Monday, January 30, 2023

Disaster Gossip Girl reboot axed after 2 terrible Seasons that it never should've gotten



The often porn-like, uber-woke Gossip Girl reboot aimed at teenage audiences has been canceled by HBO Max after two seasons of teen drug use, constant attacks on Donald Trump and conservatives, and teens involved in homosexual and “throuple” sex romps.

But after two short seasons, the show is no more. Creator Joshua Safran thanked fans in a post to social media and said they are hoping the show will be picked up for a third season by another network. But the show is ending on HBO Max after its ten-episode second season with its Jan. 26th episode, according to Variety.

The series was based on the earlier broadcast TV series about the writings of a mysterious blogger who chronicled the private lives and relationships of the teens in an upper east side private school in New York City. The series lasted six seasons from 2007 to 2012 on the CW Network. The re-boot attempted but failed to recapture the success of the original. “Nearly a decade after the original Gossip Girl’s website went dark, a new generation of New York City private school teens are introduced to the unflattering reality of 24/7 social surveillance,” the re-boot’s synopsis read.

While there were enough salacious twists and turns in the original series — which did feature at least two gay characters and a threesome plot — the reboot was downright debauchery with threesomes and casual sex coupled with frequent drug use. And, again, this series is about high school students and is aimed at the teenage viewer.

The reboot’s producers stated openly that they fully intended to go as far as they could to push the radical LBGTQ agenda. Show creator Joshua Safran, for instance was open that his goal was to explore teenage characters “through sex.” He added, “It’s Hot Girl and Gay Slut Summer for everybody. For these kids, it’s the same thing — and you want that,” he told Daily Beast in 2021.

Safran was also thrilled to tout the “rimjob” that one of the show’s characters indulged early in season one.

“But for me, with this version, it’s HBO Max, so there were no restrictions. There’s some full-frontal nudity… My whole point was that, whenever there was sex, it was based in character. So, that rim job is a telltale rim job,” he said.

The series was explicitly politically anti-conservative, as well. As Newsbusters noted, in one episode of this last season, a character spoke of debutante balls moving into the 21st century, but a second replying, “You know what else moved into the 21st century? White supremacy. Religious exemptions. Amy Coney Barrett.”

In another episode, the teens are seen engaging in a gay orgy in an upstairs room while their parents entertain a Republican state senator in the dining room below.

The orgy is outed but somehow the moral of the story is that the politician is the one at fault, not the teens who were disrupting the dinner.

In another episode, the conservative Tea Party movement is denigrated when a teen describes the senator this way: “Charlotte Byron makes the Tea Party look like…well, uh, a tea party. Didn’t she campaign for Trump?”

Yet another plot sees the father of one of the characters who is portrayed as a conservative, and who hires a female prostitute for his wife so they can have sex while he watches.

Meanwhile a teen girl and her throuple teen boys all sit casually in a restaurant and talk of the mechanics of gay sex and taking medications to prevent the spread of AIDS.

Planned Parenthood is also prominently featured in another episode as a character searches out the abortion mill operator to obtain the abortion drug Plan B to end a suspected pregnancy.

In 2021, Safran promised, “There definitely are sex scenes. There are definitely sex scenes that are a little more edgier than the first time around.” And he certainly delivered. But the woke exploitation apparently did not earn much of an audience past the gay-centered websites that were so thrilled with Safran’s “representation.”


My take: I watched the OG show on DVD in 2020, it was really good, and super catty. (I even own the 1st 2 Seasons on DVD). As soon as I saw the early details for this trash, I knew it wasn't going to be good. And I was definitely proven right here in a LOT more ways then 1!

And this isn't the only junk show HBO has either. It's latest phony 'hit', 'The Last of Us' (based off of a video game), it's most recent episode completely revolved around a very irrelevant gay couple that quite hilariously, ends with both men suiciding themselves! 😂😂 And rightfully so, is currently getting slammed good and hard by the smart fans of the show because of how useless the couple was in the plot.

Why the Left, Right and World Leaders Won’t Heed Trump’s Warnings Regarding Ukraine and World War III

Last week, former President Donald J. Trump posted on Truth Social: “FIRST COME THE TANKS, THEN COME THE NUKES. Get this crazy war ended, NOW. So easy to do.”

Love him or hate him, President Trump is rightfully – and continually – calling for a de-escalation of the most dangerous conflict our world has ever known. Period.

It makes the “Cuban Missile Crisis” look minor league in comparison.  

While most on the left and many on the right refuse to give him the credit he deserves on this subject, his latest warning regarding a continually miscalculated war -- which could trigger a nuclear conflict at any second -- is the personification of “International Leadership.”  

So many from the liberal political class, the liberal media, and even more than a few from the Republican or conservative class have been cheerleading the world closer and closer to deliberate or accidental nuclear missile strikes. Why?

It is insanity on steroids.

This past September, during an appearance on 77 WABC radio, former President Trump was asked by host John Catsimatidis what things “keep you up at night.”

He quickly answered: “I think more than anything else, think we could end up in World War III and it could be all of the horrible things that took place in Ukraine,”


Now once again, Trump is begging the world to come to its senses. 

Forget past elections; forget partisan politics; forget a possible 2024 run; and forget “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” The alleged leaders of our world should stop every single thing they are doing at the moment and instantly listen to former President Trump on this one issue.

Just this one issue.  

But almost none will. Simply because so many do suffer from “Trump Derangement Syndrome” and have deliberately chosen to elevate their hatred of Trump above their responsibility to protect their citizens from the unthinkable.

Here is one explanation as to why that is so.

Just about eleven – very long -- months ago in The Sun newspaper in London – and picked up by multiple sites in the United Kingdom and Europe – I wrote in part: “While some might deny it, many on the left have seemingly spot-welded Putin to Trump over the last five years. Much of that symbiotic association sprang from the now discredited “Trump campaign-Moscow connection” pushed by Hillary Clinton operatives via the "Steele Dossier". A debased dossier that did manage to accomplish one goal. The indelible linking of Trump to Putin in the minds of many on the left.”

Again, could a media, academia, and neocon class so filled with admitted loathing and outright hatred for Trump, be viewing Putin – and Russia -- through a Crimson-Red prism that blocks reason when it comes to the best way to help the people of Ukraine? 

Of course, some could. 

Eleven months ago I also asked if it would make more sense to agree to an immediate ceasefire - no matter how unfair the terms might seem for Ukraine - and then let almost every country on Earth come to that beleaguered nation’s defense via negotiations, sanctions, and other effective pressure points. 

How are the people of Ukraine, their infrastructure, their economy, and their future better today than one year ago?

Those who push nations into wars are almost exclusively from the privileged class operating from plush offices and homes thousands of miles from the battlefield. Those who die in those wars are almost exclusively from the underclass. 

Except now, millions of innocent citizens in other nations find themselves at risk of almost instantaneous annihilation because of the hubris – and quite possibly the hate they feel for one man -- of the elites and the ruling class.

Those who despise Trump down to the last molecule of their bodies are free to do so for the rest of their lives. But on just this one subject – arguably the most critically important in the history of the human race as the consequences of a misstep leading to nuclear war would be so horrific – they should heed his warning regarding Ukraine and World War III. 

If they do, that moment of sanity may grant them decades more on earth to loath the man.

“Save the World to Hate Trump.” Pass it on. 

X22, On the Fringe, and more- Jan 30


Ran into a good friend today at Tex's site. :) 'Fiveseven Trump' is doing fine, she just needed a break from the boards.

Here's tonight's news:

Anarchy, American-Style ~ VDH

The Left runs Oceania, and we work for their various bureaus.

The 1960s revolution was both anarchic and nihilist. But it was waged against—not from—the establishment. Hippies and the Left either attacked institutions or, in Timothy Leary fashion, chose to turn on, tune indrop out” from them.

The current revolution is much different—and far more dangerous—for at least three reasons.

The Establishment Is the Revolution

The current Left has no intention of “dropping out.” Why would it? 

It now controls the very institutions of America that it once mocked and attacked—corporate boardrooms, Wall Street, state and local prosecuting attorneys, most big-city governments, the media, the Pentagon, network and most of cable news, professional sports, Hollywood, music, television, K-12 education, and academia. 

In other words, the greatest levers of influence and power—money, education, entertainment, government, the news, and popular culture—are in the hands of the Left. They have transformed legitimate debate over gay marriage into a hate crime. Transgenderism went from a modern manifestation of ancient transvestism or gender dysphoria to a veritable litmus test of whether one was good or evil.

Students have no need to jam administrators’ offices because the latter, themselves, are as radical as the protestors and often lead them on in a top-down fashion. Had they not long ago demonstrated they were perfectly willing to subvert meritocracy, free expression, and equality under the law, they would not be occupying their present positions.

Apple, Google, Facebook, and other tech companies are not 1980s and 1990s “alternative” media geeks and hipsters creating neat gadgets for the people. They are not Steve Jobs and his pugnacious Apple battling the evil Microsoft or IBM, or the Macintosh commercial of 1984 depicting a maverick throwing a hammer into Big Brother’s screen. They are the Orwellian screen.

The current generation of techies is effectively Stalinist. Big Tech now colludes with the FBI, the Democratic Party, and the bureaucratic state to suppress free expression, warp balloting, and serve as contractors of government surveillance. Currently, the most totalitarian people in America are likely to wear flip flops, have a nose ring or pink hair, and disguise their fascism with ’60s-retread costumes.

There are no “armies of the night” marching on the Pentagon. Would-be demonstrators see no need, since radical identity politics, and gay, woke, and transgendered agendas are fast-tracked by the Department of Defense. 

There are no protests against the Immigration and Customs Enforcement bureau or the “La Migra” anymore by advocates of illegal immigration, because the Left owns the border. And it has utterly destroyed it. There is no border, no border enforcement, and no meaningful immigration law. As many as 6 million illegal entries during the first two years of the Biden Administration are proof enough of that. 

There are no cutting-edge Lenny Bruces or Mort Sahls fighting state censorship because entertainers accept that 1) there are no impediments to vulgarity or pornographic expression, but 2) no comic or commentator dares to take on the diversity, equity, and inclusion woke industry because he assumes he would be crushed, and his career ruined. 

Question the woke status quo, and one is not canonized in Vanity Fair or Rolling Stone as a fighter against the “uptight establishment” or “the man” as in the past, but now demonized as a racist purveyor of “hate speech” and enemy of the people.

The Left does not despise the FBI. It lauds it. And the bureau is no longer consumed with tracking down violent criminals and terrorists. Instead, it has become an enemy of parents worried about school indoctrination, or a retrieval service for lost first-family classified papers, laptops and diaries, or a Washington, D.C., cadre knee-deep in big money politics. 

FBI agents are praised on left–wing media—given they have been activist conspirators who sought to destroy conservative candidates, deleted subpoenaed data, lied to federal investigators or committees while under oath, colluded with Russian oligarchs, doctored court evidence, and paid foreign nationals to compile campaign dirt on American citizens.

There are no longer calls for a “three strikes” solution to violent crime as in the past, or talk of adopting the successful, time-tried “broken windows” theories of law enforcement, because there is no enforcement to modulate. The debate is no longer over enforcing the law, because de facto there is no law.

The new legal establishment has replaced the old by simply nuking centuries of jurisprudence. Violent repeat criminal offenders injure and maim innocents in the morning and are released by noon to prey again—themselves baffled that the state is even crazier than they are.

Note in the 2020-2021 riots, almost no one temporarily arrested was tried, despite $2 billion in damages, upwards of 40 violent deaths, the 1,500 injured law enforcement officers, and the torching of a courthouse, police precinct, and historic Washington, D.C., church. Instead, they were lauded by a mayor as participants in a “summer of love.” Seattle and Washington simply ceded city property to the violent protestors as if they occupied it by right of their superior morality.

The summation of the entire sordid summer was the CNN chyron assuring America that the protests on their screens were “mostly peaceful” as flames shot up to the sky in the background. In the 1960s, rioters forced social welfare concessions—or else!—on the establishment. Today the establishment welcomes urban unrest as an excuse to implement agendas that in normal times would be unpalatable.

In sum, we are living in anarchy, as institutions themselves have become nihilistic and weapons of the revolution. The Left, in viral fashion, took over the DNA of America’s institutions, and used them to help destroy their creators.

If we are bewildered why Harvard law-graduate prosecutors let out violent criminals just hours after their arrests; or why hyper-rich, pampered athletes who live in near-apartheid enclaves  insult the flag, ignore the National Anthem, and sloganeer woke platitudes, it is because they were taught to undermine the status quo by fundamentally becoming it. 

In our present anarchy, $7 a dozen eggs are affordable. Unaffordable gas prices become merely necessary “transitions” to fossil fuels. A “secure” border means there is none. Natural gas must be banned because it supposedly causes asthma. Tens of thousands of homeless defecate, urinate, inject, and fornicate in the increasingly vacant downtowns of Los Angeles and San Francisco, as the Golden Bear state, California, discusses reintroducing Grizzly bears. 

Cars and yards are evil, elevators, high-rises, and buses sacred. There are 81 genders (and counting), with even more names for them. “Racist” is our exclamation point, fillip, a mere add-on emphatic. Everything from SAT tests to obesity to working out is racist. When little is racist, then everything must become racist.

Batter someone to a pulp and you are out of jail in six hours; claim an election was suspicious and you can be in there for six months or more. Proven merit is a pejorative. Grades are deemed useless by those who could never earn As. Boilerplate equity oaths are the best guide to hiring, retention, and admission. The ACLU or the Anti-Defamation League exist only to spot the incorrect kind of censorship and the wrong kind of antisemitism.

Macintosh Becomes MacBeth

The second contribution to the present anarchy is big tech, which speeds up the revolution and spreads it broadly. Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four was predicated not just on the Sovietization of the state, but the electronically ubiquitous and near instantaneous means by which the apparat ensures its dominance. One of the strangest things about the Left is that it no longer warns of 1984 but emulates it.

How the Left became synonymous with the Internet, social media, mobile phones, pads, and laptops is a long story. But let it be said the Left, and not conservatives, have mastered them all. It has manipulated high tech to change the way we vote, access information, communicate, consume the news, buy, and sell, and express ourselves. In sum, they run Oceania and we work for their various bureaus.

Our tech complex has combined the ethos of the 19th-century monopoly with the Chinese Communist system of mass ideological manipulation. The result is that the old Twitter or Facebook mob can ruin a career in a nanosecond. Google can manipulate the order of search results to render you a clueless Winston Smith bewildered by the alternate “reality” that pops up on your computer screen. 

Wikipedia is pseudo-official falsification. Trotskization relied on scissors and paste; cancel culture can end you by a split-second use of the delete button—and erase you to 7 billion on the planet.

Big Money, Big Woke 

Globalization hollowed out the red-state interior and enriched the blue bicoastal elite. Wealth in mining, farming, construction, manufacturing, and assembly became dwarfed by riches of investment, high tech, social media, law, insurance, and real estate. The former were the up-by-the boot straps conservatives, the latter one day rich and the next moment through hype, investment, and venture capital, richer than anyone in the history of civilization.

The wealthiest ZIP codes and congressional districts are blue, not red. Most of the Fortune 400 billionaires are left-wing. So, there is no ’60s-style talk about the evils of corporations and the supposedly idle rich, none of the old conspiracy theories about Anaconda Copper, ITT, or the Rockefellers. 

The corporations are the Left and in service to it. Disney, American Airlines, and Nike are revolutionary icons, always ready to divest, cancel, fire, hire, and propagandize in service to woke commissars. That they are terrified by tiny bullies who have no constituencies is true, but then a Robespierre, Lenin, and Mao had initially no broad support either—at least before each mastered the use of terror and fright.

In our anarchy, “dark money” like Mark Zuckerberg’s $419 million cash infusion into the 2020 balloting processes is now suddenly good, given it is almost all leftwing. Democrats outraise Republicans in campaign contributions by anywhere from three- to five-to-one. Bundling is noble.

Netflix can buy the brand name of the Obamas for $100 million; George Soros can spend his pocket change of $40 million to elect district attorneys to destroy the law and empower criminals. Jimmy Carter used to be the poor-man idol of the old Democratic Party. Today, there is hardly a Democratic president, ex-president, or presidential candidate who is not a multi-multimillionaire—most by leveraging their heightened political profile.

What anarchy we live in when the richest among us are the most radical and wish to destroy for all others what they enjoy. 

John Kerry lectures us on climate change from his private jet. Your leaf blower, not his Gulfstream GIV-SP, is the global threat. Al Gore screams about the evils of carbon emissions—after pocketing $100 million by selling his failed and worthless cable station to smoky and sooty Qatar, fronting for the antisemitic Al Jazeera. 

The Clintons feel the pain of the poor all the way to their $100 million fortune from shakedown lectures, Wall Street, “consulting,” and “foundation” contributions. Van Jones, CNN expert, the object of Valerie Jarrett’s oohing and awing, famous for his “whitelash” exegeses, and recipient of a $100 million Bezos award, now lectures us that the five rogue black policemen in Memphis, who beat to death a black suspect, are still proof of white racism that accounts for blacks belittling the lives of blacks. 

In our present anarchy, we take seriously the lectures on microaggressions from the Duchess of Montecito. The Obamas weigh in on the dangers of climate change and rising seas from their seaside, multimillion-dollar Martha’s Vineyard estate, or Hawaii beachfront mansion that apparently has an invisible climate-change barrier on its beach. Kamala Harris is our border czar who assures us it is “secure,” defined by 5 million illegal entries since she took office.

Nancy Pelosi works for the “children” and, after a life in politics, that selflessness ends up worth $100 million from her husband’s insider real estate deals and stock tips. It is almost as if socialist Bernie Sanders owned three homes, or anti-capitalist Elizabeth Warren was once a house flipper.

So, the current revolution is anarchy, utter confusion, pure chaos. 

Every time one turns on a computer, there will be someone or something somewhere ideologically warping its use. Your vote means nothing when California cannot account for 10 million automatically, computer-guided mailed-out ballots. That state is still in a drought, defined by releasing most of the water to the ocean that the wettest winter in memory produced. 

Stanford students talk revolution, Antifa, and Black Lives Matter, and want to forbid the use of “American.” But from the look of their parking lots, they cannot decide whether Lexus, BMW, or Mercedes should be the most preferred campus car. Oprah and Whoopi suffer terribly from white supremacy. Jussie the foot soldier heroically took on one MAGA thug for each of his foot kicks.  

“Don’t take off your mask” at a California McDonald’s means the man who ordered that edict is maskless at the French Laundry. “Don’t get your hair done during the lockdown” means the architect of that fiat sneaks around her salon, which she has all to herself.

The common denominator to the anarchy? The hardcore Left is your FBI, CIA, and Justice Department all in one. It is Nineteen Eighty-Four. It is our era’s J. P. Morgan. 

No wonder we are confused by the establishment anarchists and the anarchy they produce.

Triple Stupid, Triple Desperate

If Donald Trump didn’t exist, Democrats would have to create him. Without him and the bogeymen they create around him, the entire left-wing industrial complex would be broken. Think about it, is there a single human being actually inspired to action (or anything) by Joe Biden? Nancy Pelosi? Chuck Schumer? Absolutely not. But the fear of someone NOT approved by those people and the philosophy they represent seems to drive everything the left does, and nothing instills that fear like Donald Trump.

I wake up Saturday morning and check my email and I see the subject line, “Trump rally RUINED.” Now, I don’t keep up with Trump rallies, or any rallies for events more than a year away. But it was only a matter of time that the rallies started again because there isn’t much else to do when you’re the only announced candidate this far ahead of campaign season. 

That being said, I had to wonder how it was that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC, who the email was from) was going to “RUIN” Trump’s rally. Naturally, I thought they might be encouraging people to RSVP for it and not show up, or maybe even attend and heckle – I wouldn’t put anything past these people. But no, it was even more pathetic than that.

“BREAKING: Trump holding FIRST rally in South Carolina TONIGHT,” the email opens, “we need to move NOW. In just a few hours, Trump will take the stage for his FIRST rally since launching his Presidential campaign. And before time runs out, we’re putting a plan into motion to make it completely BACKFIRE.”

Ooh, sounds good, doesn’t it? The geniuses over at the DCCC must’ve cooked up something amazing to ruin this Trump rally. So, what was it? Well…

“Top Democrats have agreed to UNLOCK the 300%-MATCH for the first 500 gifts we receive to defend our House Democrats,” they say. “Can we count on you to rush $3 to help us defeat Trump’s House Republicans and protect our House Democrats? We’re calling on just 500 grassroots Democrats to step up so we can ECLIPSE Trump’s rally before he even takes the stage.”

And there it is – the con goes on. 

“Trump's Republicans are officially back in control of the House of Representatives,” it continues. “And now, they’re hoping to DEFEAT President Biden and usher in a TOTAL Republican takeover! So if this grassroots team rises up to make Trump’s rally BACKFIRE, we won’t just hand him a STUNNING rebuke…  ...we’ll also show his Republicans that we’re coming to reclaim our Majority and flip the House BLUE. Can we count on you to rush a 300%-MATCHED $3 gift right now to reclaim our critical House Majority?”

The horror…the horror.

Just think about this for a minute: how dumb do you have to be to think sending $3 to the DCCC would ruin Trump’s day?

If they get what they want, what would that look like? 

Well, $3 from 500 people is $1,500 in what they hilariously call “gifts.” Then you triple that, which takes it to $4,500. That’s it, that’s the total that will “RUIN” Trump’s initial campaign rally for the 2024 election.

It’s so stupid that you have to laugh. And you almost have to feel sorry for any sucker dumb enough to fall for it. 

Then you realize that if these people weren’t giving their money to places like the DCCC they’d be burning down their houses by setting it on fire some other way – smoking meth or stockpiling Beanie Babies while mumbling to themselves about how their value is bound to return. Whatever it is, a moron and their money are soon parted.

By the way, the “triple match” is garbage. There is no one willing to turn $1 into $3, nor is there a magic unicorn who can eat a dollar and poop more. And there are limits to how much individuals can donate. Matching other people’s donations would quickly bring those people to their limit, so they’re implying these people would break the law for the party? Why, if they have this money to give, wouldn’t they just give it in the first place?

Nothing these people do makes sense or is based in reality, but Democrats will not be constrained by the truth. They never have before, why would they start now?

George Santos: Legend

Let’s make no mistake – perhaps the most important and consequential Republican of the current era is one George Santos. AKA Anthony Devolder. AKA drag queen Kitara Ravache. He is an absolute hero, and he has done more for the cause of conservatism than a thousand GOP suits parroting Cato Institute and/or Chamber of Commerce clichés.

Sure, he has a track record of shocking scams, scores and shenanigans that would make a lesser man (assuming that’s how he’s identifying this week) blush. Not George – perhaps the greatest politician to bear that first name since the father of our country. No, in spite of his controversies and creative CV, he ran for a Democrat-leaning seat and he won. His vision and perseverance, and refusal to take “No” or “That’s a violation of federal law” for an answer, won us an extra House slot. George Santos is now 20% of the Republican majority. What makes it even sweeter is that he was running in the pompous, failing New York Times’s backyard and the tacky tabloid never figured out that this guy was a one-man crime spree. He fooled them all. Way to go, George, if that is your real name.

Naturally, the Democrats are in a tizzy over the recent revelations about his unusual past. Aided by the regime media, they are demanding that he resign his seat, which means a special election and a likely replacement by some pinko communist. A few Fredocons are joining in the chorus, but our boy George is hanging tough, to quote New Kids on the Block, of which I am pretty sure George will be shown to have once claimed to have been a founding member.

And, more importantly, Kevin McCarthy is refusing to call for him to resign. This is huge. This is momentous. This is long overdue. The Speaker is playing by the New Rules, and using them as an over-sized suppository for the Democrats.

The Old Rules were pretty clear. As a politician, you were pretty much expected to be a dishonest schmuck. You just had to portray yourself as not being one, and you had to hide your lies, dissembling, and corruption sufficiently to create an air of deniability. We all knew they were rotten. They just had to have the decency to not rub their rottenness in our faces and we could all go on pretending that the sordid business of politics was not really that sordid. 

Under the Old Rules, George Santos would be hounded out of office at the first major scandal revelation. But the Old Rules have been replaced. See, the Old Rules would have required the Democrats to police their own at the cost of a short-term political loss – though not much of one, since their most vivid villains come from deep blue states that happily re-elect their own bad guys. Let’s review the rogues gallery of dirtbags whose retention led to the New Rules that keep George Santos a congressman…

There’s Dick Blumenthal, the hero of the Tet Offensive. He was never near Vietnam, but that did not stop him from preening about like a war hero. He’s from Connecticut, and the Connecticutters did not mind. Back to the Senate goes Fauxdi Murphy!

In the nearby pseudo-state of Rhode Island is Sheldon Whitehouse. He allegedly belongs to an all-white beach club. But that’s cool with his Democrat constituents. Back to the Senate he goes to pontificate about white supremacy, of which he is an expert.

Let’s go across the fruited plain to California, where Eric Swalwell allegedly bared his Fang Fangs. He’s still in Congress, though not on the Intel Committee anymore. California Senator Feinstein had a Chinese spy for a driver for two decades, but she can plead lack of intent on account of the fact that she is totally senile. It’s actually sad.

Heading back, let’s stop in Minnesota to attend Ilhan Omar’s combination wedding anniversary and family reunion. Then on to New Jersey to visit Senator Robert Menendez. You don’t even want to know what that guy is into, though the feds keep trying (not very hard) to find out.

And then back up north again to say “How” to Senate squaw Elizabeth Warren. Actually, for Massachusetts, reelecting a fake Indian is nothing. For decades they reelected Ted Kennedy and he killed a chick.

So please, tell us more about how George Santos is diminishing the awesome credibility of our Congress. Explain how his presence lessens the mighty moral firepower these solons wield. Enlighten us on why this petty chiseler and idiosyncratic LGBTQA+%^b>?]&G trendsetter – hilariously, one accusation is that he is faking being gay – is unfit to sit among the rest of the perverts, bunko artists, and fabulists in Congress. Frankly, the addition of George Santos to the 534 other legislators probably raises their average decency.

The continued presence of George Santos – I hope he serves every single day of his term and I am not ruling out strongly endorsing him for reelection – is a welcome and refreshing repudiation of the Democrats’ use of cheesy double-standard to screw over the GOP. “You have to repudiate him!” they cry. Nah, he’s a sure GOP vote. Do you think he’s going to go off the reservation – sorry Liz – and vote against the GOP that’s backing him? Ha! If Kevin McCarthy asks him to come help move his apartment, George is so in debt he’ll do it. Do they really think we will lose 20% of our majority because George Santos was naughty? Not happening. 

George Santos is a potent middle finger in the face of our enemies. We are not going to apply one set of rules to ourselves that helps Democrats while the Democrats apply another set of rules to themselves that helps Democrats. The age of sap Republicans is over. And if you want to go back to the Old Rules, we’ll know it when we see Blumenthal doing the duffle bag drag and Warren walking off into the sunset down the trail of tears. 

What Did Election Integrity Laws Achieve In 2022? New Report Details What Worked And What Didn’t

In the interim between the major 2022 and 2024 election cycles, Republican lawmakers are focusing on how they can strengthen election laws to ensure key federal and state races are conducted securely and fairly. A new report released by the House Election Integrity Caucus highlights the successful election integrity reforms made this past cycle and makes future recommendations for policymakers.

“A look at what went right and what went wrong in election administration is the first step to securing our elections and restoring voter confidence,” Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., told The Federalist. “The Election Integrity Caucus’ 2022 Midterm Review is a look at the positive efforts of states like Georgia, Texas, and Florida, which are working to implement policies that promote fair, free, and transparent elections. It is also a look at what went wrong in states like New York and California, which implemented policies that encouraged chaos at the ballot box and undermined voter confidence.”

Tenney launched the House Election Integrity Caucus in 2021 to restore “faith in the democratic process,” especially as Democrats tried to diminish and destroy safeguards for administering elections through bills such as HR 1, which sought to federalize American elections, or the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, which would overturn voter ID requirements.

The report documents several election integrity laws recently passed by Georgia, Texas, and Florida that strengthened the security of each state’s election process. Georgia’s SB 202 strengthened voter ID requirements and banned the private funding of elections. Despite Democrats’ characterization of the bill — which also expanded early voting — as “Jim Crow 2.0” and other slurs, the report notes that Georgia experienced “historic early turnout that rivaled presidential cycles,” especially among minority voters.

“The Lone Star State gets five stars for election administration!” the report declares, noting that Texas’ SB 1 gave poll watchers more access to “salient aspects of the elections process,” in addition to legalizing ballot curing.

The report also highlights Florida’s SB 90, which strengthened voter ID requirements, barred unsolicited mail-in balloting, and prohibited “ballot harvesting by political operatives.”

“Between Hurricanes Ian and Nicole, Florida organized and executed a safe and secure midterm election,” the report reads. “Preliminary numbers have Florida turnout of over 7.5M or 49.3% of their voting-eligible population.”

Next the report details problematic election-related legislation passed by both New York and California. New York’s SB 1046 is a state version of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, requiring “covered jurisdictions” to “preclear” any changes to election-related laws or policies that could potentially have a disparate impact on racial minorities. In California, automatic mail-in voting was established via AB 37, making California a permanent mail-in ballot state.

The report ends with several recommendations for policymakers on the national and state level, including strengthening photo ID requirements, maintaining accurate state voter rolls, ensuring Election Day does not become “Election Month,” and passing the American Confidence in Elections Act, “a comprehensive legislative package that would provide states with tools to boost election integrity, prohibit non-citizens from voting, ban Zuckerbucks, and end Biden’s Executive Order 14019 turning federal agencies into partisan get-out-the-vote operations.”

While the work of the House Election Integrity Caucus has just begun, Tenney told The Federalist she “applaud[s] the work of the legislatures, chief election officers, and executives who [before the 2022 cycle] got it right by prioritizing election integrity — guaranteeing our elections are secure by making it harder to cheat and more accessible by making it easier to vote.”

Neil Oliver Will Not Eat the Bugs

U.K. pundit Neil Oliver used his weekend monologue to outline the great pretending being deliberately pushed by the groups of western leaders who attend meetings at the World Economic Forum.

The pretending outlined in the context used by Oliver is the classic ‘bait and switch.’  The people are baited into believing the purpose of policy or advocacy is one thing, but the true goal is something completely different.  What Oliver encapsulates as the ‘bait and switch’ is the underline for the modern ‘pretending’, where government officials pretend the end goal is something completely different than it is.

Oliver walks through examples of the ‘bait and switch’ as it is currently being deployed, and using those examples he culminates the discussion with the reality hidden behind the digital identity.  Once everyone can be assigned a digital id, then government can transfer income to a digital currency; then that same government can start introducing the restrictions on what may be purchased in order to ‘save the planet’, which is to say the real goal of total control surfaces.  WATCH:

Swalwell and Omar Go on CNN and Just Make Things Worse in the Process

Swalwell and Omar Go on CNN and Just Make Things Worse in the Process

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

I have to hand it to Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Ca) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN). I’ve never seen anyone else whine so much about getting about being booted off committees. It hasn’t even happened yet with Omar and may not because some Republicans are balking. I wrote about the presser the three held last week. But the three of them went on CNN on Sunday with Dana Bash, and Bash asked each of them about the reasons that McCarthy has stated for kicking them off.

My colleague Sister Toldjah takes on Schiff’s justifications, where he even tries to double down on one of his biggest lies about Russia collusion.

But after all this time, Swalwell and Omar’s excuses are still pretty bad.

Bash asked a good question, “But the bottom line question is this. Did you put yourself in a vulnerable position in any way, so that this alleged Chinese spy could have benefited or even learned American secrets?”

Swalwell said, “Take the FBI’s word for it. They never talk about ongoing investigations. And former Chairman Schiff knows this, as a member of the Gang of Eight. Three different times, they came out and said two things. All I did was help them and, also, I was never under any suspicion of wrongdoing.”

The FBI might not have seen criminal wrongdoing, but there are a whole lot of reasons that might not rise to that level to keep him off. But he says they never talk about ongoing investigations. Yet they briefed McCarthy about concerns, that’s what McCarthy is saying.

He had a relationship with an accused Chinese spy, which in and of itself is a big problem even without any wrongdoing and he doesn’t seem to understand that. Sorry, but being taken in by a spy is a problem, we have no idea what he said to her and he may not even know if he said anything problematic. He could never get a security clearance. Why would you put him on the Intelligence Committee? He doesn’t have a right to be on the Committee. The Committee has access to some of the most important secret information, why would you put anyone there who had been compromised in any way?

Omar’s justifications were even worse. She claimed that she wasn’t aware that saying Israel had “hypnotized” the world was an anti-Semtic trope. She also claimed that she “wasn’t aware of the fact that there are tropes about Jews and money.”

So she’s trying to defend herself by pleading ignorance or she’s lying. Either one should disqualify her from being on the Foreign Affairs Committee. She thinks people are so stupid that they would buy this defense? Sorry, but no one is going for it. I’m not even sure that Schiff was buying it, check the wide shot. Look at his eyes and the blinking as she says it, although he tried not to react to it and later tried to call it a “pretext” by McCarthy. His eyes betray him when she said it, though. But even if we accept her justifications, she’s too ignorant then to be on the Foreign Affairs Committee.

On top of it all, Swalwell claimed that these “smears inspire violence,” claiming that they had people yelling at them in emails or at airports. “You have to condemn the violence and stop spreading smears,” Swalwell whined. “Otherwise, you have put a target on all of our backs, the backs of our families. And there’s real-life consequences, as we have just seen, sadly, with Speaker Pelosi’s husband and the video that’s come to light of it.”

So no one should ever criticize any Democrats or hold them accountable for their bad actions because someone might yell at them? And that’s “violence”? Then he tries to use the Pelosi attack? Can we talk about the attack on Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and the GOP baseball practice shooting that almost killed Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) then? What about all the false attacks by Democrats on Republicans? This defense from Swalwell is nonsensical.

The defenses by Swalwell and Omar confirm why they should be kicked off the committees. They just keep reinforcing it with their behavior. The Republicans need to hold together when it comes to Omar. We’ve seen some folks like Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) come up with arguments like not playing tit for tat, or even talking about the 1st Amendment. You don’t have a 1st Amendment right to be on a committee, you’re supposed to be picking the best people for those committees. Mace thinks Omar is anti-Semitic. If you think she’s anti-Semitic why would you ever put her on the Foreign Affairs Committee? Now, add Omar’s ignorance/lie that she was “unaware.” The Republicans who are balking need to hear that and have some sense.