Sunday, January 29, 2023

Keeping America Out of War with Russia

When has a Republican been in D.C. too long?  When he prioritizes the Ukraine war over the disintegration of the U.S.-Mexican border.  And not just any Republican, but a Texas Republican with a pivotal House leadership role.

Michael McCaul is the Texan.  He chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee.  He should know better than most about the dangers flooding across the southern border.  Dangers posed by illegals, drugs, human trafficking, and cartels.  More ominously, the cartel wars raging throughout Mexico threaten to venture north into the U.S.  Tens of thousands of Mexicans are dying in those brutal wars.  Are American lives next?    

The Freedom Caucus, having wrestled important concessions from Kevin McCarthy in exchange for the speakership, has another more critical job: Stop McCaul and other House Republican war hawks from escalating America’s involvement in the Ukraine war, where the U.S. has no vital interests or national security stakes.  Shift the focus to the southern border and the growing threats there.    

In Ukraine, increased American military aid and bold talk out of Washington about assembling a “Coalition of the willing” to oppose Russia more aggressively politically and, perhaps, militarily is sheer folly.  The smug assumption is that conflict with Russia can be contained to Ukraine.  Conceit and miscalculations may trigger a U.S.-Russian war.  A war that likely won’t be limited in scope.  

After two devasting 20th century wars, Europeans grasp that fighting Russia would result in widespread carnage.  Germany had its arm twisted to provide fourteen Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine.  Biden announced that the U.S. plans to send 31 Abrams tanks.  With the preponderance of Russian military assets in Ukraine and a buildup of assets just across the border in Russia -- estimates range in the hundreds of thousands of troops -- 44 tanks won’t tip the balance for Ukraine. 

Biden’s latest military aid package to Ukraine carries a $2.5 billion price tag.  Total outlay in aid to Ukraine is a staggering $26 billion. 

Americans have every right to demand answers to why Biden and Congress have no hesitancy in sending $26 billion in aid to a faraway nation at war but allocate only a pittance to secure the U.S.-Mexican border.    

Why is McCaul leading the fight to aid Ukraine but not leading the charge to stop the ruin of his native Texas and the rest of his country?      

Per CNN, via Breitbart, McCaul, being very condescending in that Washington establishment way, lectures us “that skeptics of aid to Ukraine do not understand ‘what’s at stake.’”  McCaul doubled down, saying, “We have to educate our [fellow House] members.  I don’t think they quite understand what’s at stake.”

Us dumb skeptics and McCaul’s witless House colleagues just don’t get it.  But it’s McCaul who either doesn’t understand what’s at stake along the border or, worse, doesn’t much care. 

An estimated 5.5 million illegals (slightly less than metro Atlanta’s population) have poured across our vanished southern border since Biden was sworn in as president.  How many more millions will cross before Biden’s term ends in January 2025? 

What about the fentanyl that’s entering the U.S. by truckloads?  Fentanyl produced by Mexican cartels with China’s help?  In 2021, Fentanyl killed an estimated 100,000 Americans.  The death toll is being tallied for 2022. 

While the mounting national crisis due to the open southern border has taken tens of thousands of American lives and risks greater death, the Washington establishment is invested in the Ukraine war -- a war that D.C. is pushing into a proxy war between Russia and the U.S. 

The Biden administration could have sought to be an honest broker, seeking to mediate differences between the parties, defusing tensions to seek an honorable and fair resolution.  The belief here is that Donald Trump would have done just that.    

The Biden administration could have recognized Russia’s legitimate security concerns resulting from the ongoing advance of NATO east toward and, eventually, into Ukraine.  Russia no more wants NATO in Ukraine (it tolerates NATO in the Baltic states) than the U.S. would have abided the Warsaw Pact moving into Canada or Mexico.    

The quid pro quo would have been Russia giving ironclad assurances that Ukraine would have its independence respected as a nonaligned nation, with security guarantees from the U.S. and/or key European nations (not NATO).  Eastern, Russian-populated regions of Ukraine would have been granted autonomy.  The Crimea has been part of Russia since the 1700s.  Conceding Crimea to Russia would have been necessary. 

But an agreement along those lines -- however unpalatable to U.S. war hawks – would have spared Ukrainians not just the death and devastation experienced to date, but that which is imminent.  Ukraine -- unlike Serbia, which sparked WWI -- would have ceased being the locus of what may be a new and unquantifiable deadly major European war.                       

It’s worth repeating.  The U.S. has no vital interests or national security concerns in Ukraine.  U.S. war hawks offer only vague assertions why they’re inching the U.S. ever closer to open conflict with Russia. 

From the outset of the Russian invasion, we’ve heard relentless cries from war hawks and the media that we had to “defend democracy” in Ukraine.  That’s an old, sanctimonious Woodrow Wilson trope that post-WWII gave us bloody wars in Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan.  Korea ended in stalemate, while both Vietnam and the 20-year conflict in Afghanistan were lost.       

As to democracy in Ukraine, Zelensky acts more like a tyrant.  Corruption in Ukraine is epic.  Time had this to say in its lede in a January 25 article about Ukrainian corruption:

The Ukrainian government unveiled a major shake-up of government leadership this week, in an apparent effort to root out corruption at the highest level.

Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has demanded an audit of U.S. aid to Ukraine.  Where’s taxpayer money going is the right question.  Moreover, Greene had previously called for an end to military aid. 

Calls to defend democracy in a distant country failed to rally Americans.  Americans have no desire to send their sons and daughters off to fight and die in Eastern Europe.

Now, McCaul has dusted off an old rationale for increased U.S. involvement Ukraine.  For McCaul, the “Domino Theory” is back in vogue.  The same theory that JFK and LBJ used to spin American engagement in what became the Vietnam tragedy.    

Again, via the Breitbart article, McCaul makes this claim while offhandedly pivoting to the border:

“If Ukraine falls, Chairman Xi in China’s going to invade Taiwan. It’s Russia, China. Iran is putting drones in Crimea, and North Korea that is putting artillery into Russia,” he explained to CNN. “They have to understand the case. And they talk about the border, not mutually exclusive at all. We can do both. We’re a great country. We can walk and chew gum at the same time.”

McCaul asserts that the southern border and Ukraine needn’t be mutually exclusive, but he falls short here, too. 

The preeminent threat to the U.S. lies along its’ southern border.  Mexico roils with cartel wars.  The U.S.-Mexican border is a hemorrhaging wound.  Americans know it.  The real war America needs to fight lies just south of McCaul’s district. 

America is a great nation that’s $31 trillion in debt.  Profligate spending by Congress created inflation.  Biden’s hostility to conventional energy sent costs rocketing.  A recession looms.  Cities are sumps of homelessness and crime.  Antifa is back on the streets.  Churches are vandalized by pro-abortion terrorists.  Corruption is rife in the FBI and CIA.  The military is woke and military stockpiles are being depleted

A great nation knows to prioritize, Congressman McCaul.  You don’t.        

X22, And we Know, and more- Jan 29


ICYMI from Last night:

Here's tonight's news:

How Much of a Christian Nationalist Are You? Take This Simple Test.

In recent days, Christian nationalism has come under attack. Again. The New Republic has a fresh piece on how Christian nationalism is an “existential threat to our democracy,” while CNN found a minister to call it “heresy.”

Setting aside the obvious - if The New Republic and CNN say it’s bad it must be good - there’s more to the story. An October 27 Pew Research Center survey showed that 45 percent of Americans think America should be a Christian nation. Even more people, 60 percent of those surveyed, know that the founders intended America to be a Christian nation.

This is very bad news for the American Left, which desperately wants to make Christianity as irrelevant as Trevor Noah. To that end, efforts to slander Christians and their beliefs are accelerating. 

Christian nationalism is either the biggest threat to religious liberty since Bolshevism, or poised to usher in a new era of chattel slavery. The media tend to portray it as the cultural equivalent of the Hindenburg crashing into the Titanic as it sails under the bridge on the River Kwai. 

According to the establishment media, you may be part of the problem if you believe in the Bible and think America is a good place to live. Thankfully, there is a simple self-test to determine where on the Christian nationalist spectrum you reside.

Sociologists Samuel L. Perry and Philip Gorski have devised a six-statement survey to figure out just how much of a Christian nationalist you are. It asks how much you agree or disagree with the following: 

1-The federal government should declare the United States a Christian nation

2-The federal government should advocate Christian values

3-The federal government should enforce strict separation of church and state

4-The federal government should allow the display of religious symbols in public spaces

5-The success of the United States is part of God’s plan

6-The federal government should allow prayer in public schools

Let’s take these one at a time, shall we?

1-The United States has already been declared a Christian nation. Many times. Over many years. By presidents of both parties. And the House of Representatives. Calling America a Christian nation is not establishing a religion; it’s a recognition of history. 

2-The federal government advocates Christian values every day. Many federal statutes and countless laws at every level of government are taken from the 10 Commandments. Congress did not uniquely decide that murder, perjury, theft and other acts should be against the law. God and Moses were about 3,000 years ahead of that curve. 

3-Seriously, will these people never learn? There is nothing anywhere in law or the Constitution that requires separation of church and state. The Constitution says Congress shall not establish a religion or prohibit the free exercise thereof. Sadly, only half of that First Amendment clause is strictly enforced today.

4-To “allow” something is different from requiring something. Allowing the exhibition of a cross, a Star of David, a crescent or some other symbol is not a compulsory display. I realize this could open the door for exhibits of pentagrams or that weird guy with the goat head and wings, so perhaps local citizens could have a say in such matters. 

5-God has a plan for everything and everyone. It’s a belief to which every Bible believing Christian subscribes. Whether it’s the success of the United States or the success of the Popeil Pocket Fisherman, it’s all part of God’s plan. This is as old as scripture.  

6-Here’s the dirty little secret about school prayer: As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in school. Maybe that’s why Leftists are agitating to eliminate grades altogether.

This self-test is a waste of time, a series of statements designed to provoke emotion rather than provide clarity. It also makes a good case for why America needs fewer sociologists and more plumbers, but I digress.

More to the point, these survey statements are either factually correct, self-evident or entirely reasonable. Small wonder so many people think America is, and ought to be, a Christian nation. 

This likely explains why the Left is frantically slandering Christians with heightened urgency. If tens of millions of people believe in the Bible, and that America is a great nation, it becomes far more difficult for totalitarians to exert the control they wish to exercise over our lives and property. 

Upon reflection, Christian nationalism might actually be essential to America, as D.G. Hart has argued. 

Given the contents of the Christian nationalism self-test, I should not be surprised to learn that far more than 45 percent of Americans lean toward it, and I’m not convinced that would be a bad thing. 

On Rejecting Progressivism’s Schoolyard Ways

posted by Jerry Wilson at RedState 

As our Sister Toldjah superbly pointed out on January 26th, we are seeing ever-multiplying cases of progressives losing whatever minds they previously had. This recently reached a fever pitch during the November 2022 elections, when there was a contest over which pundit could puke out the most outrageous take. My favorite was the insistence that if you’re concerned about inflation, you’re voting for Hitler. The multiple “this will be the end of democracy” screeds rank a close second. Especially since we don’t live in a democracy; we live in a constitutional republic. Minor detail there.

The progressive inability, or unwillingness, to read the room and recognize reality is a never-ending source of amusement. It also serves as an excellent example of a horrible example, one we’d best not follow regardless of the temptation to respond in like kind.

It has fascinated me for years how people online condone or justify behavior by themselves or favored others they would never tolerate in their children. For example, is there a parent alive who hears “they started it” and immediately sides with their child after they’ve misbehaved? None that I’ve ever met. Some parents believe their little darling is incapable of wrongdoing, which leads to an interesting conundrum in that the only person genuinely worthy of said designation was born of a virgin. In contrast, Dick or Jane came to be in the usual manner. But I digress.

In the same realm, progressives believe feelings and self-definition are sacrosanct. This is a notion conservatives find deeply amusing. Conservatives, save perhaps the most virulent atheists, understand that even as man’s rights are God-given and not derived from his own efforts, man’s creation comes from God and not humanity’s biological and psychological engineering. The believing conservative views him or herself as one bought at a terrible price. Therefore, he or she seeks to honor God by not pretending to be Him. Plus, Golden Rule, etc.

This necessitates self-examination in light of what Paul discussed in his letter to the church in Rome regarding both Jews and Gentiles, and how they react to others’ sinfulness, once confronted by their own transgressions. Our calling is urging sinners to repentance based not on our personal lofty morals and righteousness, for we have none. Instead, the call is rooted in an understanding of our mutual condition. We may know better, but we are not better.

This is the delineation between conservatives and progressives. The progressive seeks implementation of their social engineering constructs, such as the fallacy of self-definition and actively pursuing the implementation of John Blutarsky’s declaration that nothing is over until we say it is.

Why? Few things equal the progressives’ obsession with their own self-righteousness. They may pay God occasional lip service, but their hearts reside solely within themselves. The progressive’s goal, via legalization and pop cultural invasion, is replacing God’s sovereignty with humanity’s self-delusion of same. The modern progressive embodies Solomon’s weary observation of there being nothing new under the sun. Their blueprint is not the Declaration of Independence but rather France’s 1789 The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, paying God, as noted above, minimal meaningless lip service, while attempting the raising of fallen humanity and the state; i.e., government, to levels it can never attain.

Here is where we conservatives must recognize and abandon blame-shifting, along with pretending to be who and what we are not: schoolyard thinking. For successful conservative thought, solid foundation work is vital. We know from whence we came and where we are going. The progressive refuses acknowledgment of the graveyard. We must act in humility, mindful of our defense not being the thin blue line but the even thinner, yet utterly unassailable, red line of Christ’s shed blood on the cross.

Life’s facts — personal freedom inexorably intertwined with personal responsibility, accepting the reality and consequences of not only our sinful nature but living in a fallen world, the way things such as economics work being immune to our wishful thinking — must be our standard operational procedure. Once we were children. We are no longer. With this in mind, let us continue to, in love, expose and reject schoolyard ways

Finding Truth While Being Bombarded With Propaganda

Remember when folks on the left became so obsessed with Russia that they started accusing everyone who disagreed with them of being Russian bots? Democrats and members of the chattering class took such great pleasure in making these bizarre allegations that for a moment, I thought the word “Russian” might replace “racist” in the progressive lexicon.

This was happening after former President Donald Trump took office, and members of the activist media were desperately trying to deceive the public into thinking he was some kind of borscht-eating Manchurian candidate, working in concert with Vladimir Putin. Of course, any sane, rational person knew this was a load of bovine excrement, but they tried anyway.

Now, according to the latest Twitter Files release, those perpetuating the Russiagate hoax knew it was a lie. RedState’s Nick Arama reported that “this latest set shows how much the ‘Russia, Russia, Russia,’ theme was being pushed to Twitter,” to portray opinions being pushed by folks on the right as coming from “Russian bots” in an attempt to discredit them.

In the thread, journalist Matt Taibbi discussed Hamilton 68, which was a digital “dashboard” that “claimed to track Russian influence and was the source of hundreds if not thousands of mainstream print and TV news stories in the Trump years.”

Taibbi wrote that this dashboard was headed by former FBI counterintelligence official and MSNBC contributor Clint Watts and was created by the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD), a neoliberal think tank. Neoconservative pundit Bill Kristol and former Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, and former Hillary Clinton adviser John Podesta, are all on the organization’s advisory council.

The dashboard was created to monitor 600 Twitter accounts alleged to be Russian bots, and it received numerous plaudits from activist media outlets such as Politico, The Washington Post, and others. But Taibbi’s thread revealed that the accounts being monitored were not Russian bots–and Twitter’s content moderators knew it.

The journalist posted screenshots of email exchanges featuring the company’s former trust and safety head Yoel Roth. In one exchange, he notes that the dashboard “falsely accuses a bunch of legitimate right-leaning accounts of being Russian bots” and suggests that Twitter should “just call this out on the bulls**t it is.”

Nevertheless, the company decided against pushing back against the ASD, because other Twitter employees were concerned about exposing the truth. “We have to be careful in how much we push back on ASD publicly,” one communications official argued. Reason Magazine’s Robby Soave pointed out:

This is all extremely damning. An organization with ties to the U.S. national security apparatus falsely portrayed a bunch of mostly right-leaning, Trump-supporting Twitter content as nefarious and Russian in origin. The mainstream media eagerly peddled this incorrect narrative. And Twitter wavered on pushing back because elite sentiment was so disposed to imagine Russian operatives hiding behind every curtain.

Each release of the Twitter Files has been “damning,” as Soave says. But it is merely a glimpse into how deep the propaganda rabbit hole goes. The tough reality is that we are being subject to propaganda, false narratives, and outrage porn propagated by people seeking to advance an agenda who do not have our best interests at heart.

In a climate such as this, how can you and I get to the truth of the issues we are dealing with? I wish I had an easy answer. But the reality is that if we want to avoid being conned, we have to take a step back and look at these situations in a sober manner, with as little bias as possible. We have to be willing to look at all sources – even those coming from those who disagree with our politics.

Our consumption of media has to be as free from bias as we can manage. Find outlets and content creators with proven track records of getting to the truth – even when it means telling people what they do not wish to hear. The more we are willing to dig, the harder it will be for bad actors to manipulate us.

The West Is Prosecuting Its Crusade Against Russia with Stunning Naïveté

This week the West crossed several red lines, 
bringing us ever closer to a nightmare scenario.

American and NATO efforts to assist Ukraine in its conflict with Russia have escalated alarmingly since Putin launched his invasion almost one year ago. We began by doing virtually nothing to help Ukraine, except rhetorically and by way of offering Ukrainian leaders a one-way flight into exile. Since then we have imposed history-making economic and financial sanctions against Russia, and we have progressively taken on the responsibilities of funding, supplying, training, and providing intelligence for the Ukrainian security forces. It is an open question whether the average Ukrainian soldier now serves under Volodymyr Zelenskyy or Joe Biden.

Needless to say, the more deeply the United States and its NATO allies intervene in Ukraine, the greater the risk Russia will perceive the conflict, as indeed it already seems to, as a proxy war between itself and the West. 

Putin will argue that the United States and NATO are “in” Ukraine for one reason and one reason only: to weaken Russia, which is the greatest obstacle to Western hegemony worldwide. The West will regard this assertion as the purest nonsense, of course, but the problem is that, from the Russian perspective, it seems eminently plausible. 

If Putin’s compatriots think he’s right about the stakes, then the danger of major escalation on the Russian side, even the use of nuclear weapons, becomes unacceptably high—or, rather, any sane, rational observer in the West might be tempted to conclude as much.

This week the West crossed several red lines, bringing us closer to this nightmare scenario. 

The United States decided to authorize the shipping of M1 Abrams main battle tanks to Ukraine, which, from the Russian perspective, is bad; but worse was to come. The Germans decided to send their own Leopard tanks to Ukraine. As if to underline the message that Germany, and German arms, “stand with” Ukraine, the German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock declared: “we are fighting a war against Russia.” This contradicted numerous other statements that had come out of the German government, reassuring Germans and their international partners that Germany was not a belligerent in the conflict. Baerbock’s idle boast may have been primarily a poor choice of words, therefore, but its impact in Russia was profound. The Russian Foreign Ministry accused the West of prosecuting a premeditated war against Russia and added ominously: “Don’t say later that we didn’t warn you.”

To those who regard these verbal barbs as insignificant, some historical context is needed. For Russians, the preeminent conflict in all of history, and Russia’s finest hour (bar none), came in the “Great Patriotic War” against Nazi Germany. The celebration of the heroic resistance of the Soviet peoples against Hitler’s invasion of their homeland was one of the central themes of Soviet culture, in fact, and antifascism became one of the leading values of the Communist Bloc. Men like Putin grew up in an environment in which the Soviet Union’s Western enemies were constantly derided as “fascists,” in a manner that was designed to link them, in the Soviet mind, with the nation’s all-time greatest enemy: Adolf Hitler. 

It does not matter whether such comparisons were fair or reasonable. What matters is that they were a touchstone of Soviet life, and much of that aversion to the West, and to “fascism,” as Russians define it, remains relevant to Russian public and elite opinion today, based on polling evidence. This is precisely why Putin invaded Ukraine claiming that a nationalist and “Nazi” cabal had seized control there and was actively engaged in genocide against ethnic Russians. This was a claim that played on the anti-Western and anti-fascist biases of the Russian people, rooted in history. It was a claim that Putin himself, and people who think like Putin, were primed to regard as plausible.

What effect, then, will it have on Putin’s resolve and Russian public opinion when the German Foreign Minister casually declares war against Russia, and when Germany dispatches its most modern tanks to fight on Ukrainian battlefields? The question answers itself. These intemperate actions are a fulfillment of the worst Russian nightmare: of an aggressive Western campaign to invade and destroy Russia herself (of which Ukraine is a part, in most Russian minds). It is a repeat, in fact, of the German tactics of World War II, which sought to use Ukrainian “nationalists” as cannon fodder against Soviet Russian forces. All this is confirmation, from the Russian point of view, of the extremely high stakes for which they are fighting, and of the fact that they, not Ukraine, are the nation that is targeted for destruction.

Does all of this mean that Russia is bound to “go nuclear” in Ukraine? Not necessarily. Russia is a powerful and resourceful country, despite appearances to the contrary, and it has a long history of acting circumspectly in its encounters with the United States, NATO, and the West—not out of respect so much as fear of Western strength. 

In the medium term, it is much more likely that Russia will mobilize more of its reserves and militarize as much of its industrial sector as possible so as to facilitate an all-out effort to defeat the present government and security forces of Ukraine in a spring or summer offensive. And that, of course, will pose to the West even more agonizing questions about the lengths to which we are willing to go to “win” a war in Ukraine that we, by our naïveté and arrogance, helped to provoke, and which we seem to have no earthly idea how to end on favorable terms.

Twitter File #15 – Hamilton68 Group Labels Everyone “Russians”, Corporate Media Amplified The Hoax

Twitter File release #15 is presented by Matt Taibbi and covers the vast Russian conspiracy as promoted by the media in 2018 and beyond. [SEE HERE]

As noted within the email discussion viewed by Taibbi, feeding the media narrative was a very specific group known as Hamilton68, “headed by former FBI counterintelligence official (and current MSNBC contributor) Clint Watts, and funded by a neoliberal think tank, the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD).”

[Twitter File Release #15 HERE]

The entire assertion presented by Hamilton68 and ASD was bogus and Twitter executives knew it all along.  At first, Twitter tried to push back, telling the media there was no evidence to support the claims of the Hamilton68 group.  However, the corporate media desperately wanted the Vast Russian Conspiracy to be true, so they disregarded the analysis done by the team at Twitter and kept pushing the lies.

As Taibbi notes, “The secret ingredient to Hamilton 68’s analytical method? A list: “Our analysis has linked 600 Twitter accounts to Russian influence activities online.” Eventually the people at Twitter figured out what methods Hamilton 68 was using and found the account list on their own.  However, there still was no reason to believe the accounts H68 identified were Russian.  In fact, almost all were just regular Americans who did not believe the Vast Russian Collusion Conspiracy.

In layman’s terms, the Hamilton 68 barely had any Russians. In fact, apart from a few RT accounts, it’s mostly full of ordinary Americans, Canadians, and British,” Taibbi explains. “It was a scam. Instead of tracking how “Russia” influenced American attitudes, Hamilton 68 simply collected a handful of mostly real, mostly American accounts, and described their organic conversations as Russian scheming,” Taibbi continued.

Regardless of how much factual evidence was assembled, no one in the media would respond to the Hamilton 68 claims by telling the truth.  They all feared the left-wing Alliance for Security Democracy and maintained the pretense to avoid being on the wrong side of their ideological peers.

The Vast Russian Conspiracy with its origins in the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign team, continues to this day.  After the success of fabricating something out of literally nothing, the weaponized systems within the public-private partnership of government and media have grown even more bold.

With the DHS/FBI portal within Twitter, and likely within all social media, now being openly discussed and mainstreamed, it’s worth revisiting an August 2021 tripwire crossed by DHS and then contemplating how that was influenced by a much larger ideological agenda.

The United States Department of Homeland Security made a quiet and alarming announcement on August 13, 2021, creating the official position of the United States Government under the Joe Biden regime. [SEE DHS STATEMENT HEREAccording to the statement if you questioned the orthodoxy of government mandates, or COVID-19 responses from the U.S. government, you were -effective immediately- considered a “terrorist”, specifically a “Domestic Violent Extremist” (DVE).

Most people missed this remarkable development, yet it seemed to underpin a tenuous, unstable and fragile disposition of the current administration.  Within this continuation of the Obama-era initiatives the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) seemed rather paranoid in their need to label anyone who would question the COVID-19 response.

Considering the polling at the time, more than half the country would be defined as dissidents and domestic terrorists within our homeland.  Think about that.

DHS – The Secretary of Homeland Security has issued a new National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin regarding the current heightened threat environment across the United States. […] These threats include those posed by domestic terrorists, individuals and groups engaged in grievance-based violence. […] Such threats are also exacerbated by impacts of the ongoing global pandemic, including grievances over public health safety measures and perceived government restrictions. (read more)

Notice the wording of that introductory paragraph.  The government-imposed mandates, mask and vaccination requirements were only “perceived government restrictions.”

The chains that bound your expressions of liberty and freedom were essentially being defined as mere figments of your imagination.  The rules and denials of activity that we are forced to live by, under the auspices of “public health and safety measures“, were described as perceived demands.

Most people missed this inflection point, but it was a substantive change in messaging from the United States Government.

The needle then being forced into the arm of federal workers by the Federal Government was not the problem.

It was the public perception of a forced medical treatment, and the need to control that perception that became the priority of the Dept of Homeland Security.

It was our perception of what they are doing that became the problem as outlined in this DHS bulletin.  Here is where you must overlay the Twitter File revelations about the action the government took as an outcome of that shift.  What followed in the censorship/control of social media by the same government agency, DHS, was an outcome of this ideological moment.

In essence We the People must correct our wrong thoughts to eliminate carrying ‘the wrong perception’.  Dear leader appreciates your compliance.  At the time CTH noted to all readers the DHS statement was full blown Stazi-level propaganda.  The bulletin continues:

[…] Through the remainder of 2021, racially- or ethnically-motivated violent extremists (RMVEs) and anti-government/anti-authority violent extremists will remain a national threat priority for the United States. These extremists may seek to exploit the emergence of COVID-19 variants by viewing the potential re-establishment of public health restrictions across the United States as a rationale to conduct attacks. Pandemic-related stressors have contributed to increased societal strains and tensions, driving several plots by domestic violent extremists, and they may contribute to more violence this year.

[…] There are also continued, non-specific calls for violence on multiple online platforms associated with DVE ideologies or conspiracy theories on perceived election fraud and alleged reinstatement, and responses to anticipated restrictions relating to the increasing COVID cases. (link)

This became the official position of the United States Government toward citizens in our nation.  It is from this perspective that outreach and instructions to Twitter and various social media platforms originated.

Hopefully, in hindsight, you can see the importance of that narrative shift and how it ended with real consequences amid the speech platforms.

However, I want to move deeper, beyond that moment in 2021, deeper into the context that had taken hold of the various apparatus of government institutions.  Back to that moment when the shift in approach became evident, albeit ignored for its consequence.

Immediately after Barack H Obama was successfully installed in office, something began to shift.  While the U.S. media had always been biased, manipulative and dishonest, there was something bigger and deeper that changed after The Lightbringer achieved power and began his process of fundamental change.

The shift in the national security deployment, coincided with the merge between the intelligence apparatus and the new platforms of social media.  The speed of the shift was directly connected to the speed of technology that was driving communication.

Together the intelligence apparatus, the customary U.S. media and Big Tech began testing how far and how fast they could control the outlook of Americans.  Few people were paying attention to it…. there were some… but not many, and most of those who did notice were not connecting the dots to the actual tests.

The shift in attack direction from media (social and traditional) was alarming.

Normally the bias we encountered was framed to excuse or justify the transparently guilty of accountability.  Bad people doing bad things were downplayed, excused and defended.  However, in 2011 & 2012, the new era of controlling public opinion took shape and the system partners began falsely accusing the transparently innocent.

Read that again, because it was a profound difference, and inflection point.

Public opinion propaganda shifted from excusing the transparently guilty, to framing the transparently innocent.

Together with ideological institutions in government (Obama’s crew ie. DOJ etc.), the customary U.S. media and Big Tech system control operators began testing how far and fast they could control the outlook of Americans… to accuse the transparently innocent

Some transparently innocent examples included, George Zimmerman (Trayvon Martin), Police Officer Darren Wilson (Mike Brown), the Baltimore Six accused (Freddy Gray), Nick Sandmann, Kile Rittenhouse, and then ultimately the biggest example, Donald J Trump.  Take a transparently innocent person and manipulate a public narrative to make them guilty.

In combination with this new use of the public-private partnership to target the transparently innocent, the social media platforms were instructed to remove content that ran counter to the false presentations.

Now, fast forward throughout a decade of the ideological shift (2011 to 2021) and what did the 2021 DHS terrorism bulletin do?

It expanded the targeting of the transparently innocent.

Instead of specific targets based on personage, the system of collaboration and control by DHS now extended to a whole of government effort to define people as ‘domestic terrorists.’  This is one long continuum of targeting the transparently innocent.

The target holds the same ideas, outlooks, worldviews, and expectations of Liberty and Freedom they held yesterday, last week, last month and perhaps even long before 9-11-01.  However, now you are the problem.  You are guilty. You are an extremist.

You didn’t change at all. Something else changed.  But notice how the spotlight on what changed is YOU, and not the origin of the change?

You are the problem. It’s not the fault of those fundamentally changing the structures of freedom or liberty, you shifted to become the guilty party.

Returning to the Twitter File #15 documents, your unwillingness to support the approved government position, made you a “Russian.”

Can you see how they did that?

Can you see how the cancer cells of beta-test accusations against the transparently innocent metastasized and weaponized into a system that now uses the institutions of government against all of us, against the average American who might not accept the specific demands of government, ie. mask wearing, vaccinations, etc.

This government effort, a continuation of a narrative engineering strategy that originated in the aftermath of Obama’s election, specifically included the weaponization of social media and the compliance of the system operators who controlled Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google, Microsoft, YouTube, etc.

How can we help people to see this?