC committee members are generally those performance actors best known to the audience of both parties.  This is not accidental; this is by design.  Again, for emphasis, I am only talking about the HOC, a “generalized oversight” committee. Only this specific committee has this specific mission.

A hot button topic enters the committee ecosphere. Specifically trained staffers and performance artists, uniquely qualified to put on theatrical productions (both parties), are then deployed to assist the representatives in creating the soundbites that hopefully will go viral and assist them with fundraising and opportunities to say, “here’s what we are doing.”   Outlining this construct is not an exhibition in cynicism; this is the reality of what the HOC is designed and created to do.

When you see the HOC performing at their best, you will see lots of soundbites created.

The Chair of the HOC is always part of the House Speaker’s close inner circle.  From that association you will discover by training, by habit, and by consequence, the HOC framework is developed to sustain the process itself as an end result.   The questioning is the sum total of all accountabilities.  The performance is the interview; the conversation is the point; the smoke is the fire.

Oversight, in the HOC framework of narrative creation, has evolved into reveling in the endless process (a fundraising proposition) and, as a consequence, it completely ignores the end point, misses the bottom line, doesn’t actually SEE the subject matter, and never actually applies accountability toward what might be discovered.  This is why you end up with high blood pressure, frustrated with the questions not asked, and throwing bricks at the screen or monitors when viewing.

The point of HOC hearings is to create what are now described as “viral moments” that can be used to generate money.   The second, and lesser objective, is to give the illusion of accountability while not actually ever holding anyone or anything accountable.  See prior HOC reference points like Fast and Furious, IRS targeting, Benghazi which outline the latest intent with the Twitter censorship issue.

If you watch the HOC Twitter hearing through the prism of expecting some form of accountability for the violations of the First Amendment, you will be frustrated and disappointed.   However, if you watch the HOC Twitter hearing through the prism of how well the panelists will do at raising money from their performances, then you can evaluate the effectiveness; the proverbial winning and losing.

The HOC is designed by House leadership to perform the same basic function for both Democrats and Republicans.  The HOC committee assignments are selected based on the theatrical skills of each representative.  This is not to say the motives of the members are sullied or impure, it is simply to point out the motive of the committee itself is to generate fundraising from the skillsets of the members on the committee.

Once you fully grasp what the intent of the House Oversight Committee is about, and once you drop the expectation that any accountability in oversight is the intent, then you can watch the performances through the entertainment prism of partisan politics and genuinely enjoy them.  There are, after all, some exceptional soundbites and moments created by the hearings themselves.

The HOC is called the “Chaff and Countermeasures” Committee, because that’s essentially what the committee does.  It gives the appearance of targeting, steering the target to a controlled destination, and then distracting the audience from the outcome of accountability.

If sunlight is achieved, meaning the Mainstream Media cannot ignore the issue as presented and questioned, and if the general public become more familiar with the controversial subject matter or topic at hand, and if the party of the Chair can fundraise from the issue, then the committee has succeeded.  However, if you are looking for something to change as an outcome of any HOC hearing, you will be disappointed.

All of the insiders in Washington DC know this to be true; but, when discussing the HOC specifically, the insiders cannot violate the DC code and make this reality a part of the public consciousness.  To make this operational mission widely understood is to diminish the financial value of it.

Now, let’s ENJOY:

5 Reasons Biden’s Electric Vehicles Are A Boondoggle

Biden touted electric vehicles as the solution to climate change again Tuesday night during his State of the Union address.

President Joe Biden touted electric vehicles as the solution to climate change again Tuesday night during his State of the Union address.

“We’re building 500,000 vehicle charging stations installed across the country by tens of thousands of IBEW workers,” Biden said, “and helping families save more than $1,000 a year with tax credits for the purchase of electric vehicles and energy-efficient appliances.”

Those tax credits, however, aren’t as green as they seem.

EVs Are a Green Illusion

The process to manufacture electric vehicles is so environmentally toxic between the mining and assembly that it takes years of driving before emissions are reduced, according to a deep dive by RealClear Investigations in October.

“The electric car’s biggest disadvantage on greenhouse gas emissions is the production of an EV battery, which requires energy-intensive mining and processing, and generates twice as much carbon emissions as the manufacture of an internal combustion engine,” RealClear reported. “This means that the EV starts off with a bigger carbon footprint than a gasoline-powered car when it rolls off the assembly line and takes time to catch up to a gasoline-powered car.”

Even then, the American power grid used to charge the car still relies primarily on fossil fuels. In other words, the car runs on coal.

Some studies have shown electric vehicles are even worse for the environment than gas-powered vehicles.

EVs Aren’t Cheap

The average transaction price for an electric car in September was $65,291, according to Kelley Blue Book, just $1,000 shy of the average luxury car. According to the U.S. Census Bureau last year, median household income was just below $71,000, meaning an electric vehicle costs a year’s worth of wages for many Americans. Add inflation to the mix, driven by reckless government spending to encourage rich consumers to buy electric cars, and the average American wouldn’t dream of buying a Tesla any time soon.

EV Subsidies Are Gifts to the Rich

The dubiously named Inflation Reduction Act extended up to $7,500 in federal subsidies for the purchase of an electric car. That only brings the price down to $58,000. In August, Ford responded to the new subsidies by raising the price of its electric pickups.

Researchers at UC-Berkeley found in 2016 that “clean” energy tax credits have historically benefitted the upper class, with 90 percent of all credits on electric vehicles enjoyed by those in the top income quintile.

The massive subsidies at the expense of, say, a Wyoming rancher who could use a new pickup don’t even cover what’s needed to develop a market appetite to replace gas-powered vehicles. According to research from the National Bureau of Economic Research in 2021, subsidies would have to reach more than “$30,000 per car” to achieve a 50 percent market share of electric vehicles in 2035.

EVs Are Vulnerable to Global Supply Chains

More problems with electric vehicles pertain to problems with American mining. China holds the world hostage when it comes to mineral refinement and battery production. Beijing presides over half the global electric car battery market while the U.S. lags behind and continues to shut down major mining projects.

EVs Aren’t Reliable

New York and California have both passed laws to ban new gas-powered car sales by 2035. The image below best sums up how drivers will be at the mercy of state regulators to travel once residents are prohibited from buying whatever car they want.

When California was faced with a record-breaking heat wave last summer, state regulators begged residents not to charge their cars to avoid breaking the power grid. The request came days after policymakers moved to ban gas-powered cars over the following 13 years.

If residents can still charge their vehicles produced by China, they had better hope their batteries last. Replacing an electric car battery can cost between $4,000 and $20,000. The weight of the batteries, meanwhile, wears out the tires 20 percent faster than gas-powered alternatives.